cRPG => Announcements => Topic started by: chadz on December 17, 2013, 01:17:15 am

Title: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: chadz on December 17, 2013, 01:17:15 am
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

Also, DoubleExPee is on for the holidays!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Novamere on December 17, 2013, 01:22:26 am
Nice! Keep up the great work!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Rebelyell on December 17, 2013, 01:24:10 am
new round!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Teeth on December 17, 2013, 01:27:11 am
We're definitely gonna need some nukes next round.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Panos_ on December 17, 2013, 01:29:04 am
The only thing I want for new strat is less Plate please.

Make it 200 times more expensive..
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 17, 2013, 01:30:03 am
Why no warning, so much troops that were about to be unleashed  :rolleyes:

But a new round, if it comes soon, with good new gameplay, will have all my support.

Thanks for the double XP and good christmas to all.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

There is plenty of that in the strategus general discussion sub-section  :wink:  althought not "short" but strategus is not about short problems  :P
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Artyem on December 17, 2013, 01:30:52 am
Some form of countermeasure to gear bugging, it gets pretty ridiculous.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Novamere on December 17, 2013, 01:31:13 am
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

Also, DoubleExPee is on for the holidays!

DoubleExPee in strat too or just normal servers like siege/battle? :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Leshma on December 17, 2013, 01:32:34 am
Well since you're shutting down Strat, better turn EU5 into another DTV server :mrgreen:

As for strat, I know you're lacking time but here is my suggestion. I dislike current strat, only play it cause XP. Strat is and always was medieval simulator. And I'm not into it. Whole alliances, blocks thing is slowing mod down. Very few people have control over decisions.

How about you remake it, put a limit on number of players in each faction, forbid alliances, basically create clan ladder like a league of clans which would fight on strat map for fiefs and castles. I would actively play that.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 17, 2013, 01:33:25 am
Gear should be way more valuable (I'd love for most battles to be in light-medium armor), there should be a cap on the amounts of pp a fief can have generated at once (which at the same time serves to eventually restore respecd fiefs), a food system would also be nice.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Heibai on December 17, 2013, 01:40:57 am
Coalition ist a fckin clairvoyant  :shock:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: The_Slim on December 17, 2013, 01:41:22 am
Very good.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: arowaine on December 17, 2013, 01:41:53 am
1 get rid of 1/3 of equipement back to the winner and 1/4 of the equipement to the loser team!
2 fix spawn time to 30 sec max even if you have 50 death to prevent fucking gay time rules and we can all enjoy more our time on strat battle and wait less!
3 fix gear bug due to patch
4 remove nigth time to prevent anyone abusing it.
5 get strat with less management(economy more easyer or different( in my opinion and more xp!
6 put you fucking patch or update that make owner of faction able to upgrade fief and change is style.
7 give back neutral stuff random roster to defend neutral/no voting system
ps: that all from me other then that get rid of 2hander spam double side swing so i can stop being a troll about it

pss: tydeus you are gay for being 2hander my old friendget :) love you all!

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Corsair831 on December 17, 2013, 01:43:45 am

Change of old features

- We need Average Armour Levels to be Reduced somehow (either change economy or something) - every battle is currently full plate

- The level of troops we have floating about at the moment in battles is Great, please don't lower or raise this too much (we get 2 or 3 2000 soldier battles almost every day, nice)

- Camping Mechanics are too powerful, please a mechanic to stop people sitting in castles forever (a siege mechanic, sit in a castle and lose 500 troops a day etc etc)

Possible new features (hopefully easy to implement)

- Alliance/Enemy Mechanic, make it so you can see X clan and Y clan are allied as the "XY Alliance" (etc etc) & you can only attack someone you have set as 'Enemy'

- Map Filters (on the same note), so you can see the map as red=enemy, green=yourself and allies, yellow=neutrals etc.

- Integrate Butan's Scripts (They are amazing)

- When hiring troops you have "Performance" and "Reliability" stats already on cRPG website, please add these to the soldier/mercenary recruitment page for strategus battles so we can see "Troop Name", "Troop Level" like is now, but also add "Performance" and "Reliability"

- Repairing Equipment - after battles we get lots of -1, +0, +1, +2 equipment which makes the inventory messy, please can we pay to repair equipment to it's original level when it is damaged

- Change Fief Owner - whilst not in the city (it is time consuming to travel to every city on the map to change owner)

In-Battle Changes

- Pleeease increase the limit for Weapon Racks in sieges, the limit is 5 global now, which means defenders usually spawn first with 3 and it makes it so attackers have only 2 :(. Maybe 10 global limit would be good?

- Small siege tower does not work

Other than that i absolutely love strategus, keep up the good work and I am excited for the next iteration! :)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 17, 2013, 01:44:47 am
Make me the rightful king of NA.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Osiris on December 17, 2013, 01:46:57 am
remove fief voting!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 17, 2013, 01:47:50 am
remove fief voting!
Fiefs should be given out randomly ideally, voting is better than AI fiefs though.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Bjord on December 17, 2013, 01:52:47 am
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Casimir on December 17, 2013, 01:54:07 am
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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: LordRichrich on December 17, 2013, 01:54:24 am
Does double exp apply to DTV?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: TR_Ragnarok on December 17, 2013, 01:58:31 am
flag capping gay remove it XP for everyone!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Torben on December 17, 2013, 02:04:52 am
give the strat map more places of strategic interest:

rough example:
forrests for wood  :arrow: wooden weapons
mountains for stones  :arrow: maintenance of castles etc
mines for metalworks

point is to create the need to conquer and hold key positions and/or the necessity to trade in between factions,  even if not friendly ones.
would also give a new meaning to raiding.
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old thread with ideas for strat improvement:
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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 17, 2013, 02:14:56 am

0) same members who joined my crpg clan ladder should be automaticly in Strategus faction from start. (after fief distribution, that could be changed)

1) totally random fief distribution at round start, only delimiter, that the bigger a faction/clan is, the less fiefs they get to start with dependent also on all other clans who joined, they need to fight for that shit more then singleplayers!

2) faction members spawn close to the fiefs they got by the automatic distribution.

3) incooperating the tool belt and perhaps also shared line of sight in various degrees depending on diploamtic status.

4) some sort of balancing act to decrease the economical power of huge factions.
Giving small factions a uniq advantage which would get lost when you become bigger, but gaining other advantages then.

5) More fighting less loosing of troops to the timer. Therefor the battletimer formula should be tweaked that it has slightly higher time limits/additions per troop.

6) with every new patch in terms of gear, the duplication bug was back, therefor the economy got fucked up, that shouldnt happen again!

7) after 10000 crates, the player is shown with 0 crates

8) the caravan speed formula can be abused, by having huge amounts of horses with only few troops between 1 and about 350. Insane amounts of speed i have tested with that.

I only just got my hands on a city and lots of troops... oh well... at least strat didn't end the *day* after i got a city as i thought it would xD

Guess none of my troops will get used after all.
tell me about it ^^ pfff, just bought from Erzengel Narra and silver for +3 Steelshield and 300k gold -_-, which he offers to give back, you are the man Erzengel!!!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Jarlek on December 17, 2013, 02:16:24 am
Some sieging mechanic should be high priority.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 17, 2013, 02:17:40 am
EU and NA on the same map again!
And giev strat to chinese.

Damn it, this update means i actually have to fix strategus maps now =(
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Jarlek on December 17, 2013, 02:25:38 am
Btw, I remembered an old suggestion of mine:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Dalfador on December 17, 2013, 02:31:12 am
Any faction with a major city:

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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: PoisonedTail on December 17, 2013, 02:38:20 am
does double xp apply to dtv
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 17, 2013, 02:45:16 am
Also dont stop the current Strategus.
Just let it play till you have the new version/patch ready.

That way, people can go all out with the gear they have safed up and perhaps even some unexpected fights like DRZ vs GO  :lol:  :lol:  :lol: would happen. Point is, only because there is a new patch announced to keep HRE/Fallen in the game  :rolleyes:, wouldnt really help those guys who are currently still playing Strategus, but would need to wait 2+ months to play it again. With the latest population fluctuations this could become critical!!!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Lethwin Far Seeker on December 17, 2013, 03:10:17 am
A village (or city to a greater extent) can be set to produce one of the following three: Trade Goods, Food, and Iron (or some mineral resource) OR a combination of these. 

Trade Goods are used to gain currency.

Food is used to feed armies (or else they die off).

Iron is converted into arms and armour.

Castles provide highly reduced wages but minimal production of goods, food, and iron.

I believe a system built on this would lessen the current problems of: too much plate armour, too much piled up gold, and gear production based on time rather than resources. 

This system would also make trade more significant because factions could specialize (for maximum output) in goods, food, or iron and trade their excess to another faction also specializing so both factions got what they needed.  All in all, trade and trade rights would become significant and more than just a way to get loads of currency.

Just a thought

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on December 17, 2013, 03:26:39 am
double xp already started?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Vovka on December 17, 2013, 04:04:43 am
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.
in March pls! I think all the major factions agree that they need more time to rest

also possibility convert strat stuff like troops, gold, fiefs in crpg goodies like gold and looms would be a good prize for the activity on dat strat round ^^
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Rebelyell on December 17, 2013, 04:14:22 am
in March pls! I think all the major factions agree that they need more time to rest

also possibility convert strat stuff like troops, gold, fiefs in crpg goodies like gold and looms would be a good prize for the activity on dat strat round ^^

like exp is not enough
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Vovka on December 17, 2013, 04:15:19 am
like exp is not enough
I want hats!
how about add pols with a choice of the month for the start of the next strat round?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Taser on December 17, 2013, 04:37:05 am
So much troops and gear left unused. Ahh well.

Glad to hear a new round is starting though.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Tanken on December 17, 2013, 04:50:07 am
This is one of the greatest patches ever. All hail the Donkey King.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 17, 2013, 04:52:33 am
Give us the ability to rename fiefs and have their name pass by an admin or something so I can name my capital city "GOBBLONIA", and Murdertron can make "MURDEROPOLIS".
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on December 17, 2013, 05:32:04 am
Give us the ability to rename fiefs and have their name pass by an admin or something so I can name my capital city "GOBBLONIA", and Murdertron can make "MURDEROPOLIS".

Yes oh my god this yes please

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 17, 2013, 05:46:22 am
Then we would have fantasy named city to go with your fancy clan banners ?  :lol:

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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Pentecost on December 17, 2013, 05:53:03 am
Main problems with the current round:

1.) There is too much gold floating around. Every battle being a plate/armored horse extravaganza is good for xp but makes the battles in question extremely unpleasant to play after a while.

2.) Troop generation being linked to the number of players in a faction (rather than the number of fiefs it holds) greatly limits the ability of non-megafactions to sustain offensives until comparatively late in the round.

3.) There is no incentive to defend fiefs unless they are castles or towns.

Possible solutions:

1.) Just reducing the amount of gold in the system would only increase the amount of time factions spend turtling ("building their economy") until they have full plate and armored horses. Consider implementing caps on the quantities of high grade equipment that a single army can spawn with based on its size. This cap would only prevent you from spawning an entire army in full plate and plated chargers; it would not not prevent you from carrying or looting an entire army's worth of full plate as crates.

2.) Troop acquisition is handled in a similar fashion to trade good acquisition. Example:

  a. Population functions like S&D. Troops are bought with gold from the population of a town, castle, or village.
  b. They regen at a rate based on the prosperity of the town, castle, or village.
  c. Their price is determined by the size of the population at the time of purchase; large population = much lower cost per troop while small population = much higher cost per troop.

3. The proposed solution for the problem of troop generation above would also make defending villages a worthwhile endeavor.

Other things:

*Please add an option to drop gear while in the field.

*There has lately been an issue in NA strat battles with being able to get 50 players for both sides. If the reset does not do anything to regenerate the NA population, please consider lowering the maximum roster size for NA battles only.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Ozan on December 17, 2013, 07:37:51 am
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

Also, DoubleExPee is on for the holidays!

THX chadz.Mod will alive with new round of strat.January is perfect.

For new strategus:

1-Old Aİ fief defence sysyem ( it was a lot fun and realistic)
2-Member Limit for to build a new clan in strategus
3-Sea battles and ıf possible add some islands
4-Na and EU in the same map again
5-No vote system
6-İncrease 51 player to 70 for strat rosters
7-Very expensive tincan armours
8-İncrease hp of catapults and siege towers
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: bavvoz on December 17, 2013, 07:39:27 am
Awesome news! I just hope we wont see the usual blockade crap again next round
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: GOBBLINKINGREATLEADER on December 17, 2013, 08:09:56 am
Pretty simple requests:

- Integrate the fucking Strategus Inventory scripts, Strategus is practically fucking unplayable without them.

- You know how we can look at our battle history on the website in the archive? Give us the ability to do that for other people so we can see how well they really perform, instead of only having an untrustworthy number for "performance" available to us. Let us be able to search battles by player name or something.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: bagge on December 17, 2013, 08:51:56 am
in March pls!

This. Maybe we could see some tournies and multi-Clan battles instead of Strat for awhile. Would only be good for the mod imho.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: no_rules_just_play on December 17, 2013, 09:19:14 am
apology for poor english

when were you when stratigus dies?

i was sat at home eating smegma butter when rogue ring

'strat is kill'


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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Andswaru on December 17, 2013, 10:02:26 am
1. Automated trade possibilites.
2. Automatically generating populations per viillage or town held rather than per player- enabling a small faction to match the manpower production of a larger faction in an easier manner.
3. The current S&D system is nice, with the prices and taxation, could something similar be implemented for the armour types? I.e. each fief can only produce 50 types of plate per day 100 types of medium armour and 250 types of light armour? Something based on weight limits. Would stop heavy armour stacking.
4. Distribute the fiefs via a signup list, you sign up then from the signups the fiefs are distributed via a lottery system. The signup would be on a clan basis so member numbers wouldnt influnce the distribution of fiefs.

They are my basic new round suggestions.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: NuberT on December 17, 2013, 10:17:35 am
Implement some sort of culture system:

The initial fiefs you conquer have 100% of the factions culture.

A fief neighbouring another faction is influenced by their culture over time to a maximum of 20% by the 2 nearest fiefs for example: City A owned by faction A has 60% of the own factions culture, 20 % faction B and 20% faction C. You an only successfully conquer a fief, which has at least 15 % of your own faction culture. Only faction B and C can successfuly conquer that fief. Other fiefs can only be looted.

The more fiefs you own and the more %of foreign culture your realm has the bigger penalties you receive. Money, troop desertion, rebellion whatever..

Trade caravans should be limited per faction as well, to boost smaller factions.

Main idea of this would be to limit expansion on one hand and force factions to attack their neighbours on the other, some sort of anti carebear-system.

Just an idea, probably won't change anything anyway^^
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: alismortem on December 17, 2013, 10:44:43 am
Title: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Guray on December 17, 2013, 11:23:11 am
I would like to see more movements like crouching and stuff.
Also I'm bored with the same freaking scenario UIF vs Coalition
Add Rageball , remove DTV or make it hard because most of the people are there to leech.
Do some events rather than making double expee thingy
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: En_Dotter on December 17, 2013, 11:56:12 am
My suggestions:


-Make strong gear rly expensive. All that plate fights are rly borring. It comes to tincans fighting tincans... with hvy weapons... There is no diversity...

-Fix bloody cav spawns...

-More siege equipment: rams, braizers (fire arrows), ballistas, mangonels, hwacha? (ofc not the last one but i had to mention it :D)

-Make all siege stuff team limited not server limited (weapon racks, ladders, catapults... so annyoing that we have to either agree on the amount or dont care about it and screw the other side)

-Get someone to bloody make ladders have actual hitboxes like ladders, and also gates, trees...

-Fix bloody broken walls to have proper movement limiters and proper textures and not the crap where u can be inside and be invisible or situations where some walls have texture on one side and are transparent on the other side

-Fix town/caslte maps that are rly epickly retarded and cannot be attacked from multiple sides (like Dhirim). You got Fips now... and he likes to "fix" maps. Whats the point of attacking a fief that has only one access point?

-Make gear production a bit more complex. For example: One of the castles specializes in sword production and gets 50% off on PP investment on looming swords. Other one for medium armors (armor rating x-y gets discuount) while other items get 50% more PP requirement. The more production facilities you want to have the greater the PP price for them. Maybe even make those facilities be upgradable. So lvl one allows certain swords, lvl 2 more advanced, and lvl 3 all of them. Maybe the range of effect could go along with the price of weapons. So lvl one would give from 0 gold to 45silver, lvl 2 from 45 to 90 and lvl3 90+ silver. Or if this is too hard maybe make specialization apply for weapon type (1h, 2h, bows...)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 17, 2013, 11:58:43 am
fix armies getting gear bugged from having too many weapons.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Huscarlton_Banks on December 17, 2013, 12:04:54 pm
Give commanders the option of disabling items that they do not want used during battle.

As a bonus, it'll help with gear bugs, assuming that the commander isn't lazy.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sir_Hans on December 17, 2013, 12:05:15 pm
Also dont stop the current Strategus.
Just let it play till you have the new version/patch ready.




Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: LordBerenger on December 17, 2013, 12:15:47 pm
Give all fiefs to Smoothrich next strat round and have him be the evil emperor and ruler of Calradia where everyone who wants to get a fief of their own must go to war with him.

You can add small rebel neutral villages here and there around the map so you can grind troops and gold.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: justme on December 17, 2013, 12:19:16 pm
upkeep for equipment..
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Chris_the_Animal on December 17, 2013, 12:21:23 pm
I would suggest a rule that doesnt allow Clans with 50+ players to play Strat  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Algarn on December 17, 2013, 12:30:16 pm
Just add the speed of a party depending of the stuff they got (I mean armors, don't care about weapons)

Lightly armored party should be faster than a tincan army, by the way, just double the price of all armors 55+, and multiply by 1.5 or 1.25 the price of armors beetween 40 and 55 for realism. (Medieval battles were done with a lot of peasants, and not like the old one, with 95% of armored knights...).

Please, do it for the sake of realism...
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Boerenlater on December 17, 2013, 12:40:02 pm
Just add the speed of a party depending of the stuff they got (I mean armors, don't care about weapons)

Lightly armored party should be faster than a tincan army, by the way, just double the price of all armors 55+, and multiply by 1.5 or 1.25 the price of armors beetween 40 and 55 for realism. (Medieval battles were done with a lot of peasants, and not like the old one, with 95% of armored knights...).

Please, do it for the sake of realism...
Yes do it for realism cause this mod claims to be realistic.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 17, 2013, 01:00:15 pm
Yes do it for realism cause this mod claims to be realistic.
Thats why you can find Calradia next to Tajikistan.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Chris_the_Animal on December 17, 2013, 01:46:35 pm

Thanks for the wpf respec   :wink:

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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Leshma on December 17, 2013, 02:09:30 pm
upkeep for equipment..

I believe some people play strat just to be able to use what they desire without thinking about upkeep.

Plate issue in strat isn't really an issue. It's just that people blindly follow what others do. If you have 7 ATH like I have, full plate is the last thing you need in strat. I've tested it couple of times, and I see no advantage of plate. If you're STR build with ton of HP, of course plate is mandatory in that case.

Also, strategus is the only place where people wear a lot of plate. By removing that, you'll kill plate in the mod for good. Only real issue with plate is the fact that it makes cut weapons obsolete. Everyone uses blunt or pierce because of plate.

Heavy cav are much bigger issue than infantry wearing plate. But again, heavy cav is also almost exclusive to strat. I haven't seen that many heavy cav on battle servers.

Siege gear must be improved but I would also like to see increased durability for those fragile constructions like Healing Tent or Weapons Racks. Currently no one wants to build those because they are essentially waste of construction sites (Jerklek will yell at you on TS if you waste his construction sites). Healing tent gives advantage but its not epic advantage as many believe. Because players have to stop patrolling areas they are supposed to guard, in order to heal themselves.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Casimir on December 17, 2013, 02:13:27 pm
The core mechanics of strategus need a fundamental shake up in order to make the game more fluid, easier to play and more rewarding for independent players / small factions.

These are my suggestions:

- Armies should be easy to make but hard to keep together. The current system for raising armies needs to be drastically changed in order to break the defensive meta-game. Active players should quickly be able to raise a well equipped army by tapping into a regional 'levy pool' which could be affected by prosperity and trade but mostly by repeated 'raising' of levies and battles. The Levies that one raises should be able to be maintained for one week without problem, however repeated raising of the same levies will result in desertion and equipment damage.  Equipment may be managed by the player who is raising the army, with a set amount of equipment points that will prevent huge armies of plate armoured mega warriors.

- This system of levy raising would help to prevent the massive amounts of troop build up and turtling that we have seen in the past. Fiefs should have a fixed garrison (replacing population) which is always equipped in appropriate gear. Villages should be lightly armed with very small garrisons, towns well armed but with the largest garrisons, and castles heavily armed with medium garrisons. 

- Movement time for armies and players should be increased allowing for quick strikes and quick responses. Quick marching should be reduced in duration or removed entirely as devs see fit.

- Merchants with small armies should be able to carry small / medium amounts of goods quickly across the map, making it possible for independent players to function as both bandits and traders alike. This would also allow for a far more fluid and dynamic economy. Huge trade caravans that are defended by shiny armies (like those we have seen this round) should crawl along and take weeks to cross the map, making them a juicy target for enemies and bandits alike.

Such changes will put more focus on the individual player rather than the faction. When an independent player without a fief is just as capable of raising an army as a faction member who holds one the game will be far more enjoyable. Inactive factions will find that their levy pools are depleted by independent players and large factions that spread too much will find they cripple their own levy pools if engaging in drawn out wars.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Andswaru on December 17, 2013, 02:14:33 pm
(Jerklek will yell at you on TS if you waste his construction sites)

Offering admin rights to anyone wanting to kick jarlek next-time he has a battle. Am gonna introduce a special group that can only kick Jarlek.

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Creslin on December 17, 2013, 02:28:59 pm
Can we get catapults fixed?  Currently there seems to be some sort of bug with them that causes them to get stuck on the furthest block placement which can make hitting a wall really hard at times.  Also some kind of fragmentation shot for the catapult would make them a little more interesting.  Shots on walls and towers are already hard enough to make, at leas with the intent of killing players, reward it by making the hits more devastating.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Spartacus on December 17, 2013, 02:31:44 pm
pls turn dbl xp at DTV on too!!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: BattalGazi on December 17, 2013, 03:02:24 pm
Every EU battle turns into UIF vs Coalition, I'm bored of this same scenario. Change this if possible.

Suggestion: Create randomly timed & located Mongol invasion or something like that, so that people might fight together.

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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: _Tamra_ on December 17, 2013, 03:08:19 pm

Suggestion: Create randomly timed & located Mongol invasion or something like that, so that people might fight together.

The devs could join Strategus with OP-armies, like 10k troops and all this staff, regular movement speed, would be nice !
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Mongolista on December 17, 2013, 03:39:17 pm
I just wish there was more hunts for multiaccs and more brave factions to stand against UIF, actually, make it more brave factions to stand as one against everyone else, so it wasnt just two blocks but 4 or 5 blocks, NI!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Jack1 on December 17, 2013, 03:42:54 pm
Bring back the mechanic were you construct your own armor.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: dynamike on December 17, 2013, 03:51:11 pm
For the sake of everyone that has ever needed to put an army together:

Automated army loadout.

Based on the number of troops you have on you in the fief you are sitting in, the system automatically picks from your gear (selectable) and the fief gear an appropriate standard selection of equipment.

The logic could look like this: per each 100 troops, select e.g. 100 armors (x light, x medium, x heavy) + 100 helmets (...) + 10 horses + 5 siege shields etc. and transfer them on you. If any category has less items available, select only what is there (and highlight what's missing).

Ideally you could select different army types for the config, such as e.g. "Siege", "Infantry Heavy", "Cavalry Heavy" and customize after the auto loadout to your liking.

Probably a ton of work to implement, but it would reduce the micromanaging a lot, especially late game.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Strudog on December 17, 2013, 03:54:33 pm
Can we get catapults fixed?  Currently there seems to be some sort of bug with them that causes them to get stuck on the furthest block placement which can make hitting a wall really hard at times.  Also some kind of fragmentation shot for the catapult would make them a little more interesting.  Shots on walls and towers are already hard enough to make, at leas with the intent of killing players, reward it by making the hits more devastating.

It is not hard to hit anything with a catapult, most people make the mistake of pulling the arm by jumping on the back of the catapult and leave it to human error to get the right shot, if you use the cog on the right side of the catapult you will quickly find that catapults are actually extremely accurate. Al i would lobby for is a buff in the increase of health on siege equipment.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Rebelyell on December 17, 2013, 03:58:46 pm
catapults have high skill cap
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Matze on December 17, 2013, 04:01:13 pm
Make some thing like food production in villiges. So viliges will be more importet for clans
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: darmaster on December 17, 2013, 04:14:12 pm
i still can't believe somebody wasted 9 lp :l
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: //saxon on December 17, 2013, 04:17:03 pm
as soon as we clame our home back, it is taken away again.

Fenada, so close, but yet so far.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: BlindGuy on December 17, 2013, 04:22:12 pm
as soon as we clame our home back, it is taken away again.

Fenada, so close, but yet so far.

My heart bleeds for you.

As for next round: maybe a way to... you know, not worth it, only way to make it playable to non aspergers ppl would be to scrap it all and start again.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Segd on December 17, 2013, 04:39:08 pm

Since I'm EU most renowned whorehero ( I hope devs will at least read this wall of text:

Strat 4 was so pussy because he was favoring the defender's side.
Anti-UIF was first to do a massive strike(7k or something) on Jameyyed castle at the beginning of Strat 4. They backed off after our first successful defense(since we brought a lot of reinforcements it was useless to attack us & give us free equip which was extremely valuable at that time)
UIF gone inactive shortly after we tried to do a massive strike on Tshibtin(3 GO, 3 DRZ, 2 Bashi armies(1.8k each) failed to take one village due to nonstop reinforcements)
Then Anti-UIF tried to finish GO. So many identical battles on the same maps. GO while doing nothing had insane tickets farm & free gear from attackers enough to defend forever.
Same happened at the end. No COA core fief was taken. It was impossible to take them down even in UIF had a year more.

My suggestions:
-attacker keeps unused(retreat due timer or QMRS) tickets & equip. If flags are capped then all stuff(& optionally tickets) goes to the capper . If all attacker's troops dead he'll not be able to keep gear of coarse(all gear to def in that case)
-no used gear are saved(only the one that players have on them at the end of the battle). Winner or loser, you don't have anything from the battle. No more equip bugs, no equip disadvantages, no more of this retarded sorting & selling after each battle. Also, this will make factions poorer, so less plate shiny armies.
-Max garrison couldn't be more than population(or 1k-2k village, 3 castle, 5 city) That will force clans to get rid of extra troops all the time. No more 40k garrisons, more good battles, more dynamic Strat. Also you could do free garrison upkeep, but troop numbers more than mentioned above will have to be paid as an field army. So even 10k garrison would make you bankrupt in a month.

Minor tweaks:
allow remote fief management(you could also add some delay to execute decisions like changing owner, prosperity, tax etc. Add medieval messenger simulator :) )'increase-prosperity-by'-button/

remove rain & fog(I already made & posted nofog cheat so... ('s-help-and-guides/no-more-fog!/))  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: WITCHCRAFT on December 17, 2013, 04:44:06 pm
Fix item dupe bug. When it got really bad I lost interest in ever doing anything in strat.

Do something to extend the time that low/mid gear armies flourish. It felt like 75% of last strat was plate vs plate armies.

A mechanic to prevent armies from sitting in castles that are easy to defend. Way too many people turtled this strat and ended up with all these troops that won't get used up before the end of it all...

edit: OOH! IDEA! A weather overlay on the strat map. Weather in a battle would be determined by what the weather is like at the location. Areas of rain that move across the map, sandstorms in the desert, some terrain that is permanently foggy, etc. It is a lot of work for something that doesn't really matter but I thought it would be cool so I wrote this!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Segd on December 17, 2013, 04:53:04 pm
Forgot one thing: fief respec is too harsh(removing 1/3 or 1/4 rather than 1/2 production points should be enough).
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on December 17, 2013, 04:54:25 pm
unban me
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: NeedabetterStone on December 17, 2013, 05:20:39 pm

it would be nice if you  keep your strat tickets  8-)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: jtobiasm on December 17, 2013, 05:44:05 pm
This. Maybe we could see some tournies and multi-Clan battles instead of Strat for awhile. Would only be good for the mod imho.

This is guy knows his shit, I just need a clan hahaha.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Rhalzo on December 17, 2013, 05:49:09 pm
You guys are doing a great job!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Franke on December 17, 2013, 06:51:35 pm
On topic: Change the economy system. The need to protect your S&D (in order to stay competitive) is a hard blow to all small and independant traders.

Off topic: Finally! Now Erasmas and Harpag can stop behaving like butthurt little children who were stolen their candies...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Hobb on December 17, 2013, 06:56:11 pm
Is there going to be anyone to monitor/fix bugs next round? Because no matter what is added, something if not several things will go wrong and ruin the game just like in S4.

The map is way too big for NA. Cut the #of fiefs in half so that owning even a village actually means something again. This is the easiest way to bring tension and incentives to go to war.

Everyone has touched on the economy already, but one of the biggest issues especially in NA was mercs. You had to be allied with half of the map just get a decent roster. Reduce the number of mercs for field and village battles to like 35-40. Factions should never have to beg other faction members to fight for them so they don't get flag capped by being outnumbered. And with the decrease in plate, less XP will mean less random mercs.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Creslin on December 17, 2013, 07:10:04 pm
It is not hard to hit anything with a catapult, most people make the mistake of pulling the arm by jumping on the back of the catapult and leave it to human error to get the right shot, if you use the cog on the right side of the catapult you will quickly find that catapults are actually extremely accurate. Al i would lobby for is a buff in the increase of health on siege equipment.

I'm not complaining about their accuracy, just the bug where the block gets stuck at the furthest point you've pushed it to.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 17, 2013, 07:12:16 pm
Off topic: Finally! Now Erasmas and Harpag can stop behaving like butthurt little children who were stolen their candies...  :rolleyes:

If you had the impression that it was the case, just note we made it for the benefit of all people who stay in game rather than our own.

We are working on our own set of matters we feel that should be tweaked, it will take a moment...

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Araxiel on December 17, 2013, 07:21:33 pm
The only thing I want for new strat is less Plate please.

Make it 200 times more expensive..
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: belda on December 17, 2013, 08:45:50 pm
limits the hiring of mercenaries to the great clans
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Turboflex on December 17, 2013, 08:52:58 pm
too easy to make gold, nerf trading if nothing else, maybe limit S&D to make it more valuable. everyone is in plate now so clearly broken economy.

siege mechanism: armies should be able to siege fiefs (minimum size 1000). supplies diminish based on # of troops inside. So 5000 would starve out in a 3-5 days. Defending forces would have to break the siegeing army to relieve it.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: njames89 on December 17, 2013, 09:22:56 pm
It is my opinion that the NA side of strategus would benefit immensely from having all the fiefs that the EU side currently has.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: NejStark on December 17, 2013, 09:26:42 pm
Let people add/remove players from battle rosters through battles? That way the same guys won't have to sit for 3 hours for a siege.
Maybe even let any player join the server during a battle, and if theres slots available on a side, let them apply (Commanders on each side can see who is applying).

That way if ppl want to leave a siege after maybe an hour, they can, and commanders can replace them.

Also give china strat.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Penitent on December 17, 2013, 09:48:58 pm
I recommend tying strat to "normal" crpg more.  In past strat instances, for example, if you had certain +3 items you could craft those items in strat for a discount.  It made you valuable or distinguished compared to other players.

I'm not saying the new mechanic needs to be exactly the same, but something to tie together crpg and strat AND to give strat heros some kind of differences from each other would be cool.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: njames89 on December 17, 2013, 10:58:46 pm
Please add a mainquest to summon a dragon/chadz.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sir_Firebus on December 17, 2013, 11:49:37 pm
Wow my first strategus is already over  :shock:.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 18, 2013, 12:10:20 am
Wow my first strategus is already over  :shock:.

Do not worry, you will get over

visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Uumdi on December 18, 2013, 02:09:34 am
3 major points, though I don't have the ideal solutions:

1)  Lower the incentive for camping castles.  The ideas people are coming up with for tactical advantages / points of interest is a good thought.  Better functioning siege equipment and adding versatility to gaining entry would add tons more to strat.

2)  Field battles / construction / spawn points should be reassessed.  Attackers need to run half a mile to attempt to make forward spawns, while defenders magically summon a siege tower from bits of wood they held in their pockets.  These couch fortresses of forward spawns covered in vertical ladders is just plain silly because it encourages long, drawn-out battles where 2-3 agi builds suicide in and harass the extremely brittle, but extremely necessary forward spawn.  The time limits, though necessary, don't add to the game at all when battles turn out like this because attackers literally can't do anything with a limited roster to keep their push going.  Closer spawns might be all it takes.

3)  Limit the micromanagement involved with gear and economy.  There must be some way to simplify outfitting armies.  Also, as far as economy goes, it might be beneficial to allow fief owners the ability to automate some things.  Boycotting undesirable merchants and allowing mutual trade agreements could help smaller factions, especially those who don't have the time to check the strat map at 5 am and monitor S&D.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: HardRice on December 18, 2013, 02:29:03 am
I'm a dumbass and posted in the wrong damn thread.

Anyway, the 2 major gripes I have right now are:

A. The fief voting system. I believe the AI owning the fiefs first is a much better system.

And B. The economy, but as I hear that is being reworked.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: shipa34 on December 18, 2013, 10:46:29 am
many chinese players want the strat.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 18, 2013, 11:50:51 am
automatic Strat reset countdown
After 10 months Strategus would reset automaticly. The countdown will be seen on the strat page similar what i still see here on the forum for the meele battlegound crowd funding  :wink:

That will give people an understanding when it will become urgent to burn their stuff or make the last attacks to gain territorry. With a fixed timer you also can better judge the economical curves, f.e. if the useage of plate may or may not be the an issue after 6 months or becomes one after a year where all fiefs have insane S&D rates.

With 10 months default, you then give community 2 months to relax, in many cases that is needed as we saw.

The map is way too big for NA. Cut the #of fiefs in half so that owning even a village actually means something again. This is the easiest way to bring tension and incentives to go to war.
How about setting Asia onto your server, then the map could be even increased and NA can rally together against their archenemies.

And GO/DRZ block would be splitted

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Ronin on December 18, 2013, 12:08:51 pm
Please just make it so that the power of balance shift from clans with many players to factions with many fiefs. Who is going to be victor, mostly comes down to which clan has more members to generate troops.

If fiefs would be more important, the game will also encourage offensive strategies rather than turtling.

Make it so that members are mostly governors/commanders. There also has to be strat ticks, so maybe make it so that each member can recruit troops in fiefs as long as they are the governor of that fief. For the beginning of the game, where no one has any fiefs make troops buyable for gold. For that, make economy harder.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Kalp on December 18, 2013, 12:11:26 pm
My 5 cents: Strat for Asia/Chinese

PS: Erasmas I'm waiting  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Dutchydave on December 18, 2013, 12:25:02 pm
Well thanks for giving myself such a nice 15 odd months of Strat, love you Devs for it. But I must say giving 6 days notice for the end is lame as. One thing for sure is the devs are consistent.

Seriously for anyone who cared and played the entire 15 months and built up our empires, to give us 6 days notice is just stupid and especially at this time of the year when most people are busy getting ready for the festive season.

Please(in no order of importance):

- Give set dates of start and finish so clans can make goals and such with a time frame in mind.

- Keep 1/3 rule below 1800 or maybe step it up a little to like 2000, 2500 max.

- Don't incorporate the castle builder as it will make castles impossible to take for anyone who has half a clue

- Get rid of universal limits on siege gear and especially weapons racks as that is stupid and ruined many a battle

- As Arowaine said "get rid of spawn timers or at least make 30secs max".

- Balance out troops to silver. Last strat troops where easy to get and silver hard, this strat silver was easy and troops hard.

- Don't set limits on clan size as if you are popular enough then you deserve it and managing everyone takes hard work.

- Don't make plate more expensive as this will just give a massive advantage to the bigger clans.

- Adjust the payment system to suit the market for strat battles. Like with how easy silver was to make this round it is silly that we could only pay our mercs 1k max.

- Fix the item bug! How many good battles did this ruin?

- Make a forward and backward option for siege towers and catapults instead of "release the brake".

- Fix the thing that makes siege towers and catapults go backwards if other siege is in the way, just let them run through it and break it would make sense.

Anyway they are just some of my opinions, GL on the next strat

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 18, 2013, 01:56:34 pm
Siege Towers are atm fixated by putting stackes around them s oteh enemy cant release the breaks. Perhaps those breaks should be at the top of the siege tower, that way enemy still would be able to reach it, but would need more effort for it and moving the siege tower becomes at least a 2 man job.

Perhaps chadz you could make a list of new things you would want to implement but couldnt all of it because of limited time. Therefor but then make a voting process out of your list and give the community then the power to decide the priorities of those things you want anyways seen implemented. (havent we had something like that before, not sure *scratcheshead*)

Otherwise please formost fix and rebalance things!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Segd on December 18, 2013, 03:47:57 pm
How about setting Asia onto your server, then the map could be even increased and NA can rally together against their archenemies.

And GO/DRZ block would be splitted
Do you really think that DRZ is located in asia? U MAD?  :lol:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Casimir on December 18, 2013, 04:19:52 pm
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: woody on December 18, 2013, 04:35:43 pm
Neutral fiefs
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Harpag on December 18, 2013, 04:43:47 pm
official and limited account sharing
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 18, 2013, 04:55:47 pm
official and limited account sharing

You serious?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Harpag on December 18, 2013, 04:58:29 pm
You serious?

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 18, 2013, 05:09:06 pm

This is not the first time i read this, i remember this coming up when the big banwave happened this year and back then it really seemed serious, but considering your answer now i'm guessing you are not.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: crazybob on December 18, 2013, 05:11:25 pm
One suggestion for strategus:
Victory conditions. Something for players to strive for. I think that would create more action in strategus.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 18, 2013, 05:13:39 pm
official and limited account sharing
depending on the limitations i agree.

Also, i think perhaps you should have choosen a wording/definition with less negative implications. And no i havent got a good one =)

From the technic used it is similar what you have in mind, still the account sharing is still a bad thing even if partly things will be implemented which would make accountsharing useless.
Anyhow again

Actionpoint System.
Every faction member increases the factions action point pool by 1.
By default the pool holds additionally 7 points.

Depending on action you want a member to do, who but is for RL reasons unavailable,
will cost Action Points.

only as an example it could be like:

- allowing incoming transfer = 1 action point- You want the troops form a member in a fief = 2 action points
- You want to get an army to resupply one of your fiefs = 3 action points
- You want to make equipment for someone, estimated time 1 hour, you get access to transfer stuff to and from him for 1h = 7 action points
- setting stats of a fief = 3 points per change
- buying or selling trade goods = 4 points
- buying gear = 1 point per type of gear independent of the amount of gear

+ Diplomatic System and shared line of sight depending on diplomatic relations
similar as Guikas and Chys developments
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 18, 2013, 05:17:39 pm
You serious?

Oh yes. (

+1 to kinn, although I don't agree that introducing ANY form of diplomatic relation in game is a right move. Lack of it makes this game fun  :D
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: no_rules_just_play on December 18, 2013, 05:42:50 pm
Oh yes. (

+1 to kinn, although I don't agree that introducing ANY form of diplomatic relation in game is a right move. Lack of it makes this game fun  :D
Thanks for the read :)
I never was active on the forum during the earlier strategus rounds, it's like reading a history book on 'strat drama, now and then'
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Harpag on December 18, 2013, 05:55:47 pm
This is not the first time i read this, i remember this coming up when the big banwave happened this year and back then it really seemed serious, but considering your answer now i'm guessing you are not.

Fips - please - this is just my suggestion and don't want to argue about it now. You know that even chadzinski agreed with me then. I have extensive experience in strat and I think that I know what will be good for gameplay. In my opinion this is the only effective tool for reducing harmful "nolifing effect" which leads to frustration and burning things.

I'm off
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Mongolista on December 18, 2013, 07:44:30 pm
Fips - please - this is just my suggestion and don't want to argue about it now. You know that even chadzinski agreed with me then. I have extensive experience in strat and I think that I know what will be good for gameplay. In my opinion this is the only effective tool for reducing harmful "nolifing effect" which leads to frustration and burning things.

I'm off

you have also extensive experience with cheating, doesnt mean we should allow you to cheat coz you can go around the rules unnoticed
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Bulzur on December 18, 2013, 07:50:20 pm
Fips - please - this is just my suggestion and don't want to argue about it now. You know that even chadzinski agreed with me then. I have extensive experience in strat and I think that I know what will be good for gameplay. In my opinion this is the only effective tool for reducing harmful "nolifing effect" which leads to frustration and burning things.

I'm off

On the contrary. It means one "nolifer" could effectively manage more than his own account, thus duplicating the "nolifing effect". Clans without any nolifers would be completely screwed.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Zildjan on December 18, 2013, 07:51:11 pm
I know lots of people have said this already but please change XP system in strat battles.  Right now no one will do fun themed light armor battles because of the XP drop.  Yes, change economy so that not every army can be a tin can army, but also change the XP system that makes everyone want to be a tin can army.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 18, 2013, 08:19:51 pm
Fips - please - this is just my suggestion and don't want to argue about it now. You know that even chadzinski agreed with me then. I have extensive experience in strat and I think that I know what will be good for gameplay. In my opinion this is the only effective tool for reducing harmful "nolifing effect" which leads to frustration and burning things.

I'm off

There is a big difference between knowing what is good for gameplay and what is good for your clan. Tools for multiaccounting seems to be the latter.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 18, 2013, 08:28:12 pm
And here you are wrong IMHO. What we promote is a dev's tool available to everyone, that provides sensible, limited, controllable and connected with certain cost ability to access faction's members, if they are afk. So it is not about GO only. It should serve well any faction active in strat, as noone wants to be a nolife and noone likes to suffer from inactivity of its members.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 18, 2013, 08:55:14 pm
And here you are wrong IMHO. What we promote is a dev's tool available to everyone, that provides sensible, limited, controllable and connected with certain cost ability to access faction's members, if they are afk. So it is not about GO only. It should serve well any faction active in strat, as noone wants to be a nolife and noone likes to suffer from inactivity of its members.

What this tool does is making the job way easier for big clans and big alliances that already have it way too easy due to the sheer power of numbers on their side. If the next strategus round will allow a few people to lead dozens and dozens of other members there is absolutely no place in the map anymore for the person that is for example recruiting troops. This game needs less micromanagement, i agree, but not like that. Recruiting and transferring troops should have the option to be automized for example, or the whole ticket gaining process redone.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: BlindGuy on December 18, 2013, 08:59:18 pm
I know lots of people have said this already but please change XP system in strat battles.  Right now no one will do fun themed light armor battles because of the XP drop.  Yes, change economy so that not every army can be a tin can army, but also change the XP system that makes everyone want to be a tin can army.

It's double sided sword: Sure the xp is better with tin cans, but also having heavy armor and best weapon does increase your chance of winning the battle: Peasants HAVE held off tincans on a few occasions but a 1armed man can count them on his fingers.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Harpag on December 18, 2013, 09:05:58 pm
And here you are wrong IMHO. What we promote is a dev's tool available to everyone, that provides sensible, limited, controllable and connected with certain cost ability to access faction's members, if they are afk. So it is not about GO only. It should serve well any faction active in strat, as noone wants to be a nolife and noone likes to suffer from inactivity of its members.

Guys please listen to him. Think positively and without notice. Worth a try.

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 18, 2013, 09:23:40 pm
What this tool does is making the job way easier for big clans and big alliances that already have it way too easy due to the sheer power of numbers on their side. If the next strategus round will allow a few people to lead dozens and dozens of other members there is absolutely no place in the map anymore for the person that is for example recruiting troops. This game needs less micromanagement, i agree, but not like that. Recruiting and transferring troops should have the option to be automized for example, or the whole ticket gaining process redone.

Fips, automated recruiting/transferring troops may be a good idea from the perspective of a big clan leaders, but it is also contrary to the general idea of keeping people active. I would prefer to leave organisation of troops collection to the leaders. It is not that hard for anyone that plays crpg (and only these guys produce tickets) to log in on strat page and transfer troops.

It looks completely different if the clan is actually preparing the war offensive or another operation that requires regular participation of several guys. In particular, if certain action depends on one person.

Let me give you an example: Absent owner of the fief defending the siege .  After such battle you need to clear the stock from the looted items, and you may not have too much time to do it before next attack. If the owner is at grandmas having family dinner, that can't be done. Is this guy pissed off? No, 55 guys dealing with supermarket on next battle are pissed off. And such thing happens to big clans and small clans alike.

We have learned that in a long run it is much better to give tasks to as many clan members as possible - it keeps them active. It keeps clan alive. That is why such tool should be used in emergency only - it should cost to use it. Simply, sometimes the clan suffers from moronism of one guy. And that is hardly acceptable. For big and small clans alike.

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Artyem on December 18, 2013, 09:38:36 pm
Change the default level of gear from -2 to 0 again, it'll encourage early themes and help out smaller factions.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Corsair831 on December 18, 2013, 10:08:22 pm
"Plate issue in strat isn't really an issue."

"I've tested it couple of times, and I see no advantage of plate."

"heavy cav is also almost exclusive to strat. I haven't seen that many heavy cav on battle servers."

"Weapons Racks. Currently no one wants to build those because they are essentially waste of construction sites"

leshma, best lolquotes of 2013
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Teeth on December 18, 2013, 10:44:59 pm
I know lots of people have said this already but please change XP system in strat battles.  Right now no one will do fun themed light armor battles because of the XP drop.  Yes, change economy so that not every army can be a tin can army, but also change the XP system that makes everyone want to be a tin can army.
This, also incentivizes people to bandwagon with the side that is already winning. On difficult sieges for example, where I'd say the attackers should be rewarded for not castle-camping themselves and for being willing to grind through terrible 1 to 3 k/d battles. Instead they get the shaft and get a third of the xp of the guys who are playing easy mode battles and camping like pussies in Strat.

Same with factions with strong roster support, independent mercs get more xp if they join the already strong side because of more fun battles (stomping is better than getting stomped) and more xp. The xp system should encourage people to sign up for the underdog.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Jack1 on December 19, 2013, 12:10:04 am
This, also incentivizes people to bandwagon with the side that is already winning. On difficult sieges for example, where I'd say the attackers should be rewarded for not castle-camping themselves and for being willing to grind through terrible 1 to 3 k/d battles. Instead they get the shaft and get a third of the xp of the guys who are playing easy mode battles and camping like pussies in Strat.

Same with factions with strong roster support, independent mercs get more xp if they join the already strong side because of more fun battles (stomping is better than getting stomped) and more xp. The xp system should encourage people to sign up for the underdog.

Then people will try as little as possible(assuming you mean the team that does worse gets more XP). IMO, make it so that the closer the KDR is to 50/50 the more the XP there is.

Also not sure how it is in EU but in NA people get crazy obsessed with their performance ratings
(click to show/hide)
. Most people believe that performance is based on stats for both teams. Not sure if this is true or not but they should make that independent on the teams insted, that way it's not just quantity but quality on either side.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 19, 2013, 01:11:52 am
Fips, automated recruiting/transferring troops may be a good idea from the perspective of a big clan leaders, but it is also contrary to the general idea of keeping people active. I would prefer to leave organisation of troops collection to the leaders. It is not that hard for anyone that plays crpg (and only these guys produce tickets) to log in on strat page and transfer troops.

It looks completely different if the clan is actually preparing the war offensive or another operation that requires regular participation of several guys. In particular, if certain action depends on one person.

Let me give you an example: Absent owner of the fief defending the siege .  After such battle you need to clear the stock from the looted items, and you may not have too much time to do it before next attack. If the owner is at grandmas having family dinner, that can't be done. Is this guy pissed off? No, 55 guys dealing with supermarket on next battle are pissed off. And such thing happens to big clans and small clans alike.

We have learned that in a long run it is much better to give tasks to as many clan members as possible - it keeps them active. It keeps clan alive. That is why such tool should be used in emergency only - it should cost to use it. Simply, sometimes the clan suffers from moronism of one guy. And that is hardly acceptable. For big and small clans alike.

And this also can just be prevented by another way that does not include taking the account infos and using them for yourself, simply by letting people with a very high rank to be able to do last-minute changes to all the castles in the faction, no matter where the player is. Whatever the problem is, sharing accounts cannot be the solution, ever. There are always ways to work around that.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: bilwit on December 19, 2013, 03:33:38 am
Then people will try as little as possible(assuming you mean the team that does worse gets more XP). IMO, make it so that the closer the KDR is to 50/50 the more the XP there is.

Also not sure how it is in EU but in NA people get crazy obsessed with their performance ratings
(click to show/hide)
. Most people believe that performance is based on stats for both teams. Not sure if this is true or not but they should make that independent on the teams insted, that way it's not just quantity but quality on either side.

Well the issue they're bringing up doesn't necessarily have anything to do with performance rating or KD, just that it's pretty asinine that better gear (and most likely the winning/stacked side) = more XP which encourages every army to basically wear the same heavy gear every match and for mercs to stack the ez-mode side. IMO strat XP ticks should be completely even across the board and should be based on how many players are in the server. Performance rating is fine as it is -- it's like QBR in American football (probably a bad metaphor to use on these boards), it's essentially useless and doesn't really tell the whole story but it gives you a general gauge on what to expect when hiring people.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Elindor on December 19, 2013, 05:16:52 am
- Attack area used to be in (circle around hero)
- Was good but abused, was too large
- In this strat it is gone, and results in lack of ability to defend/patrol a region
- Possibly reintroduce this attack range area but just smaller than it was previously?

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ArysOakheart on December 19, 2013, 07:21:39 am
We need an NA Fisdnar.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 19, 2013, 11:06:45 am
We need an NA Fisdnar.
If not you have my support for EU Fisdnar again.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 19, 2013, 02:16:03 pm
And this also can just be prevented by another way that does not include taking the account infos and using them for yourself, simply by letting people with a very high rank to be able to do last-minute changes to all the castles in the faction, no matter where the player is. Whatever the problem is, sharing accounts cannot be the solution, ever. There are always ways to work around that.

This, actually, is a straight way to create "factions" played by one man, with all ticket farmers just playing crpg and sending troops. And if you want to add automated troops collection... well, no. Bad idea. It should be EMERGENCY measure.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on December 19, 2013, 02:44:31 pm
This, actually, is a straight way to create "factions" played by one man, with all ticket farmers just playing crpg and sending troops. And if you want to add automated troops collection... well, no. Bad idea. It should be EMERGENCY measure.

Did i say that this should be used as often as that someone wants to? No. Of course this needs limits.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: BlindGuy on December 19, 2013, 04:08:31 pm
This, also incentivizes people to bandwagon with the side that is already winning. On difficult sieges for example, where I'd say the attackers should be rewarded for not castle-camping themselves and for being willing to grind through terrible 1 to 3 k/d battles. Instead they get the shaft and get a third of the xp of the guys who are playing easy mode battles and camping like pussies in Strat.

Same with factions with strong roster support, independent mercs get more xp if they join the already strong side because of more fun battles (stomping is better than getting stomped) and more xp. The xp system should encourage people to sign up for the underdog.

While I agree that XP would be a good incentive, I have always had RP as enough: ingame, I am a knight, I may not be the strongest fighter but I am sworn to protect the weak and defend the oppressed, although I probably will give my life in vain, it is making the stand that counts IMO.

Change the default level of gear from -2 to 0 again, it'll encourage early themes and help out smaller factions.

This would be very nice, or better: make ALL shopping +/- 0, and have fiefs dedicated to the improvement of weapons and armours: then a faction would actually have to spend time on their gear, by buying bulk and improving it, because it doesnt make sense to me that just because you have spent some points, your fief has an unlimited number of masterwork items just waiting in the shop.

For that matter: WHO is selling these items? The NPC's of the village are SELLING them to fief owner? makes no sense:

Maybe make the points usuable to UNLOCK certain items (The fief lord has trained his villagers in making bows, or swords, or both if you have the points) and then make them free for fief owner: then to improve them to +1/2/3 takes time and money (paying the villagers to dedicate all their time to sweating away at the smithy)

Hell, I dont know, I'm just a landless knight trying to bring the word of chadz to the needy.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on December 19, 2013, 06:26:45 pm
is strategus experience x2 also?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Algarn on December 19, 2013, 07:11:29 pm
No (it only affects battle and siege).
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Herkkutatti666 on December 19, 2013, 07:18:49 pm
remove awlpike from strat #2014
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on December 19, 2013, 08:18:38 pm
No (it only affects battle and siege).
Not sure about that . I got 100k xp tick in strategus
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Reinhardt on December 19, 2013, 08:56:57 pm
Terrain specific battle maps, please. I'm tired of seeing battles being exclusively fought in gentle rolling hills/steep ass cliffs in grasslands. We need tundra, steppe, desert terrains.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Leshma on December 19, 2013, 09:57:11 pm
remove awlpike from strat #2014

I agree. But main reason why players choose awlpikes is to deal with cav. I need 3-4 stabs to put down heavy horse on strat. And after first stab, rider can downblock and continue with backstabbing activities. Against infantry, there are other weapons I prefer and most of them are four directional.

Plate on strat is boring but biggest issue are armored horses. They are too damn powerful.

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Keshian on December 19, 2013, 10:48:51 pm
I'm a dumbass and posted in the wrong damn thread.

Anyway, the 2 major gripes I have right now are:

A. The fief voting system. I believe the AI owning the fiefs first is a much better system.

And B. The economy, but as I hear that is being reworked.

1.  Please this!  If you are worried about the clans that abused it (cough UIF cough) - add feature allowing admins to be able to tweak roster at any time before battle initiated.  The rest of us had a lot more fun building up to taking our first village and then later castles and cities and it limited the economy a whole lot more and since so few fiefs owned at beginning there was a lot more cross-fighting over them.  Voting system made the economy far too easy to build up at beginning and made camping far more viable with population just being given to you - hence why this was the worst strategus ever for camping fiefs.  Those AI battles really got people that had never fought together to actually merc on the same side and was a lot of fun.

2.  Also, the economy just needs a limitation on prosperity growth through exponential increases in production points cost that way we wont have such massive amounts of S&D and then increase the price scaling at a quicker rate for equipment so lightest weapons and armor is 1/2 the price now, medium gear about 2x and heavy equipment is 8x the current prices.  Caravans should not be able to buy 10K horses and move faster than a 200 mana rmy with 0 horses when carrying 10K goods, they should slow people down more with more goods.  Otherwise the trading setup is fine, just needs these limitations. - Would also encourage more caravan attacks.

3.  By the way autohire feature still broken this strategus where it hires 1 person and then once that person is hired no one else.  If that person retracts it then hires everyone who applied up to that point at the turning of the hour.  Autohire should just hire everyone who applies for that side every 3 hours even if it already has someone hired.

4.  Increased xp to balance out the less expensive gear used ina more balanced economy - should average 1 to 1.5 million xp for a 1.8K v. 1.8K battle

5. Also PLEASE PLEASE look at this thread of all the current strat bugs that need to be worked on before next strat (

6.  Offer fixed bonuses for controlling regions like in risk the board game - so say owning 3 or more snow fiefs allows reduced prices on nordic type gear, 3 or more khergit/steppe territory reduced prices on mongolian/steppe style gear - would create a lot more vying for certain areas to be able to get your style gear.

7.  Have a chinese map as well with half as many fiefs as current NA (australians and chinese would likely be more than willing to convert a server over to strat fights) - this is actually a  huge segment of the community completely being ignored - there are quite literally hundreds of players that can hardly participate in strategus right now but are more than willing.

8.  Have the na and eu map be the combination of the 2 current maps but with the line being drawn like in strat 3, so its not crossing the end of the map itself but just a small border zone - would bring in more interaction between the 2 groups.  EU needs NA's dynamism to not grow too stagnant and old world.  (actually wouldnt mind having a completely new map just using the same places names and fief maps if you need to - I know you mentioned this possibility at the beginning of this strategus.  Lot more contention when people dont have exact same location as they have had for 4 strats.

Really hope we can incorporate some substantial changes to make strategus more enjoyable again and less of a frustrating bug-ridden experience.

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 19, 2013, 10:55:37 pm
Really hope we can incorporate some substantial changes to make strategus more enjoyable again and less of a frustrating bug-ridden experience.


And as Kesh said there is a lot of stuff on the strategus general discussion forum (I know I've already said that) that you can just spoon-feed into the next strategus with not much reworking.

In one year there has been a lot of shared thoughts on strategus and it would be a damn shame to not exploit the ideas that are circulating everywhere since december 2010.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Keshian on December 19, 2013, 10:57:57 pm

And as Kesh said there is a lot of stuff on the strategus general discussion forum (I know I've already said that) that you can just spoon-feed into the next strategus with not much reworking.

In one year there has been a lot of shared thoughts on strategus and it would be a damn shame to not exploit the ideas that are circulating everywhere since december 2010.

yeah incorporating butan's program and the other one making info screen be organized in picture form by type for everyone would be wonderful.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Artyem on December 20, 2013, 04:43:34 am
Cancelling a battle should be less punishing, maybe add a system that lets both sides agree so that the attackers can walk away with everything.

Also, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make attackers lose a random number of their leftover troops on retreat instead of losing everything.  For example, an attacking army uses 1200 of their 1800 tickets, they run out of time, retreat, and manage to escape with 300 troops but only keep the gear that wasn't used.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ArysOakheart on December 20, 2013, 10:10:13 am
It's the same as it was last time. It doesn't show in game, but it shows on the website.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Macropus on December 20, 2013, 11:56:15 am
It's the same as it was last time. It doesn't show in game, but it shows on the website.
visitors can't see pics , please register or login
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Miwiw on December 20, 2013, 12:59:55 pm
Change the default level of gear from -2 to 0 again, it'll encourage early themes and help out smaller factions.

This please. Would really improve early gameplay and later on it helps many smaller factions that do not own 10-20 villages and towns to have everything loomed to +0/+3 what they need.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Segd on December 20, 2013, 01:08:02 pm
This please. Would really improve early gameplay and later on it helps many smaller factions that do not own 10-20 villages and towns to have everything loomed to +0/+3 what they need.
Or you could go to big faction & buy +3 items with discount(I bet, full +0 set will be ready in all major factions at the end of first week). But 95% of lords will loom straw hats of their choice like they did this round anyway & then will whine about how Strat is broken & how poor they are.  :?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 20, 2013, 01:30:50 pm
To be honest, I would enjoy seeing gear level completely wiped, there is too much drawback with the different items rank (micro management and bugs)

I would much prefer to have a "realist" production, with only +0 gear and goods, more or less accesible depending on the fief type (castles = gear production, villages = grain/goods production, cities = money production w/o trade)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Osiris on December 20, 2013, 03:55:14 pm
yeah we don't really need looms in strat battles. No looms would make it easier for solo players and themed players. because lets face it, it became really hard to find some weapons and armours in this strat. If a  guy wanted to make a 500 man samurai army he had no chance on eu :D

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Corsair831 on December 20, 2013, 03:55:49 pm
To be honest, I would enjoy seeing gear level completely wiped, there is too much drawback with the different items rank (micro management and bugs)

I would much prefer to have a "realist" production, with only +0 gear and goods, more or less accesible depending on the fief type (castles = gear production, villages = grain/goods production, cities = money production w/o trade)

same, the whole "+3 gear" thing only really served to make sure certain factions had more unique gear they could make because they had to specialise

you could achieve the same thing by simply allowing factions to reduce the cost of certain gear(as it is now but perhaps to a greater extent)

the whole "+3 gear" thing in strat really doesn't have a function right now :))
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Erasmas on December 20, 2013, 07:16:57 pm
Some guys come to strat battles to enjoy +3 items they could never have a chance to try in crpg. Keep'em in. Whatever makes people play in strat battles - keep it in.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Keshian on December 20, 2013, 07:32:11 pm
Could just make all non-siege equipment +3 with no degrading but a lot lower looting percentage.  Would be a lot less people getting the item bug and still get to try out fun +3 gear not easy to get in crpg.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Corsair831 on December 20, 2013, 08:11:47 pm
Crazy notion, but maybe have all gear at +0, but fiefs can loom *1* item each on a first-come-first serve basis (so no 2 fiefs have the same item at +3) or have a random item assigned to each fief. That way different factions will have unique gear and items at slightly higher quality, and an incentive to hang onto Villages, cos they may produce something really useful that's worth protecting even if not a desirable invincible camping fief.

Maybe 1 item for villages, 2 for castle, 3 for city? Or 1, 3, 5. But whatever it is i like the idea of factions having access to different gear, and fiefs becoming desirable based on what they produce more than just tactical positioning and the easiness of defending a certain map. More of an incentive to attack, and to defend even the 'weak' fiefs (village battles are the most fun anyway).

your ideas not bad, but rather than an extreme "no 2 fiefs with the same gear" have it so that the more fiefs that have the same piece of gear loomed, the more expensive it is, meaning there's an advantage to go for rarer gear which wouldn't usually be taken.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Zildjan on December 20, 2013, 09:26:43 pm
Cancelling a battle should be less punishing, maybe add a system that lets both sides agree so that the attackers can walk away with everything.

Also, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to make attackers lose a random number of their leftover troops on retreat instead of losing everything.  For example, an attacking army uses 1200 of their 1800 tickets, they run out of time, retreat, and manage to escape with 300 troops but only keep the gear that wasn't used.

^Agree with the ability to retreat mid battle.  Or maybe only if you're the attacker during a siege. Really, anything to help out people trying to attack cities/castles.  I've been at too many sieges where equipment/siege gear bugs/whatever make it impossible to take the castle.  Then the attackers lose everything and don't even make a dent in the defenders... I see no reason why the attacker shouldn't be able to retreat and keep all gear and troops that haven't been used yet.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Socks on December 21, 2013, 05:36:14 am
Some guys come to strat battles to enjoy +3 items they could never have a chance to try in crpg.
Wow finally some body points this out.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 21, 2013, 01:20:05 pm
Wow finally some body points this out.

Who cares if everyone has +0, or everyone has +3, since it would become the norm?

One could just add "masterwork" tag in front of all item tag and you would not see a difference, since all would have the same stats according to our ideas.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 21, 2013, 02:08:41 pm
i still ike to have a Blacksmith who could upgrade gear in their loom levels.

The most anoying part for me always was to sort out the different loom levels, what should be used for "prestige fights" and what for "patrolling", that even such a catagory emerged in my mind(and i guess not only there) speaks volums.

I like to be able to sepparate my faction, by the quality of gear we could produce from others, we had early on Steel Picks +3 and Mercs and Coa bought them from us or we just brought a few around to have them in their fights =), anyhow i like the concept of -/+ loom levels, i just dont like that we have then a crazy amount of small piles of that crap which we need to hord till we get a usable number together to outfit something with it or that later on when there was enough money , that stuff was just sold.

Instead give me a blacksmith, where i need to pay a % of the weapon also depending on the loom level it is increased to and therefor we get rid of these chunks of small piles of garbage laying around for ages to rott on our characters.

To individualize it, you could say only where that certain type of gear had been loomed to a certain level, the blacksmith also could upgrade it to that level. Therefor, we would need to ship around - loomlvl gear, but in the end would create nice gear again, with only a few stacks and easier to handle.

if you would want to make it real easy though, 100% resale price form original price and no loom levels. That but takes away a bit of the individuality and possibilities for gear deals.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Osiris on December 21, 2013, 04:28:22 pm
Wow finally some body points this out.

if you have a +3 weapon and he has +3 armour and +3 gloves what are you gaining from "trying +3 weapons out" You gain 1 speed? and you do less damage than if everything was +0.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Artyem on December 21, 2013, 11:18:01 pm
Can you tell us when you're shutting it down?  Sunday, yes, but when on sunday?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Tydeus on December 22, 2013, 10:02:28 pm
Implement citizen unrest for all fiefs(or just villages and towns).
This should make it so you can't stack troops as effectively, and also works well with the following suggestion.

Make sieges lock down the fief until:
Do something to reduce the amount of heavy/plate armor.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Tydeus on December 22, 2013, 11:03:44 pm
Even increasing requirements on heavy armour would be enough i reckon.
Maybe, but it would have to be raised a fair bit, otherwise the only thing that would happen, is that people with less than 15 str wouldn't be allowed into strat battles. Could increase requirements starting at 8-12~ weight body armors(+1 str req initially) up to the highest getting +5 or so str req.

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Franke on December 22, 2013, 11:06:51 pm
How about removing full Plate armors at all from Strat? There are enough high tier armors which are usable and can be distinguished easily...
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Ronin on December 22, 2013, 11:09:33 pm
Actually, the problem is not really the plate. Problem is the gold/troop ratio. Work on economy, it will fix most of the problems with strat.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Socks on December 23, 2013, 01:45:55 am
if you have a +3 weapon and he has +3 armour and +3 gloves what are you gaining from "trying +3 weapons out" You gain 1 speed? and you do less damage than if everything was +0.
I understand it doesn't make a huge difference but it's nice to have and use a +3 when you go on battle and have a a bunch of loom crutchers +3 every thing it can get annoying but yes having a +3 doesn't really make a huge difference it just gives some small advantages nice ones if the type of weapon your using gives a good advantage with +3
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Scervo on December 23, 2013, 07:15:41 am
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday

So umm... It's monday right? What happened to that shutdown?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Hecur on December 23, 2013, 07:23:48 am
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Taser on December 23, 2013, 08:05:16 am
So umm... It's monday right? What happened to that shutdown?

I've been trying to enter a fief for the last 11 hours so I think its just waiting out the massive amount of battles that's going on. Strat seems to be frozen.. just waiting out the battles that have been started before it stopped.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Tovi on December 23, 2013, 09:10:38 am
What a pity :

(click to show/hide)

a lot of stuff and troops, no players.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Zlisch_The_Butcher on December 23, 2013, 09:16:53 am
The problem with plate is that it isn't quantity/quality, if it was all battles would be in medium/light armor as there is no way in hell a guy in plate is worth as much as 2+ of the same guy in regular gear, currently it is however spendlesstimetradingbeforedoinganything/quality, which is totally fucked up, if troops were purchased with silver somehow (would ofc require an economy that doesn't suck, and a hardcap on how much shit you can carry relative to the amount of troops you have) there'd be an actual reason to not just hold off doing shit until you can support full plate for all your troops.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: FRANK_THE_TANK on December 23, 2013, 09:37:39 am


Give strat V5 a 2 month time limit.

Increase troop recruitment by 10x so 10 troops per tick.

Decrease cost of gear by 20% across the board.


The real limiting factor is mercs and being able to organise shit so lets ramp the speed up and give this thing a defined time period.

Winner = Faction that holds the most land at the end.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 23, 2013, 01:17:30 pm


Give strat V5 a 2 month time limit.

Increase troop recruitment by 10x so 10 troops per tick.

Decrease cost of gear by 20% across the board.


The real limiting factor is mercs and being able to organise shit so lets ramp the speed up and give this thing a defined time period.

Winner = Faction that holds the most land at the end.

I would prefer a better gameplay for more "joy" to play for a longer period of time, than the same "shit" thrown at us but for only 2 months of cocaine-enhanced game speed  :P
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Malgalad on December 23, 2013, 02:37:38 pm
 :shock: more battle map pls.No only plain map for battle. Add Steppe,snow,desert and bridge map pls.
 :mrgreen: And can you give me a castle or let me be a DTV npc?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: dynamike on December 23, 2013, 03:24:35 pm
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, December 2010
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on December 23, 2013, 03:47:51 pm
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

oh shit
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on December 23, 2013, 04:03:04 pm
another thread with a few good idears you may want to have a look at. (

There had been writen so many topics concerning improving strat, with so many good idears. I think we would need a more systematical approach to catalogize those, not to lose some of the perls.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Robert on December 31, 2013, 04:06:50 pm
just wondering when the holidays end for the different peoples around the world, so we know when double XP ends :)
In the west counrty we come to about march time  :lol:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Flancan on January 02, 2014, 08:16:53 pm
Shh, don't say anything about double xp and chad will forget about it  :wink:
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on January 06, 2014, 04:56:22 pm
Is strategus going to start again in January as planned, or will it be delayed?

When will we have an announcement on the gameplay tweaks the new round 5 will have (fiefs distribution, faction/battle mechanisms, economy)?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Kalp on January 08, 2014, 06:00:36 pm
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.
Transactions/trades made in last 24 hours in fief, visible for lord (owner) of fief in "Towncenter" tab.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: bredeus on January 08, 2014, 11:24:40 pm
No more invisible trade goods
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Leshma on January 11, 2014, 01:01:32 am
Please hurry up with Strategus. Not sure is it because exams, but we're low on people lately. Lost one DTV server where 10 newcomers used to play on average. Now that's battle melee only server with even less regulars. Strat is shut down, which means more people should be on other games modes but they aren't playing at all. Battle is populated, siege less these days.

If it's not exams or something else, I would be worried. Especially since it's still double XP time. Don't want to know what will happen when you remove XP bonus.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Penitent on January 11, 2014, 02:45:21 pm
Please hurry up with Strategus. Not sure is it because exams, but we're low on people lately. Lost one DTV server where 10 newcomers used to play on average. Now that's battle melee only server with even less regulars. Strat is shut down, which means more people should be on other games modes but they aren't playing at all. Battle is populated, siege less these days.

If it's not exams or something else, I would be worried. Especially since it's still double XP time. Don't want to know what will happen when you remove XP bonus.

Welcome to America.  We've been playing that way for months.  :)

I'd like to see it up again soon as well though.  And please do not remove double xp, ever.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on January 11, 2014, 04:03:37 pm
Will there be the yearly ban wave  :rolleyes: ? Not sure that would help the overall population, still better to get rid of those then of those who couldnt be arsed otherwise when they have to play against cheating cunts.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sniger on January 11, 2014, 05:15:26 pm
Please hurry up with Strategus. Not sure is it because exams, but we're low on people lately. Lost one DTV server where 10 newcomers used to play on average. Now that's battle melee only server with even less regulars. Strat is shut down, which means more people should be on other games modes but they aren't playing at all. Battle is populated, siege less these days.

If it's not exams or something else, I would be worried. Especially since it's still double XP time. Don't want to know what will happen when you remove XP bonus.

don't forget its ESO stress test this weekend. I reckon that it drain crpg for lots of regulars
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Dalhi on January 11, 2014, 05:25:59 pm
don't forget its ESO stress test this weekend. I reckon that it drain crpg for lots of regulars

After watching some videos of ESO, I don't get how people even want to play this.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sniger on January 11, 2014, 06:26:30 pm
well they do, so much the servers is puking all over :p

personally I dunno, I find all MMO boring the first 10-20 levels. ill let you know what I think once I ding 15 in ESO :p
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Switchtense on January 12, 2014, 03:47:52 pm
Please hurry up with Strategus. Not sure is it because exams, but we're low on people lately. Lost one DTV server where 10 newcomers used to play on average. Now that's battle melee only server with even less regulars. Strat is shut down, which means more people should be on other games modes but they aren't playing at all. Battle is populated, siege less these days.

If it's not exams or something else, I would be worried. Especially since it's still double XP time. Don't want to know what will happen when you remove XP bonus.

the HRE server was switched to melee only battle since nobody played on it anymore really

and i dont know about you, but when i came back a few days after new years eve and played i didnt get double exp on any server, neither on dtv, nor on eu2, nor on eu1, thats why i havent played recently
eu7 is constantly full (after a few times of trying to get in for 10 mins now i dont even try it anymore when i see its 30/30)
eu1/eu2 are fun for half an hour, then they tend to get a bit boring

so i definitely agree, strategus being back would bring crpg back to life, at least to some extent
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on January 12, 2014, 05:25:00 pm
a thing i just remembered from start of 4.0 and later on confirmed by those who didnt like "all the time plate" armies.

If you keep the system of economy nearly as it was in 4.0(which was a great step in comparison to 2.0/3.0) from my point of view. Then still i would suggest to trickle down the growth rate and change also the production points the fiefs start with.

starting production points
25 for cities instead of 0
50 for castles instead of 100(?)
70 for villages instead of 200

the daily increase of production points i would suggest like
cities 10 (or 8)
castles 5 (or 4)
villages 3 (or 2)

+Production Points investment changes
(click to show/hide)

also no more hidden goods bug, no sneaking by with stolen goods. Well it could be implemented as a feature  :shock: but should cost then something too.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ARN_ on January 30, 2014, 08:39:56 pm
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

a new one will start somewhen in January

somewhen in January



Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Chris_the_Animal on January 30, 2014, 08:50:55 pm

You dare to doubt chadz's schedule?! He got one day left, he will be on time.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ARN_ on January 30, 2014, 08:53:03 pm
You dare to doubt chadz's schedule?! He got one day left, he will be on time.
He better be!
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Spurdospera on January 30, 2014, 09:10:39 pm
yes, somewhen in january... tho he did not really state which years january :D
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Krosis on January 30, 2014, 11:20:08 pm
There might be a post about it but I'm lazy..

what's so hard about updating people on the status of strategus?
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: CrazyCracka420 on January 31, 2014, 07:54:17 pm
There might be a post about it but I'm lazy..

what's so hard about updating people on the status of strategus?

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The irony is strong in this one
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: En_Dotter on January 31, 2014, 08:33:44 pm
Every time i see strat in the title i feel like this:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: the real god emperor on January 31, 2014, 10:41:35 pm
you will get punished for that dotter, better edit it :D
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: En_Dotter on January 31, 2014, 10:57:06 pm
Punished because? Cus every time i see a Strategus in the title i feel like dick blows in my face cus chadz doesnt give a fuck about his potential new game buyers? Cus he is incompetent to at least send one of his minions to say "hey guys, we ran into problems and strategus reset will be pospoend until we are ready to do so".
I expect the same behavior for battlegrounds and with this dev team attitude toward community i will not even consider buying it.

Also explicit parts of that image are censored and there is nothing wrong with the rest. I can confirm this with one of the coat of arms used in Hungary  in 1559:

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: the real god emperor on January 31, 2014, 11:50:26 pm
Punished because? Cus every time i see a Strategus in the title i feel like dick blows in my face cus chadz doesnt give a fuck about his potential new game buyers? Cus he is incompetent to at least send one of his minions to say "hey guys, we ran into problems and strategus reset will be pospoend until we are ready to do so".
I expect the same behavior for battlegrounds and with this dev team attitude toward community i will not even consider buying it.

Also explicit parts of that image are censored and there is nothing wrong with the rest. I can confirm this with one of the coat of arms used in Hungary  in 1559:

(click to show/hide)

I warned you because the last time someone shared pics like those in Turkish subforum it got shut down for like half a year.You re free to do whatever you want ofc.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ARN_ on February 01, 2014, 12:06:34 am
So chadz has failed us? :(
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Chris_the_Animal on February 01, 2014, 12:08:55 am
So chadz has failed us? :(

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Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Sharpe on February 01, 2014, 12:13:08 am
So chadz has failed us? :(

I was gonna say he still has 6 hours damn it! But then I realized time zone differences and all that.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: En_Dotter on February 01, 2014, 12:20:50 am
I warned you because the last time someone shared pics like those in Turkish subforum it got shut down for like half a year.You re free to do whatever you want ofc.
Tnx for the concern man but this behavior that is being displayed by the dev team is more insulting than all the genitalia we can post here both in words or in pics...

Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: MURDERTRON on February 01, 2014, 09:37:22 pm
Knowing chadz he will probably make the Strategus fief draft during the Super Bowl because he hates America.  And GoDaddy.  And puppies.  And Clydesdales.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ArysOakheart on February 01, 2014, 10:15:55 pm
Knowing chadz he will probably make the Strategus fief draft during the Super Bowl because he hates America.  And GoDaddy.  And puppies.  And Clydesdales.

Damn him, I would miss some of the Puppy Bowl.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Simon_Templar on February 01, 2014, 10:29:57 pm
nobody has a fucking interest in a new Strat round give it to Chinese maybe they have still fun with this dead nerfed mod.

Btw i love chris. And i say that we make fips the new president for strategus. And i also say that we make it a Lord of the rings mod.

Because People came already up with the idea on dtv. I want to have Dragons chadz!!! And Orcs not like the Grey urukay ones from the  strategus three lets finally do a step in the right direction. come on!!! Satisfy fips ffs. dont break his heart it is in your hand. And Dwarfs. And elf. And Wizards. And elephants. And Camels. And ancient chariots. because we already have hoplites. You can not even remember Warband after playing this mod. Is it not beautiful. see yaa call me when you have a real life as well.  :D
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: ARN_ on February 01, 2014, 10:36:29 pm
nobody has a fucking interest in a new Strat round give it to Chinese maybe they have still fun with this dead nerfed mod.

Btw i love chris. And i say that we make fips the new president for strategus. And i also say that we make it a Lord of the rings mod.

Because People came already up with the idea on dtv. I want to have Dragons chadz!!! And Orcs not like the Grey urukay ones from the  strategus three lets finally do a step in the right direction. come on!!! Satisfy fips ffs. dont break his heart it is in your hand. And Dwarfs. And elf. And Wizards. And elephants. And Camels. And ancient chariots. because we already have hoplites. You can not even remember Warband after playing this mod. Is it not beautiful. see yaa call me when you have a real life as well.  :D
I know a lot of guys who are very interested in a strat round... so stop talking shit about it :)
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on February 01, 2014, 10:40:57 pm
please give us strategus chadz  :( I will do anything for this, and help me have a OP build by buffing my style so I can hack & slash through everyone in my path like in movies  :(


Be honest with yourself. I wont be there all the time.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on February 02, 2014, 03:37:59 am
chadz pls
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Fips on February 02, 2014, 03:44:04 am
nobody has a fucking interest in a new Strat round give it to Chinese maybe they have still fun with this dead nerfed mod.

Btw i love chris. And i say that we make fips the new president for strategus. And i also say that we make it a Lord of the rings mod.

Because People came already up with the idea on dtv. I want to have Dragons chadz!!! And Orcs not like the Grey urukay ones from the  strategus three lets finally do a step in the right direction. come on!!! Satisfy fips ffs. dont break his heart it is in your hand. And Dwarfs. And elf. And Wizards. And elephants. And Camels. And ancient chariots. because we already have hoplites. You can not even remember Warband after playing this mod. Is it not beautiful. see yaa call me when you have a real life as well.  :D

Then just fuck off already, simon =P
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Knute on February 04, 2014, 11:24:49 pm
We're shutting down this round of strategus on sunday, and a new one will start somewhen in January.

Please drop suggestions what you want changed, keep it short and to the point though.

I'd say plus up the interface as much as possible, less long lists of equipment/numbers at every opportunity and make it simpler and more graphical like Butan's inventory thing. 

Add little things to create atmosphere like different optional titles for the owner of a fief besides Lord (Example: Chief, Jarl, Count, Baron, Sir, Caliph, Bishop, etc).  If possible connect faction banners to fiefs so instead of just colors maybe they could have the faction's symbol over them on the map as well.

Give factions the ability to show their claims on a map on the website, might help mix things up a bit especially at the beginning of a round.

Add an official diplomacy section on the website so factions can list who their allies and enemies are.

Add a jobs/mercenary type board and buying/selling board on the website.  Basically incorporate all strategus related forums into one area so people can find and make use of them.

EDIT: And get rid of out of date stickies on the strategus general info forum.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: Butan on February 05, 2014, 04:08:29 am
I'd say plus up the interface as much as possible, less long lists of equipment/numbers at every opportunity and make it simpler and more graphical like Butan's inventory thing. 

Add little things to create atmosphere like different optional titles for the owner of a fief besides Lord (Example: Chief, Jarl, Count, Baron, Sir, Caliph, Bishop, etc).  If possible connect faction banners to fiefs so instead of just colors maybe they could have the faction's symbol over them on the map as well.

Give factions the ability to show their claims on a map on the website, might help mix things up a bit especially at the beginning of a round.

Add an official diplomacy section on the website so factions can list who their allies and enemies are.

Add a jobs/mercenary type board and buying/selling board on the website.  Basically incorporate all strategus related forums into one area so people can find and make use of them.

Closest thing to an "improved strategus campaign" feasible list.

The most important part for me is to get every fan-made script into strategus & expand from it : Dodnet "strategus sorted inventory & eye candy" ( improved inventory/UI (open source), Chy "strategus tool belt" ( improved map/info (open source), Guika "strategus enhancer" ( diplomacy/faction (personal website).

Then economy-battle mechanisms need to be fine-tuned like what we had from round to round.
Title: Re: Strategus & DoubleXP
Post by: kinngrimm on February 05, 2014, 06:19:15 am
while i have to agree with the suggestions of Butan and Knut directly before this post, if the time you need would not be available, to do all that, then just

- fix the 10k goods bug and any other critical bug which i may not be aware of ^^
- increase the progression(Production Points & prices) for high tier gear, so it would not be avialable as soon as last time

as bare minimum and get the party started, without any new stuff.