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Messages - Kaelaen

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Shouldn't be.  I often lose my HUD when I'm cav when I'm trying to ctrl+j lance someone and miss the j key.  Pretty scary stuff.


Faction Halls / Re: Bridgeburners: The Third
« on: July 06, 2013, 05:28:23 am »
I don't have enough gold to get a name change to get it back  :oops:


Diplomacy / Re: Twerking at Nova Tismirr
« on: July 01, 2013, 04:55:32 pm »
I know, I saw Kamikaze Joe as the latest poster in diplomacy and got all super excited and then... tragedy.

Not even mad at the result, FCC deserves to lose for choosing Arena AGAIN.  This is like the third damn time, get fucked nerds.


Diplomacy / Re: FCC/FCC Vassal Tactics
« on: June 23, 2013, 10:22:25 pm »
Oh god no, Kesh.  Don't suggest that.  If Besthesda got their hands on Planescape, they'll do nothing but eat your childhood.  That company has no idea how 'plots' and 'characters' work to create something called a 'story,' so if you want a new Planescape choose a game company known for actual storytelling.

Diplomacy / Re: FCC/FCC Vassal Tactics
« on: June 22, 2013, 11:47:14 pm »
Kalam let his eyes drift toward the color show on the horizon, a satisfied sigh escaping his lips. On a plate too close to his chin, the after math of a war with mustard-based barbecue lay in stray crumbs and spilled sauce. "How can we get Kesh to stop talking?"

"It's easy. You just close his mouth," replied one of his wise wives.

"Right," the old sneak replied as he washed down the scent of pork with a barley-heavy beer. "If only. And how do we make the more eloquent Kesh be quiet?"

"The same way, but it looks like someone already did it. Also, I think the second Kesh calls himself 'DAH-ROO-VEE-UHN'."

"You're right as always, my dear. Come, let's finish this wondrous meal the way it needs to be finished. With a buttermilk pie! We need to share this recipe with our friends, who this second Kesh insists are our vassals. We don't have vassals, do we?"

"No, but if you get fat, someone's going to be sleeping on the couch."

"If I get fat, and all our soldiers get fat, we will crush our enemies and..." Kalam licked his lips. "...maybe we can even eat them after we're done sacking their castles."

It's not roleplay unless it's in italics!  How am I supposed to take this post seriously?!  -1.


When I used to be cav and we had our match against Astralis I had zero difficulty sniping out Agile, which I felt turned the fighting heavily in our favor.  I was using a courser + great lance + bastard sword + my normal armor.  Before I started spawning in as cav, it felt like the matches were a lot closer, because Agile hurts a hell of a lot.  There were many variables in the outcome of the match of course, but taking out a really good archer in an 8 v 8 I think is a very important key, at least if your team is composed mostly of 2-hand heroes.

It's not a matter of skill on cav (the independents can tell you how good I am on cav), the map chosen just worked laughably well in our favor.  We fought on a map that was more or less split down the middle by a huge cliff, so while my team went one way to go engage their team I went around the back where the range have to hang out and because I was using a courser, they had very little time to react by the time I came charging up.

So I guess what I'm saying is cav isn't useless, you just have to use it at the proper time.  We went from having nail-biter fights, to our last round being a flawless victory.


I love the 40k limit.  My typical battle setup for most characters average out to 5,898 gold, so to me it's more a problem of trying to come up with a new outfit every round.  I'm also a loomless pauper so the estimate is accurate.  The limit makes me happy though because all I can think when I see people wearing less armor than they usually do is... welcome to my world  :twisted:

I'd have sympathy for ranged but they hurt me so no :(

Also, as Jesus pointed out, you can wear quite a lot with the current limitation.  To add to it, who cares if it's unloomed?  It's not like anyone else is wearing looms.


While I have moved on to better and bigger things (The Northern Empire), I cannot help but feel a small yearning in my heart for the very first clan to bring me into this war.  Here is the swan song you deserve, BRD.  May you rest in peace.


Game Balance Discussion / Re: Longswords & Heavy Bastard Swords
« on: June 07, 2013, 09:02:20 pm »
With double swing he means the endless spamming, tbh I don`t mind that much the speed of the longsword, what annoys me the most is the crazy speed bonus that the damage gets due to the 100+ speed.

The OP is actually probably talking about the same thing Kalam is thinking of, also known as the hilt slash, or at least in certain circles, the Castor Swing©.  I don't know the melee scene in EU but in NA tons of people do it, which is why longswords and bastard swords were and are still popular.

General Discussion / Re: If you could steal Players
« on: June 04, 2013, 08:34:39 pm »

ATS will rise again.

Also I know Palatro is more famous than Miracle but I think Miracle is way cuter.


Diplomacy / Re: The Great NA War -Losses To date-
« on: June 03, 2013, 09:56:57 pm »
Does that mean we're not at war with Hospitallers anymore?  Then who the hell are we -- oh, right.  So now Chaos/FDLGB is the new FCC/TLoV and we're the Northern Empire.  Phew, almost thought we ran out of wars there for a second.

Writer of such classics such as "Kesh is Gay," and other dramatic melodies?  What about him?  Do you besmirch his honour, good sir?!  Why, if I could slap you with a glove or a large trout over the internet I would do it right about now, my manners are so offended!


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