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Messages - Ghazan

Pages: [1] 2
General Off Topic / Re: Do you smoke
« on: March 14, 2011, 09:12:14 am »
I quit smoking, feel so good now.

And i have more money  :D

If you are going to quit, dont gradualy decrease the ammount of cigs because that does not work, you get back to it again real soon (im speaking from my experience). I just made the desicion to quit and stoped altogether. After a few weeks of willpower battle with myself i once tried to smoke a cig again but i found it awful and from then on i never smoked again

Thats exactly the way I did it.  Chainsmoked for 8 years, and was never one of those smokers that sais "Im gonna quit, gonna try and cut back every day"  I knew I was addicted and never said I was gonna quit until one day last May I had a sudden burst of willpower, said to my co-worker "this is my last cigarette"  ofc he laughed at me.  Havent had one since and dont want to. 

General Discussion / Re: Cav build
« on: March 10, 2011, 01:17:18 am »
I use polearm + 1h for my cav build.

Its actually not a real cav build, but a foot build that lets me play well on horse.  With only 4 in riding and most of my wpf points in 1 hand I use the destrier for some bump / slash and basically just use the heavy lance to fend off other cav.  Works well though, plus I can still do alot of damage if I'm dehorsed.

There's some 2h weapons you can use on horse though like the katana or bastard sword, which can be used with a shield.  Not sure how well it does though.

Most cav go all polearm with a courser.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Throwing Nerf
« on: March 10, 2011, 12:30:01 am »
Its definately the high end throwing that needs to be nerfed.  Throwing should be encouraged as a hybrid and not as a pure class.

It feels cheesy when I get 1 shot killed from full health by a throwing lance to my body or legs by a guy with an all strength build.  There's no other way to describe it but cheese. 

General Discussion / Re: IF needs love?
« on: March 05, 2011, 10:05:27 pm »
I say leave as is.  Strength builds are already too powerful especially with the NA map selections favoring them

General Discussion / Re: 1hander no shield days
« on: March 05, 2011, 05:32:05 pm »
I always play this way when I do siege mode from time to time.  Its fun even though its a bit gimped

General Discussion / Re: A Few Suggestions for NA Battle Servers
« on: March 03, 2011, 02:52:02 am »
So... we don't already have enough maps where archers and cav completely rape face while the infantry huddles behind limited cover (that random rock to the left) praying they'll kill each other so that the infantry can come out and play as well?  We need one titled "LOL FUCK YOU MELEE FOOTMEN!" as well?  If this map gets added please lets all keep map votes turned on just for this map so we can bypass it.

There are far more infantry friendly maps than cav friendly ones.  There are lots of maps where you cant even take cav.  An open map with rolling hills isnt "LOL FUCK YOU MELEE FOOTMEN!" but it definately favors cav and archers more.  We could replace that weird castle map that doesnt even make sense.  You know the one that has the stairway to nowhere.  The infantry just have to co-ordinate and huddle together a bit to protect the archers.  Im not sure if youre a total war player but grassy flatlands is by far the most played map in multiplayer for classic medieval battle tactics.  Like I said, its the melee's choice if they want to be 1 dimensional or not.  They could easily spare a few points to invest into crossbow, throwing, or polearm.  BTW Im primarily a melee 1 hander myself, but I made my build to be capable on all maps, not just the tight corridor ones.

So what double digit gen are you that 30-31 doesn't take for fucking ever?  I'm rapidly losing interest in playing for more than a round or two at a time anymore because as a gen1 or gen2 (3 main toons, only one has managed to hit retirement so far) the grind from 30-31 is taking ages and ages while the double digit gen guys are retiring faster and faster and gaining entire arsenals of heirloomed items.  It kind of seems like you want to fuck over anyone that isn't a 10+ gen cav or archer.

I just got to gen 5 now (all post patch)  I only played native before as the crpg gameplay didnt interest me before then.  I originally had 2 chars, but quickly realized its better to just stick with 1.  Im 1h + polearm hybrid with 4 points in riding.  Its a solid build that lets me play well on all maps when I get to a high enough level.  The cluster maps I can top the charts easy as thats what my build is geared towards, and on the open maps I get get into the top 3-5 easy with my cav (even though I still get most of my kills when my horse dies)   

This is what Im gonna stick with the most, but if I need a change then maybe Ill go 2h, or archer for a gen but still use my heirloom point towards my main build.  I have fun playing with my full char so for me it doesnt take forever. 

I dont want to screw anyone over who isnt 10 + cav or archer but just trying to introduce variety into the rotation.  Like I said, 1 open map isnt going to kill anyone.

Game Balance Discussion / Re: Reasonable Side Sword Nerf
« on: March 03, 2011, 01:16:19 am »
The only reason I didnt choose to heirloom this sword is because I thought it might be a bit too short if I decide to go cavalry.  Cost is a non issue once youve played for a few weeks.

Maybe leave the damage and speed alone but reduce the length even more to 90-92.

General Discussion / A Few Suggestions for NA Battle Servers
« on: March 03, 2011, 12:47:44 am »
1) Increase the game length by 3-5 minutes.  There are too many draws as is.  Nothing worse than losing a 5X multiplier when there are 2-3 guys left dueling it out and they dont have time to finish.  I understand the short limit pre-patch as dead people dont gain xp, but we do now so why the big rush??

2) Introduce a flat open map... grassy flatlands, steppes inland, whatever you want to call it.  Does every single map have to be a city or castle?  Even the "open maps" we do get have some ruins or buildings for infantry to hide in.  I'm talking about a wide open map with no cover except for maybe a few scattered trees.  These maps are very popular in the native battle servers and introduce new tactics and teamwork formations etc...  There still seems to be a bit of that lingering cluster mentality among the crpg community but 1 open map in the rotation will not hurt anyone (except for maybe the people who choose only to go pure 1h with no secondary, but thats their choice)

3) Maybe a bit selfish but decrease the time it takes to go from 1-30 and increase proportionately the time it takes to go from 30-31.  I have a hybrid build and dont get to fully use my build the way I want until I get to lvl 30.  I have to invest into strength early to meet gear requirements, but I need agility for weapon mastery because Im investing into 2 weapon slots.  I love playing my build at lvl 30 but it seems to go by too quickly, and 1-30 not fast enough. 

Yay or nay?

Beginner's Help and Guides / Re: Post Your Character Builds
« on: February 18, 2011, 06:57:24 am »
Age 46 [31]
Experience 8743200
Level up at 17784806
Kills 1328
Death 631
Gold 42140
Generation 3
Attribute Points 1
Skill Points 1
Weapon Proficiency Points 12

Strength - 15
Agility - 21

Powerstrike - 5
Athletics - 7
Shield - 6
Riding - 4
Weapon Mastery - 7

1 Hand - 145
Polearm - 98

Elite Scimitar, Huscarl Shield, Awlpike/War Spear/Pike

Elite Scimitar, Knightly Heather Shield, Heavy Lance, Courser/Rouncey/Steppe Horse

Change up my armour all the time

Think I might stick with the same build this time as its fun to have the cav option to have a change of pace.  I may actually try to squeeze another point into cav this time around.

Ive seen Rohynol and Ruffies who always go as naked cav, but they dont have to. 

They probably do it just for fun or something as their gear loadoat is probably less than 30k.

Theyre good cav, but fairly useless once dehorsed cuz of their nakedness and lack of alt weapon. 

I dont know what theyre saving up for by always being naked cuz I never see them in any armour whatsoever. 

General Discussion / Re: Time for a NA West Coast Server?
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:34:27 am »
It probably wouldnt last long cuz the community isnt big enough to support it.  I think they added a west coast siege server in native, but it only ever had 10-20 people on max before dying out completely.

BTW I hate that guys avatar above me.

General Discussion / Re: The NA Alarm List
« on: February 16, 2011, 12:25:03 am »
What about guys like Big Sandwich and 30 seconds to mars?  Theyre always up there on the scoreboard too.  But maybe they dont get on cuz theyre not in a clan?

I dont recognize half these players, and Ive been playing alot on the battle servers since the big patch.  Maybe theyre siege players, but siege is always much easier to rack up a good score than in battle.

General Discussion / Re: From the original barmace crusher
« on: February 15, 2011, 02:18:34 am »
Meh, its only really powerful in siege mode anyways and who takes siege mode seriously? 

Oh, I know.  The people who spent all their heirloom points on the barmace and wear full plate so they can stand at the top of the stairs and crush through on peasants   :lol:

General Discussion / Re: Warhammer Heirloom
« on: February 12, 2011, 10:57:24 am »
I need my first point

General Discussion / Re: Warhammer Heirloom
« on: February 12, 2011, 01:19:51 am »
Hmm, so no increase in KD chance then if the weight stays the same. 

The only time its harder to use is against those ninja type builds where the short reach + speed of the ninja make the counter attack window miniscule.

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