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Messages - 1slander

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General Discussion / 100 man NA server belly up
« on: January 29, 2011, 04:03:08 am »
I was informed the new player max on the 100 man NA server was dropped to 23 due to a lack of donations. 

Any idea when there will be another equivolent NA server being introduced by people who can afford to play god?

My bad- they must of been trolling because it's up again now.  Just repeating what I was told.

General Discussion / Re: 1h+shield
« on: January 29, 2011, 03:33:34 am »
To be honest - not flaming or trolling here - I feel like you guys are looking for the cookie cutter build.  Like the ultimate end all configuration of perfection.  Imo the skillset is situational, and the fun level is based on actual satisfaction. 

Ask yourself this?  How many games have you grown bored of because you couldn't break away from the cookie cutter build that bored you to tears in fear of trying a gimp or unconventional build that you thought would work for you?  I'm sure a few.

I say just do what you feel is right.  The bonus is you can reroll at lvl 15 and keep your stuff right?  That way you can feel out certain playstyles and then get a free respec if it is just not working for you.  Lvl 15 is nothing. 

IF is not gimp either.  I know it's obviously a low added bonus, but that extra sliver of life can mean the difference between living/playing or sitting the rest of the round out watching from the shadows. 

I really don't find the dynamics of this game as cut and dry as alot of people try and make it out to be.  There is no right answer, there is only your answer.  So I hope you can still feel comfortable to decide what is right for you after being TOLD what is right by half the community playing.

Good luck!

General Discussion / Re: 1h+shield
« on: January 28, 2011, 10:41:05 pm »
My current main is a sword and board build.  But to be honest I wouldn't be able to stand him other than the fact he is a thrower hybrid.  At lvl 30 I really like playing him.  Sure he isn't top of the list like some other classes, but it's a very versatile build none the less.  More of a support class I guess.  But it's still fun to wander alone into an open field with enemy cavalry all around and just start tossing axes at them.  Drop 100'ish wpf into throwing, rest into 1 hand, and you won't regret the lost wpf in 1 hand I can promise you that.

I'll copy paste my build as reference - but I'm not saying it's THE build to do, just saying I enjoy playing this particular one and I have tried all of them.

LvL 30
3rd Gen

Skill Points Remaining to distribute 1
Strength 15 
Agility 20

One Handed 129
Throwing 106

Ironflesh 3 
Power Strike 5 
Shield 5 
Athletics 6   
Power Throw 5 
Weapon master 6 

At lvl 31 I will have 21 AGI and drop my remaining two skillpoints into Athletics and Weopon Master - putting the extra WPF into 1 Handed and probably putting that skill at about 140+

Good Luck On Your Build!!

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:49:56 pm »
woah woah nobody said you were janamil or anything close. I don't know if you misread his post and the quote, but ok.

I meant I'm not 'like' in I won't feed trolls...I'm not here to argue...backing away...slowly...

General Discussion / Re: Weight of a weapon - means what exactly?
« on: January 26, 2011, 07:56:29 pm »
I'm just glad this game is indepth enough to take into acct the weight of a weopon so deeply.  Stun, crushthrough, weopon speed, walking speed, etc.  I really didn't think it had so many variables until recently.  Still new though.  But questions like these definately help to get a better understanding.  If no one here knows there is a wiki set up for crpg but it's still in development and doesn't have alot of info yet afaik. 

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 07:49:33 pm »
because you enjoy being banned?

I'm not Janamil - you guys aren't going to gang up on me - whip me into a raging frenzy then ban me.  I do not feed the trolls. 

Did you come here just to entice me?  Because I won't feed you.

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:36:12 am »
justme: it's allowed.
1slander: you fail at joking.

Says the admin.  Guess you're right...I mean why argue? 

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:31:03 am »
I was joking... :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:15:39 am »
whats lame?
btw just started with it recently, what bragging are you talking about??
just wanted to know is it forbidden or not, read question again
and thats even not my build

...SURE... :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Re: pike exploit
« on: January 26, 2011, 08:02:29 am »
Reported to the proper authorities for attempting to use a plea for help as a bragging utility...lame bro...real lame...

we get're good with a pike... :rolleyes:

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 24, 2011, 05:14:27 am »
I live in Oregon, my ping for chicago based servers is regularly 120 or so. While I would love a west coast based server I don't think we have the players for it, I would hate to see 50 players in the west coast server, and 50 in the east coast.

Playing today I really hate the current state of lag on the 100 man NA server.  I know it's not for everyone, but at round start my ping is elevated around 400-500 high and everything is crawling.  Takes 5-10 seconds to adjust.  You of course get all the prematch kicks and weopon swings from people with the game windowed down and still using the mouse buttons.  Then the ping slowly settles into 90-150 and has spikes accompanied by a general sluggishness that goes up and down.  So frustrating by this point.  SOmetimes you just have a big lag death where you don't really know what happened.

So ya, playing on a 50 man server on the west coast with a low ping...awesome!  The guys can always come over from the EC server and join us, time for them to try lag. 

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 08:11:22 pm »
I think chadz is going away for a week or some shit?  I don't remember the community voting on wether he could have holidays or not?  Does that mean this isn't happening right away?  I have no patience!  Omgz!


General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:58:36 pm »
If you wanted to get to a place that is 500 miles away, traveling at 50 miles per hour. You would arrive there faster than trying to get to a place that is only 100 miles away going 5 miles per hour. Ping works the same way.

He is saying to put the server where it has the highest maximum speed, regardless of location.

I know I was kidding.

But remember that the server was offered to be located in Seattle.  I don't see anyone offering to put it anywhere else?  SOmeone else brought up the server location after the fact that only Seattle was even brought to the table as a choice...this is all offtopic.

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:50:32 pm »
There are so many people in south & west NA, and wow at some of these arguments. When it comes down to the hosting of servers you have best results to put them on the main hubs (that most traffic ends up going through anyways), which happen to be chicago, dallas, San jose, and bleh i'd have to look at a map of all the big pipes to remember the less important ones. Sure, you can host one in seattle, LA, salt lake city utah, or some other place as they get OK hosting, but you'll get best results off of the main spots.
Also, Chicago has some of the best latency for east coast (and everywhere close to it). You can't argue that one, it is true. Pretty much anywhere on the east coast, sin florida due to being far away, is going to have 70 or less ping to chicago.

I say all this but nobody cares. Just do some tracerouting and see the hubs they go through, you'll see.

tl;dr  If it is for specifically west coast you want it hosted in san jose. Most west coast traffic passes through san jose anyways. It gives the best latency to anyone in the southwest excluding the option of it being hosted in the specific town you live in, which is greedy, etc.

Take the marbles out of your mouth and use simpler terms for simple people.  All I heard was - put it in Seattle...then blah blah blah...etc.

Don't make it come to this --

edit - Can't seem to tidy up that link for whatever reason

Events & Tournaments / Re: Theme battle - Ogre hunt
« on: January 23, 2011, 07:45:38 pm »
We have ogre skin but we are covered in plate so you can't see it.


Ok. So imagination.  I am imagining what you say and it is amazing.

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