Off Topic => General Off Topic => Topic started by: Clockworkkiller on July 14, 2015, 07:47:55 am

Title: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 14, 2015, 07:47:55 am
Take the quiz, see what you get. (

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on July 14, 2015, 09:06:48 am
Bernie Sanders

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 14, 2015, 09:19:56 am
Typical commie
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on July 14, 2015, 09:26:51 am
Typical commie

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: the real god emperor on July 14, 2015, 11:19:18 am
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сукин сын )))))
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Artyem on July 14, 2015, 11:29:12 am
Bernie Sanders 97%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 14, 2015, 11:48:50 am
I have no idea about any of the candidates but here are my results  :D

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: pogosan on July 14, 2015, 12:23:20 pm
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: darmaster on July 14, 2015, 12:51:47 pm
Bernie hillary and marco :/
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 14, 2015, 02:13:47 pm
Marco: 89%
Rand Paul and Rick Santorum: 81%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Utrakil on July 14, 2015, 02:23:11 pm
Who is this bernie. He is 97% right.
Hillary seems to be pretty clever(91%)
and O'Malley passed the test with 79%.
the only republican that passed the intelligence test is Huckabee. with 52 %.
everyone else below 50%. that means : test failed. Your intelligence is under the required minimum to run for a political career.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on July 14, 2015, 02:24:54 pm
Bernie Saunders 84%
Hillary Clinton 82%
Rand Paul 66%

Some of these issues sounded like stuff we had here in the '60s. Sometimes I forget what a socially backwards shithole merica is.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on July 14, 2015, 02:39:46 pm
Bernie 91%, Hillary 88%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on July 14, 2015, 02:59:26 pm
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 14, 2015, 03:01:57 pm
Any European is going to have Bernie at more then 80%, lol

EDIT: this just in, ptx isn't European.

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Some gems:

Rick Perry, Ben Carson, Ted Cruz, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum's similar answer: No, the government should sponsor abstinence education programs instead

Should the U.S. remove references to God from currency, federal buildings, national monuments and other aspects of government?

You: Yes
Fucking pussies, all of them.

Should foreign terrorism suspects be given constitutional rights?

Marco Rubio and Carly Fiorina: No

Jeb Bush and Rick Santorum: No, they should be tried in military tribunals but not subject to torture

Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump and Ted Cruz: No, they are not U.S. citizens and should be subject to enhanced interrogation methods

Do you support affirmative action programs?

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders: Yes

Martin O'Malley: Yes, and laws should be passed requiring all federal agencies to give favorable treatments to minorities
tumblrmy old friends

Should the redrawing of Congressional districts be controlled by an independent, non-partisan commission?

Scott Walker: No, there is no better alternative

Rick Perry, Martin O'Malley and Rick Santorum: No

Ted Cruz: No, gerrymandering allows officials to more effectively represent the interests of their constituency
Ted Cruz pls
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Should internet service providers be allowed to prioritize traffic for websites that pay higher rates than their competitors?

Lindsey Graham, Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina and Rick Santorum: Yes

Rick Perry, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz: Yes, this would make the internet faster and more reliable for users
To these guys: just die.

Should able-bodied, mentally capable adults who receive welfare be required to work?

Ted Cruz: Yes, and eliminate welfare all together as it is not authorized in the Constitution

Lindsey Graham, Chris Christie, Marco Rubio, Ben Carson, Hillary Clinton and Carly Fiorina: Yes

Rick Perry, Donald Trump, Scott Walker, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum: Yes, adults who receive government benefits should be required to work
I suppose they are missing slavery. Ted Cruz award to Ted Cruz.

Should employers be required to pay men and women, who perform the same work, the same salary?

Martin O'Malley, Chris Christie, Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, Carly Fiorina and Mike Huckabee: Yes
It's already required with the same work, this question is meaningless.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on July 14, 2015, 03:05:24 pm
Suck it you commie lightweight yuropoor, SAD :lol:
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Prinz_Karl on July 14, 2015, 03:30:04 pm
Some of the republicans views really frigthen me and Donald Trump even being considered as president has made this whole presidential candidation more of a cheap sitcom.

Also there's over 300 million people in the US, yet there have already been two presidents from the same family and a third one is going to candidate, is USA a freaking dynastie or what? Shows to me, that only rich and influencial have any chance to become president.

The only candidates who are able to think rationally are maybe Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton, although I didn't went through all of the candidates.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 14, 2015, 03:49:45 pm
Shows to me, that only rich and influencial have any chance to become president.

Well yeah, that makes an awful lot of sense really, in any democracy.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Sharpe on July 14, 2015, 04:08:26 pm
96% with Bernie Sanders. That's dandy.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Reaktor_Rus on July 14, 2015, 04:10:22 pm
So, no more obama?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on July 14, 2015, 04:10:53 pm
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on July 14, 2015, 04:55:55 pm
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Those fucking retaliations from Trump lol, did he whip one of his slave chinese children to also post on his twitter

So, no more obama?

As opposed to Russia one president cannot have the chair for more than 8 years.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Nehvar on July 14, 2015, 05:28:39 pm
Bernie Sanders  88%
Hilary Clinton  64%
Rand Paul  64%
Marco Rubio  61%
Donald Trump 58%
Jeb Bush  53%
Ben Carson  52%
Ted Cruz  37%
Scott Walker  30%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vovka on July 14, 2015, 05:37:41 pm
Putin 123%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 14, 2015, 05:46:20 pm
Bernie sanders: lot of people like him, But he has no chance. A self-proclaimed Socialist will never get elected

Rand paul:I like his views, i dont like his character. He is spineless who appeals to PC tumblrmy old friends and pussies

Ted Cruz and a few others: Bit too Jesus-y for me

Ben Carson: Seems like a nice guy, definitely throws a wrench at libs being a black republican. I dont like how Anti-gun he is so thats a no no for me

Donald Trump: No chance to win, But i love how he makes the left go crazy. one of the few candidates with a backbone, very aggressive.

Hillary Clinton:....ummm how about no

Jeb Bush: Seems cool, Truthfully havent paid much attention to any of his views
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 14, 2015, 05:59:53 pm
Fucking pussies, all of them.

Meh, non issue for me, dont really give a shit whats carved into our buildings and on our money


im torn on this issue, honestly

tumblrmy old friends


Ted Cruz pls
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Truthfully, im sure most of the canidates love gerrymandering, they are all corrupt, Ted Cruz just a little more open about it  :D

To these guys: just die.

once again, corruption gonna corruption, they want to keep the support of the big corporations, because money

I suppose they are missing slavery. Ted Cruz award to Ted Cruz.

sure, have leeches not contribute anything and waste our money

It's already required with the same work, this question is meaningless.

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Miwiw on July 14, 2015, 06:52:26 pm
90% Marco Rubio
39% Bernie Sanders

I don't even know them!  :lol:
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 14, 2015, 06:58:32 pm
Meh, non issue for me, dont really give a shit whats carved into our buildings and on our money

Well I get it for historical buildings, they are historical for a reason. The thing I don't like is referring to God in official texts and ceremonials. Not really an important issue, but it would be very easy to fix as well. America isn't ready for that, or at least politicians act as if it wasn't.

sure, have leeches not contribute anything and waste our money

They already do. It's essentially a way to remove unemployment welfare and creating a new category of super-cheap workers for the government only.

I'd much rather do it in a straight manner i.e. create those low pay government jobs and reduce unemployment benefits so that these low pay jobs are better than welfare. Here in Belgium some people have real jobs that pay less than what they'd get with welfare.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 14, 2015, 07:11:48 pm
Bernie Sanders
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Christo on July 14, 2015, 08:15:19 pm
Erm, not so surprising I guess

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Franke on July 15, 2015, 12:43:57 pm
88% for Bernie, but who the hell is Martin O'Malley?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 15, 2015, 01:32:05 pm
88% for Bernie, but who the hell is Martin O'Malley?

Ex-Governor of the state of maryland from 2007-2015.  He did pretty well as the governor, no big complaints.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 15, 2015, 02:08:56 pm
Bernie Sanders is shades of Ron Paul. Same loud minority (overrepresented on the internet) completely convinced he's the second coming of Jesus, but watch him fail spectatularly in the primaries. No one who is not beholden to one of the two major parties can achieve anything by running for presidential election except weaken one of the sides. In fact I'm pretty sure that it's in the best interest of one of the parties to build as much hype as possible for Sanders, make his accolytes nice and dissilusioned with the process once the primaries are done and unwilling to vote for the person who defeated "their" candidate. Same shit that happened with Ron Paul fanatics.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: darmaster on July 15, 2015, 02:12:03 pm
i think oberyn got 98% jeb bush
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 15, 2015, 02:39:48 pm
76%Bernie Sanders  Democrat
on economic, domestic policy, foreign policy, education, and healthcare issues.

75%Rand Paul
Rand Paul  Republican
on foreign policy, domestic policy, immigration, and education issues.

68%Marco Rubio
Marco Rubio  Republican
on immigration and education issues.

60%Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton  Democrat
on healthcare issues.

58%Ted Cruz
Ted Cruz  Republican
on immigration and education issues.

I'm just realistic. Enjoy watching your golden boy get absolutely obliterated despite his super present online cheering squad.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 15, 2015, 04:59:40 pm
I'm just realistic. Enjoy watching your golden boy get absolutely obliterated despite his super present online cheering squad.

By "being realistic" you mean playing the second order beauty contest.

Everybody knows he will be obliterated at primaries. Nevertheless, elections aren't only about who gets elected. They are also about making a large scale opinion poll. For the voters, voting for fringe candidates is a statement much stronger than any opinion poll considering it comes at the cost of deciding who gets elected. You don't even have to look outside of France to learn that both big parties became scared shitless of a fringe party within what, ten years? That is a reality despite the fact that said party still has basically no chance to win the next presidentials. It's much better to vote for someone who represents your own position better and cares more about your issues. To a degree, of course. In a traditional bipartite, doing that gives an incentive to least one of the dominant parties to listen to what you want. If you just vote for one so that the other doesn't get elected, you'll get shit on continuously.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 15, 2015, 07:13:38 pm
Bernie Sanders is shades of Ron Paul. Same loud minority (overrepresented on the internet) completely convinced he's the second coming of Jesus, but watch him fail spectatularly in the primaries. No one who is not beholden to one of the two major parties can achieve anything by running for presidential election except weaken one of the sides. In fact I'm pretty sure that it's in the best interest of one of the parties to build as much hype as possible for Sanders, make his accolytes nice and dissilusioned with the process once the primaries are done and unwilling to vote for the person who defeated "their" candidate. Same shit that happened with Ron Paul fanatics.

Agree w/ everything except the internet fanaticism for Sanders is larger than Paul's was, I believe.  2008 was a long time ago.  Can't remember if he ran again in 2012.  Did he?  Anyway, I would vote for him if he beat Hillary w/o any issues.  Hillary is a horrible person and a champagne socialist.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 15, 2015, 07:37:09 pm
The only candidates who are able to think rationally are maybe Rand Paul and Hillary Clinton

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Torost on July 15, 2015, 08:25:32 pm
If it ends up Hillary vs Bush race ... I lose my faith in the american system.

Sure sign of imminent decline when the only two candidates you can pull out of the hat is relatives of former presidents.

Like 3rdworld countries...

Hillary is not a person you want at the helm of the Juggernaugt ... but the alternatives looks horrible.. lose-loseproposition imo.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 15, 2015, 08:59:09 pm
Hillary is not a person you want at the helm of the Juggernaugt ... but the alternatives looks horrible.. lose-loseproposition imo.

Most of the canidates are a better option then hillary
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Siiem on July 15, 2015, 11:44:03 pm
84% bern
70% Hil-dawg
51% O'bundle of sticks whomever that is?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on July 15, 2015, 11:56:48 pm
I don't follow American politics much, but what exactly is so bad about Hillary Clinton?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 16, 2015, 12:06:10 am
I don't follow American politics much, but what exactly is so bad about Hillary Clinton?

Corrupt, You pay me, I give you American Power as president(amongst other things, but this is the most recent option). And it's not the typical corporation paying her, it's entire foreign nations(For example, Russia was one of them).

Also, if you loved Obama, she's pretty much Obama Steroids.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tore on July 16, 2015, 12:37:48 am
97% Marco Rubio

pretty shitty test
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Torost on July 16, 2015, 12:42:29 am
I don't follow American politics much, but what exactly is so bad about Hillary Clinton?

I am no expert on american politics.. the negative i can see is that she is
1. Wife of former president. Have no love for the powerhousedynasties. Weakens democracy.
2. She has been to long in politics, gotten involved in to many scandals. Her husbands affair, personal finance, deleting emails .. etc
3. She is most likly a sociopath, but that is not so uncommon at the top.
4. Her health is an issue. Stroke/blodclot in the skull in 2013 (not confirmed), uses special glasses for double vision. Physical health is one thing, has it affected her mental capacities?

Overall she will pull much support because she can become the first female president. Why the republicans could not drum up their own female candidate is beyond me. (Carly Fiorina , who ran HP to the ground was all they could come up with.)
Or atleast put some color on it.. like a latino or asian. As of now... all old white men.. or teapartycandidates.
They had 8 years to plan this.. and this is what they could come up with?

Maybe it does not matter... puppets and actors.

I am ranting sorry.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 16, 2015, 12:48:44 am
I don't follow American politics much, but what exactly is so bad about Hillary Clinton?

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Artyem on July 16, 2015, 01:04:15 am
Why the republicans could not drum up their own female candidate is beyond me. (Carly Fiorina , who ran HP to the ground was all they could come up with.)

It was either Fiorina or Palin / Bachmann.  Not a very good group to choose from.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Talanarsis on July 16, 2015, 01:33:51 am
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: darmaster on July 16, 2015, 02:12:45 am

My god we have to kill him
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 16, 2015, 02:23:23 am
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Pretty much what I got:
Rubio 89%
Cruz and Santorum: 87%.

I am no expert on american politics.. the negative i can see is that she is
1. Wife of former president. Have no love for the powerhousedynasties. Weakens democracy.
2. She has been to long in politics, gotten involved in to many scandals. Her husbands affair, personal finance, deleting emails .. etc
3. She is most likly a sociopath, but that is not so uncommon at the top.
4. Her health is an issue. Stroke/blodclot in the skull in 2013 (not confirmed), uses special glasses for double vision. Physical health is one thing, has it affected her mental capacities?

Overall she will pull much support because she can become the first female president. Why the republicans could not drum up their own female candidate is beyond me. (Carly Fiorina , who ran HP to the ground was all they could come up with.)
Or atleast put some color on it.. like a latino or asian. As of now... all old white men.. or teapartycandidates.
They had 8 years to plan this.. and this is what they could come up with?

Maybe it does not matter... puppets and actors.

I am ranting sorry.

Rubio is actually a Latino.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Casul on July 16, 2015, 02:40:14 am
Democrats > Republican

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Algarn on July 16, 2015, 03:03:06 am
Sanders : 99%

Seriously tho, people in America should maybe consider making people more equal between themselves, a student shouldn't have to repay his debts for his next 10 years. That's just reserving the studies for those who've got the money rather than for those who deserve to study.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 16, 2015, 03:50:44 am
Sanders : 99%

Seriously tho, people in America should maybe consider making people more equal between themselves, a student shouldn't have to repay his debts for his next 10 years. That's just reserving the studies for those who've got the money rather than for those who deserve to study.

Or better yet:
Don't do something you can't afford to do?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 16, 2015, 06:23:02 am
Hillary's recent email-deleting thing would have gotten anyone not in politics jailed.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on July 16, 2015, 09:27:04 am
Or better yet:
Don't do something you can't afford to do?
Studies shouldn't be something you can't afford to do. Unless, of course, you want an uneducated, unqualified nation.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on July 16, 2015, 09:31:25 am
Or better yet:
Don't do something you can't afford to do?

Anders Bush logic.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 16, 2015, 09:55:53 am
It's kind of like career suicide if you don't have a degree.  If you get the job you won't get paid as much, you won't get the same promotions, and you won't get the same benefits (studies indicate you make twice as much with a bachelor's degree).  But that's even if you get the job.  Not to mention that one of the only advantages the western world has over countries like China is our ability to generate specialized workers and professionals.  In addition to all of this, if we don't reform tuition, we'll continue to aggravate the current student debt crisis which is threatening to destroy our entire economy.  If we don't change this soon, we're going to accelerate the disparity in economic growth between our rivals and our own nations and possibly cause another banking crisis that will make the subprime mortgage crisis look like child's play.

But apparently we just want "free shit".
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 16, 2015, 11:39:34 am
Or better yet:
Don't do something you can't afford to do?

I always wonder why a balkan shithole like Croatia can afford free tuition and free healthcare but a rich and powerful country like the US cant or wont. You seriously need some kind of socialist democrat reformer to bring your shit up to western standards.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on July 16, 2015, 11:58:05 am
I am always so staggered to learn what kind of people actually have Republican views, it is so extremely backwards I always assume the Republican vote consists solely of 50 year rednecks and Christians, not young people with life-long access to the internet.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: cmp on July 16, 2015, 01:08:52 pm
I am always so staggered to learn what kind of people actually have Republican views, it is so extremely backwards I always assume the Republican vote consists solely of 50 year rednecks and Christians, not young people with life-long access to the internet.

True, but in this case it's not backwards, it's political: poor + educated = most likely not republican.
Defeating the evil democrats is more important than the well being of the nation. Real patriots.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on July 16, 2015, 01:31:18 pm
82% Marco Rubio, whoever that is... But I'm okay with anyone, just don't let that snake Clinton win.

edit: also I'm a 50-year old christian redneck and I hope a republican candidate wins this election.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 16, 2015, 01:36:04 pm
I always wonder why a balkan shithole like Croatia can afford free tuition and free healthcare but a rich and powerful country like the US cant or wont. You seriously need some kind of socialist democrat reformer to bring your shit up to western standards.

probably because your country is the size of americas butthole with a stupidly high unemployment rate.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: ARN_ on July 16, 2015, 01:39:56 pm
Bernie Sanders 93%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 16, 2015, 01:45:21 pm
High unemployment rate = can afford free tuition and free healthcare?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 16, 2015, 03:04:44 pm
probably because your country is the size of americas butthole with a stupidly high unemployment rate.

If americas butthole with a stupidly high unemployment rate can afford it, whats stopping the US?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Algarn on July 16, 2015, 03:40:04 pm
If americas butthole with a stupidly high unemployment rate can afford it, whats stopping the US?

Simply the backward mindset of 50% of America's population.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 16, 2015, 05:33:02 pm
This backward mindset, while it has its own issues, is what allows the US to stay a country that encourages economic activity rather than punishing it under fiscal and administrative burden like 80% of European countries. And you know what? It works. You are all poor compared to the average Singaporean, despite the fact that they have no resources, difficult geopolitics and were just another shithole 50 years ago. How did they get there? Liberal fiscal policies.

The problem with the US political spectrum is that economic liberalism is a dogma for Republicans rather than a tool to be used everywhere except where it doesn't fit the purpose. Education and health being sectors where it definitely doesn't.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 16, 2015, 06:28:39 pm
If americas butthole with a stupidly high unemployment rate can afford it, whats stopping the US?

if you have all these highly educated croatians, why are they not filling your workforce?  where are your jobs?  im sure your higher education can explain it.  20%, ouch.

competition breeds success, atleast thats how the saying goes.  Paying for the experience to attend a college of prestige where the best and brightest educate, sounds like a successful formula.  You get what you pay for.  Now there are clearly options for people with either little or no budget, and if you have the GPA for this anyways, getting into a college, even if its a community college shouldnt be an issue whatsoever.  Only seems the people who didnt put forth the effort in high school are the ones suffering, since they wont receive the funding that someone else would if they tried.  So, will making education free for all lower the standards of education?  will businesses not accept certain degrees now over others based solely off the school you attended? 

This spills over into healthcare as well, where some of the best doctors in the world are in the United States.  Id assume, this is directly because of the competition for success being pushed.  It is what it is, obviously every system is going to have flaws, its just choosing the one best suited for the situation.  Now of course the issue of providing healthcare to every tom, dick, and harry is another issue, and id rather not get into it.

Its up to the states to provide the standards, of which they mostly have.  Having a high GPA gives you the ability to apply for local/state/federal grants that for the most part either give you completely free education, or at such a reduced rate that paying 10% of what you would have paid is a godsend.  Most states already have these in place.  Not to mention you can put a hold on your loans until after you are done schooling if you can provide assurance of full time schooling.  Or you can just join the military and have it paid for regardless, so many options.

Dont wurri doe, im just bakards reneck wif no ejucashion.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on July 16, 2015, 06:50:51 pm
if you have all these highly educated croatians, why are they not filling your workforce?  where are your jobs?  im sure your higher education can explain it. 

competition breeds success, atleast thats how the saying goes.  Paying for the experience to attend a college of prestige where the best and brightest educate, sounds like a successful formula.  You get what you pay for.  Now there are clearly options for people with either little or no budget, and if you have the GPA for this anyways, getting into a college, even if its a community college shouldnt be an issue whatsoever.  Only seems the people who didnt put forth the effort in high school are the ones suffering, since they wont receive the funding that someone else would if they tried.

This spills over into healthcare as well, where some of the best doctors in the world are in the United States.  Id assume, this is directly because of the competition for success being pushed.  It is what it is, obviously every system is going to have flaws, its just choosing the one best suited for the situation.  Now of course the issue of providing healthcare to every tom, dick, and harry is another issue, and id rather not get into it.

Its up to the states to provide the standards, of which they mostly have.  Having a high GPA gives you the ability to apply for local/state/federal grants that for the most part either give you completely free education, or at such a reduced rate that paying 10% of what you would have paid is a godsend.  Most states already have these in place.

Dont wurri doe, im just bakards reneck wif no ejucashion.

TLDR: You need to have responsibility in your life.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Daunt_Flockula on July 16, 2015, 06:59:33 pm
It is funny that most non-Americans are so big on Bernie the man (including me, as seen below). Also, who the fuck is Jeb Bush? Hasn't America had enough Bush's already?

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 16, 2015, 07:47:56 pm
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Yes because paying tuition and healthcare = 20% unemployment. Thats obviously Croatias problem.... Not the industry obliterated in the war, rampart corruption, a botched privatization project, dreadfully inneficient bureaucracy and abysmall leadership.

All those commie scandinavian and western European countries that also have this unemployment problem because they pay the tution and healthcare... oh wait.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 16, 2015, 08:20:32 pm
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Yes because paying tuition and healthcare = 20% unemployment. Thats obviously Croatias problem.... Not the industry obliterated in the war, rampart corruption, a botched privatization project, dreadfully inneficient bureaucracy and abysmall leadership.

All those commie scandinavian and western European countries that also have this unemployment problem because they pay the tution and healthcare... oh wait.

then dont bother comparing a country and stating, well a country the size of a thimble can do it, why not one the size of the entire continent????
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 16, 2015, 08:30:38 pm
True, but in this case it's not backwards, it's political: poor + educated = most likely not republican.
Defeating the evil democrats is more important than the well being of the nation. Real patriots.

To be precise, it's mass media using rhetoric and prejudice to influence the poor, uneducated, or misinformed masses.  Conservatives have a strong financial influence on the media because they have more money than their liberal counterparts.  If you own the media you can control the narrative and that's the most important variable in the election cycle.  It has little to do with any implied "patriotism" or some inherent American principle.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 16, 2015, 08:33:45 pm
then dont bother comparing a country and stating, well a country the size of a thimble can do it, why not one the size of the entire continent????

So, you are trying to say that the US cant afford it? I assure you it CAN

Here, pick one that isnt the size of a timble if that will satisfy you

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Are you really pround of being lumped with the likes of Africa, Russia and the middle eastren shitholes when it comes to this issue?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 16, 2015, 09:21:57 pm
Are you really pround of being lumped with the likes of Africa, Russia and the middle eastren shitholes when it comes to this issue?

im not lumped with anybody, i received my education, and it was free(i know, youre talking about the country itself).  As i stated before, it could be free for others if they would look and study properly.  The fact it isnt titled "free college" is just about the only problem i can pull out of the whole debacle.  Maybe im just being stubborn about it all, but im telling you without a doubt that if you have the GPA, and the ambition, you dont need money.  If anything, id like to see the statistics of people who went to college, graduated, and what the employment rate looks like for them.  I know how large the hiring pools can be for just a dozen positions that are available.  Fix the employment issue before we bother making more unemployed.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Umbra on July 16, 2015, 09:30:10 pm
I came on too harsh, im just jaded from arguing with people who think social safety nets are handouts for bums. You dont have to be a bum to have the misfortune of needing them and im greatful i live in a country in which i dont have to worry about those things, ill gladly pay more taxes for that. Now, if this shithole could fix the other problems...
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on July 16, 2015, 09:37:39 pm
I came on too harsh, im just jaded from arguing with people who think social safety nets are handouts for bums. You dont have to be a bum to have the misfortune of needing them and im greatful i live in a country in which i dont have to worry about those things, ill gladly pay more taxes for that. Now, if this shithole could fix the other problems...

if they did pass some sort of blanket education legislation on a federal level, id like to see what it would entail, because it would still be up to the individual states to abide the law, or complain about it, until its thrown out or changed entirely.  Id also like to see how it would effect the private education sector, in terms of their tuition fees.  I still believe it would create a disparity between people who paid and who didnt.  It might sound stupid, but businesses would most assuredly take someone with a degree from a prestigious school like Notre Dame over a school like Lancaster community college for the poor, lol.  So either way, it still doesnt help any damn thing.

just random crap i googled since i became curious:
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Algarn on July 16, 2015, 09:42:37 pm
It is funny that most non-Americans are so big on Bernie the man (including me, as seen below).

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Sanders is comparable to the European mid left standards (not communism, despite most americans think) , that's why a lot of Europeans in this thread have a lot of similar answers in common.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 16, 2015, 09:56:28 pm
I'm not trying to sound conceded but I was 98th percentile and I never received any financial aid.  The formulas that are used to determine financial aid are completely broken.  You have to be poor working class to qualify for them and that's okay for some people but it does nothing for lower middle class applicants like me.  I would be financially ruined if I went straight to university so instead I went to community college and transferred.  It's not that big of a deal but I can't help but think I was denied an opportunity because of a screwed up financial aid system.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 16, 2015, 09:56:41 pm
Tuition fees also serve to keep social mobility at a minimum, ironically in countries where the myth of the self-made man are strongest (US/UK).
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 16, 2015, 09:58:09 pm
Tuition fees also serve to keep social mobility at a minimum, ironically in countries where the myth of the self-made man are strongest (US/UK).

I like to call it the myth of social mobility for this reason.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Talanarsis on July 16, 2015, 10:11:25 pm
Hillary's recent email-deleting thing would have gotten anyone not in politics jailed.

The only reason its such a huge deal is because she was Secretary of State. She wasn't supposed to use a personal email, but she did anyways. She also had her own server. First she said it was just easier to use one email because she only had one device. Then she admitted to owning multiple devices (multiple phones and an ipad, so she could have used one device for her personal email and another one for her government email.)

Oh, by the way nubs when she was Secretary of State she only paid her female employees 73 cents for every dollar her male employees made. So much for gender equality.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 16, 2015, 10:16:48 pm
I'm not trying to sound conceded but I was 98th percentile and I never received any financial aid.  The formulas that are used to determine financial aid are completely broken.  You have to be poor working class to qualify for them and that's okay for some people but it does nothing for lower middle class applicants like me.  I would be financially ruined if I went straight to university so instead I went to community college and transferred.  It's not that big of a deal but I can't help but think I was denied an opportunity because of a screwed up financial aid system.

You don't have to be from a poor working class background. Plenty of middle class and even upper middle class and beyond minorities are eligible for financial aid, regardless of their parent's socioeconomic position. The zeitgeist of identity politics means that the most important primary factor for financial aid (socioeconomic position) is relegated to minor factor. Unless you have east asian origins, in which case you're even more screwed than "whites". Some people just seem unable to understand there is such thing as middle class and above minorities. Did you go into a STEM field? If you had, as a woman you would've had much financial backing from myriad organizations, regardless if you came from the top 1%. If you can prove even a small fraction of native american heritage that also opens some doors.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 16, 2015, 10:20:57 pm
You don't have to be from a poor working class background. Plenty of middle class and even upper middle class and beyond minorities are eligible for financial aid, regardless of their parent's socioeconomic position. The zeitgeist of identity politics means that the most important primary factor for financial aid (socioeconomic position) is relegated to minor factor. Unless you have east asian origins, in which case you're even more screwed than "whites". Some people just seem unable to understand there is such thing as middle class and above minorities. Did you go into a STEM field? If you had, as a woman you would've had much financial backing from myriad organizations, regardless if you came from the top 1%.

My brother didn't get any financial aid and we have nearly identical academic records.  It was probably our background.  I also had some investments I was forced to declare that may have been enough to disqualify me ($30k w/ dividends on my tax returns).  To be honest, I don't really know why I wasn't offered any federal grants.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Clockworkkiller on July 16, 2015, 10:54:45 pm
So, you are trying to say that the US cant afford it? I assure you it CAN

Here, pick one that isnt the size of a timble if that will satisfy you

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Are you really pround of being lumped with the likes of Africa, Russia and the middle eastren shitholes when it comes to this issue?

All of those countries are smaller than the US. Canada and Australian are most wastelands
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kalam on July 16, 2015, 11:28:57 pm
There's so much wrong, but reducing a ridiculously complex clusterfuck to something akin to animal personality tests probably doesn't help much. Look at all these characters and factions to choose from, and what they stand for. Let's not look at a system that doesn't incentivize politicians to come up with efficient policy. Still, apparently I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders than Ted Cruz. It's the tiny, tiny victories we have to fight for, I guess. Ugh.

The most interesting thing about this is that I got 22% with the people in my town. Not surprising, but entertaining nonetheless.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 17, 2015, 02:28:21 pm
reducing a ridiculously complex clusterfuck to something akin to animal personality tests

Literally what democracy is, hi welcome, glad you could join us.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Rando on July 22, 2015, 01:49:19 am
It demonstrates better than anything that just because you agree with someone's stance on key issues doesn't mean you'd ever vote for them, and just cos you disagree with someone that doesn't mean you *wouldn't* vote for them.

Because since when has agreeing on key issues had anything to do with the way people vote, what's more important is whether or not they're in the same political party that your parents voted for.

the REAL important issue when voting for MY president is: Would I have a beer with him?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Molly on July 22, 2015, 09:08:31 am
Donald Trump best Trump!

He has such a high entertainment value. Even more than G.W. Bush had.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Talanarsis on July 22, 2015, 09:14:51 am
Donald Trump best Trump!

He has such a high entertainment value. Even more than G.W. Bush had.

Yeah, at least Trump tells it how it is instead of dancing around issues. Even if he's not always right I like a man who's not afraid of what others think.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 22, 2015, 12:31:03 pm
Trump is a clown, he has no chance whatsoever of getting elected. He does not take it seriously anyways. It's a free publicity tour and he gets to troll other politicos,. His image as a shameless "celebrity" is already so widespread that he can say anything at all and no one will even blink, it's just Trump, people are used to it.
Removed Trump internet slapfight cause repost
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on July 22, 2015, 12:58:54 pm
Oberyn, noob, i posted that already on page 2.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 22, 2015, 05:47:30 pm
Funny how draft-dodger Trump called McCain a coward for getting captured in Vietnam. Despite McCain requesting a combat assignment and doing many ACTUALLY heroic things.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: cmp on July 22, 2015, 05:59:06 pm
It would be funny if he actually meant it, but he's just doing it for the attention.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on July 22, 2015, 06:33:08 pm
Trump is a joke and literally sabotaging the Republicans right now. Among all the stupid things he said insulting McCain was probably the worst thing he could do. Trump is a disgusting person and his populist babble is almost funny to watch, but the one good thing about him is that there is literally nothing he won't say. And that's because he can afford to say it and he knows he won't be elected.   
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Patoson on July 24, 2015, 01:42:44 am
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Also, long live Bill Maher! I get my news about the US from him and I love him. Bernie Sanders has been in his show (Real Time) many times, by the way.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 24, 2015, 11:47:04 am
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Also, long live Bill Maher! I get my news about the US from him and I love him. Bernie Sanders has been in his show (Real Time) many times, by the way.

Bill Maher has a good show, but John Oliver has really taken over with his long form infotainment exposes on important social issues that rarely are addressed in the media. It's a half hour long show but they put the main segment, which usually runs 15-20 minutes, on Youtube every week. If you or any other Euromy old friend don't follow it you're missing out. He's English but acts very New York after living there for a decade doing the Daily Show and somehow he pulls it off and everyone loves him lol, and in America we hate everything British/European (or just do AMERIKKKAN remakes like The Office) except fat worthless USA housewives who share posts of royal babies on Facebook more than their own family.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: BASNAK on July 24, 2015, 12:16:21 pm
I watch John Oliver's show weekly and it makes me understand what a pleb country USA is.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 24, 2015, 12:29:50 pm
in America we hate everything British/European (or just do AMERIKKKAN remakes like The Office) except fat worthless USA housewives who share posts of royal babies on Facebook more than their own family.

Lol please, americans will slobber over practically any "english" accented personality they listen to. Sounds so fancy! Why do you think there's such a glut of brits in your media?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Overdriven on July 24, 2015, 01:42:32 pm
Lol please, americans will slobber over practically any "english" accented personality they listen to. Sounds so fancy! Why do you think there's such a glut of brits in your media?

James Corden being the prime example. Everyone hates him here so he exported himself out to the US where he seems to have become a big hit even though he's a total knob.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 24, 2015, 01:58:58 pm
Lol please, americans will slobber over practically any "english" accented personality they listen to. Sounds so fancy! Why do you think there's such a glut of brits in your media?

What media would that be? Seriously I can't even think of a single example lol, If there's any famous British actors that people recognize here, most Americans won't even know they are British unless they hear an interview on TV with one and then feel betrayed. British actors are always using impeccable American accents and posing as one of us to get successful. I guess because "mass media" is basically "American media" and there's a lot of exposure for Americans running their mouths on TV or invading your country or whathaveyou . When I hear British accents I can barely even understand alot of them. The northern British accents  sound like mushmouthed hillfolk drunk on moonshine like Appalachian hillbillies. Who are actually the inbred descendents of Irish-Scottish illegal immigrant criminals in the first place so it makes sense I guess. So is the entire Deep South too, the racist shitty parts like the KKK and Texas that all Europeans constantly make fun of heh.

I can think of two Honest Brits I guess that made it on TV. Piers Morgan, who's primetime news show got historically low ratings on CNN and all you heard about him in our press was how he was a loud mouth condescending British scumbag who should be deported and had no right to be on an American news network, and he was eventually fired too cuz everyone hated him. People HATED him haha. And Simon Cowell from American Idol, who has an identical caricature of "loud mouth condescending British scumbag" but performs slightly better, I guess because he is making fun of fat chicks who can't sing instead of talking about gun control.

John Oliver isn't much different honestly since he also shares the gimmick of a condescending pretentious nit with high-minded cosmopolitan take downs of American institutions. But all his time with The Jews New York comedy probably taught him the line between being funny and being British.

No British comedians, sitcoms, movies, sports, or anything is remotely popular here, and most American girls probably would mistake younger British guys for effeminate annoying homosexual losers or something lol, and slap them hard if they heard the word "cunt" ever which is considered the worst thing you can say to a woman here so British people constantly sound extremely rude and sexist too lol. We also generally know of British tourists as fat, pale, boorish slobs we try to avoid seeing with their shirts off at Disney World too, since they actually are the stereotype people have of Americans.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 24, 2015, 02:18:39 pm
James Corden being the prime example. Everyone hates him here so he exported himself out to the US where he seems to have become a big hit even though he's a total knob.

I've quite literally never heard of him before in my life. Whoever he is, he probably sucks. John Oliver is the only British comedian I can think of that people actually like. No one even mentions that he's British, just that he's funny. He's an honorary American. He gets 2 million views on Youtube the next day no matter what and is all over social media. You have to be a black guy lucky enough to get your death by cop going viral to get the buzz he does each week.

One person I'd be happy to never hear "laugh" at one of his own second rate improv'd lines or even see his bitch tits flopping out of a sweat stained XXXXL yet somehow still skin tight black t-shirt is Ricky Gervais. If I ever need to make myself puke cuz of u know, reasons, I can just imagine his face or his laugh and i'm ready to projectile vomit like I'm an outtake from The Exorcist..  Where's the actually entertaining, if only slightly less disgusting to look at, fat British guys? America is full of those, till they have heart attacks and tragically die at 40 from obesity drug addiction and alcohol every few years. a heavy price to pay, but usually worth it
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 24, 2015, 08:45:18 pm
John Oliver's jokes fucking suck.  He comes off as that one creepy dude who sneaked into your social group and tries to win everyone over by acting like a dumb puppy and telling stupid jokes all the goddamn time.  Go back to kissing your queen's ass, Johnny, I know you secretly miss the taste and smell of old diapers.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: BASNAK on July 24, 2015, 11:53:15 pm
John Oliver's jokes fucking suck.  He comes off as that one creepy dude who sneaked into your social group and tries to win everyone over by acting like a dumb puppy and telling stupid jokes all the goddamn time.  Go back to kissing your queen's ass, Johnny, I know you secretly miss the taste and smell of old diapers.

Just because his jokes suck doesn't mean the facts he brings up are wrong.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 25, 2015, 01:08:42 am
John Oliver's jokes fucking suck.  He comes off as that one creepy dude who sneaked into your social group and tries to win everyone over by acting like a dumb puppy and telling stupid jokes all the goddamn time.  Go back to kissing your queen's ass, Johnny, I know you secretly miss the taste and smell of old diapers.

You're American I presume? This is an example of "Britishphobia" we all proudly admit to having and probably why the most successful British entertainers go out of their way to pass as American. There's something about British people, almost regardless of what they're saying or doing, guy or girl, funny or not, you get the urge to assault than with your fists, hogtie them to some driftwood and tell them to "give the queen my regards.. and send them back to a place that is basically America but two years behind in our shitty trends.

The only British person in history I respect is the honorary American, Oliver Cromwell. He led a rebel army in a revolution against the ever tyrannical English crown, disregarded centuries of European law and order by actually beheading his own King to properly abolish the monarchy and become the founding father of a British Republic model of government that celebrated things like freedom and liberty Cromwell and us Americans seem to understand but most others do not.. Before long of course he immediately gave himself even more power than the King ever had with the much improved secular title "The Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland" Led his elite unbeatable army to slaughter endless hordes of Irish scum who didn't pay him respect, owning them so bad that Irish people today are still afraid of him and protest his legacy, and finally to ensure this Republic remained secure he declared his oldest son sole heir of his unlimited executive power and died a hero. RIP Lord Protector, the First American.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 25, 2015, 09:56:25 am
Smoothrich, go back to singing, history isn't your forte. Neither is trolling.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 25, 2015, 11:44:48 am
Implying that singing is? Did we watch the same video?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 25, 2015, 02:52:25 pm
wrong thread, again.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 25, 2015, 05:06:43 pm
Jesus, get your act together.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on July 25, 2015, 07:22:30 pm
There's so much wrong, but reducing a ridiculously complex clusterfuck to something akin to animal personality tests probably doesn't help much. Look at all these characters and factions to choose from, and what they stand for. Let's not look at a system that doesn't incentivize politicians to come up with efficient policy. Still, apparently I'd rather vote for Bernie Sanders than Ted Cruz. It's the tiny, tiny victories we have to fight for, I guess. Ugh.

I am one of three registered voters in my entire county that votes green party every election. If politics is like sports, then I'm the guy that is rooting for that one team that hasn't won a single match in three seasons.  :cry:

Just because his jokes suck doesn't mean the facts he brings up are wrong.

You know who else had jokes that sucked? That's right... visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: BASNAK on July 25, 2015, 07:39:48 pm
You know who else had jokes that sucked? That's right... visitors can't see pics , please register or login

But he was h1tlerius
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 25, 2015, 07:41:47 pm
He actually used humour a lot, and was a master at going from a solemn tone to a witty remark and back, even in a very serious context. Take a look at this interesting, previously censored speech, as a case in point.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 25, 2015, 08:28:56 pm
Smoothrich, go back to singing, history isn't your forte. Neither is trolling.

Oliver Cromwell is widely regarded as one of the greatest but divisively controversial people in British history and was considered a paragon of the Enlightenment by his contemporaries, such as John Locke. His "No Apologies" type of diplomacy, efforts to enshrine Freedom in a new constitution, and unflinching total war upon traitors like the uncivilized to this day Irish all while expounding the virtues of meritocracy and liberty is as American as it gets.

A shame he was born 100 years too early, he would've been enshrined with the other Founding Fathers. Instead he's relegated to the dustbins of irrelevent European culture and history like just about every other European born after the Western Roman Empire fell, besides Napoleon and H1tler of course.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 25, 2015, 10:57:29 pm
Oh honeychilde, trying so hard.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jeade on July 25, 2015, 11:40:19 pm
I know I'm not adding to the circlejerk in here right now, but I figured I'd report my results.
Fear not, they are quite liberal.

Sanders at 93% and Clinton at 82%.
It's been a few weeks since I took it, but I do believe Rand Paul was in there around 55%.
The rest of them were significantly lower, anywhere from 5-30%.
If I had to choose, my money would probably be on Biden, but I'd likely kill myself before I voted for Biden anyway.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tiger on July 26, 2015, 12:24:00 am
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 26, 2015, 12:46:40 am
Rick Santorum has to be one of the more slimy-looking politicians I've seen in my life.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Switchtense on July 26, 2015, 03:47:09 am
Bernie 94%
Hillary 89%
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on July 26, 2015, 11:31:30 am
Rick Santorum has to be one of the more slimy-looking politicians I've seen in my life.

To me it's Ted Cruz
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kalam on July 26, 2015, 03:38:42 pm
Not Andrew Weiner? He does occasionally dress well though, which is an oddity for politicians here. Doesn't take away from his sneaky snake face.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 26, 2015, 03:39:27 pm
Santorum looks like the weasel he is.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 26, 2015, 03:39:38 pm
Not Andrew Weiner? He does occasionally dress well though, which is an oddity for politicians here. Doesn't take away from his sneaky snake face.

Is that the dude who showed his wangus on twitter to some womyn?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 26, 2015, 03:46:29 pm
Yeah, Weiner looks like the dubious accountant of some crime family, or straight out of a Goldman Sachs board meeting.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 26, 2015, 05:52:05 pm
Yeah, Weiner looks like the dubious accountant of some crime family, or straight out of a Goldman Sachs board meeting.

lmao, you mean he looks like a Jew?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on July 26, 2015, 05:56:11 pm
lmao, you mean he looks like a Jew?

Or a sleazy guido. I don't actually know anything about this guy's politics, I guess the combination of the name Weiner and the dickpick fiasco has tied his reputation irrevocably to that event.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on July 26, 2015, 06:26:51 pm
Ha ha, yes, he looks like both.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 26, 2015, 06:55:00 pm
Or a sleazy guido. I don't actually know anything about this guy's politics, I guess the combination of the name Weiner and the dickpick fiasco has tied his reputation irrevocably to that event.

Ha ha, yes, he looks like both.

Yeah but he's actually a New York Jewish guy, just like you both are actually typical European anti-Semitic racists.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 26, 2015, 06:59:22 pm
Yeah but he's actually a New York Jewish guy, just like you both are actually typical European anti-Semitic racists.
Oh noes, not the worst insult in all the world, anti-Semitic!111111
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on July 26, 2015, 08:53:50 pm
Oh noes, not the worst insult in all the world, anti-Semitic!111111

I think being called "a proud Finn" would be a more demeaning insult to someone honestly.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on July 26, 2015, 08:55:17 pm
Uhm... okay....
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Siiem on July 26, 2015, 09:21:47 pm
just like you both are actually typical European anti-Semitic racists.

Come on... don't burn up... Relax, sit down and enjoy a shower. If it gets too bad take a train ride.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Tagora on July 27, 2015, 12:41:41 am
Come on... don't burn up... Relax, sit down and enjoy a shower. If it gets too bad take a train ride.

dang dooder u like to live life on le edge
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Siiem on July 27, 2015, 01:41:42 am
dang dooder u like to live life on le edge

What do do you mean. All those things are just common every day things. Objectively, jews should be able to pay the value of all those things. It's not like it costs a bag of gold.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on August 09, 2015, 05:49:02 pm
A new episode of Sanders getting rekt by "black lives matter" protesters:

Sanders was just starting to address several thousand people gathered shoulder to shoulder at Westlake Park when two women took over the microphone.
Organizers couldn't persuade the two to wait and agreed to give them a few minutes, prompting boos from some in the crowd.
When the crowd asked the activists to allow Sanders to speak, one activist called the crowd "white supremacist liberals," according to event participants. Participants also said a Black Lives Matter activist confronted Sanders, stating he needed "to be held accountable".
After waiting about 20 minutes, Sanders himself was pushed away when he tried to take the microphone back.
Social Security Works rally organizers pleaded with Black Lives Matter activists to leave the stage and allow Sanders to speak, but the activists remained on stage until the event was forced to end.
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 09, 2015, 05:54:44 pm
What, how hard is it to chuck two women off a stage?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vovka on August 09, 2015, 08:06:05 pm
What, how hard is it to chuck two women off a stage?
mb cos they was white? the black one will be shoted immediately  :P
omg they black...there were no cops around?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: AntiBlitz on August 09, 2015, 09:09:36 pm
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its a good way to really drown your message in shit.  I think the only reason they werent thrown off stage is because Bernie is the guy who is meant to represent these fucking clowns.....
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 13, 2015, 05:12:08 pm
As a libertarian the best you can do with your vote in the US is leave the country or something. The fact that he even stayed on stage while those racists were peddling their bullshit is demonstrating how much influence they have.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Molly on August 13, 2015, 05:55:55 pm
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 13, 2015, 06:03:59 pm
Wow, this pissed me off.

And they fucking let them have the mic. Hey, being an obnoxious retard apparently pays off.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: no_rules_just_play on August 13, 2015, 06:13:14 pm
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I'm a bit skeptical though. I know very little about the candidates (except Trump, because he's an attention whore) and although I agree with certain points of these candidates, I also have some serious issues with others. Like Bernie Sanders letting these black protesters walk all over him or his opinion to legalize weed and to release all inmates that are in jail for drug use. I also heard some stuff about Hillary going full SJW and trying to get the feminists behind her. Maybe I should just have voted no on the wage gap thing.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 13, 2015, 06:39:38 pm
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I have a hard time understanding how they couldn't grasp that people were not booing their message - which they subsequently managed to corrupt entirely on their own - but the fact that they forced their way to the podium and aggressively hijacked the event, antagonized potential allies and hurting whatever cause they claim to be promoting.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Falka on August 13, 2015, 06:55:45 pm
(click to show/hide)

PS. Everyone here is democrat?

PS2. Kay, nvm, looks like I"m late to the party.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on August 13, 2015, 07:29:18 pm
*Tinfoil hat on*

It was the GOP who sent them.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 13, 2015, 07:41:07 pm
The audience 'doesn't care about black lives' and are 'all white supremacists' - because they don't want her interrupting the speech they came to hear. I read that even black eye-witnesses were being called 'white supremacists' for asking BLM supporters to please lower their banners a bit so they could see the stage.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Algarn on August 13, 2015, 08:51:30 pm
By interrupting Bernie Sanders, they're gaining pretty good publicity, and picking Bernie Sanders in particular because it won't completely alienate this specific ally and his followers.

Or they are just behaving like asses to people who wanted to listen to Bernie Sanders instead of being called "white liberal supremacists". I don't know why the hell Sanders even allowed them to get up there.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 13, 2015, 11:05:09 pm
I have a hard time understanding how they couldn't grasp that people were not booing their message - which they subsequently managed to corrupt entirely on their own - but the fact that they forced their way to the podium and aggressively hijacked the event, antagonized potential allies and hurting whatever cause they claim to be promoting.


I would totally have booed their shitty, openly racist message.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 14, 2015, 06:04:25 am
Fat black women have this way of being the most irritating creature on Earth.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kalam on August 14, 2015, 04:56:40 pm
Fat black women have this way of being the most irritating creature on Earth.

How many fat black women do you know?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 14, 2015, 05:09:02 pm
Too many.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: [ptx] on August 14, 2015, 09:23:41 pm
Fat black women are a source of many of Finlands woes.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 14, 2015, 11:29:40 pm
Fat black women have this way of being the most irritating creature on Earth.

The way they both cried and acted hysterically on stage had me get Hitler flashbacks.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 15, 2015, 03:50:30 am
The way they both cried and acted hysterically on stage had me get Hitler flashbacks.
Yes. That was the best part.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 16, 2015, 04:21:45 pm
I will admit that the speaker there is one of the more insufferable people I've seen in a long time. She is a former Sarah Palin supporter by the way and both her parents are Tea Party members, one of whom is white, and she self-identifies as a 'radical Christian'. Just for some perspective. A real fine speciment of zoo America.


I would totally have booed their shitty, openly racist message.
From reading comments I got the impression that much of the audience sympathized with the underlying Black Power I mean Black Lives Matter message against extrajudicial killings of black people by police, but was bothered by their behaviour at this particular event. I wasn't voicing my personal opinion.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: MiniPrima on August 16, 2015, 04:23:50 pm
i would've cared if brand's cat was a candidate
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 16, 2015, 07:50:49 pm
I don't follow American politics much, but what exactly is so bad about Hillary Clinton?
Wall Street politics and warmongering, like the rest.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 17, 2015, 05:39:38 pm
Hillary, warmongering? Isn't she the opposite? All woman quotas and feminism.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 17, 2015, 06:41:12 pm
She's a notorious neocon and chicken hawk.

As Secretary of State, Clinton backed a bold escalation of the Afghanistan war. She pressed Obama to arm the Syrian rebels, and later endorsed air strikes against the Assad regime. She backed intervention in Libya, and her State Department helped enable Obama’s expansion of lethal drone strikes. In fact, Clinton may have been the administration’s most reliable advocate for military action. On at least three crucial issues—Afghanistan, Libya, and the bin Laden raid—Clinton took a more aggressive line than Gates, a Bush-appointed Republican.

And before that she supported war in Sudan, Libya, Kosovo and millions of destroyed lives in Iraq alone - and many more to come as the entire region is going up in flames.
Another good read:

She's also gearing up for minimizing any hope of peace with Iran, against most of the World's wishes, including regional. (Much to the relief of worried weapons contractors and the financial sector

Concerning feminism let's not forget The Clinton Foundation gets money directly from ultraconservative, terror-sponsoring, Wahhabist Saudi Arabia and their ilk ( The only real feminism about Clinton is symbolic, like Obama's color, if the US wasn't such a spawning pit for right wing Christian fundamentalists we'd probably see a gay presidential candidate next.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 17, 2015, 06:58:26 pm
She is the type of girl that would pose next to dead animal after putting a shot through its heart or more specifically she'll smile while being photographed next to mutilated corpse of some grand American enemy (Osama, Sadam, Gaddafi).
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 17, 2015, 07:16:42 pm
And in the war you almost never hear about; almost 60.000 killed by US-Pakistani operations in Pakistan alone since 2001, of whom 21.500 are civilians, with an additional 40.000 wounded civilians, and about 1.4 million refugees.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 17, 2015, 08:10:55 pm
What about Jeb Bush? Is he as warmongering as Clinton?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 17, 2015, 09:03:47 pm
Jeb Bush is an idiot, even greater than rest of his family. He needs to be put under a spotlight to prove it, therefore he should be a president so that many people around the globe can laugh at him (some will suffer but those are rules of the game).

What USA really needs is full blown Jewish president. Jews are already running the business, it would be nice for a change to make it official. Jokes aside, I really believe America needs Jewish president. Have nothing but utmost respect for Jewish people because they are exceptionally capable on average and responsible for many technical advancements in last couple centuries. Their excellence is the main reason why so many people around the globe envy them, which over time is converted into full blown hate.

Sadly, USA is too engulfed in Christian bullshit to even consider this.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 17, 2015, 09:41:37 pm
Why is he an idiot?

And dreaming aside, isn't it pretty much a given either Bush or Clinton will win?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on August 17, 2015, 10:13:06 pm
What USA really needs is full blown Jewish president. [...]

Quote from: Wikipedia
Sanders was born in Brooklyn, the son of Eli and Dorothy (Glassberg) Sanders.[23][24] His father was a Jewish immigrant from Poland whose family was killed in the Holocaust,[15][23][25] while his mother was born to Jewish parents in New York City.
Sanders is a jew confirmed.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 18, 2015, 12:57:11 am
Why is he an idiot?

And dreaming aside, isn't it pretty much a given either Bush or Clinton will win?

That's the thing though, they both would want to get re-elected and aren't completely idiotic. People like Sanders getting sizable support does at least give the favorites a hint of what people really want. Only looking at who wins the elections is short-sighted.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 18, 2015, 08:49:43 am
That's the thing though, they both would want to get re-elected and aren't completely idiotic. People like Sanders getting sizable support does at least give the favorites a hint of what people really want. Only looking at who wins the elections is short-sighted.

Yes, it does help them get an idea of what people really want, but will the favorites go beyond words on that?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 18, 2015, 09:54:17 pm
Yes, it does help them get an idea of what people really want, but will the favorites go beyond words on that?

If elections aren't a complete farce, then yes. External pressure on bipartism rarely cools down without one of the parties (and usually both) changing their line.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: isatis on August 18, 2015, 10:40:00 pm
97% with Sanders,

I'm ashamed to have so much in Common with people like Trump but well I'm not that aware of all the USA situation so maybe I would have had different answers.

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And dafuck immigration issue with Bush? The guy wants to imprison people for minor crime in a medieval like way??!
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 19, 2015, 07:14:56 pm

Welp, if she gets elected America is fucked.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 19, 2015, 07:19:35 pm
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on August 19, 2015, 08:02:49 pm
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 22, 2015, 10:48:51 am
What USA really needs is full blown Jewish president. Jews are already running the business, it would be nice for a change to make it official. Jokes aside, I really believe America needs Jewish president. Have nothing but utmost respect for Jewish people because they are exceptionally capable on average and responsible for many technical advancements in last couple centuries. Their excellence is the main reason why so many people around the globe envy them, which over time is converted into full blown hate.

Sadly, USA is too engulfed in Christian bullshit to even consider this.

Bernie Sanders is a Brooklyn born Jew who's dad immigrated from Poland as a Holocaust survivor who's entire family was killed.. a common but incredibly depressing story for all the Jewish families in NYC which is why I always wonder how people can deny the Holocaust lol. I wouldn't be surprised if most of you didn't even know Bernie Sanders is Jewish, because America is full of Jewish politicians, entertainers, public figures of all sorts who have changed their names or are simply completely assimilated into American society, especially in the NYC region where I'm from. They just don't all go around Jewing out like Jerry Seinfeld or Larry David.

And I don't know what you are saying about Christian bullshit, no one here cares about religion at all really, outside of Southern blacks, some rednecks, and all of our dirty Catholic illegal immigrants. We are actually far, far more tolerant of Islam than you'd probably believe cuz of a few crackpots (usually from Europe lol) running their mouths in our free press, but there are actually two Muslims serving in Congress and as staffers for all sorts of high ranking officials, no one cares at all about your religion in American society, its more about your values. "Christian values" is what lots of conservatives go on about, not actually the choice in religion. I'm pretty sure my generation of Americans almost across the board think religion is stupid too, its the  Evangelicals that are a minority of Americans but are incredibly obnoxious that makes us look bad. But they love to get worked up about WAR ON CHRISTMAS and turn out to vote more than other groups lol, so Republicans pander to them for votes for a few months every 2 years then we all pretend they don't exist the rest of the time.

Mitt Romney was a fucking Mormon for the love of god and he nearly became President, which is a wacko spinoff cult of Christianity which is more like Scientology or some crap then anything, and everyone even kind of hates Mormons because they go around ringing your doorbells at dinner time trying to get you to convert as if that has ever worked in their history lol, but Romney's religion was mentioned barely ever except for him to talk about his missionary work helping poor people in Africa or w/e and his love of his church community. Obama touts his community organizing in Chicago the same way.. Christianity only matters so far as in its an easy way to show that you are a moral person I'd say.

We've only even had just one Roman Catholic President, JFK, who was obviously a terrible Catholic since he was a druggie manwhore. We have so many retarded spin offs of Protestantism in America, but people's religion is usually just based on where they grew up. South is Baptist, Northeast is Catholic and Jewish, Lutherans and Methodists across the North. Its too hard to keep track of so no one gives a shit, and no one believes that Barack Obama believes in God at all lol.. left and right wingers assume he is probably a secret atheist, and no one seems to judge him too bad on it cuz he's a good dad and a nice guy.

I have the feeling the first Jewish President will end up being Jon Stewart of the Daily Show though lmao.. I'm predicting he's gonna run for a Senate seat in NJ cuz we have a super corrupt guy who might be in jail for corruption soon (typical of NJ) up for reelection in 2018, I think that's why Jon Stewart quit the Daily Show honestly.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 22, 2015, 11:03:23 am
Also I'm a Democrat and I am hoping Joe Biden gets over the whole Dead Son thing and announces he is running for President. He's an awesome dude and he'd probably wipe the floor with Hillary like Obama did in 08, make fun of Trump to his face cuz he's cocky witty and funny, and make everyone love him around the world cuz he seems very genuine. He's very diplomatic with Republicans, both parties respect him, and he's been a key player in international politics hanging out with world leaders and making deals whereas Hillary and Obama both are fuckups that a lot of our allies don't like or trust. He is also very liberal and tolerant.. he famously forced Obama to come out in support of LGBT rights, grew up poor and champions lower and middle class Americans, and has a touching life story. You can watch him make an entire room cry when he debated Sarah Palin and talked about losing his wife and one year old son in a fatal car crash.. then 4 years later he ruthlessly destroyed "smart Republican" VP candidate Paul Ryan with more knowledge of policy facts and a quick wit.

Lots of Democrats like me just don't like Hillary at all, there's a reason she got owned in 2008 by a no name Senator like Obama, and I honestly think Biden is the most qualified person in either party, and the most competent politician to handle the job of President.

Sanders has no chance by the way lol, he'd lose practically every state to a Republican in a general election, it would be an embarrassment. He's not even a Democrat.

Also Leshma, Jeb Bush is incredibly intelligent. He probably knows more about the history of your country than you do lol. He's too smart and bookish honestly, it works against him compared to blowhard Trump. Jeb Bush is married to a Mexican immigrant, has three biracial children, speaks fluent Spanish, was a successful businessman in many fields and a popular Republican Governor in the ethnically and politically diverse state of Florida. He recently dazzled Polish leaders on a trip he took to Eastern Europe, demonstrating an encyclopedic knowledge of their history, great respect for the different cultures and peoples, and insightful observations on economic and policy issues of countries around the region.

George Bush Sr. is also widely considered one of our best modern Presidents, and Jeb is more like him than Dubya. Americans of both parties just try to forget Dubya ever existed lmao
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 22, 2015, 04:31:49 pm
Joe Biden isn't meant to be presidential candidate. He's one of the lizardmen, who's running the show while staying in shadows :mrgreen:

Also Leshma, Jeb Bush is incredibly intelligent. He probably knows more about the history of your country than you do lol. He's too smart and bookish honestly, it works against him compared to blowhard Trump. Jeb Bush is married to a Mexican immigrant, has three biracial children, speaks fluent Spanish, was a successful businessman in many fields and a popular Republican Governor in the ethnically and politically diverse state of Florida.

It is incredibly hard to learn a language when your partner is native speaker... That depends on attitude, but I would too learn any language if I had to spend a life with a person who's native speaker.

I know it is hard for you muricans to understand that speaking multiple languages isn't big deal, but in Europe most of highly educated people are bilingual and big portion of them speaks multiple completely different languages. It is only your countrymen that see learning other language a chore. Hell I was in bloody chadz's Wien for a week and already started getting grasp of German. If I stayed for six months, would definitely be able to communicate with people on basic level. Few years is enough to be "fluent" in said language, unless you are a moron who believes learning new things is waste of time.

American idea of educated and intelligent person is just silly. For you guys, stupid home-schooled quarterback is considered educated and above-average smart just because his mom thought him "Christian values".
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 22, 2015, 05:44:59 pm
Is that why the wealthy elite of the world send their kids to American universities?

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hahaha, every page is the same story. Not exactly surprising America leads the world in just about every possible metric that requires intelligence, such as innovation, creativity, entrepreneurship, entertainment, technology, etc..
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 22, 2015, 06:28:39 pm
I've always found the fact that people equate the amount of languages known with intelligence funny. "Oh gosh, he's so smart, he speaks SEVEN languages!" Yeah, well, babies learn languages and there are a ton of kids under three that speak several, so that gives you some idea about what the minimum level of intelligence required is -- in other words, it says nothing about how smart someone is.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 22, 2015, 10:35:35 pm

Trump says stupid things, but then sometimes he's 100% right, like here.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 23, 2015, 12:23:57 pm
I've always found the fact that people equate the amount of languages known with intelligence funny. "Oh gosh, he's so smart, he speaks SEVEN languages!" Yeah, well, babies learn languages and there are a ton of kids under three that speak several, so that gives you some idea about what the minimum level of intelligence required is -- in other words, it says nothing about how smart someone is.

America is becoming increasingly Hispanic, so it makes Jeb Bush more qualified for the job of President.. he's not some babbling idiot, he's a very successful guy and strong candidate. Being an establishment Republican white dude with fluent Spanish skills certainly shows his political intelligence, not some kind of IQ test. Funny enough it is the Republicans who are running a black guy, two Cuban-Americans, and Mexican fever Jeb Bush, while the "tolerant multicultural Democrats" are all rich white career politician people over the age of 70. Jeb has two ambitious good looking biracial Bush sons active in politics too, as if Jeb planted the seeds for the third generation of Bush Power but this time half-Mexican which doesn't even seem fair for any other Republicans 20 years from now.

Also, many Americans are naturally bilingual because so many of our parents are stupid immigrants with terrible English skills who curse off their kids in Portuguese, Polish, Spanish etc at home. In NJ everyone slings around multilingual curse words and insults second nature even if that is all some people know, but those are the most important words to know anyways. We aren't some backward hick shit everywhere lol, only places without immigration, which honestly is not a lot of America anymore with the neverending South American Great Migration into the promised lands of washing dishes and mowing lawns for us.

I don't think any of you Eurotrash are smart just because you are all forced to learn English in schools as the defacto One World Language either. You only learn your various harsh and uncivilized native tribe toungues as a token gesture to pretend it all won't be soon forgotton over the endless generations of American Hegemony over your world.

Though at this rate of NATO cowardice and EU disunity, maybe you all will be speaking Russian, Arabic, and Chinese or more likely, dead by the 22th century instead lmao. Maybe America will just annex Western and Central Europe by then out of necessity and we'd all salute some baller XXXL sized 100 star USA flag as a possibility too. Though I guess we should just give France back to its rightful King or Queen in the UK cuz fuck the French
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 24, 2015, 03:48:23 pm
Though at this rate of NATO cowardice and EU disunity, maybe you all will be speaking Russian, Arabic, and Chinese or more likely, dead by the 22th century instead lmao. Maybe America will just annex Western and Central Europe by then out of necessity and we'd all salute some baller XXXL sized 100 star USA flag as a possibility too.

you seem to think we give a fuck, patriotism is an american thing
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 24, 2015, 08:14:43 pm
European states learned the value of cooperation and diplomacy and to dispense with jingoism and blind nationalism after the traumatic experiences of the two World Wars. US bravado and 19th century rhetoric is symptomatic of a still young institutional memory.

Western Europe is starting to close in on its prewar capacities again after total destruction 70 years ago and as a historical first German industry enjoys willing support from all its neighbours. German-French cooperation has never been stronger and no matter what we may think of it the European project is very much alive, with or without the poorer southern European states.

In pictures:
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 25, 2015, 03:25:25 am
I always wonder why a balkan shithole like Croatia can afford free tuition and free healthcare but a rich and powerful country like the US cant or wont. You seriously need some kind of socialist democrat reformer to bring your shit up to western standards.

If you are unemployed or have a low income you get free health insurance in the US. Privatized insurance companies rake in billions of dollars every year and it's all taxed by the government.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 25, 2015, 03:38:51 am
European states learned the value of cooperation and diplomacy and to dispense with jingoism and blind nationalism after the traumatic experiences of the two World Wars. US bravado and 19th century rhetoric is symptomatic of a still young institutional memory.

Western Europe is starting to close in on its prewar capacities again after total destruction 70 years ago and as a historical first German industry enjoys willing support from all its neighbours. German-French cooperation has never been stronger and no matter what we may think of it the European project is very much alive, with or without the poorer southern European states.

In pictures:

Congratulations those two World Wars caused by Europeans only costed the lives of 130 million people, you might as well have killed the entire population of Norway over 22 times.

Also the GDP of France and Germany combined is only 1/4 of the US, nice industry you have there.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 25, 2015, 08:40:41 am
Also the GDP of France and Germany combined is only 1/4 of the US, nice industry you have there.

yeah that's why the measure is gdp per capita, you fucking fool
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 08:43:03 am
you seem to think we give a fuck, patriotism is an american thing

Yes, it's become increasingly obvious watching the nations of Europe respond to crises on their borders, such as the refugee crisis from Syria and Libya, the destruction of a civilian airliner over a war torn Ukraine, the impending economic collapse of Greece, etc that the average European only cares about themselves. I too would hold no pride in my country if my "history" was 100s of years of despotic rule by Divinely appointed monarchs who all incestually fucked each other creating an inbred deformed and literally retarded Ruling Elite.. and those genetics have obviously passed down to all of you.. then another few 100 years of pillaging and exploiting the entire world, enslaving massacring and terrorizing every other continent in the name of Imperialism, and then as soon as the UK's Industrial Revolution trickled down to the the continent, Europe collectively decided to genocide the Jews.. who were amongst every nation's best artists, thinkers, etc lol, and ruthlessly kill each other in endless wars of unprecedented suffering for humanity.

Can an average European even find a single thing to be proud of in their history? It was even Europeans that raided sacked and eventually destroyed the Roman Empire, and barbaric warlords that created a "European" identity to replace it. The "Renaissance" was because the forever war-mongering greedy Europeans attacked and destroyed a thriving Constantinople for no reason except to loot it. After the Ottomans finished the job not long after and extinguished Roman civilization for good, the Byzantine refugees grabbed their books and sailed to Italy and Europe took credit for ideas like "the earth is round and revolves around the sun" lmao, basic scientific facts that got you executed in Europe when some dude in 400 BC had the entire planet's circumference calculated already.

Many of these refugees fled to Russia as well, which was Orthodox Christian and was horrified at the massacre by Western powers of fellow Christians. Russia obviously had to get used to the fact that Europeans were never going to stop invading and killing people.. the two modern European empires, Napoleonic France and the Third Reich, crumbled deciding to invade 1000s of miles of Russian territory for no reason except greed and racism, and all froze to death in the process.

Western Civilization's progress stopped when Rome fell and only resumed when America was created by people smart enough to leave Europe for good and start over with Roman law and Greek philosophy as its foundation.

I feel bad for Europeans, even this thread is full of anti-American shitposters dropping their jingoistic pretense and pretending for a moment that they are part of American Democracy, thinking about who they would vote for, laughing at Trump, agreeing with Bernie Sanders on what's best for the economy.. then when an American like me starts to talk to them about it, they wake up and begin to immediately insult me and my nation as uneducated and uncivilized, as the dream fades away..
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Havelle on August 25, 2015, 08:47:22 am
If you are unemployed or have a low income you get free health insurance in the US. Privatized insurance companies rake in billions of dollars every year and it's all taxed by the government.

Its not exactly free. I'm low income and I actually have to pay for it or be fined for not having health insurance.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 08:54:41 am
Its not exactly free. I'm low income and I actually have to pay for it or be fined for not having health insurance.

Medicaid was supposed to be expanded everywhere to include more low income people, but lots of stupid fucker Republican governors refused to accept this free Federal money to help subsdize low income people for no reason.. do you live in one of those states? If so I'm sorry. I live in Minnesota now which already had a greatly expanded eligiblity pool for Medicaid, called "Minnesotacare." I get free health insurance cuz of it, which I couldn't believe when someone first told me about it. I have no idea why this isn't national policy, it should be the model everywhere. Instead some people suffer from a clause of Obamacare that is meant to stop people who can afford healthcare from not getting it, making the law not work as intended.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Havelle on August 25, 2015, 09:16:10 am
Medicaid was supposed to be expanded everywhere to include more low income people, but lots of stupid fucker Republican governors refused to accept this free Federal money to help subsdize low income people for no reason.. do you live in one of those states? If so I'm sorry. I live in Minnesota now which already had a greatly expanded eligiblity pool for Medicaid, called "Minnesotacare." I get free health insurance cuz of it, which I couldn't believe when someone first told me about it. I have no idea why this isn't national policy, it should be the model everywhere. Instead some people suffer from a clause of Obamacare that is meant to stop people who can afford healthcare from not getting it, making the law not work as intended.

I'm from one of those states, Pennsylvania. I'm not too up on it, but our previous governor enacted some program which denied Medicaid for alot of low income people, and now our current governor is trying to revamp it to make it more available.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 25, 2015, 10:30:09 am
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This is priceless, keep going please
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 02:36:29 pm
Congratulations those two World Wars caused by Europeans only costed the lives of 130 million people, you might as well have killed the entire population of Norway over 22 times.

Also the GDP of France and Germany combined is only 1/4 of the US, nice industry you have there.
GDP isn't really useful unless we use it per capita, where it becomes slightly less useless. But as you seem intent on comparing by total GDP the European Union (which is more than the France and Germany) still scores higher than the US, according to charts by the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and the CIA World Factbook.
(click to show/hide)

By the way, I only mentioned German-French industry in the context of the prospects of a lasting peace across the Rhine, that you seem to want to make it into some kind of contest (as if our countries have anything to do with us as individuals) is odd to say the least. This whole 'us' and 'you' rhetoric is meaningless, you are not your country nor am I mine.

Western Civilization's progress stopped when Rome fell and only resumed when America was created by people smart enough to leave Europe for good and start over with Roman law and Greek philosophy as its foundation.
You are basically describing post-Renaissance European culture - the same culture virtually all of your own country's institutions are based on. I know it all looks the same if you have no idea what you're talking about.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 02:39:49 pm
Maybe after 1000 more years of history under its belt and some real wars on their doorstep the US will stop having such international short-man syndrome or stop acting like a 7 year old who loves playing war.

Which doorstep? The one with the Pacific Fleet guarding it, or the one with the Atlantic Fleet? Either Fleet is bigger then the rest of the world's combined naval power, and just one of the several Carrier Strike Groups that control every world's ocean would destroy any other nation's Air Force within hours. America has complete control by an almost infinite measure of power of the skies, the seas and space and is surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean filled with undetectable nuclear submarines,  Predator drones and satellites, etc..

We only gained this from winning the Pacific theater of WW2 which was the most intense Naval warfare in history, and USA was actually at a technological and numerical disadvantage for a lot of it and in many battles against a battle-hardened fanatical foe, and we completely wrecked them over and over again. Japan having every major city firebombed to dust except the two we kept intact just to nuke them at the end as an added Fuck You is a good example of what USA would do to any nation that dared attack us ever again, except it wouldn't take us years to do it again, just days, and no one in America would feel bad about it for a second.

Also back in the day, Texas alone was able to military defeat Mexico and capture their President within like, one week of Mexico declaring war on the relatively small newly formed Republic of Texas lmao. Today, every individual U.S. State has the GDP of one of Europe's most advanced economies too.

Its almost pathetic to think about how incredibly powerful the United States is compared to the 50 disunited states of Europe who all hate each other, speak different languages, the most prosperous states simply refuse to subsdize the poorest's social benefits and welfare or forgive debt, perform predatory lending coupled with crippling austerity measures upon their poorest EU member nations like some scummy loanshark, immigrants piling up by the thousands at the borders as actual walls are erected to keep them out, hundreds of thousands drowning in the Mediterranean with no one helping them, a slowly increasing rise of Islamic terror attacks as ISIS consolidates power over Libyan port cities with a direct connection to Europe's mainland.. lol you guys are an embarrassment to the 21st century for sure
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 02:46:40 pm
You are joking and trying to prove Hesky's point about 'international short-man syndrome and acting like a 7 year old who loves playing war' with that comment, right? I honestly can't tell. Maybe I just don't get your sense of humour.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 02:50:28 pm
You are basically describing post-Renaissance European culture - the same culture virtually all of your own country's institutions are based on. I know it all looks the same if you have no idea what you're talking about.

Nope, just independent Italian City-State Republics, which Europe's despotic tyrants and genocidal religious zealots endlessly terrorized with wars of conquest until they all disappeared.

Eventually all the smart Italians got the right idea and settled in NYC, like every other immigrant group that was tired of the whole "being endlessly exploited and often genocided" such as Irish, Jews, and Poles who all contributed to New York City becoming the capital of the world in finance, culture, and diplomacy. Funny what diverse peoples can accomplish when you don't try to murder each other and every 20-30 years for 1500 years straight. 

Also NYC is a great city, you guys should visit sometime lol. It is a cosmopolitan world class city full of culture. You can basically ignore the rest of the country, I agree most of it is shit, but they grow crops and shit for the rest of us. The Mid-Atlantic states is basically an incredibly advanced dense megalopolis that would make more sense to a European as a nation-state.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 25, 2015, 02:57:20 pm
Which doorstep? The one with the Pacific Fleet guarding it, or the one with the Atlantic Fleet? Either Fleet is bigger then the rest of the world's combined naval power, and just one of the several Carrier Strike Groups that control every world's ocean would destroy any other nation's Air Force within hours. America has complete control by an almost infinite measure of power of the skies, the seas and space and is surrounded by thousands of miles of ocean filled with undetectable nuclear submarines,  Predator drones and satellites, etc..

We only gained this from winning the Pacific theater of WW2 which was the most intense Naval warfare in history, and USA was actually at a technological and numerical advantage for a lot of it and in many battles against a battle-hardened fanatical foe, and we completely wrecked them over and over again. Japan having every major city firebombed to dust except the two we kept intact just to nuke them at the end as an added Fuck You is a good example of what USA would do to any nation that dared attack us ever again, except it wouldn't take us years to do it again, just days, and no one in America would feel bad about it for a second.

Also back in the day, Texas alone was able to military defeat Mexico and capture their President within like, one week of Mexico declaring war on the relatively small newly formed Republic of Texas lmao. Today, every individual U.S. State has the GDP of one of Europe's most advanced economies too.

Its almost pathetic to think about how incredibly powerful the United States is compared to the 50 disunited states of Europe who all hate each other, speak different languages, the most prosperous states simply refuse to subsdize the poorest's social benefits and welfare or forgive debt, perform predatory lending coupled with crippling austerity measures upon their poorest EU member nations like some scummy loanshark, immigrants piling up by the thousands at the borders as actual walls are erected to keep them out, hundreds of thousands drowning in the Mediterranean with no one helping them, a slowly increasing rise of Islamic terror attacks as ISIS consolidates power over Libyan port cities with a direct connection to Europe's mainland.. lol you guys are an embarrassment to the 21st century for sure

Unsure if trolling but as Teeth said, please continue, this is entertaining.

Also, we have free college/uni even in the shittiest countries in europe, mad? In fact, the cooler (in both meanings) countries even pay you to go to uni.

In the end, it's hilarious if you believe that your countries international power has any weight on your personal life as a pleb in US. You'd get bombed by your own people in power if you presented danger to them, just as anyone else in other countries would.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 03:01:03 pm
Nope, just independent Italian City-State Republics, which Europe's despotic tyrants and genocidal religious zealots endlessly terrorized with wars of conquest until they all disappeared.

Eventually all the smart Italians got the right idea and settled in NYC, like every other immigrant group that was tired of the whole "being endlessly exploited and often genocided" such as Irish, Jews, and Poles who all contributed to New York City becoming the capital of the world in finance, culture, and diplomacy. Funny what diverse peoples can accomplish when you don't try to murder each other and every 20-30 years for 1500 years straight. 
New York became the financial capital after WWII when the rest of the world was destroyed, the former financial center's host country greatly indebted to the United States for fighting more or less alone against the Wehrmacht for years.

Concerning the Italian Republics, I urge to go read up on the Age of Enlightenment and the European revolutions. The United States and the European states are very much alike, and spring from the same source.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 03:01:22 pm
Peep this. This region alone is 20 percent of USA's GDP and population and is full of vibrant immigrant communities from all over the world, with hundreds of languages spoken. Its also the most "European" in aesthetic and culture, but we don't let immigrants drown to death in the NY harbor lol

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 03:12:24 pm
Unsure if trolling but as Teeth said, please continue, this is entertaining.

Also, we have free college/uni even in the shittiest countries in europe, mad? In fact, the cooler (in both meanings) countries even pay you to go to uni.

In the end, it's hilarious if you believe that your countries international power has any weight on your personal life as a pleb in US. You'd get bombed by your own people in power if you presented danger to them, just as anyone else in other countries would.

Oh please. You have no idea how much people actually believe in the virtues of democracy and freedom in America, including all of our leaders. Maybe before the Civil War but after Abraham Lincoln descended from the heavens, saved America, delivered the Gettysburg Address as his parting words of wisdom, and then ascended back home we have been incredibly strong and united with a shared identity as a nation. And if a nation's people are being oppressed by their leaders or neighboring powers, America has been and will continue to be there to defend them, rebuild what was lost, and invest in its future.. like we did to all of Western Europe, East Asia, former Soviet countries, and are still doing with Afghanistan after that place was torn to shit for decades by everyone else.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 03:21:19 pm
Peep this. This region alone is 20 percent of USA's GDP and population and is full of vibrant immigrant communities from all over the world, with hundreds of languages spoken. Its also the most "European" in aesthetic and culture, but we don't let immigrants drown to death in the NY harbor lol
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I can only speak for myself but I don't need any convincing to liking the United States. Like I do most other countries I generally find the culture, the people and the geography fascinating.

Talking policy maker decisions is a different matter entirely. Every country should be held to the same basic standard, and I believe one should be most vigilant about the wrongdoings of one's own country, where one can maybe do a difference, however small, from the basic ethical principle that your moral responsibility first and foremost lies with yourself or in your immediate vicinity.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on August 25, 2015, 04:38:01 pm
The whole Europe vs. USA discussion is kind of funny since pretty much every major nation in europe (Germany, France, GB etc.) is basically a vassal of the US since WW2.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 04:50:56 pm
So what you're saying is that your nation will always play toy soldiers and you'll never grow up because you'll never experience war on the homefront. You'll never have an actual reason to fight, just keep inventing retarded proxy wars half-way across the globe so that you can feel relevant. Guess that explains why you still bitch so much about 9/11, you're that spoilt kid who's just been slapped for the first ever time and bawls their eyes out because you cant comprehend what's just happened, you wont find the rest of us so naïve.

You guys are an embarrassment to the 21st century for sure, keep going with your 'might makes right' rhetoric and keep worshipping your 'war heroes', you belong in the 1940s (which was quite frankly the last time your nation accomplished anything worthwhile).

The only people I've heard for years bring up 9/11 is people who say America either deserved it, or that Bush and The Jews actually did it themselves, as if Al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc aren't real things even though they are attacking people or fighting wars more visibly than ever. Pretty sure the average American attitude is more like what the world saw displayed in France a few days ago, when another ISIS Twitter Shithead Soldier pulled out an AK on that train, a bunch of Americans charged at him and beat the shit out of him, getting shot and stabbed in the process, to selflessly and heroically defend the craven French people who constantly shit talk Americans as selfish lazy war-mongers and crap and will surely continue to do so anyways after a potential massacre was stopped by off-duty American military like it was no big deal lol.

Considering I lived a couple miles from the WTC, watched the whole thing happen in person as a terrified kid surrounded by students crying about their presumed dead parents, and had next door neighbors of mine die in the attacks tragically, I can say everyone got the fuck over it after a few months of mourning and then mostly just raged at the obvious corruption and incompetence in rebuilding the site. I regularly took a train into NYC that let out at the WTC which was just a big hole in the ground filled with fat lazy probably mafia tied construction workers smoking cigs and drinking beer and doing nothing every day.. that's something that pissed ppl off more than anything. Though people taking match books, burning or tearing out all but 2 of the matches and sticking them in the fence around the WTC site was an ever endearing symbol of ghetto trash solidarity that made me laugh, until random stark raving mad hobos emerging from porta potties around the site tried to attack you and forced you to leave.

World War 2 had just as many Americans die as British people actually, with German U-Boats crawling up and down the Atlantic Seaboard sinking our boats (which were sending millions of tons of food and ammo to Europe and Russia for the entire war) for a while right outside NYC harbor, and fucking Hawaii was attacked by Japan, which is like 4000 miles away from Japan lol Pro Jap Tactics tbh. I still don't understand why both those countries declared war on us, blame them for basically inviting the US military to conquer everything in either direction with the USSR being the only thing that stopped us on both sides of the world, now that I think about it.

We fight wars in very similar ways to the UK and try to minimize our casualties and act at least slightly civilized to our enemies, just like everything else is extremely similar between us. I listen to a lot of BBC Radio 4 podcasts talking about their politics and culture and crap and it is all nearly identical to the US, just much more polite and a few years late on everything. Futhermore, both my grandfathers served in WW2 and my father in Vietnam, most people have friends and family, or themselves actually who served in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan etc who usually get all fucked up and beat their wives or drink themselves to death so we are no stranger to the horrors of war as a nation, plenty of people I went to highschool with went crazy and blew their brains out after coming home from the Iraq War which everyone of both parties regrets horribly.. as we are probably preparing to reinvade Iraq but this time for a better reason at least lmao. Lots of American cRPG players even are PTSD-afflicted Iraqi war veterans, I've talked to plenty about it, war is not a joke or game to us, and maybe that explains to you guys most of the NA cRPG players acting so retarded too lol

Are you Europeans happy with the hundreds of thousands of nonstop refugees swarming your countries? That's because Obama reduced American influence in the region, and it almost immediately collapsed into this clusterfuck. It was like an experiment in American not acting like world police in dealing with deposing Assad and staying permanently in Iraq to watchdog their government and it took, literally, 1 day after the last American soldier left Iraq for all the Sunnis in the Baghdad government to be arrested and executed for treason and shit that led to ISIS taking over lol. Every side fighting there is evenly matched in every way besides Turkey who only cares about killing Kurds, so it is just going to be neverending war until we reinvade, I'm sure. Though I wouldn't mind giving Israel the OK to conquer the entire Levant and bring them all Democracy and Freedom too.. they hold themselves back too much cuz everyone but America hates Jews for some reason too, even though they have a completely modern secular democracy with equal citizenship, freedom of religion, LGBT tolerance, incredible technological development etc and have been victims of nonstop massive wars of aggression by everyone around them, over and over again, and constant terrorism but people pretend like Israel started it every time instead of the Arab wold collectively attempting to genocide them, with superior technology and huge armies, repeatedly, and miraculously winning by wits, cunning, and intelligence alone.

Even the UK hates Israel, when it is functionally identical in culture and politics and crap just like America is, it makes no sense to me as an American who admits to spawning off a pile of UK's shit and smelling just as bad
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 05:12:42 pm
fucking Hawaii was attacked by Japan, which is like 4000 miles away from Japan lol Pro Jap Tactics tbh. I still don't understand why both those countries declared war on us, blame them for basically inviting the US military to conquer everything in either direction
When Japan had violated the Washington Agreements (and the principles of the Open Door policy) by threatening the US export market in China (by destructive invasion) the US and the UK froze Japanese assets and did an embargo which together with the Dutch embargo on oil from Indonesia seriously crippled Japan which was entirely dependent on importing most of its most vital resources (which is also why it was projecting power on the mainland to begin with). Roosevelt then warned the US Pacific Command of imminent aggression from Japan.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 09:12:53 pm
When Japan had violated the Washington Agreements (and the principles of the Open Door policy) by threatening the US export market in China (by destructive invasion) the US and the UK froze Japanese assets and did an embargo which together with the Dutch embargo on oil from Indonesia seriously crippled Japan which was entirely dependent on importing most of its most vital resources (which is also why it was projecting power on the mainland to begin with). Roosevelt then warned the US Pacific Command of imminent aggression from Japan.

We politely asked Japan to stop massacring millions of Chinese and sexually enslaving Koreans and we would lift the embargo. Instead they thought America would surrender after a treacherous sneak attack, thinking American democracy could not withstand the rigors of war. A few years later, their entire country was blockaded, people starving to death, and every city razed to ashes, ship sunk, and a new constitution was written by the American military reducing them to a powerless vassal state to the now sole masters of the Pacific lol. Then SK and Japan immediately became two of the most prosperous nations in the world with America as their greatest friend instead of enemy. USA owns
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Shemaforash on August 25, 2015, 09:25:42 pm
I'm 90% Hillary and 90% Bernie, lmao. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 09:42:02 pm
We politely asked Japan to stop massacring millions of Chinese and sexually enslaving Koreans and we would lift the embargo. Instead they thought America would surrender after a treacherous sneak attack, thinking American democracy could not withstand the rigors of war. A few years later, their entire country was blockaded, people starving to death, and every city razed to ashes, ship sunk, and a new constitution was written by the American military reducing them to a powerless vassal state to the now sole masters of the Pacific lol. Then SK and Japan immediately became two of the most prosperous nations in the world with America as their greatest friend instead of enemy. USA owns

Japan was suffering from a lot of internal strife leading up to the war, with the dominating zaibatsus on one side and the military on the other. Among many others the Mitsubishi corporation agitated for peace to secure export markets in Asia and good relations with the US, and while this saw some progress (like increased democratization of the country and the Washington Naval Treaty) any hope for demilitarization was crushed during the Great Depression which hit Japan particularly hard.

Japan had almost no home market, half its population being poor peasants living by supplying the export industry with silk, and silk export (which mainly went to the US) ceased. On top of that Japan experienced a failed harvest and famine ruled the country. The military decided to step in and secure export markets and raw materials across the sea, with the argument that America was doing the same thing in its hemisphere (following the Monroe Doctrine) and the European states were doing the same in their colonies. But the army's self-appointed invasion of Manchuria was still protested by the Japanese government as late as 1932, but it failed to offer alternatives, and the many victories in Asia only fanned militarism and imperial sentiment.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 25, 2015, 10:29:36 pm
You are greatly downplaying the vast scope of human right abuses and racial dominance theory. Japan was a monstrous empire that raped, tortured, enslaved or killed anyone who wasn't Japanese as normalized, even encouraged behavior. You cannot use geopolitics as an excuse to handwave their brutal subjugation of fellow Asians and some stupid ass fantatical Bushido code bs that codified surrender as the ultimate sin, so they all fought to the death, popularized suicide bomber attacks as legitimate warfare, fucking crazy Japs. They forced upwards of 100,000 Japanese civilians on Okinawa to kill themselves by throwing their babies then themselves off cliffs for no reason at all when the US was going to win the battle.

Every island or coastal province they captured for "resources" immediately turned into holocausts of the local population. Some of the worst war atrocities on record.

Imperial Japan was almost as bad as an actual European colonial empire!

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 25, 2015, 10:40:59 pm
I'm not trying to excuse anything, especially not the conduct of imperial Japan (which was atrocious). My point was that it was too late for any peace movement in Japan at the time of Roosevelt's embargo to move the nation to simply giving up its empire (in fact all domestic dissent had been crushed between 1938 and 1940).
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vammo75 on August 25, 2015, 11:12:13 pm
Fun poll but not American (Skotte), hope I haven't f'ed it up for the real Americans

Saunders 94%
O'Malley 77%
Clinton 73%
Jindal 39%

PS. This is the most enjoyable American presidential pre-election since Sarah Palin. Trump for Pres!!!!!

PPS. Do you know that trump means fart in northern English/ Scottish?

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 25, 2015, 11:12:22 pm
The whole Europe vs. USA discussion is kind of funny since pretty much every major nation in europe (Germany, France, GB etc.) is basically a vassal of the US since WW2.

Marshall Plan? Were the Soviet's offering a better plan I don't know about?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 25, 2015, 11:22:07 pm
yeah that's why the measure is gdp per capita, you fucking fool

The U.S is still the world's largest national economy, it dwarfs France and Germany combined.

 GDP by millions

European Union -     18,495,349
 United States       -    17,418,925

 Russia                -      1,857,461
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 25, 2015, 11:38:43 pm
You are greatly downplaying the vast scope of human right abuses and racial dominance theory. Japan was a monstrous empire that raped, tortured, enslaved or killed anyone who wasn't Japanese as normalized, even encouraged behavior. You cannot use geopolitics as an excuse to handwave their brutal subjugation of fellow Asians and some stupid ass fantatical Bushido code bs that codified surrender as the ultimate sin, so they all fought to the death, popularized suicide bomber attacks as legitimate warfare, fucking crazy Japs. They forced upwards of 100,000 Japanese civilians on Okinawa to kill themselves by throwing their babies then themselves off cliffs for no reason at all when the US was going to win the battle.

Every island or coastal province they captured for "resources" immediately turned into holocausts of the local population. Some of the worst war atrocities on record.

Imperial Japan was almost as bad as an actual European colonial empire!


Yes, they also cannibalized pow's, they deserved every atom.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 12:01:38 am
So what you're saying is that your nation will always play toy soldiers and you'll never grow up because you'll never experience war on the homefront. You'll never have an actual reason to fight, just keep inventing retarded proxy wars half-way across the globe so that you can feel relevant. Guess that explains why you still bitch so much about 9/11, you're that spoilt kid who's just been slapped for the first ever time and bawls their eyes out because you cant comprehend what's just happened, you wont find the rest of us so naïve.

You guys are an embarrassment to the 21st century for sure, keep going with your 'might makes right' rhetoric and keep worshipping your 'war heroes', you belong in the 1940s (which was quite frankly the last time your nation accomplished anything worthwhile).

What exactly has Europe accomplished in the last 100 years besides becoming a bunch of self-hating pushovers who are losing their own national identity in some foolish attempt at competing in the global market? The US is laughing at you, China is laughing at you, Russia is laughing at you, Trump is laughing at you.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 26, 2015, 12:09:43 am
EU citizens are losing their national identity in the same way British, Dutch and other former Europeans did centuries ago when they decided to try their luck overseas. Just shows how fragile and meaningless national identity really is. Only reason why you guys are cultivating your national identity is the same why you try mimic ancient Greece and Roman Empire on many fronts, because Europeans did it. As Heskey said, that is your weak spot. You see national identity as something cool kids have and want badly to be one of them.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 26, 2015, 12:26:17 am
What the US needs is a strong leader like Trump to get it back on course, otherwise China will become the new superpower and that's not going to be fun for anyone.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on August 26, 2015, 01:29:44 am
What the US needs is a strong leader like Trump to get it back on course, otherwise China will become the new superpower and that's not going to be fun for anyone.

Chinese food is great.

+ China will never produce what Hollywood does and the superior American media overall that the US does.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 03:06:35 am
EU citizens are losing their national identity in the same way British, Dutch and other former Europeans did centuries ago when they decided to try their luck overseas. Just shows how fragile and meaningless national identity really is. Only reason why you guys are cultivating your national identity is the same why you try mimic ancient Greece and Roman Empire on many fronts, because Europeans did it. As Heskey said, that is your weak spot. You see national identity as something cool kids have and want badly to be one of them.

Yes, open up the boarders and have one big gang bang and you will all be American in a few generations. Each European country is already learning their own unique form of butchered English to simulate the different states.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 26, 2015, 10:37:31 am
What exactly has Europe accomplished in the last 100 years besides becoming a bunch of self-hating pushovers who are losing their own national identity in some foolish attempt at competing in the global market? The US is laughing at you, China is laughing at you, Russia is laughing at you, Trump is laughing at you.
Europe has achieved education systems which are apparently far better than yours, as every single point you made was beyond retarded and a case and point of international "short man syndrome".
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 26, 2015, 02:24:28 pm
To be fair I don't think many NA cRPG players are college or university students, though it's just a hunch. And that isn't a jab at anyone, there's many types of useful education both formal and informal, though some here may appear to lack either.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 06:44:12 pm
Europe has achieved education systems which are apparently far better than yours, as every single point you made was beyond retarded and a case and point of international "short man syndrome".

I expected the typical EU "our education is so great" response, barking about how great your education system is. I see Australia and New Zealand are on top of the education index, and the US is not far behind. European education widely varies. Doesn't seem like any kind of great achievement to me. Since you are now the European Union we can even take it a step further and rate you by your lowest performers, which would drag you down well beneath US standards.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 26, 2015, 07:05:33 pm
He's right that the 20th century for european countries has been a century of strife and constant decline. Europe as an agregate of all the european countries (maybe even including Russia, but that whole "Russia is european" thing hasn't been popular in Russia for a while now) has inarguably declined in soft and hard power since at least the end of the first world war, and it doesn't look like the trend is reversing anytime soon, especially with new emerging regional powers. His reasons for it are so much brainless american wanking of course, but that goes without saying .
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 07:16:30 pm
And we laugh back.

What, you think we'd actually be pleased if the US was proud of us? Lol. As if any European in the world would actually like their individual country to be more like the USA. If we were so 'self-hating' i'm sure our residents would take up arms and shoot up the nearest school to disperse their dissatisfaction at living in a shitty country - oh wait that's what people living in your country do.

Our national identity is fine and dandy atm thank you very much, it's just different from yours and that's a good thing (for reasons you'll clearly never comprehend). Let me see in the last 100 years... National Healthcare which means that if I get cancer or a chronic illness I don't become dirt-poor trying to pay for shitty US doctors to have a look at me. Yeah, we *wish* we were more like you, clearly leading the way as always. Again, you'd be pretty impressive, if this was still 1940.

I really feel that phrase should be used more often, it describes the US perfectly in so many ways.

The only thing that pertains to 1940 is the Socialist/Communist ideology in Europe that suppresses critical and independent thinking. There's a reason all the best doctor's in the EU are flooding into the US, they want to receive a paycheck for their hard earned education and work. Europeans snark in disgust at the USA and it's policies, but when trouble arises they always run back to daddy whether it's for money or protection.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 26, 2015, 07:17:05 pm
From what I've seen with my own eyes, western Europe needs to keep declining at much faster rate to ever catch up with USA living standard. I mean, tech is cheap there and many other things but they look like bums compared to average western European. Don't get me started on big cities they live in, bunch of concrete and high buildings with few nice parts and bunch of slums like areas. And those suburbs, oh my :lol:

USA is definitely military and economic superpower as a whole but average American is in far shittier position than, let's say average Austrian, Dutch, German, Belgian, Dane etc.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 07:30:33 pm
From what I've seen with my own eyes, western Europe needs to keep declining at much faster rate to ever catch up with USA living standard. I mean, tech is cheap there and many other things but they look like bums compared to average western European. Don't get me started on big cities they live in, bunch of concrete and high buildings with few nice parts and bunch of slums like areas. And those suburbs, oh my :lol:

USA is definitely military and economic superpower as a whole but average American is in far shittier position than, let's say average Austrian, Dutch, German, Belgian, Dane etc.

Of course it's not all candy-land. I've seen some pretty trashy looking Europeans in Western-Europe, fat slobs too. Noone can force anyone to live to any kind of standard, but all the tools and resources are there to be successful. Comparing the standard of living in the US to countries in Scandinavia is unfair because the population is much smaller and the governments there subsidize and control all the major resources to invest back into to the people, that combined with a higher tax and smaller population to support creates a higher standard of living. While I personally love this approach it's just not realistic anywhere but Scandinavia.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Shemaforash on August 26, 2015, 07:41:34 pm
Honestly I'm pretty sure you could put whatever situation Scandinavia has into different countries.

He wasn't comparing with Scandinavia either (except for Denmark but they're fucking shitters anyway hEHe xD)
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Siiem on August 26, 2015, 08:30:10 pm
Danes are the celery of Scandinavia.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 26, 2015, 09:37:32 pm
The only thing that pertains to 1940 is the Socialist/Communist ideology in Europe that suppresses critical and independent thinking.
I did not think any American with access to the internet would be able to say this with a straight face, are you trolling?

In any case, I am just ridiculing your arguments, not your conclusion. I would never deny that Europe's glory age is over since World War II. Even though there are about half a dozen European countries which I consider more developed than the US, the US is a pretty damn great place to live and obviously the most powerful country in the world. Still, I'd say American domestic and international politics are nationalistic and dogmatic to an extent that seems comical and old-fashioned to me as a Dutch guy.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Falka on August 26, 2015, 09:44:56 pm
the US is a pretty damn great place to live

But not for everyone. Unlike some european countries where there's basically no poverty. Anyway, pointless babbling.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Angantyr on August 26, 2015, 10:16:37 pm
Though the process was begun by Bismarck as early as the 1880s, the European states' main achievement of the last century must be the social development that followed decolonization and reconstruction after the two World Wars.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 26, 2015, 11:01:07 pm
I did not think any American with access to the internet would be able to say this with a straight face, are you trolling?

In any case, I am just ridiculing your arguments, not your conclusion. I would never deny that Europe's glory age is over since World War II. Even though there are about half a dozen European countries which I consider more developed than the US, the US is a pretty damn great place to live and obviously the most powerful country in the world. Still, I'd say American domestic and international politics are nationalistic and dogmatic to an extent that seems comical and old-fashioned to me as a Dutch guy.

What is nationalistic and dogmatic about giving 50 billion dollars a year to 3rd world countries in free aid and infrastructure? If Europeans think they have immigration problems now wait till we get a President who finally decides to shut that switch off.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 26, 2015, 11:56:52 pm
Oh yeah, development aid, as you seem so determined to have an EU versus US cockfight for so many posts now, I'll indulge myself and tell you that development aid is one area where the EU does actually soundly beat the US. The United States is rather stingy for a while now.

Development aid in 2013:
European Union – $86.66 billion
United States – $31.55 billion
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:06:38 am
Still, I'd say American domestic and international politics are nationalistic and dogmatic to an extent that seems comical and old-fashioned to me as a Dutch guy.

Compared to what? The cultural backlash from the destruction wrought by both WW1 and 2 and the subsequent complete abdication of any sort of historical or ethnic pride is the anomaly, the norm is nationalistic and dogmatic tribal identification the world over. Western Europe is a dying civilization, the tribal identities where there is this passion, no matter how illogical or ethnocentric or even fabricated from wholecloth, are the ones that are going to survive. One way or another the european continent is going to go back to this basic paragdim of civilization. Ideally it goes off as the multicultural utopians hope and a new unified ethnicity emerges after a few generations or melting pot, informed by past european values while also incorporating the elements of incoming cultures, but that is so much fairy dust in the wind as far as I'm concerned. The american melting pot was not a kind and "tolerant" process by any modern understanding. Even today I believe the uncompromising american national pride is partly the reasons why immigrants integrate much faster. It's certainly not anything to do with racial tolerance being somehow more common in the US, that's for sure.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 27, 2015, 12:11:19 am
Oh yeah, development aid, as you seem so determined to have an EU versus US cockfight for so many posts now, I'll indulge myself and tell you that development aid is one area where the EU does actually soundly beat the US. The United States is rather stingy for a while now.

Development aid in 2013:
European Union – $86.66 billion
United States – $31.55 billion

Governement Aid.

US spends way more in Private aid.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 27, 2015, 02:08:42 am
Compared to what? The cultural backlash from the destruction wrought by both WW1 and 2 and the subsequent complete abdication of any sort of historical or ethnic pride is the anomaly, the norm is nationalistic and dogmatic tribal identification the world over. Western Europe is a dying civilization, the tribal identities where there is this passion, no matter how illogical or ethnocentric or even fabricated from wholecloth, are the ones that are going to survive. One way or another the european continent is going to go back to this basic paragdim of civilization. Ideally it goes off as the multicultural utopians hope and a new unified ethnicity emerges after a few generations or melting pot, informed by past european values while also incorporating the elements of incoming cultures, but that is so much fairy dust in the wind as far as I'm concerned. The american melting pot was not a kind and "tolerant" process by any modern understanding. Even today I believe the uncompromising american national pride is partly the reasons why immigrants integrate much faster. It's certainly not anything to do with racial tolerance being somehow more common in the US, that's for sure.

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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 11:34:08 am
I did not think any American with access to the internet would be able to say this with a straight face, are you trolling?

In any case, I am just ridiculing your arguments, not your conclusion. I would never deny that Europe's glory age is over since World War II. Even though there are about half a dozen European countries which I consider more developed than the US, the US is a pretty damn great place to live and obviously the most powerful country in the world. Still, I'd say American domestic and international politics are nationalistic and dogmatic to an extent that seems comical and old-fashioned to me as a Dutch guy.

Teeth, that is because the United States is literally the size, population, and economy of Europe. Well, Europe has more people but that is just a byproduct of more cities. The Mid-Atlantic region is like a combination of British, Dutch, and Italian city-states like Venice on crack in its culture, cuisine and economy. After all, NYC was literally founded as New Amsterdam before the British took it over and named it after some jerk-off. No surprise it was their main base of operations for the Revolutionary War either.. thousands of Americans actually died floating in prison ships in its harbor during the war, a great war crime that no one cares about lol. Most of our country exists to feed or provide energy for the coasts and a few other regions, which are full of world-class cities. It is no one's fault that the simple folk who mine coal or harvest grain like to go home after a long hard day's of Real American work and laugh at Trump ripping on Mexicans, but they are one of the reasons our nation is so hilariously strong in the first place.

Here in Minnesota it is practically a Scandinavian state. Minnesota is consistently ranked as number 1 of the states lately in all measures like healthcare, employment, education etc and there is a universal healthcare system and generous social safety net, along with an increasing hostility to Somalian Muslim immigrants seen as flooding the state to take advantage of it.. funny enough almost all the American citizen ISIS fighters are from Minnesota.. I'm pretty sure I can join ISIS if I wanted to by talking to my neighbors. Once again this is no surprise because the state is full of German and Nordic immigrants, it was settled by them and people from Norway, Sweden, Germany etc tend to immigrate here still if they come to America.

Another thing you EU swine misunderstand about Americans is that since almost all of us are only a couple generations at most removed from European immigrants, we are usually raised in multicultural, even bilingual households and have distant family members in Europe that give many of us an excuse to visit and see our "roots" if not necessarily our heritage. Nowadays all of you EU fuckers are so anti-American while sucking on your government's teats till the budgets are dry instead of promoting immigration or innovation, it is South Americans that are immigrating to America instead and enjoying the American dream, in the most diverse, prosperous and tolerant nation on Earth.

Normalizing relations with Cuba is proof that America is not stuck in some Cold War mentality, even though I feel bad for the Cubans that wish they had a choice in government.. I am sure some of them would VOTE for Castro's Communist Party if they had the choice, but people who disagree have been forced to flee to America or get killed. This is how how Ted Cruz's father came to America actually, and Ted Cruz is not some extremist when it comes to your average Cuban-American lol, they are all like that. How are you not going to love America, Democracy, Freedom and our Constitution which provides the legal framework for all of this to thrive, when the alternatives are so shitty?

As the 21st century goes on, Europe is going to need to adapt in order to remain competitive. I don't see why it isn't common sense for the EU to be disbanded and vote to join our federation instead of these United States and adopt the USD instead of the Euro. Though of course France, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Germans who are still secretly naz1s (most of them), Bulgarians, Croatians, Estonians, most Italians, Romanians, Slovakians, and Slovenians would not be invited lmao, its obvious they are shit nations and I kinda feel bad you pretended that wasnt a fact at the start of the Eurozone which was a noble American-esque experiment, but nowadays a hilarious failure
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 11:42:34 am

"The Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument in Fort Greene Park, in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, is a memorial to the more than 11,500 American prisoners of war who died in captivity aboard sixteen British prison ships during the American Revolutionary War. The remains of a small fraction of those who died on the ships are interred in a crypt beneath its base. The ships included the HMS Jersey, the Scorpion, the Hope, the Falmouth, the Stromboli, Hunter, and others."

FUck the British, USA never forgets
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 11:45:52 am
Anyone else tired of listening to this retarded fat slob's historical revisionism?

"Those who come hither are generally of the most ignorant Stupid Sort of their own Nation…and as few of the English understand the German Language, and so cannot address them either from the Press or Pulpit, ’tis almost impossible to remove any prejudices they once entertain…Not being used to Liberty, they know not how to make a modest use of it…I remember when they modestly declined intermeddling in our Elections, but now they come in droves, and carry all before them, except in one or two Counties...In short unless the stream of their importation could be turned from this to other colonies, as you very judiciously propose, they will soon so out number us, that all the advantages we have will not in My Opinion be able to preserve our language, and even our Government will become precarious." Ben Franklin

"Why should Pennsylvania, founded by the   English, become a Colony of Aliens, who will shortly be so numerous as   to Germanize us instead of our Anglifying them, and will never adopt our   Language or Customs, any more than they can acquire our Complexion.

24. Which leads me to add one Remark: That the Number of purely   white People in the World is proportionably very small. All Africa is   black or tawny. Asia chiefly tawny. America (exclusive of the new   Comers) wholly so. And in Europe, the Spaniards, Italians,   French, Russians and Swedes, are generally of what we call   a swarthy Complexion; as are the Germans also, the Saxons only   excepted, who with the English, make the principal Body of White People   on the Face of the Earth. I could wish their Numbers were increased. And while   we are, as I may call it, Scouring our Planet, by clearing   America of Woods, and so making this Side of our Globe reflect a   brighter Light to the Eyes of Inhabitants in Mars or Venus, why should   we in the Sight of Superior Beings, darken its People? why increase the Sons of   Africa, by Planting them in America, where we have so fair an   Opportunity, by excluding all Blacks and Tawneys, of increasing the lovely   White and Red? But perhaps I am partial to the Complexion of my Country, for   such Kind of Partiality is natural to Mankind." Ben Franklin

Yeah you stupid ridiculous cunt, look at all that multicultural tolerance and understanding. American melting pot wasn't due to incredibly aggressive monocultural and racial supremacist imposition from the top down, it was totally about 1960's style hippy bullshit. You're either dishonest, ignorant or a brainwashed moron. Which euro immigrants are still speaking their original tongues? Germans and scandinavians and irish and italians, where are the "bilinguals", you lying piece of shit?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 27, 2015, 11:52:43 am
Compared to what? The cultural backlash from the destruction wrought by both WW1 and 2 and the subsequent complete abdication of any sort of historical or ethnic pride is the anomaly, the norm is nationalistic and dogmatic tribal identification the world over. Western Europe is a dying civilization, the tribal identities where there is this passion, no matter how illogical or ethnocentric or even fabricated from wholecloth, are the ones that are going to survive. One way or another the european continent is going to go back to this basic paragdim of civilization. Ideally it goes off as the multicultural utopians hope and a new unified ethnicity emerges after a few generations or melting pot, informed by past european values while also incorporating the elements of incoming cultures, but that is so much fairy dust in the wind as far as I'm concerned. The american melting pot was not a kind and "tolerant" process by any modern understanding. Even today I believe the uncompromising american national pride is partly the reasons why immigrants integrate much faster. It's certainly not anything to do with racial tolerance being somehow more common in the US, that's for sure.
I don't see how the rise of the US, the rise of China and the lack of rise or relative decline of Europe can be attributed to a nationalistic pride or a lack thereof. I would also say that Western Europe is doing quite alright despite its weak identity. I just find that dogmatism and appeals to nationalism get in the way of pragmatism in US policy-making. But yeah, Europe's self-hate and tendency to describe any critique of Islam and immigration as racist gets in the way of pragmatism too. Still, the US is so far on the other side of the spectrum that half the rhetoric sounds like populist babble to me.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 11:57:48 am
I don't see how the rise of the US, the rise of China and the lack of rise or relative decline of Europe can be attributed to a nationalistic pride or a lack thereof. I would also say that Western Europe is doing quite alright despite its weak identity. I just find that dogmatism and appeals to nationalism get in the way of pragmatism in US policy-making. But yeah, Europe's self-hate and tendency to describe any critique of Islam and immigration as racist gets in the way of pragmatism too. Still, the US is so far on the other side of the spectrum that half the rhetoric sounds like populist babble to me.

If you think US rhetoric is "populist babble" and directly opposed ideologically and in values to european nations, you are obviously not familiar with LITERALLY any other nation or culture on the planet. I'm sorry to inform you that the planet =/= the "western" world. Please open your eyes to what every other fucking human collective on the planet is like.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 11:58:22 am
That was a long time ago Oberyn. However, both my recently deceased grandfathers were killing Vichy Frenchmen all over Europe only 70 years ago. Vichy France were proud collaborators with the Third Reich and H1tler's domestic and foreign policies of war and extermination, fought all over the world as a primary member of the Axis, and enthusiastically rounded up all of its Jews to be sent to my grandfather's nation of Poland to die in places like Auschwitz, which were probably staffed by many French SS guardsmen.

France pretends that was ever a post-Enlightenment nation that celebrated liberty, freedom, and democracy, when in reality the French Revolution was just an excuse for Emperor Napoleon to try to conquer all of Europe as a ruthless tyrant, like every other Germanic barbarian warlord in its short unillustrious history as being the "shitty half" of the Carolingian Empire, as the 20th century has proven time and time again. How many people have died within France or its colonies in the past 100 years alone because of the fact that it is an imperialistic war-mongering nation that has been incapable of winning a modern-war? Must be hundreds of millions lol
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:05:20 pm
I'd like to think you are trolling, but sadly it seems you really are this fucking dumb. "That was a long time ago", if by long you mean less than a hundred years, which given the average american's understanding of history is indeed "a long time". The US was up there with Germany in the racial eugenics, but I'm sure that's buried deep between a ton of self-justifying shit in what I'll charitably call your historical "perspective", although that is giving your ramblings too much credit by far.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:12:33 pm

French SS:  From estimates of 7,400 to 11,000 at its peak in 1944,[2] the strength of the division fell to just sixty men in May 1945.

Free French: On 1 August 1943, L'Armée d'Afrique was formally united with the Free French Forces to form L'Armée française de la Liberation. By mid-1944, the forces of this army numbered more than 400,000, and they participated in the Normandy landings and the invasion of southern France, eventually leading the drive on Paris. Soon they were fighting in Alsace, the Alps and Brittany, and by the end of the war in Europe, they were 1,300,000 strong – the fourth-largest Allied army in Europe – and took part in the Allied advance through France and invasion of Germany. The Free French government re-established a provisional republic after the liberation, preparing the ground for the Fourth Republic in 1946.

Casualties Battle of France french side:

360,000 dead or wounded,
1,900,000 captured
2,233 aircraft lost[11]

Total: 360,000 casualties

Please shut the fuck up, you stupid piece of shit. Your grandfathers's glorious country was much more filled with collaborators willingly killing and hunting down jews than practically any other european country under chocolate chip cookie rule, why not shit all over the poles? Oh right, they had this little thing called the chocolate chip cookie army occupying them, I'm sure that wasn't a factor at all. Frankly hearing some fat piece of shit talking about war and combat is kind of hilarious to me. If your fat ass was occupied by the chocolate chip cookies you would bend your ass over to get fucked if it meant there was a twinkie in it for you, you sorry excuse for a man. Can you even walk a few blocks without collapsing in a pile of sweaty flesh?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 12:12:57 pm
I think the main problem with France is that it has never apologized for its war crimes like Germany has, and misunderstands its history. The moment the pretense was lifted and people stopped pretending that the French Revolution was ever actually successful , you guys turned into ultra-right wing extremists who preferred to be ruled by a tyrant than democracy in a heartbeat. The French contribution to the Holocaust is seriously disgusting and never talked about, which I think is a travesty and explains a lot about French attitudes today.

Here, from Wikipedia, maybe you'll learn something you almost definitely did not learn in a French classroom.

Vichy sought an anti-modern counter-revolution. The Right in France, with strength in the aristocracy and among Catholics, had never accepted the republican traditions of the French Revolution. It demanded a return to traditional lines of culture and religion and embraced authoritarianism, while dismissing democracy. The Communist element, strongest in labour unions, turned against Vichy in June 1941, when Germany invaded the Soviet Union. Vichy was intensely anti-Communist and generally pro-Naz1; Payne finds that it, "was distinctly rightist and authoritarian but never fascist. Paxton analyzes the entire range of Vichy supporters, from reactionaries to moderate liberal modernizers, and concludes that genuine fascist elements had but minor roles in most sectors.

The Vichy government tried to assert its legitimacy by symbolically connecting itself to the Gallo-Roman period of France's history, and celebrated the Gaul chieftain Vercingetorix as the "founder" of the nation. It was asserted that just as the defeat of the Gauls in the Battle of Alesia had been the moment in French history when a sense of common nationhood was born, the defeat of 1940 would again unify the nation. The Vichy government's "Francisque" insignia featured two symbols from the Gallic period: the baton and the double-headed hatchet (labrys) arranged so as to resemble the fasces, symbol of the Italian Fascists.

Lmao, I didn't even realize you guys literally started celebrating the barbarians of your past. I've been almost trolling with that angle, but look at that. Your nation's propaganda was using fucking Vercingetorix, the Gallic chief who Julius Caeser publically executed to celebrate his own triumph for waging a treacherous war against the Republic of Rome. How incriminating to your national psyche, always betraying itself as the opposite of everything Greece, Rome, and America stood or continues to stand for in our values, even if at America's founding it was more in theory than in practice. However, Abraham Lincoln made it much more real.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:17:34 pm
I think the main problem with France is that it has never apologized for its war crimes like Germany has The French contribution to the Holocaust is seriously disgusting and never talked about.

Annnnd more retarded historical revisionism, although this is regarding the present so it's even more retarded. Please stop opening your mouth to speak on subjects you are so deeply, deeply ignorant of.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 12:24:33 pm
Please shut the fuck up, you stupid piece of shit. Your grandfathers's glorious country was much more filled with collaborators willingly killing and hunting down jews than practically any other european country under chocolate chip cookie rule, why not shit all over the poles? Oh right, they had this little thing called the chocolate chip cookie army occupying them, I'm sure that wasn't a factor at all. Frankly hearing some fat piece of shit talking about war and combat is kind of hilarious to me. If your fat ass was occupied by the chocolate chip cookies you would bend your ass over to get fucked if it meant there was a twinkie in it for you, you sorry excuse for a man. Can you even walk a few blocks without collapsing in a pile of sweaty flesh?

German propaganda is obviously still being taught in French classrooms I see. By the way, I bike a few miles a day, buzz my head, and am in great shape and have been for the past year or two. 6'1 and 160 pounds. Since I am half slav, it takes only a few months of weight training for me to become far stronger than any weak pathetic inferior Germanic or Latin born white man. I already lost almost 100 pounds by the time that video of me drunk and stupid got posted all over here, so I never took too much offense to it. Not even your ad-hominem attacks on my phyisque are rooted in any reality. Your arguments crumble faster than 100 French divisions against a single pincer maneuver by 30 German divisions through the Ardennes.. or the veneer of French democracy in the face of tyranny.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 12:35:48 pm
Annnnd more retarded historical revisionism, although this is regarding the present so it's even more retarded. Please stop opening your mouth to speak on subjects you are so deeply, deeply ignorant of.

lmao, took a while for even a token gesture of culpability and apology didn't it?

PARIS — The head of France’s national railway company, known as the S.N.C.F., on Tuesday made the company’s first formal public apology directly to Holocaust victims. The regrets came just a few months after American lawmakers, survivors and their descendants moved to block the company from winning contracts in the United States if it did not acknowledge its role in the shipping of thousands of Jews to Naz1 death camps and make amends.

“In the name of the S.N.C.F., I bow down before the victims, the survivors, the children of those deported, and before the suffering that still lives,” said Guillaume Pepy, the company’s chairman, during a ceremony at a railway station in Bobigny, a Paris suburb. The company is handing the station to local authorities to create a memorial to the 20,000 Jews shipped from there to chocolate chip cookie camps, mostly in 1943 and ’44.

Mr. Pepy spoke before an audience of officials and Jewish dignitaries, including Simone Veil, a French survivor of the Holocaust

Mr. Pepy was responding to years of litigation brought by lawmakers, survivors, their descendants and some American Jewish organizations. They say the company never formally apologized for shipping 76,000 European Jews to the Franco-German border in 76 cattle cars between 1941 and 1944. (German trains later took the deportees to chocolate chip cookie death camps.)

I'm pretty sure its things like this that explain why French people look down on American patriotism.. because deep down they know they their own history is a thinly-veiled national embarrassment and affront to all modern sensibilities of ideas like "genocide is wrong." This is one thing Germany does right, and it is no surprise they have recovered so well after WW2 either.

Funny how it took America's economic power and threat of sanctions to get even a "sorry" to Holocaust victims from France, while in America we celebrate survivors of the Holocaust as heroes and tell their stories starting in elementary school as a reminder of what inhumanity we are all capable of if the rights of minorities are not venerated as equal to us all.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:42:34 pm
Yeah that is literally the first and only time the french have ever apologized for or even mentioned their role in the Holocaust, no political statements, museums, monuments, charitable and political organizations, reparations and political support to Israel in it's infancy, laws and political values enshrined in the constitution, movies, books, authors, philosophers, academics,et cetera, et cetera. France being the european country with the most jewish population in Europe today, I'm sure it's just a random coincidence as well.
The only american value you embody is the one of being proud of your ignorance.
ps: I'm sure you're still a fat, alcoholic cunt.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 12:55:00 pm
The country with the most Jews in Europe has less Jews than New Jersey alone.. not surprised. I guess an attempted genocide, dutifully carried out with an enthusiasm that surprised and even disgusted Germany by its virulent anti-Semitism, by the government and citizenry of France at all levels of society will do that to a population.

Vive la Vichy France! Travail, Famille, Patrie! Heil, mein Führer!
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 12:59:52 pm
Well what can I say, I suppose if we had been glorious polish slavic master race we would've been much more effective at it, as the jewish population of Poland today demonstrates.

According to a Polish survey carried out by CBOS,[208] and published in January 2005, in which Poles were asked to assess their attitudes toward other nationalities representing different European and non-European countries, 45% claimed to feel antipathy towards Jews (steadily decreasing), 18% to feel sympathy (fluctuating by up to 10 percentage points annually; in 1997 it was 28%), while 29% felt impartial and 8% were undecided. Those surveyed were asked to express their feeling on the scale from −3 (strong antipathy) to +3 (strong sympathy). The average score for attitude towards Jews was −0.67 in that year. In the CBOS survey from 2010,[209] antipathy decreased to 27%, and sympathy rose to 31% (down from 34% in 2008). The average score for attitude was +0.05 at that time.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 01:01:37 pm
You're right I never actually researched this at all, I just assumed based on your posting alone Oberyn that France denies its role in the Holocaust. Within 5 seconds of googling, it is more widespread than I ever imagined.. chip cookies

François Hollande said Sunday France was responsible for the death of thousands of Jews during WWII, a stance that draws him closer to former president Jacques Chirac, until now the only other head of state to admit French guilt in the Holocaust.

President François Hollande said Sunday that France bore responsibility for the killings of thousands of Jewish people who were detained and deported to chocolate chip cookie concentration camps during World War Two. His speech – delivered at a commemoration of the 70th anniversary of a two-day police roundup of more than 13,000 Jews in Paris in July 1942 – followed in the footsteps of former president Jacques Chirac.


While Hollande has often sought comparisons to François Mitterrand, the only other left-wing president under the Fifth Republic, his position over France’s role in the Holocaust once more confirmed for many observers Hollande's affinity with the conservative Chirac. In 1995, Chirac broke with tradition when he declared that France had “committed the irreparable” and “owed [Holocaust victims] an everlasting debt.”

Admitting guilt over the Holocaust is something Mitterrand, who was in power from 1981 to 1995, cautiously avoided during his tenure, even if he instituted the day of remembrance for the Vél d-Hiv roundup, named after an indoor cycling track that once stood near the Eiffel Tower.

On Sunday, addressing a small crowd at a solemn ceremony in southwest Paris, Hollande remembered that “not one German soldier, not a single one,” participated in the July 1942 operation. “The truth is that this crime was committed in France, by France,” the president declared.

Hollande also directly referred to Chirac’s groundbreaking speech 17 years ago, saying the decision to finally recognise France’s collective responsibility in the wartime extermination of Jews had been “lucid” and “courageous”.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Oberyn on August 27, 2015, 01:06:12 pm
You're right I never actually researched this at all

Thanks for admitting every one of your arguements is pulled straight out of your globulous ass. Your 5 seconds of google to confirm your retarded preconceived crap is the height of scholarship and research.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 01:16:14 pm
A Polish citizen has the freedom to hate Jews, Gypsies, whoever they want. If you do the same poll here in America about any race group religion or w/e you'll find plenty of people proud of being a bigot over some stupid shit. My dad fought in Vietnam and has never shut up about how you can never trust a gook my whole life, good for him. Now if Polish people go around stuffing them into trains to go across Europe to die in a faraway land, it would be different. Poles and Jews suffered equally in WW2 under occupation by Germany and the Soviets, and despite ongoing tensions in how and where they lived, Jews never had a home in Europe's history like they did in pre-war Poland. Only after the fall of Communism has Poland seen a resurgence in its Jewish population, something France never had to deal with because of American sacrifice. Warsaw was completely depopulated by the end of the Warsaw Uprising and razed to the ground.. it is hard for the Poles to collaborate with the chocolate chip cookies in turning over Jews in their cities when every Polish person in those cities are dead or deported. Funny how the Warsaw Uprising even happened, 200,000 Polish civilians died and almost 1,000,000 were sent to concentration camps, all in the name of restoring democracy for a Free Poland that everyone fought for.. when did the Paris Uprising happen?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 01:19:38 pm
Thanks for admitting every one of your arguements is pulled straight out of your globulous ass. Your 5 seconds of google to confirm your retarded preconceived crap is the height of scholarship and research.

I consider posting on the cRPG forums to be the most hands-on research into the demented, historically ignorant and revisionist, tribalistic psyche of a European that one can do, outside of the World Cup. It has taught me more than any NY Times articles of things I already assumed are true could do.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on August 27, 2015, 01:23:27 pm
May i remind you folks about the forum rules.

Be polite, keep the cursing to a minimum; adding insults to your arguments does not make them better.

No racism, sexism, discriminatory speech, images or similar.

Some certain individuals seem to think these rules dont apply to them.

TYVM have a pleasant day, and conversation for anyone to read.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Lt_Anders on August 27, 2015, 02:11:50 pm
Remember the GDP per capita discussion some time ago?
yeah that's why the measure is gdp per capita, you fucking fool
 United States   54,800   2014 est.
 European Union   38,300   2014 est.

Get reckt EU
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Shemaforash on August 27, 2015, 02:13:21 pm
I regret replying in this thread, now I have this in my feed. Smoothrich and Oberyn lmao
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Vibe on August 27, 2015, 02:21:03 pm
I regret replying in this thread, now I have this in my feed. Smoothrich and Oberyn lmao

It's beautiful

May i remind you folks about the forum rules.

Be polite, keep the cursing to a minimum; adding insults to your arguments does not make them better.

No racism, sexism, discriminatory speech, images or similar.

Some certain individuals seem to think these rules dont apply to them.

TYVM have a pleasant day, and conversation for anyone to read.

yeah well fuck off
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Smoothrich on August 27, 2015, 05:01:36 pm
The only thing that pertains to 1940 is that the US still shits itself at the concept of Communism and sees it in every shadow.

You know 'Breaking Bad'? The UK version of it sucked, because when he got cancer he got free treatment and the series ended (there was no series in the UK, it would've lasted 10 minutes). The idea of a mythical land where people who are ill cannot afford medical treatment and are condemned to die under their current means makes such good tv! Kinda like how a slow-motion train-wreck is great tv.

We have a Socialist doing very well in our current Presidential election as we speak. The Democratic party in general is starting to get more progressive/left-wing, with people like Elizabeth Warren rising in prominence. Also, we actually have undertaken a comprehensive reform of our medical system over the past 6 years that makes certain every American has health insurance (Obamacare.) Everybody has a healthcare plan in America now or else they are breaking the law, and poor people.. like me.. get it subsidized from the government completely in our Federal health insurance program called Medicaid, and people over the age of 65 get it from Medicare. Unlike some shitty health systems like the NHS in England that force you to go to shitty doctors with long waits, even most private healthcare providers accept this insurance instead of having separate practitioners. Our national healthcare system is by design socialist, and will probably keep expanding until we end up with a single-payer option, a policy known as "Medicaid for all" and have true universal healthcare that isn't much different than UK's current system.

Communism, on the other hand, is the opposite of Democracy, and leads to rampant human rights abuses, no free press or elections, and if coupled with a lack of international relationships with EVIL CAPITALISTS, tends to foster hostility and war. We do not have to imagine the concept of Communism when it is still in practice at North Korea, where USA has remained ready to go to war to defend South Korea from North Korean and Chinese aggression.. since we already had to once before. South Korea and Japan are prosperous free markets because of their relationship with USA and free societies, NK in comparison is a perfect example of why America owns and Communism sucks.

However we literally have just reestablished diplomacy with Cuba who is still Communist, which is about time, since there are many Cuban-Americans here. Funny that Cuban-Americans are the ones who are the most anti-Communist though, since they become refugees for a reason.

America is probably more left-wing than a lot of EU countries nowadays lol, with all your anti-Islam, anti-immigrant leaders, perpetual austerity measures and stagnant growth. I won't be surprised if half the EU countries can't even afford their healthcare systems anymore in 20 years.. enjoy it while it lasts suckers
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on August 27, 2015, 07:54:04 pm
If it wasnt  for me paying of the remaining house mortage i had last year,  then i would have moved to america in a heartbeat... * praying for better economy to sell my house in*

When i come to America, i could only wish for someone like Smoothrich to educate me. Hes been winning ever since he made his CRPG song on cloud.... He had it right then, and he has it right now.. upperhand on the debate.

Wikipedia.. books.. random internet studies.. bunch of edited bull.  I doo doo on history books.
Nothing beats learning history from the people themselves!

It seems Jeb Bush is my candidate.  George wasnt that bad at all. Im content with this
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 27, 2015, 09:10:05 pm
If it wasnt  for me paying of the remaining house mortage i had last year,  then i would have moved to america in a heartbeat... * praying for better economy to sell my house in*

When i come to America, i could only wish for someone like Smoothrich to educate me. Hes been winning ever since he made his CRPG song on cloud.... He had it right then, and he has it right now.. upperhand on the debate.

Wikipedia.. books.. random internet studies.. bunch of edited bull.  I doo doo on history books.
Nothing beats learning history from the people themselves!

It seems Jeb Bush is my candidate.  George wasnt that bad at all. Im content with this
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He's the "smarter" Bush, I suggest you move to a state like Alabama or Mississippi you will fit right in.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 27, 2015, 10:12:52 pm
Will you marry me Smoothrich so that I can get a green card?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on August 27, 2015, 11:08:58 pm
Compared to what? The cultural backlash from the destruction wrought by both WW1 and 2 and the subsequent complete abdication of any sort of historical or ethnic pride is the anomaly, the norm is nationalistic and dogmatic tribal identification the world over. Western Europe is a dying civilization, the tribal identities where there is this passion, no matter how illogical or ethnocentric or even fabricated from wholecloth, are the ones that are going to survive. One way or another the european continent is going to go back to this basic paragdim of civilization. Ideally it goes off as the multicultural utopians hope and a new unified ethnicity emerges after a few generations or melting pot, informed by past european values while also incorporating the elements of incoming cultures, but that is so much fairy dust in the wind as far as I'm concerned. The american melting pot was not a kind and "tolerant" process by any modern understanding. Even today I believe the uncompromising american national pride is partly the reasons why immigrants integrate much faster. It's certainly not anything to do with racial tolerance being somehow more common in the US, that's for sure.

I think you're downplaying the fact that all Western countries share a wide set of strong values straight from the Enlightenment. Our identity has become more ideological than nationalistic, but it still exists. It's a gross misrepresentation to speak of "complete abdication of any sort of historical or ethnic pride".
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on August 28, 2015, 12:55:34 am
Will you marry me Smoothrich so that I can get a green card?

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 28, 2015, 09:07:58 am
Donald Trump will be a great president of the United States. He's charismatic and witty, and he certainly has the real world managerial experience; he has run businesses that give direct feedback in the form of profit or lack thereof instead of holding the equivalent of a tenure in some government position like much of his opposition has for their entire lives.

He doesn't so much throw the decrepit old electoral script out the window as he does tear it into pieces and snort it up his nose (much like Obama used to, only with crack cocaine instead of torn-up paper). For that alone, he is a worthy candidate: the career politicians aren't quite sure how to deal with him -- or what to make of him.

Trump, unlike others, needs no teleprompters or notes to tell him what to say next. No, he knows what he is about, he has done his homework; no one need put words in his mouth. He has rare authority. He is used to being listened to. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

It's important, of course, to understand that while he doesn't abide by the ancient rule book, he's still playing the game. Not everything he says should be taken literally - or, in some cases, even figuratively. The man must - and does! - employ political gambits just like everyone else, should he wish to have a real shot at the prize. And he does wish, and he does have. He's in it to win it.

Trump will employ aggressive tactics from the business world in the realm of politics. Tactics that are proven to work. He will be a leader that America's enemies will fear. He will not be anyone's door mat. He will not be Obama. Trump will do what must be done to achieve what must be achieved. Nations and groups all around the world will recognize this and act accordingly.

Simple social interactions, business, politics - these all share the same dynamics. People are people. Trump knows how to play people.

Trump's star is rising.

America's star will rise alongside his.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 28, 2015, 01:36:23 pm
he has done his homework
Okay, that gave it away
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Leshma on August 28, 2015, 02:13:30 pm
Imagine if Trump was already president of US of A for few years and during recent ebola crisis he had the power to forbid that doctor to come back home to receive treatment?
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on August 28, 2015, 06:22:10 pm
Donald Trump will be a great president of the United States. He's charismatic and witty, and he certainly has the real world managerial experience; he has run businesses that give direct feedback in the form of profit or lack thereof instead of holding the equivalent of a tenure in some government position like much of his opposition has for their entire lives.

He doesn't so much throw the decrepit old electoral script out the window as he does tear it into pieces and snort it up his nose (much like Obama used to, only with crack cocaine instead of torn-up paper). For that alone, he is a worthy candidate: the career politicians aren't quite sure how to deal with him -- or what to make of him.

Trump, unlike others, needs no teleprompters or notes to tell him what to say next. No, he knows what he is about, he has done his homework; no one need put words in his mouth. He has rare authority. He is used to being listened to. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

It's important, of course, to understand that while he doesn't abide by the ancient rule book, he's still playing the game. Not everything he says should be taken literally - or, in some cases, even figuratively. The man must - and does! - employ political gambits just like everyone else, should he wish to have a real shot at the prize. And he does wish, and he does have. He's in it to win it.

Trump will employ aggressive tactics from the business world in the realm of politics. Tactics that are proven to work. He will be a leader that America's enemies will fear. He will not be anyone's door mat. He will not be Obama. Trump will do what must be done to achieve what must be achieved. Nations and groups all around the world will recognize this and act accordingly.

Simple social interactions, business, politics - these all share the same dynamics. People are people. Trump knows how to play people.

Trump's star is rising.

America's star will rise alongside his.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 28, 2015, 06:29:40 pm
Donald Trump will be a great president of the United States. He's charismatic and witty, and he certainly has the real world managerial experience; he has run businesses that give direct feedback in the form of profit or lack thereof instead of holding the equivalent of a tenure in some government position like much of his opposition has for their entire lives.

He doesn't so much throw the decrepit old electoral script out the window as he does tear it into pieces and snort it up his nose (much like Obama used to, only with crack cocaine instead of torn-up paper). For that alone, he is a worthy candidate: the career politicians aren't quite sure how to deal with him -- or what to make of him.

Trump, unlike others, needs no teleprompters or notes to tell him what to say next. No, he knows what he is about, he has done his homework; no one need put words in his mouth. He has rare authority. He is used to being listened to. He isn't afraid to say what he thinks.

It's important, of course, to understand that while he doesn't abide by the ancient rule book, he's still playing the game. Not everything he says should be taken literally - or, in some cases, even figuratively. The man must - and does! - employ political gambits just like everyone else, should he wish to have a real shot at the prize. And he does wish, and he does have. He's in it to win it.

Trump will employ aggressive tactics from the business world in the realm of politics. Tactics that are proven to work. He will be a leader that America's enemies will fear. He will not be anyone's door mat. He will not be Obama. Trump will do what must be done to achieve what must be achieved. Nations and groups all around the world will recognize this and act accordingly.

Simple social interactions, business, politics - these all share the same dynamics. People are people. Trump knows how to play people.

Trump's star is rising.

America's star will rise alongside his.

We are fucked, plain and simple, every last candidate is garbage. It's a good thing that our constitution (used to) has limitations on what these morons can do.  The one who would be the least likely not to fuck anything else up at this point would be best. Trump has gone bankrupt several times and abused loopholes in the system to get where he is now, fucking everyone else in the process. He will not "beat" China or make America "Great" again, the last thing we need to do is piss off the Chinese. For someone who claims to be a great businessman he seems to know nothing about how the global economy actually works, if it was as easy as he says it is to compete with China then alot smarter people than him would have done something already.

My prediction is Clinton Vs Bush, it will be the most polarizing and profitable showdown for the media to profit off of, and all the donors and sponsors feel comfortable throwing their money at them ( these corporate donors and sponsors have money that make Trump look petty, Trump's Net Worth looks great on paper but these are mostly assets that are tied up and can't be touched, Assessed values are just a raw estimate and are sometimes twice as high than their actual "true" value or market value ( something that changes with the economy), The Koch Brothers alone have a budget of 860 million to throw around). The election is still over a year away and all the corporate donors are going to wait and then pile the money high on them as the elections get closer, drowning out all the other candidates. They will give the other candidates just enough airtime to ridicule and tear them apart publicly.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 28, 2015, 07:24:14 pm


Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Siiem on August 29, 2015, 12:00:55 am
America needs Trump, or this will happen.
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America, I pledge each and everyone of you, vote Trump.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Teeth on August 29, 2015, 12:13:21 am
(click to show/hide)
Thanks, I didn't get it and I wondered what kind of a fucking channel this was, now I've wasted 2 hours watching his "reaction" videos, upsetting my roommates with erratic laughter.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Bob_Ross on August 29, 2015, 12:26:09 am
97% Bernie.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on August 29, 2015, 12:28:43 am
Thanks, I didn't get it and I wondered what kind of a fucking channel this was, now I've wasted 2 hours watching his "reaction" videos, upsetting my roommates with erratic laughter.

Yush very gut!
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on August 29, 2015, 12:55:16 am
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How blacks got whites 2 vote for Obama
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Grytviken on August 29, 2015, 01:25:45 am
97% Bernie.


Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Bob_Ross on August 29, 2015, 03:24:08 am
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Materia on August 29, 2015, 02:46:58 pm
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: darmaster on August 29, 2015, 02:50:59 pm
Thanks, I didn't get it and I wondered what kind of a fucking channel this was, now I've wasted 2 hours watching his "reaction" videos, upsetting my roommates with erratic laughter.

Yes ethan is a monster, the pranks ones best oneses es fupa
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: cup457 on August 29, 2015, 03:44:50 pm
I doubt Donald will get Republican nomination because the only way for Republicans to win is to try and get mexican citizens to vote for them because of religious values, if he runs independent I'll vote for him because I like isolationism. If not I'll have to find someone else
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on August 29, 2015, 09:48:57 pm
Yes ethan is a monster, the pranks ones best oneses es fupa
h3h3productions the only youtube channel worth subscribing to.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: darmaster on August 30, 2015, 12:47:55 am
h3h3productions the only youtube channel worth subscribing to.

It's a prank a bro it's a prank IT'S A PRANK IT'S A PRANK
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on August 30, 2015, 04:58:35 am
It's a prank a bro it's a prank IT'S A PRANK IT'S A PRANK
I would seriously just beat them up harder if they started chanting that, so fucking annoying. Not only their assumption that it "being a prank" excuses any behavior, but their tone when they say it.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Laufknoten on August 30, 2015, 08:39:37 pm
I would seriously just beat them up harder if they started chanting that, so fucking annoying. Not only their assumption that it "being a prank" excuses any behavior, but their tone when they say it.
And most of the time it's not even something you could in any way define as a prank. Being an asshole and harassing random people is not a "prank".
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: LordBerenger on August 30, 2015, 09:31:35 pm
*Tries to kill someone and they pull out their gun for self defense

''It's a prank bro it's a prank!''

Also always make sure to have either ''In the hood'', ''Gone wrong'' or ''Gone sexual'' in your prank vids for maximum views.

Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: ecorcheur_brokar on August 31, 2015, 04:22:58 pm
(click to show/hide)
huehuehue social and domestic issue "more important to me" and education "somewhat important"... MURIKA!
The american melting pot was not a kind and "tolerant" process by any modern understanding. Even today I believe the uncompromising american national pride is partly the reasons why immigrants integrate much faster. It's certainly not anything to do with racial tolerance being somehow more common in the US, that's for sure.
Did you went to USA? Apart from NY, the immigrants are far for being integrated compared to EU. You can see everywhere, most of the people are interacting only with people from the same ethnicity and most of them are not even immigrants, they are 3-4th generations already. (not speaking about europeans descendants)

It seems you live in a different France than I, but in the street of France, most of the time you see people interacting with other from different ethnicity.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Materia on August 31, 2015, 04:41:10 pm
huehuehue social and domestic issue "more important to me" and education "somewhat important"... MURIKA!

Im not Murican :).
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on September 01, 2015, 01:26:25 am
(click to show/hide)

Glory goes to Xant, for making a post with this link years? months ago!?

In your honor! My tribute!
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Jambi on September 01, 2015, 02:25:38 am
I would seriously just beat them up harder if they started chanting that, so fucking annoying. Not only their assumption that it "being a prank" excuses any behavior, but their tone when they say it.

Same as how many degenerates shout "LOL TROLL" "I WAS TROLLING" "YOU MAD?" usually when a discussion isnt going their way, or to simply attempt to try and justify misbehave.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on September 01, 2015, 09:44:03 am
(click to show/hide)

Glory goes to Xant, for making a post with this link years? months ago!?

In your honor! My tribute!
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Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Macbeth3 on September 01, 2015, 01:55:10 pm

Bernie Sanders, 86%
Hillary Clinton, 82%
Martin O'Malley, 70%
Rand Paul, 52%

The rest is below 35% xD

I have no knowledge of who most of these people are.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on September 02, 2015, 12:39:38 am
Macbeth I just wanted to say, that dog in your sig is so fluffy and its eyes so glittering I'd bet money on the original cartoonist being antisemitic.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on September 02, 2015, 07:33:17 am
It's a fucking cat, alright, you moron.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Kafein on September 02, 2015, 06:40:46 pm
It's a fucking cat, alright, you moron.

Ah yes, that completely defeats my point.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Xant on September 02, 2015, 06:41:18 pm
I'm glad we could come to an understanding.
Title: Re: I side who do you side wth for the elections
Post by: Sir_Hans on September 06, 2015, 09:36:26 pm
Trump 110%

Make America great again!