We have committed the sin of pride. Fortune again turned in your direction. We have already paid a high price, I hope that God accept this sacrifice, and will again support us...
Hello. There is nothing to regret. The battle was hopeless and ill prepared. We made a mistake, because we didn't check where is the end of the map. It was somewhat surprising. You turn back to the horizon and you can see only the desert, you do a few steps and OOOPS! The invisible wall. Loss of the tower - that was the end, because the number of ladders was minimal. Only for testing... I must admit that I laughed yesterday, but I was angry at myself too. Routine killed me.
Casimir, if you're not an archer (and from what I know you're 2h), then you have no losses. Fortunately for us it was a trial attack. Competent attack will be soon. Probably tonight. Armed with new knowledge we will be more effective, but still you can feel safe in this castle.
See you on the battlefield.