Strategus => Diplomacy => Topic started by: Harpag on February 29, 2012, 01:20:01 am

Title: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on February 29, 2012, 01:20:01 am
One upon a time, in the dark years at the beginning of the First Age, when there was in a powerful EVIL EMPIRE in the central part of Calradia. The first pagan kingdoms were formed around it, and  among the Templars a great idea of the CHURCH was born. They have built a strong state, but the demoralization, licentiousness and brutal methods of spreading the faith caused the revolution.  After a bloody war with the surrounding world, despite the discreet support of their state by EVIL powers, their power has fallen. However, the concept of the Church has survived, and, in addition, a union of free states belonging to it was formed.

In the Second Age Templars tried to lead the Church yet again, but once again they committed a sin of pride. Ultimately, their state was never created, and the church split into numerous factions, but it never came to the war between its followers.

At the beginning of the Third Age, when the church was already divided, there was a massive migration. The whole northeast of the continent was conquered by the pagan hordes of barbarians, and all civilized peoples had to move to the west and south. Luckily, the powers of GOOD managed to defeat its ancient enemy, and the spawn of Satan and their allies were forced to move to the areas dominated by the pagan hordes. This time Templars returned, and, after marvelous bit of deception they joined the side of GOOD.  Fighting hard, they successfully converted the barbarians of the south. We thank you for it.

Unfortunately, the barbarians are growing in strength and with malicious support of the eternal enemy of all they begin to threaten all civilized people. Therefore, the reunification of the Church is now a must. Only one man is an obstacle to full integration - the Pope Brede.
Many diplomatic attempts to persuade you to abdicate and give leadership to another were not successful. This fiasco forces me, Harpag the Grey, to commence a personal war against you. Templars - I forgive you that you will defend the current pope. When the time comes you will understand that all is done to the common good.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on February 29, 2012, 01:32:11 am
Hmm, fanatical priests fighting over their false gods. A perfect opportunity for pagans to strike!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on February 29, 2012, 01:53:58 am
We will defend the pope, and our lands against all aggressors.  All true chadzians must rise up in support of pope bredus, and take up arms against the heresy that is growing in the west.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on February 29, 2012, 02:11:47 am
Hmm, fanatical priests fighting over their false gods. A perfect opportunity for pagans to strike!
You have a chance to prove that your soul isn't doomed to eternal damnation...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on February 29, 2012, 02:52:24 am
Our souls are going to one place only, monk -- to Valhalla! :twisted:

The Nordmen are on the march, and wise foes will cower when they hear our drums and chants!

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on February 29, 2012, 04:10:13 am

The desert will run red with the blood of chadzian martyrs and heretics alike.  I forsee a very dark night for calradia, when the prophecies of keshian come true.

Armagan above, thy will be done, thy kingdom come, on earth as it art in heaven.

God wills it!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: dynamike on February 29, 2012, 04:50:33 am
Hey Templars, want your troops back for this?   :mrgreen:

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on February 29, 2012, 04:59:21 am
Filthy heathen begone, the march north of the border was a dark day for many of our brothers. I worry not, their immortal souls shall transcend to heaven while yours rot in the foul reaches of hell.  Oh stratia, your treachery brings the deepest wounds to Armagan, but he is merciful.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on February 29, 2012, 12:32:12 pm
It's time for:
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jarlek on February 29, 2012, 05:09:11 pm
The Blueman sits in his village in the Rhodok highlands, looking at the declaration from Harpag The Grey. A courier had arrived in the middle of the night bearing the news, and The Blueman had to leave his sweet dreams of women, wine and small cute kitties. As he finish reading, he looks up and address those he had summoned to his night-time council. "What is this talk of good and evil?" he asks his advisors. "This talk of Gods true and untrue! The Blueman knows a lot of the ways of the world, but none of the ways of the Gods. This is a matter for the Boss-man Thovex to deal with. Send messengers so we can know our place in this fight!" The Blueman thinks of his small folk, many having gone bored and fat by the waiting for the next fight. "I don't know, nor care, which side we will fight on, for the Old Pope or the new one. All I know is that we need a good fight, and Harpag and his Monks are sure to give one, regardless if he's your friend or foe. Even if the Boss-man Thovex wont send out our men, I will at least fight there in person. Let it be known!" The Blueman walks to the wall next to his seat, upon which hangs his famous Blue Armour. Despite it's use, the excelent craftsmanship still shows. A good work. A Master's work. An Armour made for a Lord. He turns towards his squire and says "Bring me my shield, my lance, my mace and my sword. War is coming! Many will die, much honor will be gained and lost. The War of the Holy men is here. Let it be a good one!"

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: engurrand on February 29, 2012, 05:29:33 pm
It's pretty obvious that the time has come for the large empires to dissolve them selves and the age of sovereign nobles, whom respect an inner small order of the church, begin.

A centralized group will claim what is right and wrong while the nobles fight over nonsense..

Seems legit.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Ulrich_88 on March 01, 2012, 01:59:05 pm
Papal Guards will battle for Pope Bredus! Your false Church Harpag will sink in blood!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 01, 2012, 07:24:33 pm
Those who fight against the Pope fight againt the God and his prophet. Blesed be the arms of a faihfull ones, and the may the heretics be damned for ethernity. Have no fear knight of a light, the greys shadow will never defend the army of faithfull chadzians!. God wills it!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 01, 2012, 07:58:14 pm

That the heretic Harpag even dares to question our faith, our truth, and secretly allies himself with the heathen northen monkeys shows that his faction are truly being led into the dark.

I for one will lead the charge and hold high the standard of decency, civility and the True Faith! The time has come to call the faithfull to our side, and win or lose, we will make such a light in this world that darkness shall forever fear to tread here!

How very DARE you question the RIGHT of our Pope! My only hope is that the faith of all free Calradians hold fast, for rightly they shall FLOCK to our banner, as there can be NO question that the evil schemes of the dastardly northmen and their consort Harpag must be wiped from the face of this sweet earth! <FOAMS AT THE MOUTH>
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 01, 2012, 08:13:23 pm
I heard the current Pope consorts with a mistress. Truly an offense to our lord that one of the cloth is so unable to control his baser urges.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on March 01, 2012, 08:30:36 pm
Now is a good time to pull a merc/nordmen and declare we lost interest in strat long time ago and leave our villages. Cause when the fight is not on our terms we wont fight, right lads? right? I dont think so. The rivers will run red with your blood
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 01, 2012, 09:20:44 pm
I heard the current Pope consorts with a mistress. Truly an offense to our lord that one of the cloth is so unable to control his baser urges.

HERECY! When we are done watering the desert with pagan blood, I'm sure the Inquisition will find time to deal with YOU!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: dynamike on March 01, 2012, 09:30:52 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 01, 2012, 11:37:18 pm
Pope Bredeus I Samarra Castle

"All who die by the way, whether by land or by sea, or in battle against the pagans, shall have immediate remission of sins. This I grant them through the power of God with which I am invested. O what a disgrace if such despised and base clans, which worships demons, should conquer a people which has the faith of omnipotent God and is made glorious with the name of chadz! With what reproaches will the Lord overwhelm us if you do not aid those who, with us, profess the chadzian religion! Let those who have been accustomed unjustly to wage private warfare against the faithful now go against the infidels and end with victory this war which should have been begun long ago. Let those who for a long time, have been robbers, now become knights. Let those who have been fighting against their brothers and relatives now fight in a proper way against the Nords. Let those who have been serving as mercenaries for small pay now obtain the eternal reward. Let those who have been wearing themselves out in both body and soul now work for a double honour. Behold! on this side will be the sorrowful and poor, on that, the rich; on this side, the enemies of the Lord, on that, his friends. Let those who go not put off the journey, but rent their lands and collect money for their expenses; and as soon as winter is over and spring comes, let hem eagerly set out on the way with God as their guide."

Free peoples of Calradia i beseech you to pick up your weapons and lay down your lives in defence of the one true religion. If we fail then the land will delve into darkness. Kittens will be sacrificed to whatever god the heretics worship at the time and the light will fade forever.

    O Crux ave, spes unica,
    hoc Passionis tempore!
    piis adauge gratiam,
    reisque dele crimina.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on March 04, 2012, 09:37:21 pm
I'd say divine powers showed who they truly favor in this conflict at Habba.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 04, 2012, 10:01:23 pm
Grey Order vs Crusader Alliance

It's a big surprise, because the roster was buged and we had about 15 players less.

Probably God Wills It!
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Give up!
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 04, 2012, 11:27:06 pm
We will give up when your treacherous order will sunk in hell
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 05, 2012, 09:08:10 pm
Congratulations on your victory at Mawiti, i was shocked to see some devilry with the ladders.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tavuk_Bey on March 05, 2012, 09:37:23 pm
Congratulations on your victory at Mawiti, i was shocked to see some devilry with the ladders.

so you liked that blackmagic trick?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: ThePoopy on March 05, 2012, 09:44:03 pm
casi dont let this give you eny ideas
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 05, 2012, 09:58:48 pm
It's a big surprise, because the roster was bugged and we had about 15 players less.
(fixed your spelling a bit)
We all have had big roster difficulties, the difference being we are not gonna cry about it. Now back to the topic at hand:

From the annals of record compiled by Guy, Bard of the True Faith, Soldier of the Light, Knight Templar:

AGAINST our nature, we have held back our troops to slow the heretics advance, giving the noncombatants and innocents under our protection time to escape the rape and pillage of these pagan deamons. At the same time The Great Asinus (equus africanus) chose this moment to test the faith of several of our key Knights, who had to make pilgrimage to their spots of seclusion. But all was not in vain! The bravest of our martyrs held the enemy at key locations for long enough, even though our enemy came clad in skins of steel only the very mightiest could even scratch. I am proud to say not one believer fell back.

The sacred Relics (Including Armagan's Kebab Stick and the Tail that was not Pinned on) have been taken beyond the reach of these unbelievers, and even as I pen this journal, our supplies and tasty snacks pour into the last bastion of decency in this Godforsaken sandy hellhole. This was once a land of peace, where the arts and learning flourished, and now it seems this corner of Calradia will be plunged into darkness. During these dark and troubled times it is difficult to keep the faith, and only the knowledge of the glories to come leave me unquestioning.

Soon will come the day when we have evacuated all those who cannot fight, when all articles of power are secured, and the vile and despicable nature of these serpents is laid bare for ALL to see. OH HOW I DREAM OF THAT DAY! When we will no longer fall back, the very holy Pope Bredeus will raise his scepter high and say the words that release us. And we WILL ride out and make our boldness KNOWN! Too long for my likeing have we held ourselves in check. But time has shown there is no reasoning with these heathens. They are enslaved to their dark lords and ruled by violence, and as such ONLY violence in return will curb their wrath. We have given so much, but our faith grants us untapped resources the likes of which these pagans cannot even IMAGINE!

On that day, with our Most Revered Grand Masters riding at our head, we will meet the godless on the field, and I SHALL WADE IN THEIR BLOOD! For it has been proven once and again, we need fear no enemy, no odds are too high, for unlike our enemy who like to sculk in ally and cul de sac, once WE are released on the field, ALL will flee before us. And right they are to do so for the Holy Wrath we will unleash makes even me tremble. But I WILL revel in it. My only regret is that so many souls will be lost to the Light, for now we will no longer offer conversion, we will simply Purge this herecy from the face of the World.

There is no longer patience for more than One God in this continent. We have discovered anew our purpose, we have counted our enemy and taken their measure. We have noted their names. We have recorded their deeds. To those who have moved against us: I offer a prayer for you, but I warn you now, treasure each day and count it, for they are numbered. By the Grace of God, you will Rue the Day you thought yourself above our Lord, for we are implacable and WE ARE COMING!

FOOTNOTE: when we meet next in battle, I shall listen to this: while all you will hear is the lamentations of your fallen. See you there! :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 06, 2012, 11:56:50 am
Why you protecting this damned Pope? This heretic brings you to the wrong way. He prefer to see his own faction in complete ruin, than to pass the position to the right person. You pay a high price for his demoralization and corruption. You're are probably not able to reform and survival instinct is also a stranger for you. Surrender the papacy or die from the hand of humble monks!

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Both battles have given us a lot of fun. I must admit that you fight very bravely. Congratulations. There is no malice. Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, but probably better to lose than to be bored. We all gather armies to use them. Otherwise, the whole game is pointless. If you lose this war, I'm pretty sure, that you find a new place for building a new armies very soon and it's really OK  :wink:  Personally, I don't have any objections to you. Instead calling us the grey bitches, better get ready to defend Iqbayl and Fishara. We have a debt to you, but don't worry. We'll give you everything back, including compensation for delay. Details will be discussed later. As soon as we finish the war, we will offer you a lasting peace. Please, don't be mad.

PS. BlindGuy - I know perfectly that my English is terrible, so feel free to correct my mistakes  :wink:  I must try to learn something, so don't be rude ...or GTFO...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 06, 2012, 07:12:49 pm
Blindguy your so funny. If you think a small reference to a roster bug when reporting a crushing defeat of the Templar scum is crying about something then I cannot wait to see how much crying you guys are gonna do over the duration of this campaign.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 06, 2012, 07:25:14 pm
I don't think you quite understand plazek, we had a similar problem at mawitit, were around 15 players down as well. Against the superior gear and players that your brought it was quite significant.

Anyway, there's no crying from Templars. Don't start flaming.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 06, 2012, 07:27:37 pm
Well of course Grey had superior players, you're Templars after all.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 06, 2012, 07:30:03 pm
I don't think you quite understand plazek, we had a similar problem at mawitit, were around 15 players down as well. Against the superior gear and players that your brought it was quite significant.

Anyway, there's no crying from Templars. Don't start flaming.

God Casimir no need to cry about roster bugs  :rolleyes:

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 06, 2012, 07:59:23 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Hansen on March 06, 2012, 09:35:11 pm
Well of course Grey had superior players, you're Templars after all.

Xant man come on...  no need to kick somebody who is allready down...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 06, 2012, 09:51:41 pm
Are you implying the Templars are down? Anything but!

They are stronk
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 06, 2012, 10:08:54 pm
Ok Templols ... What the hell? Who is crying? Do you insinuate me something? I said that I'm surprised by K: D ratio. 15 players less, 1000 Templars in the sand, own losses 500 men. That's all. Despite your excellent knowledge of english, you don't understand simple things. Someone is blind guy...

PS. I wasn't talking that you are crying, I was told you, that your men fought bravely. So please stop this stupid thread and go back to the RP  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 06, 2012, 10:10:40 pm
No-one insinuated anything, i don't understand why your so pissed off all of a sudden.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 06, 2012, 10:21:30 pm
I am a great fan of role playing games. Especially when miners from Silesia are visiting our lovely Capitol
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 06, 2012, 10:28:12 pm
I am a great fan of role playing games. Especially when miners from Silesia are visiting our lovely Capitol
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Chyba wstałeś lewą nogą...  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 07, 2012, 08:17:28 pm
Hello! my names plazek! i dont play crpg much and i do terrible in every strat battle! I also own a very tiny section of the strat map and i love to ally all the biggest clans! despite this im still awesome enough to flame in threads about battles that i merced in! LL plazekstan home of the brave

On a serious note wtf has any of this got to do with you plazek? nords and the grey are kicking our arses i fail to see what you have to do with any of it
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 07, 2012, 09:12:16 pm
This is a public forum last I checked and as the Grey are one of our closest allies I like to take a look at what is going on, of course I also support Harpag's claim on on the leadership of the Church of Calradia so take interest in this.

Oh I also think that people (especially in CRPG) go on far too much about alleged "whining" or "crying" so when Blindguy felt obligated to make his smart comment about how people are crying I felt obligated to call him on his bullshit.

FYI last battle I merced for the Greys I had a greater than 2:1 k/d ratio. I would call you on the rest of your bullshit but unfortunately what respect Templars had earned from me has worn quite thin all of a sudden so I am not all that concerned by your "commentary".
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 07, 2012, 10:24:08 pm
what respect Templars had earned from me has worn quite thin all of a sudden

My heart bleeds purple piss, i like how a passing comment has been blown out of proportion...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cosmos_Shielder on March 07, 2012, 11:07:14 pm
Ok Templols ... What the hell? Who is crying? Do you insinuate me something? I said that I'm surprised by K: D ratio. 15 players less, 1000 Templars in the sand, own losses 500 men. That's all. Despite your excellent knowledge of english, you don't understand simple things. Someone is blind guy...

PS. I wasn't talking that you are crying, I was told you, that your men fought bravely. So please stop this stupid thread and go back to the RP  :rolleyes:
MasterWork Pike, Master Word Transinal Heraldic mail , Master Nordic Champion Sword , Masterwork Danish Greatsword.
You Are very strong... At Trading. :D
You spend the last 5 five month not playing strat but only gathering trading goods , and trading it with everyone one. So now you have plenty of money and you are happy that you do very good kill death ratio.
Templar Had fun during the last 5 month fighting against : Nords, Kapikulu , HRE ,Fallen , GK, Byzantium, Mercs.
So i dont understand why these won battle make you have a bonner.
You spend the last 5 month with Erasmas , Jayroslavo and all the othe doing boring job like trading , looking if your trader is connected,  trying to contact other team trader , to have a bit fun 5 month later. Thats a waste of time.
Ive done trading me too with you , and i recognize that i lost a lot of time trading instead of fighting.

So less trading more fight, and more even fight.
Because fighting with 2 milion gold worth masterwork items is not fighting thats only slaughtering
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 07, 2012, 11:17:21 pm
Templar Had fun during the last 5 month fighting against : Nords, Kapikulu , HRE ,Fallen , GK, Byzantium, Mercs.

Lolwut? Only ones from there they might've fought are HRE and Fallen. Byzantium just folded, Kapikulu got raped by Kinngrimm's "I WOULD NEVER LIE IN A GAME I AM TOO HONEST" act and then massively outnumbered, Mercs got pwned by DRZ and Greys and they "fought" the Nords' unequipped villages.

Grey's done at least as much fighting as Templars.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 07, 2012, 11:23:46 pm
We actually had several fights with GK earlier in strat, but you probably weren't aware as you were in mercs or 22nd then?

Oh and we've had a few fights across the border earlier on in strat. Nice offtopic though.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kalp on March 07, 2012, 11:49:09 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 08, 2012, 12:17:32 am
Ok Templols ... What the hell? Who is crying? Do you insinuate me something? I said that I'm surprised by K: D ratio. 15 players less, 1000 Templars in the sand, own losses 500 men. That's all. Despite your excellent knowledge of english, you don't understand simple things. Someone is blind guy...

PS. I wasn't talking that you are crying, I was told you, that your men fought bravely. So please stop this stupid thread and go back to the RP  :rolleyes:

Didn't mean to be rude mate, was being cheeky. I have as much fun as anyone. If you gonna come kill all our men, I'm gonna make fun of you a little. You shouldn't get wound up, we all playin a game, for fun :D

Anyway, conditions have been far from ideal for us, but hey, we still playin :D

Im not gonna pretend that it doesnt suck to lose a few fights, but lets keep it amusing in this thread please and not hurtful.

PS. Our Pope is the true pope, end of.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: ryanwilson140 on March 08, 2012, 06:30:28 am
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 08, 2012, 11:42:41 am
Well, finally... I thought that you never lean out nose out of the cave...
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 08, 2012, 11:48:36 am
I like seeing everyones armies walking back and forth past my castle, makes me value my supplies.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 08, 2012, 11:52:55 am
Well, finally... I thought that you never lean out nose out of the cave...
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Should be a kitty instead of a chicken.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 08, 2012, 02:43:14 pm
Should be a kitty instead of a chicken.

No, when Alpha is involved, its ALWAYS chicken.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 09, 2012, 08:33:48 am
Are you suggesting anything? ;)
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 09, 2012, 02:27:14 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: RandomDude on March 09, 2012, 03:27:38 pm
All will fall before the might of plate and blade. It is written in the stars.

Fear the void!!!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 10, 2012, 12:20:37 am
Templars - give up. Don't try to be a hero...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 10, 2012, 03:28:52 am
not being heroes :) When i stand before god after my death i will be proud to say that i took many heretics with me.

The world will know what happend here. The devil threw forth his will and created the Greys. We Crusaders have a duty to give our lives in the attempt to stop you spreading. every inch of Templar land will be saturated with the blood of the heretical clans
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: JihadistMexican on March 10, 2012, 07:10:16 am
All TRUE believers know that I am the true Pope.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 10, 2012, 09:31:04 pm
I love this guy.
Also, want to have a pope? come and claim him!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 10, 2012, 11:55:02 pm
Templars - give up. Don't try to be a hero...

Theres nothing heroic about fighting over pixels
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 11, 2012, 09:44:09 am
Theres nothing heroic about fighting over pixels

PIXEL WARRIA focus yur minde
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 12, 2012, 03:48:00 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 12, 2012, 07:38:35 pm
Hi Nocti, please join the Papal guards attack to regain the Mawiti today !
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 13, 2012, 03:13:53 pm
Let all be known that Samarra has been declared a Holy land, like an ancield Jerusalem from the old world. We, the Pope Bredeus the first call all faithfull knights to defend it all all cost in the name of one true God and his prophet. God wills it!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 13, 2012, 04:15:24 pm
People should know when they're conquered...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 13, 2012, 05:20:25 pm
You've proven to be lacking all the qualities a pope should hold.  You seek only war, not peace.  You seek to conquer, rather than liberate.  You preach the word of Armagan, you don't believe it.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 13, 2012, 05:27:16 pm
You've proven to be lacking all the qualities a pope should hold.  You seek only war, not peace.  You seek to conquer, rather than liberate.  You preach the word of Armagan, you don't believe it.

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 13, 2012, 10:36:23 pm
People should know when they're conquered...
Would you, Harpag? Would I?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 14, 2012, 01:22:38 am
2:18-2:20  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 14, 2012, 04:42:40 am
you can take ouer ticets

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 14, 2012, 08:44:15 am
nice battle cream Rebell, but I think the guy is saying "You are damned dogs".
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Mike_of_Kingswell on March 14, 2012, 09:46:45 pm
Anyone remembers age of empires :P?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 15, 2012, 08:36:35 am
Sure! Here you go vith extended wersion ;)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harafat on March 15, 2012, 04:01:00 pm
People should know when they're conquered...

Would you Quintus? Would I?

edit: didnt read the whole thread, some1 beat me 2 it -> sad panda!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 18, 2012, 12:14:55 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 18, 2012, 07:09:49 pm
Let's teach you how to count to 4000 harpag
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 18, 2012, 07:45:22 pm
Do not try to lecture me. Normally I know how to count to 4000, but when you break an agreement, then I start to have trouble with counting. Explain why Brede is still the pope, then I'll explain why 4000 = 9000 or more. No mercy, papacy or begin to dig graves...
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 18, 2012, 08:20:24 pm
To threaten and to bully is not the way of the church, you have proven yourself wholly unworthy of holding the title leader of chadzianity.  We shall fight, Armagan will decide who is right.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 18, 2012, 08:25:09 pm
To arms! All brave warriors of God I summon you to repel the invading army to the hell when they belong!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on March 18, 2012, 08:46:32 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 19, 2012, 04:12:16 pm
Do not try to lecture me. Normally I know how to count to 4000, but when you break an agreement, then I start to have trouble with counting. Explain why Brede is still the pope, then I'll explain why 4000 = 9000 or more. No mercy, papacy or begin to dig graves...
(click to show/hide)

Thx to you and that war Brede is well know only one true Pope!
God wills it!!!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 20, 2012, 12:03:12 am
If he was not a true pope, there would be no issue. This is a serious problem that a heretic is the head of the church.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 20, 2012, 08:20:03 am
Blasphemy! I should say you burn in hell but hell is too good for you, just stay it the pit hole where you are now!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 20, 2012, 06:51:15 pm
You can take our Strat lads, but you'll never take... our PAPACY!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 20, 2012, 07:59:38 pm
To even think that we would consider changing the internal structure of the clan because you wish it or else we lose in strat clearly shows that you are insane and unfit to be in the church!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Olwen on March 20, 2012, 08:09:27 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on March 20, 2012, 09:53:50 pm
Do not try to lecture me. Normally I know how to count to 4000, but when you break an agreement, then I start to have trouble with counting. Explain why Brede is still the pope, then I'll explain why 4000 = 9000 or more..

Really? you cant count to 4000? You got some other grey to count your other CD keys then?  :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 21, 2012, 12:09:57 am

we fought about that but there is not enought wood on desert
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 21, 2012, 12:48:36 am
To even think that we would consider changing the internal structure of the clan because you wish it or else we lose in strat clearly shows that you are insane and unfit to be in the church!

Maybe I'm insane, maybe not. Assessment doesn't belong to me. But it has nothing to do with this case. You have forgotten the crux of the matter. The papacy is not for us, is not for you, or for any other faction. The papacy is for the church and the faithful. I never wanted the papacy for yourself and you know it well. The only thing I want is fair and equitable conclave with participation cardinals from all factions belonging to the church. Our goal is not to destroy kindred faction in the faith.

As long as you do not understand, you will be imprisoned in the Samarra castle. Your monopoly on leadership of the church can end with your death by starvation.
My personal sins are irrelevant. We are talking about demoralized Pope and your blind loyalty to his person.

The head of the church sleeping with young boys is an insult to all the faithful!

(click to show/hide)

Really? you cant count to 4000? You got some other grey to count your other CD keys then?  :)

Yes kurwa, really - I can't count to 4000 and I have some other grey to count my fucking trillions other CD keys, and now GTFO  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 21, 2012, 02:33:16 am

Yes kurwa, really - I can't count to 4000 and I have some other grey to count my fucking trillions other CD keys, and now GTFO  :wink:

You always got to exaggerate EVERYTHING Harpag, we all KNOW you dont have over 300 cd-keys. What a drama queen.

Back on topic:

Excerps from the document entitled "Claim of charges, levelled by His Holyness, Most Venerable Pope Bredeus, against the heretic known as Harpag the Gay, record compiled by Guy, Bard of the True Faith, Soldier of the Light, Knight Templar":

"....these crimes and others, the debt owed of three hundred thousand denari, the abduction of five score of our fighting men...reneguing his word that the trial of faith by his first armies clashing with ours would decide Armagan's Will...reneguing his word that debts of honour would be payed prior to this test of faith....marching in consort with the Pagan Northmen...reneguing trade agreements, breaking these same ties of trade, breaking his bond made when these ties were agreed that agression would never seperate our kingdoms...supplying our enemies with the material of war....using the Dark Arts to possess the strategic bodies of over five score men, which alone should have merited his banishment from all faithful lands...generally impersonating a whispering eye....reneguing on his oath that if we held our faith through his initial test he would cease to question the Purity of our Most Holy Papacy...."

The documents say it all bro...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 21, 2012, 08:43:38 am
Maybe I'm insane, maybe not. Assessment doesn't belong to me. But it has nothing to do with this case. You have forgotten the crux of the matter. The papacy is not for us, is not for you, or for any other faction. The papacy is for the church and the faithful. I never wanted the papacy for yourself and you know it well. The only thing I want is fair and equitable conclave with participation cardinals from all factions belonging to the church. Our goal is not to destroy kindred faction in the faith.

As long as you do not understand, you will be imprisoned in the Samarra castle. Your monopoly on leadership of the church can end with your death by starvation.
My personal sins are irrelevant. We are talking about demoralized Pope and your blind loyalty to his person.

The head of the church sleeping with young boys is an insult to all the faithful!

(click to show/hide)

Yes kurwa, really - I can't count to 4000 and I have some other grey to count my fucking trillions other CD keys, and now GTFO  :wink:
Well to be honest i am in Mawiti not in Samarra ;)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 21, 2012, 05:20:35 pm
And we were all so willing to discuss the matter of the papacy with you. Unfortunately you were blinded by your faith to warmongering heretics. You were deafened by their pagan cries and unable to hear Armagan's voice. You are bereft of spirituality. Victory in the desert will not render you Pope, all true chadzian's know that your order is nothing more than a warmongering collective, reliant on deceit and foul practices to enforce their will. Your brotherhood shall long be remembered for what they have said, and what they have done.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Olwen on March 21, 2012, 06:25:05 pm
we fought about that but there is not enought wood on desert

you can use oil
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 21, 2012, 07:15:20 pm
  This day is call'd the feast of chadz.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is named,
And rouse him at the name of chadz.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say, "To-morrow is Saint chadz."
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say, "These wounds I had on chadz's day."

 Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he'll remember with advantages What feats he did that day.
Then shall our names, Familiar in his mouth as household words,
Casimir the dashing, Tommy, and Alpha, Parre and Suspektum, Blindguy and Bobby,
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb'red. This story shall the good man teach his son;
And chadz shall ne'er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be remembered-

We few, we happy few, we band of Templars;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne'er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition:
And gentlemen in Samarra now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint chadz's day."

The day will come Harpag when the forces of Armagan charge out to slay you and your fiendish army

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 21, 2012, 07:16:08 pm
you can use oil

good plan
I will start preparations
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 21, 2012, 07:39:09 pm
It's unbelievable how much you are blinded by fanaticism.
You aren't able to understand that the papacy shouldn't belong to any faction, but to the church and the faithful. A hundred times I repeat it, but without effect.
That's why we will be forced to use oil and starvation. Be ready for a terrible and unnecessary death.

"Claim of charges, levelled by His Holyness, Most Venerable Pope Bredeus, against the heretic known as Harpag the Grey, record compiled by Blind Gay, Bard of the True Faith, Soldier of the Light, Knight Templar":
fixed  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kalp on March 21, 2012, 07:45:45 pm
Well to be honest i am in Mawiti not in Samarra ;)
But the papal tiara is there. We know it. We feel it. We see it in the shadows... You don't need it. Share it with the people who are oppressed by you.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 21, 2012, 08:15:04 pm
You come with banners of war, with false promises and lies, in the company of heretics and wild men of the north.

You demand the surrender of the title pope unto your leader, a man wholly un fitting for the role.

You demand the surrender of our armies, and our lands to you.

You demand that we cease war against the wild men and heretics, whom you call friends.

You insult our members, and the pope accusing us of fanaticism and heresy.

You are the suppressors, not us.

We say once again, withdraw your armies, return our rightful lands, accept the true pope and we will carry on the discussions we began with you.

We ask you stop your spreading of lies and your warmongering, Armagan shall forgive you.

We know that the faithful recognise ignorance from heresy, and that your blasphemous ways will lead only to damnation.

We say that only through discussion and agreement will the papacy change, violence and war will gain you only the name heretic.

We pray you repent thy sins, and embrace the true lord.

We are the faithful chadzians, not you.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 21, 2012, 10:27:50 pm
How can you be faithful chadzians when you fight against chadz? Indeed, it is the Grey Order who now fights on chadz's side.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 21, 2012, 10:31:12 pm
The holy spirit, and the holy name are two different things.

We refer to the great ass in the sky, rather than the particular one present in your faction.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 01:52:52 am
You aren't able to understand that the papacy shouldn't belong to any faction, but to the church and the faithful.

You poor powermad Heretic: You have no Church, and you fight and kill the faithful...I worry for your soul, as soon you will be beyond all redemption.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 22, 2012, 02:50:07 am
We come with banners of war, but without false promises and lies, and the company of nords is just your bad luck.

We demand the surrender of the title pope but only for the church and faithful.

We don't demand the surrender of your armies, and we don't need more lands.

We demand that you cease war against the nords but only for few weeks.

We insult the pope accusing him of fanaticism and heresy because this is true

We are the suppressors, but only in the good cause.

You say once again, withdraw our armies, return your rightful lands, accept the current pope and you will carry on the discussions you began with us, but if we do it, you don't fulfill promises.

You say that only through discussion and agreement will the papacy change, violence and war will gain us only the name heretic, but we don't care, because we can't take a lie a second time.

You know that the faithful recognise ignorance from heresy, and that your blasphemous ways will lead only to damnation.

You pray, but only to save your miserable life.

You need to do the conclave now, because in a moment may be too late and we will do it instead of you!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 03:28:26 am
We come with banners of war, but without false promises and lies, and the company of nords is just your bad luck.

We demand the surrender of the title pope but only for the church and faithful.

We don't demand the surrender of your armies, and we don't need more lands.

We demand that you cease war against the nords but only for few weeks.

We insult the pope accusing him of fanaticism and heresy because this is true

We are the suppressors, but only in the good cause.

You say once again, withdraw our armies, return your rightful lands, accept the current pope and you will carry on the discussions you began with us, but if we do it, you don't fulfill promises.

You say that only through discussion and agreement will the papacy change, violence and war will gain us only the name heretic, but we don't care, because we can't take a lie a second time.

You know that the faithful recognise ignorance from heresy, and that your blasphemous ways will lead only to damnation.

You pray, but only to save your miserable life.

You need to do the conclave now, because in a moment may be too late and we will do it instead of you!

Oh the Irony!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 22, 2012, 03:37:10 am
There is really point to continue that thread???

Harpag you know how and where you lost chance to change pope,
there is no way back and you waste your time here.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 22, 2012, 03:48:32 am
Do the Greys not win this war?

Was this war not a war for the deposition of the false pope?

Is the Victory of Pope Harpag not a sign from God that he has His blessing and is the personification of Divine Will?

I recognise no Bredeus, Harpag I is the True Pope!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: ryanwilson140 on March 22, 2012, 03:56:26 am
The only thing I want is fair and equitable conclave with participation cardinals from all factions belonging to the church. Our goal is not to destroy kindred faction in the faith.

Pope Bredeus never denied the Ordination of any Cardinals. Instead we encourage more faithful factions to put forward Cardinals. (Not a new Pope)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 22, 2012, 03:58:45 am
We come with banners of war, but without false promises and lies, and the company of nords is just your bad luck.

We demand the surrender of the title pope but only for the church and faithful.

We don't demand the surrender of your armies, and we don't need more lands.

We demand that you cease war against the nords but only for few weeks.

We insult the pope accusing him of fanaticism and heresy because this is true

We are the suppressors, but only in the good cause.

You say once again, withdraw our armies, return your rightful lands, accept the current pope and you will carry on the discussions you began with us, but if we do it, you don't fulfill promises.

You say that only through discussion and agreement will the papacy change, violence and war will gain us only the name heretic, but we don't care, because we can't take a lie a second time.

You know that the faithful recognise ignorance from heresy, and that your blasphemous ways will lead only to damnation.

You pray, but only to save your miserable life.

You need to do the conclave now, because in a moment may be too late and we will do it instead of you!

Truly the mad man shows his logic. The ravings of a loon seeking only to deceive the faithful and corrupt others to his madness.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 22, 2012, 04:04:50 am
Do the Greys not win this war?

Was this war not a war for the deposition of the false pope?

Is the Victory of Pope Harpag not a sign from God that he has His blessing and is the personification of Divine Will?

I recognise no Bredeus, Harpag I is the True Pope!

1st heretic tooks about pappacy... nice
Btw harpag never wanted to be pope, he wanted new one but after he came with nords hord to us we don't like to speak with him about that.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: ryanwilson140 on March 22, 2012, 04:19:34 am
Do the Greys not win this war?

Was this war not a war for the deposition of the false pope?

Is the Victory of Pope Harpag not a sign from God that he has His blessing and is the personification of Divine Will?

I recognise no Bredeus, Harpag I is the True Pope!

Before this Test of Faith and Purity commenced, it was agreed that if the Forces of His Holyness Pope Bredeus could withstand the assault by four thousand of the misguided, by God's Grace he would be recognised by all as the One and True Pope. Since when the fog of war lifted after said assault, three fiefs remained True to his Holyness Bredeus, therefore he must be Hailed by all as the Genuine Article, Leader of the Church, Upholder of the Faith, the One and Only Pope.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 22, 2012, 07:20:14 am
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 22, 2012, 08:14:08 am
Looks familiar, its Cardinal Hardnesskiller on the left :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 22, 2012, 12:26:33 pm!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=472


Now everyone can see your true face - the Knights Templar, the best friends of the spawn of Satan.

Now it's no longer a war about the papacy, because now you have lost all rights to this.

As soon as the dust of war will drop, we will deal with the matter of the cardinals and the pope.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 12:54:29 pm

You dont get it: It doesnt matter what you do, what lies you spawn and herecy you babble: Bredeus will continue to be the Pope= Pope is a Job for Life, you will NEVER be the pope you snivelling little afterbirth of a person.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 22, 2012, 12:57:46 pm
You dont get it: It doesnt matter what you do, what lies you spawn and herecy you babble: Bredeus will continue to be the Pope= Pope is a Job for Life, you will NEVER be the pope you snivelling little afterbirth of a person.

It's true that being a pope is a job for life, but how long will this heretic's life last?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 01:01:44 pm
It's true that being a pope is a job for life, but how long will this heretic's life last?

Harpag's? Not long once Armagan blasts him with lazors...obviously I realise you cant have meant Bredeus, cause he is the Pope, not a heretic you see.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jarlek on March 22, 2012, 03:25:34 pm
The Blueman wonders how one can become one of them "car-deeh-naal" types. If it comes with a free kitten, he would love to become one!

It's true that being a pope is a job for life, but how long will this heretic's life last?
(PS: How can we ever get a new Pope if it's for life, but nobody ever dies in this mod? There really ought to be a way for us to switch Pope somehow :/ Otherwise this whole pope&cardinals thingie wont work.)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 22, 2012, 03:41:57 pm
Cardinals can be elected by Pope and there is two active Cardinals at this moment. They were elected by the first Pope of Calradia St. Asdimanus the First. I truly do not desired this position, but when they picked me I followed the God's plan.

@It is a part of our clan mate, the Growl's idea successors. Templar Knights were always considered as a Pope's private army in general. Hovewer my idea is more to serve than rule. We got our Grand Masters which are leaders. Pope's tole is just a symbolic one. I am one of the oldest members and the oldest by age in real. I also do not desired this war but my disagreement with Harpag is our private thing.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 22, 2012, 04:12:27 pm!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=472


Now everyone can see your true face - the Knights Templar, the best friends of the spawn of Satan.

Now it's no longer a war about the papacy, because now you have lost all rights to this.

As soon as the dust of war will drop, we will deal with the matter of the cardinals and the pope.

lol harpag do wahtever you want, your dirty hand wants everything what you can see,
go and make your own poope or golden cow,
we don't care.

Poope is part of our gameplay and you can't change it on strat way or anythings on forum, we clearly told you NO(and you had chance but you were so grede for all that fiefs) after you atacked us with nords hord.

because you are our enemy(strat thing)
because you suport our enemys Nords(heretics)
because you want to force us to change our own clan structure
because we made whole RP rules about faith in crpg(no one cares about you) only for fun
and because you will use that in some silly strat way wich seams to be really important,

It is not like then we don't want to give that away from our clan, we don't want to give that to you.
Someway I think then you want to make your self emperor and you need pope for that(historical things)

Poope was made for RP things and you are heretic for us now.

Again sorry.

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on March 22, 2012, 05:26:11 pm
Poope was made for RP things and you are heretic for us now..

Poopy poope poop pope
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cicero on March 22, 2012, 05:48:21 pm
I wish to flame this topic =(
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 22, 2012, 06:17:23 pm
I wish to flame this topic =(

you are heretic.... so you are kaindly welcome :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 06:35:13 pm
One day I will sit Bob down with the English-Polish dictionary so some of us have a hope of understanding wth he is on about...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 22, 2012, 07:48:13 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 22, 2012, 08:31:58 pm
Grey_Order a:1500 s:259 k:1241   vs    Crusader Alliance a:2024 no survivors  :twisted:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kazak on March 22, 2012, 08:44:05 pm
It's like my 5th minut of non-stop laughing. You made my day Xant.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 22, 2012, 09:12:23 pm
One day I will sit Bob down with the English-Polish dictionary so some of us have a hope of understanding wth he is on about...
 I need free lessons
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on March 22, 2012, 09:23:46 pm
Now Templars are finding out what it's like to fight without a village to hide in. You still think there was no advantage in that, Guy? :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 22, 2012, 09:43:10 pm
Now Templars are finding out what it's like to fight without a village to hide in. You still think there was no advantage in that, Guy? :)

Wasnt there mate, or you would be running for the hills. It was unfortunate, but unnavoidable. Next time we meet on the field I hope to be there, and then I shall teach you to play Xant :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 22, 2012, 09:44:12 pm
Crusader Alliance a:450 no survivors   vs    Grey_Order a:1280s:1104 k:176  :twisted:

Hide in the castle and pray to god to save your miserable life, though personally I doubt that he will listen to such heretics like you. This fact can be seen from the results of battles  :twisted:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 22, 2012, 09:47:37 pm
I'f rather see you grow the testies to attack the castle, but I understand you wont for whatever reason.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 22, 2012, 10:12:59 pm
Wasnt there mate, or you would be running for the hills. It was unfortunate, but unnavoidable. Next time we meet on the field I hope to be there, and then I shall teach you to play Xant :P

Now, don't tell anybody else this.. but okiN isn't Xant.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 23, 2012, 01:24:43 am
Grey_Order a:968 s:679 k:289   Crusader Alliance a:602 no survivors

Grey_Order a:1250 s:869 k:381   CBA a:628 no survivors

+ huge loot!

Today we lost 2087 troops and you... 3704, so now we have more troops on the desert like you, and tomorrow we can send much more (5, 10 or 15k)

so, ... give up Templars! The entire desert is the color of your blood. Don't be a hero, it makes no sense. Do you really want to be completely eliminated? God does not love you and will not save you. Just my mercy can save your miserable life, so give me a reason to save you from certain death. Some of you are innocent people and I don't want to have this blood on my hands, so talk with your mad leaders, because they push you to destruction.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 23, 2012, 02:11:19 am
Our brothers will gladly give their lives to protect the papacy from your heresy.  The castle is well stocked with wine and food, the well is full.  We await your next move and hope the desert doesn't get too hot for your troops.

Come on, attack the castle, it'll be great!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BaldRider on March 23, 2012, 02:13:30 am
Our brothers will gladly give their lives to protect the papacy from your heresy.  The castle is well stocked with wine and food, the well is full.  We await your next move and hope the desert doesn't get too hot for your troops.

Come on, attack the castle, it'll be great!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 23, 2012, 03:01:14 am
It's true, this desert is incredibly hot, so we are trying to fight late evening, when the heat is a bit smaller. Today's battles and damned heat, tired our people, so we have a rest in the villages for several days. How can you live on this damned sand full of unbearable stench of camels? I think I begin to understand why you want to be removed from here...despite the short time we are here, we already begin to miss our green forests, silvery rivers and the sound of blue ocean...never mind...sit and wait in the castle, but don't touch wine, because if you don't leave it for us, then your corpses will be thrown to be devoured by vultures!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 23, 2012, 10:09:52 am
Now, don't tell anybody else this.. but okiN isn't Xant.

Okin said something I rebutted: "Bleble Blindguy bleble" and I replied "I wasnt there."  You said:

And I reply that next time we meet in Battle Ill teach you to play....I kinda can tell your different ppl cause, yknow, one of you is called Xant and the other Okin...even I can see the difference between the two nouns, but thanks for trying to patronize me...and now if you dont mind back to topic.

It's true, this desert is incredibly hot...

Not so hot as the Pit you will be cast into for your Herecy, your repeated association with Pagan scum, and your megalomania! Eternal life shall be your reward! An eternal life of pain and dammnation! Repent before it is too late!

Also hurry up and attack teh castle pls Im getting bored of constantly retaking this village from you, it gets old. Grow a pair.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on March 23, 2012, 10:32:03 am
Did the Pope's army finally realize they were facing superior soldiers in every way?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 23, 2012, 10:37:46 am

Okin said something I rebutted: "Bleble Blindguy bleble" and I replied "I wasnt there."  You said:
And I reply that next time we meet in Battle Ill teach you to play....I kinda can tell your different ppl cause, yknow, one of you is called Xant and the other Okin...even I can see the difference between the two nouns, but thanks for trying to patronize me...and now if you dont mind back to topic.

Also hurry up and attack teh castle pls Im getting bored of constantly retaking this village from you, it gets old. Grow a pair.

But you were quoting okiN when you said "teach you to play Xant", so I was just making sure you weren't confusing things again.

Also you guys should grow a pair and attack Durrin Castle. Pussies.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 23, 2012, 10:39:05 am
Also you guys should grow a pair and attack Durrin Castle. Pussies.

K, will do.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 23, 2012, 10:39:26 am
Much obliged.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on March 23, 2012, 10:40:32 am
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 23, 2012, 11:17:52 am
Did the Pope's army finally realize they were facing superior soldiers in every way?
No mate we are learning really slow
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on March 23, 2012, 12:14:30 pm
No mate we are learning really slow

Nothing new here, people.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 23, 2012, 12:17:44 pm
CBA a:300 no survivors   vs     Grey_Order a:819 s:571 k:248    pfff... Shiny Noctivagant army  :rolleyes:  Expect a visit you bastard  :twisted:

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kalp on March 23, 2012, 01:44:57 pm
Expect a visit you bastard

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on March 23, 2012, 06:31:13 pm
Did the Pope's army finally realize they were facing superior soldiers in every way?

Once I was playing CK2 and as the crusader kingdoms, the only state left was Jerusalem, I had a princess, but goddamn it, I got half of the muslim world, why? Because never give up, Deus lo vult, and the 20k Knights Templar, Hospitaller and Teutonic Knights helped as well.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 23, 2012, 06:38:07 pm
Alas i have been in none of these battles or there would be more of your dead:-)

Do not attack the castle yet im only lvl 17
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on March 23, 2012, 07:23:38 pm
Long live the Almighty Bunghole!
There will be TP for every man.
We have been without TP.
No man should be without TP!
Submit to the one true god! The Great Cornholio!
You do not want to feel the wrath of his bunghole!
The street will flow with the blood of the non-believers.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 23, 2012, 07:58:50 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on March 23, 2012, 08:41:18 pm
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Run as you may, you cannot escape the Almight Bungholio!
For I am Cornholio!
Give me your TP!

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 24, 2012, 12:35:23 am
Run as you may, you cannot escape the Almight Bungholio!
For I am Cornholio!
Give me your TP!

(click to show/hide);wap2

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 24, 2012, 03:49:07 am!?page=strategusinfofaction&id=472


Now everyone can see your true face - the Knights Templar, the best friends of the spawn of Satan.

Now it's no longer a war about the papacy, because now you have lost all rights to this.

As soon as the dust of war will drop, we will deal with the matter of the cardinals and the pope.

sod off
(click to show/hide)

Thats what I think about you and your clan

Wanna do a clan battle?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cicero on March 24, 2012, 04:38:46 am

Wanna do a clan battle?
Wanna do a clan battle ?
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 24, 2012, 05:38:29 am
Wanna do a clan battle ?
(click to show/hide)

get 10 players and don't come up with weird rules which only serves for you. If you are so good, you can definitely win with 10 and against open rules.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on March 24, 2012, 11:34:29 am;wap2


Your are clearly misinformed.  :)

In search of the miraculous by Peter D. Ouspensky <---- Good book to read
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: H4rdn3ssKill3r on March 24, 2012, 12:40:32 pm
oh forgot you have only 5 members =(
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outrageous performance
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cicero on March 24, 2012, 01:30:48 pm
get 10 players and don't come up with weird rules which only serves for you. If you are so good, you can definitely win with 10 and against open rules.
we are ready to do whatever you want just find members hahaha
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 24, 2012, 04:27:43 pm
Your are clearly misinformed.  :)

In search of the miraculous by Peter D. Ouspensky <---- Good book to read

ahh sorry I will check that book
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 24, 2012, 05:49:39 pm
Wanna do a clan battle?

No, Mr. Detective Noctivagant  :wink:  Recently you were really mad hater, so I doubt that we will find pleasure making something with you. We don't have prove anything and we play this game for fun. Maybe later, when we recognize that you're normal mate again.

BTW - Only Fallens know how to make really awesome events, so now only in such event we'll play with you.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 24, 2012, 06:19:31 pm
No, Mr. Detective Noctivagant  :wink:  Recently you were really mad hater, so I doubt that we will find pleasure making something with you. We don't have prove anything and we play this game for fun. Maybe later, when we recognize that you're normal mate again.

BTW - Only Fallens know how to make really awesome events, so now only in such event we'll play with you.

Alright Mr. Potato

cya in the next event
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 25, 2012, 12:05:47 am
So yeah that church stuff ey...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: RandomDude on March 25, 2012, 04:49:57 am
Here's some church music to read all this crap by:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 26, 2012, 06:30:57 am
CBA a:300 no survivors   vs     Grey_Order a:819 s:571 k:248    pfff... Shiny Noctivagant army  :rolleyes:  Expect a visit you bastard  :twisted:

Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard
Expect a visit you bastard

(click to show/hide)

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Lansamur on March 26, 2012, 09:37:17 am
Nice pieces of RP there, looking forward to more action :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 26, 2012, 10:19:26 pm
what is this dirty CBA O.o
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 26, 2012, 10:41:01 pm
what is this dirty CBA O.o
I have no idea, but Mr. Beet should know.
Here's some church music to read all this crap by:
Crap? Look at the name your faction  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 26, 2012, 10:49:07 pm
if you have to fight here... pls keep RP
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 26, 2012, 10:58:36 pm
Through this hellish sandstorm we lost the way to your castle, but probably we know which way we should go...
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 27, 2012, 01:03:19 am
what is this dirty CBA O.o

the best friends of the spawn of Satan.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 27, 2012, 07:35:28 am
What happened to "my" beautiful unity of chadzianity thread :(
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 08:11:00 am
You come with banners of war, with false promises and lies, in the company of heretics and wild men of the north.

You demand the surrender of the title pope unto your leader, a man wholly un fitting for the role.

You demand the surrender of our armies, and our lands to you.

You demand that we cease war against the wild men and heretics, whom you call friends.

You insult our members, and the pope accusing us of fanaticism and heresy.

You are the suppressors, not us.

We say once again, withdraw your armies, return our rightful lands, accept the true pope and we will carry on the discussions we began with you.

We ask you stop your spreading of lies and your warmongering, Armagan shall forgive you.

We know that the faithful recognise ignorance from heresy, and that your blasphemous ways will lead only to damnation.

We say that only through discussion and agreement will the papacy change, violence and war will gain you only the name heretic.

We pray you repent thy sins, and embrace the true lord.

We are the faithful chadzians, not you.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 27, 2012, 10:12:49 am
Grey_Order a:1500 s:259 k:1241   vs    Crusader Alliance a:2024 no survivors  :twisted:
- Battle time: 27.03., 10:00
- Battle duration: 06m11s
- Army size: 1256 vs 843
- Battle result: 1186 vs 631
- Winner: Attacker

I got 631 of your tickets in 6 minutes, until you beat it keep it quiet ok?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 27, 2012, 01:04:31 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cicero on March 27, 2012, 03:39:46 pm
- Battle time: 27.03., 10:00
- Battle duration: 06m11s
- Army size: 1256 vs 843
- Battle result: 1186 vs 631
- Winner: Attacker

I got 631 of your tickets in 6 minutes, until you beat it keep it quiet ok?
hows the weather at NA?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 27, 2012, 06:27:30 pm
hows the weather at NA?

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 27, 2012, 06:39:28 pm
Damn Harpag, I bet your really hurting after losing so many tickets.
What will you do now?

Surely your hopes for the Papacy must now be over  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 27, 2012, 07:07:44 pm
there is only hope.... nothing more
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 07:08:33 pm
No matter how many may die, the papacy will not be surrendered unto Harpag.  Your monks will remain outside the blessing of Armagan, your soul shall burn in a fiery tomb for an eternity in the 6th circle of hell.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 07:36:52 pm
this jumping in and out of character is confusing, its like casimir has a character who is severley affected by mood swings and etiquette changes,  harpag shall become your spiritual leader! odin wills it!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 27, 2012, 08:29:20 pm
odin wills it!

And THAT is why he wont :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 08:30:24 pm
Probably because i'm posting at different times, after different things have happened. I'm also not the spiritual leader in any way, shape or form.  Just one of the loyal knights that defend it.

Educate yourself.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 08:44:38 pm
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why the ninja edit on your post after my sublte childish trolling
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 08:48:20 pm
To conform to the diplomacy forum rules ofc.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 08:49:29 pm
k, i would also suggest you read what people right before telling them to educate themselves in the subject ;)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 08:51:41 pm
And THAT is why he wont :D

not wanting and not doing are different things,
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 08:52:53 pm
Seemed to me that you were saying my character made it inappropriate for me to be the pope, and that so Harpag should take over.  both of which is a completely absurd thing to say.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 27, 2012, 08:55:49 pm
Damn Harpag, I bet your really hurting after losing so many tickets.
What will you do now?

Surely your hopes for the Papacy must now be over  :rolleyes:

yeah I came and stole tickets in 6 minutes exactly like that
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Now we are waiting the upcoming 48 hours with a big shit grin on our faces btw Plazek we had a good laugh at Prince Edmund with 300 ticket
-Oh I'm gonna help my comrades
-...ow they fell like a brick....I'm getting outta here
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 09:00:00 pm
Seemed to me that you were saying my character made it inappropriate for me to be the pope, and that so Harpag should take over.  both of which is a completely absurd thing to say.

i was saying your character had moodswings and etiquettechanges, and that hrapag would be your spiritual leader ? all aimed at you, with joking intentions,

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*edit to clarify i did actually raed this whole thread this morning at 4 am :3, so yes i did kinda educate myself slightly
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 27, 2012, 09:05:55 pm
k, i would also suggest you read what people right before telling them to educate themselves in the subject ;)

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 09:16:57 pm
As i said, different statements are made a new approaches taken as the situation varies.  As I see it now, no matter what happens in strategus, Harpag's role in the church will be minimal.  When this topic was posted i actually spoke to him about how we could improve the church and began discussion with him. From the outset he made clear that this was simply a pretence to a war and i made clear that events in strategus will not lead to a change in our system, unless they are agreed before hand through diplomatic negotiation.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 09:27:52 pm


i see youre one of those, im sorry guy i dont care about  mistakes in spelling and grammar on the internet forums, thank you for clarifying this since i clearly have no clue how to talk english,

and casimir , are you guys actually christians in real life?

you seem to take this whole church thing quite serieus imo
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 09:39:59 pm
No not at all, nor is our clan.

This is RP, you can pretend to be a violent, angry, drunken nord, I'll pretend to be a devout crusader fighting for god.

The problem comes when some people try to enforce their wants on others, and use threats and lies to achieve it.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Blueberry Muffin on March 27, 2012, 09:57:11 pm
The problem comes when some people try to enforce their wants on others, and use threats and lies to achieve it.

Sounds like the Catholic church to me....  :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 27, 2012, 10:05:44 pm
since i clearly have no clue how to talk english,

Write. We are writing :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 10:08:02 pm
haha yes, but ye i am not fully informed on how and what harpag is trying to enforce onto you, but if you are in this roleplaying, and you get defeated within the roleplay shouldnt u abide to the rulez of the role play ? dont get me wrong but i get the impression you played hard, and then started losing and now wanna flip the board. plz enlighten me if i am very wrong in this imprettion.

*edit, this is all based on the assumption all this is within strat , and not your setup outside of strat to this whole chadzinity belief and who is the true pope and what not, if this is actually in strat and you expect all to accept the current pope as the pope of chadzinity within strat, it is bad sport to then say that this pope cannot be overthrown or whatnot.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 10:17:56 pm
The role playing side of it was well and good, as i made clear to Harpag, we were willing to change the way our papacy worked to incorporate his brotherhood.  Unfortunately he then decided to not stick to our agreement, and did not respond when we attempted to contact him. 

He then carried on assuming that his 'victory' would mean he was accepted as the Pope, which was not what we agreed upon by either side.  Its ratehr simple, if he had wanted a change in the papacy, that could have been arranged.  He could of stuck to his original request of sending a small 4k army, and that would have been the end of it.  he then changed his demands, sent more armies and since has stopped bothering to contact anyone.

The pope, chadzianity and all of that was established by the Templars, for the Templars.  Other clans such as SB, and Hospitallers have also been involved over time. This is a core part of our clan and has been for a long time.  Harpag's demands are unreasonable and unacceptable.  he can set up his on church if he wants, but to expect us to change our own system, because of something that happens in strategus is far-fetched.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 10:23:42 pm
thank you for clarifying this, i was under the impression this papal buisiness was in strat only and was supposed to be generic (dont know if thsi is the right word ) meaning it could conquer but also be overthrown.

*edit: on the otherhand how im a curious in how you will deal with defeat from harpag? will you say unfair we still rule the chuch whatever u do nanananana, or will there actually be a way you can still hold the claim as pope ? like an exile story or something.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 10:27:32 pm
No its something that has been in the Templars since strat 1.0  We reintroduced it with strat 2.0 and have carried it across from there.  I have taken a lead in its development, holding elections for cardinals, redeveloping the Papal Guard and have sought to expand it on several occasions.  Harpag, and many of his supporters fail to understand that whatever happens in strategus will not result in a change to our clan, and that can only come about through progressive, diplomatic discussion.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 10:30:10 pm
yes this is clear to me, outside strat you keep this system, what im curious about is how will this roleplay hold itself up in strat once defeated, will the story be the true pope has gone into hiding, he will return one day, or will it be the pope died , till next time, harpag you cant be pope in strat whatever u want bleh.

*edit, what im trying to say is , ofc you can keep your system outside strat, but i see strat as a story written by players, so if you are defeated in strat you must still feel somehow obliged to uphold this story eventhow its a grim story for your faction. and within this strat game it should be possible for harpag to overthrow you. next trat = new story with same factions different outcomes
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 10:48:49 pm
We were in fact planning something similar to that, there was to be a fight between the two of them and our pope was to resign, this never happened.  Unfortunately now I'm unwilling to cooperate with Harpag following his attitude and behaviour, along with that of his supporters.  As such im sure our pope will escape from the grips of the Grey order and their friends, and continue upholding the chadzian faith, far away from the effect of hostile forces.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Olwen on March 27, 2012, 10:56:10 pm
If Growl comes back to crpg i join the templars and i wipe the uif out of strategus
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 27, 2012, 11:02:26 pm
If Growl comes back to crpg i join the templars and i wipe the uif out of strategus

If someone let you in :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Olwen on March 27, 2012, 11:03:22 pm
If someone let you in :P

I've always been an idol for templars  8-)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 11:07:11 pm
We were in fact planning something similar to that, there was to be a fight between the two of them and our pope was to resign, this never happened.  Unfortunately now I'm unwilling to cooperate with Harpag following his attitude and behaviour, along with that of his supporters.  As such im sure our pope will escape from the grips of the Grey order and their friends, and continue upholding the chadzian faith, far away from the effect of hostile forces.

in other words harpag would still take the throne, but chadzians would still secretly recognize the true pope and work on his return ?, while under the reign of this usurper harpag?
i mean you cant deny harpags victory within the realm of strategus it dousnt work that way, then you just have to accept the way he handles things , and the story will tell it that way, but the story dous continue, it dousnt end with, a Casimir: ''time out time out this is not how its supposed to be !! you didnt play fair, boo, ''if you get backstabbed so be it, the story will tell it that way. this is just me sharing my perspective on how it should be given things turn out as predicted.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 27, 2012, 11:10:05 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gnjus on March 27, 2012, 11:14:19 pm
We don't have prove anything and we play this game for fun.

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If Growl comes back to crpg i join the templars and i wipe the uif out of strategus

I think Harpag has more chance then you to join the Templars, they have a very strict recruitment policy.  :twisted:

Also: what Xant said.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 11:14:29 pm
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what huge mistake did i make xant? where did i make you go this dousnt make sence at all? or is this revealing you dont know when to use this gesture? or maybe your not as intelligent as i thought you to be? or maybe you just want some love, ifso come to ts and socialize abit for a change.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 27, 2012, 11:19:00 pm
Well the best thing is, even if we get beaten in strat, there's nothing stopping us from saying the pope escaped and is still the pope.  The papacy isn't tied to a location, it isn't defined by anything in strat.  Anyone could declare themselves pope when they like, it wont change our RP.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 11:23:58 pm
so if the pope get defeated but manages to escape, all citizens of strategus wont know about it , and the pope can just travel to another location and go on with whatever he was doing, pretend he was never defeated, he never had to flee, and whiff it all off as a rumor.. hmm ifso you are making this pretty eazy on yourself, and i am dissapoint since this was giving me hope strategus had some more depth to it then i thought.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 27, 2012, 11:44:31 pm
Well tbh Rufio, its harldy like we are going to give the Pope up. If/when time comes, we will fight rearguard and the Pope will make his escape. There are many fiefs and forests on the map. If for some reason anyone DID get their hands on the Pope, he would simply Wololo them into joining us. Duh! You think any of us STARTED life on this side? Nope. Wololo'ed, to a man.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 27, 2012, 11:53:11 pm
yes its really clear to me now that this isnt generic in strat, and that you can basicly pick and choose what to roleplay and when and how, and in strat events have no effect whatsoever, since you can just fantasise your way out of it. i had hoped for this to actually be a story in the making from the events in strat... not from people choosing what events they want in the story and not... if you get what im saying. now im just seeing people not liking that things arent going theyr way, and saying f y a no more roleplay.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 12:05:57 am
As i said rufio, if we were willing to be involved in something that was going to be quite dynamic and fun.  Unfortunately agreements weren't kept and misinformation was spread.  As such there's no reason for us to be cooperative.

You seem to think that we all agreed to RP under a certain set of rules or agreements, that's obviously not the case else 99% of alliances that exist probably wouldn't.  You can only be governed so far by RP, although some people care more bout it than others.  Its simply an excuse for war here, rather than any actual RP.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 12:19:01 am
you are all playing under sertain rules,,, you all need to play the stratmap the same way... build up armys,trade, fight...
so if you ad rp its  the factions right? = templars / nords/ greys / druzhina and so on, so all these factions have theyr own backgrounds right?
all these factions playing under the same rules in strat...
when these factions decide to communicate with eachother it is already rp'ing, since you are playing the role of a spokesmen of that sertain faction within the rules of strategus. so you decided to add more background story and depth to this rp by bringing in the hole papal thing, still this whole papal thing is bound to you witch is then bound to strat and the rest of the rp,so you and harpag went into a discussion= you casimir of the templars and harpag of the greys, i guess those arent your rl names are they now? decide to role play and talk about this papal thing, you make agreements withing strat with your characters whiting your factions. i guess you already get the picture im scetching ye? and plz dont think that because you type sertain messages differently in old sounding language that make it different, thats just roleplay within the roleplay. so even if you say hah well you know we not gonna play along enymore, you didnt stick to your agreements... you already lost right there imo... and going on in strat wont change the whole picture of  you not wanting to play enymore because things arent going your way within strat. jsut my point of view, if you want to keep your roleplay within the roleplay seperate do as you please. defeat is defeat, and the victore decides what happens not the loser.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 12:24:44 am
My point is, we are still role playing, at no point have we stopped. I'm just saying, that we can say and RP whatever the fuck we want.  There aren't any rules for RP here.  The sooner you comprehend that, the better.

Your argument that we are topping because we're loosing is also off, mostly because it never started.  We made an agreement with Harpag that was immediately broken, thus meaning the RP war never occurred and that this was just justification for a fight.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 12:34:28 am
and you dont seem to understand strat is already rping, its like saying i play an mmorpg but i dont rp. ofc de defenition of rping within an mmorpg is that you fully emerge into the roleplay, unlike most players who just play without full emergion, its still roleplaying nevertheless. what im saying is you are playing a roleplaying game , where you decided to ad depth to that role your playing ( emerge more) then when that is challenged by another player within this roleplaying game who also decided to ad some depth, and its not going your way, you decide to seperate your depth of roleplaying and disconnect it from the frame it spawned from and is practiced in.. hopefully you arebeginning to comprehend what im trying to say.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 12:40:04 am
i understand what your saying, I just don't think that's how it works here.  The RP element is entirely option, there are plenty of factions which have little or no backstory, and aren't immersed  If someone introduces their own depth to the RP you can either partake or not, we were going to partake in one form that unfortunately didn't occur.  What I've been trying to say is the 'depth' you referred to was merely a pretence for war on a lesser level, and isn't really bound by anything.  Its just a matter of perspective I guess.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 12:48:19 am
you dont understand that the backstory dousnt mattter. its still roleplaying,, its still lets say rufio from the nords is traveling to this villag to trade goods, oh no there he is jumped by casimir from the templars on his way back, oh no what to do now fight i guess. and contact casimir that he decided to attack our faction and that we demand him return the won goods, or we go to war? you see all roleplay , without enybackstory mentioned.

now you adding this backstory, adding more depth, harpag with his backstory, and now the already known story of you guys communicating about him wanting to be pope, you dissagreeing, him now attacking you and if he crushes you. you think you can say, well ye ye the pope didnt lose, he was on vacation, or yeye the pope got a way with his army, or whatever, no...

 harpag defeated you , and thus defeated your backgroundstory to, and if he wants to then claim being the pope he has all the right, since he beat you with your roleplaying characters within strategus.
you saying well you didnt play fair or enything dousnt matter, ofc you are free to roleplay on in crpg, but within strat, harpag has won the battle , and won the storyline,

starting to comprehend more?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 12:51:08 am
Considering that alot of our forces have escaped, and we still have a castle, I'd hardly say the war was over yet.  Once all is said and done you can write off who is pope in your mind, that's up to you.

As I've said many times before, what happens in strategus doesn't effect how our clan operate. Harpag may have the right to claim it, but it doesn't mean we have to accept anything. Are you starting to comprehend?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 12:57:45 am
well i never said you had to accept enything outside of strat, i was just clarifying that @@@IF@@@ you get beaten by harpag, this strat version story will tell of harpag overthrowing the pope and claiming himself to be pope. what im also saying is its up to you to choose for your pope to live on and rebuild an army to retaliate, or to die and forever give up the position to harpag. within this strat. you see what im saying, im saying you can be the director to your roleplay outside of strat, but inside of strat the game is the director of the story. and you seem to be struggeling with this notion, i guess it has to do with pride. but ye good conversation, im going to bed now. il read tomorrow

**EDIT also the only thing i dont understand is why with this knowledge would you be so stubborn to not change your overall roleplay to an era of retreat and hiding adjusted to the events in strat, thus keeping your roleplay dynamic and interesting,,

oh ye i forgot, i already mentioned pride
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jarlek on March 28, 2012, 01:08:19 am
Fuck it. Let this be the war who decides the Pope! If Grey/Nords win, Harpag is Pope. If Templars w/ allies can hold the castle, they have the Pope. I'll support whoever makes me a cardinal. Cardinals should be from all factions and templars should defend whoever they (or the army of the strongest cardinal) decides is Pope!

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 28, 2012, 01:36:59 am
Fuck it. Let this be the war who decides the Pope! If Grey/Nords win, Harpag is Pope. If Templars w/ allies can hold the castle, they have the Pope. I'll support whoever makes me a cardinal. Cardinals should be from all factions and templars should defend whoever they (or the army of the strongest cardinal) decides is Pope!


harpag never wanted to be pope, he wanted new one,he even wanted new pope in templar clan....
soo what is the point now???

edit: we even got proposition to join Greys and UIF in war against NA, but we really don't want to be another one tool in UIF hands where only Greya  Union and DRZ are serious oponents.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 28, 2012, 02:11:36 am
I'm very impressed that you have dedicated so much time on this discussion. Thank you! I just wanted to say that my goal was "coloring" the way of the game. I thought that the change in terminology will be attractive. Colloquially we define the unit as a "ticket", etc. therefore I wanted a little change. Instead of saying that I'm leaving for a weekend, I prefer to say that the sandstorm halted our brave soldiers, etc... Instead of changing the colors of pixels, I prefer to talk about military campaigns. When we are at war already, it's nice to come up with reason. The reason may be Helen of Troy or the papacy. Does not matter. Too serious treatment of such cases is simply ridiculous. As you wish. If you prefer to hear that we are interested in XP and changing the color of pixels, please feel free. I am glad that you know how to have fun. Sometimes it's hard to believe that we play the same game. I really beg you to relax and run a little imagination. Let the reason for the simulated conflict will be jointly invented stories, not senseless antagonism between players. Background of the game is not without significance for the health of the community. Go back to the RP. That is more enjoyable. Regards
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 02:17:53 am
indeed i was just trying to put into perspecitve how intwined the roleplay was with the actual playing of strategus while he was claiming it wher 2 seperate things totaly. i hope this will eventually grow into roleplay witch is affected by strategus, and  dousnt grow to a halt on setbacks or dire times, these imo can just enrichen the story somuchmore.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 02:21:58 am
I think a deeper level of roleplay will only occur when there are a lot of people willing to participate. As I see it now that's not really the case.

anyway, switching between assignment work, total war and this is confusing me :p
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jarlek on March 28, 2012, 02:27:51 am
harpag never wanted to be pope, he wanted new one,he even wanted new pope in templar clan....
soo what is the point now???

edit: we even got proposition to join Greys and UIF in war against NA, but we really don't want to be another one tool in UIF hands where only Greya  Union and DRZ are serious oponents.
Hey. Guess the Pope position is up for grabs then!

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 28, 2012, 02:34:12 am
Deeper level of RP and total war are not in contradiction. Tell me, what exactly is your problem?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 28, 2012, 02:46:45 am
I'm just happy you've finally decided to attack the castle.  Unfortunately you chose to do so on the day before i hand in my assignment so i doubt i can attend.

Never mind, I'm sure my brothers will send you heretics back into the abyss from whence you came.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Cicero on March 28, 2012, 04:55:15 am
Stop the bullshit, islam is the light.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 05:29:54 am
islam is malice
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on March 28, 2012, 06:23:33 am
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Watch your step.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 28, 2012, 07:28:50 am
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gnjus on March 28, 2012, 08:23:05 am
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 28, 2012, 09:16:21 am  :!:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 28, 2012, 09:23:22 am
Blues Borthers rocks.
@Gnjus, iea was nice but when all idealist have passed away, the rpg died too.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 28, 2012, 03:53:38 pm

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ooo someone is angry...hah
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 28, 2012, 06:52:14 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on March 28, 2012, 08:35:17 pm
Ah man I respect you so much, you always make sure that you gonna win and nothing can go wrong. I admire your 5 times bigger army, I must say I'm impressed...and your 157 people clan and you post chess pictures when you win a battle like a fine intellectual gentleman even when you screw up personally, in such style and with level 35 (might be wrong). You are batman for my joker
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Well played sir, *salutes*

is it the end....the light...comeeee....comeeeeeee
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 08:43:08 pm
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no you!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 28, 2012, 09:12:32 pm
lol its only game and you all takes that soo serious

(anyway I just bought 4th keybord in  thys week)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 28, 2012, 10:49:50 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 29, 2012, 12:36:25 am
Ah man I respect you so much, you always make sure that you gonna win and nothing can go wrong. I admire your 5 times bigger army, I must say I'm impressed...and your 157 people clan and you post chess pictures when you win a battle like a fine intellectual gentleman even when you screw up personally, in such style and with level 35 (might be wrong). You are batman for my joker
visitors can't see pics , please register or login

Well played sir, *salutes*

is it the end....the light...comeeee....comeeeeeee

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 12:38:50 am
Shame i missed the fight, hope there are some more ones to come!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 29, 2012, 02:22:39 am
ye battle was screwedbecause of scumbag siegetower being out of map behind barrier, butwe had laughs, andtryd with verylimited ladders xD
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 03:53:06 am
Ahh yeah, we ran into that issue during our preparations for the original assault.  The barriers is very close to the attacking spawn, which is a bit of a pain.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 29, 2012, 09:30:48 am
Yes it happened about three times when we were training a siege, the left side of castle has a barrier quite close to the wall and two trees.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 29, 2012, 10:42:57 am
that castel is kind of pain in azz
is nice to be on the wals now
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 29, 2012, 11:30:02 am
We have committed the sin of pride. Fortune again turned in your direction. We have already paid a high price, I hope that God accept this sacrifice, and will again support us...

Hello. There is nothing to regret. The battle was hopeless and ill prepared. We made ​​a mistake, because we didn't check where is the end of the map. It was somewhat surprising. You turn back  to the horizon and you can see only the desert, you do a few steps and OOOPS! The invisible wall. Loss of the tower - that was the end, because the number of ladders was minimal. Only for testing...  I must admit that I laughed yesterday, but I was angry at myself too. Routine killed me.

Casimir, if you're not an archer (and from what I know you're 2h), then you have no losses. Fortunately for us it was a trial attack. Competent attack will be soon. Probably tonight. Armed with new knowledge we will be more effective, but still you can feel safe in this castle.

See you on the battlefield.

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: LordSnow on March 29, 2012, 11:38:20 am
You lost, and it's all. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 11:42:23 am
The invisible barrier on that map is too close to the castle at the front, makes manouverign very hard and your always within easy range of archers / xbows.

Should be able to attend if the attack is tonight, although tomorrow im going back home so will probbaly miss any then aswell :(
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on March 29, 2012, 12:58:04 pm
You lost, and it's all. :rolleyes:

Damn! Who coulda seen that one coming? 800 poorly equipped men versus 6200 guys in a castle. In a surprise turn of events, the 800 attacker army was not victorious.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 01:02:27 pm
Damn! Who coulda seen that one coming? 800 poorly equipped men versus 6200 guys in a castle. In a surprise turn of events, the 800 attacker army was not victorious.

Really? Funny how we dont need to mock you, or draw comedic pictures of you failing ETC when you attempt a difficult task. Why is that? Oh yeah: cause we arent cunts.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 29, 2012, 01:04:39 pm
Comedian pictures were great!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on March 29, 2012, 01:21:12 pm
If you were emotionally hurt by those caricatures Blind Guy there's something wrong with you.

So far everyone have lost plenty trying to take castles, I don't see any specific difference in any of the attacks, people dying in droves while trying to scale the walls. I mean look at the siege yesterday, so many people flying off the ladders, that was hilarious, the siege tower bugging was annoying and did ruin the plan but still fun when people inside died, some animated gifs to keep the memories alive would be fun and welcomed.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 01:24:10 pm
BlindGuy has proven to be one of the true idiots on this forum, don't mind him. It was fun defending the castle and it was fun attacking it and that's all that matters. The siege tower being sent the wrong way because of invisible walls, people being catapulted by ladders and all of those extras just adds a bit of laugh to the TS which increases the enjoyment of the battles. :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 29, 2012, 01:25:16 pm
Really like those gifs too.
When it was NPC castle the amount of defenders was incredible :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 01:35:00 pm
If you were emotionally hurt by those caricatures Blind Guy there's something wrong with you.

No, far from it, I laughed too. Nothing in this game is EVER gonna make me rage, or really upset me: Its a game I play for fun, if it ever stopped being fun for me I would just turn the game off...Im not being made to play, or paying for my time, or anything.

Im pretty sure in your gifs also, Im featured in at least 2 out of 3. As I saw it, was a realistic siege: Man going up the ladder needs to have made his peace with his god cause thinking your gonna live is silly. If anything, the only ppl I was slighty irritated with was the guys on OUR side when we attacked, who climbed a ladder then tried to stand at the top fighting instead of just leaping into the castle smashing an overhead, the defenders did well, we coulda done slighty better.

BlindGuy has proven to be one of the true idiots on this forum, don't mind him.

Because I have an opinion of my own and I type what I feel like Im an idiot? Or because I dont agree with you Im a PROVEN idiot? You make me laugh so hard, a bit of wee comes out when I read your posts.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 01:39:00 pm
Because I have an opinion of my own and I type what I feel like Im an idiot? Or because I dont agree with you Im a PROVEN idiot?;area=showposts;u=15066

Go through them and reach the conclusion yourself. If you don't see that you're mostly acting as an idiot on this forum you're quite delusional.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Logen on March 29, 2012, 01:39:07 pm
those gifs  :lol: :lol:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 29, 2012, 01:43:37 pm
If you were emotionally hurt by those caricatures Blind Guy there's something wrong with you.

So far everyone have lost plenty trying to take castles, I don't see any specific difference in any of the attacks, people dying in droves while trying to scale the walls. I mean look at the siege yesterday, so many people flying off the ladders, that was hilarious, the siege tower bugging was annoying and did ruin the plan but still fun when people inside died, some animated gifs to keep the memories alive would be fun and welcomed.

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i want more gifs that middile one is awesom!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: ThePoopy on March 29, 2012, 01:44:45 pm
im the guy with pike  8-)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BattalGazi on March 29, 2012, 01:46:44 pm
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I have always enjoyed defending the holy kitten castle  :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 01:49:31 pm
im the guy with pike  8-)

Yeah, I made that jump aswell, but it sure wasnt easy :D;area=showposts;u=15066

Go through them and reach the conclusion yourself. If you don't see that you're mostly acting as an idiot on this forum you're quite delusional.

Well, while Im sure you greatly value your own opinion, I value mine, thats why its MY opinion, and yours is yours. When you reach an impasse in discussion or argument and start repeatedly calling someone an idiot, I think that reflects on you. But keep at it, your posts brighten my day :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 01:51:39 pm
Well, while Im sure you greatly value your own opinion, I value mine, thats why its MY opinion, and yours is yours. When you reach an impasse in discussion or argument and start repeatedly calling someone an idiot, I think that reflects on you. But keep at it, your posts brighten my day :D

It reflects on me, okay? Well, I've been on cRPG forums and TW forums for a long long time and you're the only one I've 'repeatedly' (twice) called an idiot. I think that says something about you, not me.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 01:57:05 pm
I think your all massive bell ends, discuss.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 02:00:40 pm
And I love you Casimir.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 02:01:47 pm
Don't we all?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 02:03:38 pm
It reflects on me, okay? Well, I've been on cRPG forums and TW forums for a long long time and you're the only one I've 'repeatedly' (twice) called an idiot. I think that says something about you, not me.

Really? Ok. That, right there, is YOUR opinion. I wouldn't want you to not have your opinion, it's yours and you are VERY welcome to it. Don't call me an idiot for having mine. Dispute something I've written, argue against some point I have made that you disagree with, or otherwise try to alter or correct my opinion. Only someone with nothing positive to contribute would call someone an idiot before trying to explain why they don't agree.

But hey: Ultimately, you can do what you like, be as rude or ignorant as you like, or be as erudite as you like. It isn't goin to affect me, since I really don't care, if I'm completely honest with you.

Don't we all?

Yes. We do. We love the feather on your hat too.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on March 29, 2012, 02:04:27 pm
I think your all massive bell ends, discuss.
Ah I found the discussion point you wanted! You wanted to see who would notice you put 'your' instead of 'you're' which would be grammatically correct!  :mrgreen: I win!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 02:04:33 pm
Only someone with nothing positive to contribute would call someone an idiot before trying to explain why they don't agree

Really? Funny how we dont need to mock you, or draw comedic pictures of you failing ETC when you attempt a difficult task. Why is that? Oh yeah: cause we arent cunts.

Suggesting all nords are cunts for some funny-looking gifs Kajia made. Good job bro :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 02:06:03 pm
Suggesting all nords are cunts for some funny-looking gifs Kajia made. Good job bro :)

Gurni: If you think that the moniquer fits you, reflect WHY you feel that way. I never called you anything :D

I didn't critisize the Gifs or the amazing artwork, infact all I have ever written about Kajia's art is that I am a big fan. I merely said WE arent cunts, if you assume that you ARE a cunt, work on that: why would you assume it? Do you feel that you behave in some morally reprehensible way? Do you doubt yourself, or is someone else negatively attacking you? You should not be so defensive, and then maybe you would spend less time being upset?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 29, 2012, 02:10:02 pm
Ah I found the discussion point you wanted! You wanted to see who would notice you put 'your' instead of 'you're' which would be grammatically correct!  :mrgreen: I win!


Here's your reward, the mysterious bag.
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 02:16:15 pm
Gurni: If you think that the moniquer fits you, reflect WHY you feel that way. I never called you anything :D

I didn't critisize the Gifs or the amazing artwork, infact all I have ever written about Kajia's art is that I am a big fan. I merely said WE arent cunts, if you assume that you ARE a cunt, work on that: why would you assume it? Do you feel that you behave in some morally reprehensible way? Do you doubt yourself, or is someone else negatively attacking you? You should not be so defensive, and then maybe you would spend less time being upset?

You said you wouldn't make gifs like that (which was just made for fun, not to mock you like you stated) because you aren't cunts. Simple logic says that the people making those gifs has to be cunts, according to your own post. Nordmen was the one who posted the gifs, I.E. reading your post makes it look like Nordmen = Cunts. Maybe you didn't mean that, but if you do it doesn't even matter. I just see no reason to be mad over some gifs that were made for fun.

The battles were fun (both defense and attack), the catapulting was fun, the reverse siege tower was fun and the gifs just added to the fun. Strategus should be fun and the parts that goes with it should add to the fun, not deteriorate it. Try to see the humorous side of the gifs, like we saw the humorous side of the siege tower. Will make it all so much better :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 29, 2012, 02:23:50 pm
So how about saing sorry for calling others idiots and get back to the "roleplaying"
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 02:28:58 pm
You dont seem to have understood, so Ill write it again:

1/ Dont take offence, we are all playing for fun. Im sorry if you got mad at anything, but words shouldnt hurt you.

2/ Im never going to be mad about ANYTHING in the game: read point 1: I always have fun, dont take offence, or get mad, cause I'm not here for anything but good times.

3/ Chillax man: no matter WHAT someones types on teh internetz, it cannot hurt you. Or me. I think we both ruffled each others feathers, or w/e, so lets both ramp down and leave this thread to Harpag and his insane rp.

So how about saing sorry for calling others idiots and get back to the "roleplaying"

Beat me to it.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 02:37:20 pm
You dont seem to have understood, so Ill write it again:

1/ Dont take offence, we are all playing for fun. Im sorry if you got mad at anything, but words shouldnt hurt you.

2/ Im never going to be mad about ANYTHING in the game: read point 1: I always have fun, dont take offence, or get mad, cause I'm not here for anything but good times.

3/ Chillax man: no matter WHAT someones types on teh internetz, it cannot hurt you. Or me. I think we both ruffled each others feathers, or w/e, so lets both ramp down and leave this thread to Harpag and his insane rp.

Beat me to it.


This just proves the first thing I said about you. You get mad about some funny gifs, calling people cunts and all. I try to tell people to ignore your post and rather see the positives and the humorous sides of the battle whatever side you've been on. Yes, I called you an idiot, but that was originally just for people to avoid your negative attitude in the first post (Yes, we've both ruined that already)and rather focus on the positives. Then comes the gold itself, the mad human being accuses me of being mad. You're a sad guy, aren't you?

I almost wasted precious time thinking that you could improve, but you certainly didn't let me do that. Thanks. :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 02:57:17 pm
LOL! I typed some words, which caused an emotional reaction from you, to the point that you felt you had to attack me personally: Since then I have been trying to offer a conflict resolution avenue by writing: Hey, I didnt mean you, dont get offended, lets chill out. EVEN while being offered a speedy way of saving face, you continue to attack. ONCE more I will write (Not SAY, because this is text you read and write it):

There is no way to produce a negative reaction from me.

At no point will I ever be "Mad" as you put it. I assume you mean upset or angry, because the likelyhood of .gifs or artwork derived from a game producing mental instability in anyone is rather slim. Please correct me if you actually mean "mad", although I doubt my own sanity on a daily basis enough to confirm its existance.

As to "Improve"...not really sure what you meant by that: I should improve what exactly? My conflict resolution skills are second to very few people's... Maybe improve my wording, to expedite your understanding of my opinion? Already I try to take time to explain at a level I feel you might understand, so you cannot have meant that... I'm at a loss to the improvement I could make, so I'm going to conclude that it was nothing more than another childish attemp to attack me, and as such I will brush it off along with your other attempts.

Now, please, calm yourself down, you got upset by assuming you were being attacked without putting much thought into it, so take a deep breath and a step back, and see that you have nothing to prove here and are only wasting your time arguing with someone who really isn't going to be affected by anything you say.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 29, 2012, 03:14:39 pm
How strange that I also got the impression he was implying the Nords were cunts?
Grasping at straws BlindGuy.

Unless you have little more than a cursory understanding of the English language of course.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jarlek on March 29, 2012, 03:21:07 pm
Ah I found the discussion point you wanted! You wanted to see who would notice you put 'your' instead of 'you're' which would be grammatically correct!  :mrgreen: I win!

Here's your reward, the mysterious bag.
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COME ON MAN! OPEN THE BOX! I'm so excited about what could be in it :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on March 29, 2012, 03:33:03 pm

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 29, 2012, 04:13:55 pm
man since the first time i saw blindguy type in a thread i was active in i already concluded he was an idiot, he constantly trolls, then when put on spot denies everything like a child cought doing something wrong, its obvious, and hammering on the fact that you have the right to an oppinion is totaly irrelivent, your oppinion is being discussed because you had the right to it in the first place. but evenso we still take the time to awnser you and converse instead of totally ignoring you, because we are not total cunts, and eventhow if there is some friction in this community sometimes , alot of the ''maturerererere'' people , realise that we are all in this strat/crpg buisniness together eventually, we need eachother for strat to be more fun, and thats why we do mock eachother but not with a punctuating meanness, but with a hint of fun and humor. on the otherhand thow if you decide to be a troll, and constantly dissaprove of enything contradicting what you think or say, and draw childish conclusions constantly, expect to have a bad time.
see you on the battlefield.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 04:14:18 pm

Grasping at straws BlindGuy.

From the Free Dictionary (If you find a definition to contradict this, please lemme know)
grasping at straws also clutching at straws
1. trying to find some way to succeed when nothing you choose is likely to work

So, I'm going to extend you the same favour, and assume you also have more than a passing udnerstanding of English. Therefor I am driven to ask, despite it not especially interesting me: What exactly am I grasping at straws FOR? Do I have anything to gain, win or succeed at? Not as I see it. I am merely passing some hours, waiting for lunchtime, winding and unwinding people on a forum for my own amusement, like some macabre clockwork toy. This is probably immoral of me, but I'm sure my actions in the past give me kharmic credit so I doubt I will be driven over by a bus on my way to lunch, allowing for the fact, of course, that I look both ways before crossing the street.

Now, I commend you for your honesty, but must also ask: Why do you think Nords are cunts? I wrote some words, open to interpretation, akin to fishing. You are now the second to take the bait, and assume the worst: Thats a reflection of your psyche, and I feel I have to add; why oh why do you have a question mark at the end of:

How strange that I also got the impression he was implying the Nords were cunts?

Cause its not a question really, is it? No matter how you read it, it's a statement. And once more, I cant help what you think about the nords, can I?

...expect to have a bad time.
see you on the battlefield.

You seem to be under some misunderstanding: I dont deny what is written above, calling me childish wont change that. Trying to insult me or offend me won't work either. If you cannot see the irony to what you have typed, then I guess you are not one of the "maturerererere" people... I joke around for a good time too, and again I will remind you: We all have different  sensibilities. Mine, I don't know for sure, but I cannot imagine anything you could write to offend them. Please remember, I don't know you, I don't know anything about your life outside of crpg and this forum, and thats a two way street. BUT PLEASE: don't take anything written here to heart, and don't let it affect you, but keep in mind that whatever you conclude from reading what I write, that is entirely up to you, dont let it give you a "bad time" just as no matter what is written about/to me will also not ever give a "bad time".

...he constantly trolls...

Find me a place I have written anything that is with mock stupidity to provoke an emotional response outside of this thread? Is this because I undermine you rage thread about archery? :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 29, 2012, 04:22:40 pm
this post just now is you grasping at straws, its you trying to explain yourself and put things in perspective for us , but in trying this you are only proving our points more and more...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 04:32:51 pm
this post just now is you grasping at straws, its you trying to explain yourself and put things in perspective for us , but in trying this you are only proving our points more and more...

Not really, cause ultimatly, I have nothing to prove and your opinion of me doesnt have an affect on me, but I am bored and my lunchdate is late, and I have to do SOMETHING in that time, since there is only football and Loose Women on the tv.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 29, 2012, 04:42:24 pm
this post just now is you grasping at straws, its you trying to explain yourself and put things in perspective for us , but in trying this you are only proving our points more and more...

see what i did there
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Fluffy_Muffin on March 29, 2012, 05:08:59 pm
Well in Blindguys defence Nords are pompous cunts with an over inflated self importance issue and/or ego.

There i said it! SUE ME


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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on March 29, 2012, 06:14:48 pm
Now that both truths are out can we all just get along?

No, we cannot, the horse is dead but the whip is still intact, keep flogging!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on March 29, 2012, 07:17:09 pm
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 29, 2012, 07:34:10 pm
For what its worth I like the nords :-P good fights and usually good banter nothing too serious.

Clearly nords and greys bested us, you can argue about better gear or more allies but they played smart, retreating and saving gold and men when we attacked and then came back with friends, they were better organised and had far superior ranged in battles.

We will strive to improve and taking our castle may yet prove too costly :-D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on March 29, 2012, 07:35:53 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on March 29, 2012, 07:36:33 pm
looking forward to it :D im really glad we have worthy enemys  :D  really enrichens the strat experience thank you
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 29, 2012, 09:01:13 pm
Should be able to attend if the attack is tonight, although tomorrow im going back home so will probbaly miss any then aswell :(

Just in case we can move the battle for one day. No problem. By the way, thanks for the fact that you're nice opponents without idiotic hatred  :)
I want to add that this is not true that you are the weaker opponent.
Fighting with you is always exciting and give lot of fun. Always a good organization, players and equipment. See you on the battle!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Osiris on March 29, 2012, 09:19:49 pm
see you camping outside our castle while we taunt ye!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 29, 2012, 09:26:51 pm
Feel free  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 29, 2012, 11:31:15 pm
yea its nice to see 1 war where is no qq on the losing side, even when my faction is loosing
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on March 30, 2012, 12:32:44 am
Excepting Guy, obviously. You oughta keep him on a leash. :lol:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kazak on March 30, 2012, 07:31:53 am
Whats wrong with templars? Just admit the new Pope... And you will feel be free..
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on March 30, 2012, 08:20:59 am
get lost
@before this pseudo rp provocation I even wanted to do it. But now when some other clan wisheh to change our clan organisation I will play this game to the ethernity.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on March 30, 2012, 08:26:13 am
How long can the zealous Templar Order withstand assault from the mysterious Grey Order and the fierce, barbaric Nordmen?!?!? Only time wil tell...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 30, 2012, 02:18:04 pm
get lost
@before this pseudo rp provocation I even wanted to do it. But now when some other clan wisheh to change our clan organisation I will play this game to the ethernity.
Classical mantra :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on March 30, 2012, 02:34:31 pm
Whats wrong with templars? Just admit the new Pope... And you will feel be free..

Since when did the drz take an interest in the runnings of the church?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: 22nd_King_Plazek on March 30, 2012, 04:07:08 pm
Surely when they as many other Calradians saw our Lord's Divine Will at play in this battle of Righteous Justice. The victory of Harpag is assured, yet how would this be possible without the help of our Greatest Supporter, it is His influence that leads Harpag to victory, His dissatisfaction with the current religious leadership that provides the greatness of the cause, His power that leads the Grey Order on their war of glorious deposition.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on March 30, 2012, 04:15:01 pm
One wonders what fate awaits those who do not follow the path of chadzianity...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on March 30, 2012, 04:28:57 pm
I'm thinking blowjobs. From valkyries.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on March 30, 2012, 04:36:00 pm
Surely when they as many other Calradians saw our Lord's Divine Will at play in this battle of Righteous Justice. The victory of Harpag is assured, yet how would this be possible without the help of our Greatest Supporter, it is His influence that leads Harpag to victory, His dissatisfaction with the current religious leadership that provides the greatness of the cause, His power that leads the Grey Order on their war of glorious deposition.

lol spamitar/xbow user never gonna be a pope/emperor

I will defend Holly lands of Bredeus
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kazak on March 30, 2012, 04:44:14 pm
Since when did the drz take an interest in the runnings of the church?
We are not pleased in conflicts. We are tired of seeing how blood is spilled on the ground. We are peaceful faction who wants peace for t least 2 weeks. SAY NO TO WAR!!!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on March 30, 2012, 05:32:55 pm
In connection with the action under the title:

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I lock this topic.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 17, 2012, 05:19:10 pm
Topic is unlocked, but remember about hard knock life of an internet troll :wink:
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Please keep RP!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 17, 2012, 06:10:14 pm
nice fight yesterday
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 17, 2012, 11:39:36 pm
      Attacker                                          Defender                                                   K:D   Payment
The Nordmen a:1501s:28 k:1473   Crusader Alliance a:3751s:1941 k:1810   70:37   0g

Your castle won't save you for long!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on April 17, 2012, 11:46:58 pm
Having some fun battles, templars. You're doing some good work on those ladders. :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 17, 2012, 11:56:12 pm
i like the raid feature too
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 18, 2012, 12:20:26 am
Having some fun battles, templars. You're doing some good work on those ladders. :)

No matter how many times they knock 'em down, I'll just keep on setting 'em up! 8-)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 18, 2012, 12:22:52 am
It truly is a never ending force of enemies.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 18, 2012, 12:24:45 am
      Attacker                                          Defender                                                   K:D   Payment
The Nordmen a:1501s:28 k:1473   Crusader Alliance a:3751s:1941 k:1810   70:37   0g

Your castle won't save you for long!
Everythimg looks like in Kingdom of Heven  soo I am Happy

anyway my score 5-59....
at last I had fave nice flys withsome nords on that dirty leaders :P

No matter how many times they knock 'em down, I'll just keep on setting 'em up! 8-)
thats like fighting with hydra but thats other story
anyway thats battels are really nice

and That Raid option... Really...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 05:21:03 am
Topic is unlocked, but remember about hard knock life of an internet troll :wink:

Not interested in your life mate.

i like the raid feature too

Yes is good. Im surprised 'pult not been debugged, or unbreakable ladders introduced tbh.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 18, 2012, 10:25:37 am
Really, Guy, we already know you have no class, you don't have to keep reminding us. You're an embarrassment to your clan -- we're all just having fun here, but you keep trying to sour the mood.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Vibe on April 18, 2012, 10:49:38 am
Really, Guy, we already know you have no class, you don't have to keep reminding us. You're an embarrassment to your clan -- we're all just having fun here, but you keep trying to sour the mood.

One wonders why he was permabanned from the forums the first time...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 18, 2012, 12:06:07 pm
Now that you were there, did you teach me how to play? Did they let you lead the defense of the castle? Because that would explain many things! All of them. All of the things.

Wasnt there mate, or you would be running for the hills. It was unfortunate, but unnavoidable. Next time we meet on the field I hope to be there, and then I shall teach you to play Xant :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on April 18, 2012, 12:08:33 pm
Really, Guy, we already know you have no class, you don't have to keep reminding us. You're an embarrassment to your clan -- we're all just having fun here, but you keep trying to sour the mood.

hi  :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: rufio on April 18, 2012, 12:15:17 pm
it was a glorious battle indeed, and harpag i think the selfresemblense in that painting is attrackting the beasts from all over the land whom seek acceptance from a fatherfigure. the question is, will the church accept these abominations into your devine arms and show forgiveness, or shall your rule be hard and banish them to oblivion.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 18, 2012, 12:17:51 pm
You have to admit that you have a lot of fun too, when you teach us how to fly ...
I don't even try to count how many times I flew together with ladder and other aviators   :mad:  And when we succeed enter the walls, then we have another problem - great mauls  :mad:  You lack just hot tar or boiling oil...
Terrifying life of a medieval conqueror of the walls...
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Something funny for Templars from Poland. Forgive me, but I can't translate correctly. Maybe you guys know how to maintain the atmosphere...
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P - Prince
T - Technician

P: ...what have you done ... what have you done ...
T: ... a general overview, replacement of rear axle ... siege supports even we gave the new ...
P: ... but a bridge too low, five armed in tar flooded...
T: ... still we do ... even a prince make a new invading ... (they sit at the table, the technician pours beer)
P: (ironically) ... but to make a bridge too low ...
T: ... the bridge was set on Frombork ... and the Prince deigned to invade ...
P: ... Malbork ...
T: ... and there is a higher ...

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 03:13:58 pm
Because that would explain many things! All of them. All of the things.

?? W/e mate, I'm with Harpag on this one: I enjoy flying through the air, I enjoy making other experience the glories of unpowered flight, I poke a little fun on this forum, I always have fun, and you should really have your blood preasure checked out :D

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xoxo Love and Kisses
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 18, 2012, 03:41:52 pm

?? W/e mate, I'm with Harpag on this one: I enjoy flying through the air, I enjoy making other experience the glories of unpowered flight, I poke a little fun on this forum, I always have fun, and you should really have your blood preasure checked out :D

Did I say you don't enjoy flying through air? Are you confusing people again and meant to quote okiN perhaps? Nothing in your post has any relevance to what I said.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 18, 2012, 03:52:47 pm

Hes like Jambi 2.0

anyway back to topick and stop that pointless conversation
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on April 18, 2012, 05:54:26 pm
Hes like Jambi 2.0

anyway back to topick and stop that pointless conversation

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 06:54:59 pm
Did I say you don't enjoy flying through air? Are you confusing people again and meant to quote okiN perhaps? Nothing in your post has any relevance to what I said wrote.

corrected, for free. Anyway, I will extrapolate for you:


Now that you were there, did you teach me how to play? Did they let you lead the defense of the castle? Because that would explain many things! All of them. All of the things.

So, again: Yes I was there, I was helping you lovely guys to fly, so if flying is your preferred playstyle, then I guess I helped you l2p. It wasnt hard to grasp my meaning, but I guess I need to use smaller words and short sentences so you can get it. :D

So, if you are quite done being intentionally stupid, lets get back on topic.

Harpag is a heretic and no he cannot be the pope.

EDIT: Siegetower gave us a REAL dicking, was a prick move, I salute you. Eventually spent entire battle facing left holding rightmouse.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 18, 2012, 07:57:24 pm
You certainly did help us, what with your 15 kills 65 deaths. Thanks for that, hope you'll be there in the battles to come as well, the help is always appreciated!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 18, 2012, 08:00:18 pm
I'm sure those stats would be different if the deaths caused by destroying ladders were counted.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 08:10:43 pm
I'm sure those stats would be different if the deaths caused by destroying ladders were counted.

Nah, there is only one truth, The Word of Xant!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 18, 2012, 08:13:37 pm

Nah, there is only one truth, The Word of Xant!  :mrgreen:

Preach it.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 18, 2012, 09:04:08 pm
You certainly did help us, what with your 15 kills 65 deaths. Thanks for that, hope you'll be there in the battles to come as well, the help is always appreciated!

I don'r really think on that way.
And we didn't dei soo many times because  of you ultra super awesome meele fight on wall

dude that tower solved all your problems

and who destroyed that hilling tent i fought then that Is super safe there
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 18, 2012, 09:18:34 pm
I don'r really think on that way.
And we didn't dei soo many times because  of you ultra super awesome meele fight on wall

dude that tower solved all your problems

and who destroyed that hilling tent i fought then that Is super safe there

Melee had like the top #10-15 kills, ranged had best KDR. So actually yes, you did die mostly because of our ultra super awesome melee fight on the wall.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 18, 2012, 09:50:18 pm
Im amazed how someone found the healing tent in there as well.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Jambi on April 18, 2012, 09:55:46 pm
You two should meet up again and have angry makeup sex.

Do eeet Xant <3 BlindGuy  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on April 18, 2012, 10:08:11 pm
Im amazed how someone found the healing tent in there as well.

I saw it in the first battle while running around the castle. Saw the blue and white lining through the archer holes. :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 18, 2012, 10:10:52 pm
dam you...

Now i have to think how to take rid off that holle in that wall.

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on April 18, 2012, 11:09:09 pm
Im amazed how someone found the healing tent in there as well.

I saw it in the first battle while running around the castle. Saw the blue and white lining through the archer holes. :P

I snapped an SS in the first battle as well:

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We went for it specifically at one point when we were a lot in the yard.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 18, 2012, 11:40:21 pm
I snapped an SS in the first battle as well:

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We went for it specifically at one point when we were a lot in the yard.

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 19, 2012, 12:21:40 am
I snapped an SS in the first battle as well:

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We went for it specifically at one point when we were a lot in the yard.


I REQUEST BAN HAMER FOR %4Y^&i%^&%#$#%u$i%$i%

not reall

anyway over 10 000 tropps gone on that castel
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 19, 2012, 11:13:28 pm
How many must die before you accept the true pope
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 20, 2012, 01:58:32 am
I will answer when you tell me how many Templars are still alive... We don't give up further attacks, until we will achieve the intended purpose. Brede has to go - straight to hell, because there is a place for sinners like him... Price is irrelevant, because it's all about unity of the church. You had a chance for a peaceful solution, but now it is too late. You have to die. Maybe at your example, others can understand that we never kidding with such things... Soon will rescue the Holy Land from the hands of sinners!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 20, 2012, 02:55:23 am
The people of calradia already know the true reasons this war was fought, there is no need to hide your shame.  They know that we stand and defend what is ours, what you would take from us without cause or right.  They know that to surrender is not in our nature, and that to stand and fight until the end is the only option when faced by heretics and blasphemers.   Never shall your soul, or your land feel peace until you have repent your sin. As long as i endure i can assure you that our brotherhood will oppose your claim. We defend what we have created, we seek only that it should be preserved in a proper manner.  The papacy belongs to all, not to you or to us.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 20, 2012, 11:07:47 am
The papacy belongs to all, not to you or to us.
Excellent! I see progress...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gnjus on April 20, 2012, 11:42:30 am
How many must die before you accept the true pope

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tomas_of_Miles on April 20, 2012, 03:01:18 pm
Winter is coomin'...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 20, 2012, 04:10:19 pm
Excellent! I see progress...

The only thing I see is our knights defending what our brotherhood created, from a heretic who would use it only to further his own power.

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 20, 2012, 04:37:53 pm
More like the dishonest truth???
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on April 20, 2012, 05:52:41 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 22, 2012, 11:13:58 pm
Good fight. Thanks for the spirited defense in all these battles! It's been a pleasure besieging you guys.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on April 22, 2012, 11:14:54 pm
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 22, 2012, 11:14:59 pm
ah economy kiled us there

but that still not end
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bagge on April 22, 2012, 11:19:49 pm

hear hear
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on April 22, 2012, 11:38:50 pm

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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 22, 2012, 11:58:47 pm
Time to celebrate!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 23, 2012, 12:06:25 am
Good fight. Thanks for the spirited defense in all these battles! It's been a pleasure besieging you guys.

Oh that was you guys? Thought it was Grey order troops. My mistake  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 23, 2012, 12:33:57 am
Habemus papam Brede the Grey!
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Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2012, 12:59:54 am
Oh that was you guys? Thought it was Grey order troops. My mistake  :mrgreen:

Since the beginning of this war, in our own battles, fighting under our own power, we've killed about 10k of your alliance's troops. That includes some 3000 of your castle defenders, but sets aside the many thousands more we've killed fighting against you in the battles of friends and allies, and of course the battles where you took the castle in the first place. We and the Greys have been together every step of the way -- they've committed more troops, it's true, and we're extremely grateful to them for that, but keep in mind that all the armies we've used were raised after the war began.

Don't be a sore loser, I doubt I need to remind you how heavily the deck was stacked against us when you decided to start this whole thing by attacking our villages. :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 23, 2012, 01:19:03 am
I missed the battle, clearly the lack of the commander reduced our troops morale significantly.

Was some nice sieges guys, I'm nearly at lvl 34 now :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 23, 2012, 03:59:58 am
Don't be a sore loser, I doubt I need to remind you how heavily the deck was stacked against us when you decided to start this whole thing by attacking our villages. :P

I lolled. You think I get to make descisions? rofl
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 23, 2012, 04:26:30 am
I lolled. You think I get to make descisions? rofl

Yes, clearly okiN was implying that you personally made the decision to attack us. But wait! Could it be that the word "you" has several meanings?

you  (juː, ( unstressed ) jʊ)
— pron
1.   refers to the person addressed or to more than one person including the person or persons addressed but not including the speaker: you know better ; the culprit is among you
2.   Also: one  refers to an unspecified person or people in general: you can't tell the boys from the girls
3.   chiefly  ( US ) See yourself a dialect word for yourself  or yourselves : you should get you a wife now
— n
4.   informal  the personality of the person being addressed or something that expresses it: that hat isn't really you
5.   you know what , you know who  a thing or person that the speaker cannot or does not want to specify
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Araxiel on April 23, 2012, 06:48:14 am
We enjoyed all the fights. But in the end we met the inevitable by fightning against a clan which has 100+ players in strategus. )) Economy ftw!
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2012, 11:18:30 am
I lolled. You think I get to make descisions? rofl

That's what I get for talking to you like a person. Trolls gonna troll. :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 23, 2012, 12:48:51 pm
We enjoyed all the fights. But in the end we met the inevitable by fightning against a clan which has 100+ players in strategus. )) Economy ftw!

Excuses, excuses and excuses once again...

I didn't want to say anything after this battle, because I didn't want ultimately knockout you, but I think we should clarify something ... don't try to convince anyone that you lost because you are so good...

You have a little less members (83) and you are the fifth-largest clan, + Wolves (59) + CotgS (18), adding CBA you have as many members as we and Nords together, and don't tell me about activity, because near half of our people have not seen for several months...

We conducted a war on foreign territory, and transports lasted many weeks. Don't forget, that you sat in the castle, and we gained the walls...

The best for last. It's true that win over us is unavailable for you, but this time it's not about economy  :rolleyes:

Just look at numbers... After the final battle, we looted thousands pieces of your weapons, including 0.2 k arbalests + 0.5 k masterwork steel bolts, 0.3 k masterwork rus bows + 7k  arrows, 0.4 k construction materials , 0.2 k steel shields, 0.2 k masterwork huscarls , 0.3 k masterwork long spears, 0.2 k masterpiece black and white kite shields, 0.2 k siege ladders, many thousands of axes and swords...  :lol:  the list is so loooooooooong ....  :D  + over 4.5 k troops and some gold...

With this weapons we can overcome many armies ...

Be a man, stop crying and don't look for excuses.
I have not seen such hopeless defense. The rallies outside of your castle, it was ... forgive honesty... pure stupidity...

At the end I wanted to say that despite recent rash defense, you're a great opponent. Thank you for the common fun and friendly atmosphere.
Don't spoil it, better to plan next event...

(click to show/hide)

PS.  What about Papacy?  I expect a  final decision before the end of this week. Wolves & CotgS - take your armies, leave your villages and run to NA land or fight with GREY MONKS  :twisted: ... We give you 48 hours...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 23, 2012, 01:04:22 pm
nah harpag, Templars and SB was defending that castel only
and when we are talking about economy we tooks about lack of armors

And yes fights were awesome

And I will say that again.
We are not crying.
On some way we wanted that war.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 23, 2012, 01:23:27 pm
You should sell part of your weapons, and buy/craft more armors + quietly sit inside castle. It was your biggest logistics / strategic mistake.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Noctivagant on April 23, 2012, 04:35:35 pm
You have a little less members (83) and you are the fifth-largest clan, + Wolves (59) + CotgS (18), adding CBA you have as many members as we and Nords together, and don't tell me about activity, because near half of our people have not seen for several months...

Hold on, wait a minute, CBA has nothing to do with Knights Templar, never crafted anything for them, never received anything from them. Its just Alpha me and few others did something together. Yes CBA were in Templar roster, thats it so some other factions. According to your argument (not mine) you should count 22nd, nords, grey, drz, str, empire, merciless, legio all together then which makes more than 500 players (since roster means sudden unification...) CBA was never seen in the south.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 23, 2012, 04:44:40 pm
That doesn't change the fact that Templars and their allies have about as many members as Greys+Nords.

And Grey was fighting half the map away from their own lands and didn't put all their focus to the desert.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Araxiel on April 23, 2012, 04:45:05 pm
I didnt cry or anything just stated the fact and said we had fun. I am not going to write anymore in the topic cause it is quite pointless (: Whats done is done, cya in future challenges.

That doesn't change the fact that Templars and their allies have about as many members as Greys+Nords.

And Grey was fighting half the map away from their own lands and didn't put all their focus to the desert.
Is there any strong clan opposing Grey Order? If not range on the map doesnt matter much. But it kinda ironic imo. We did the same thing to the Nords.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2012, 05:00:02 pm
But it kinda ironic imo. We did the same thing to the Nords.

Yeah, that's why I've been kind of surprised by the complaining from some -- not least kinngrimm, of all people. He was the one who kept saying that diplomacy and forging alliances is the most important skill when you still outnumbered us four to one.

None of that really matters, though, all in all this war has been very even, and IMO that made it especially fun to play. There were a number of factors contributing to our eventual victory, but both sides had their own advantages.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Casimir on April 23, 2012, 05:01:18 pm
I'll remember those walls for sure.

Now i have to find myself a new castle :(
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2012, 05:02:59 pm
I think it's quite funny that both our clans got to see both sides of them so many times. :lol:

As for the new castle, I see you've already made plans. Good luck.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 23, 2012, 06:48:35 pm
good luck to you

because thats not end
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 23, 2012, 06:55:47 pm
Everything is fine, everyone had a lot of fun and gained a lot of experience. We have managed to maintain a civilized relationship, really. I wish you good luck with this new castle. I'm sure that soon you will rebuild your strength. I only wanted to stress that do not need to belittle our victory, especially as it required significant effort from us related to logistics and the same battles on the walls. If you are sad because of the castle - remember how you taught us to fly and smile  :)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: okiN on April 23, 2012, 07:11:47 pm
good luck to you

because thats not end

We'll be waiting. It will be interesting to see how you manage on the offensive, against a prepared and entrenched enemy. A nice change for us from all this attacking and conquering. :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on April 23, 2012, 07:20:41 pm
Attacking is dreadful, way too much effort in terms of management/logistics.

The main problem is crafting though IMO, it's really awful, given Strategus is what it is these days no one in their right mind care enough to grind the same gear for months just to be able to craft it in Strategus, not only are you required to retire 24/7 you also cannot try any other classes, you can't try any other gear, you need to spec in a certain way to be able to use your gear as fast as possible (Max Strength) so you won't lose skill in crafting due to chadz-text when in low-end gear. Yeah, you can't even run around in low-end gear in fear of getting a text.

Grind grind grind.

Need to change/implement some features that encourage having fun and doing something that isn't about forcing you into a linear experience.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Moncho on April 23, 2012, 07:25:57 pm
so the kittens are not safe yet? :(
Anyway, looking forward for more battles in the future, always a pleasure to kill a few templars  :twisted:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Kalp on April 23, 2012, 08:49:34 pm
you also cannot try any other classes
Alternate character.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on April 23, 2012, 10:39:33 pm
Alternate character.

Oh the rage when you get the chadztext on an alt when you haven't got one on your main for 10-15 million xp. chadztext on alts should give you +2 on your main's standard gear or something. :?
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 23, 2012, 10:56:28 pm
alt is alt... they shouldn't
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 24, 2012, 12:25:17 am
As for the new castle, I see you've already made plans. Good luck.

 :rolleyes: SHUSH! its a swequet!

And now for everyone, happycat
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Lech on April 24, 2012, 01:07:30 am
Attacking is dreadful, way too much effort in terms of management/logistics.

The main problem is crafting though IMO, it's really awful, given Strategus is what it is these days no one in their right mind care enough to grind the same gear for months just to be able to craft it in Strategus, not only are you required to retire 24/7 you also cannot try any other classes, you can't try any other gear, you need to spec in a certain way to be able to use your gear as fast as possible (Max Strength) so you won't lose skill in crafting due to chadz-text when in low-end gear. Yeah, you can't even run around in low-end gear in fear of getting a text.

Grind grind grind.

Need to change/implement some features that encourage having fun and doing something that isn't about forcing you into a linear experience.

I have fun.

Lordly Heraldic Mail with Tabard   99   75%   39
Masterwork Italian Sword   99   75%   44
Lordly Mail Mittens   90   74%   9
Masterpiece Knightly Kite Shield   71   70%   34
Lordly Great Helmet with Hat   57   67%   61
Lordly Mail Chausses   45   64%   14
Mighty Winged Mace   27   58%   47
Masterwork Red Tassel Spear   14   51%   79
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Nessaj on April 24, 2012, 01:14:43 am
You serve your King well.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 24, 2012, 01:42:38 am
He does indeed, Lech never disappoints me with his eternal servitude
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 24, 2012, 01:47:43 am
Lech is our precious treasure. His support is absolutely invaluable. You know very well items crafted by Lech  :) , so ... you know what...
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 24, 2012, 04:58:25 am
The Nordmen a:49s:17k:32   Crusader Alliance a:99 no survivors

And so our hero kills a hundred Templars right next to the Wolves' village and makes off with the loot.

Remember Templars... next time you reinforce someone who's getting attacked by THE XANT 2:1 ratio isn't enough

Really, the best thing to do is surrender at that point.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Tor! on April 24, 2012, 05:03:05 am
Crusaders have never been a match for the Nordmen  8-)
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gnjus on April 24, 2012, 08:52:04 am
I have fun.

Masterwork Italian Sword   99   75%   44
Lordly Heraldic Mail with Tabard   93   74%   41
Lordly Mail Mittens   75   71%   9
Masterpiece Knightly Kite Shield   56   67%   37
Mail Chausses   43   64%   14
Lordly Great Helmet with Hat   42   63%   68
Lordly Mail Chausses   30   59%   15
Great Helmet with Hat   27   58%   77
Masterwork Red Tassel Spear   15   52%   77

Not bad for a single game-key serf, not bad at all.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Harpag on April 24, 2012, 11:50:22 am
Not bad for a single game-key serf, not bad at all.

Indeed incredibly exciting  :rolleyes:  Bandit_Gnjus_the_Bossre  :wink:
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 24, 2012, 12:40:11 pm
The Nordmen a:49s:17k:32   Crusader Alliance a:99 no survivors

And so our hero kills a hundred Templars right next to the Wolves' village and makes off with the loot.

Remember Templars... next time you reinforce someone who's getting attacked by THE XANT 2:1 ratio isn't enough

Really, the best thing to do is surrender at that point.

I just wake up

Look at ther roster, ping and total players lvl so you will notice then there is nothin to be proud
secound thing then that thread is about Unityu of Church

Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 24, 2012, 03:28:06 pm
The Nordmen a:49s:17k:32   Crusader Alliance a:99 no survivors

And so our hero kills a hundred Templars right next to the Wolves' village and makes off with the loot.

Remember Templars... next time you reinforce someone who's getting attacked by THE XANT 2:1 ratio isn't enough

Really, the best thing to do is surrender at that point.

Meh, if more of our players actually understood strat we wouldnt have to have battles at 4 AM or w/e, we might be able to get some players on, and not be falling asleep over our keyboards getting teamkilled by our NA allies who cant help it with 190 ping...

Fair is fair, you bested us, but you DID bring your a team, we had only militia :D
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Gurnisson on April 24, 2012, 03:48:20 pm
No way I would've fought that battle if my work hadn't finished 03:30 :P
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Xant on April 24, 2012, 05:23:17 pm

Fair is fair, you bested us, but you DID bring your a team, we had only militia :D

I'm aware, we had no MW gear and some poor performers *cough* LOGEN *cough* so we'd have lost if you had a better team, of course.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: Rebelyell on April 24, 2012, 05:24:39 pm
Logen have serious problems witch helmets in my opinion
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: BlindGuy on April 24, 2012, 11:44:58 pm
Logen have serious problems witch helmets in my opinion

This, poor Logen, I bet you guys MADE him wear that helmet, the unacustomed feeling musta put him off.
Title: Re: Unity of the CHURCH
Post by: bredeus on May 06, 2012, 09:57:23 pm
Guy my friend someone is watching you