cRPG => Suggestions Corner => Game Balance Discussion => Topic started by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 02:58:57 am

Title: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 02:58:57 am

Crpg is very much about breaking the monotony of the original MB:W by adding diversity, tactics, personalization, and role-playing elements not originally in the game, and for that reason, 250+ people play semi-regularly. part of these tactics is simple...

Polearms>Horse>1h>Bow>Throw>2H>Polearms  (>) = greater than for those who have never done 3rd grade math.
thats how it SHOULD work 2/3rds of the time.

however, Horses are now inferior to everything.

a destrier now costs 26447 gold, which makes for 1322 in repair costs... each time it gets broken... which is often.
this is virtually unarmored, low tier horse.

my palfrey, which it 10000 or so, can withstand...

1 arrow and bolt to face, or one good 2h swing or polearm stab to face.
2 axes, javelins or arrows to the body.
3 1h hits, or stabs with spear.

i don't mind those statistics at all for realism. but as it is, it really isn't even worth getting a horse. why don't i buy a warhorse?

i'm low tier cash flow (30k average), and horses are beyond fragile. only a small amount of players are 45k+... which still is not alot to own a horse and maintain it.

How much Gold do you have?
117 (43.8%) - majority
49 (18.4%) - half of these are about 60k probably. with this, you can probably get a warhorse, which will be difficult to maintain
43 (16.1%) - this is about reasonable for a horseman. to bad most (27.7) dont use horses. that leave over 70% that cant actively use a horse.
23 (8.6%)
8 (3%)
3 (1.1%)
24 (9%)

here is what i suggest

a.) prices from palfrey to plated charger are reduced by 40%

b.) horse prices are reduced by 25%, given +30 health and +15 armor, +2 riding requirement

c.) make horses unbreakable, and give them +30 health and +15 armor.

d.) insert a better suggestion here!

here are the advantages of each suggestion.

a.) more people can afford horses, bringing back the horse and rider, and restoring balance to the game. it make people work harder as a team, and helps get rid of throwers, or bring them to the forefront to face the horseman along with the polearm.

b.) brings prices to a reasonable amount, as well as making horses more sturdy, thus making them a viable weapon of war, but by restricting access of the really good horses to the rider elite

c.) this makes money the biggest initial factor in acquiring a horse but also makes it an investment for the buyer that can pay off well if used right.

d.) we can discuss possible ways to bring back the horse and rider playing style thus giving a much needed liberty to all of the knights of the realm...

My suggestions might be biased or horrible. but one thing i know is that horses need to change. this game is called mount&blade for a reason: its meant to simulate mounted combat! and it does a pretty darn good job of it too. too bad noone but the shadowy elite can afford it.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: justme on February 16, 2011, 03:04:51 am

my palfrey, which it 10000 or so, can withstand...

1 arrow and bolt to face, or one good 2h swing or polearm stab to face.

and i cant...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 03:21:58 am
you also are not

a.) an animal (maybe at parties)

b.) a gameplay device.

c.) a costly piece of equipment to maintain.

edit: thanks for not even reading the first sentence through on my well prepared, long written message meant to balance the game. you are a really thoughtful person.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ganon on February 16, 2011, 03:22:53 am
If you want to buff cavalry, lances should only be able to hit in a small angle in front of them.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Stormcrow on February 16, 2011, 03:27:25 am
I agree that horses are incredibly overpriced and agree that they should be reduced 40-50% of what they are now. They should still require some upkeep but it should be reduced slightly.

I want to try cav but right now its a joke. one throwing kills just about any horse instantly. Maybe horse armour and hit points should increase with riding skill or player lvl, that would atleast make it interesting
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Diomedes on February 16, 2011, 03:37:32 am
I agree with your sentiment but because I'm not a stat-guy I can't yet agree to your suggestions.  I play a 1h+shield and this generation I tried getting some horse points to try riding out.  Very cool!  Very fun!  Very expensive!  Just like with any gear, my priciest horse can only be used sometimes but to [sometimes] great effect.  I have no issue with this, but I do take issue with my cheaper rouncey being so extraordinarily fragile yet still quite expensive.  The power of such non-armoured horses relies on their speed for both damage and tactics.  Once the horse dies, horsemen are often left with a big lance, lots of leg armour, and a really long stun period where anybody and their uncle can score some hits.  If horsemen are to be properly viable they need to be either a) more useful b) less dangerous for the rider or c) cheaper.  Though of course some horsemen are extraordinarily skillful and can really wreak havoc on many maps, it remains an extremophile build for many players.  Even on my best warhorse, I still carry a good combat shield and 1h with me so I won't be at a complete loss if/when my horse dies.  The issue with this is, though, that I'm then paying for 1) a very expensive horse 2) particular horseman's gear 3) a regular weapon set.  Something ain't right here  :?

>> but so what if it's an extreme class, that just means it's unique!

 So is a naked knifemen, but build extremity assumes certain exceptional yet accessible quality.  The horse has speed, yes, but also loads of drawbacks.

>> but horses are balanced now!  Look how few there are!

I do indeed like the infantry focus but remember the title.  In my ideal world every open map fields some bowmen, swordsmen, polemen, and cavalry.  Right now many cavalry players remain a luxery of 3-0 teams.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 03:41:50 am
im glad im not the only one that sees descrepancies with the current system!  8-)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Meow on February 16, 2011, 04:00:27 am
only a small amount of players are 45k+...


this makes you just another whiner.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 04:19:48 am
oh sorry... 50+

and most people in those options are at the LOWER portion past 50 k i will bet you. and i also had said that would still not be alot. to get a good horse like a destrier, you need to at least have 60 k to mantain it if you wanted to use it regularly. thats not considering you will still get shot down in 2-3 arrows anyway.

oh and btw, what is your main class, and does it have a horse? as an additional though, how much do YOU make? can you afford a horse? i've never seen you or heard of you before.

as a note, about 73% of players cannot constantly use a horse because of cost.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: EponiCo on February 16, 2011, 05:37:24 am
I have 4 horses. I don't think they need a buff. On average I get 2 or 3 kills from horseback per round + injuring and distracting many people. Courser and below is sort of maintainable with shitty melee gear (f.e. 1.5k for simple sword), it's just for style and having a backup when dismounted, but you can still make kills with it.
Imo some internal balance is required, courser vs destrier f.e. but no global buff.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Wulzzz on February 16, 2011, 05:41:15 am
I want a lightning shooting bow which does AOE instant kill everyone in a radius of at least 200 metres.This would be the lowest acceptable.

The times of full plate on plated charger are thankfully over.
I'd suggest u use the destrier which is a pretty horse and then not so ultra armor.And rethink your fight tactics which i hope go beyond:

Also hierlooming horses for 1 time gives not bad defens/hp buff.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 16, 2011, 05:41:26 am
I have 4 horses. I don't think they need a buff. On average I get 2 or 3 kills from horseback per round + injuring and distracting many people. Courser and below is sort of maintainable with shitty melee gear (f.e. 1.5k for simple sword), it's just for style and having a backup when dismounted, but you can still make kills with it.
Imo some internal balance is required, courser vs destrier f.e. but no global buff.

I agree with this post the most out of the ones in this thread.  Some internal re-balancing would be beneficial but overall cav do not need a buff.  One of the most gamechanging things on a team is pair of well played cav, light or heavy.

On my cav I own a rouncey, palfrey, sarranid and destrier and find all of them fairly easy to upkeep given mail over tunic, splinted greaves, wisby guantlets, klappvisor, heater shield, long arming sword, and light lance.  Armored horses are insane and deserve their insane upkeep cost.  Unarmored horses are and should be the norm.

As for your suggestions:
here are the advantages of each suggestion.

a.) more people can afford horses, bringing back the horse and rider, and restoring balance to the game. it make people work harder as a team, and helps get rid of throwers, or bring them to the forefront to face the horseman along with the polearm. 
I think this is a bad thing.  Too many cav, like archers, like throwers, makes the game crappy.  Imo, but probably the majority too.  A few decent ones per team makes the game fun, but not very many or it just gets lame.  Most everyone can afford a horse now as is, as long as they don't plan to ride around on the M&B version of a panzer tank IE: armored horses.
b.) brings prices to a reasonable amount, as well as making horses more sturdy, thus making them a viable weapon of war, but by restricting access of the really good horses to the rider elite
Making horses more sturdy simply rewards bad cav.  Oh, I can be stupid cause my horse is really buff.  This is a disadvantage to your suggestion imo.  The rider elite should consist of good players, not crutching scrubtards (Finished for example) who ride around on tanks and can afford their stupidity due to strong horses.
c.) this makes money the biggest initial factor in acquiring a horse but also makes it an investment for the buyer that can pay off well if used right.
Current upkeep system is fair.  Unless you want to make everything unbreakable (my x-bows, weapons, and armor) in order to keep things fair then no.  This is basically going back to the previous system before upkeep and unfairly punishes all NON-cav players.  In essence it becomes a free uber-advantage so that everyone would be stupid for not riding. Initial cost means nothing as that's just a matter of time, which is endless.  Again, the buff is not needed to horse stats either.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 06:06:06 am
I appreciate Intelligent answers quite a bit, and so i thank you, Gorath, as well as EponiCo for actually attempting to do more than just bash the ideas.

but there is one problem with both of your statements...

neither of you own anything warhorse and above. if thats by choice, more power to you. but the whole purpose of my suggestions is to at least make middle high warhorses affordable; that and they take at least 5 riding to ride.

I will back my first suggestion, A, to reduce the price of horses. please note, however, these are merely suggestions and are no way set in stone...

Option D is good if you have an idea to return horses to the battlefield again.

i believe there should at least be 10 horsemen for every 50, and 15 for every 100, on average. by reducing the price of the warhorse to an affordable 20438 (45% reduction), this would make higher tier horses easier to obtain, but still not easy fiscally. the warhorse is still the lowest armored horse in the selection, and most people are not willing to pay 20k and have 5 riding for a horse unless they ARE SOMEWHAT CALVARY CENTERED, which is what i think would work; appealing to the Knights and Calvaliers to charge again.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 16, 2011, 06:19:00 am
neither of you own anything warhorse and above. if thats by choice, more power to you. but the whole purpose of my suggestions is to at least make middle high warhorses affordable; that and they take at least 5 riding to ride.

It is by choice, at least for me.  Armored horses are nigh broken, allowing people to play incredibly stupid and get away.  I've seen people charge pikers simply to get a single kill via lance, take 4 stabs and then ride away.  Some players made a name for themselves by being terribad, but using the power of armored horses to crutch kills.  Even in native they're redonkulous.  Tanks, which is really what they are, should be rare and shouldn't be affordable.  They should be something you pull out as a risk in order to either secure a multiplier, or retain it imo.  Hell I had a cataphract at one point and could pretty much ride around with impunity knowing that my horse was about as tough to kill as Goretooth.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Falka on February 16, 2011, 12:39:17 pm
Courser 19,818 gold
Lance 3,374 gold
Horseman's Kite Shield 1,978 gold
Cavalry Robe 3,582 gold
In total: ~29 000 gold. Yep, gear for the horseman is so f*** expensive. Average equipment for 2hander costs more or less the same. And take a look at Ujin, Simon Templar, TomMyyY, they don't need tanks and black armour to have KD ratio ~10:1.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on February 16, 2011, 01:48:13 pm
Cavalry is already the most powerful thing in M&B.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on February 16, 2011, 01:59:00 pm
Courser 19,818 gold
Lance 3,374 gold
Horseman's Kite Shield 1,978 gold
Cavalry Robe 3,582 gold
In total: ~29 000 gold. Yep, gear for the horseman is so f*** expensive. Average equipment for 2hander costs more or less the same. And take a look at Ujin, Simon Templar, TomMyyY, they don't need tanks and black armour to have KD ratio ~10:1.

and once you are dismounted you are worthless as a peasant, and the courser can easily get onehitted by practically anything, so you have to play like a ninja-backstabber.
Yeah, that's what we all want.

My 2h character uses 27k equip and can get KD ratio ~10:1.
My cavalry character uses 25k equip and get's a KD ratio ~3:2. + he loses money because half of that cost is the horse at least.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: EponiCo on February 16, 2011, 02:19:09 pm
neither of you own anything warhorse and above. if thats by choice, more power to you. but the whole purpose of my suggestions is to at least make middle high warhorses affordable; that and they take at least 5 riding to ride.

I will back my first suggestion, A, to reduce the price of horses. please note, however, these are merely suggestions and are no way set in stone...

Option D is good if you have an idea to return horses to the battlefield again.

i believe there should at least be 10 horsemen for every 50, and 15 for every 100, on average. by reducing the price of the warhorse to an affordable 20438 (45% reduction), this would make higher tier horses easier to obtain, but still not easy fiscally. the warhorse is still the lowest armored horse in the selection, and most people are not willing to pay 20k and have 5 riding for a horse unless they ARE SOMEWHAT CALVARY CENTERED, which is what i think would work; appealing to the Knights and Calvaliers to charge again.

Nope, one of my horses is the large warhorse. I don't think they are insane anymore - without high bump damage and forcefield shield you can't just run over a group at impunity. Their higher survivability especially vs. arrows is great. I'm not really sure that is good enough reason to loose 10 speed and pay 1k more repairs than the courser, though, so a slight buff for them might be ok, but they certainly don't need to be available to everyone all the time (it isn't affordable for me, too - I just spend rounds as ninja or light cav to compensate gold loss, it doesn't kill me).
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on February 16, 2011, 02:42:28 pm

light horses are good as they are now, heavy horses on the other hand could use a buff, as i dont think a player riding one will have better K:D than a player on light horse

and i would also love if player could only put skillpoints into riding or athletics not both, it would leave cav for dedicated cav players ;]

oh oh and a pike should be a dedicated anti-horse weapon, therefore its melee effectiveness should be decreased

there i said it
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Memento_Mori on February 16, 2011, 03:15:14 pm
oh oh and a pike should be a dedicated anti-horse weapon, therefore its melee effectiveness should be decreased

there i said it

wtf, don't nerf pike's melee effectiveness. Pike is one of the greatest support/team play weapons, a pike user is easily killed once he's closed in on & alone, but with team mates he can keep the opponents back for fear of them being poked or prodded while trying to defend against the piker's allies.
What purpose would nerfing the pike serve, it's already one of the easiest weapons to counter with basically any class except Lancer Cav.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ujin on February 16, 2011, 03:17:35 pm

light horses are good as they are now, heavy horses on the other hand could use a buff, as i dont think a player riding one will have better K:D than a player on light horse

and i would also love if player could only put skillpoints into riding or athletics not both, it would leave cav for dedicated cav players ;]

oh oh and a pike should be a dedicated anti-horse weapon, therefore its melee effectiveness should be decreased

there i said it

No bloody way. I thought everyone's agreed that forced classes are not what we want in cRPG, hybrids are fine.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Mustang_Sweets on February 16, 2011, 03:30:25 pm
They don't necessarily  need a buff what they need is less upkeep cause honestly i miss the days i would stand out in the open and hunt cav CRPG was a challenge a fun challenge now all i see is a cheese fest. The new patch works but i miss the flavor and playability of the old days. Cav, I miss you and feeding my dogs with your horses as i fix my armor with glue.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: BlackMilk on February 16, 2011, 03:49:34 pm
Cavalry is already the most powerful thing in M&B.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: tankmen on February 16, 2011, 03:56:26 pm
no buff,simple as that, im a horsemen and i find no problem with it, at all. i own a Sumpter Horse(i use it mostly for getting around costs about 200?). At a x1 and x2 i use a Palfrey(500 gold), which after reading your statement about how much it takes to kill horses i find its reverse for me, are you EU, people 1 shot mine with throwing weapons more often than arrows. luckily they are nerfing throwing i believe? at X3 and X4 i ride a Destrier(1300), its a little harder to kill and as long as i don't run right into the enemy it can survive a whole game easy(though suicide charges are fun). At x5 or when ever i feel up to it i ride my champion charger(2800), as it is I'm glad i can only bring him out at late games or when i have a x5. because he can take a beating, thats not to say he hasn't been one shot before, he has by a throwing axe to the head, a throwing lance, or a couch by a guy on a heir-loomed courser, do i get angry, a little, if i dont pay for him i don't care, thats he best part, i dont pay for him every round, i rode him around at X1 for a whole map never broke. as for the argument that cavalry suck once they lose their horse is only true for those with out a secondary weapon, any one can fight on foot, its really hard if you have only a heavy lance(or cant block). little tired, just woke up but the main point is i play cav, and do fine, only thing bugging me is throwing at the moment fix that n im happy

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on February 16, 2011, 03:59:58 pm

wtf, don't nerf pike's melee effectiveness. Pike is one of the greatest support/team play weapons, a pike user is easily killed once he's closed in on & alone, but with team mates he can keep the opponents back for fear of them being poked or prodded while trying to defend against the piker's allies.
What purpose would nerfing the pike serve, it's already one of the easiest weapons to counter with basically any class except Lancer Cav.

calm down no one is nerfing it ;p its just my opionion about it, and as you said yes its one of the greatest support weapons that only cost 1500, also it works oddly in melee (hitting trought allies), and in 1on1 it depends on player skills if you can easily kill pike user or not

No bloody way. I thought everyone's agreed that forced classes are not what we want in cRPG, hybrids are fine.

yeah hybrids are ok, but i would love distinction between foot and mounted. i get your point it would ruin a lot of builds and bring less fun for those players but its my opinion on that matter and i know its not a popular view ;]

anyways im fine with things as they are now, just saying my biased cav player opinion
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Mustang_Sweets on February 16, 2011, 04:17:33 pm
no buff,simple as that, im a horsemen and i find no problem with it, at all.
(click to show/hide)

I agree with tankman, I may not have ever played a cav, never really found a problem with them. I only found most of the ones who would only used their horse bump to get their kill the useless ones. The others I found annoying but I dealt with it because they played well and caused a challenge. Plus, when you do kill the dick cav who can't do much without the horse you feel good for putting them in their place. Like I said before I would like them to have less upkeep only because I miss seeing them on the field, roaming free like the buffalo.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Beauchamp on February 16, 2011, 05:00:39 pm
i don't like any of these ideas - especially not the one about making horses cheaper. i could support higher healt for horses but only if they'd be made more expensive.

a horse always (with a very very few exceptions) gives you an advantage over footman. horsemen are elite class, especially those on more expensive horses - and only a few should be around - those that have money or skill or both.

btw throwing nerf that is probably on the way will boost horses.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Beauchamp on February 16, 2011, 05:08:46 pm

light horses are good as they are now, heavy horses on the other hand could use a buff, as i dont think a player riding one will have better K:D than a player on light horse

fuck K:D, i'm absolutely sure my team benefits more when i ride around on charger than on destrier. aye i might not get 2 more kills i'd get on faster horse but i can survive on a charger a very long time sucking all the ranged shit enemy throws at me instead on footmen. their archers focus me and are not aware if they're shoot at by archers of my team. no to mention i'm often being hunted down by wolfpack of light horses that always prefer rather to hunt chargers down than to hit my teamates. aye and i can kill any archer from a charger without taking any serious damage (unless he puls out some melee weapon when i'm about to ride him down).
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Everkistus on February 16, 2011, 05:19:44 pm
Horses don't need a buff. Throwing nerf is what we need.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Beauchamp on February 16, 2011, 05:24:48 pm
btw somebody said ingame that throwing is ok, the only problem is that everybody takes throwing weapon. i agree with that, its stupid you only need to spend 3-4 points into pt and get a very decent throwing weapon.

throwing is so cheap that if you make a hybrid with throwing, its not a hybrid but full melee build that has throwing as a good adition.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ujin on February 16, 2011, 05:42:45 pm
calm down no one is nerfing it ;p its just my opionion about it, and as you said yes its one of the greatest support weapons that only cost 1500, also it works oddly in melee (hitting trought allies), and in 1on1 it depends on player skills if you can easily kill pike user or not

yeah hybrids are ok, but i would love distinction between foot and mounted. i get your point it would ruin a lot of builds and bring less fun for those players but its my opinion on that matter and i know its not a popular view ;]

anyways im fine with things as they are now, just saying my biased cav player opinion
Aye, i respect other person's opinions, but you have a very scary one . :D
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: POCOMAKA on February 16, 2011, 05:46:37 pm
Horses don't need a buff. Throwing nerf is what we need.
Totally agree with u
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 16, 2011, 06:06:50 pm
Cavalry is already the most powerful thing in M&B.

No. Its just you footmen (most of you) that are totally incompetent. You personally need to learn awareness, then all you have to do is turn around and 1 stab the horse, then 1 slash the rider before he can get up.

However, cavalry can still be done. Imho its the same as in native. The only difference is that most crpg-maps are anti-cav-maps/ archers paradise.

What I just dont like is that you cant play as heavy cavalry. Its two completely different playstyles. I can get kills with Rouncey, Leather Jacket, Khergit Boots, Light Lance, thats all I need, but I have to play as sneaky back-stabber all the time because the horse dies in 1 or 2 hits what is crazy.

The heavy cavalry is more a infantry support weapon, like a tank in WW2, to charge. Since charge damage was removed, its pointless, especially because the throwing damage is insane.

The issue with throwing could be solved easily by reducing the ammo. 1 throwing lance instead of 2, and the other stuff reduced to 2 pieces of shit for each slot.
I just played Singleplayer, and some Taiga Bandit 1 shotted me of the horse, and I do play as a Knight in Singleplayer, there at least I can afford the good stuff. So throwing is just overpowered in Warband, and its the same in crpg.

fuck K:D, i'm absolutely sure my team benefits more when i ride around on charger than on destrier. aye i might not get 2 more kills i'd get on faster horse but i can survive on a charger a very long time sucking all the ranged shit enemy throws at me instead on footmen. their archers focus me and are not aware if they're shoot at by archers of my team. no to mention i'm often being hunted down by wolfpack of light horses that always prefer rather to hunt chargers down than to hit my teamates. aye and i can kill any archer from a charger without taking any serious damage (unless he puls out some melee weapon when i'm about to ride him down).

In your dreams.

In reality, one throwing lance is enough to kill your horse. (I think you have very high shield skill, so your shield magnetism makes survive your horse survive so long. Its the shield who does the work. The horse itself, even the plated charger, cant take that much especially since the archers got buffed again with some nice extra damage points.)
One half-decent lancer on an unarmored horse kills you in a second, when you cant hide behind your pikemen and archers.

The heavy horses are only for fun atm, a very expensive hobby.

But its fun. So in a week the elephant rider should be back. =)

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on February 16, 2011, 06:17:58 pm

No. Its just you footmen (most of you) that are totally incompetent. You personally need to learn awareness, then all you have to do is turn around and 1 stab the horse, then 1 slash the rider before he can get up.

Lol. I dehorse cavalry all the time, but only noobs and those who think I don't know they're coming. My awareness is just fine.

You fail at cavalry if you let your horse be stabbed with your long reach.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: _GTX_ on February 16, 2011, 06:24:26 pm
cav needs a buff.... you gotta be kidding. But i do agree on the price reduction. And prob nerf throwing instead of buffing cav.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 06:45:07 pm
Horses don't need a buff. Throwing nerf is what we need.

Don't you think a Calvary Buff would put archers and throwers on their toes again?

the reason they are running rampant is because there are no calvary to keep them in check, imo.

i was hoping more people would be interested in reviving calvary and posting ideas to get them back,
but it seems not  :(
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 16, 2011, 06:46:25 pm
and once you are dismounted you are worthless as a peasant

Sounds like you have a character build issue tbh.
Cav are no less capable on foot as they are on a horse.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Punisher on February 16, 2011, 06:52:09 pm
All this whine about cav, archery and so on is cause by one thing: THROWING. Cav doesn't need a buff, it's perfectly fine as it is and if throwing gets nerfed everything will be balanced.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: BlackMilk on February 16, 2011, 06:54:31 pm
throwing is so annoying atm :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 16, 2011, 07:01:57 pm
calvary is not fine if all the good (and i use that lightly) warhorses are absolutely outrageously priced to buy and maintain so that 27% (see first thread) of people can use them; if even that since most of the higher paygrades hardly ever use calvary.

i mean, don't get me wrong here; warhorses should not be cheap, and buying one should never be a half-hearted investment,
but as everything stands, the vast majority cannot buy "good" horses. i mean, all i really want is a 20000 dollar warhorse; thats more reasonable than this isnt it?

War Horse   37160   hit points 120
body armor  40
requirement 5
horse speed  38
horse maneuver 39
horse charge 36

the only stats here that are reasonable are the manuver and charge stats... do you think a 120 health horse with 40 armor and 38 speed is going to last long?

i mean, if charge is the problem with horses, why not reduce the price by 50%, and reduce the charge by 50%?
17 charge is certainly reasonable, if the horse was less.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Joxer on February 16, 2011, 07:32:07 pm
oh oh and a pike should be a dedicated anti-horse weapon, therefore its melee effectiveness should be decreased

there i said it

Screw you. First of all pike is the oldest melee weapon in the freaking world. It's not at all usefull in melee in game. There is only one good pikeman melee player (not me) that playes in EU. It's already the worst melee weapon there is. Go to hell  :twisted:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Joxer on February 16, 2011, 07:38:46 pm
To OP: Cavalry just received a huge buff and it's still not good enough?
To Michael: Yeah all those incompetent footmen who cant keep 360-degree view of the field. Especially when engaging in other activities. I follow cav continously and it's still fucking impossible. You have to be carfefull of enemies on foot, archers etc. and know where your own cav is. On top of that tracking enemy cav is IMPOSSIBLE.  :evil:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Punisher on February 16, 2011, 07:42:56 pm
calvary is not fine if all the good (and i use that lightly) warhorses are absolutely outrageously priced to buy and maintain so that 27% (see first thread) of people can use them; if even that since most of the higher paygrades hardly ever use calvary.

i mean, don't get me wrong here; warhorses should not be cheap, and buying one should never be a half-hearted investment,
but as everything stands, the vast majority cannot buy "good" horses. i mean, all i really want is a 20000 dollar warhorse; thats more reasonable than this isnt it?

Just as I am not supposed to wear plate all the time you are not supposed to use a warhorse all the time. Why not give me a full plate set for 20k gold if you get a 20k warhorse?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Wulzzz on February 16, 2011, 07:49:06 pm
Guy, compensating your bad playstyle just with kinda ultra items isn't the way to be.
Try improving your gamestyle first.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Chagan_Arslan on February 16, 2011, 07:55:06 pm
Screw you. First of all pike is the oldest melee weapon in the freaking world. It's not at all usefull in melee in game. There is only one good pikeman melee player (not me) that playes in EU. It's already the worst melee weapon there is. Go to hell  :twisted:

ok ill just take all the pikes and ill be on my way than ;]
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on February 16, 2011, 07:57:03 pm
Sounds like you have a character build issue tbh.
Cav are no less capable on foot as they are on a horse.
Yep. Oberyn for example does just fine on foot.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on February 16, 2011, 08:15:32 pm
Lol. I dehorse cavalry all the time, but only noobs and those who think I don't know they're coming. My awareness is just fine.

You fail at cavalry if you let your horse be stabbed with your long reach.

So true. Only noobs have problem on their horses, if they do, they need learn to play.

Cav is most powerfull class in cRPG, if they need anything it's called nerf.

Nerf to maneuver, nerf to speed, nerf to lances (way less damage, or overall soak and reduction need adjustment, or character development - like limiting people to 25. lvl). There is anyway far too much cavalry roaming around.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Riddaren on February 16, 2011, 08:23:45 pm
Being a light cavalry player myself I can't really give an opinion on armoured horses.

Unarmoured horses however are perfectly balanced imo.
About the costs; My heavy courser costs 28700 and I have no problem to afford it. My equipment worth ranges between 40k-60k.

"How much Gold do you have?"
Seems like you want all players to earn the same amount of gold no matter what they have equipped, which makes no sense at all.
Some builds simply can't be used every round. And that was the purpose of the implemented upkeep cost...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Torp on February 16, 2011, 08:37:11 pm
a rough stemation allows you to support 20k of equipment per multiplier (a little more), i.e. if you have x1, you can wear armor worth 20k without losing or gaining gold (in the long run), if you ahve x2, you can afford 40k equipment and so on.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Garrus on February 16, 2011, 08:40:11 pm
I have Riding 4, and I'm riding a Heavy Destrier, carrying a Heavy Lance and a Longsword, with level2 shield, wearing mostly mid-high gear.
Remark:Secondary, I have a cheap-to-upkeep Sumpter Horse to go to the battle from spawn in a comfortable, lazy way, when I wanna fight unmounted.
When I've entered the battle, I get off and leave my pony to others. (I suggest this, cause it raises your honour:) a Knight should not walk on foot:))

I suggest to increase horse's armor dramatically, so it can be killed only with direct attacks, not with random hatchet hits.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Engine on February 16, 2011, 09:50:12 pm
Cav player's input: Sarranids, Coursers, Destriers need to be cheaper still. Unarmored horses were never the problem, and didn't need to be made so difficult to field.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on February 16, 2011, 09:52:24 pm
Cav player's input: Sarranids, Coursers, Destriers need to be cheaper still. Unarmored horses were never the problem, so why penalize us so badly?

They always were serious problem, they are great choices for competent cavalry players as they offer great speed and manouver that allow you to kill all players except those with pikes.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Kay of Sauvage on February 16, 2011, 10:26:13 pm
I almost always use cav, even on some rather tight maps. I mainly use Rouncey, Steppe, and Courser, and occasionally use the Destrier or Cataphract. My current build is mainly polearm, with a bit of throwing (which I usually only take some war darts when I play as infantry).

The damage from melee weapons against cav is fine. I can make it hard for anyone to hit my horse with melee weapons. I have the speed and maneuver to be able to choose my fights, so melee damage is mostly avoidable. I don't need the horse to be a tank that can plow through enemy territory without much risk of being cut down. I'm happy to fight on the edges of the enemy. It just requires a little more self-control, caution.

I haven't had much of a problem versus throwers either. Throwers can be avoided fairly easily as cav on most maps. You don't need to be too far away before you're out of their accurate ranges. You can just about dodge their throws at 20 feet. So if I see a thrower who sees me as I'm running towards them, I can usually call off the charge and turn away. I'm fast, so I can leave and go find a more advantageous opportunity somewhere else on the battlefield. And I can come back later from a different angle and catch the thrower when he's not looking. Or I can even just prance around in view of the thrower to keep him distracted. You just need patience.

It's mostly only on really tight maps that I often find myself too close to throwers for too long. There is often only 1 way to approach the enemy group and no room in the narrow street or corridor to go past the group, so I'm left either trotting in a circle away from them, or dashing desperately through their line to attack, get to the other side, and make myself a hindrance for them to worry about in the rear. But this is just an issue with the map being unfavorable to cavalry.

Though I will say throwing lances/spears seem unbalanced, since they seem to take out any horse instantly no matter where on the horse they hit (followed by a 1-hit kill while the rider is on the ground). But since people are saying that throwing is getting a bit of a nerf soon, I suppose this might not be an issue for much longer.

Crossbows do a lot of damage to horses, but I'm fine with that. Their slow reload allows me to wait till they fire and then approach them before they can complete the reloading. I avoid charging a loaded crossbow that is aiming at me, since they can take down the horse with one properly placed shot. It's a lot like how I deal with throwers.

Bows are the biggest threat to horses. These are what force me to always be hiding at the beginning of the rounds, waiting for allied infantry to get in close to distract them. I could charge a single archer in the open that is aiming at me and be able to kill them if they don't dodge the attack, don't stun me as I attempt to attack, or aren't able to get a shot into the vital part of the horse. But taking on 2 or more archers in the open who aim at me during my approach is probably going to be the last charge I can complete, if it doesn't get me killed before that.

So basically, my cav strategy revolves around staying away from archer fire. On most maps, I can usually manage to find a place to fight that is blocked from archer view or is far enough from archers to make them miss a lot and not be so deadly. And there is often a way to approach archers quickly from an angle that is out of their view so that I can be close before they notice me. If they only are able to get 1 shot off before I can attack, that's a fair trade.

The biggest problem is on maps with hard-to-access platforms that archers can stand on and get a wide view of the battlefield. Sometimes it is walls/ramparts that overlook the field. Sometimes it's buildings or towers. Sometimes it's just a steep hill that either has no flat access point (for cav to approach from quickly) or is up against the boundaries of the map. These archers can hail down arrows without much worry of being caught out without support.

I don't know if I'd say that archers are unbalanced though. If archer spam is really bad on a particular map, I could pull out the cataphract, lose some money on upkeep, but at least be useful for a while. I can do that since I save money by using cheap weapons (crappy shield and war spear to go with my heavy lance) and a Rouncey on most maps. I can live with that.

But I definitely would say that horses don't need a nerf.  :wink:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Beauchamp on February 17, 2011, 01:20:37 pm
hmm charge damage for heavy horses might be the only buff i could imagine...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Engine on February 22, 2011, 07:01:09 pm
They always were serious problem, they are great choices for competent cavalry players as they offer great speed and manouver that allow you to kill all players except those with pikes.
They weren't a problem balance-wise.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Magikarp on February 22, 2011, 10:38:37 pm
hmm charge damage for heavy horses might be the only buff i could imagine...
This, there is not much reason to hit anyone anymore. The damage you deal is minimal, just make sure that these elephant classes don't arise again.

The Sarranid horse needs a manouverabality nerf, it turns way too quick.

While the Large Warhorse should get a speed buff in relation to the Cataphract horse being the heavier one. The Cataphract has heavier armour, better charge stats, better speed, everything is just better. The Large Warhorse should be faster.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Boss_Awesome on February 23, 2011, 12:58:59 am
With regard to awareness v. Cavalry:  It would be nice if the sound of horses running was a better judge if cav are close are not.  As it is now, if there are cav on anywhere on medium size or smaller map it sounds like they are in my face.

Also, nerf throwing!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: EponiCo on February 23, 2011, 01:22:43 am
Yeah, better horse sounds would be better. Uhm...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Christo on February 23, 2011, 01:23:23 am
For the over 9000th time..

(click to show/hide)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nogar on February 23, 2011, 03:14:57 am
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Raskolnikov on February 23, 2011, 08:53:55 am
"Calvary"!   :lol:

Goddamn crucifictions are useless! I mean, it took Jesus six whole hours to die! Buff Gol'gotha, buff Calvary!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: justme on February 23, 2011, 08:57:39 am
nerf cav, im too OP on my horse :)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tigerclaw on February 23, 2011, 01:51:07 pm
Back on topic...

Bought a courser a couple weeks ago and paired it with a light lance, absolutely loving it. The balance feels quite good to me, as I have to avoid pikes, skilled spearmen, and massed archers, which are the traditional counters to cav anyway, but anything else is easy prey. Fielding about 55000 worth of gear as a cav and still making money, so, IMO, no buff needed on either stats or cost. And since the OP asked for it, my build:

Level 30 (4 420 577 xp)
Strength: 18
Agility: 17
Hit points: 53

Power Strike: 6
Shield: 5
Athletics: 5
Riding: 5
Power Throw: 5
Weapon Master: 5
One Handed: 100
Polearm: 90
Throwing: 90
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: [ptx] on February 23, 2011, 02:42:17 pm
Calvary sure needs a buff, don't really see any ingame. All i see is throwers, melee, archers, cavalry and more throwers -_-
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 03:08:12 pm
horse prices are reduced by 25%, given +30 health and +15 armor, +2 riding requirement

Where the fuck should I get the 2 extra skill points from? More important, where the fuck should I get the extra 6 agi points from?

The devs are footmen, they dont want to have many horses in that game, so deal with it, and dont make suggestions that would make things a lot worse for (almost) everyone except you.

Is it silly, that a mediocre 2h player can 1 stab kill a horse, and 1 slash kill the rider before he can even get up? Of course it is.

Is it silly, that 2 arrows or 1 javelin can kill a horse, while even a guy with 8 power strike and over 100 wpf in polearms cant kill a guy in mediocre armor with 1 stab even when he is riding at full speed? Of course it is.

Cavalry is a lot harder to do than 2h/polearm-spammer, but thats part of the fun, at least in my opinion.

Also, support my suggestion to get a "pollution-free" server!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Hirlok on February 23, 2011, 03:14:49 pm
I voted "yes", and I don't have a steed and probably never will. Actually I hate them and stick an arrow in the pony wherever I see one (sometimes even friendly ones when the rider is an ass that runs his own teammates over)

But overall our ponyriders DO deserve a little more love.

Additional suggested modifications: limit mounted units to reasonable spawnpoints (ponies on ladders and towers always crack me up), and auto-kill every ponyrider molesting people in the spawn-area, just patrolling there to slay uninhabited bodies (esp. on sieges)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 07:35:40 pm
To OP: Cavalry just received a huge buff and it's still not good enough?

lol, what?
Less speed, less maneuver, charge damage removed completely, friendly fire on, nerf nerf nerfed nerfed like no other class and you are talking about a "huge buff". Seriously, thats not anti-cav lobbyism any more, thats stupid.

To Michael: Yeah all those incompetent footmen who cant keep 360-degree view of the field. Especially when engaging in other activities. I follow cav continously and it's still fucking impossible. You have to be carfefull of enemies on foot, archers etc. and know where your own cav is. On top of that tracking enemy cav is IMPOSSIBLE.  :evil:

You are incompetent because you really seem to believe that one guy with a pike/ no shield should be capable to kill 4 enemy lancers, 3 knights with morningstar on plated chargers, 7 2h/polearm spammers and the 13 remaining ranged my old friends.
When you want to act like this, go play Singleplayer AI on poor.
Seriously man.............learn to teamplay a bit, guard one side, let others guard the other entrance, and archers stand behind your pike, and its a completely different situation. But running out alone in the open field, and then cry cav was op because you cant kill all 8 of them, only 7, is ridiculous for real.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 07:45:59 pm
So true. Only noobs have problem on their horses, if they do, they need learn to play.

Cav is most powerfull class in cRPG, if they need anything it's called nerf.

Nerf to maneuver, nerf to speed, nerf to lances (way less damage, or overall soak and reduction need adjustment, or character development - like limiting people to 25. lvl). There is anyway far too much cavalry roaming around.


Learn to ride a horse first you shield my old friend.

1hshielder, too stupid to carry a bamboo spear and then cry that cav was op.

Same goes for Xant and all the other noobs that have never ever played a horseman.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 07:51:28 pm
Yep. Oberyn for example does just fine on foot.

OH MY GOD, are you really that stupid?

Its not about a single person that does good or bad on horse or on foot, its about balance.

A horseman needs to invest skillpoints in riding, maybe shield, too.
A 2h noob like you doesnt need these skills, do you?
So obviously you have more agi, more athletics, more power strike, more wpf.
Is that so hard to understand? Its not that complicated. I mean, that Gorath who beats women doesnt understand that, doesnt surprise me much, he is a poor plain stupid brut. So are you his level? For real? Congrats!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 23, 2011, 08:00:49 pm
OH MY GOD, are you really that stupid?

Its not about a single person that does good or bad on horse or on foot, its about balance.

A horseman needs to invest skillpoints in riding, maybe shield, too.
A 2h noob like you doesnt need these skills, do you?
So obviously you have more agi, more athletics, more power strike, more wpf.
Is that so hard to understand? Its not that complicated. I mean, that Gorath who beats women doesnt understand that, doesnt surprise me much, he is a poor plain stupid brut. So are you his level? For real? Congrats!

Since you're inept:
(click to show/hide)
Or you can get away with other more efficient builds if you forgo polearm wpf, which you don't need at all to use a lance, and still retain 130 in 1her.

It's not hard at all to build a cav character that can fight on foot just as easily.  OMG, numbers, so hard to manipulate!  You're just a terribad player, cav are fine as is and if anything still gamechangingly buff.  If you have problems fighting on foot as a cav then the problem lies between the keyboard and chair.  Period.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 08:01:18 pm
Lol. I dehorse cavalry all the time,

See. Thats what I am talking about. When you can do that, theres something wrong.

but only noobs

What is a noob? Someone who plays this game for a few weeks? Like you?

and those who think I don't know they're coming. My awareness is just fine.

You fail at cavalry if you let your horse be stabbed with your long reach.

See, you dont even know there is a difference between polearm and 2h animation. The 2h thrust to the horses head outreaches the lance to the footman, and thats just silly.
So, when the horseman wants to outreach the 2hstab, he has to circle around and hit him in the right angle, what is silly. It shouldnt need skill or complicated maneuver what can only be done with a horse with tons of maneuver like Sarranid or Steppe or Desert to beat a sword with the lance.

I am aware that new players like you need a class that can easily be done.

Perhaps in a few months you get bored and play a class that needs some skill, be it pure 1h (no shield), cavalry or whatever, then you will learn what a stupid noob you were. Have a nice night. =)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 23, 2011, 08:05:09 pm
It shouldnt need skill

Pretty much what all of your retarded whine posts boil down to.  For the record, cav barely requires skill so don't complain about the little bit that it DOES require.   :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Michael on February 23, 2011, 08:06:05 pm
Courser 19,818 gold
Lance 3,374 gold
Horseman's Kite Shield 1,978 gold
Cavalry Robe 3,582 gold
In total: ~29 000 gold. Yep, gear for the horseman is so f*** expensive. Average equipment for 2hander costs more or less the same. And take a look at Ujin, Simon Templar, TomMyyY, they don't need tanks and black armour to have KD ratio ~10:1.

All of the people you have mentionned use the heavy lance. Do your homework before wasting time with your incompetent comments.

Ujin, I have never seen without heavy samurai armor, but I am not playing a lot.

The two Templars I have never seen doing anything but killing afk people and hunting peasants, running away from everyone who is a menace to them.

With their playstyle, a mediocre 2h can run around with no armor at all, using 2hsword, katana, nodachi, or long hafted blade, and bring the same or better k d ratios.

I have posted screenshots that prove I had k d of 11 at level 9 using Leather Jacket and Khergit Boots and Nodachi.

Also, why on earth should a footman have better armor than a nobleman? Doesnt make sense.

Bah, one day you dumb people crush my head.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 23, 2011, 08:13:39 pm
than a nobleman?.

Someone takes the whole "Peasant and knight" commentary way too seriously.  Guess what, you're not a "nobleman".  You're just a soldier with armor and a horse.  No more removed from a peasant than anyone else on the field.  Sorry to burst your delusions.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: [ptx] on February 23, 2011, 08:38:59 pm
than a nobleman?
Still making those silly claims of nobility? None shall ever support, them, you filthy peasant. Now go back to tending to those swine!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on February 23, 2011, 09:17:14 pm
(click to show/hide)

You play on horse, up to destrier. You can play all the time with standard mail that offer some protection (my standard 1h+shield use such gear as footmen). Going dedicated footman there is also option to put those 6 points in throwing or ironflesh. Ironflesh hardly give any advantage, Throwing is nice. So it's one of two most viable build choices infantry 1h+shield can make. 2h and Poles can make better pure build, 1h cannot (18/21 or 21/18 with gimped shield - 3 or 4, better 4 for huscarl - is also option, but it's not that much efficient).
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on February 23, 2011, 10:01:17 pm
Well, truth be told, with IF and extra armour (I figured I could upkeep a total of 56 body armour fairly easily without a horse and with my shield plus SCS combo, although it's not exactly a footman's weapon), it might be noticeably more survivable. But still... not a big deal, and the worst high-damage offenders like throwing don't give a toss if you've got 44 body armour or 56, it's still a twoshot.

I'm currently playing a 1h/crossbow horseman hybrid, it's fun and effective. More effective then the footmen I made? Slightly, yes, on maps which allow it, it's a bit weaker (well, noticeably to be honest) on foot then a pure 1h would be or a pure 1h/cav would be, but oh well. The extra efficiency on the cavalry-tolerant maps compensates, and I probably have more experience fighting on horseback then on foot.

If I went as a footman I'd almost certainly go for a 21/15 build, I had that last generation and it was effective when I was dehorsed despite the 5 skill points spent in riding, and split 1h/polearm proficiencies (well, that wasn't that much of a handicap actually since I'd grab my masterwork glaive sometimes for infantry maps, nice to have in combo with shield+sword).

By the way, it took me quite a while to get used to the 1h way of combat, it's fundamentally different then fighting with 2h/polearms. Someone used to fighting with a glaive needs time to cope with the fact he can't counterattack after a block everytime. But after some time even with the really slow SCS I could do reasonably well vs most people using some sort of modified Gnjus style.

Anyway, the whole story about cavalry needing a buff, no they don't. They've got plenty of upsides to compensate for the inability of cavalry to fight someone headon. The agility of horses (especially the superdupermaneuver line of horses) enables you to be the perfect backstabber. Sure, some people might detest that role, but it's what cavalry does. You can't have both the ability to be the super backstabber and being able to frontally charge. The fairly evenly split of yes/no suggests that cavalry currently is fairly balanced, since almost half the people fail at playing the class according to the poll (the people who voted "yes").

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Soldier_of_God on February 24, 2011, 08:42:16 am
You know, i wonder how many archers, throwers, and polearm people voted on this thread that horses dont need a buff. it really pisses me off since the patch that horses suck ass; people like that just rub salt in the wound... they fight ranged because they cant fight hand to hand. oh, and God forbid if calvary is the only units that can kill them while they run away for a better shot.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: PhantomZero on February 24, 2011, 08:59:09 am
there really isnt any reason to use a plated charger or wear heavy armor on horseback. I think the price on the plated charger should be cut in half or its effectiveness increased. Any blunt weapon can 2-hit a heavy plated charger at speed if the rider isn't already dead.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Whalen207 on February 24, 2011, 09:00:31 am
being able to frontally charge

U sure you've been a cav?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on February 24, 2011, 05:08:15 pm
You know, i wonder how many archers, throwers, and polearm people voted on this thread that horses dont need a buff. it really pisses me off since the patch that horses suck ass; people like that just rub salt in the wound... they fight ranged because they cant fight hand to hand. oh, and God forbid if calvary is the only units that can kill them while they run away for a better shot.

I am cav. I voted no.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 24, 2011, 05:34:34 pm
You know, i wonder how many archers, throwers, and polearm people voted on this thread that horses dont need a buff. it really pisses me off since the patch that horses suck ass; people like that just rub salt in the wound... they fight ranged because they cant fight hand to hand. oh, and God forbid if calvary is the only units that can kill them while they run away for a better shot.

My retort is that people fight hand-to-hand because they don't know how to fight range (I have seen the vast majority of archers shoot and it disgusts me).

Regardless, in all seriousness, I am an archer and I voted Yes, as Cavalry are a good counter to archers. As it is, Cavalry costs too much upkeep in my opinion. I have memories of 10 cav on one 90 person map, but I have much more memories of there just being two or three (Too few) in that size of a fight.

We need to see just a little more cav, somehow, or some kind of buff to make them more viable.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 24, 2011, 08:16:36 pm
We need to see just a little more cav, somehow, or some kind of buff to make them more viable.

Ew.  And I even use anti-cav weapons in melee primarily (not counting my mancleaver).  But more cav than the 10+ we have on any map with 2 inches of flat ground somewhere would start to be too much cav.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Engine on February 24, 2011, 11:29:57 pm
Would you prefer the pre-patch 10+ Catas and the sprinkling of Plated Chargers on each map, instead? You'd think people would be happy at how painful it is to field any unarmored cav above Rounceys, nowadays.  :)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: EponiCo on February 25, 2011, 01:30:09 am
My retort is that people fight hand-to-hand because they don't know how to fight range (I have seen the vast majority of archers shoot and it disgusts me).

Regardless, in all seriousness, I am an archer and I voted Yes, as Cavalry are a good counter to archers. As it is, Cavalry costs too much upkeep in my opinion. I have memories of 10 cav on one 90 person map, but I have much more memories of there just being two or three (Too few) in that size of a fight.

We need to see just a little more cav, somehow, or some kind of buff to make them more viable.

Get different maps.
On EU often there are 10 to 20 cav on 100 person server.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on February 25, 2011, 01:32:10 am
Would you prefer the pre-patch 10+ Catas and the sprinkling of Plated Chargers on each map, instead? You'd think people would be happy at how painful it is to field any unarmored cav above Rounceys, nowadays.  :)

No.  Or rather, I'd be ok with that only if I can have my level 36+ back with the ability to be a 3-4 weapon hybrid.  Then ok.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 25, 2011, 02:24:31 am
Get different maps.
On EU often there are 10 to 20 cav on 100 person server.

I find it fascinating how the different servers have vastly different playgroups, heh.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: PhantomZero on February 25, 2011, 03:48:53 am
I think the best way to help cav, would be to make the shield actually protect the rider from the front when the lance is down. It is far too easy to score a rider hit when they are riding at you with their lance down and their shield sticking out to the side instead of infront of them. With arrows, rocks, bolts, whatever it doesn't matter, the shield does nothing when the lance is down in couch mode.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on February 25, 2011, 04:07:46 am
Cavalry doesn't need any "help."
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on February 25, 2011, 10:53:42 pm
Cavalry doesn't need any "help."

Calvary on the other hand need serious buff, when you seen it last time in the game ? It must be fubar atm if nobody use it.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on February 25, 2011, 10:58:33 pm
Now that you mention it, I don't think I've ever seen a single dedicated or even hybrid calvary player..  :?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Neostralie on February 26, 2011, 01:31:43 am
Horses don't need buff. They need balances.

They need speed, armor and PV buff but a maneuver nerf. Cavalry actually can too easily dodge pike-mens. But on the other hand, you can jump to reach them even wearing a 30kg (66lbs) armor.

I'm not a cavalry dedicated player but I like to play on a horse when the map allows me to.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ganon on February 26, 2011, 10:42:57 pm
Cavalry needs a nerf. Every time a good cav plays, he tops the scoreboard without competition. The reasons are simple:
- couching is unblockable and oneshots even plated characters, with long range, this is throwing imbalance + barmace imbalance all in one
- they're fast, so they can chose the target and the direction and if they're smart it's not easy to hear and/or see them coming in time
- should they notice you see them and they don't want to take any risks, they'll switch target
- versatility, you can use a 1h+shield on horse, a polearm, or some ranged weapon
- horse bump, so you hit even if you miss or can hit through blocks without couching

What i would suggest to do is:
- remove couched damage from long weapons
- reduce horse speed and turn rate
- increase skill requirements and point requirements for riding! every cav is almost as good as a dedicated infantry character which is just wrong
- if possible, increase speed loss when horse bumping based on target weight, if i'm a tincan with a hammer a sword and a shield i weigh a ton and the stupid horse needs to slow down alot more
- if someone is blocking with a shield then he horse gets slowed down more on impact based on the shield weight

How would you even think to ask a buff when cav is so OP it's not even funny. It's a little harder to use so it appears to be ok with average player skill, but good players absolutely dominate the game with it.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on February 26, 2011, 11:36:08 pm
I thought good players dominated everything they do?
Your post does bring up a few good points, though I disagree on couching being a reason (As in my experience it is so niche used for a good cav player, as it can rarely be used wthout resulting in the target dodging and beheading the rider).
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Neostralie on February 27, 2011, 01:46:51 pm
Cavalry needs a nerf. Every time a good cav plays, he tops the scoreboard without competition. The reasons are simple:
- couching is unblockable and oneshots even plated characters, with long range, this is throwing imbalance + barmace imbalance all in one
- they're fast, so they can chose the target and the direction and if they're smart it's not easy to hear and/or see them coming in time
- should they notice you see them and they don't want to take any risks, they'll switch target
- versatility, you can use a 1h+shield on horse, a polearm, or some ranged weapon
- horse bump, so you hit even if you miss or can hit through blocks without couching

With Speed buff and a big bloody maneuver nerf, they won't be able to be high speed versatile. They would be able to charge but with a Pike they would be dead. Also they won't be able to maneuver at high speed in little spaces as they do now.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on February 27, 2011, 04:40:03 pm
Cavalry needs a nerf. Every time a good cav plays, he tops the scoreboard without competition. The reasons are simple:
- couching is unblockable and oneshots even plated characters, with long range, this is throwing imbalance + barmace imbalance all in one
- they're fast, so they can chose the target and the direction and if they're smart it's not easy to hear and/or see them coming in time
- should they notice you see them and they don't want to take any risks, they'll switch target
- versatility, you can use a 1h+shield on horse, a polearm, or some ranged weapon
- horse bump, so you hit even if you miss or can hit through blocks without couching

What i would suggest to do is:
- remove couched damage from long weapons
- reduce horse speed and turn rate
- increase skill requirements and point requirements for riding! every cav is almost as good as a dedicated infantry character which is just wrong
- if possible, increase speed loss when horse bumping based on target weight, if i'm a tincan with a hammer a sword and a shield i weigh a ton and the stupid horse needs to slow down alot more
- if someone is blocking with a shield then he horse gets slowed down more on impact based on the shield weight

How would you even think to ask a buff when cav is so OP it's not even funny. It's a little harder to use so it appears to be ok with average player skill, but good players absolutely dominate the game with it.

I'm not sure if you are trolling or not...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: justme on February 27, 2011, 04:43:46 pm
not speed, only turn rate.. if he has shield in other hand
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Toffi on February 27, 2011, 08:46:27 pm
Last round, I was using my warhorse for one round, it got onehitted by a throwing axe and died.

Think about it.

A Warhorse.

Repair costs: 2000 gold.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Toffi on February 27, 2011, 09:14:45 pm
Courser 19,818 gold
Lance 3,374 gold
Horseman's Kite Shield 1,978 gold
Cavalry Robe 3,582 gold
In total: ~29 000 gold. Yep, gear for the horseman is so f*** expensive. Average equipment for 2hander costs more or less the same. And take a look at Ujin, Simon Templar, TomMyyY, they don't need tanks and black armour to have KD ratio ~10:1.

Don't agree on 10:1
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Wulzzz on February 27, 2011, 09:22:22 pm
Last round, I was using my warhorse for one round, it got onehitted by a throwing axe and died.

Think about it.

Bad luck.A headshot from pure thrower i guess.

And still: the times of plated charger+full plate is over.

Think about it.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Rextard on February 27, 2011, 09:27:44 pm
I don't get the impression Cavalry needs a buff. Last build with 3 riding and the default 1 wpf in polearms, I could get a couple couch kills some rounds, before my horse died.


"Not to be confused with cavalry (horse or armoured troops)." I only bring it up for the sake of informedness, not to be a douche or a turd sandwich.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ganon on February 27, 2011, 09:50:25 pm
Throwing is OP as well, especially high PT builds, which can oneshot even a panzer or a dreadnaught from the future. It isn't a valid argument: cav is OP but throwing is OP too so it's ok! Not..
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Patricia on February 27, 2011, 10:03:36 pm
Last round, I was using my warhorse for one round, it got onehitted by a throwing axe and died.

Think about it.

A Warhorse.

Repair costs: 2000 gold.

That's your own problem for rushing throwers head on, you got killed by the speed bonus and he most likely hit your horse right in the face, your horse deserved to die.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: POOPHAMMER on February 27, 2011, 11:13:30 pm
I own a sumpter, rouncey, heavy courser, champion cataphract, mamluk, and a plated charger

it seems like it should go from bad -> better horse but this is quite untrue. A regular cataphract is better than the mamluk and plated charger. A heavy courser is better than the champ cataphract I own and the rouncey is an all around good horse with cheap upkeep. The armoured horses simply die faster on me than my rouncey and courser because not only do people go after them first, they are too slow to merit a defense againt some jackass on an unarmoured horse with any ranged weapon, or spinning thrusts of those god awful pikes. The horses themselves seem to be fine, but I think if you are thrusting a weapon on foot you should not be able to move at all. It really fucks over any kind of evasion you try to do when they pull out a pike last minute. Cav is expensive for upkeep if you want to use good gear on it too. I dunno it just seems to me the patch really screwed over cav, at least for me. The armoured horses are almost useless anymore.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Toffi on February 28, 2011, 05:10:34 pm
Bad luck.A headshot from pure thrower i guess.

And still: the times of plated charger+full plate is over.

Think about it.

If you are Wulz, the horse archer i am always killing, stfu.

That's your own problem for rushing throwers head on, you got killed by the speed bonus and he most likely hit your horse right in the face, your horse deserved to die.

I didn't rush them head-on, I am an experienced cav, they've killed my horse from the side. It wasn't in the face, it was in the front. Come on, it's an armoured horse, and throwing axes should not 1-hit kill these kind of horses.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: La Makina on February 28, 2011, 06:16:56 pm
Personally, I am fine with cav (I play infantry). I would think of some suggestions that would make the game more sportive:

Fix the sounds of horses: they are deceiving. Sometimes they seem to be far although they are close (or the opposite). Detecting direction is also tricky (even with my 4 speakers). If I could hear them coming, things would be really different (less easy backstab notably).

Lower the maneuver and reduce the acceleration but increase the top speed. Some mods did this and it really makes sense. Yesterday, I tried to ambush a cav: when I jumped out of my hideout, the rider could brake, make a u turn and escape at full throttle (in a jet fighter this would be a 8G maneuver and the breakfast on the windscreen). Currently cav can turn and evade attacks like TIE fighters.

Lower stats of horses as they get wounded (not sure that this is not already implemented).

Turning the thrust: this is the thing I dislike the most. I rely a lot on footsteps and the fact that a rider can wipe the air in a 60° cone attack voids any attempt to dodge. I know it is the same problem with thrust of infantry (and overhead attacks). The thrust should remain locked in the direction the rider aimed at (quite logic IMO) or be very slow to turn (like the couch).
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on February 28, 2011, 06:23:05 pm
Lower the maneuver and reduce the acceleration but increase the top speed. Some mods did this and it really makes sense. Yesterday, I tried to ambush a cav: when I jumped out of my hideout, the rider could brake, make a u turn and escape at full throttle (in a jet fighter this would be a 8G maneuver and the breakfast on the windscreen). Currently cav can turn and evade attacks like TIE fighters.

It is silly, especially on the high maneuver type of horses, -10 maneuver or so would make a ton more sense. But on the other hand, so is horse corpses being ethereal (so for instance, when someone charges me with a horse I can overhead the horse in the face, and when timed right, I can also overhead the rider on the floor in a second), and infantry being able to jump and attack like it does now.

I mean, with 12 agi and light armour you can jump over a rouncey. Not to mention you can attack and do the same damage as if you were putting your full body weight in. Not to mention putting a pike out of invisible hammerspace then spinning with it as if it was a toy rather then a 2.5 meter long fairly heavy piece of wood.

If you want things to be sensible, they have to go both ways.

When I'm on foot (it's fairly often), the only horses I find really to be problematic are the superduperagile ones which can turn on a dime.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Mtemtko on February 28, 2011, 06:45:46 pm
Just my opinion on currenct cav:

With a cav char (21/15) i'm doing pretty fine, with 130 1h wpf/80 polearm wpf , 2k gold worth shield, 500 gold armor,heavy lance,courser and military cleaver im making a steady income at 3 x+ bonus  and im having a blast too.
( i had a break down last week tho, lost 20k gold in one day with THAT gear, because the courser broke almost every round)
With the military cleaver combined with 7PS i oneshot upto tranny armor with a good strike and upto heraldic mail with a normal lance hit, even with 5IF and 21str im very fragile because im wearing robes ( i cant afford better armor, upkeep is killing me), the cav itself if we ignore the upkeep is quite good and im loving it... but its upkeep that kills it.

On ground i can do well too if i have support,but i usually die in 1v1 situations  because of the sluggish shield and only 130wpf in onehander (most people are ALOT faster than me).
The military cleaver is a very good choice ( i underestimated it myself,but seeing oneshot everything with decent all around stats im preety surprised)
I would use sarranid cav sword if i had loads of money, but the difference is only in lenght.
All i want now is a nerf to upkeep so i can put on some mail :P
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Kalam on February 28, 2011, 06:52:15 pm
What? Jesus doesn't die quickly enough on it for you?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Wulzzz on February 28, 2011, 07:01:31 pm
My impressions as HA on cav....

Why do cav need a buff?
I still see good cav players doing good effort for their team.Especially the ones using sarranid horse or destrier.( high riding skill)
When i see rouncy, palfrey or even courser i automatically assume that they are noobs.

But many cav are so dumb idiotic that i guess they need mameluke horse + plate armor in compensation.
I'm HA and about 80% of the cav i face are pure idiotic=trying to hunt me in open field without archer support.

The only cav i take serious are the ones using sarranid horse + high riding skill, as they actually have a chance in killing me, when i'm not directly near big fights.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Kafein on February 28, 2011, 07:15:57 pm
My suggestion is to buff the charge damage and survivability of horses a lot, maybe (maybe !) decrease prices a tad, as a tradeoff to a big nerf in maneuvrability (expescially for maneuvrability-oriented horses).

There's a reason why cav charges were, well... you know... charges. Not randomly picking on scattered enemies.

My impressions as HA on cav....

Why do cav need a buff?
I still see good cav players doing good effort for their team.Especially the ones using sarranid horse or destrier.( high riding skill)
When i see rouncy, palfrey or even courser i automatically assume that they are noobs.

But many cav are so dumb idiotic that i guess they need mameluke horse + plate armor in compensation.
I'm HA and about 80% of the cav i face are pure idiotic=trying to hunt me in open field without archer support.

The only cav i take serious are the ones using sarranid horse + high riding skill, as they actually have a chance in killing me, when i'm not directly near big fights.

I don't know you, but as 100% of other HA's you sure are focusing only on enemy horses. Melee cavs have absolutely no means of defense against that (the game is sick broken about that, how can you aim an shoot while another horse is bumping into yours...), and the only defendable reaction is fleeing to "ally archers", if they exist and care to help you, and if your horse survives the escape run. Chasing the HA usually isn't idiotic. As he flees, just go back, hope he's victimizing someone else, and enjoy a few seconds of safe time.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on February 28, 2011, 07:20:29 pm
On ground i can do well too if i have support,but i usually die in 1v1 situations  because of the sluggish shield and only 130wpf in onehander (most people are ALOT faster than me).

Meh, I have the same build and 120 wpf and a sarranid cavalry sword and it's fine for infantry combat, I fight on foot sometimes because it's stupid to play cav on some maps. It is usable. I'm quite sure you can afford to upkeep it too, try it out, the lenght makes it a great cavalry sword even if it's not something I'd pick if I was a footman. Just don't stab with it, gets you in trouble more then it's useful.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Wulzzz on February 28, 2011, 07:29:24 pm

I don't know you, but as 100% of other HA's you sure are focusing only on enemy horses. Melee cavs have absolutely no means of defense against that (the game is sick broken about that, how can you aim an shoot while another horse is bumping into yours...), and the only defendable reaction is fleeing to "ally archers", if they exist and care to help you, and if your horse survives the escape run. Chasing the HA usually isn't idiotic. As he flees, just go back, hope he's victimizing someone else, and enjoy a few seconds of safe time.

Riding after HA in open field without archer support IS idiotic.
If i would be a cav i wouldn't keep riding after HA and always loose my horse..why do many others think this is a good idea? I don't get it.
As cav knowing the enemy team has HAs i would wait until the archers move out a bit and then choose where attacking would make sense and fall back to archer cover when HA chase me.
I would think before i attack where the best chances would be... and NOT ride into the battle like some crazy maniac.

Compensating the lack of tactical understanding and common knowledge with better items(always upkeepable warhorse+) is just not the way to be.
I mean.. archers got nerfed in EVERY aspect and i still play good as HA.
Why? Because i could adept to it.
Obviously many cav hang back in the time where metal horse + good body armor granted them easy kills.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Solidox on March 07, 2011, 11:54:21 am
I myself a Pure Cav player in this gen have no problem with upkeep. My only complaint on cav is how easily crossbows but mostly throwing can take it down, But as everyone knows throwing is probably going to see darker days soon. So I won't have much of a problem. I use a light lancer build of my own using a Rouncy, tunic with mail, I vary my lances accordingly, as well as a knightly heater shield and I usually MAKE money while playing. I bought a steel shield, Courser, and tons of 1h weps; went from 100k down to about 60k then made it all back in about 2-3 days(While still riding about 60% of the time).

I also like the fact that Cav is a luxury class to teams. I'll throw it from both sides of the fence here. For realism nuts only the noble elite could afford horses. For the arcade side if everyone had horses It would not be as fun to use them. As well I own, Sumter, Rouncy, Courser, and Destrier. Never really bothered with the armored horses, speed is not a good trade off for armor in my opinion.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 07, 2011, 12:28:28 pm

-backstab or death
-cloth armour or broke
-1-hit horse or broke
-always run from foot fights cause you're always slower
-always run from foot fights cause you always do less damage
-always run from foot fights cause even archers can afford better armour and weapons

Why do we even have ARMOURED HORSES?
Noone ever uses them. Maybe 1 or 2 people.

=> we have armoured horses IG for the 3 persons who rarely ever use them

good job diversity!
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Cyclopsided on March 07, 2011, 12:35:24 pm
I made a horse and do well with it and have fun. They take way more beating than is suggested in every thread, my courser survives three arrows for sure.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on March 07, 2011, 12:40:44 pm
Idk, I do just fine on a horse with a onehander (I use a lance for times when using a onehander wouldn't work) and I do just fine defending vs horses on foot with a onehander (which is generally easy, although the superagile horses are somewhat of a problem... but a lancer on a courser, rouncey, palfrey or such is generally speaking going to get dehorsed and then lose a lot of HP or die while he's faceplanting).

The easiest way I found to kill horses is to step in front of it and overhead it with a 1h sword. They don't expect it, and it onehits the horse. But being a horseman on some maps is really the route to easy kills vs unaware opponents... so eh. Horses in CRPG are basically very mobile backstabbing machines, if people spot you, you pick on someone else.

As for upkeep... yes, it is a pain for a courser (990g repair), forces you to keep the rest of the gear cheapish, especially if you want to have a lance as well as a normal weapon and shield on top. But I don't find it crippling really, and I guess you can always use a rouncey or palfrey or steppe.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Killface_ on March 07, 2011, 01:41:36 pm
i have played cav 9 out of 10 gens, so a long enough time for some of you to know me..
i have sumpter, rouncey, champion steppe, courser, destrier and charger but i have played quite a few rounds on catapract aswell
i play with sidesword and steppe horse and do quite well, but that does not mean the internal balance of cav is ok..
after the patch heavier than destrier is worthless, they may live longer, but yield a mouch WORSE k/d, and i say this as heavy cav pre patch.
i think the heavy horses should have slightly worse manouver but less cost, that way you choose to be able to charge more head on or be a light/ninja cav
the choise of horse should be connected to playstyle.
a choise between charging/durability and flaking/monuverability
i dont think heavier should equal more cost by it self, i think the sum of stats of the horse should determine its cost.

Ps: saying cav is balanced because Tommy and Ujin is doing well is not realy a valid argument since most would be cavs are doing less than good compared to the cost of their gear.
tommy and ujin was using light horses pre patch also... the upkeep nerf hit the heavy cavaly hardest and its that clas that needs a little love, not cav in general(except for throwing nerf)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Spawny on March 07, 2011, 02:05:57 pm
The easiest way I found to kill horses is to step in front of it and overhead it with a 1h sword. They don't expect it, and it onehits the horse.

Doesn't work vs skilled cav. They turn just before they hit (sideways stab) to outrange anything but a pike and even pikes when the guy holding it times it wrong.

Pre-patch I dehorsed cav with my long espada eslavona all the time by outranging their heavy lance. It only worked with head on charges and most didn't bother to do the turning when they saw a 1h chambering an thrust. Haven't used my long espada much since the patch.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on March 07, 2011, 02:16:50 pm
They don't even have to turn - just ride from far enough. Most cav make the mistake of aiming for a 100% sure hit so they put their horse at risk too. Someone good (well lots of them still fall for the "Oh my, I have no idea you're coming... come couch me" trick) is impossible to kill without a pike.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Noble Crassius on March 07, 2011, 03:27:54 pm
Heavy cav does

Why do you think no one uses them?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Memento_Mori on March 07, 2011, 03:55:23 pm
Heavy cav does

Why do you think no one uses them?

coz they're expensive lol :P

Heavy cav imo is still better than light cav, light cav die, heavy cav annoy your team generally longer.

imo some of the light cav's HP/armor needs to be adjusted, when I went cav there was no reason to use a Rouncey over a Courser other than price. Courser has more... everything. Palfrey, steppe horse & desert horse are useless in my opinion ( I like a balance between fast & maneuverability & survivability ) because they have such low armor & health + next to nothing for a bump, I see no reason for ME to choose one of the gimped horses with less armor,hp,speed & charge damage
Rounce & Courser are THE horses if you're going light cav.

I always thought that the more mobile the horse was the less armor/hp it should have, I know it's expensive which can justify it being the best light horse but it really makes Cav look stale, all I see is Coursers and rounceys for light cav & warhorse, cata, & plated charger for heavy (though you hardly ever see heavy horses but when I do see them that's what I see being used.)

obviously just my opinion, & no I don't pay attention to every horse so maybe people are using the other light horses as well & I'm just blind/ignorant of it. :P
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on March 07, 2011, 03:57:29 pm
Heavy cav does

Why do you think no one uses them?

Because they're worthless. I mean, the top I'd maybe consider is a destrier... but it doesn't last a lot more then a lighter horse really, and is a bit slow unless you heirloom it 2-3 times. Above that? Doesn't make a lot more sense these days.

Bear in mind that the speed and maneuver nerf percentually speaking hit the heavier horses more. Which I don't mind that much... but; the charge nerf also reduced a large part of their allure, and with the poliferation of throwing, their survivability isn't really any better, since the best defense against throwing and it's insane damage is to not get hit in the first place. So they don't really have a lot of reason for existing.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: ThePoopy on March 07, 2011, 04:11:07 pm
sumpter horse = wortless
rouncey = cheap+good
palfrey = fast
steppe horse/desert horse = lancing/HA
courser = lancing
saracen horse = everything
destrier = bumpslashing
all heavier = slow+expensive
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Memento_Mori on March 07, 2011, 04:12:55 pm
Because they're worthless. I mean, the top I'd maybe consider is a destrier... but it doesn't last a lot more then a lighter horse really, and is a bit slow unless you heirloom it 2-3 times. Above that? Doesn't make a lot more sense these days.

Bear in mind that the speed and maneuver nerf percentually speaking hit the heavier horses more. Which I don't mind that much... but; the charge nerf also reduced a large part of their allure, and with the poliferation of throwing, their survivability isn't really any better, since the best defense against throwing and it's insane damage is to not get hit in the first place. So they don't really have a lot of reason for existing.

As far as I know they're going to nerf throwing next patch so what purpose would it solve to make heavy horses more effective when the reasoning behind making them more effective would be to stop throwers who won't be as effective anymore xD

Wow I used the word effective a little too much there.
I'd use a Courser over Destrier 20 hp and 9 more armor is really not that big of a difference when you consider the speed & maneuverability loss.

Destrier is light cav to me .. maybe light-medium lol but not at all heavy.

best heavy cav imo is Warhorse or Cata (I like balance between speed, maneuverability & survivability.... price comes last)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Huey Newton on March 07, 2011, 04:16:12 pm
Cavalry don't need a buff
they are all fine the way they are
they just need to be cheaper
so light cav is a viable option

otherwise overpaying for a horse that gets shot down in 2-3 arrows is bullshit
clear and throughout
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Noble Crassius on March 07, 2011, 04:24:07 pm
Heavy cav is expensive sure but that's not the only reason people don't use them I'm sure plenty of cav players have 70k+ stock pile of gold (like me). I don't use em because it really isa a heavy investment for not alot of use. Their slow causing them to only act as walking, and I do mean walking targets for any range, or enemy light cav. Heavy cav sticks out like a sore thumb on the battlefield. With cav bumps near useless on all but the lightest of armored opponents I don't see a reason to go heavy cav when I can run around and one hit lance people on my courser. With the slow speed on heavy cav I don't think I even could one hit anybody.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: bruce on March 07, 2011, 11:49:11 pm
With the slow speed on heavy cav I don't think I even could one hit anybody.

Bear in mind that the cavalry speed nerf (deserved after riding skill change) percentually hit heavy cavalry more then light cavalry, since they all lost 2 speed rating. But percentually losing 2 speed rating on a 50 speed horse is a lot less then losing 2 speed rating on a 40 speed horse.

And survivability of a horse, bar the (especially heirloomed) riding 5 horses and maybe charger, is more about how not to get shot or piked/stabbed (the fast horses help with the first, the superagile horses help with the second) rather than being able to tank the hits. Really high amounts or cut, and especially pierce (which is very common) don't care about armour much, especially once you involve speed bonuses.

I just don't see a role for heavy horses anymore. That said, they were silly in the previous incarnation of crpg. But on the other hand now they've been reduced to effective ways of losing lots of gold.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 08, 2011, 09:31:28 am
Armoured horses is a status symbol for infantry, they can't ride them, but have too much money, cavalry players don't have enough moiney on the other hand.
We have armoured horses IG for the 3 people who rarely ever use them.
I think horses are way too expensive.

archers can afford armour, throwers can afford armour, infa can afford armour, Xbow can afford armour, cavalry CAN'T
cause horse upkeep is too expensive.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Rextard on March 08, 2011, 09:40:20 am
So? Do you see the kills ROHYPNOL and RUFFIES get riding around shirtless?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 08, 2011, 09:55:03 am
if anyone is skilled enough he can get kills.
if someone like Ragni would go naked with his coockies,he would get lot's of kills too.

talking about survivability.

even the most skilled player can die from a lucky hit. and if that skilled player is cavalry, it has less chance he'll survive because he can't wear better armour due to upkeep, while any infantry player or even archer could've survived that because they can afford.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: IRunUDie on March 08, 2011, 10:00:22 am
I think cav needs to be nerfed
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Zisa on March 08, 2011, 05:59:03 pm
I have:
Plated Armadildo
and the best..

And to think, just last week I heard peeps asking for a nerf to cav. The plated charger is for shits and giggles.

Edit: oh ya, NO.
If you are running low on cash, spend a gen as a ninja, you will probably have 100k + after wards.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on March 09, 2011, 10:48:03 pm
if someone like Ragni would go naked with his coockies,he would get lot's of kills too.

"kills"... so that's what you rose boys call it. Ragni naked with his... coockies? Freudian slip? Mhm, mhm...

I now know why the clan's called "of Rose." It's an euphemism for "gay" if I'm getting this right. (Should've seen it coming though, we all should've)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Toffi on March 09, 2011, 10:52:33 pm
Leave it the way it is.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tai Feng on March 10, 2011, 06:23:25 pm
Heavy cav is expensive sure but that's not the only reason people don't use them

Heavy cavalry is trash. It's too slow which means all projectiles glue on you, and unless you have heirloomed weapons you will also deal shit damage as heavy cavalry (compared to faster cav which gives speed bonus). I've bought tons of horses and Courser and Sarranid should cost 50,000 - while Large War Horse and such should be 20,000 at most (just pointing out that this price would indicate the usefulness of these horses more than the one we have now). I think only Cata is useful in some cases but haven't used it myself in ages.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: JOPOTINTTI on March 10, 2011, 06:38:58 pm
maybe 20% discount on heavy hores cuz right now its almost same , do you have a hunter or a warhorse, whats the difference really .
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Native_ATS on March 15, 2011, 02:57:41 am
ponys need a nerf
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on March 17, 2011, 01:24:36 am
Cavalry needs a nerf indeed. Give 2handers the ability to stop and kill horses like this.

It is clearly realistic, as demonstrated in the above video.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Zisa on March 17, 2011, 05:22:50 pm
I find it hard to believe there are that many nimrod cav who voted yes.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 17, 2011, 05:28:43 pm
"kills"... so that's what you rose boys call it. Ragni naked with his... coockies? Freudian slip? Mhm, mhm...

I now know why the clan's called "of Rose." It's an euphemism for "gay" if I'm getting this right. (Should've seen it coming though, we all should've)

Umad cause you weren't mentioned, bro? 8-)
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Osiris on March 17, 2011, 05:37:03 pm
Horses are fine :P

Im a Cav/polearm guy depending on the map im either on foot with a bec or the like or on my courser

The gear i use on horseback is the following :

Kettle Helmet
Heraldic mail with tabard
Mail chausses
Mail Mittens

Balanced Heavy Lance
Knightly Heater Shield
War spear (for some reason a load of people see you downed and think HEAVY LANCE HE CANT SWING! so completly lose the ability to side block ^^)

when on foot i use the same armour but just a bec or long hafted blade

I find that with a decent map rotation allowing for quite a lot of cav time as well as on foot my cash fluctuates around 20k give or take a few k If i get really unlucky my courser breaks a few rounds in a row and im stuck on x1 but to be honest that doesnt happen to often :P
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Xant on March 17, 2011, 05:40:43 pm
Umad cause you weren't mentioned, bro? 8-)

no man, someone mentioning ragni obviously has no clue, i'd be mad if i was mentioned
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Casimir on March 17, 2011, 05:51:31 pm
Horses, like heavy armour, currently offer little reward for the levels of financial investment require to use them on a regular basis. They server a purpose of aesthetic styling more than any real practical application in cRPG.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 17, 2011, 05:52:48 pm
Horses, like heavy armour, currently offer little reward for the levels of financial investment require to use them on a regular basis. They server a purpose of aesthetic styling more than any real practical application in cRPG.

That is, of course, a joke right? Or are you tellin me Tommy can go 11-0 in one round on foot as regualry as he does while on his horse?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Osiris on March 17, 2011, 05:54:10 pm
actually he does :P hes a freak
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 17, 2011, 05:56:31 pm
I think he is saying that, ignoring the lightly armored ninja cav, the amount of damage a armored knight on a cata or higher will cause is going to be overcompensated for him wandering in peasant gear 80% of the time to gain back money.

In truth though, I am more scared of the ninja cav like the dynamic duo Rohyp/Ruff do, sustainable and deadly.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Maira on March 17, 2011, 06:07:53 pm
In truth though, I am more scared of the ninja cav like the dynamic rape awesome duo Rohyp/Ruff do, sustainable naked and deadly.

+1, I had to fix some stuff before I could +1 it, but there it is.  :wink:
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 17, 2011, 06:08:32 pm
I think he is saying that, ignoring the lightly armored ninja cav, the amount of damage a armored knight on a cata or higher will cause is going to be overcompensated for him wandering in peasant gear 80% of the time to gain back money.

In truth though, I am more scared of the ninja cav like the dynamic duo Rohyp/Ruff do, sustainable and deadly.

I agree heavy horses are not worth the cost. I don't see a problem with the light ones though. I thought Casimir is talking about all horses, as his post doesn't mention differently.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Tears of Destiny on March 17, 2011, 06:09:49 pm
+1, I had to fix some stuff before I could +1 it, but there it is.  :wink:

Hehehe, thank you.  :)

I wonder why I have not seen them in a bit though...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Safavid on March 17, 2011, 06:10:13 pm
Please make cavalry...especially Horse Archers stronger!  they have no other advantage than bow/arrow and that has been nerfed already.  Also, they are one of the hardest builds. 
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: ThePoopy on March 17, 2011, 10:28:26 pm
Please make cavalry...especially Horse Archers stronger!  they have no other advantage than bow/arrow and that has been nerfed already.  Also, they are one of the hardest builds.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 17, 2011, 10:51:33 pm
I think the over dominance of throwing/crossbow weapons and 2 handers provides a bit of a problem for the low health horses (and most horses with good hp or armor are nearly impossible to pay for).

In the beginning it was mount and blade, now we have chuck and spam...

A basic rock paper siccsor system would be "inf beats horses" "Ranged beat inf" "Horses beat Ranged" ... but horses simply don't if they see you coming. My palfray (2x heirloomed) just dies to a single bow shot by a spected archer or a single siege crossbow bolt by some randrom mook with 0 wpf in crossbows.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Punisher on March 17, 2011, 11:11:59 pm
Before asking for a cav buff go play native a little and you will see how boring it is when at least 60% of the players are cav. One of the things that makes cRPG unique is that it's focused rather on infantry (and on ranged spam sadly) and in my opinion it should stay this way.

Cav is already balanced, it just requires more skill than in native, there are plenty cav players who top the scoreboard on a regular basis, so I see no problem here.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: justme on March 17, 2011, 11:24:38 pm
HA are so annoying and doing almost nothing in battle...

as for the buff of cav, this is nonsense, i started carry xbow only to kill horses...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Safavid on March 18, 2011, 12:11:08 am
I think the over dominance of throwing/crossbow weapons and 2 handers provides a bit of a problem for the low health horses (and most horses with good hp or armor are nearly impossible to pay for).

In the beginning it was mount and blade, now we have chuck and spam...

A basic rock paper siccsor system would be "inf beats horses" "Ranged beat inf" "Horses beat Ranged" ... but horses simply don't if they see you coming. My palfray (2x heirloomed) just dies to a single bow shot by a spected archer or a single siege crossbow bolt by some randrom mook with 0 wpf in crossbows.

This guy is on the mark...also, I do horseback riding and know that it's not that easy to take down even an unarmored horse.  Regarding Horse Archery and Archery in general, you can be much more accurate in real life than a crossbow that shoots like a gun and is not as accurate as a good person with a bow.   In regards to 2H sword, I am a Kendoka and wield a Katana in real life in addition to a Shinai and Bokken.  Really, the nerfs are unecessary and devalue some of the best weapons and equipment.  cRPG is cool because of the customization factor, but that does not mean you have to destroy the "Mounting" and either "Blading" or "Bowing". :) You add all this to the big laggy low FPS maps (blank x) and you got a constipation fest combined with a major snafu.  Why are people so afraid of Native?  I wish there was a cRPG mod that you could just customize your weapons, equipment, armor etc.  Nobody on Native lets you ever use any of the higher equipment like armored horses/etc.  So, basically all the heavy stuff is never really used in the game and maybe should have never been put in considering so many people just have such a hatred for it.   Basically, all people want is a 2H sword and a Crossbow.  As long as they have these two, they don't care if the game goes to hell in one major nerfing snafu fest.  I may be ranting, but it's due to frustration of being able to use all the components of the game in a way that suits a persons style.  Even with a maxed out HA, it is really useless compared to Native where you could fight using multiple weapons, which is what real eastern horsemen did...use a bow, sword, shield, spear, lance, etc.  There were detailed cross training books (military manuals) written in the Islamic world during the Crusades that taught one soldier to multi-task and do the job of many.  A Sipahi could dismount and be a pikeman instantly.  My point is, the more nerfing goes on it just devalues things that should have precidence.  In real battle yes, people would crap their pants seeing a fully armored Mameluke or Crusader on an armored horse.  The difference is that the Mameluke would use sword, lance, and bow while the Crusader only used lance/sword. 

Here is the history of the Ottomans and the Janissaries just to get a feel for period combat:




BTW POOPY....was that a movie about the Dutch MP and his family?

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Reinhardt on March 18, 2011, 02:01:57 am
As a light, medium, heavy, and "RHINO!!!" cavalryking, I say that cavalry is effective most of the time. I go positive all the time with: Segmented helm,  gambeason, Balanced Heavy lance, khergit boots, leather gloves, Balanced Knightly Arming sword, kite shield, and Heavy palfrey. I also earn money with this...

However, I will agree that horses are made of wet paper. They're like a horribly made origami piece or something.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Reinhardt on March 18, 2011, 02:08:02 am
here is what i suggest

a.) prices from palfrey to plated charger are reduced by 40%

b.) horse prices are reduced by 25%, given +30 health and +15 armor, +2 riding requirement

c.) make horses unbreakable, and give them +30 health and +15 armor.

d.) insert a better suggestion here!

Also, Respectfully, have fun breaking the game.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Zisa on March 18, 2011, 04:25:03 am
D. face your scrubbery as cavalry. Improve, stop making bullshit threads.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Reinhardt on March 18, 2011, 02:40:50 pm
All in all, cavalry doesn't need a buff. The only thing that needs fixing is (very slightly) the effectiveness of pikes, and OFC the original nerf throwing idea. Archers don't kill my horse too often, but throwers, xbowmen, and pikemen are all other things to worry about.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 19, 2011, 10:19:11 am
pikes are fine the way they are, they are the N1 cavweapons of all times. But I never knew throwing nor archery nor Xbow was the best anticavalryweapon of all times, like it is in cRPG. Anything ranged can make the current papermaché horses look like a heap of dead paper in 3 shots maximum.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 12:57:29 pm
@Safavid: Thanks

My main dead reason are throwing weapons (1 shot you even in mail/1 shot my spirited palfrey) and no, I'm not talking about throwing lances.

Sometimes (especially on cav unfriendly map) i dismount and just use a siege crossbow with ~80 wpf... I can one shot 90% of cav horses/players as well.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 19, 2011, 01:02:22 pm
Sometimes (especially on cav unfriendly map) i dismount and just use a siege crossbow with ~80 wpf... I can one shot 90% of cav horses/players as well.

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Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Gorath on March 19, 2011, 01:13:04 pm
Anything ranged can make the current papermaché horses look like a heap of dead paper in 3 shots maximum.

IRL you can kill a horse in 1 shot from a well placed xbow bolt or arrow to the lungs, heart, head, areas of the neck, etc.  Out of curiousity, do you hunt?  It's not like decent hunters had to make animals look like boromir in order to bring them down, even way back when during the dark ages.

~Incoming subjective viewpoints~
Cav are part of the ever present gay factor in warband and crpg in particular.  Right up there with everyone having a ranged weapon.  Of course why do half of us infantry have a ranged weapon?  Because of all the damn cavalry and ranged players.  It's this stupid vicious cycle.  The only other option is to roll as a shielder with a backup pike I suppose.

Cav are fine.  When played decent they're flat out gamechangers and borderline OP.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 01:51:58 pm
*out of context quote*

Knowing both sides of a balance discussion does not devalue it, quite the opposite.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 01:54:28 pm

This is not real life, all "realistically/really/irl" arguments are quite silly approach to GAME BALANCE (it's a game). It surly is valid if there is little less to discuss (we have two equally bad/good ways of doing it... which one is more realistic), but shouldn't be the main reason for balance in a quite unrealistic game.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 19, 2011, 02:14:02 pm
Knowing both sides of a balance discussion does not devalue it, quite the opposite.

Stating a balant lie does not support your argument at all.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 02:26:23 pm
Heirloom a siege crossbow... steel bolts...

Heading down troll country, but my flesh is weak: Claiming a lie only *see your post*
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 19, 2011, 02:44:00 pm
I have hierloomed siege crossbow. Three times already actually. With steel bolts, I'd say 20%-30% of my kills are when I one shot people. You can one hit horse only if he's charging at you or point blank to the head. So I believe I'm entitled to call your post a lie.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Ragnarok on March 19, 2011, 02:48:33 pm
if you dont use a war horse or over, your horse get oneshot pretty much every time as you do. I can understand why a courser would die pretty much in oneshot but slower mounts should have a bit more hp. Not more defense cause then melee attacks would just start getting bounced.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 02:49:21 pm
I have hierloomed siege crossbow. Three times already actually. With steel bolts, I'd say 20%-30% of my kills are when I one shot people. You I can one hit horse only if he's charging at you or point blank to the head. So I believe I'm entitled to call your post a lie.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 19, 2011, 03:14:25 pm
I don't know if you own mw sniper crossbow, but from my testing on duel server, courser wont die in one hit unless head shot or you get a speed bonus. If your horse dies in one hit, stop charging crossbowmen when they are aiming at you, because yes, either you, or your horse will get one shot. That is the speed bonus working against you. When you can prove that you can one shot 90% of people and horses, then there can be a discussion about it. Somehow I doubt it.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Thtb on March 19, 2011, 04:40:43 pm
>Implying i'm talking about courser

Seems to work well enough:

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Try not to rip things out of context to much
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 19, 2011, 04:55:57 pm
Well what's the discussion about then? I'm pretty sure I stated before that heavy horses are not worth it's cost, which implies that I would have no problem with either them being buffed or their cost reduced. Also what about the screen? So you managed to headshot my fun character. Good for you, I guess... Care to explain how is that relevant to anything?
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: EponiCo on March 19, 2011, 04:57:41 pm
I think the over dominance of throwing/crossbow weapons and 2 handers provides a bit of a problem for the low health horses (and most horses with good hp or armor are nearly impossible to pay for).

In the beginning it was mount and blade, now we have chuck and spam...

A basic rock paper siccsor system would be "inf beats horses" "Ranged beat inf" "Horses beat Ranged" ... but horses simply don't if they see you coming. My palfray (2x heirloomed) just dies to a single bow shot by a spected archer or a single siege crossbow bolt by some randrom mook with 0 wpf in crossbows.

Now look, such a balance is bound to fail for a simple reason. Archers can avoid cavalry by going on roofs, mountains, etc. while cavalry can escape infantry as long as they want. You can't counter someone who isn't forced to deal with you.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Havoco on March 19, 2011, 06:47:23 pm
Lol. .I'm sry your horses can't charge into a mob and live through it all. But, the best way to use cav is to either wait until the majority of enemy infantry is engaged or go to a corner of the map with the other cav to duel it out there.

Another thing, maps play a BIG influence on what class is good or not. I haven't played on the EU servers that much but from what I've seen it's a lot of hilly maps with a village. And with one team commanding the village, maps like that are pretty difficult for cav. Its the same for NA servers. Lots of city maps.Ever since the patch this mod has been more focused on better strategy and tactics and Less on stats in general. Now that may not be true for siege server since that mode caters to infantry in general. Maybe instead of asking for a cav buff ask chadz or another server owner to put more open maps in rotation. 
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 21, 2011, 05:07:29 pm
Lol. .I'm sry your horses can't charge into a mob and live through it all. if we trot around the mob we are dead too. But, the best way to use cav is to either wait until the majority of enemy infantry is engaged or go to a corner of the map with the other cav to duel it out there.

Another thing, maps play a BIG influence on what class is good or not. I haven't played on the EU servers that much but from what I've seen it's a lot of hilly maps with a village. And with one team commanding the village, maps like that are pretty difficult for cav. Its the same for NA servers. Lots of city maps.Ever since the patch this mod has been more focused on better strategy and tactics and Less on stats in general. Now that may not be true for siege server since that mode caters to infantry in general. Maybe instead of asking for a cav buff ask chadz or another server owner to put more open maps in rotation.
That means archers will get even more chance to shoot us down before we reach them, because we have no cover, there just is no map that preferrs cavalry anymore, ranged kills us at open "cavalry" maps, and ranged kills us in city maps.

What about armoured horses? They are means to charge into mobs, check their names: CHARGER, PLATED CHARGER, ...
but noone uses them cause they'r wa too expensive, and they are that slow, they die faster to ranged then non-armoured cav, because ranged spam ownz slow targets.

Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 21, 2011, 06:29:35 pm
Learn to ride your horse then. There is plenty of cav that knows how to manouvere to avoid incoming projectiles when "trotting around the mob". If you just press W and hope for the best, you're doing it wrong.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Roran Hawkins on March 21, 2011, 07:24:30 pm
Yes, cavalry has to hide behind buildings while the infantry kill the archers, so the cavalry can attack when the battle is over. And you ignored my other arguments.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Nemeth on March 21, 2011, 08:40:56 pm
Yes, cavalry has to hide behind buildings while the infantry kill the archers, so the cavalry can attack when the battle is over. And you ignored my other arguments.

And I adressed your other argument in my previous posts, not gonna repeat it everytime someone is too lazy to read the thread he's posting in.
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: UrLukur on March 21, 2011, 08:43:23 pm
Did you seen Tommyyy avoiding projectiles ? Nope ? L2p roran, maybe cavalry just isn't for you ...
Title: Re: Calvary needs a buff.
Post by: Vicious666 on March 21, 2011, 08:43:47 pm
cavalry is fine as it is

i use champion mameluk and   a long eslavona, not even a fucking lance

and do easly    score like 30:5    40:5  etc

only things  cav need back a bit is charge dmg,     is very very low even  with a mameluk.     i hardly get any kill by charge  in a round and only  2-3 for map and usually on fucking paesant