Every Fisdnar battle.
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Hmmm... only pictures of me I have involve a corset so..... that's not happening.
Hmmm... only pictures of me I have involve a corset so..... that's not happening.
You only of have pictures of you in a corset......?
Are you a prostitute or a pornstar or something?
Every Fisdnar battle.
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Man my mental image of you was totally off.
ladies and gents. this competition is now over.(click to show/hide)
I also noticed that all of the neckbeards are tending to make an open-mouthed duck face
Summers in Athens can be interesting :lol:<3 I would turn gay for this strong bearded man, all the others that are posted here are either little kids or skinnymy old friends who don't lift.(click to show/hide)
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Now that's just not fair :c I'm jelly.
Summers in Athens can be interesting :lol:We got a winner. One day i'll join you in the land of mythology chasing communists(click to show/hide)
Just do a quick search and that image is all over the internet.
it cant be you :D :D
Just do a quick search and that image is all over the internet.
"Gonna save all pics and post them on 4cancer and oher cancer sites "
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Hm, and what's your point? I'm just a famous person :wink:In that case, a picture of you with my name on it would be expected in my inbox :wink:
In that case, a picture of you with my name on it would be expected in my inbox :wink:
To me too pls pls pls :oops:
Summers in Athens can be interesting :lol:(click to show/hide)
Does it count if I post a particularly cute picture of myself as a baby ?
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Me trying to catch a fly : )(click to show/hide)
You are a true man of gondor.(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Too few girls are playing this to post here my picture as a sparta warrior 8-)
Too few girls are playing this to post here my picture as a sparta warrior 8-)
Sparta.. and too FEW girls? Son, let me tell you about the spartans..
Goggle - Domai Martishadamn :shock:
Wow, this thread is dumb. Its not even a competition. I win hands down
Ladies, grab a shamwow, its about to get wet(click to show/hide)
So when's the phone number exchange goin down?
My face when I get killed by rangedYou turned black?
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You turned black?Turned?
Me and MUH BABEH (only thing fun to do in this hell of a state they call South Cackalacki... also, creepy serial killer rapist grin):(click to show/hide)
Not bad for a Harley, both my Babies:(click to show/hide)
Goggle - Domai Martisha
GF nerdz.
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My face when I get killed by ranged
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Short question:
The black and white upside down avatar is a thing now??
Does it transport a hidden message?
You guys make me feel old and so not uptodate.
archer in game, hoplite in real life ^^(click to show/hide)
That ribs seems plastic !!They are not, and photo . without photoshop etc... :mrgreen:
How does image post on forum work?
this is off topic, post this where it belongs.
this forum is also prolly full of bundle of sticks [ really skilled .S... ha! you arent going to win today lousy censoring machine!]. really, making a thread like this and then posting a picture of a guy. add some babes, willya?
Keep it up nightmare and I'm going to start sending you pics of my penisno thanks, i would rather some photos of bieber getting a snaussage.
this is off topic, post this where it belongs.
this forum is also prolly full of bundle of sticks [ really skilled .S... ha! you arent going to win today lousy censoring machine!]. really, making a thread like this and then posting a picture of a guy. add some babes, willya?
For the record this is not Knightmare_ ingame!he is lying! dont listen to him!
maeday hottest na
For the pedo's:(click to show/hide)
me hanging out with friends(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Steevees picture :(click to show/hide)
Dat cardboard armor
After the 3 hours strat battle when i smoking
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this will make some kids upset
I am deal with it, dont make me wip my bikini picture out from 4 years ago ... DEAL WIFF IT NIGGAZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Your coming home with me...
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That doesn't look like the law! We've been lied to!!!
The Law was a huge fan of Alice in Chains when he was younger.
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As you can see here, I'm taking the oath.
Wow, this thread is dumb. Its not even a competition. I win hands down
Ladies, grab a shamwow, its about to get wet(click to show/hide)
The Law was a huge fan of Alice in Chains when he was younger.
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As you can see here, I'm taking the oath.
But, you're much fatter than he.
Was this taking right before the school shooting or after?
'hottest crpg couple' is taken..
sauce and I(click to show/hide)
ehhhh....Neckbeard alert.(click to show/hide)
taking while living the dream
Now im not trying to be a dick but art thou of the asian decent or just really high in that bottom pic hahaha
Just a weird angle for my thick fucking glasses and my eyelids are pretty close together anyway. No Asian in me that I know of, except that one time in prison.
If I flex my muscles so they rip my shirt off can I be the winner?
Merica, bitches. :twisted:(click to show/hide)
Its funny cause that is exactly how i pictured you hahahahahahaha?
Lol im not even going to say anything!But thank you anders, thank you
no shit talking on someones pictures until you've got the balls to post your own..... knightmare.
Post your own selfie before you act like a huge my old friendget.
Lol im not even going to say anything!But thank you anders, thank you
no shit talking on someones pictures until you've got the balls to post your own..... knightmare.
It's fine. He's just jealous of the Awesome, 90 year old Rifle I own. :twisted:
I still need a Shotgun and a Musket to round off my collection(well, an Assault rifle would, but I don't need/want one of those)
Actually i am pretty jealous of that gun on a serious note but what kind is it?
And who said i was making fun of him? How do you know i dont think its funny maybe he looks like me.........Or how he acted like what i thought he would look like.
good boy, 180 and have a seat.
'hottest crpg couple' is taken..
sauce and I(click to show/hide)
There are surprisingly many submissions in this thread!
I will throw mine in as well :D
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Might be over a year old, but at least i look like a respectable member of society here :)
Armpits?! lololololo :DBorders are too fuzzy. I can tell by looking at my... erm... well... nevermind :shock:
There are surprisingly many submissions in this thread!
I will throw mine in as well :D
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Might be over a year old, but at least i look like a respectable member of society here :)
There are surprisingly many submissions in this thread!
I will throw mine in as well :D
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Might be over a year old, but at least i look like a respectable member of society here :)
I'm in for this! :D(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
I'm in for this! :D(click to show/hide)
I'm in for this! :D(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Your beard is growing in a little thin above your jaw line :PThe pic is a tad old, by now I'm sporting a more full (cheek?) beard instead of that small strip.
You from Jersey or Boston?Nuuu Yooak, my friend. Actually originally from Germany, but I look American as fuck.
voted cause of bubs.I feel ya, buddy :D Two of those belong to my ex, too.
Are you supposed to look like two different people?Not really... do I?
So on a side note, somebody down voted my fucking job in the job thread. I could see if I was a fucking baby mutilator or some shit. People will always talk shit or be meanie dykes. Just a way of life. Godbless everyone and their genitals
Does anyone want to see a picture of Sandy? He looks like a raggedy stoner.
CORRECTION: He IS a raggedy stoner.
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You're all doing such a great job here.Good to see the dude abides.(click to show/hide)
Your avatar and Ulter avatar ?that would apply there is atleast 3 pictures of me,
2h crossbow IRL:(click to show/hide)
'hottest crpg couple' is taken..
sauce and I(click to show/hide)
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Larry and ARTIE are furries. (not 100% on artie)
but I love 'em both, so...
Larry and ARTIE are furries. (not 100% on artie)
but I love 'em both, so...
Merica, bitches. :twisted:(click to show/hide)
Btw, for anyone who cares, that's a 1926 Mosin-Nagant with me checking how the bayonet I have in hand would be similar to the one I have for that rifle.(At time of Picture, I didn't own the Mauser that the bayonet went with as that was a gift for christmas, but I own it now. 1920s Czech Mauser)
... in the states ... the Supreme Court ruled that people in anthropomorphic animal costumes have the right to marry.
Turkish kebab.You could be Panos' little brother.(click to show/hide)
Its actually become pretty widespread here in the states ever since the Supreme Court ruled that people in anthropomorphic animal costumes have the right to marry.
Last night an incredibly drunk stranger called me a pretty boy and a twinkie. I think he wanted to touch my anal. I don't know if I want to share my image now.
You should grow a neckbeard before you dog on it. So much easier to keep groomed (cuz you do it only 4 times a year) and it keeps my entire neck warm. I grow mine primarily for my religion (Jewish) and do not shave--only trim with scissors or some electric razor that does a cutting maneuver instead of razing it (I know, it sounds weird, but that's what we believe). Neckbeards are great though, only time it sucks is when you get it wet, or dribble food onto your beard and forget about it. I've found all sorts of things in my neckbeard; keys, numbers, worms, food, and pokemon cards even. A neckbeard is a majestic creature if raised by a responsible parent and should be treated as a unique identifier to ones personality as many wizards had neckbeards as well. So in a way, all 'Neckbeards' are Wizards, and all Wizards are Neckbeards. Next time you see a man with a neckbeard; They're easy to identify--usually way out of fashion, a few sizes too small on their clothing, and may or may not be sporting a smelly 'furry' tail hanging out the back of their Reebok 1998 B-ball shorts, you should give them a big fucking hug and high-5. Because who knows? That Neckbeard could go on to do great things, and you'll be glad to look upon their furry mane one day and say, "Damn, I hi-5'd and belly-fucked that guy. You rock Neckbeard."(click to show/hide)
A few more visits to the Burger King and TankBurner is the new Samwell Tarly.
Research binding a loosing?
What is this, I don't even
I'll throw my hat into the ring. Check out this swag outfit yo.(click to show/hide)
WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS?//////////////////
I'll throw my hat into the ring. Check out this swag outfit yo.(click to show/hide)
I grew up and became atrollGOBBLIN. Man I really fuckinghatelove the wordtrollGOBBLIN,butand it gets the point across. It is the natural life cycle of animals such as myself.
Whoa this thread exploded, anyone care to give me a summary?TL//DR: I was drunk in a strat Battle where Daru called me attractive and an friendly discussion was started. I started this forum ergo, visa vi, exo-facto, People who play c-rpg are a pleasant mix of Neckbeards and goons. Thanks for the postings guys so far keep up the fun.
Did Kinzie use a ''I choose jew!'' line to pick you up?(click to show/hide)
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Last night an incredibly drunk stranger called me a pretty boy and a twinkie. I think he wanted to touch my anal. I don't know if I want to share my image now.
No it's just fine. My only request is if you preview your post and the picture is taking up your whole screen, re-size or put it in a spoiler. But yours is just fine.(click to show/hide)
Cat is my familiar(click to show/hide)
get a proper fetish like balloons or midget trannies
you are completely disgusting lmao
If you don't want your picture spread on the internet, don't post it on the internet.I believe tanken is referring to the illegal use of his facebook account to create a derogatory collage. Anyway this is not the ban thread and I am not a moderator. Please keep it clean and civil. I am going to get one of the mods to remove the poster Tanken. Keep it civil or I am going to lock the thread.
I believe tanken is referring to the illegal use of his facebook account to create a derogatory collage. Anyway this is not the ban thread and I am not a moderator. Please keep it clean and civil. I am going to get one of the mods to remove the poster Tanken. Keep it civil or I am going to lock the thread.Facebook is on the internet, my point is still valid. You shouldn't post pictures anywhere on the Internet before asking yourself if you're fine with the possibility of them being used "against you" and spread around.
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Holy shit you look like a fat ALAN!
Brb gonna tell Alan. Wonder if ur related maybe?
Completely off-topic reply, may tarnish thread. Don't read if you're just here for pics.(click to show/hide)
Kako si ruzan jujuju
You mean me? :twisted:
Does that sleeve on your right arm cover the whole arm, or just the forearm? Im working my way down from the shoulder bit by bit (mainly because Im broke half the time Im ready to do it)
I'll just quote myself, 3rd thread with same topic by now :lol:(click to show/hide)
Kako si ruzan jujuju
I'm not sure why you took offense to the collage. Because of the intent behind it or because of the collage itself, i.e., you're embarrassed because of the pictures used? If the latter, then you should probably think carefully about uploading pictures like that at all. If the former, then yes, I'm not defending Smoothrich. It's very telling of his personality that he'd go through the effort to do something like that and then make it public. You should give him your pity.
whole arm and im going to finish the other one today :p i also have my whole chest done
You seem to be under the misconception that creating a thread makes you some kind of a sub-moderator of it.
Merica, bitches. :twisted:(click to show/hide)
Btw, for anyone who cares, that's a 1926 Mosin-Nagant with me checking how the bayonet I have in hand would be similar to the one I have for that rifle.(At time of Picture, I didn't own the Mauser that the bayonet went with as that was a gift for christmas, but I own it now. 1920s Czech Mauser)
ITS THE KING :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:(click to show/hide)
actually, thats exactly what it makes him.
PS can we now change this to a tatt brag post? I want to see more of your neckbeard inks :D
That would be fun Mae, but I can't show you some of my tattoos.
For example, I have 2 stick men on the base of my penis, both holding axes. One is digging into my penis with it, the other is about to swing. They're chopping down a tree, but when it's cold outside, sometimes they're just removing a stump.
The rest of my tattoos are either not finished, or wouldn't make sense to show them until I add the rest of the piece on.
Are you cut? Srz question.
Late to the party, but I'll join.Hottie alert.
This is about as recent as it gets for a picture. I've since cut my hair and no longer have a neckbeard, so hopefully I'll gain points for that.(click to show/hide)
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I don't own any firearms (though due to sequestration I might have to in order to keep my marksmanship up) but if I did, that would be my dream right there.Just for my gun loving friends. If you guys really want, I'll take a picture of my Mosin and Mauser.
okay here is a pic of meClassy.(click to show/hide)
Oh, hey look, I'm on steam.
Just for my gun loving friends. If you guys really want, I'll take a picture of my Mosin and Mauser.(click to show/hide)
That's a nice firearm. Usually around here they aren't in the best condition. Unless you have them right out of the crate.
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That broad in your avatar is fucking smoking jeade. I don't know what she is doing tho haha
Funny story. That was pure luck. The guy pulled down a box, and that's the one I got. I was blessed as can be.Too funny I am envious you only look about 25ish and you have a nice collection I wish I could have.
My Mauser is in similar Condition.
Hey looks like AAAAA's post got removed and he's at 100% warning level.
Tanken you might want to remove your's :wink:
Way to ruin the illusion jeade, I always think your a broad because of your character. The best is when I said hi to you and you said /tip hat. Made me laugh my balls off. If the story was queer sorry folks
A buddy dedeged this wonderful pic up from the depths of time.
It's me 9 years ago! I laughed my balls off.
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That broad in your avatar is fucking smoking jeade. I don't know what she is doing tho haha
come on dude, atleast post real pics. thats christian bale right?
using her tong as a hair tie, duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Yes, this site has officially turned from gaming into dating. Wont be long till its gonna be PMs with dickpics, with homosexual references.You've figured out my master plan....muahahahahahahaha
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginladies and gentleman we have clear winner!
And profile pic. I accept groupons as payment for first place.
Wrong thread buddy. "Who's the biggest douchebag in Crpg" must yet be opened, just be patient. You'll get your first place there.
Ok, let's make this a bit more mafiosi:(click to show/hide)
[ptx] that's the most legit avatar I have ever seen. Mad respect.
Wrong thread buddy. "Who's the biggest douchebag in Crpg" must yet be opened, just be patient. You'll get your first place there.
I might be many things to include "DickHead", "Baby Killer", and "womanizer of moms", but I'll be damn if you call me a douchebag.Womanizer of moms. Lel why not just do what most military guis do and lump all women into that category.
Hot damn! Nice man. I just started on my chest last week. It fucking hurt so bad because it goes from my solar plexus up to my clavicle (I believe that is what it is called). Lots and lots of line work and overlapping lines. I'll post some pics when it's all done, I couldn't stand more than 3 hours on my sternum haha. Dude had a heavy fucking hand.
I'm considering getting the bear with the halberd in purple that we use on the middle of the KUTT banner. 1) For Solidarity, and 2) Because it looks pretty fucking badass.
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And profile pic. I accept groupons as payment for first place.
fuckin 'glam' muscles, if you have big arms and no abs youre a fuckin cheater!
Alright folks it's time to play NAME THAT CRPG PLAYER!
Who do y'all folks think this cRPG player might be?(click to show/hide)
Alright folks it's time to play NAME THAT CRPG PLAYER!
Who do y'all folks think this cRPG player might be?(click to show/hide)
Dayum it gets weirder and weirder. I wonder what else this thread is going to give birth to.
Excuse me, you didn't even try to guess. Stop being a no fun cuntlord.
Excuse me, you didn't even try to guess. Stop being a no fun cuntlord.
Time for another instance of NAME THAT CRPG PLAYER!(click to show/hide)(click to show/hide)
Except thats a picture of Weird Al Yankovic, Berenger.
Granted, he looks exactly like Canary.
Alright folks it's time to play NAME THAT CRPG PLAYER!
Who do y'all folks think this cRPG player might be?(click to show/hide)
Damn it, I was going to guess Sandy but I've been out of town all weekend.
What conditioner do you use Sandy? It looks soft as fuck, I'd like to touch it.
im all for having fun and letting people make fun of me, buuuuttt i dont like partake making fun of anyone the way they look. i applaud everyone who posted a picture. here is a recent one. i have no clue how to reformat size sorryyou and shinock brothers?
Im ready to love, live and laugh
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Except thats a picture of Weird Al Yankovic, Berenger.
Granted, he looks exactly like Canary.
I don't really use a single conditioner, I actually generally use whatever bodywash/shampoo/conditioner hybrid I pick up at the store whenever I'm out. I use some old spice shit right now, I just refrain from blow-drying or doing any whack shit that fucks your hair up. Also washing and shampooing your hair every single day will fuck it up as well, it is best to do it every other day or so.(click to show/hide)
nerdsWish you would turn up in TS every so often to remind these my old friends that.
incoming big pile of pictures aka shit :)I find that bare ass crack offensive...ly erotic.(click to show/hide)
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Top right, I had wind blowing in my face but it's the only picture I have on hand.
incoming big pile of pictures aka shit :)(click to show/hide)
incoming big pile of pictures aka shit :)(click to show/hide)
you and shinock brothers?
Alright get on my dapper level or go home.(click to show/hide)
Here's the bundle of sticks you love and hate, mostly hate.(click to show/hide)
South Beach was beast.
Here's the bundle of sticks you love and hate, mostly hate.(click to show/hide)
South Beach was beast.
Here's the bundle of sticks you love and hate, mostly hate.(click to show/hide)
South Beach was beast.
Wow, I will never get mad when you shit talk again
Lol nigga , i would so beat your ass in real life :twisted:
Lol nigga , i would so beat your ass in real life :twisted:Sadly if you were born 500 years ago your physicall strengt would determine how well you will do in your life , these days however it´s better to be smart then to be strong.
Sadly if you were born 500 years ago your physicall strengt would determine how well you will do in your life , these days however it´s better to be smart then to be strong.(click to show/hide)
Lol nigga , i would so beat your ass in real life :twisted:
Thats debatable looking at your pics......Wouldnt talk shit over the internet bud, O and what ethnicity are you? Im curious are you persian?
That scum of the Earth is Serbian, much to my dismay as I am half Serbian.
Also, it's easy to talk shit and how you're so much physically capable than anyone when it's online. I don't think there's that many people who care about that type of boasting. At least not here.
And those who do feel the need to boast often have a lot of insecurities.
Too bad you are just stupid , yeah debatable on interent ...i would like to see your debate in reallife , you would just shit ur pants and i know dat ;)
That scum of the Earth is Serbian, much to my dismay as I am half Serbian.
Also, it's easy to talk shit and how you're so much physically capable than anyone when it's online. I don't think there's that many people who care about that type of boasting. At least not here.
And those who do feel the need to boast often have a lot of insecurities.
Why does every thread of hilarity have to turn into a shitstorm? :?
Why does every thread of hilarity have to turn into a shitstorm? :?visitors can't see pics , please register or login
hahahaha i would so beat your ass if i would see you :D
hahahaha i would so beat your ass if i would see you :DRealy nice you can asume you're psychically stronger than someone on the internet based off 1 picture, NEVER JUDGE A BOOK BY IT'S COVER.
Well, you could try but I don't believe we let criminals into EU countries, and judging by your scummy and maggot-like appearance, I wouldn't be too surprised if you've been involved with some shady low-life business.
Good luck getting a job with that tattoo, you moron.
All of this still doesn't change the fact that he'd probably beat your ass :wink:
The fact that you put value into the notion of being able to beat someone up only reflects on your intelligence. I'm sure lots of people could beat me up in real life, but I sniff out fucktards like Dolby from miles away. One look at them and I know they're useless bottom feeders who pass their time by trying to impress their equally brain damaged friends.
Oh, and I remembered what you look like now. I even laughed, because I'm pretty confident there's few people with average body mass that couldn't wipe the floor with you like a rag.
All of this still doesn't change the fact that he (Waradin - friendly remainder) would probably beat your ass :wink:
All of this still doesn't change the fact that he (Waradin - friendly remainder) would probably beat your ass :wink:
All of this still doesn't change the fact that he (Waradin - friendly remainder) would probably beat your ass :wink:To be honest neither Bjord or Waradin looks muscular or strong to me , id say they both look average. First looks say nothing though but we got nothing other than pictures to determine who is the strongest. So I can't realy judge who would be stronger.
Why does every thread of hilarity have to turn into a shitstorm? :?
While I do appreciate all your well thought-out and enlightening opinions on various, completely unrelated matters people, I still feel the urge to draw attention to the fact that Björd would probably get his ass beat by Waradin :wink:
We need topless photos, only way to be sure, bottomless photos too plz
First off:
Why does it matter who is the strongest? If anything, it should matter to yourself if you're living a healthy life.
Secondly, being able to hurt someone is almost useless in today's society. If I wanted to beat Dolby aka Waradin up, I'd use a baseball bat, or some other blunt object that would do humanity a favour by wiping him off this Earth. The end result is the same, no? But then again, I am blessed with enough intelligence that I know how to filter through scum like him. I never have to meet him, never have to talk to him and I thank all that is holy that I don't have to listen to him. So tell me, why does it matter that you think he can beat me up? Your priorities are way off, that's probably why. You actually think beating someone up is a display of superiority.
Well, son, have fun telling everyone how you beat this guy up when you're in prison. You know, the place where they put people who assault other people?
Oh and just because no one's said anything about you repeating yourself three times with your attempts to mock me doesn't mean we can't see that you're trying to troll. At least be orginal when you're trying to troll, because you just come off as a pathetic loser at the moment.
Well, you could try but I don't believe we let criminals into EU countries, and judging by your scummy and maggot-like appearance, I wouldn't be too surprised if you've been involved with some shady low-life business.
Good luck getting a job with that tattoo, you moron.
First off:
Why does it matter who is the strongest? If anything, it should matter to yourself if you're living a healthy life.
Secondly, being able to hurt someone is almost useless in today's society. If I wanted to beat Dolby aka Waradin up, I'd use a baseball bat, or some other blunt object that would do humanity a favour by wiping him off this Earth. The end result is the same, no? But then again, I am blessed with enough intelligence that I know how to filter through scum like him. I never have to meet him, never have to talk to him and I thank all that is holy that I don't have to listen to him. So tell me, why does it matter that you think he can beat me up? Your priorities are way off, that's probably why. You actually think beating someone up is a display of superiority.
Well, son, have fun telling everyone how you beat this guy up when you're in prison. You know, the place where they put people who assault other people?
Oh and just because no one's said anything about you repeating yourself three times with your attempts to mock me doesn't mean we can't see that you're trying to troll. At least be orginal when you're trying to troll, because you just come off as a pathetic loser at the moment.
Criminal ? why do you consider us criminals ? there are criminals in all countries ... There are good and bad ppl.
Also im a doctor and i do have a job , so my tatto doesnt chage anything :)
Also im joking mate ;) feel free to piss on me as much as you wish, you will just never achive anything by that /kisses bro 8-)
Btw i dont know why you think im a Dolby guy, but i aint him, you made a huge mistake :)
and yeah im gonna wait for you in this ring if you got ballz to challange me little man :)(click to show/hide)
im gonnaa rape ur ass intelegant boy :)
It doesn't matter how strong you are, anyone's trachea being smashed against the back of your neck will likely kill you.
All of you who are talking about "id beat yo ass IRL" are a bunch of subhumans, swer on me subaru m8.
Hate people who can only solve things by fighting.
First off - human society on the whole moved past pure physical and combat prowess as a means to settle disputes and decide status many thousand years ago and it having done so is what has allowed all progress that we enjoy today.More like, a century or so ago :lol:
More like, a century or so ago :lol:
Acting tough guy on the internet?(click to show/hide)
How about everyone calms down and does some cute duckface selfies <3
Oh and damn, ptx, you're handsome. You know, in the "uhmagad luk at me *takes picture of self with cell phone*"-kind of way.
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Mr. Intelegant sure is intelligent, practically anyone can find his Facebook from those direct image links to his Facebook profile. I almost posted his Facebook here, but then I remembered that I'm not that much of a dick. And I'm pretty sure that it's a bannable offense.
In any case, all you need is in those image links. :wink:
Shut up before I sit on all of you.Yeah, I am about to if it doesn't pick back up.
Mr. Pink, no pics have been posted of cRPG players in 4 pages. I'd say we had a good run with this thread ole chap.
I'll keep it alive even if I have to post dick pics (with warned spoilers of course).As a Frisian bundle of sticks, I approve this message.
Shut up before I sit on all of you.
Mr. Pink, no pics have been posted of cRPG players in 4 pages. I'd say we had a good run with this thread ole chap.
Yeah, I am about to if it doesn't pick back up.
*edit* There is exactly 24 hrs left for this shit to get back on topic. EU my old friends take your little Serbian dick measuring contest elsewhere and stop polluting up my thread. Other than that, if it doesn't get back in 24 hrs. from this post I'm locking it and calling it a day.
best thread ever....could we arange some real slaps?!
btw my mom can beat both of you.......
Acting tough guy on the internet?10/10 would bang <3(click to show/hide)
(click to show/hide)
Getting mad over anyone's shit talk is sad and just shows how insecure you are, anyway.
I applaud after receiving my fast food order at McDonald's.
How much do you tip? any more than 30% is too much for fast food.
Secondly, being able to hurt someone is almost useless in today's society.
not a single photo of girls :( gay thread! :P
I applaud after receiving my fast food order at McDonald's.
Uh oh, i don't know what's it all about, but I kind of like McD's food... I am not saying it is healthy or has an exquisite taste, but it's ok for the price. Besides, McD is "The best workplace of the year 2012" in Denmark ( you can google it, if you don't believe me :) ), so i am guessing it is not as working in US McD...
Ate 5 x 3 Chili Cheese Tops yesterday, and have no regrets!
Ah. How naïve of you, Bjord. But that is an understandable self-deception when your own capability for violence is nil. Alas, violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived.
They also seem to have cooler menus abroad. I don't know what the chilli top is but it sounds scrumptious
You make some big conclusions without even having met me. I think it is you, Xant, who is naïve.Why would I need to meet you?
Why would I need to meet you?
A full meal of chili cheese tops will haunt your anus! Otherwise they make damn fine eating.
Well, to that I say: fite me irl bro.OK, we can meet in Stockholm. Tell me where and when if you dare, you coward.
OK, we can meet in Stockholm. Tell me where and when if you dare, you coward.Well id say meet me in Amsterdam ! Well roll one smoke one and just tell lovestories man! Why fight when you can tell lovestories man! WHY!
Goddamnit Euro's y u do dis? Post something worth my time or gtfo. Do I need to make a Euro-fightclub thread so you can play out your scummy rage?Once upon a time , in a galaxy far far away there was a guy named Darian and he met a guy named MrPink. At first sight they did not think mutch of each other , but as they were forced to spread the stories about love there love for each other grow ( and Darian has a nice muscular tummy). But the strangest thing ever happened MrPink fell in love with Darian , so he asked Darian if he could cuddle him under a bridge in Amsterdam... ''ye why not '' he replied. And from that day with each passing minute the love for each other grew . That was untill I had to go do something , and he decided to fall in love with some muscular gay werewolf. THE END
Goddamnit Euro's y u do dis?
Once upon a time , in a galaxy far far away there was a guy named Darian and he met a guy named MrPink. At first sight they did not think mutch of each other , but as they were forced to spread the stories about love there love for each other grow ( and Darian has a nice muscular tummy). But the strangest thing ever happened MrPink fell in love with Darian , so he asked Darian if he could cuddle him under a bridge in Amsterdam... ''ye why not '' he replied. And from that day with each passing minute the love for each other grew . That was untill I had to go do something , and he decided to fall in love with some muscular gay werewolf. THE ENDWat...
(Do you mean Daruvian?)
No answer Bjord? You've shown your true colors. And they're chicken-colored. But that's alright, I'll take your silence for what it is: cowardice.
Uh oh, i don't know what's it all about, but I kind of like McD's food... I am not saying it is healthy or has an exquisite taste, but it's ok for the price. Besides, McD is "The best workplace of the year 2012" in Denmark ( you can google it, if you don't believe me :) ), so i am guessing it is not as working in US McD...
Bjord, in reading through this (and other) threads I wonder - do you think you have this?
mas·och·ism (ms-kzm)
1. The deriving of sexual gratification, or the tendency to derive sexual gratification, from being physically or emotionally abused.
Chill guys! :D Or this thread will get locked for sure!
Let's go back to the hottest cRPG players! Here is a 10 year old picture of me being high as fuck:(click to show/hide)
No answer Bjord? You've shown your true colors. And they're chicken-colored. But that's alright, I'll take your silence for what it is: cowardice.visitors can't see pics , please register or login
visitors can't see pics , please register or loginvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
not a single photo of girls :( gay thread! :P
maedae was a girl and i was a girl pre-op
so has the thread derailed enough that no more sexy pictures are being posted? is it too late to show off my sexy ass to the crpg community and the internet?
so has the thread derailed enough that no more sexy pictures are being posted? is it too late to show off my sexy ass to the crpg community and the internet?It's never to late. Never regret.
Someone actually wanted to meet in real life and engage in physical violence due to disliking someone over the forums for an internet swords and shields game? Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of pathetic hurts.
In other news, I'll probably post a picture tomorrow when I find one around if this thread is still up and not a tough guy breeding ground for insecure idiots.
We can all agree i am the most dashing and move on with our lives.lol no, PTX is hot though
I challenged Spaniard to a penis duel in the streets of West Hollywood to settle the hospy fcc feud once and for all, but he refuted. :( But I was doing it out of love.
Oh and no I didn't even have any makeup on or anything. I didn't even shave my face. I was clearly a gentlemen with green hair. Maybe I'll upload the video of that (yes, we recorded it). :P
Someone actually wanted to meet in real life and engage in physical violence due to disliking someone over the forums for an internet swords and shields game? Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of pathetic hurts.Situational awareness = 0
In other news, I'll probably post a picture tomorrow when I find one around if this thread is still up and not a tough guy breeding ground for insecure idiots.
And the winner is...(click to show/hide)
Fucking slimpymainfuckingman , on a side note, George is on thee coolest guys in crpg
dread you sexy bitch. here. a picture of half of SoW. the slimpyman and the cheesebaby. renaissance fair. burlap sack peasants. with the corner of the potato sack as a hat.
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I love you 2 fucking guys
dread you sexy bitch. here. a picture of half of SoW. the slimpyman and the cheesebaby. renaissance fair. burlap sack peasants. with the corner of the potato sack as a hat.
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Fuck ya appleman. Now your one of the best shielders in battle! Ooo how times change
You were the reason I tried shielder in the first place! Never forget my roots! :wink:
EU my old friends... little dick
Someone actually wanted to meet in real life and engage in physical violence due to disliking someone over the forums for an internet swords and shields game? Are you fucking kidding me? The amount of pathetic hurts.
no u.You are weird...and you spliced the shit out of that quote so horribly that it has nothing of it's original context left. Also no I don't spend any time in front of a mirror unless I am shaving my massively manly beard. Which only happens once a month. I bought my last car because it was cheap and I still own it 5 years later, as well as the first car I ever purchased. I take care of my things and I don't have a job yet as I get paid to go to school. So take your priggish self elsewhere Mr. Broken English.
wtf thread. of course no EU would make an epeen thread like this. i bet you buy your cars based on how they look. i also bet you spend at least 30mins. in front of the mirror every single day. men have really become boys here in 2013. its all about how you look. women have mens's job and men want to be pretty.
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balton wins
-snip at author's request-I got Gypsie roots , I got a mocca skin or whatever way to explain it xD
You are weird...and you spliced the shit out of that quote so horribly that it has nothing of it's original context left. Also no I don't spend any time in front of a mirror unless I am shaving my massively manly beard. Which only happens once a month. I bought my last car because it was cheap and I still own it 5 years later, as well as the first car I ever purchased. I take care of my things and I don't have a job yet as I get paid to go to school. So take your priggish self elsewhere Mr. Broken English.
noobNot really, no. But thanks for the attempt at humor. I guess some things really are lost in translation.
you may enjoy this(click to show/hide)
-snip due to author's request-Neat pictures man where are they taken at?
Not really, no. But thanks for the attempt at humor. I guess some things really are lost in translation.
Neat pictures man where are they taken at?
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balton wins
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balton wins
My dick looks better than that.
I'm confused what's the green square in the top right corner of that pic (above hte light switch). seen a couple shoops in my day, getting suspicious.I believe that's the back side of a glass medicine chest door. The grey square is the part that attaches to the magnet.