cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Arthur_ on July 22, 2017, 04:08:18 pm

Title: good old days
Post by: Arthur_ on July 22, 2017, 04:08:18 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: IR_Kuoin on July 22, 2017, 04:16:18 pm
Wish we could turn back time, to the good old days ♪♫♬~
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: N1PS on July 22, 2017, 04:47:31 pm
Take notes James
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Finse on July 22, 2017, 04:49:46 pm
Stopped the video after i saw bravery, no much of that in Acre  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 22, 2017, 05:13:06 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Smithy on July 23, 2017, 09:29:58 am

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: the real god emperor on July 23, 2017, 09:52:43 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on July 23, 2017, 10:41:47 am

please look closely at the two my old friends that kill/die last.

might as well:

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Smithy on July 26, 2017, 04:18:54 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on July 26, 2017, 04:37:29 am
(click to show/hide)

damn,  missed this gem.  nice
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on July 26, 2017, 05:23:33 am

I was looking for this ty
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on July 26, 2017, 03:00:32 pm
First Strategus test battle Mercs vs Templars edited from pov of Socrates. It was laggy as fuck but good fun.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on July 26, 2017, 03:06:03 pm
damn id actually get my pc out of the attic again for this shit.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on July 26, 2017, 03:41:30 pm

please look closely at the two my old friends that kill/die last.

Lol just watched that vid. Good ol days when you could carry a 2h polearm, shield and lance before the slot restrictions.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on July 26, 2017, 04:22:05 pm
please look closely at the two my old friends that kill/die last.

Hell even I couldn't exactly remember my acquaintance with Bloberyn. Nice reminder.  :wink:

Also this comment:

AtrolinK6 years ago
that guy at the end wouldn't like to die xD

Who the hell would ?  :P
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on July 26, 2017, 06:56:53 pm
Lol just watched that vid. Good ol days when you could carry a 2h polearm, shield and lance before the slot restrictions.

and in fourth slot a loaded arbalest to keep HAs away <3
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Seadle on July 30, 2017, 02:34:07 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on July 30, 2017, 06:34:09 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: N1PS on July 30, 2017, 11:42:49 pm

i dont know hwo to much the videos pop up

I guess I'll take Zeus' place on this one:

Fixed that for ya
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Zeus_ on July 31, 2017, 01:15:04 am
I guess I'll take Zeus' place on this one:

Fixed that for ya

thanks for having my back dude
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on August 10, 2017, 04:50:23 pm

At 10:49 you get the legendary Gnjus moment. Look at bottom left of the screen. It's crappy 360p quality but you can still make it out

"Merc_Gnjus opened the gate"

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It made the siege a lot more interesting tbh, from that point on we were forced to fall back to gate house and spend the rest of the battle pushing out to recapture dominance over the main ladder. Ended up with only 4 unused tickets. I always liked these vids, seeing it through the Templar viewpoint. Biggest downfall for em was not having people who knew how to use ladders, which was normal tbf since they had just been introduced. To quote someone from the video "Too many people using ladders and wasting them, it's like watching a downy trying to fuck a girl". Even when they had only 10 tickets left you still see a few peeps trying to set up ladders though, so they didn't even exhaust their stock.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 09, 2017, 10:25:15 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 09, 2017, 11:52:05 pm

cmp with that classic 0 athletics s-key dueling style

And oberyn getting wrecked by Olwen is forever immortalized
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 10, 2017, 12:10:18 am
Fake news, we had like 7 duels. I think I lost like 4 though, true.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ikarus on September 10, 2017, 03:58:25 pm
thah, I remember recording and editing this video, started to work on it directly after the event and pulled an all nighter until I was finished in the early morning (simply because I kinda got hooked to the editing on that night, and I had plenty of time back then). Which means the event took place on the 23.03.2013

still have 55gb of video material here, I should cut that together aswell someday
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Suedehead on September 10, 2017, 04:56:01 pm
There is feature in cRPG - when you have been knocked down, you can try to roll out for a few meters away to avoid being killed while lying down and not able to block; Do anyone maybe has video or gif with demonstration of this thing? Thank you.
Still needed, if you find it please share, thank you
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ikarus on September 10, 2017, 07:38:35 pm
Still needed, if you find it please share, thank you

when you got knocked down by a weapon or mostly a horse, double tapping either A or D in the right moment let you roll aside before standing up, which was really damn useful in a lot of situations
Sadly people got this mechanic removed from the game a while ago and I still have no idea why the they did that, probably because a knockdown gave you a free hit and rolling aside took that chance away

I don´t have a proper gif of it, but this is what happens when you roll out of danger and move your mouse very fast to the right or left, Kulin_Ban made the gif back then
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 10, 2017, 09:00:27 pm
(click to show/hide)

Too bad my next attempt of spicing up that boring shit called  Strategus ended up kinda......dramatic for the Mercenaries. People preferred "claiming" empty castles rather than taking 'em.   :wink:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Suedehead on September 10, 2017, 09:07:29 pm
Thank you Ikarus.
With mouse moving this looks quite ridicolous.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 10, 2017, 10:41:07 pm
when you got knocked down by a weapon or mostly a horse, double tapping either A or D in the right moment let you roll aside before standing up, which was really damn useful in a lot of situations
Sadly people got this mechanic removed from the game a while ago and I still have no idea why the they did that, probably because a knockdown gave you a free hit and rolling aside took that chance away

I don´t have a proper gif of it, but this is what happens when you roll out of danger and move your mouse very fast to the right or left, Kulin_Ban made the gif back then
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That looks absolutely retarded
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Leshma on September 10, 2017, 11:02:16 pm
Nope, this is retarded

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 11, 2017, 10:15:45 am
The way of the samurai got the better of you.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 11, 2017, 02:23:55 pm
Nope, this is retarded

How did you manage to lose to someone so visibly bad?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 11, 2017, 03:19:46 pm
The razfrenzy leshma duel was a legendary event. I wish there were more public shittalking leading to big duels, but the community never really appreciated the idea and just made fun of anyone trying to start one :C
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 11, 2017, 03:37:40 pm
The razfrenzy leshma duel was a legendary event. I wish there were more public shittalking leading to big duels, but the community never really appreciated the idea and just made fun of anyone trying to start one :C

well panos vs goddamit dont lynch me I love you but I forgot your name was good as well
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 11, 2017, 04:07:40 pm
Yeah there really should have been more high stakes dueling events. I witnessed a couple during my time always entertaining.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 11, 2017, 05:06:07 pm
If Leshma hadn't been a dishonourable bundle of sticks piece of shit the duel with Raz would never have happened because we would've been rid of the tranny curse hanging over these forums and game the first time I obliterated him in a duel, with deleting char and leaving game as a bet.

I can't believe I actually cheered Leshma on and believed his years of playing meant he could easily defeat a retarded circle spammer who can't block more than once in a row. Never underestimate Leshma's ability to fuck up everything he tries.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 11, 2017, 05:13:29 pm
Blocking is for cowards
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Leshma on September 11, 2017, 05:28:36 pm
The way of the samurai got the better of you.

Greek samurai, the best kind :)

If I had won that duel, nothing of value would come out of it. So I'm glad I lost in such hilarious way.

Why I lost? Combination of things. I respeced prior to duel to some semi STR build I've never seriously played before. Actually I did play it in rags as a way of earning gold. But this time I choose some medium armor, which was pointless. Also that staff wasn't loomed... so I glanced most of my hits because wasn't used to footwork in medium armor. He practiced chambering and managed to hit me couple of times = game over. He had monster STR build in heavy armor. My whole strategy revolved around slicing him bit by bit and backpedling like a proper AGI cunt but at last moment I had change of heart and wanted to be honorable so I picked staff STR build to knock him down. Little I knew about STR builds back then, there was no way to knock his build with my semi STR staff build. And Thomek who filmed this told everyone to carry torches for special effects. I was playing DX9 at lowest at that time, but torches still tanked my fps to 12-25. There was like 40 or so people around us. RasFrenzy ain't bad player, he just tries to chamber everything in battle kinda like Ivani4 never blocks. But he can't do it because his internet connection is plain horrible (crazy packet loss and contant spiking). However due to large number of people with torches not just my fps tanked my whole machine went to RasFrenzy levels, including networking. At that time we were on equal ground. His heavy build prevailed. My build was disaster to fight him in such contidions.

DGS AGI build would do the trick. Backpedling does make glancing happen often but if opponent is going forward that cancels it and you hit most of the time. Especially with broken 2H left slash, which often hits the head. Minimal glancing, pussy play, contant backpedling, sure win against someone who doesn't block.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Black Wind on September 11, 2017, 05:45:42 pm
All this nostalgia, and all these 'team-plays' pale in comparison to the creamy mess that PK left this game in.

With our strict rules of acceptance starting with an 11 inch wang (Had to lower it for PK_Owens), it is fair to say that the life of a PK is one of discipline, testosterone supplements and cRPG. Our daily routine would consist of hundreds of kegal excercises, vitamin supplements, cRPG, and making love to your spouses, so we could enjoy showing the larger body of the cRPG playerbase (Non-PK's) how the men do it. 

I even remember some of the NA players coming to the Australian server with their note-pads in-hand to try and get the edge over their opponents, completely unaware that this level of expertise is only attainable to those who bear the tags of PK, due to our scientifically backed flawless acceptance regime.

PK will be in Bannerlord, whenever it drops - and just be ready. That's right, lick your lips in anticipation for the Champions to put on a performance for you casuals.

P.S. I'll duel anyone, anywhere, any time... If you're deemed worthy, and are capable of beating our mascot; PK_LegendarySwordsman first.

EDIT: For any nay-sayers, check gameplay footage from the URL in my sig.

Regards, PK_IncrediblySkillful/Sudo
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 11, 2017, 08:38:23 pm
notepads in hand sounds pretty kool
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 11, 2017, 10:01:51 pm
All this nostalgia, and all these 'team-plays' pale in comparison to the creamy mess that PK left this game in.

With our strict rules of acceptance starting with an 11 inch wang (Had to lower it for PK_Owens), it is fair to say that the life of a PK is one of discipline, testosterone supplements and cRPG. Our daily routine would consist of hundreds of kegal excercises, vitamin supplements, cRPG, and making love to your spouses, so we could enjoy showing the larger body of the cRPG playerbase (Non-PK's) how the men do it. 

I even remember some of the NA players coming to the Australian server with their note-pads in-hand to try and get the edge over their opponents, completely unaware that this level of expertise is only attainable to those who bear the tags of PK, due to our scientifically backed flawless acceptance regime.

PK will be in Bannerlord, whenever it drops - and just be ready. That's right, lick your lips in anticipation for the Champions to put on a performance for you casuals.

P.S. I'll duel anyone, anywhere, any time... If you're deemed worthy, and are capable of beating our mascot; PK_LegendarySwordsman first.

EDIT: For any nay-sayers, check gameplay footage from the URL in my sig.

Regards, PK_IncrediblySkillful/Sudo

please, australia's playerbase was almost as non-existent as okam's
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 11, 2017, 10:51:17 pm
please, australia's playerbase was almost as non-existent as okam's
Isn't the entire australian playerbase just kadeth playing on several computers?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Kadeth on September 12, 2017, 12:41:30 am

Why I lost? Combination of things. I respeced prior to duel to some semi STR build I've never seriously played before. Actually I did play it in rags as a way of earning gold. But this time I choose some medium armor, which was pointless. Also that staff wasn't loomed... so I glanced most of my hits because wasn't used to footwork in medium armor. He practiced chambering and managed to hit me couple of times = game over. He had monster STR build in heavy armor. My whole strategy revolved around slicing him bit by bit and backpedling like a proper AGI cunt but at last moment I had change of heart and wanted to be honorable so I picked staff STR build to knock him down. Little I knew about STR builds back then, there was no way to knock his build with my semi STR staff build. And Thomek who filmed this told everyone to carry torches for special effects. I was playing DX9 at lowest at that time, but torches still tanked my fps to 12-25. There was like 40 or so people around us. RasFrenzy ain't bad player, he just tries to chamber everything in battle kinda like Ivani4 never blocks. But he can't do it because his internet connection is plain horrible (crazy packet loss and contant spiking). However due to large number of people with torches not just my fps tanked my whole machine went to RasFrenzy levels, including networking. At that time we were on equal ground. His heavy build prevailed. My build was disaster to fight him in such contidions.

I've heard all sorts of excuses for losing duels, but this is just epic  :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Black Wind on September 12, 2017, 03:37:16 am
please, australia's playerbase was almost as non-existent as okam's

Guess the same could be said for the NA/EU skill-levels - just in regards to the non-existant part.

You just sound bitter that you challenged me to a duel once, and copped it. Like a petite caucasian female in a BBC video.

And Leshma. If you wanted to take that dude back to school, and really give the crowd a spectacle, I was only a PM away.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 12, 2017, 07:07:27 am
"I only lost because Thomek told everyone to carry torches" - Leshma

(and yes he is really bad, you can see he has no idea about footwork, distance management, blocking or feints, and btw chambers are no excuse for getting hit Leshma)
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 12, 2017, 10:25:13 am
RasFrenzy ain't bad player

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 12, 2017, 11:13:16 am
Why I lost? Combination of things.

just one, ur garbage
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Golem on September 12, 2017, 02:14:39 pm
At fifteen, I had the will to  learn ; at thirty, I could stand ; at forty, I had no  doubts ; at fifty, I understood the heavenly Bidding ;  at sixty, my ears were opened ; at seventy, I could  do as my heart lusted without trespassing from the  square.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2017, 02:29:59 pm
Almost. Still not quite dead yet.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:33:08 pm
"I only lost because Thomek told everyone to carry torches" - Leshma

(and yes he is really bad, you can see he has no idea about footwork, distance management, blocking or feints, and btw chambers are no excuse for getting hit Leshma)

Who are you ?I 've never seen you at any duel server. .. For real who are you? Do you even duel bro? And whats your build? I guess an 21/21 100% block 2h 110 reach?

Why are you talknig about me ?The finishing blow was a ''reverse chamber''  have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried to do a ''reverse chamber'' on a 1.000.000. Gold Best of One Duel?Have you ever practice a ''reverse chamber''?Do you even know what a ''reverse chamber '' is?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:33:56 pm
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You used to have a polearm 130+ reach with a 21/21 build right? going left side and spam that thing right??With the broken animations??
Lets not forget your 100% block.
Yeah i know your skill.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:35:06 pm
If Leshma hadn't been a dishonourable bundle of sticks piece of shit the duel with Raz would never have happened because we would've been rid of the tranny curse hanging over these forums and game the first time I obliterated him in a duel, with deleting char and leaving game as a bet.

I can't believe I actually cheered Leshma on and believed his years of playing meant he could easily defeat a retarded circle spammer who can't block more than once in a row. Never underestimate Leshma's ability to fuck up everything he tries.
How can i circle spam with 3 agi?

Your 100 % block made you inferior. You never really learned to figtht . You just had a long weapon with 21+ agi . Thats why instead of making CRPG slower you made it faster   for more  spam longer weapons and less requirements to use them.  You and the rest of the guys here are one of the reasons that the mode died.  You and your Donkey.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 12, 2017, 02:36:21 pm
Cowardly my old friend cunt. Should've taken me up on that duel offer, you worthless garbage. But you're a little bitch, I understand.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2017, 02:36:35 pm

Who are you ?

From what I have ascertained so far he is an unemployed mongolo-finn connor mcgregor fanboy shitposter that doesn't pay his debts
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:43:40 pm
The razfrenzy leshma duel was a legendary event. I wish there were more public shittalking leading to big duels, but the community never really appreciated the idea and just made fun of anyone trying to start one :C
On a more serious note '' I tried really hard to create that event, i was never a strategus guy or a battle guy most of the time i spent was on duel server( trying different stuff like reverse chambering with 1 on  WM. are not on my level.)  best time i had on this game was late 3. a.m in the morning dueling, so i challenge leshma for the one million gold duel best of one ''CIRCLE OF DEATH" . Of course i had to promote the fight so drama was at its best. Man that was some fun times . Just the drama on this forum was so fun. It was like reading a newspaper. Some people like to read the news in the morning but i liked read the forum . The bigger the drama the bigger the event. I was hoping that more people will the ''Circle of Death'' But nobody did. You see kids were to scared to lose their GOLD to create a drama.  I did it for the fun of it. I didnt do it to prove to anyone anything.  I did it for the fun of it . You had no idea what really happend that day on teamspeak i wish we recorded that.

It always takes two people to dance .
Leshma i bow to you .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:47:02 pm
Cowardly my old friend cunt. Should've taken me up on that duel offer, you worthless garbage. But you're a little bitch, I understand.

The reality is with an agi build and bigger weapon reach the STR build with small weapon has no chance . You see CRPG killed STR builds in favour of AGi builds for a bigger spam fest because the 80% of the people had 100% block. And the devs knew about it.  But guess what! the level was so high because all of a sudden people became pros so no new person could stay and enjoy the game .  Everybody new left after a while. And the newbies that didnt want to melee turned to Range weapons . You nerf that too. 
Congrats for killing the mod with your decisions .  You see mods lasting 10 + years but not here! no,no,no ...Here we have  the retarded people. That killed the mod for money.

You will never get to my level. Never!!  you know why?  Because i was on FIRST PERSON with manual block and 3 ATHL!!!!!!.  You will never be able to do that. See you at MORDHAU. Oh boy i will cut every leg you got every arm every head  and then i will go to your home adopt your boy and take the females . . You will never forget about me. Never!!

98% of the people here the still believe that is skill if you do a stab then left slash spam with a 2h 110+ reach weapon and 21+ agi.

And they cant even perform the most simple ''reverse chamber'' . They dont even know what that is .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 02:50:08 pm
From what I have ascertained so far he is an unemployed mongolo-finn connor mcgregor fanboy shitposter that doesn't pay his debts

Leshma payed the same day the one million gold (1.000.000!!!!) .
And they still have the audacity to talk trash to Leshma. After all those years....
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 12, 2017, 02:56:19 pm
*Incoherent subhuman ranting*

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Yes Ras, the mod was full of fucking cheaters, you are the one pure TRUE e-warrior. You weren't an abysmally terrible retard with inflated narcissistic opinions of a skill you posess only in negative amounts. You're gonna get murdered like a dumb bitch in Mordhau, the exact same experience that you had with cRPG. I'm sure it will be because all your opponents are evil cheaters, too.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 12, 2017, 03:00:12 pm
lmfao this nigga is back and his salt levels are still off the charts

so much for entrusting leshma to school a kid who thinks that anyone who beats him must be abusing some sort of glitch or unbalanced feature and who believes the only real "skill" in warband is chamberblocking attacks
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 03:08:55 pm
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Yes Ras, the mod was full of fucking cheaters, you are the one pure TRUE e-warrior. You weren't an abysmally terrible retard with inflated narcissistic opinions of a skill you posess only in negative amounts. You're gonna get murdered like a dumb bitch in Mordhau, the exact same experience that you had with cRPG. I'm sure it will be because all your opponents are evil cheaters, too.

I will come for you !! Remember that !! I will come for you!! hunt you down for all the bad things you have done to this mod and community. I will hunt you down like a  bad dog. You will have no place to run or hide!!!  Its time for you to pay.... You never even tried to First Person... You have no clue what you are talking about and now you are scared . Fear is good but you are  panicking.  You will pay for all the name calling ....for all the internet thuggish mentality you and your friends have on this forum all those years and nobody check you  out.

I'll f**** you till you love me

remember that
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 12, 2017, 03:09:21 pm
this is what happens when you let autism run rampant, leshma
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2017, 03:10:29 pm
You guys should ft7 for all your looms
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 03:16:52 pm
this is what happens when you let autism run rampant, leshma

You still here 2h 100%block 24 agi+ ?

You still here ??

Nobody is talking to you.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2017, 03:54:33 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 12, 2017, 04:00:35 pm
"You never even tried to First Person... "

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 12, 2017, 04:36:42 pm
You see mods lasting 10 + years but not here! no,no,no ...

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 12, 2017, 05:35:31 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Leshma on September 12, 2017, 06:04:38 pm
lso much for entrusting leshma to school a kid who thinks that anyone who beats him must be abusing some sort of glitch or unbalanced feature and who believes the only real "skill" in warband is chamberblocking attacks

Most of the advanced game mechanics in Warband are revolving around breaking animation system, which would clasify them as a glitch. Unless you truly believe those Turkling gameplay programmers really meant to include all those tricks?

The fact that most good things about Warband combat are glitch is what makes it so fun. Because those mechanics aren't documented nor presented to player through tutorial, new players have to observe and copy other players or ask them for guidance. Rite of passage makes it so sweet.

If you don't believe me, ask Logen. He shares this view and his job was working on animations for OKAM. Those animations may be poor, but he still knows more about game animation more than all of us combined.

Chamberblocking is best thing about Warband's melee combat imho, just like parrying is best thing about Dark Souls combat. Worst thing about Warband is retarded feinting which is prime example of broken animation system.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 07:43:21 pm
I bet Ras never had the balls to fight with wooden stick or tiny-hammer, 3 agility and 'walk' toggled. Pfff, enjoy your s-key or circle-spam 'run-mode' 2hand, reach abusing easy-mode.

The fact you consider those cheap agi tactics a victory sickens me.

What are you saying you know that i have 1 ATHL that means that i always walk .  And you clearly know that using a Katana with 1 athl its harder than using a wooden stick.

You should know  that.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 07:49:27 pm
Most of the advanced game mechanics in Warband are revolving around breaking animation system, which would clasify them as a glitch. Unless you truly believe those Turkling gameplay programmers really meant to include all those tricks?

The fact that most good things about Warband combat are glitch is what makes it so fun. Because those mechanics aren't documented nor presented to player through tutorial, new players have to observe and copy other players or ask them for guidance. Rite of passage makes it so sweet.

If you don't believe me, ask Logen. He shares this view and his job was working on animations for OKAM. Those animations may be poor, but he still knows more about game animation more than all of us combined.

Chamberblocking is best thing about Warband's melee combat imho, just like parrying is best thing about Dark Souls combat. Worst thing about Warband is retarded feinting which is prime example of broken animation system.

They want to pretend that the micro feinting is skill . They stiill dont know what are the talking about .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 12, 2017, 07:53:14 pm
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Your father is chadz??

Where is your Father? Do you still support the Donkey? Of course you are. You are an admin. So tell me admin whats your purpose here?  I am not Joking whats your role here?

Someone call me a ''D***** B*****'' are you goin to do something?

I want  to report a 100% blocker are you goin to do something?

You are not an admin ... You are a pseudo admin. Are you happy pseudoadmin that you killed the mod?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 12, 2017, 07:57:18 pm
Mad Cuz racist frenchman.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 12, 2017, 08:08:29 pm
generic mad post

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: McKli_PL on September 12, 2017, 09:54:50 pm
The reality is with an agi build and bigger weapon reach the STR build with small weapon has no chance .
ehhhh magic W key for a Win and block but most potatoes on plate were playing it with skey tactics getting rekt so.......
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ikarus on September 12, 2017, 10:13:48 pm
I think I captured the overall spirit here pretty well

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 12, 2017, 10:27:47 pm

Who are you ?I 've never seen you at any duel server. .. For real who are you? Do you even duel bro? And whats your build? I guess an 21/21 100% block 2h 110 reach?

Why are you talknig about me ?The finishing blow was a ''reverse chamber''  have you ever tried it? Have you ever tried to do a ''reverse chamber'' on a 1.000.000. Gold Best of One Duel?Have you ever practice a ''reverse chamber''?Do you even know what a ''reverse chamber '' is?
I'm the best duelist the game, let alone the mod, has ever seen. I perfected the reverse reverse reverse chamber before you were even born.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 12, 2017, 11:30:22 pm
But in all honesty, no strength build with a katana is really that difficult. "Oh no, a naturally-fast high cut-damage weapon with good length to use with my naturally-slow extremely powerful build... However will I cope?!?"

The answer if you're Ras is: badly. Guy concocted a grand conspiracy of shadow figures all working in concert to cheat at the game because he couldn't accept he has a learning disability.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 12, 2017, 11:56:50 pm
mothafucka think he gimped himself with a build that allows to tank a million of his failed **reverse** chamber blocks and supplement lost speed with a good, fast weapon

but uhhh uhhh it's unfair to block my hits you 100% block loser!! :mad:

I am interested in what the reverse chamber block is though. Even so that I am willing to risk my great reputation in the online competitive gaming community for not knowing what a reverse chamber block is, like a filthy skrub.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Kadeth on September 13, 2017, 12:24:21 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Black Wind on September 13, 2017, 02:31:36 am
Leshma, at the time weren't you blaming physical ailments iirc?

Watching the duel, it was fucking terrible. Looked like two patients at a Parkinson's clinic having a field day. The blocks were shite, the combat was shite and the only thing that made it intense was the 1m stake.

Whilst builds help, all are feasible. I hauled ass in dueld on a 3/36 with a shortened spear. I did well with 18/18, with 30/6 I did very well.

Maybe instead of 'blaming mechanics' you should just look at it for what it was. Leshma choked, because he played like shit, and got beaten by a nobody, who was also shit.

Chambers are no excuse to get hit, and by them landing, it just shows that you weren't good enough at blocking.

Skill is important, it's not like you two greenhorns hit the skill-ceiling. You'd get shat on by any PK, CHAOS, KEEN, as they would out-play you. So saying that people only win because of bugs, is a weak excuse.

TL;DR. L2P issues

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 13, 2017, 09:32:49 am
If your build is centered around using a katana and you go for full STR, you're an idiot.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 13, 2017, 12:11:00 pm
You used to have a polearm 130+ reach with a 21/21 build right? going left side and spam that thing right??With the broken animations??
Lets not forget your 100% block.
Yeah i know your skill.

I am the worst long term player this game has seen.  If you truely never broke my block, idk.  sad.

also,  wtf are you so keen on being seen as skillfull?  you knowingly limited your learning curve immensly by using a crippled build.  almost like somebody who always preferred riding horse instead of going on foot *cough*
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 12:24:40 pm
also,  wtf are you so keen on being seen as skillfull?  you knowingly limited your learning curve immensly by using a crippled build.  almost like somebody who always preferred riding horse instead of going on foot *cough*

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 13, 2017, 12:46:31 pm
I meant myself,  sillyfrog ^^
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 01:58:13 pm
Wait, is this Ras guy's constant references to "100% block" some allusion that everyone is using an autoblocker? Is that why he's saying he's the first "manual blocker" or something?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 02:40:06 pm
I meant myself,  sillyfrog ^^

I know, it just applies to me too. Cav nobility 4ever, fuck pedestrian peasants.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 02:40:57 pm
I thought he was just angry about people playing defensive, but it wouldn't surprise me if he thought we are all autoblocking + feint macro.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 02:44:52 pm
From the way you're talking I bet you don't even have your 'walk toggle' key bound properly. Seriously, these agi-builds...

1 Ath doesnt mean you walk, not unless you press the 'walk' button (even then you'd still be abusing your movement speed more than a Strength Master). It does mean that 0 Ath was too tough for you, or maybe you needed a little extra crutch in your life?

Let me tell you what's tougher than Katana with 1 Ath crutch and 'run mode' enabled:
- Katana with 0 Ath and walk mode toggled.

But in all honesty, no strength build with a katana is really that difficult. "Oh no, a naturally-fast high cut-damage weapon with good length to use with my naturally-slow extremely powerful build... However will I cope?!?"

You are so bad and clueless that i really believe you had no place to CRPG in the first place . YOU Always tried to be funny , always wanted to be the funny guy like you have no real friends . Now that i think about it its kinda sad. But i will say ''hi'' to you if i ever see you on the streets you can consider me your friend.

But let me educate you .
I used to have toggle walk mode on and the walk button on shift so when i press shift i can simulate the run. An option that the game dont offer.(ooohh you never thought about that ohohohohoh i even tried to duel like that ) . There is no real difference on pure STR builds with 0 athl and 1 athl. Pure STR builds always walk side ways with at  most 3 athl.

A reverse chamber is something that you never did in your life. You cant even do the normal ones because as i said you are the joker of this mod.   
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 02:48:02 pm
mothafucka think he gimped himself with a build that allows to tank a million of his failed **reverse** chamber blocks and supplement lost speed with a good, fast weapon

but uhhh uhhh it's unfair to block my hits you 100% block loser!! :mad:

I am interested in what the reverse chamber block is though. Even so that I am willing to risk my great reputation in the online competitive gaming community for not knowing what a reverse chamber block is, like a filthy skrub.

You have no reputation to begin with so dont worry about risking anything

Dont be ashamed to ask and learn.

Check the finishing blow of the 1.000.000 GOLD duel and tell me what you see.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 13, 2017, 02:50:17 pm
Wait, is this Ras guy's constant references to "100% block" some allusion that everyone is using an autoblocker? Is that why he's saying he's the first "manual blocker" or something?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 02:52:06 pm
Mad Cuz racist frenchman.

How old are you?
Because you keep insulting people on the internet .

Its not 2004 kid. Have a little class. Not because we are on the Internet you can call people bundle of stickss.
Are you getting slapped in real life ?Because if you do i am sorry about that kid.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 02:57:00 pm
I would call you a mongoloid retard to your face quite happily. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean your inherent subhuman IQ doesn't come through. Everyone is quite aware of how utterly fucking retarded you are. You could've taken me up on the duel if you weren't a cowardly piece of shit. I'm still game for it btw, haven't touched this game for a while but I'm confident I could utterly destroy you in as many duels as you like, because you've always been and always will be incredibly bad at this game. I'm convinced you might seriously have some sort of learning disability.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 03:02:54 pm
In siege or battle or strategus the only time it's worth going for a chamber is when enemy is thrusting with a long weapon. Anything else is not worth it, unless you're just trying to show off. Ras spent his entire cRPG existence playing 1 vs 1 in duel server or fighting bots, I don't think his limited number of neurons permit him anything more complex. He probably get confused and frustrated by battle.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 03:12:02 pm
Can confirm that when he says '100% block' he's accusing you of autoblock.

Let me guess, you tried to duel like that and it didn't work well so you gave up? Both the walk toggle and the walk hold keys are bound by default, how could I have failed to notice that you can hold a button if you want to run? I just don't crutch on agility like you so the button was pointless.

If you're moving as slow as a Pure Strength character with your agi build that doesn't sound like the builds are the same speed, sounds like you're just a slow person.

Not sure why you're bragging that every time you try to chamber someone they reverse it on you. Just sounds like you cant chamber. I got a hint for you Ras, if the combat's moving a bit fast for you to keep up with, just go for an overhead, you can chamber 2 out of 4 of the possible directions just by chance! 50/50 chance you'll be able to pretend you can chamber  :wink: Or if you're pro you'll go for the Heskey Chamber, I bet you've never done it in your life.

There is no much difference run and walk with pure STR builds  .''Both the walk toggle and the walk hold keys are bound by default, how could I have failed to notice that you can hold a button if you want to run? I just don't crutch on agility like you so the button was pointless''.
You still cant understand what i am saying because you simply cant .But i will try to explain it to you .Bound ''walk'' to shift.Turn walk mode on. press shift and now you run while you pressing shift when you release shift you walk . AS i said you are the joker .  ''If you're moving as slow as a Pure Strength character with your agi build that doesn't sound like the builds are the same speed,'' how come an STR build be the same with Agi build?/ what are you talking about. Sorry English is not my first language ''I got a hint for you Ras, if the combat's moving a bit fast for you to keep up with, just go for an overhead, you can chamber 2 out of 4 of the possible directions just by chance! 50/50 chance you'll be able to pretend you can chamber  :wink: Or if you're pro you'll go for the Heskey Chamber, I bet you've never done it in your life.'' TRYING TO BE FUNNY AGAIN?You are not funny man Heskey is not even funny anymore its 2017 not 2002
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 03:12:42 pm
Ras spent his entire cRPG existence playing 1 vs 1 in duel server or fighting bots, I don't think his limited number of neurons permit him anything more complex.

Ras has a reputation on the duel server, have some respect. Too bad it's a reputation of a training dummy that people slapped in between real duels.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 03:14:43 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 03:14:56 pm
I would call you a mongoloid retard to your face quite happily. Just because it's the internet doesn't mean your inherent subhuman IQ doesn't come through. Everyone is quite aware of how utterly fucking retarded you are. You could've taken me up on the duel if you weren't a cowardly piece of shit. I'm still game for it btw, haven't touched this game for a while but I'm confident I could utterly destroy you in as many duels as you like, because you've always been and always will be incredibly bad at this game. I'm convinced you might seriously have some sort of learning disability.

You can answer me a simple question . How old are you ?
Do you think is cool insulting me on the internet ? ARe you mad kid ? because you keep insulting me i believe you are mad . You got prolems in REAL LIFE ? i am not joking i am here to help you.
How old are you ?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 13, 2017, 03:16:26 pm
Hello, is this the "we trigger rasberry thread"? I'll contribute:

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 03:18:51 pm
microholds are cheating paul, in fact anything that beats chamberblocking is considered abuse of game mechanics, totally unfair and of course takes no skill
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 03:19:00 pm
How old are you? How do you have the nerve to call anyone "kid" when you are barely fucking literate? English isn't my mother tongue either, I try not to butcher it like it's some sort of pidgin colonial language at least. You stupid fucking ape, me big smart man. You no brain, no skill. Me big head, full smart. Am I finally getting through to you, or should I monkify even more to get to your abysmal level?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 03:36:13 pm
he just doesn't have the 100% insult block installed like the rest of us
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 13, 2017, 03:42:27 pm
he just doesn't have the 100% insult block installed like the rest of us

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 13, 2017, 03:57:47 pm
Don't mind me just leaving this old gem here

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 04:01:22 pm
Heskey you're a racist frenchman acting all friendly on forums because you're a loser IRL with no friends LOL! Oberyn why do you insult on forums you some kind of KID? What is this, dont know it's 2017?!
Ras is just as terrible at verbal sparing as he is at cRPG. Fucking dictionary cheaters, probably have many thesaurus open while shitposting on the internets, only Ras argues raw and pure like intended.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 13, 2017, 04:04:53 pm
How old are you?
Because you keep insulting people on the internet .

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 04:10:04 pm
Ras is just as terrible at verbal sparing as he is at cRPG.
You're goddamn right, he spares no one, verbally or in cRPG.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 04:23:30 pm
I worry. His posts carry an air of 'breaking point', it's like Jambi at the start of the year all over again. Coming here picking fights, being all trouble-making 'epic trole'. But as the 1 vs many situation developed and began to sink in, it turned into desperate 'hahaha, i trolled you good, please keep giving me attention' (*for that part you need to imagine the tears in their eyes as they type*) style posts as it so often does, ending with a big old 'I'm loving this!' post before they disappeared from the forum forever, potentially killing themself irl cos the cyberbullying was too real. Like... Jesus Christ, if you're that sensitive and that close to breaking point is coming back here to shitpost or try to get the final word in really a good idea?

ahhh yes pulling the classic jambi

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 05:37:41 pm
Anyone know if Jambi alive? Their last posts dont inspire confidence.

We can only hope not.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 06:16:36 pm
I received this PM last year, out of the blue...

Hey Xant,

I would recommend you watch:
Playlist :

Its very crude, and full of flaws, and mumble jumble. But when you watched it, you will quickly understand and seperate the shit from the truth... and why i linked it for you.

I had some very close colleagues of mine working with Wim Hof (Iceman)
He has little idea what hes actually doing. And most of the technique's and "lost" knowledge hes promoting , is just hype for his book, wallet and to leave people baffled feeding his self-important ego.
Note on your video at 28:40 to 29:00 how hes talking about an electral magnetic and energy fields. He knows whats up, but knows very little in fact. at 29:30 when asked about it, he jokes the question away, because he simply has no idea, and ill soon tell you why  :wink:

The thing that Tim Hof is promoting is very dangerous and harmful. He's teaching people how to disconnect their bodies from the matrix, to focus on the body is to see things as being seperate, disconnecting from the rest, being unable to connect to the ether. Hence why he laughs the question away at 29:30... he simply doesnt know anymore, his eyes cant see and the ether cant tell him. He tricked his own mind, in believing his body is a center and needs protection from the outside enviroment, while in reality there is no center or outside.
Practicing and training this, will eventually end up with you being disconnected... sure you could do nice tricks like walking over fire, or swimming in ice water.. or climbing a mountain naked. Reconnecting is impossible according to the cabal, the missing link you leave will simply be filled up to become one again. Your place is taken.

But with your body still connected to the matrix and ether.. and all being oneness without a center or borders, you can archieve much and much more.  Hence why the saying goes "be careful what you wish upon others, it will come back tenfold" its not bullshit.
But these things are many steps and teachings ahead of someone when only just becoming aware of "thought".
There's plenty of teachers that left bits of information  throughout    history, its usually so plain to see and simplistic, you easly discard it as dumb... because most people think things that are complicated and hard to understand.. must be something important. But i think you already know.... Its the opposite, hence your knowledge of haikus :D Myself am very grateful for being picked up.

The truth sounds stranger then fiction. good luck

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 06:19:25 pm
completely forgot how hard he lost it
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 06:20:44 pm
completely forgot how hard he lost it
Yeah it's not trolling, he's genuinely fucked up. Just look at him talk about "the cabal" and "ether."
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 06:22:49 pm
kinda like bjord but times 5
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 13, 2017, 06:23:19 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 13, 2017, 06:55:02 pm

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 13, 2017, 07:07:27 pm

"Dogs fucked the pope, no fault of mine." My favorite quote from that movie and maybe any movie.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 13, 2017, 07:13:55 pm
This is now a Fear and Loathing thread
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 13, 2017, 07:33:51 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gurnisson on September 13, 2017, 07:34:46 pm

How come you're a terrible duelist when you mastered techniques like reverse chambering?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 07:37:11 pm
How come you're a terrible duelist when you mastered techniques like reverse chambering?
You have no place to speak until you start manual blocking instead of 100% blocking, noob.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:30:12 pm
How old are you? How do you have the nerve to call anyone "kid" when you are barely fucking literate? English isn't my mother tongue either, I try not to butcher it like it's some sort of pidgin colonial language at least. You stupid fucking ape, me big smart man. You no brain, no skill. Me big head, full smart. Am I finally getting through to you, or should I monkify even more to get to your abysmal level?

Why are you so mad??
So you are getting slapped around in real life . You never had a fight in your life. You are acting like an internet thug without stopping. And when i told you i am here to help you you got even madder .
So what is your problem ? how old are you? What is wrong with you. You called people me ''my old friendg00t'' like its 2004 . '' finally getting through to you'' do you believe that ? You are scared to even answer a question .  Your age will not indicate anything about you and your personality.  You dont have to feel bad about yourself.

Listen kid, sorry internet thug, i dont care about your family backround but its 2017 you dont call people ''my old friend00ts'' in 2017. Show some class.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 13, 2017, 08:31:12 pm
yeah the PC term is bundle of sticks. Get with the times  :mad:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 08:32:26 pm
Why are you so mad??
So you are getting slapped around in real life . You never had a fight in your life. You are acting like an internet thug without stopping. And when i told you i am here to help you you got even madder .
So what is your problem ? how old are you? What is wrong with you. You called people me ''my old friendg00t'' like its 2004 . '' finally getting through to you'' do you believe that ? You are scared to even answer a question .  Your age will not indicate anything about you and your personality.  You dont have to feel bad about yourself.

Listen kid, sorry internet thug, i dont care about your family backround but its 2017 you dont call people ''my old friend00ts'' in 2017. Show some class.
my old friend00t
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:33:26 pm
It's interesting that Ras shows up in the thread so determined to play the role of internet baddie, and yet is seemingly so sensitive about insults. If I flame someone I expect to be flamed back, if I join a thread and flame 3 people at once I'm prepared for the reality that at least 3 people will likely flame me back.

I think you need to find a new internet profession Ras, people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

I am sensitive about certain stuff, you know that.

And internet thuggish mentally is one of them especially when its  coming from a kid that gets slapped around in real life.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:36:22 pm
completely forgot how hard he lost it

You didnt answer about that finishing blow ?

Are you ashamed to learn ? Are you ashamed to talk about it?

You said you wanted to learn, but now you are becoming a sheep following the pack.

Tell me about that finishing blow.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 13, 2017, 08:37:18 pm
yeah the PC term is bundle of sticks. Get with the times  :mad:
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:39:02 pm
Hello, is this the "we trigger rasberry thread"? I'll contribute:


Look who we got here......

So where is your donkey??

Are you working for OKAM too?

(Dont block this thread its the only thing thats alive here. Good Job destroying the mod ''developer'')
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:40:52 pm
How come you're a terrible duelist when you mastered techniques like reverse chambering?

You are the root of the problem why you never released the names of the people that got banned?

You are an admin its 2017 you killed the mod already you can answer me
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 08:42:00 pm
Sorry I don't make it a habit of giving out information about myself on the internet. It may be hard for you to understand, given your obvious idiocy. I don't give a fuck if you were bullied for being a racist frenchman manlet in RL, cry moar lol. To paraphrase an internet genius, lol just turn off the screen, you cunt, just avert your eyes. Absolute fucking pussy. If you weren't a pathetic waste of space you'd have dueled me and the excrement you call words wouldn't be plastered all over this forum like turds throughout the Ganges.

I extend the same invitation I did to Heskey, if you are ever in Paris just PM me.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 08:54:33 pm
Sorry I don't make it a habit of giving out information about myself on the internet. It may be hard for you to understand, given your obvious idiocy. I don't give a fuck if you were bullied for being a racist frenchman manlet in RL, cry moar lol. To paraphrase an internet genius, lol just turn off the screen, you cunt, just avert your eyes. Absolute fucking pussy. If you weren't a pathetic waste of space you'd have dueled me and the excrement you call words wouldn't be plastered all over this forum like turds throughout the Ganges.

I extend the same invitation I did to Heskey, if you are ever in Paris just PM me.

Letting me know about your age dosent have to make you scared. I didnt get bullied from any gay person in my life but you keep insulting me now you calling me a pussy...Are you calling me out ?? What will happen if i come to paris ?  Why i should PM you kid?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 08:55:41 pm
You should visit and find out. Don't worry, will be nice and clean and controlled, just a few quick rounds.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 09:02:06 pm
You should visit and find out. Don't worry, will be nice and clean and controlled, just a few quick rounds.

So you are threatening me in real life .

 Do you do ? MMA ? Boxing? bjj?? Kickboxing ?? Are you an athlete ?

Because i doesnt  really make any sense from you to threatening people on the Internet that you dont even know.

Where do you live in Paris kid?

This is getting real interesting now
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 13, 2017, 09:06:29 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 13, 2017, 09:07:25 pm
It's almost painful watching a borderline retard try and be clever. I invited you to a fair and just round of noble fisticuffs. You can take that as you will, you mongoloid.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 09:15:34 pm
It's almost painful watching a borderline retard try and be clever. I invited you to a fair and just round of noble fisticuffs. You can take that as you will, you mongoloid.

Where do you live in Paris?

You do mma?bjj?boxing ?kickboxing?

How much you weign in ?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 09:18:54 pm
Where do you live in Paris?

You do mma?bjj?boxing ?kickboxing?

How much you weign in ?
Look at him list the names of some combat sports, this dude's in the know
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 09:48:12 pm
i do yoga fight me pussy
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 09:55:08 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 13, 2017, 10:04:50 pm
Real life duel, let's see Ras take that reverse chamber skills to the streets.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 10:11:37 pm
Ras will forever be known as THE COWARD OF CRPG!!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 13, 2017, 11:05:20 pm
uhg,  cancer.  what happened to making this a meme thread?  do we have to bring in the cats?

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 13, 2017, 11:06:06 pm
fuck cats we almost got a brawl here!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 13, 2017, 11:13:46 pm
uhg,  cancer.  what happened to making this a meme thread?  do we have to bring in the cats?

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 13, 2017, 11:34:44 pm
hehe cats LOL!!! lmao xD is it 2006 when cats were funny on internet XD because theyre CATS LOL!! PLAY THEM OFF KEYBOARD CAT!! ROFL
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 13, 2017, 11:38:09 pm
You should visit and find out. Don't worry, will be nice and clean and controlled, just a few quick rounds.

I am still waiting to tell me where to do you live in Paris. How much you weigh in etc....

But for real how old are you ? Does your mom knows that you are threatening people on the internet inviting them to Paris to fight them?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 13, 2017, 11:53:56 pm
I am still waiting to tell me where to do you live in Paris. How much you weigh in etc....

But for real how old are you ? Does your mom knows that you are threatening people on the internet inviting them to Paris to fight them?

does yours know that you're shit at video games and probably everything else
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 12:00:39 am
does yours know that you're shit at video games and probably everything else

My mother died .
But why you keep defending the kid, He made an invitation let him talk .

You dont have to talk for him.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 14, 2017, 12:02:07 am
Xant hates cats so here's a dog.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 12:02:19 am
Do you have memory problems on top of mental ones? I'm not telling you shit about myself lol, try to find someone else to jerk off to you degenerate. Let me know if you're ever in Paris, we can visit this boxing gym.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 12:05:13 am
Do you have memory problems on top of mental ones? I'm not telling you shit about myself lol, try to find someone else to jerk off to you degenerate. Let me know if you're ever in Paris, we can visit this boxing gym.

What boxing Gym kid?Se we wiil do this at a gym? What is the name of the boxing gym?

You are so bad that you invited a stranger to Paris to fight him. Not only that but none of  the admins said anything to you.
And the fun part is that the Donkey thought that he could money out of you and he did!!!

Enjoy your ''community''

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 12:06:30 am
What's your mother's maiden name? Where do you live in Greece? What's your exact adress? How fucking of a poor shiftless peasant are you? Did your mother die out of shame for your retardedness?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 12:11:59 am
What's your mother's maiden name? Where do you live in Greece? What's your exact adress? How fucking of a poor shiftless peasant are you? Did your mother die out of shame for your retardedness?

Now you will insult  my dead mother too kid?

Keep it goin i want everybody here to see what you are.....
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 12:13:02 am
If anything I sympathize deeply with your mother. I don't know her, but raising an autist like you to presumable adulthood, she must've had the patience of a fucking saint.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 12:22:25 am
If anything I sympathize deeply with your mother. I don't know her, but raising an autist like you to presumable adulthood, she must've had the patience of a fucking saint.

You dont ..You just keep talking about her you think is funny maybe the rest of the people believe here is funny to talk about a mothers death.

You never experience that you are just a kid hiding behind his keyboard. You are just a keyboard warrior.

A liar to.

Where is the gym in Paris that you talked about?Maybe i've been there who knows?Just tell me the name
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 12:24:27 am
Yeah I don't reveal traumatic truths, or really anything at all, about my life on the internet, because I am not a drooling retard. If you didn't want me making fun of your dead gay mother maybe you should've shut the fuck up about it and not brought it up. Wtf do you think this place is, a therapist's office for your sobbing racist frenchmanry?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 12:30:40 am
Yeah I don't reveal traumatic truths, or really anything at all, about my life on the internet, because I am not a drooling retard. If you didn't want me making fun of your dead gay mother maybe you should've shut the fuck up about it and not brought it up. Wtf do you think this place is, a therapist's office for your sobbing racist frenchmanry?

Everyone can see what you are kid....
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 12:32:36 am
Back at ya, "kid".
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 12:33:24 am
RAS_racist frenchman-COWARD FRENZY LOL
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 12:55:16 am
Don't go to Paris on his terms RAS it will be an obvious trap!  Oberyn and his cronies will be waiting to jump you in some shitty alley way.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:27:56 am
Don't go to Paris on his terms RAS it will be an obvious trap!  Oberyn and his cronies will be waiting to jump you in some shitty alley way.

He has no cronies he just sits in his dark room alone posting on the forum. He is an old lonely frog acting like a kid.

Never really grow up he trully believes its funny to disrespect someones dead mother.

He is happy because he believed he can hide behind his keyboard.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 03:21:15 am
Just fight already! Do a legit boxing match (or just street fight) and get someone to film it. I want to see raz flail his small hairy hands spastically like he is begging more money from the EU and backpedaling around the ring while getting mauled down by Oberyn's baguette of hate. I'd maybe pay 2 euros to watch this happen. Open up a patreon or kickstarter for this.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: chesterotab on September 14, 2017, 05:59:00 am
after reading this garbage I now more fully understand why crpg had to die.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 14, 2017, 06:12:45 am
After reading this i wish crpg had lived forever. This is part of what made it great.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Kadeth on September 14, 2017, 06:44:02 am
Not only that but none of  the admins said anything to you.

Hello, this is admin. I'm terribly sorry for this grave injustice, I will speak with Oberyn now.

@oberyn can you hurry up and fight this retard irl so none of us have to read any more of his headache inducing bullshit, cheers
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 08:35:52 am
He can't, Ras is too terrified to fight Oberyn, so instead he keeps asking weird questions like "how much do you weigh"
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 09:03:33 am
how old r u, kid??? do u get slapped irL?? i bet u have achieved nothing in life. U insult ppl online in 2017 xddd haha what a looser

Panic retorts. But if we're honest this is the best thread we've had in months.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 14, 2017, 09:05:52 am
true, true
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 09:40:03 am
how old r u, kid??? do u get slapped irL?? i bet u have achieved nothing in life. U insult ppl online in 2017 xddd haha what a looser

Panic retorts. But if we're honest this is the best thread we've had in months.
Where is the Saxon meme, Vibe??
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 09:52:35 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: IR_Kuoin on September 14, 2017, 10:09:00 am
How much do you bench Ras? And what's your average curl weight.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gurnisson on September 14, 2017, 11:04:56 am
Be aware, Oberyn, he might know the equivalent of a reverse chamber when it comes to boxing
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 12:37:15 pm
Exactly, it doesn't make any sense to me. You call someone out, you're mad enough to talk big about fighting someone irl, you accuse them of now knowing what they're getting into picking a fight with a random stranger, but then you start asking them what martial arts they might know and how much they weigh?

Either you're mad enough to pick a fight with an internet stranger or you arent. Why does it make the slightest bit of difference what they claim to weigh, bench, how tall they think they are and whether they do cute martial-art handshakes with people before sparring on a mat 3 times a week?

You get all nice and furious, but then start talking about sparring and weight divisions? You gonna touch gloves before your vicious street brawl?

*And plz Oberyn, I thought your offer of a romantic weekend in Paris with you was private and exclusively for me.
"FUCK YOU racist frenchman! I'LL FUCK YOU UP!"
"Ok let's do it, PM me"
"Uh... wait a second... how much do you weigh? I should've clarified, I'll only fuck you up if you're smaller than me and don't know how to fight..."
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 01:04:58 pm
*And plz Oberyn, I thought your offer of a romantic weekend in Paris with you was private and exclusively for me.

It was, you're the only fucker that has pissed me off enough on these forums that I was the autist calling for RL contest to settle it once for all. This is just giving Ras what he wants though, you can't really compare it. You're still special to me, boo.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 01:09:55 pm
It was, you're the only fucker that has pissed me off enough on these forums that I was the autist calling for RL contest to settle it once for all. This is just giving Ras what he wants though, you can't really compare it. You're still special to me, boo.
But Oberyn,

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:16:19 pm
How much do you bench Ras? And what's your average curl weight.
I dont bench much bro 85kg x10 4 sets goal this year is 95kg

Average curl ? I am not reallly sure what you mean bu that to tell the truth but i guess you talk about bicepes 17,5kg x10 x 4 but i tried to do more comlex stuff i still have a long way to go . But i am happy if i go to gym 4 times a weak.

Do you lift ?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:19:23 pm
"FUCK YOU racist frenchman! I'LL FUCK YOU UP!"
"Ok let's do it, PM me"
"Uh... wait a second... how much do you weigh? I should've clarified, I'll only fuck you up if you're smaller than me and don't know how to fight..."

Wait why are you lying about your fuckbody?

He said i am a pussy a my old friendg00t disrespect my dead mom and he said that if i ever went to Paris to pm him for some quick rounds.

He said at Gym so i ask him where is the gym ?? Whats the name of the gym?

Why you keep interfering let him handle his buisness or atleast ask him to tell us where his gym is at?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:20:46 pm
He can't, Ras is too terrified to fight Oberyn, so instead he keeps asking weird questions like "how much do you weigh"

Your answer is so funny because it proves that you are clueless .

we are talking about a fight and you say ''weird questions like "how much do you weigh"''
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 01:26:59 pm
I dont bench much bro 85kg x10 4 sets goal this year is 95kg

your goal this year should be school and some english lessons at least
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:34:06 pm
Exactly, it doesn't make any sense to me. You call someone out, you're mad enough to talk big about fighting someone irl, you accuse them of now knowing what they're getting into picking a fight with a random stranger, but then you start asking them what martial arts they might know and how much they weigh?

Either you're mad enough to pick a fight with an internet stranger or you arent. Why does it make the slightest bit of difference what they claim to weigh, bench, how tall they think they are and whether they do cute martial-art handshakes with people before sparring on a mat 3 times a week?

You get all nice and furious, but then start talking about sparring and weight divisions? You gonna touch gloves before your vicious street brawl?

*And plz Oberyn, I thought your offer of a romantic weekend in Paris with you was private and exclusively for me.

I say lets do it at a Gym so nobody can go to jail. But if you want to do it on the street no prob by me. I am up for it.
I am asking how much he weighn in because i dont believe its fair to fight someone that has less weight than me and he dosent even train.

i am 1,88 , 91 kg train some MMA back in the day  not on a fighting shape whatsoever right now i was hoping to get in the octagon someday ( i dont see that happening as i get older). But maybe here is my chance . I dont box i dont kick box i am not even an ahtlete anymore. So lets do this !!easy rounds for him .  Vale Tudo rules?

Thats why i am asking if he is a fighter.

You see if oberyn told me i box everyday or he is doing any combat sport and  he is picking fights with clueless people then he would have been a coward . But anyway . I ll fight the boxer. Let him tell us the Gym. You want Boxing rules or Vale Tudo rules?

Whatever you guys want.
I want to see the internet tough guy calling out people to  fight them.

Ask him where his Gym is at so we can make it happen
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 01:36:53 pm
Injecting this recent batch of shitposting after a long forum drought like
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:38:04 pm
It was, you're the only fucker that has pissed me off enough on these forums that I was the autist calling for RL contest to settle it once for all. This is just giving Ras what he wants though, you can't really compare it. You're still special to me, boo.

You cant hide now ''kid'' Tell me where your Gym is at .

Greece and France are in Europe so we are not far away.

How much you weign in  ? will do vale tudo or box what do you want ?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:38:35 pm
your goal this year should be school and some english lessons at least
Tell him to tell us where his Gym is at!! lets make this happen
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 01:41:20 pm
this might be news to you, but winning a boxing fight will not make you look any less retarded, here or in real life
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:44:20 pm
this might be news to you, but winning a boxing fight will not make you look any less retarded, here or in real life

he called me a pussy he called me a my old friend00t he even disrespect me dead mom and after all that he got the nerve to say to me to pm him if i ever go to paris for some quick rounds  and you still defend him?

Ask him where your fuckboy gym is at
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 01:44:27 pm
Everyone knows what happens if you meet up with a cRPG enemy IRL

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 01:44:34 pm
I'm talking about a fight and you say "we are talking about a fight and you say ''weird questions like "how much do you weigh"''"
Reminds me of this old classic
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:45:00 pm
It was, you're the only fucker that has pissed me off enough on these forums that I was the autist calling for RL contest to settle it once for all. This is just giving Ras what he wants though, you can't really compare it. You're still special to me, boo.
Dont be scared hommie
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:45:51 pm
Reminds me of this old classic

Ask your boy where his Gym is at i am not a fighter lets do this .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 01:47:00 pm
Is it necessary for you to know the exact spot of the gym? Just PM me with the date you will show up in Paris, we can arrange meeting then. We are similar in height and weight so you won't even have an excuse about being outmatched, although I see you're already hedging your bets, "not on a fighting shape whatsoever right now" lol godamn fucking pussy already making excuses while simultaneously puffing your pigeon chest out like you're bad shit.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 01:47:44 pm
Is it necessary for you to know the exact spot of the gym? Just PM me with the date you will show up in Paris, we can arrange meeting then. We are similar in height and weight so you won't even have an excuse about being outmatched, although I see you're already hedging your bets, "not on a fighting shape whatsoever right now" lol godamn fucking pussy already making excuses while simultaneously puffing your pigeon chest out like you're bad shit.
where his Gym is at i am not a fighter lets do this .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 01:51:14 pm
while simultaneously puffing your pigeon chest out like you're bad shit.
He "did some MMA back in the day" and can't wait to "get back in the octagon"  :lol:

Be honest Ras, the closest you got to "doing MMA" was watching UFC once. You don't train MMA in a fucking octagon you derpie, that's the common misconception of people who've never trained.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 01:51:24 pm
i mean i'm just saying you're retarded, it shouldn't be too hard to grasp even for your pea brain

and you willing to travel to paris to fight some guy who insulted you over the internet (lmao) is a perfect indicator of that, not that we had a lack of red flags when it comes to your thinking capacity anyway
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:52:59 pm
Is it necessary for you to know the exact spot of the gym? Just PM me with the date you will show up in Paris, we can arrange meeting then. We are similar in height and weight so you won't even have an excuse about being outmatched, although I see you're already hedging your bets, "not on a fighting shape whatsoever right now" lol godamn fucking pussy already making excuses while simultaneously puffing your pigeon chest out like you're bad shit.

Come on bro lets make this happen stop with the excuses you have a gym or not?

Do you want me to find one for you?

Paris is a big city right .I was hoping i can stay at a hotel close to the Gym or even stay at a friends house. So cut this PM me etc...Be a man dont be a pussy now.

Where is the Gym ? and you want boxing rules or Vale Tudo rules? kick boxing rules ?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 01:56:01 pm
Paris itself is actually a really small city. You can get from one side of the city to the other in métro in max 40 minutes. Everything is close and accessible. You've never been to Paris clearly, I doubt you've ever been anywhere outside of whatever poverty ridden greek ghetto you were born in. All of these things can be arranged on the day itself, I mean aren't you a badass MMA fighter? Surely you've done this before.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:56:35 pm
He "did some MMA back in the day" and can't wait to "get back in the octagon"  :lol:

Be honest Ras, the closest you got to "doing MMA" was watching UFC once. You don't train MMA in a fucking octagon you derpie, that's the common misconception of people who've never trained.
I 've trained some MMA back in the day never had a fight i was moslty doing no-gi bjj i always wanted to have an amateur mma fight never happened because as i was getting older i was getting more and more scared. But now is my chance i guess. Cant back down now .

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 01:56:50 pm
Though he am not a fighter, Oberyn just told me an location of his gym.  Hommie did provided the street for you.

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Him told me he would meet you there. Best be in your way.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 01:58:46 pm
Paris itself is actually a really small city. You can get from one side of the city to the other in métro in max 40 minutes. Everything is close and accessible. You've never been to Paris clearly, I doubt you've ever been anywhere outside of whatever poverty ridden greek ghetto you were born in. All of these things can be arranged on the day itself, I mean aren't you a badass MMA fighter? Surely you've done this before.

So do you want me to arrange a gym for us ? we can split the fee . Are you up for it or you will keep avoiding me ?

I ll make the trip bro.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 02:02:31 pm
we can split the fee

lmfao he's greek alright
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 02:03:20 pm
Sure, toss some names out. There are some shitholes I will not step foot in, I'm not gonna go to some St. Denis ghetto fucking gym, try picking something in Paris proper not the suburbs.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 02:08:25 pm
Dont be scared hommie

Hahahahahaha I missed this, fucker thinks he's a greek Diaz bro. Long lost 3rd Diaz sibling, smoking blunts and eating veggies in Athens.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 02:10:06 pm
I 've trained some MMA back in the day never had a fight i was moslty doing no-gi bjj i always wanted to have an amateur mma fight never happened because as i was getting older i was getting more and more scared. But now is my chance i guess. Cant back down now .
So now it's went from "doing MMA" to doing some grappling? Why would you train no gi in an octagon, again?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 14, 2017, 02:11:53 pm
Let me give you a piece of frienzyy advice here, Ras: Oberyn is a balding gypsy mafioso from Saint-Denis (here's a photo he sent me during our mercenary days  (
(click to show/hide)
, I recon he can only be more bald & ugly by now) and he'll probably blow you away like the smoke of his big fat cigar. If he doesn't - his gypsy friends will. If they don't - some arabian immigrant thugs will. So don't go to Paris. It will be your eternal resting place.

Edit: there, I blew his cover as we were typing simultaneously:

I'm not gonna go to some St. Denis ghetto fucking gym, try picking something in Paris proper not the suburbs.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 14, 2017, 02:15:09 pm
Oh he can't back off now. It'll ruin his reputation. He must prove with this fight that he is a man and get respect from all the cRPG. Then surely people will acknowledge his reverse chambers and will finally understand why he only looks like a terrible duelist - because he intentionally gimps himself with his build and only fights macro feinters and 100% block.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 02:21:58 pm
If only we could settle this with a strategus battle.  :cry:

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 14, 2017, 03:23:29 pm
mayhaps have panos do trial by combat fort oberyn?  would keep the violence in greece and no need to elevate carbon footprint of this thread
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:36:17 pm
So now it's went from "doing MMA" to doing some grappling? Why would you train no gi in an octagon, again?
YOu cant be that stupid ...
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:37:13 pm
Oh he can't back off now. It'll ruin his reputation. He must prove with this fight that he is a man and get respect from all the cRPG. Then surely people will acknowledge his reverse chambers and will finally understand why he only looks like a terrible duelist - because he intentionally gimps himself with his build and only fights macro feinters and 100% block.

Back off now?

I am already trying to find tickets to paris
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 03:44:27 pm
YOu cant be that stupid ...
Do explain why I'm stupid. I await with bated breath.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:45:42 pm
Hahahahahaha I missed this, fucker thinks he's a greek Diaz bro. Long lost 3rd Diaz sibling, smoking blunts and eating veggies in Athens.

So you so scared you dont want to tell your height weight etc..Because as you said you wont give information on the internet.

Why are you so scared?

How i will recognize you? Do you have any specific time you want me to text you?

I will come to Paris for vacation with my girlfriend see some friends too.

''PLATINUM - Hybrid Training Center  
15 Google reviews
Gym in Paris, France
Address: 12 Rue Charcot, 75013 Paris, France
Hours: Open today · 12–9PM
Phone: +33 1 45 82 76 58''

Have you ever been to that Gym?Is it close to your House ?Can you call to that gym and ask them how much they will charge us to use their mat ?Do we agree on Vale Tudo?We can find a gym close to you if you want

This is happening...

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 03:46:05 pm
I am already trying to find tickets to paris

How i will recognize you?

Wait for Oberyn to meet you at the Eiffel tower. When you get there yell out the code words "Allahu Ackbar" to signal to Oberyn that you have arrived.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 03:46:12 pm
Oberyn, the honor of the cRPG community rests on your shoulders. If you pull a Leshma on us and get beat by Ras_racist frenchman....... you're collectively disowned.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 03:49:13 pm
don't fly there dude, just hike the whole way.  Your testosterone will be through the roof after 370 hours of walking and you will be able to win
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 03:50:23 pm
I'll look it up and visit, will let you know how much they charge. I can PM you phone number whenever you're in town, or vice versa.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:51:39 pm
Do explain why I'm stupid. I await with bated breath.

I was did some MMA training back in the day but mostly i did no gi grappling .

Can you understand? Do you even know what MMA is? Do you know what no-gi grappling is?

Do you understand that grappling is an aspect of MMA?

I cant understand why you keep trying to defend your boy let him fight his own battles maybe he will be a man.

Tell him to tell me where he lives

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 03:53:35 pm

I'm going to guess "Happy Combat" is the after-work free-for-all beat each other senseless in open sparring session. So 5PM or so.

Nm, Happy Combat is "multiboxing", sparring session is Saturdays at 1 PM.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 03:53:58 pm
Expert analysis of likely fight outcome
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:54:13 pm
I'll look it up and visit, will let you know how much they charge. I can PM you phone number whenever you're in town, or vice versa.

You dont  have to look up and Visit call them now . Its easy pick up your phone and call them.  How i will know that i am talking to you on the phone.

I need to know its you bro. Maybe a friend of yours can post a pic of you.

Dont be scared bro is just a fight i am sure you fight before in your life.

Boxing rules or Vale tudo rules?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 03:54:48 pm
I was did some MMA training back in the day but mostly i did no gi grappling .

Can you understand? Do you even know what MMA is? Do you know what no-gi grappling is?

Do you understand that grappling is an aspect of MMA?

I cant understand why you keep trying to defend your boy let him fight his own battles maybe he will be a man.

Tell him to tell me where he lives
Holy shit you're retarded. You've never trained a day in your life fatso. No gi is different from MMA and you don't do it in the octagon you moron.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 03:56:12 pm
I'm not going to reserve a spot or waste money on some flakey retard, order your plane ticket and let me know which weekend you will be in Paris. I don't want your pathetic greek spare change, my treat.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:57:01 pm

I'm going to guess "Happy Combat" is the after-work free-for-all beat each other senseless in open sparring session. So 5PM or so.

Nm, Happy Combat is "multiboxing", sparring session is Saturdays at 1 PM.

Listen boy because  from what i understand you have never been to a Gym before ,you need to call them and ask them if we can use their mat for 10 minutes . Because we want to fight is as simple as that. Maybe they will not allow us to do it. Do you have a phone at your house?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:57:51 pm
Holy shit you're retarded. You've never trained a day in your life fatso. No gi is different from MMA and you don't do it in the octagon you moron.

I will copy paste this answer . This is GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 03:58:43 pm
Listen boy because  from what i understand

Anything you said after this is meaningless, because you understand nothing. The word "understand" becomes a tainted, deformed thing coming from your retard mouth.

Do you have a phone at your house?

Lol what decade do you live in? No, I have a cell phone, I don't have a rotary house-phone. Might be common in Greece I suppose.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 03:58:56 pm
I'm not going to reserve a spot or waste money on some flakey retard, order your plane ticket and let me know which weekend you will be in Paris. I don't want your pathetic greek spare change, my treat.

Ok ok whatever call them and ask them if we can use their mat for a fight for about 10 minutes

And answer me please vale tudo or Boxing rules? I've ask you 10 times already
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 04:00:52 pm
Anything you said after this is meaningless, because you understand nothing. The word "understand" becomes a tainted, deformed thing coming from your retard mouth.

Come on bruh dont try to avoid this call the Gym and ask them if we can fight at their mat for 10 minutes and how much we have to pay.

Some Gyms dont allow that because they dont want to be responsible for strangers health.

I dont sepak french
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 04:01:52 pm
I will copy paste this answer . This is GOLD!!!!!!!!!!!
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The only question left: were you dropped as a baby or is your retardation due to genetics?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 04:02:14 pm
Yeah I know you don't speak french, you barely speak english. Are you showing up this weekend? I don't see the need to call them immediately like a stupid fucking spastic, plenty of time. I want to see what this place looks like.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 04:06:07 pm
Yeah I know you don't speak french, you barely speak english. Are you showing up this weekend? I don't see the need to call them immediately like a stupid fucking spastic, plenty of time. I want to see what this place looks like.
Vale Tudo rules or boxing rules???
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 14, 2017, 04:17:30 pm
Get that frenchman Kalmar to record it for the forums please!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 04:17:40 pm
Lmao why do you keep saying "vale tudo rules", you realize that's not synonymous with MMA rules right you dipshit? Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you constantly namedrop to sound impressive and only end up revealing your ignorance
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 05:15:29 pm
I am already hard at work researching ancient fighting techniques for this showdown

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 05:24:17 pm
I reckon it's gonna be like this. Raz your fellow Greek Asterios Cuckinos went and fought a guy (The_Donald mod) without knowing what he even looked like. Also seems they decided it's going to be boxing match instead of MMA at the parking lot. You don't need to plan this so far in advance.

Fucking do it! Just remember to film it for everybody's entertainment or it will be utterly pointless. Oberyn I'm counting on you on this. Bring a friend with you who will film the whole thing. Especially all the shit talk before and during the match.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 14, 2017, 05:43:49 pm
My money is on Oberyn Balboa.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 06:07:15 pm
knife fights only
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 06:13:36 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 06:58:11 pm

Holy shit that's hilarious, it never ceases to amaze me just how awful at fighting the modern, average man is.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 14, 2017, 07:14:53 pm
is this this real? are we taking bets?
fuckin hell raz, im all in on oberyn.

jesus fuckin christ, cant believe im betting on a frenchie to win a fight, a testament to how far greece has fallen
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 07:16:36 pm
Holy shit that's hilarious, it never ceases to amaze me just how awful at fighting the modern, average man is.

Exactly. Best comment was from the gym employee: "When you take two guys and put them in the octagon with absolutely no skill, the bigger guy might come out a little bit on top".
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 08:00:36 pm
Holy shit that's hilarious, it never ceases to amaze me just how awful at fighting the modern, average man is.

boxing is hard, with no conditioning most people wont last 5-6 mins tops, which is probably how long any no holds barred fight would last.

unless your like me I trained Bruce to do these
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 08:08:21 pm
boxing is hard, with no conditioning most people wont last 5-6 mins tops, which is probably how long any no holds barred fight would last.
It's not about conditioning, and 5-6 minutes is way, way, way longer than your average person will last. At a decent pace, specimen like the ones in the video will be out of breath in 30 seconds.

The bigger problem is that they have absolutely no body control. They're both flailing and almost falling over by themselves.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 08:09:47 pm

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 08:56:28 pm
The bigger problem is that they have absolutely no body control. They're both flailing and almost falling over by themselves.

yup, and always people go for head shots... any fight vs some rando just punch their gut a few times.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 14, 2017, 09:11:35 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Beleg on September 14, 2017, 09:22:13 pm
yup, and always people go for head shots... any fight vs some rando just punch their gut a few times.
well, mr. bigshot, you've clearly never fought against a defensive tactician as the one in the video who constantly turned his back to his opponent to protect himself.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 14, 2017, 10:10:10 pm
then you just punch the kidneys like a heartless bastard.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 10:17:48 pm
well, mr. bigshot, you've clearly never fought against a defensive tactician as the one in the video who constantly turned his back to his opponent to protect himself.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 10:28:45 pm
Lmao why do you keep saying "vale tudo rules", you realize that's not synonymous with MMA rules right you dipshit? Although I guess I shouldn't be surprised, you constantly namedrop to sound impressive and only end up revealing your ignorance

Everytime you post something about fighting is GOLD. I will educate you again.

There is not a such thing as ''MMA rules'' .

Each promotion has a different set of rules . For instance: some promotions dont allow kicks to a downed opponent some others do.

When someone says ''vale tudo rules '' means that everything goes (maybe except ''no hits to the groin'' rule)  .

You are probably referring to the rules that the California State Athletic Commission created and they called them ''Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts.'' but that is just for the USA.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 10:30:28 pm
I'll look it up and visit, will let you know how much they charge. I can PM you phone number whenever you're in town, or vice versa.

I am still waiting from you to tell me

Boxing rules or vale Tudo rules?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 14, 2017, 10:33:03 pm
(click to show/hide)

Man it would have been so satisfying to see Mayweather lose to McGregor.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 14, 2017, 10:54:25 pm
Everytime you post something about fighting is GOLD. I will educate you again.

There is not a such thing as ''MMA rules'' .

Each promotion has a different set of rules . For instance: some promotions dont allow kicks to a downed opponent some others do.

When someone says ''vale tudo rules '' means that everything goes (maybe except ''no hits to the groin'' rule)  .

You are probably referring to the rules that the California State Athletic Commission created and they called them ''Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts.'' but that is just for the USA.
Again? First of all, this is the first time you're trying to "educate" me (probably for the best judging by your current attempt) .

Second, Vale tudo is MMA's precursor, and had its own set of rules:

Third, there are "MMA rules." There are universal amateur and pro rules, the pro rules are what you see in almost all MMA circuits, from regional to international competitions. Claiming there are no MMA rules is like saying there are no boxing rules, they're the Queensberry rules!!!!! I.e., autistic and retarded.

Fourth, because you said "boxing rules or vale tudo rules," you made it sound like those are the only possible alternatives, hence the reasonable assumption being that you're referring to MMA rules, because it makes no fucking sense to go from "boxing or LITERALLY ANYTHING GOES!!!" But of course it was a mistake to expect you to be coherent.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 14, 2017, 11:12:03 pm
You two should do a good ole sash in the mouth bouie knife fight.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 14, 2017, 11:48:53 pm
Again? First of all, this is the first time you're trying to "educate" me (probably for the best judging by your current attempt) .

Second, Vale tudo is MMA's precursor, and had its own set of rules:

Third, there are "MMA rules." There are universal amateur and pro rules, the pro rules are what you see in almost all MMA circuits, from regional to international competitions. Claiming there are no MMA rules is like saying there are no boxing rules, they're the Queensberry rules!!!!! I.e., autistic and retarded.

Fourth, because you said "boxing rules or vale tudo rules," you made it sound like those are the only possible alternatives, hence the reasonable assumption being that you're referring to MMA rules, because it makes no fucking sense to go from "boxing or LITERALLY ANYTHING GOES!!!" But of course it was a mistake to expect you to be coherent.


There is no such thing as MMA rules!!!

Different promotions have different set of rules!!

Boxing is an olympic sport is totally different than MMA!!!!.'' In Japan and Europe, there is no regulating authority over MMA competitions, so these organizations have greater freedom in rules development and event structure'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you said ''There are universal amateur and pro rules, the pro rules are what you see in almost all MMA circuits'' This is a complete lie!!!!!Different promotions have different rules!!!!!
There is no such thing as universal pro rules!!!!!

For example ONE Championship has different set of rules than the UFC!!! You believe that the  ''Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts'' are Universal they are not !!! !!!!It is just for the USA !!!!!!!
You keep trying to make yourself look knowledgeable on the matter by posting a link from Wiki.You didnt even know what no gi is you never heard the term ''vale tudo'' and now you are pretending to know about MMA rules!!!

You havent even rolled in your life!!!! YOU ARE JUST A NERD !!!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

You never trained in your life let alone walk at a Gym! You are just a nerd acting to know what are you talking about!! Your boy said something about fistcuffs so i guess he is talking about boxing so i ask him Boxing or vale tudo? 
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: POOPHAMMER on September 14, 2017, 11:58:15 pm
I dunno if these were posted but these are the only cRPG videos that matter

there was another of BADPLAYER hacking big accounts but I can not find it. Just pretend that is in this list
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: POOPHAMMER on September 15, 2017, 12:01:49 am
Oh, forgot these classics, recorded by yours truly
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 12:05:13 am
There is no such thing as MMA rules!!!

Different promotions have different set of rules!!

Boxing is totally different than MMA.'' In Japan and Europe, there is no regulating authority over MMA competitions, so these organizations have greater freedom in rules development and event structure'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!

You keep trying to make yourself look knowledgeable on the matter by posting a link from Wiki.You didnt even know what no gi is you never heard the term ''vale tudo'' and now you are pretending to know about MMA rules!!!

You havent even rolled in your life!!!! YOU ARE JUST A NERD !!!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

You never trained in your life let alone walk at a Gym! You are just a nerd acting to know what are you talking about!! Your boy said something about fistcuffs so i guess he is talking about boxing so i ask him Boxing or vale tudo?
Holy shit you're dumb. You couldn't even comprehend what I told you. You're literally incapable of reading.

Why are you using a thousand exclamation marks? You realize only ten year olds and retarded autists do that? Do you self identify as a retarded autist?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:16:32 am
Holy shit you're dumb. You couldn't even comprehend what I told you. You're literally incapable of reading.

Why are you using a thousand exclamation marks? You realize only ten year olds and retarded autists do that? Do you self identify as a retarded autist?




Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:17:39 am
Again? First of all, this is the first time you're trying to "educate" me (probably for the best judging by your current attempt) .

Second, Vale tudo is MMA's precursor, and had its own set of rules:

Third, there are "MMA rules." There are universal amateur and pro rules, the pro rules are what you see in almost all MMA circuits, from regional to international competitions. Claiming there are no MMA rules is like saying there are no boxing rules, they're the Queensberry rules!!!!! I.e., autistic and retarded.

Fourth, because you said "boxing rules or vale tudo rules," you made it sound like those are the only possible alternatives, hence the reasonable assumption being that you're referring to MMA rules, because it makes no fucking sense to go from "boxing or LITERALLY ANYTHING GOES!!!" But of course it was a mistake to expect you to be coherent.


There is no such thing as MMA rules!!!

Different promotions have different set of rules!!

Boxing is an olympic sport is totally different than MMA!!!!.'' In Japan and Europe, there is no regulating authority over MMA competitions, so these organizations have greater freedom in rules development and event structure'' !!!!!!!!!!!!!
you said ''There are universal amateur and pro rules, the pro rules are what you see in almost all MMA circuits'' This is a complete lie!!!!!Different promotions have different rules!!!!!
There is no such thing as universal pro rules!!!!!

For example ONE Championship has different set of rules than the UFC!!! You believe that the  ''Unified Rules of Mixed Martial Arts'' are Universal they are not !!! !!!!It is just for the USA !!!!!!!
You keep trying to make yourself look knowledgeable on the matter by posting a link from Wiki.You didnt even know what no gi is you never heard the term ''vale tudo'' and now you are pretending to know about MMA rules!!!

You havent even rolled in your life!!!! YOU ARE JUST A NERD !!!!!! WAKE THE FUCK UP!!!!

You never trained in your life let alone walk at a Gym! You are just a nerd acting to know what are you talking about!! Your boy said something about fistcuffs so i guess he is talking about boxing so i ask him Boxing or vale tudo?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 12:18:57 am
mr. frenzy here living up to his name
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:20:20 am
Everytime you post something about fighting is GOLD. I will educate you again.

Only GOLDEN thing you'll be seeing are your teeth after Oberyn is done with you (if you crowdfund a trip to the dentist that is).
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 12:21:35 am


Man up little racist frenchman and go get your ass beat by Oberyn instead of acting like a horny teenager sexting his first crush, "WHATS UR WEIGHT BBY??? WHATS UR ADDRESS??? CALL THE RESTAURANT AND MAKE A RESERVATION 2 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!!!"

What are you, scared? Pussy.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:26:52 am
Man up little racist frenchman and go get your ass beat by Oberyn instead of acting like a horny teenager sexting his first crush, "WHATS UR WEIGHT BBY??? WHATS UR ADDRESS??? CALL THE RESTAURANT AND MAKE A RESERVATION 2 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!!!"

What are you, scared? Pussy.




Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 12:27:31 am
xant you broke him
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 12:27:49 am



lmao what
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:29:41 am
Man up little racist frenchman and go get your ass beat by Oberyn instead of acting like a horny teenager sexting his first crush, "WHATS UR WEIGHT BBY??? WHATS UR ADDRESS??? CALL THE RESTAURANT AND MAKE A RESERVATION 2 MONTHS IN ADVANCE!!!"

What are you, scared? Pussy.


YOU ARE POSTING 5 POSTS PER DAY since 2011!!!!!!!!!!!



Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:30:31 am
xant you broke him

This kid is acting like he knows everything about fighting is unbelievable!!!!!!

He trully believes that!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:31:08 am
lmao what


Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:32:34 am
Only GOLDEN thing you'll be seeing are your teeth after Oberyn is done with you (if you crowdfund a trip to the dentist that is).

You need to crowdfund me a trip to Paris thats what the fuck you got to do!

Go at it!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:32:59 am

Yeah it's your turn!

You need to crowdfund me a trip to Paris thats what the fuck you got to do!

Go at it!

If I can trust you two fucking fight and film it!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:34:51 am
Yeah it's your turn!

I said boy start crowdfund me those fucking tickets!!!

Dont start licking Xant's  pussy now ....No , No....Let the kid cry

''Global Moderator'' my ass
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:37:26 am
Yeah it's your turn!

If I can trust you two fucking fight and film it!

The kid dosent even fight!!!!!

Why you want him to get hurt!!!

He is an internet thug!!!!!!

Do you live in paris ?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:40:10 am
Yeah it's your turn!

If I can trust you two fucking fight and film it!

Boy you can trust me on that !! i hope you come to paris to! I will go to paris alone !!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:40:49 am
Yeah I'm more like "Global Agitator" these days, eh? :rolleyes:

I don't live in Paris. Oberyn would not get hurt by the scum like you tho I'm pretty sure.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:42:17 am
Boy you can trust me on that !! i hope you come to paris to! I will go to paris alone !!

I said earlier I would pay 2€ to see a video of you getting rekt by baguette. Not fucking paying for tickets to go to Paris for that.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:43:53 am
I said earlier I would pay 2€ to see a video of you getting rekt by baguette. Not fucking paying for tickets to go to Paris for that.

Shut up then who gives a fuck how much you pay what the fuck you thing is goin on

Who da fook are you???

Motherfuckuh nobody cares about you go to your fucking bed
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 12:46:53 am
Shut up then you gives a fuck how much you pay what the fuck you thing is goin on

Who da fook are you???

Motherfuckuh nobody cares about you go to your fucking bed

this is almost worthy to be turned into a meme

man, I never saw someone get bodied so hard on the internet :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 15, 2017, 12:47:00 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:48:13 am
this is almost worthy to be turned into a meme

man, I never saw someone get bodied so hard on the internet :lol:

That boy thinks we care how much he will pay or not
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:49:57 am
this is almost worthy to be turned into a meme

man, I never saw someone get bodied so hard on the internet :lol:
You are another forum zombie posting 5 posts per day since 2011!!!

Whats wrong with you kids over here??
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 15, 2017, 12:51:09 am
pffft only 5 posts a day?! light weights.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:51:16 am
Shut up then you gives a fuck how much you pay what the fuck you thing is goin on

Who da fook are you???

Motherfuckuh nobody cares about you go to your fucking bed

It doesn't matter who I am.

Who da fook are you?! Let me answer. You're the entertainment of the day. Some random manlet clown having a meltdown on the internet. People find that amusing. If enough people would pay 2€ per view you could probably fund this boxing match and have a beer afterwards you retard.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 12:53:03 am
Hahaha Ras is going full retard, I didn't think it was possible for him to up the ante, but now I'm not even bothering to read his 1000 posts because there's just too many and they're all full of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s and caps
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:56:32 am
It doesn't matter who I am.

Who da fook are you?! Let me answer. You're the entertainment of the day. Some random manlet clown having a meltdown on the internet. People find that amusing.

You are a forum zombie!!!!!!! it dosent matter because we dont care who you are !!!!!! you are posting 5 times per day since 2011 you have a problem!!!!

You are trying to defend your other zombie forum friends by stating that you will pay 2 euros .. Who told you lil motherfuckuh that we care?? Who told you that because you post 5 times a day anyone cares about you?? Its the motherfuking internet baby only you care . Only fucking you!! Thats why you are here every motherfucking day.

Go the fuck out take a time out from here. What da fook are you doin?? Wasting your life like that . Go to the Gym have some party. And get some real life friends
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 15, 2017, 12:56:52 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 12:57:36 am
Hahaha Ras is going full retard, I didn't think it was possible for him to up the ante, but now I'm not even bothering to read his 1000 posts because there's just too many and they're all full of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!s and caps

I told you kid to stop the dick riding but you are still here.. ..
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 12:58:19 am
You are a forum zombie!!!!!!! it dosent matter because we dont care who you are !!!!!! you are posting 5 times per day since 2011 you have a problem!!!!

You are trying to defend your other zombie forum friends by stating that you will pay 2 euros .. Who told you lil motherfuckuh that we care?? Who told you that because you post 5 times a day anyone cares about you?? Its the motherfuking internet baby only you care . Only fucking you!! Thats why you are here every motherfucking day.

Go the fuck out take a time out from here. What da fook are you doin?? Wasting your life like that . Go to the Gym have some party. And get some real life friends

*2.196 posts per day
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:01:28 am
I think Ras might just be the maddest retard these forums have ever seen

Not an easy task
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:02:05 am
It doesn't matter who I am.

 If enough people would pay 2€ per view you could probably fund this boxing match and have a beer afterwards you retard.

Are you that stupid??

And i thought you are different than the other zombies here .

Enough people from where ?? Here?? Here is a fucking forum zombie party!!!!!!!The mod is fucking dead because you fucking killed it !! wake the fuck up zombie !!! You let everyone go!!!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:06:23 am
Are you that stupid??

And i thought you are different than the other zombies here .

Enough people from where ?? Here?? Here is a fucking forum zombie party!!!!!!!The mod is fucking dead because you fucking killed it !! wake the fuck up zombie !!! You let everyone go!!!!!!

I think an internet argument escalated into a boxing match is easily marketable beyond this forum. Think bigger! Think McGregor Mayweather. They made fucking bank. One guy with big mouth and other can't even read or write... Sounds familiar?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:06:42 am
I think Ras might just be the maddest retard these forums have ever seen

Not an easy task


Go out !! DO some drugs you are wasting your life!!!!!

What da fuck are you even talking about!!!!!!!!

You tried before to talk about mma rules pretending to know what are you talking about but you got your mouth at your ass because you are nerd !!!!

I am telling you boy you better get the fuck out of here get some real friends !

I am not fucking joking your 12.000 is an indicator that you got a problem boy.  5 posts per day?? motherfuckuh go out take a time out too !! its 2017 !!!!! what the fuck !! all the fucking forum zombies are here ??
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 15, 2017, 01:08:03 am
*2.196 posts per day
Damn I need to post more I only have 1.337 posts per day. But to be fair I started the forum game a few years after I started playing crpg.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:09:37 am
Damn I need to post more I only have 1.337 posts per day. But to be fair I started the forum game a few years after I started playing crpg.

I saw your posts per day count and thought that cheeky bastard. 1337 G4m3r
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:09:51 am

Go out !! DO some drugs you are wasting your life!!!!!

What da fuck are you even talking about!!!!!!!!

You tried before to talk about mma rules pretending to know what are you talking about but you got your mouth at your ass because you are nerd !!!!

I am telling you boy you better get the fuck out of here get some real friends !

I am not fucking joking your 12.000 is an indicator that you got a problem boy.  5 posts per day?? motherfuckuh go out take a time out too !! its 2017 !!!!! what the fuck !! all the fucking forum zombies are here ??
I think it's funny that someone rage posting 20 posts per 3 minutes is saying 5 posts/a day is a lot
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 01:10:10 am
DO some drugs you are wasting your life!!!!!

ah yes words of wisdom

i advise starting with heroin
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:11:23 am
*2.196 posts per day

Well i have to say i am sorry.

I was wrong you are a semi zombie.

Sorry bro .

Bro for real i am sorry....Now go to bed. Come tomorrow ok ? first thing in the morning check the forum but dont fucking reply go out for a walk even for a run if you can run. Do something wild like get a drink and sit at the park alone listening to the fucking birds or even call a girl or even a boy who cares bro live your life .

When  you come back to this forum dont a movie...create a tinder account jerk off a bit..then come back here at the forum you wil feel better with yourself
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:11:28 am
ah yes words of wisdom

i advise starting with heroin
I don't know whether I should feel bad about us abusing this retard so much
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 15, 2017, 01:11:55 am
I saw your posts per day count and thought that cheeky bastard. 1337 G4m3r
lol I didnt notice that ty. And I lied I guess< I registerd april 2011 and first post was in may 2011.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 01:14:19 am
I don't know whether I should feel bad about us abusing this retard so much

it does feel a bit like a bunch of men standing in circle around this autistic kid taking turns punching him
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:15:30 am
I think it's funny that someone rage posting 20 posts per 3 minutes is saying 5 posts/a day is a lot

Its 2017 come on do something different this year...Go out more .... I now its not easy boy i understand that . But you have to try this year. I am telling you boy if you to a gym you will see a difference in your life i suggests you do some bjj i know its expensive but  i believe it will be the best therapy for you. You will appreciate more life you will get humble and you will be more cool you will not have the same anger you have now.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:16:34 am
it does feel a bit like a bunch of men standing in circle around this autistic kid taking turns punching him

screeching autistic kid*

doesn't sound that bad now?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:16:55 am
Its 2017 come on do something different this year...Go out more .... I now its not easy boy i understand that . But you have to try this year. I am telling you boy if you to a gym you will see a difference in your life i suggests you do some bjj i know its expensive but  i believe it will be the best therapy for you. You will appreciate more life you will get humble and you will be more cool you will not have the same anger you have now.
You never did explain to me why you think no gi is done in an octagon, do you want to give it a shot little buddy? I promise not to laugh too hard
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:16:59 am
I don't know whether I should feel bad about us abusing this retard so much

You are a zombie talking to other zombies.....
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 01:17:36 am
you will be more cool you will not have the same anger you have now.

"you shouldn't fuck kids"
~ a paedophile
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:21:03 am
You never did explain to me why you think no gi is done in an octagon, do you want to give it a shot little buddy? I promise not to laugh too hard
You dont even know what no gi is !! your question dosent even make sense!!!!!!!

''why you think no gi is done in an octagon,'' what are you even talking about ????!!!!!

Boy are smoking some riffa ? I am not joking here ....

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:23:44 am
You dont even know what no gi is !! your question dosent even make sense!!!!!!!

''why you think no gi is done in an octagon,'' what are you even talking about ????!!!!!

Boy are smoking some riffa ? I am not joking here ....
Has someone been out "enjoying life" and doing some drugs, hmmm?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:26:23 am
Has someone been out "enjoying life" and doing some drugs, hmmm?
Dont change subject...( I really have hard time to believe you have a social life with 5 posts per day 12.000 posts since 2011)

Do you know what gi/no gi is?
Because your question didnt make sense
Its not bad to admit you dont know . You will learn and you will know.

So ask me ..
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:27:17 am
You dont even know what no gi is !! your question dosent even make sense!!!!!!!

''why you think no gi is done in an octagon,'' what are you even talking about ????!!!!!

Boy are smoking some riffa ? I am not joking here ....

Remind me what was it that you were smoking? Did you smoke vaccines?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:27:40 am
Dont change subject...

Do you know what gi/no gi is?
Because your question didnt make sense
Its not bad to admit you dont know . You will learn and you will know.

So ask me ..
Yes I know what gi no gi !!!! ANSWER M!!! TEL ME WHY???
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:29:35 am
Remind me what was it that you were smoking? Did you smoke vaccines?

Didnt i tell you to go to bed and never go full forum zombie ??

Go to bed ! We dont care about you go!!

I am sorry but i have to be tough on you .Go to bed now
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:30:06 am
Yes I know what gi no gi !!!! ANSWER M!!! TEL ME WHY???

So what is it then !! Tell me!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:39:29 am
Didnt i tell you to go to bed and never go full forum zombie ??

Go to bed ! We dont care about you go!!

I am sorry but i have to be tough on you .Go to bed now

Don't worry I'll go to bed soon enough. How considerate of you to worry about my sleep rhythm. I just need to know if you smoked (or god forbid vaped) vaccines to get that autistic before I can sleep. This will keep me up all night otherwise. My mind is boggled!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 01:44:25 am
Don't worry I'll go to bed soon enough. How considerate of you to worry about my sleep rhythm. I just need to know if you smoked vaccines to get that autistic before I can sleep. This will keep me up all night otherwise. My mind is boggled!!!!

Now do you believe that what you just  said is funny ....??

Dont feel bad because nobody here gives a fuck about you. Its true accept it and go on. Move the fuck on dont be a sheep like them you have a cool name You are the Son of the Fucking Odin .who the fuck is Odin ?we dont care.If you are bastard ??we dont care... You just have a cool name go to bed now feel good about that .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 01:51:31 am
So what is it then !! Tell me!!

ASNWER !!! TELL ME !!!! NOW!!! IDIOT!!!!!!!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 01:54:13 am
Now do you believe that what you just  said is funny ....??

Dont feel bad because nobody here gives a fuck about you. Its true accept it and go on. Move the fuck on dont be a sheep like them you have a cool name You are the Son of the Fucking Odin .who the fuck is Odin ?we dont care.If you are bastard ??we dont care... You just have a cool name go to bed now feel good about that .

I think it was pretty funny. I have the best posts. You know it. I know it. Everybody knows it. Hjuuge laughs. So great.

Yeah way cooler name than "Ras gonna get rekt by Frenchy".
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Kadeth on September 15, 2017, 02:44:22 am
sun of oden u have! a cool name .    :twisted:

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 06:58:38 am
drama never changes
this thread is gold and true crpg. starts off with love nostalgia message,  ends with epeen coursing and dueling for permaban life haha
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Leesin on September 15, 2017, 08:04:02 am
I've done shits harder than you Ras, I could choke you out in 10 seconds flat, then I would lay one of those shits out onto your face and there's nothing you could do about it. Come at me noodle arms
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 08:28:26 am
Wow, I go to sleep and he goes into a tard frenzy until 2 AM. Sorry I missed it. I thought you were going to buy a ticket to come to Paris with your girlfriend and all your friends, Ras? Why are you asking us to crowdfund you to come here and get your ass beat? Typical broke greek racist frenchman. Fucker is just trying to get a free vacation to Paris, would prob avoid me like the gigantic pussy he is.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 09:14:24 am
I really have hard time to believe you have a social life with 5 posts per day 12.000 posts since 2011

I know it's hard to believe since you are a useless human being, but people are capable of doing quite a lot of other things while also posting 5 posts per day. Maybe you judge by yourself, who has to charge his brainpower for 3 hours to form one post and it still comes out as vomit.

drama never changes
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Get out with this sjw bullshit, you filthy party pooper. Even though his english is abysmal, it was enough to pick up a fight with probably half the crpg forum. Retard needs to be smacked around (virtually), though I doubt his mind comprehends how hard he is getting slapped. Considering his use of "we ..." in his posts, I'd even go as far as to say he thinks he's got people on his side and is winning arguments. Ah how nice is the life of a simpleton, can't lose. In all these pages I don't think a single word from another person got to him, he's actually living on another planet, signal fucking lost.

Well, there was enough signal for Xant to completely break him last night. Xant the autist destroyer.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 15, 2017, 10:58:13 am
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Ten bucks on the half-breed, right here.

I follow. 10 bucks on Ras Frenzzyyy. Although I think this guys is just trolling you all. None can be such an imbecile, not even a Greek of Turkish origin.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 11:05:06 am
None can be such an imbecile, not even a Greek of Turkish origin.

I'd say the opposite, no one can feign such an imbecile, other than a genuine imbecile.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 11:33:57 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 15, 2017, 11:58:11 am
no one can feign such an imbecile

You'd be surprised.  :wink:

Anyway: I'm not betting on Bloby again. Did it once and we all saw how that turned out.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 12:03:09 pm
Counter-point: you're a broken alcoholic my old friend, lol you're welcome to come visit me as well you jew nosed bitch.

chadz spotted at 0:54
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 15, 2017, 12:09:25 pm
drama never changes
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props for digging up that post,  and on giving decent advice.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 15, 2017, 01:38:39 pm
you're a broken alcoholic my old friend

I'd still beat the crap out of you with one hand tied behind my back, kid.....don't make me visit you as well next year when I visit Lolwen.  8-)
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 01:51:29 pm

You'd have to be sober for more than an hour, I don't think you'd be able to make it without getting the sweats, old man.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 15, 2017, 02:43:25 pm
Yeah, Ras was just being a nice guy posting like a normal person and everyone started being mean for no reason.

Porthos has a pretty level view of the world.

Raz thinking he has to prove something here is kinda the origin for all of this,  telling him to stop thinking that is hence a good advice. 

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 02:45:28 pm
Raz thinking

raz no think raz just type
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 15, 2017, 03:32:08 pm
How I imagine it would be if Xant and Ras Frenzy actually fought IRL (gi or no gi).
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Not sure if he's still fighting Oberyn or not, a lot has gone on in this thread.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 03:57:19 pm
He went from looking at plane tickets for himself, his gf (hahaha) and his whole posse (lol) to begging people to crowdfund him a trip to Paris. Flakey fucking retard, called it.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 04:10:04 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 15, 2017, 04:17:31 pm
This thread was ok but we should find some new topic to post page after page of autism about

Possible topics:
-Guns are excellent and if you don't like guns you are an idiot
-Abortions are abhorrent and the murder of human children
-Global warming is a chinese hoax
-Europe is a smoking tire fire
-Hockey is a superior sport to whatever shit sport you like
-Why commonwealth nations are better than everyone else
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 15, 2017, 04:28:20 pm
This thread was ok but we should find some new topic to post page after page of autism about

Possible topics:
-Guns are excellent and if you don't like guns you are an idiot
-Abortions are abhorrent and the murder of human children
-Global warming is a chinese hoax
-Europe is a smoking tire fire
-Hockey is a superior sport to whatever shit sport you like
-Why commonwealth nations are better than everyone else

James you're supposed to list items that are debatable, not just a list of six facts!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 15, 2017, 04:29:24 pm
James you're supposed to list items that are debatable, not just a list of six facts!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 05:09:23 pm
Retard needs to be smacked around (virtually)
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If he is a retard, then who are you, trying to argue with him or *finger quotes* "having fun of him"? "Lelele me so smart and funneh i won over retard on ze interwebz xoxoxo". So, fighting retards on the interwebs is what making you be proud really? Good one :lol:
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aaaaand btw almost missed this hahhaa :mrgreen:
Well, there was enough signal for Xant to completely break him last night. Xant the autist destroyer.
Xant broke an autist you say? Hoooley moley, what a hero! Bro, that takes some balls for sure, I'm almost as excited as you right now!!! Have you managed to keep pants dry while writing about it? Because if you did, I'm even more proud of you!!! Thank you for letting me know this story of such glorious life achievement! Can you meet us with Xant?!
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 05:47:14 pm
Did you get triggered because I insulted your kind?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 05:52:42 pm
We found a white knight stupid enough to white knight for Ras, it keeps getting better
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 05:55:29 pm
Porthos stop trying to make me feel bad for punching down!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 06:29:58 pm
What's interesting to me is that because of the nature of forums, there's a selection effect -- the majority of posters, especially active ones, have at least 100 IQ. Then once in a while, as sort of a hero of the underrepresented retards, someone like Ras appears, who's just genuinely dumb. Being as stupid as a bag of rocks isn't his only or even biggest problem, but I still find it fascinating.

I wish there was a mandatory IQ test before you were allowed to go on the internet, and then you had to keep the score visible. I'm legitimately curious about the IQ of people like Ras. Is that what 90 IQ looks like? 80? 70? Or even 60? For example, here we have someone who has an essentially infinite amount of examples of - if not perfect, at least CONSIDERABLY better - grammar but he simply doesn't have the faculties to connect the dots. "Should I use a thousand exclamation marks? What about random spaces? How do paragraphs work? Hell, I don't know, there's just no way for me to learn!"

Of course, I suspect in a mind like his learning isn't exactly a top priority, so naturally he doesn't think like that, but that's what I find so curious about it. I have no idea if you become incapable of what I consider basic comprehension at 90 or 80 IQ or what.

Ras, would you mind telling us your (real) IQ, buddy? I promise I'll stop making fun of you if you do.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 06:44:06 pm
He went from looking at plane tickets for himself, his gf (hahaha) and his whole posse (lol) to begging people to crowdfund him a trip to Paris. Flakey fucking retard, called it.

All jokes aside i really would love to come to Paris and see you.

I am really curious to see where the lonely frog lives how you look like .  You are so scared to say to all of us how much you weight your height .  Because you said you dont give personal information on the Internet.

Even if you told me where you live I am not gonna hurt you. Dont worry and dont be scared .  But to tell you the truth in a perfect moment i'd love to slap the shit out of you and your boy Xant.  Just a slap maybe you will become human again.

Just send me a pic of you guys so we can all laugh with you.  Mr '' i dont give information on the internet''  ''i will not call a gym'' 'i will not tell you anything about me i am scared you will come under my house''
Its the internet man atleast you can try to be a man here.

Xant how come after your 12.000 posts they haven't even made you an Admin? Do they think you are stupid or something. You are posting 5 times per day and still they treat you like a peasant .

You and your white pussies are scared , i ll fuck you both till you love me my old friendg99ts
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 06:55:05 pm
Did you get triggered because I insulted your kind?
Wait, what? Where did you insulted me? Or do you think I got insulted by your stupidity rofl? :lol:
Okay, I'll repeat myself for you. I just said that if I'd join you for a moment to look on it from your "point of view" (lol), i.e. if I'd agree for a moment that Ras is such a retard indeed as you are trying to paint him so desperately, then you are even a bigger one in my eyes. See, it's easy to understand really. The question now is - do you really struggle with absorbing information that much, so I need to explain everything to you like you are really the handicapped one, or did that just triggered you to come up with that silly responce, ma boy? :wink:
We found a white knight stupid enough to white knight for Ras, it keeps getting better
Ras obviously doesn't need my help though. He is a grown man and does whatever he want to. And again where exactly I tried to defend him, lol? Oh wait, I heard your mental capacity is capped on arguing with retards, no questions to you anymore, lad :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 15, 2017, 06:58:25 pm
He is a grown man and does whatever he want to.

At this point I'm not so sure about that...
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 06:59:53 pm
At this point I'm not so sure about that...

Who the Fuck is ODIN??

Go out..its friday ...find a girl ...get drunk...Dont be like them....
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 15, 2017, 07:01:09 pm
We found a white knight stupid enough to white knight for Ras, it keeps getting better

Your white pussies need some Mike in your life .
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 15, 2017, 07:24:30 pm
Mike Tyson is awesome. Some of the greatest soundbytes ever.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 07:27:11 pm
It's called doxing, you brain dead moron. There are many reasons I don't want any of my online activities to get linked to my RL activity. Mostly political rants, as the Leshman so aptly pointed out. If you had any sort of reading comprehension you'd have seen that my height and weight are similar to yours. Slightly taller, slightly less heavy (you fat dwarf).

Even if you had showed up in Paris (and oh please I do hope you do so) you wouldn't have gotten my real name. We would've met at a gym, I would've fucked you up, and then we'd have gotten a drink somewhere if you're not the sore loser type. But you quite obviously are. Only the bundle of sticksiest of bundle of stickss still keeps a grudge after things have been settled like this.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 07:37:10 pm
Let's face it, Ras is never going to show up. He wouldn't be constantly asking completely irrelevant questions if he did plan on going.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 07:50:05 pm
Mike Tyson is awesome. Some of the greatest soundbytes ever.

Mike Tyson is a retarded rapist friend with a lisp and a face tattoo. I can see why Ras likes him.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 07:55:12 pm
Wait, what? Where did you insulted me? Or do you think I got insulted by your stupidity rofl? :lol:
Okay, I'll repeat myself for you. I just said that if I'd join you for a moment to look on it from your "point of view" (lol), i.e. if I'd agree for a moment that Ras is such a retard indeed as you are trying to paint him so desperately, then you are even a bigger one in my eyes. See, it's easy to understand really. The question now is - do you really struggle with absorbing information that much, so I need to explain everything to you like you are really the handicapped one, or did that just triggered you to come up with that silly responce, ma boy? :wink:Ras obviously doesn't need my help though. He is a grown man and does whatever he want to. And again where exactly I tried to defend him, lol? Oh wait, I heard your mental capacity is capped on arguing with retards, no questions to you anymore, lad :lol:

hey man I suggest visiting tumblr it's perfect for triggered sjws like yourself

Hmm, I'm also noticing a pattern with you.

- broken english
- doesn't understand a simple one line insult
- retorts on the level of a 5 year old child
- takes ras' side

That's it, you two are best buddies in the same institute for people with special needs and mental disabilities, correct?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 15, 2017, 08:08:09 pm
Ok, now I can't tell roleplaying a retard apart from actually being one. Good job everyone.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 08:19:23 pm
English isn't my mother tongue either, I try not to butcher it like it's some sort of pidgin colonial language at least. You stupid fucking ape, me big smart man. You no brain, no skill. Me big head, full smart. Am I finally getting through to you, or should I monkify even more to get to your abysmal level?

It's called doxing, you brain dead moron. There are many reasons I don't want any of my online activities to get linked to my RL activity. Mostly political rants, as the Leshman so aptly pointed out.

Mike Tyson is a retarded rapist friend with a lisp and a face tattoo. I can see why Ras likes him.

Only on cRPG would nerdrage shitposting put the majority of people here on the side of a blatantly racist memelord whose political opinions are so toxic he fears they would have repercussions IRL. New lows every time I check on this community.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 08:26:00 pm
Only on cRPG would nerdrage shitposting put the majority of people here on the side of a blatantly racist memelord whose political opinions are so toxic he fears they would have repercussions IRL. New lows every time I check on this community.

When the other side is an autistic retard with inflated opinions of his non-existent skill at the game in question, it's no contest.

If my completely reasonable worries were adressed decades ago when I first started to bring them up, and I wasn't called a "blatantly racist" islamophobe, maybe they wouldn't have festered until they became "toxic". At this point I couldn't give less of a shit what pearl-clutching racist frenchmans like you think. You are part of the problem and I hope you get the shit beat out of you by the poow wittle PoC whose dicks you constantly suck, you self-loathing race traitor dumb sheltered cunt. 
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Algarn on September 15, 2017, 08:27:35 pm
I came, I saw, and I question reality now.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 08:34:46 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 08:43:13 pm
And they're off! Look at this guy go. I call him out and I'm already a pudgy tumblrina SJW to him.  :rolleyes:

Just to be clear, I never said anything about Islam, so you kind of played yourself there, guy. Secondly, I didn't realize your concerns with pidgins and Mike Tyson were of such exigency that you would become a toxic member of society, nevertheless that they had to do with extremism. If only the Académie française had worked harder, they would have stopped the development of natural contact languages and the formation of ISIS!

Also, if you were cautious of Muslims years before it came to this boiling point, could you not also be a factor that has led to the alienation of Islamic youth around Europe? You probably don't think so because of your culturally-deterministic, strong Whorfanist-like worldview.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 08:44:09 pm
alienation of Islamic youth around Europe?

Literally neck yourself you dumb fuck.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 08:45:50 pm
Wow bro, you're sick for realz xDDD

hey man I suggest visiting tumblr it's perfect for triggered sjws like yourself

Hmm, I'm also noticing a pattern with you.

- broken english
- doesn't understand a simple one line insult
- retorts on the level of a 5 year old child
- takes ras' side

That's it, you two are best buddies in the same institute for people with special needs and mental disabilities, correct?

>broken english
woah that's such a heavy insult! deary me, my english (the language i use only to communicate on this forum once per 2 months or so nowadays) is bad! you hit me in da nerve with that! :cry:
>doesn't understand a simple one line insult
woah, you told me to go and visit a tumblr! thaaaat's an insult!!! plz don't be rude to me like that anymore or i will go and beat ur ass up :evil: :evil: :evil:
srsly (lol), can you tell me where exactly you've insulted "my kind", as you say, in the message that i was replying to? i'm still curious to know :?
>retorts on the level of a 5 year old child
well, i did that just for you to explain step by step the meaning of my message that seems to be slipping away from you. feel guitly for not knowing how to speak properly with the "special people" like you :oops:
>takes ras' side
bad news for you. me saying "vibe, you are retard ≠ takes ras side" :shock:


btw, the special olympics golden award is yours already, what else you are trying so hard to achieve, fool? :mrgreen:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 08:46:30 pm
I do feel dumb right now, but it's not for the reasons you think.  8-)

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 08:50:55 pm
Mike Tyson raped women and beat the shit out of his wife. Then he got a face tattoo and did a shitton of drugs. If you're not comfortable with me calling him a retarded friend, well, you can suck my friend dick, bitch.

I have nothing against pidgin languages, because they are their own languages. Like, they have grammatical and orthographic rules. It was just a way of making fun of this dumb greek's fumbling, terrible, semi-illiterate rantings. If this offends you, you can, again, suck my dick.

If you think the poow wittle terrorists are driven to it by hateful white racism against them, you can, again...well you get the gist.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 15, 2017, 08:54:24 pm
ras tier rambling

i wonder how many more posts until you start using full caps and absurd amount of exclamation marks like your friend last night

and there's no need to bother me in PMs
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 09:07:12 pm
sorry for that pm (where i just wrote you "don't be shy :wink:" - don't see how that's irritating, but whatever), and for calling you names (that was childish). no hard feelings at all, dude. you're a funny one (i really mean it - i like your sence of humour mostly and stuff) :lol:
much love <3
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 15, 2017, 09:18:05 pm
You guys are all retards
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 15, 2017, 09:21:58 pm
holy fuck

i agree with gravoth
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 15, 2017, 09:29:48 pm
holy fuck

i agree with gravoth

I disagree with you, dont affiliate with me, scum
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 09:39:29 pm
Mike Tyson raped women and beat the shit out of his wife. Then he got a face tattoo and did a shitton of drugs. If you're not comfortable with me calling him a retarded friend, well, you can suck my friend dick, bitch.

I have nothing against pidgin languages, because they are their own languages. Like, they have grammatical and orthographic rules. It was just a way of making fun of this dumb greek's fumbling, terrible, semi-illiterate rantings. If this offends you, you can, again, suck my dick.

If you think the poow wittle terrorists are driven to it by hateful white racism against them, you can, again...well you get the gist.

Sorry man, I don't have a folder full of memes to decorate each of my posts, so I'm just limited to text:

Mike Tyson has done deplorable things to women, got a tattoo, and has done drugs! So that justifies me calling him a racially-charged word I have no understanding of because I live an ocean away in a country where colonial slaves' rights to freedom were frequently upheld in the court of law.

Also, I have nothing against pidgin languages. I just think they're the same as fumbling, terrible, semi-illiterate rantings.

Anyway, my vitriolic personality and frightening political opinions, the same I don't want my friends or employers to see, are in no way ironically feeding into the fears ISIS hopes to generate and bring more Muslims in Europe to their cause.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 09:51:03 pm
Mike Tyson has done deplorable things to women, got a tattoo, and has done drugs! So that justifies me calling him a racially-charged word I have no understanding of because I live an ocean away in a country where colonial slaves' rights to freedom were frequently upheld in the court of law.

I've lived many years in the US and consume US media regularly. Racially charged word, hahaha. Niggas fucking use it like punctuation. And yes, if there's anything that deserves the utmost contempt, even to the point of using a no-no FORBIDDEN badwrung wurd, it's raping and hurting women. If I could put Mike Tyson in a stock and have the KKK grandwizard whip him while calling him boy it would be but the smallest measure of justice. Your insane hangups, brainwashed into you, matter not one iota to me.

Also, I have nothing against pidgin languages. I just think they're the same as fumbling, terrible, semi-illiterate rantings.
When compared to the language they originate from? Yes, absolutely. Have you read some english or french pidgin from african countries? Like I said, they actually have vocabularies, grammatical and conjugation rules, etc, but they absolutely sound like a foreigner attempting, badly, to speak the original tongue. Do you speak any? Have you ever been ANYWHERE in Africa? Have you ever stepped foot outside your first world country, you blind, ironically ethnocentric, self-righteous dick?

Anyway, my vitriolic personality and frightening political opinions, the same I don't want my friends or employers to see, are in no way ironically feeding into the fears ISIS hopes to generate and bring more Muslims in Europe to their cause.

My friends and employers are very aware of my political opinions, but you'd be surprised to learn that people develop enemies, in work or other facets of life. Maybe not in whatever gummy bear unicorn baby proofed existence you live in, but it's quite common.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 15, 2017, 09:57:13 pm
I disagree with you, dont affiliate with me, scum

holy fuck you really are heskeys twin. you just flip floped on your position even faster then he does.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 15, 2017, 09:58:54 pm
Oberyn Vs Dionysus

this is not the fight i wanted to see.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 15, 2017, 10:04:39 pm
are in no way ironically feeding into the fears ISIS hopes to generate and bring more Muslims in Europe to their cause.
That'd be the politicians, literally bringing more Muslims into Europe.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 10:19:30 pm
I've lived many years in the US and consume US media regularly. Racially charged word, hahaha. Niggas fucking use it like punctuation. And yes, if there's anything that deserves the utmost contempt, even to the point of using a no-no FORBIDDEN badwrung wurd, it's raping and hurting women. If I could put Mike Tyson in a stock and have the KKK grandwizard whip him while calling him boy it would be but the smallest measure of justice. Your insane hangups, brainwashed into you, matter not one iota to me.
When compared to the language they originate from? Yes, absolutely. Have you read some english or french pidgin from african countries? Like I said, they actually have vocabularies, grammatical and conjugation rules, etc, but they absolutely sound like a foreigner attempting, badly, to speak the original tongue. Do you speak any? Have you ever been ANYWHERE in Africa? Have you ever stepped foot outside your first world country, you blind, ironically ethnocentric, self-righteous dick?

My friends and employers are very aware of my political opinions, but you'd be surprised to learn that people develop enemies, in work or other facets of life. Maybe not in whatever gummy bear unicorn baby proofed existence you live in, but it's quite common.

So what you've just revealed in this rant was:

1. Despite living in the States for years, you don't understand the cultural difference of white people calling black people "friends" and black people using "nigga" amongst themselves.

2. You fundamentally misunderstand the formation of pidgins and creoles, which transcend the traditional tree-model of genetic language relationships. I've been taught the development of pidgins and creoles, and I've worked with an Akan language spoken in Ghana called Twi as part of my field methods requirement. It was my responsibility to analyze and decode a language without any outside resources, and it revealed how incredibly rich and complex human language is, regardless of ethnicity.

3. You've put up a facade that at best leads people to believe you're a bit to the right, but your true angry and bitter intentions would be a detriment to your position in society if most people knew them.

It's fascinating, because I met someone just like you who wore his Gadsden flag hat to class every day, but was real nice and endearing. That is until he added me on facebook, where his feed was lit up with Breitbart articles and "Disdain for Plebs" memes, joking about how worn down his keys were for typing "friend" online. So I can't help but feel you're a similar strain of yellowbelly fuckboy whose opinions are so morally detestable you can only find solace in online movements like the alt-right. Which is funny in a dark way because that seems to be the same exact story with Islamic extremists in your nation.  :shock:

Funny enough, that guy was taking a Norse history course with me. We would discuss readings every week, which he often participated in, but thinking back, it was interesting how silent he was when it came to ibn Fadlan's accounts of the Rus. Guess it was weird hearing the other side of the story. His final paper topic ended up being on the economic factors of the Norse.  :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 15, 2017, 10:26:18 pm
i miss raz, shits getting political

err hhmm








lol admit it, were gonna miss him.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 15, 2017, 10:26:35 pm
Good job with helping Oberyn to derail the thread into this usual political 4chan-level mumble jumble. You just letting him to puss out :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 10:31:04 pm
My bad, I just really wanted to get him to get him going on things he doesn't actually understand. :oops: I don't know this Raz guy, but I just want it to be clear there are two idiots in that fight. One of them just happens to type better than the other.  :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 10:41:25 pm
So what you've just revealed in this rant was:

1. Despite living in the States for years, you don't understand the cultural difference of white people calling black people "friends" and black people using "nigga" amongst themselves.
I understand it very well, I think the insane power black people still put on that word is a detriment. If you hadn't noticed, your wonderful american utopia has been falling prey to identity politics ever since the 60's. I use it SPECIFICALLY because it is taboo.
2. You fundamentally misunderstand the formation of pidgins and creoles, which transcend the traditional tree-model of genetic language relationships. I've been taught the development of pidgins and creoles, and I've worked with an Akan language spoken in Ghana called Twi as part of my field methods requirement. It was my responsibility to analyze and decode a language without any outside resources, and it revealed how incredibly rich and complex human language is, regardless of ethnicity.

You speak of creole and pidgin languages, then you bring up akan. It's not a pidgin or creole language? Or maybe we just have different definitions. If you consider akan a "pidgin" language, then so is literally every other language, in one way or another. French was originally just vulgar latin trade tongue that was mixed and addapted by germanic conquerors.
This is what I consider english based pidgin:
3. You've put up a facade that at best leads people to believe you're a bit to the right, but your true angry and bitter intentions would be a detriment to your position in society if most people knew them.

Yes, because society has been engulfed by postmodernist insanity for decades. What you consider statusquo I consider execrable. It is a flash in the pan. A deliberately unstable transitionary period. It has no historical equivalent, or in fact in any other contemporary societies or nations that are not "First World Western". The rest of humanity still runs along the same tribal patterns it always has, and always will. Globalism is a mirage at the end of a rainbow that does not exist. And the only people I care about already know my opinions.

It's fascinating, because I met someone just like you who wore his Gadsden flag hat to class every day, but was real nice and endearing. That is until he added me on facebook, where his feed was lit up with Breitbart articles and "Disdain for Plebs" memes, joking about how worn down his keys were for typing "friend" online. So I can't help but feel you're a similar strain of yellowbelly fuckboy whose opinions are so morally detestable you can only find solace in online movements like the alt-right. Which is funny in a dark way because that seems to be the same exact story with Islamic extremists in your nation.  :shock:

Funny enough, that guy was taking a Norse history course with me. We would discuss readings every week, which he often participated in, but thinking back, it was interesting how silent he was when it came to ibn Fadlan's accounts of the Rus. Guess it was weird hearing the other side of the story. His final paper topic ended up being on the economic factors of the Norse.  :lol:

I would be a hell of a lot more vitriolic if you said your contemptous bullshit to my face, believe me. Maybe vice versa as well? That would be interesting.

"online movements like the alt-right. Which is funny in a dark way because that seems to be the same exact story with Islamic extremists in your nation.  :shock:"

Yeah crazy, almost as if the alt-right is some sort of REACTIONARY movement. But what could possibly be provoking that reaction, I wonder? HMMMMMM IT IS A MYSTERY. Oh well, back to literally destroying the french ethnicity and upholding the cultural and ethnic rights of every single minority, while the native population is below replacement births, what could possibly go wrong. We can always import more muslims and africans and pakistanis, after all those nations are EXPLODING demographically! I could just go the route of being an apathetic holier-than-thou ivory tower scholar, I suppose.

Crazy how despite being the most tolerant, prosperous and non-violent nations on the planet minorities are STILL unhappy enough to murder and steal from and assault the natives relentlessly, because they feel so wronged. And they have the entire media and academic establishment providing them excuse after excuse for why it is perfectly reasonable. Yeah, I'm sure if the egyptian christian minorities were killing egyptian muslims routinely (as opposed to being literally genocided), the egyptian muslims would wring their hands and wonder what they could do to embrace them more.

This logic is only applied in very, very limited places. Can you guess which? In closing, suck my dick, racist frenchman.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 11:01:16 pm
Alt-right is a vaguely defined amorphous group right now, but I tend to agree with this view.
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Enjoy the dance.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Perverz on September 15, 2017, 11:15:47 pm
this topic is pure gold!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 15, 2017, 11:33:53 pm
I would be more than happy to explain why I mentioned Twi in relation to pidgins. Why don't we spare the netizens of cRPG from your pseudo-intellectual alt-right ramblings? I'd love to explain how the alt-right's values for fighting against "hedonism" are nothing new and are frighteningly similar to a little group called the NSDAP. Hit me up on Discord, my tag is syggelekokle. More than happy to discuss in text or voice.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 15, 2017, 11:36:14 pm
Lol nice try doxer

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 01:50:01 am
I'd love to explain how the alt-right's values for fighting against "hedonism" are nothing new and are frighteningly similar to a little group called the NSDAP.
I'm sure Oberyn is blissfully unaware of the surface level similarities with a couple of specific NSDAP propaganda claims. Making these tenuous connections and saying "see, X is practically the same as being a Nazi!!!" is a classic SJW tactic.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 02:38:45 am
The naz1s themselves were a reactionary movement, a reaction to the extreme social and moral decay of Weimar germany, the violent communist agitators and the presence of the soviets, who before Stalin got a full stranglehold of the political/military system and turned it into a nationalist, russian character, were 100% internationalists convinced their disgusting revolution would spread to the rest of the world, with Germany being the first domino to fall. It's almost as if the postmodernists are just a mutant strain of "communism", and the alt-right a mutant strain of "fascism"...
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Thryn on September 16, 2017, 04:46:52 am
hey guys can you lock this thread now? the mildly amusing france vs greece shitposting war is over and we have substituted it for a classic 4chan vs Tumblr SJW battle of wits that i do not want witness
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 04:53:37 am
Are you a heel walker, a ball walker or a day walker?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 16, 2017, 05:17:30 am
i miss raz, shits getting political

err hhmm








lol admit it, were gonna miss him.

the fuck did you just say you little shit boy, if you ever show your face in america i will rek your skull into the front grill OF MY CAR!!!! YOU KIDDDDD grow up get outside you limp dick dog and pony show
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Kadeth on September 16, 2017, 05:20:17 am
Only on cRPG would nerdrage shitposting put the majority of people here on the side of a blatantly racist memelord whose political opinions are so toxic he fears they would have repercussions IRL. New lows every time I check on this community.

No one "sided" with Oberyn because of his political views; if you read the thread you'll notice how Ras starts accusing people of cheating and being unskilled, which is hilarious when he's undeniably a bad player that knows nothing about the mechanics of the game, with overwhelming video evidence to prove this.

"new lows" for agreeing with someone who has a strong political stance, on something completely unrelated to politics... okay.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 16, 2017, 05:22:38 am
I've ( been compromised!!! (
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 05:39:11 am
No one "sided" with Oberyn because of his political views; if you read the thread you'll notice how Ras starts accusing people of cheating and being unskilled, which is hilarious when he's undeniably a bad player that knows nothing about the mechanics of the game, with overwhelming video evidence to prove this.

"new lows" for agreeing with someone who has a strong political stance, on something completely unrelated to politics... okay.
It was like he was trying to get the last word in on everyone even if he had to post 4x in a row consecutively. Almost like he was trying to be annoying.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 16, 2017, 05:40:49 am
No one "sided" with Oberyn because of his political views; if you read the thread you'll notice how Ras starts accusing people of cheating and being unskilled, which is hilarious when he's undeniably a bad player that knows nothing about the mechanics of the game, with overwhelming video evidence to prove this.

"new lows" for agreeing with someone who has a strong political stance, on something completely unrelated to politics... okay.

Yeah bro, I get it. It's just like if you're waiting in a fast food restaurant for some chicken tendies, but it's taking some time, so the guy next to you starts ranting about the service, and at first you agree and you're like, "Psh, right?", but then he goes on and on and starts saying how it's black people's fault, you know that guy? And he's waiting for you to agree with him but you don't want to start something because you just want your chicken tendies, so you're just like "Hm, I don't know, I don't know." It's sort of like that but everyone here was like, "Yeah, fuck the slow service, you're right!"
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 05:43:42 am
Yeah bro, I get it. It's just like if you're waiting in a fast food restaurant for some chicken tendies, but it's taking some time, so the guy next to you starts ranting about the service, and at first you agree and you're like, "Psh, right?", but then he goes on and on and starts saying how it's black people's fault, you know that guy? And he's waiting for you to agree with him but you don't want to start something because you just want your chicken tendies, so you're just like "Hm, I don't know, I don't know." It's sort of like that but everyone here was like, "Yeah, fuck the slow service, you're right!"
Did you ever get your chicken tendies? What kind of sauce?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 16, 2017, 05:51:02 am
I actually got stuck on a Megabus next to a guy who thought the government was building coffins in Arizona FEMA camps to bury political prisoners in.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ikarus on September 16, 2017, 07:42:46 am
hey guys can you lock this thread now? the mildly amusing france vs greece shitposting war is over and we have substituted it for a classic 4chan vs Tumblr SJW battle of wits that i do not want witness
Come on, its one mud pit with Oberyn, Xant, Leshma and Raz living up strategus traditions, I didn't even read all their responses (god forbid) but seeing some just double or even quadruple-post to answer others is just, well, forum hasn't had a thread that hot in months

a pit of muck, filled with fuck

Ras starts accusing people of cheating and being unskilled, which is hilarious when he's undeniably a bad player that knows nothing about...
I gotta admit that I´ve been looking through some old crpg recordings and I was a bit astounded how fast I was able to spam that heavy bastard sword, I guess xbowing for a couple of years does make you loose some melee skills after all
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 10:07:48 am
hey guys can you lock this thread now? the mildly amusing france vs greece shitposting war is over and we have substituted it for a classic 4chan vs Tumblr SJW battle of wits that i do not want witness
If only there was some way for you to avoid witnessing it, such as not clicking on the thread.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ras_FrenzYYY on September 16, 2017, 11:32:53 am
I understand it very well, I think the insane power black people still put on that word is a detriment.  I use it SPECIFICALLY because it is taboo.
You dint call Mike Tyson a friend because its a Taboo you called him a friend because you hate him. 
And you hate most of the non white people because as you stated minorities steal and kill relentlessly which is a lie.

We can always import more muslims and africans and pakistanis, after all those nations are EXPLODING demographically!
Muslim is not a Nation, Africa is not a Nation, Pakistan is a Nation.  But nobody is importing any refugee. most of the refugees come for a better future to the western nations. Maybe if you stop creating war and poverty to the world that phenomena will stop.

Crazy how despite being the most tolerant, prosperous and non-violent nations on the planet

Is France an non-violent nation? Is USA a non-violent Nation? Are any of the Nato Nations non Violent?Is Neo-Colonialism non violent?  France is one of the biggest factors that created the strongest core of Wahhabism in Libya by overthrowing Gaddafi and creating a failed state .

minorities are STILL unhappy enough to murder and steal from and assault the natives relentlessly, because they feel so wronged.
There are no minorities  that  murdering or killing  relentlessly any white people. Thats a lie .  Maybe you are talking about the native americans that the white minority systematically exterminate.

And they have the entire media and academic establishment providing them excuse after excuse for why it is perfectly reasonable. Yeah, I'm sure if the egyptian christian minorities were killing egyptian muslims routinely (as opposed to being literally genocided), the egyptian muslims would wring their hands and wonder what they could do to embrace them more.

 No Christians are killed routinely in Egypt that is a lie too. Muslims and Christians in Egypt as in Syria love each other. Your little wannabe Goebbels propaganda is not going to work on this forum white boy. 
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 12:22:39 pm

Red Army Choir is boss, will def get your degenerate commie blood pumping, before it has to be spilled for being so fucking degenerate. I like this specific song because it was originally a marching song for the White Army during the civil war which claimed millions of live ("imperial" russian army march before that). Commies reappropriated it afterwards, once they realized the world wouldn't magically turn into a global utopian wonderland where there were no differences or opression between anyone just because they really, really wanted it.


Ras you're a fucking joke when it comes to your retarded opinions on a game. I'm not going to argue with you over things that actually matter. It'd be like curbstomping a dirty, moronic cockroach.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2017, 12:31:16 pm
You guys are all retards

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Porthos on September 16, 2017, 02:12:11 pm
hey guys can you lock this thread now? the mildly amusing france vs greece shitposting war is over and we have substituted it for a classic 4chan vs Tumblr SJW battle of wits that i do not want witness
silly me - i never visited both 4chan or tumblr (well maybe occasionally while googling pics and so on) or their russian analogs to understand that witty remark about me being a classic tumblr sjw (dafuq is this even haha - am i getting it right that this is considered a severe insult in the 4chan community, lol?) that came from vibe before (hats off to you vibe, that was a good try really and i'd be really upset if i was into all this chan memeing matter for retarded the talented kids before). the more you know... :o

but in fact i never protected ras - the only thing that got me "triggered" was that vibe has pulled out this "the retard needs to be competed" sentention answering on my initial message spiced up with "im all wet for xant, the mighty autist destroyer", which just fucking got me into the stratosphere of laughs :mrgreen:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:20:24 pm
Hello boys,

Sorry, i know ive been inactive in this community. I found a much better community. Its called the Flat Earth Society... some brilliant minds there, much smarter then any of the wikipedia geniuses found on CRPG.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 16, 2017, 02:33:41 pm
But how do time zones work?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:35:59 pm
They work perfectly, even on a flat plane. Do your own research Paul.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2017, 02:38:28 pm
But how do time zones work?

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:42:52 pm
And here are your seasons.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 02:44:27 pm
Jambi prob trolling, but if not, I'm sure he has perfectly reasonable explanations for the many, many astronomical and metereological phenomena that are only explained mathematically with the slightly squished sphere rotating on itself and rotating around the sun model. It's almost as if humanity has recorded our perspective of the stars for practically millenia now.

As a small example, how would a flat earth model work with seasons being inversed from north to south hemisphere? When it's winter in the northern hemisphere, it's summer in the southern. The differences in day and night lengths based on these variations. The lack of seasons the nearer you get to the equator or the poles. Etc, etc. There's a mountain of stuff the flat earth tards never adress. I'm convinced it's almost entirely pure trolls egging on the real deranged conspiracists.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2017, 02:45:39 pm
lol @ thinking the earth is a sphere or flat everyone with more than 3 braincells knows the truth is

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:46:04 pm
Jambi prob trolling, but if not, I'm sure he has perfectly reasonable explanations for the many, many astronomical and metereological phenomena that are only explained mathematically with the slightly squished sphere rotating on itself and rotating around the sun model. It's almost as if humanity has recorded our perspective of the stars for practically millenia now.

As a small example, how would a flat earth model work with seasons being inversed from north to south hemisphere? When it's winter in the northern hemisphere, it's summer in the southern. The variations on day legnth based on these variations and seasons. The lack of seasons the nearer you get to the equator or the poles. Etc, etc. There's a mountain of stuff the flat earth tards never adress. I'm convinced it's almost entirely pure trolls egging on the real deranged conspiracists.

Have you ever seen this with your own eyes, or are you reading this off NASA controlled wikipedia?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 02:46:40 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:49:18 pm
lol @ thinking the earth is a sphere or flat everyone with more than 3 braincells knows the truth is

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Do your own research!

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2017, 02:53:19 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 02:55:19 pm
(click to show/hide)

Actually not far from the truth, half the truth visible in that picture. Read :
revelations: 7:1
After this I saw four angels standing at the four corners of the earth, holding back uthe four winds of the earth, vthat no wind might blow on earth or sea or against any tree.

Samuel 2:8
For the pillars of the earth are the Lord’s,

and on them he has set the world.

The elephant feet respresent the pillars.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 16, 2017, 02:56:57 pm
I've heard this theory that we are on the shell of a celestial turtle before. It seems VERY likely.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 03:02:41 pm
I've heard this theory that we are on the shell of a celestial turtle before. It seems VERY likely.

More likely then the heliocentric earth model, for sure!
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 03:03:20 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gravoth_iii on September 16, 2017, 03:09:14 pm
Damn bigoted ignoramuses, theres this thing called Yggdrasil, maybe youve heard of it? Imbeciles.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 03:14:43 pm

another flat earth proof.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 16, 2017, 03:56:47 pm
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that only works if the sun is almost an unidirectional light source like a flashlight or so close to earth that mountains create some kind of dusk/dawn. ignoring sun-downs on a flat horizon and the fact that we don't get burnt to a crisp at noon of course.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 04:05:50 pm
that only works if the sun is almost an unidirectional light source like a flashlight or so close to earth that mountains create some kind of dusk/dawn. ignoring sun-downs on a flat horizon and the fact that we don't get burnt to a crisp at noon of course.

This would only be true, if you believe wikipedia estimate of how hot the sun is. Maybe its alot less hot in reality. And who says the sun is a ball? Maybe its also a disc.

If i look at the sky i see a disc. if i look online i see CGI ball shaped suns.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 05:31:30 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 06:06:00 pm
Ras, how come you've stopped talking about your trip to Paris now brah? Where you at?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 06:10:12 pm
Downvoted because Cormier is best black man credit to his family and community and still reigning champion (+ Mighty Mouse, he's also awesome), Jon Jones is an unrepentant steroid popping coke sniffing sociopathic friend running over pregnant woman. Have you ever seen the Joe Rogan interview with him? Psycho asshole can't even pretend to feel empathy for the woman he ran over, even with the benefit of hindsight and trying to explain his own side of the story publically for the first time. All he can manage is "Me me me, I was so worried about my career, my first thought was what this could to me", etc. It's flabergasting. 
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 06:15:39 pm
Yes, I've seen the podcast with Jones, it's something truly fucked up. My favorite moment was when he said that he was really happy the baby didn't die....

... because he'd have gotten in more trouble if it had.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 06:18:44 pm
Another great Jones quote

“My parents kept us pretty sheltered. We were never allowed to spend the night at our friends’ house, not once. We were always taught to take care of our family and do the right things.”

In Jones eyes, doing the right thing definitely included spilling the beans anytime he witnessed anything he judged to be wrong as an adolescent.

“I’ve always been a person who tries to do the right thing in life, for the most part,” said Jones. “I’m no angel, but I was always the kid who snitched on the kids who had pot. I don’t want to offend the pot smokers out there, but I was kind of just a snitch. I was just down for people doing the right thing. My parents kind of raised me to be a good guy. I’ve always been down for the good side, I guess.”

brb snorting cocaine and driving over pregnant women
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 06:33:54 pm
Fun fact, he left the scene of the accident. But he came back...not to check on the victim, but to get something from the car. Leading theories are a bunch of cash or a stash of coke.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 16, 2017, 06:37:11 pm
Wait wait, don't you guys want to talk about how cultural marxism is destroying the west? Why is there no free speech anymore and a man is held on trial in Scotland for making his dog sieg heil for treats for a comedy video? (Count Dankula. You might recognize that name. He played warband not sure if crpg tho.)
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 06:39:46 pm
This thread has been slashed and burned to oblivion already, scorched earth tactics. Might as well throw some random spam in. Clown World is not going anywhere, don't worry, we'll get to enjoy it for years to come.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 16, 2017, 06:49:16 pm
I like how the thread title is actually accurate for what's going on in here -- it's reminiscent of the good old forums days. Very meta.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Thryn on September 16, 2017, 07:07:19 pm

i wasn't talking about you, i was talking about dion getting offended and going on a political rant because the racist homophobic sexist xenophobic patriarchy-loving islamophobe oberyn called mike tyson the worst word in the entire english dictionary and after doing so a bunch of crpg players had the AUDACITY TO EVEN SUPPORT HIM over ras_frenzy in this glorious monument to autism

i mean ras wins by default after all of the shit he posted because even the act of thinking that oberyn's in the right means you're a chocolate chip cookie, how can you even think to support a guy who says friend on the internet?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 07:11:42 pm
This one goes out to all our resident anime loving racist frenchmans:

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 07:41:16 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 16, 2017, 07:41:50 pm
Thryn, there's no time for this. There are more important issues at hand.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 09:10:27 pm
There is a disgusting preponderance of commie imagery in this thread. Time for balance.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Dionysus on September 16, 2017, 09:30:27 pm
I totally agree, dude.  :wink:

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 16, 2017, 09:32:52 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 09:50:28 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 16, 2017, 10:01:10 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 16, 2017, 10:06:01 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Lord_Carlos on September 16, 2017, 11:33:35 pm
Lol that happens if you are not a week on? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

That was fucking epic :mrgreen: 8-)

I was really thinking that raz and oberyn was doing a fight lol.

and raz with always vale tudo vale tudo, like a robot :lol:  :lol: :lol: :lol: Thats my native language you lol.

Strange to see how a childish rowdy fight topic changed.

PS: I will fuck you all in  Bannerlord Duel if it comes out :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 16, 2017, 11:49:11 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 16, 2017, 11:57:49 pm
bitch ass jambi your autism is already at max level

and even then I believe you were trolling with the flat earth shit, i'd be fucking great if you were real with that though, to spice up the thread
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: xxkaliboyx on September 16, 2017, 11:59:25 pm
Just read through all 30 pages, I laughed, I cried, I gained hope, I questioned all meaning of life, I guys showed me how to love again and hate.....

While reading through the 30 pages of epic roleplay........or so I thought. I don't know what is real anymore.
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Lord_Carlos on September 17, 2017, 12:03:05 am
Just read through all 30 pages, I laughed, I cried, I gained hope, I questioned all meaning of life, I guys showed me how to love again and hate.....

While reading through the 30 pages of epic roleplay........or so I thought. I don't know what is real anymore.
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Iam feeling 100% the same :o Its just without words
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 17, 2017, 12:10:53 am
Just read through all 30 pages, I laughed, I cried, I gained hope, I questioned all meaning of life, I guys showed me how to love again and hate.....

While reading through the 30 pages of epic roleplay........or so I thought. I don't know what is real anymore.
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Does that gif have something to do with that game that was letting you record your own facial reactions which would be transposed onto your ingame character?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 17, 2017, 12:24:56 am
Does that gif have something to do with that game that was letting you record your own facial reactions which would be transposed onto your ingame character?

I think its more like a small aid, to help people with autism figure out emotions and the facial expressions that goes with them.

I'm not sure, you might actually have to ask someone else in this thread.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 17, 2017, 12:33:59 am
I think its more like a small aid, to help people with autism figure out emotions and the facial expressions that goes with them.

I'm not sure, you might actually have to ask someone else in this thread.

Maybe some autisms can read people's expressions more accurately than we think (much more accurately than "regular" people) and it makes them uncomfortable, lock up and become unresponsive. Ever think about that?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 17, 2017, 12:52:05 am
Maybe some autisms can read people's expressions more accurately than we think (much more accurately than "regular" people) and it makes them uncomfortable, lock up and become unresponsive. Ever think about that?

Just like you said, "some". So for those autisms that dont, they need help with it, depending on the spectrum. I imagine
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 17, 2017, 01:16:59 am
The autisms was in you all along, Jambi.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 17, 2017, 01:17:20 am
Just like you said, "some". So for those autisms that dont, they need help with it, depending on the spectrum. I imagine

I said "some" because you didn't. Indeed there are many kinds of autisms.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 17, 2017, 03:57:08 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Gnjus on September 17, 2017, 04:12:30 pm
You should really stick to your walls of poetic text Bloby, you're not suited for memes, gifs & music.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 17, 2017, 04:37:14 pm
It just reminded me of Heskey's fav gif. Also how dare you bismirch my shitposting memes. Good day, sir. I SAID GOOD DAY.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 17, 2017, 08:19:42 pm
yo so what happend since the Paris-fight thing was being discussed?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 17, 2017, 08:33:25 pm
yo so what happend since the Paris-fight thing was being discussed?

I tried setting up a patreon as a neutral 3rd party in this happening. Apparently you are not allowed to profit from an adult man beating down a kid with bottom autism. Stupid rules. They also said Oberyn is too alt right for patreon. I guess patreon hates money.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 17, 2017, 11:43:39 pm
yo so what happend since the Paris-fight thing was being discussed?
Cliff notes:

- Ras pussied out
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 18, 2017, 01:00:46 am
To make sure nothing like this happens again we should all start a non-profit organization GROSTOTI: Get Rid Of Shit Talkers On The Internet (patent pending) also if any one has a better anagram plz feel free.

We will fund trips if two people can prove that they are legitimate going to fight each other because of internet drama.  We could get donations from companies so they can reduce the toxicity and film the fights for extra cash'ola.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: POOPHAMMER on September 18, 2017, 06:25:50 am
You know what

I am glad this mod died after reading this
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 18, 2017, 12:24:55 pm
Yes Poop everyone read Chester's comment. Good job.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 18, 2017, 02:09:55 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 18, 2017, 03:22:19 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 18, 2017, 03:26:16 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 18, 2017, 03:45:48 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 18, 2017, 04:41:21 pm
You know what

I am glad this mod died after reading this

lol as if the mod didnt die years ago, and that was before all the friend spamming and other ridiculous bullshit.
for over 2 yrs now this forum has served as nothing more than an entertainment platform for the sexually inept socially awkward hordes of teens that ruined this place by wanting to post stupid shit more than they played or cared about the actual game anyway.

poop you one of those people, barely even played the mod, running around spamming delay shields constantly.
so wtf are bitching about this place is perfect for you fucks, its like a mmo for homosexual trannies and left wing lunatics

this hasnt been a warband mod for fucking ages, the idea that suddenly people all of the sudden realize this place is just "4chan with names" and become disgusted with it....really? oberyn vs raz...thats your breaking point?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 18, 2017, 06:06:27 pm
Blah blah blah I'm a bitter old man who has to shit on other peoples parades Blah Blah Blah blahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, The world owes me so fuck you.

Very poignant StonedSteel, I am going to MMO as Twinkle Butt the homosexual Transylvanian transvestite as opposed to the straight transvestite.  Come into my layer.
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Ikarus on September 18, 2017, 06:07:01 pm
you better wear some protective clothing and a mask, gopnik, the toxicity and radiation level is off the charts here

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 18, 2017, 08:50:30 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 18, 2017, 09:17:04 pm

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 18, 2017, 09:54:28 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 18, 2017, 09:55:11 pm
So just read more of these posts and stopped at the flat earth stuff. My question is a simple one really. If the earth is flat, why hasn't anyone gone to the edge and taken a picture? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to say, "I told you so".

Also, are there walls to keep the ocean in? Wouldn't it just drain off into space and leave us with a waterless world (Kevin Costner's worst nightmare)?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 18, 2017, 09:56:45 pm
So just read more of these posts and stopped at the flat earth stuff. My question is a simple one really. If the earth is flat, why hasn't anyone gone to the edge and taken a picture? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to say, "I told you so".
Or bungie jumped off the edge with a GoPro?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 18, 2017, 10:02:03 pm
So just read more of these posts and stopped at the flat earth stuff. My question is a simple one really. If the earth is flat, why hasn't anyone gone to the edge and taken a picture? Wouldn't that be the easiest way to say, "I told you so".

Also, are there walls to keep the ocean in? Wouldn't it just drain off into space and leave us with a waterless world (Kevin Costner's worst nightmare)?

1st question

As above, so below
We keep animals in cages. And some autisms
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 18, 2017, 10:34:30 pm
So instead of Atlas carrying a round earth on his shoulders it's Frankenstein carrying the flat Earth on his head?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 18, 2017, 11:03:33 pm
Yo momma's so fat, when she sits down she flattens the earth.

Flat Earth Fact nr 69
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Casul on September 19, 2017, 12:05:43 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xesta on September 19, 2017, 04:27:37 am
Fuck, I always miss the action.


Was Raz already in Paris? :~)
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 19, 2017, 10:28:02 am
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what movie is that?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on September 19, 2017, 10:32:04 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 19, 2017, 12:42:36 pm
So instead of Atlas carrying a round earth on his shoulders it's Frankenstein carrying the flat Earth on his head?

No, it's turtles all the way down.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 19, 2017, 01:02:46 pm
First its ridiculed.   <-- (You are here)
Second it is violently opposed.
Third it is accepted as being self-evident.

You brainswashed sheeple are so predictable. Goyim! Its right in your face...

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 19, 2017, 01:19:34 pm
what movie is that?

I wondered this myself as the gif is fucking hilarious. Apparently it is from a show called "Quantum Leap"

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Here are a couple descriptions of the show I found in my short search.

"Sam Beckett, a genius doctor theorizes that one can time travel in one's own lifetime through quantum leaping. Unlike a genius he jumps into the machine and gets sent back into time. He takes over people's lives to right what once went wrong. In this case, he's making sure that handicapped guy can keep his job."

"Sam leaps into people's bodies to help them out. During the show we see sam as sam for logistical purposes, but when he looks in a mirror or when others look at him, they see the person he's leapt into."

"Sam Beckett time travels, but he does so by leaping into other people's bodies... or just their auras... I'm still kind of confused on this part, really. But anyway, he leaps "into" another person's life at a point in history (within Sam's own lifetime). Everyone around him (except animals and small children) see the person Sam leapt into, not Sam himself. He leaps through time, helping people by "putting right what once went wrong." It's usually minor stuff, but he fixes things in peoples's lives so that their outcome becomes the better.

He's accompanied by his friend, Al, who is still in the future (the far off year of 1999) who appears as a hologram that only Sam (and small children and animals) can see and hear. Al has a little handheld device that links him to their super computer, Ziggy, that predicts how and when someone's life went wrong, and what Sam needs to do to fix that person's life."
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Vibe on September 19, 2017, 01:21:00 pm
what movie is that?

ur family videotape
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Torben on September 19, 2017, 02:22:25 pm
ur family videotape

I was wondering how james got his hands on it
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 03:40:28 pm
Good game everyone. Just finished watching the flat earth video Jambi posted and the earth is flat. I'm convinced. Everything is a lie.

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jona on September 19, 2017, 04:37:47 pm
Real talk though, how do flat earthers justify the fact that the below two lines are actually of comparable length?

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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 19, 2017, 04:38:21 pm
Real talk though, how do flat earthers justify the fact that the below two lines are actually of comparable length?

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According to whom? ASTRONAUTS?  :lol:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jona on September 19, 2017, 04:40:04 pm
Nah I was thinking sailors, actually. Men who might have actually seen the great ice wall in person.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 04:57:15 pm
Nah I was thinking sailors, actually. Men who might have actually seen the great ice wall in person.

Typical Jona, always thinking about seamen.  8-)

This website explains it with MATHs.

EDIT: I didn't actually read the website, just googled it. It could be talking about how the earth is a globe, but then it would be wrong. Wake up Sheeple.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jona on September 19, 2017, 05:09:00 pm
I didn't actually read the website, just googled it. It could be talking about how the earth is a globe, but then it would be wrong. Wake up Sheeple.

Yeah... you should have.

The result matches without any doubt the Globe Earth Model.
The Flat Earth Model is wrong by a factor of 2,5!

Edit: I was sending an email to a client and my boss just now and when I hit cntrl+v to send a link to a dropbox, I barely noticed that the above flat earth quote popped up instead of a link, and nearly sent it... whoopsies. Like shit, if I'm gonna be sending that shit I gotta at least send flat earth propaganda and not vice versa so my boss knows I'm woke.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 05:26:55 pm
Yeah... you should have.

He was probably paid by NASA, using their equations to perpetuate the lie of a globe earth. Probably even factored in curvature of the Earth like an idiot.

All I'm saying is, do your own research and you'll realize that the earth is flat. It's so obvious.
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 19, 2017, 05:36:51 pm
Astronauts = Actornauts

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 05:40:06 pm
Astronauts = Actornauts


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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 05:40:59 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 19, 2017, 06:32:32 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 06:49:12 pm
Speaking of flat things the Flatliners remake good or bad?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 07:16:15 pm
Speaking of flat things the Flatliners remake good or bad?

Probably bad, as with all recent remakes. They'll add some cgi and explosions or something, limit dialogue, and make it a YA adventure!!!

Why you keep trying to change the subject or have you finally accepted the earth is flat?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 08:36:59 pm
Why are forks and spoons called flatware when they are obviously not flat? Also why is my reflection upside down in a spoon?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 19, 2017, 08:39:39 pm
Why are forks and spoons called flatware

Never heard that in my life.

We call it cutlery here
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: StonedSteel on September 19, 2017, 08:41:37 pm
holy fuck


right, oberyn, dionysus, get the fuck back to politics. its lame, its boring, its ALSO ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAUSIBLE!

its topics like this that actually make a good case for us devolving as a species.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 08:43:46 pm
Never heard that in my life.

We call it cutlery here
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 08:50:47 pm
holy fuck


right, oberyn, dionysus, get the fuck back to politics. its lame, its boring, its ALSO ACTUALLY FUCKING PLAUSIBLE!

its topics like this that actually make a good case for us devolving as a species.

I'm you're saying the earth is flat and there is no argument? Well we can at least agree on one thing. Mighty big of you m8, finally seeing the light.

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 08:56:36 pm
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on September 19, 2017, 08:58:14 pm

Weird, just redirected to me to a picture of your mom.
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Xant on September 19, 2017, 09:00:01 pm
Pagely reminder that Ras pussied out after all his bluster
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 19, 2017, 09:02:24 pm
Damn Bronto got salty after he turned flat.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 20, 2017, 12:54:41 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Jambi on September 20, 2017, 03:27:52 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Son Of Odin on September 20, 2017, 10:49:19 am
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 20, 2017, 04:23:47 pm
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Don't let Buzz catch you talking that shit jambi.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Lord_Carlos on September 27, 2017, 01:25:17 pm
WTF where is mister Robot? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 27, 2017, 01:28:31 pm
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What did he mean by that?
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Paul on September 27, 2017, 02:04:50 pm
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What did he mean by that?

Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on September 27, 2017, 02:19:36 pm

Obviously Paul is this your first time shitposting? Fuck man. Get in the game
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Drunken_sailor on September 27, 2017, 06:06:23 pm
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on September 27, 2017, 08:39:35 pm
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What did he mean by that?
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Oberyn on October 03, 2017, 12:57:52 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on October 03, 2017, 01:07:47 am
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Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Bronto on October 03, 2017, 04:39:23 pm
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Obviously that's a fake photograph. There's no curvature to a flat earth. Another one of NASA's lies.
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: Asheram on October 05, 2017, 02:36:54 am
thanks for having my back dude
Title: Re: good old days
Post by: njames89 on December 12, 2017, 01:54:51 pm
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