cRPG => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nindur on September 12, 2011, 11:28:23 pm

Title: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Nindur on September 12, 2011, 11:28:23 pm
Where do I post abuse topics about people abusing admin on NA 1 server, alternatively who can I talk to if I think someone is abusing power on NA 1?
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Native_ATS on September 12, 2011, 11:30:08 pm
It will be a long list
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 12, 2011, 11:37:52 pm
I got abused by smoothrich earlier too, who is in charge of NA, can I report bad admins to someone??
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Nindur on September 12, 2011, 11:42:19 pm
So shik is in charge of na?
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 12, 2011, 11:42:49 pm
So shik is in charge of na?
Yes, and the official servers have nothing to do with lljk. Even if we go off of donations, it is more Fallen Brigade then anyone else right now.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: serpus on September 13, 2011, 01:24:49 am
tears have u ever thought that ppl dont donate to na

because of u?

think on ur actions and behavior next time\
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 01:34:45 am
tears have u ever thought that ppl dont donate to na

because of u?

think on ur actions and behavior next time\

Excuse me?
So Native_ATS bitching about Smoothrich or Classical's mood swings is obviously me being the evil mastermind behind it all, gotcha.

Would you like your tinfoil hat now, or later?
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Huey Newton on September 13, 2011, 01:46:25 am
Where do I post abuse topics about people abusing admin on NA 1 server, alternatively who can I talk to if I think someone is abusing power on NA 1?

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Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Matey on September 13, 2011, 01:47:39 am
im sure calling it the 'Official LLJK Server' is going to get the admins to take you seriously.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Native_ATS on September 13, 2011, 01:48:48 am
Excuse me?
So Native_ATS bitching about Smoothrich or Classical's mood swings is obviously me being the evil mastermind behind it all, gotcha.

Would you like your tinfoil hat now, or later?
way to ditch the statement :shock:
if this is how you admin, no wounder the sever needs new admins
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 01:52:51 am
way to ditch the statement :shock:
if this is how you admin, no wounder the sever needs new admins

So first you like how I admin, then you say I am one of the worst, and now you are saying you have never seen me admin?

I will conduct myself the way I have always conducted myself.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Smoothrich on September 13, 2011, 02:59:40 am
This is a troll thread, please disregard its contents.  I have set it to self-destruct upon hitting the Post button.  Please stay indoors and away from any windows.

Realtalk:  I banned Nindurr for spamming ban polls, for 24 hours so he'd stop disrupting the server.  He proceeded to rage in IRC, made several posts, but has seemingly calmed down (??).  Native_ATS is just bandwagoning in to troll more.  Please close thread.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 03:03:23 am
This is a troll thread, please disregard its contents.  I have set it to self-destruct upon hitting the Post button.  Please stay indoors and away from any windows.

Realtalk:  I banned Nindurr for spamming ban polls, for 24 hours so he'd stop disrupting the server.  He proceeded to rage in IRC, made several posts, but has seemingly calmed down (??).  Native_ATS is just bandwagoning in to troll more.  Please close thread.

U mad?
Clearly an attempt for an LLJK member to smother the freedom of speech and is discriminating against former and current ATS members!
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: SeQuel on September 13, 2011, 03:30:18 am
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 03:31:42 am

Me and at least one other ex-Moderator.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: SeQuel on September 13, 2011, 03:33:08 am
Me and at least one other ex-Moderator.

Naughty Tears....

*Spanks*  :oops:
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 13, 2011, 03:59:33 am
It seems ATS really only comes to the official servers these days to troll and teamkill. Hopefully the entire clan can be mass-banned.

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Slantedfloors on September 13, 2011, 04:30:11 am
It seems ATS really only comes to the official servers these days to troll and teamkill. Hopefully the entire clan can be mass-banned.

Huh, you know the more I think about, it's entirely inappropriate to ban the entirety of a clan for the actions of a few. Really, now that I'm really considering it, only a pack of brain-dead chimps could think was a good idea. It's a good thing no one stupid enough to do this has any authority over the official servers.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gristle on September 13, 2011, 04:56:16 am
ATS complaining about admin abuse. Good joke.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Smoketh on September 13, 2011, 04:58:49 am
Huh, you know the more I think about, it's entirely inappropriate to ban the entirety of a clan for the actions of a few. Really, now that I'm really considering it, only a pack of brain-dead chimps could think was a good idea. It's a good thing no one stupid enough to do this has any authority over the official servers.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gash on September 13, 2011, 05:47:58 am
It seems ATS really only comes to the official servers these days to troll and teamkill. Hopefully the entire clan can be mass-banned.


Funny, last I checked our clan didn't include intentionally ruining games for players and intentionally screwing with their servers as mission objectives.

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Brrrak on September 13, 2011, 06:11:02 am
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Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Knute on September 13, 2011, 06:23:30 am
Nindur was an admin and good at his job, but he committed the ultimate sin and testified against other admins gone bad.  Admins that tried to perma ban him but got the woman he loved instead.  Framed for poll banning, now he prowls the badlands, an outlaw hunting outlaws, a bounty hunter, a RENEGADE (
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: The_Angle on September 13, 2011, 08:10:57 am
If any sort of Authoritarian has mood swings while on duty, they're not fit for the job I'm afraid.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Duster on September 13, 2011, 08:13:04 am
If any sort of Authoritarian has mood swings while on duty, they're not fit for the job I'm afraid.

You must remain emotionless at all times, like a robot
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Slamz on September 13, 2011, 08:36:07 am
Is this thread about NA_CRPG1, the battle server?

If so, then yes, there are problems there, consistently.  It needs to be moderated better.

Voice and chat spamming are apparently allowed.  One time someone did it for 20 minutes straight in the middle of primetime.
People standing in the back slapping each other for the entire duration of the match appears to be allowed.
This is just bottom of the barrel douchebag behavior.

This is one of the main servers.  Is this the face we want cRPG to present?  Basically 4chan with sticks?

Maybe these people could get together and open NA_CRPG_DOUCHEBAG as a separate server where they can voice spam and slap each other freely, and leave the main servers for regular gameplay.  I feel that would be a solution that makes everyone happy.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Duster on September 13, 2011, 08:37:32 am

Maybe these people could get together and open NA_CRPG_DOUCHEBAG as a separate server where they can voice spam and slap each other freely, and leave the main servers for regular gameplay.  I feel that would be a solution that makes everyone happy.

(psst, that's basically what it is)
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 01:33:12 pm
Voice spamming you can disable yourself by pressing Q-M-V in game, and don't give me any shit about not being able to communicate with the rest of your team (You don't work with the rest of your team anyways), chat spam you can deal with by muting the offender using the "Mute Player" function viewed when pressing Esc so you don't have to look at his text.

People standing in the back slapping each other should be reported and dealt with by an admin, but please try and be a responsible adult and deal with some problems yourself.

If you feel that someone is intentionally griefing or targetting you via the chat, please post a ban request with screenshots of the offending texts, preferably using the Chat Log ("L") here:,63.0.html

Lighten up Francis.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: KaMiKaZe_JoE on September 13, 2011, 03:08:48 pm
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: AntiBlitz on September 13, 2011, 03:17:23 pm
Voice spamming you can disable yourself by pressing Q-M-V in game, and don't give me any shit about not being able to communicate with the rest of your team (You don't work with the rest of your team anyways), chat spam you can deal with by muting the offender using the "Mute Player" function viewed when pressing Esc so you don't have to look at his text.

People standing in the back slapping each other should be reported and dealt with by an admin, but please try and be a responsible adult and deal with some problems yourself.

If you feel that someone is intentionally griefing or targetting you via the chat, please post a ban request with screenshots of the offending texts, preferably using the Chat Log ("L") here:,63.0.html

Lighten up Francis.

Shouldn't be a need to QMV.....maybe your admin should handle the servers better, and when told to handle it properly not mute the people who are telling them to mute someone for the relentless spamming.

Better yet, why don't you get some admins with some actual stones to do some work in there and not let it turn into a fuckin disgusting cess pool of a server like it just so happens it is already doing.
the current admin are scared of their own powers, they(while i have been in there) don't use mute for anything.  I literally have to insult them to make them become proactive, tell them how worthless they are.

2 cents deposited above.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Rikthor on September 13, 2011, 03:20:38 pm
Sad to see ATS reduced to nothing more than a second rate troll clan. For 10 bucks we will show you how to troll properly.

The official servers are fine, admins handle problems pretty quickly if you tell them, and hey they don't try to ban people based on clan names like some other servers. The concerted effort by Ecko to get ATS to troll the official servers yet again is hilariously bad.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: AntiBlitz on September 13, 2011, 03:29:24 pm
I think there is something in the forum rules about posting things that are on topic, and add to the current topic/conversation.  Seems all your post is doing is trolling, and not helping move the thread forward in any way, shape or form.  Typical though of a lljk, troll and bringing up the past, no matter how eschewed you make it nobody is goin to believe you are lljk.

And no admins are not using there powers granted to them, they have to be called out to make anything get done, they should be active and looking for things like this to keep it clean and fun.  Warning a guy every day that he is on crpg that what he is doin is wrong, didnt make him change what he is doin, so maybe he needs a timeout to contemplate doing that again. Which i have yet to see be done, all i see is warnings warnings warnings, no mutes, no kicks, no bans.  Clinch that fist a lil harder, bring down the hammer, and tighten the rains on the server to make trolls not troll, because warning them doesnt do anything, which is blatantly obvious since they are still doing it the following day.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 04:28:35 pm
I think there is something in the forum rules about posting things that are on topic, and add to the current topic/conversation.  Seems all your post is doing is trolling, and not helping move the thread forward in any way, shape or form.  Typical though of a lljk, troll and bringing up the past, no matter how eschewed you make it nobody is goin to believe you are lljk.

And no admins are not using there powers granted to them, they have to be called out to make anything get done, they should be active and looking for things like this to keep it clean and fun.  Warning a guy every day that he is on crpg that what he is doin is wrong, didnt make him change what he is doin, so maybe he needs a timeout to contemplate doing that again. Which i have yet to see be done, all i see is warnings warnings warnings, no mutes, no kicks, no bans.  Clinch that fist a lil harder, bring down the hammer, and tighten the rains on the server to make trolls not troll, because warning them doesnt do anything, which is blatantly obvious since they are still doing it the following day.

This whole thread adds nothing to anything, and is a big joke simply because he called his thread "Official LLJK server" when only 4 admins of 30 are from LLJK. He was banned because we were "clinching that fist" after he spammed admin chat (which is unblockable) and poll spamming, and is now whining about abuse.

If the voices really bother you that much (since there are so many in your head already) then QMV is your only hope. I'm not going to ban somebody or kick them, making them lose their multiplier, because some babby says "Wahh wahh stop the voices I can't hear the horsies coming to ram a lance up my ass." If the voice commands bother you, turn them off.

If you can give a better argument as to why people should be banned for a day for using voice commands, please give it.

Admins are not paid, they don't have to sit in spectator mode 24/7 keeping an eye on everyone. Very rarely will an admin notice something going on outside of his own team unless someone tells him.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 13, 2011, 04:53:11 pm
This whole thread adds nothing to anything, and is a big joke simply because he called his thread "Official LLJK server" when only 4 admins of 30 are from LLJK. He was banned because we were "clinching that fist" after he spammed admin chat (which is unblockable) and poll spamming, and is now whining about abuse.

If the voices really bother you that much (since there are so many in your head already) then QMV is your only hope. I'm not going to ban somebody or kick them, making them lose their multiplier, because some babby says "Wahh wahh stop the voices I can't hear the horsies coming to ram a lance up my ass." If the voice commands bother you, turn them off.

If you can give a better argument as to why people should be banned for a day for using voice commands, please give it.

Admins are not paid, they don't have to sit in spectator mode 24/7 keeping an eye on everyone. Very rarely will an admin notice something going on outside of his own team unless someone tells him.

This is entirely the reason i like admining siege. The ability to play, die, check what's up, respawn etc... makes it easy to do. In battle, with one life, you try your hardest not to die thus being able to check things is much harder.

As I tell people in seige, just Screen shot it and post on forums. Some things like the QML polling I don't see on my end, but if you SS it, then it can be enforced. Same with TK's and TW's. I generally catch them, but it's ALWAYS a good idea to SS stuff. Proof > Words.

Also, generally just a simple Warning usually works.

As to the QMV: Why should I have to mute EVERYONE's when the likelihood of someone wanting to use it to provide help(which does happen) be muted as well? I thought teamwork was encouraged, why then must we remove a teamwork feature if some asshat decides to make others unable to coordinate? MUTE said idiot if warning doesn't work. Muting the idiot is far better than causing a team to lose due to inability for teamwork. Just sayin'.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 05:53:46 pm
They don't keep it up forever, and if they die it goes away, its typically only at the start of the round and this still upsets people, turn it back on later then.

I just want to know why it causes people to rage so hard.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 06:19:35 pm
I just want to know why it causes people to rage so hard.

Because a lot of people are stressed out from [Blank] and play this game to relax, so they take it more seriously then they should.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Lt_Anders on September 13, 2011, 06:20:21 pm
They don't keep it up forever, and if they die it goes away, its typically only at the start of the round and this still upsets people, turn it back on later then.

I just want to know why it causes people to rage so hard.

Hmm anytime I mute someone it usually stays active until the leave and rejoin. In which case i guess it works for everyone then ;p
They lose multi I don't need to worry anymore.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Thucydides on September 13, 2011, 06:43:26 pm
Because a lot of people are stressed out from [Blank] and play this game to relax, so they take it more seriously then they should.

playing this game to relax is like cutting yourself to "ease the pain"
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 06:45:26 pm
playing this game to relax is like cutting yourself to "ease the pain"

Heh, some people try nontheless. I always found snuggling a fuzzy animal or playing something without any timing was more relaxing then reflex games, but to each their own.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Smoothrich on September 13, 2011, 06:45:49 pm
playing this game to relax is like cutting yourself to "ease the pain"

Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal.  Fear is how I fall.  Confusing... confusing what is real.  - Kurt Cobain
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Delro on September 13, 2011, 08:07:17 pm
Crawling in my skin, these wounds they will not heal.  Fear is how I fall.  Confusing... confusing what is real.  - Kurt Cobain

I think you just gave me brain diarrhea
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: ManOfWar on September 13, 2011, 08:42:25 pm
Where do I post abuse topics about people abusing admin on NA 1 server, alternatively who can I talk to if I think someone is abusing power on NA 1?

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 08:44:52 pm
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Nindur on September 13, 2011, 09:11:58 pm

why stupid
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 10:37:03 pm
why stupid
I think the badmin is calling you stupid.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 13, 2011, 10:43:02 pm
Shouldn't be a need to QMV.....maybe your admin should handle the servers better, and when told to handle it properly not mute the people who are telling them to mute someone for the relentless spamming.

Better yet, why don't you get some admins with some actual stones to do some work in there and not let it turn into a fuckin disgusting cess pool of a server like it just so happens it is already doing.
the current admin are scared of their own powers, they(while i have been in there) don't use mute for anything.  I literally have to insult them to make them become proactive, tell them how worthless they are.

2 cents deposited above.

Jesus Christ, I think a mix of your stupidity, Tear's post count, and Ecko's sociopathic tendencies really describe this community, I can now reference this in future in righteous glory.

Most of the admins on NA_1 will act when you report it in "I" chat, if they don't act (Investigate, warn, whatever), their not doing the job that they agreed to under take, and you can complain to Shik about it and he'll decide the rest. Two admins on NA_1 already got their admin suspended due to biased actions, and being a fucking retard(s).

Relax, and stop exaggerating things.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 11:00:33 pm
Jesus Christ, I think a mix of your stupidity, Tear's post count, and Ecko's sociopathic tendencies really describe this community, I can now reference this in future in righteous glory.

Most of the admins on NA_1 will act when you report it in "I" chat, if they don't act (Investigate, warn, whatever), their not doing the job that they agreed to under take, and you can complain to Shik about it and he'll decide the rest. Two admins on NA_1 already got their admin suspended due to biased actions, and being a fucking retard(s).

Relax, and stop exaggerating things.

I did not get it temporarily suspended due to biased actions nor being a retard. Good job on guessing though  :rolleyes:

Relax, and stop exaggerating things.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 11:02:18 pm
I did not get it temporarily suspended due to biased actions nor being a retard. Good job on guessing though  :rolleyes:

Ah yes, you lost your admin for behaving sensibly and logically, responding to complaints eloquently and dispensing justice equally.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 11:03:33 pm
Ah yes, you lost your admin for behaving sensibly and logically, responding to complaints eloquently and dispensing justice equally.

Shik never mentioned once about me making a bad call. It was suspended because I was acting like an ass towards a few members on the forums one too many times (Like Native_ATS I suppose). I have yet to recieve a complaint of being biased, though "retard" is certainly debatable.

EDIT: It is supposedly to "cool down" after "taking things too seriously and personally" as well as referencing "Losing it" a few times (Like when I made that spectacular rage post against a bunch of people calling for nerfs, calling the whole community a bunch of whiners).
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: [ptx] on September 13, 2011, 11:06:27 pm
What, since when can't admins do that? Damn, i guess i abandoned that ship not a moment too early. :lol:
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 11:07:35 pm
What, since when can't admins do that? Damn, i guess i abandoned that ship not a moment too early.

Yup. Also amusing that my posts got me in trouble, I suppose Shik has missed the Rage Posts by Keshian in the strat threads  :lol:
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 13, 2011, 11:09:15 pm
Well if posts can get you in trouble it's only a matter of time for me!
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 13, 2011, 11:36:33 pm
Yup. Also amusing that my posts got me in trouble, I suppose Shik has missed the Rage Posts by Keshian in the strat threads  :lol:

I didn't want to name you out due to the fact it might be a tad embarrassing, but okay. Yeah, it was a culmination of events that went from you being a normal, upstanding, weirdly active admin, to being a arrogant, idiot, both server-side and forum-side. This was the representation of your case, and why your admin was removed, the only reason I really care that you acknowledge the fact that it's not just some silly forum posts (More a slow decline into madness), is because you eventually should go back up the ladder to the latter (Pun) of the declination.

As for biased, that was directed at that other guy.

Feel me, brother?
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Thucydides on September 13, 2011, 11:41:33 pm
some kind of talking dog convention going on ITT
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 13, 2011, 11:48:48 pm
I didn't want to name you out due to the fact it might be a tad embarrassing, but okay. Yeah, it was a culmination of events that went from you being a normal, upstanding, weirdly active admin, to being a arrogant, idiot, both server-side and forum-side. This was the representation of your case, and why your admin was removed, the only reason I really care that you acknowledge the fact that it's not just some silly forum posts (More a slow decline into madness), is because you eventually should go back up the ladder to the latter (Pun) of the declination.

As for biased, that was directed at that other guy.

Feel me, brother?

I think I agree as long as this is not about me being "a stupid fucking worthless piece of shit admin who never does his fucking job ever" when I kept repeating that I did not see Argoth do anything bad.... because in all seriousness I kept missing the reported incidents every time I spectated him, and assumed that since SmoothRich was on the same team as you two, would be better suited to actually catching the guy (though after 15 minutes he still never did anything either).

I think this "madness" that you speak of cuts both ways, as most of your forum posts are filled with substantial amounts of venom.

I also want to point out that I have always been "arrogant" since day one on these forums as well as in-game, I am not sure why this is a new trait for you, but I do apologize if I have offended you with it. You have also called me an idiot far before I ever became an admin on the official servers, so I doubt that view of me from your eyes will ever change as well.

Regardless, in the mean time I have taken note of Shik's PMs to me and doing my best to step away and stop taking everything "so seriously" as well as the other issues that Shik raised. Likely will take some time though, as those times of me "losing it" in Shik's words has nothing to do with anything on the forum, and is regrettably RL leaking through (which is uncalled for, I admit, though I am not sure if I am ready to apologize for calling the entire community "whiny little bitches" in one of my previous lashouts).

I am also curious why you think this if the only feedback I have ever recieved from you was that I was worthless and never did my job?
the only reason I really care that you acknowledge the fact that it's not just some silly forum posts (More a slow decline into madness), is because you eventually should go back up the ladder to the latter (Pun) of the declination.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 14, 2011, 12:02:14 am
I can see you're obviously taking this very well.

Oh, and since I don't have anything else bitter to say, have some of my well-known venom!

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Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Paul on September 14, 2011, 12:45:23 am
Yet another cobble for the road to blanket ban NA.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 14, 2011, 12:47:03 am
*Thinks of how many EU abuse threads spring up compared to NA*

Yet another cobble for the road to blanket ban NA.

I wholeheartedly agree.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Shadowren on September 14, 2011, 02:50:16 am
I agree with some of the earlier posts about the admins. Most of them don't really do much about trolling, leeching or just don't do anything at all. I don't know if there just brand new admins, or are they scared of there powers. But yet they don't seem to do much about anything even if you say something in admin chat. I've been in the battle severs many times because i like to play there but, its sad to see so many people braking the rules and yet there geting away with it, or they are just warned and then  they keep doing it. Im not saying that all the admins are useless or anything, im just trying to say that some of  them need to do there job better. Also there been some times I've been in the sever and there are good admins on that know how to do the job done correctly and things actually seem normal for the time they are there.

This is just a small list of things I've seen when in the sever. (Trolling,Leeching,voice spam, TKing/Team wounding (FF))

Hopefully things will get better over time. :D
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 14, 2011, 03:18:30 am
I agree with some of the earlier posts about the admins. Most of them don't really do much about trolling, leeching or just don't do anything at all. I don't know if there just brand new admins, or are they scared of there powers. But yet they don't seem to do much about anything even if you say something in admin chat. I've been in the battle severs many times because i like to play there but, its sad to see so many people braking the rules and yet there geting away with it, or they are just warned and then  they keep doing it. Im not saying that all the admins are useless or anything, im just trying to say that some of  them need to do there job better. Also there been some times I've been in the sever and there are good admins on that know how to do the job done correctly and things actually seem normal for the time they are there.

This is just a small list of things I've seen when in the sever. (Trolling,Leeching,voice spam, TKing/Team wounding (FF))

Hopefully things will get better over time. :D

Strange, I have been playing in the Officials for the past couple of hours and I have not seen a single incident go unnoticed... I also find it interesting that so far NE and former NE people are complaining for the most part, sorry that you guys feel this way.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Dan lol on September 14, 2011, 03:52:20 am
guys don't hate native everyone knows he's off the reservation

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Kenji on September 14, 2011, 04:02:13 am
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I must admit, this described what I have done as an admin over the past month. Other competent admins such as Tears, Earthdforce, and Poophammer have had much more experience on administration than I did and are well chosen for the job. Most of the time I did not know whether to just warn or ban, as too often the rulebreakers tread the lines and if I responded to every single one of them, it is rather in contradiction of what I believed in after my 2 years of obligatory military service as a drill instructor in the Republic of China Navy.

There is tolerance to allow the mistakes to be reflected and contemplated upon, yet some exploit this 'weakness' of mine and is perceived as what you described, "Most of [admins] don't really do much about trolling, leeching or just don't do anything at all"

During my two years as a drill instructor, I was told not to engage the private recruits with doubts on their 'problems' or 'issues': By that, I mean, don't call a player a troll just because I think so, but I need solid evidence and witnesses before I can enforce anything.

With that in mind, you can see that I won't be doing great on this simply because there are far too many gray areas in administration (But at some point it actually make things easier..?)

I will continue to learn, however, and hopefully before I am honorably/dishonorably discharged of my admin status, I will leave a good or at least fair impression of Official NA administration to the playerbase.

Humbly yours,
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 14, 2011, 09:09:49 am

Also to acknowledge some points here, I see all to often administrators on the North American servers allow faction members of their fellow faction slip by without so much as a warning, this is unacceptable. For every faction, player, and admin, the rules must be enforced, no matter the affiliation. I'm not saying turn the server into a horrible kickfest and ruin a rather enjoyable time for a large crowd of people, but you do have to acknowledge that the same rules that apply to the general server populous, apply to your faction buddies.

Bias in administration when it comes to factions and friends is a major problem that I've noticed on the server, apart from other minor problems that can be dealt with rather easily.

To be clear, so far I've seen almost every faction administrator do this, minus a couple, start banning your faction bros, you fucks!

On a positive note, be happy that we've progressed to issues of neutrality within administration topics such as this, rather than "Another mass ban on Ecko's servers, well fuck".
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gorath on September 14, 2011, 09:11:39 am
start banning your faction bros, you fucks!

Agreed.  The clan favortism/bias is something I've always detested.  To the point of leaving a clan over it.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: The_Angle on September 14, 2011, 09:24:59 am
You must remain emotionless at all times, like a robot
Exactly. Your job is to lay down the rules with fair judgement, emotions have a tendency to smear ones judgement I'm afraid. As it is impossible to completely get rid of emotion, the person in Authority has to discipline himself, which is also something you'll never ever find, thats why Cops suck.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Kalam on September 14, 2011, 09:29:03 am

There is tolerance to allow the mistakes to be reflected and contemplated upon, yet some exploit this 'weakness' of mine and is perceived as what you described, "Most of [admins] don't really do much about trolling, leeching or just don't do anything at all"

During my two years as a drill instructor, I was told not to engage the private recruits with doubts on their 'problems' or 'issues': By that, I mean, don't call a player a troll just because I think so, but I need solid evidence and witnesses before I can enforce anything.

That's pretty much it. I need to go into spectator and see the violation with my own eyes before I even warn the perpetrator.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Slamz on September 14, 2011, 09:41:40 am
Voice spamming you can disable yourself by pressing Q-M-V in game, and don't give me any shit about not being able to communicate with the rest of your team (You don't work with the rest of your team anyways)
You're missing the point.

You have to ask yourself whether allowing one douchebag to spam voice chat for 10 minutes straight is really worth the potential loss of new players, as they log into the game for the first time, see rampant spamming and decide the mod probably has no admins and isn't worth looking into any further.

There's just no good reason to allow it, and several good reasons to prevent it.

In a perfect world, the game would let us voice-mute individuals or else have an automatic spam blocker but until then, it needs to be done by admins.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Shadowren on September 14, 2011, 02:59:16 pm
Strange, I have been playing in the Officials for the past couple of hours and I have not seen a single incident go unnoticed... I also find it interesting that so far NE and former NE people are complaining for the most part, sorry that you guys feel this way.

Why are you even bring the (NE)  up? It doesn't matter from where i come from. I could be part of LLJK, Fallen, or even BRD and i would still say the same thing.I have been seeing alot of rule braking lately. But still the point in this thread is that certain Admins need to step up there game that's all im saying.

Bias in administration when it comes to factions and friends is a major problem that I've noticed on the server, apart from other minor problems that can be dealt with rather easily.

I have also seen alot of this above. I dont know about any other admins but i treat every one the same even my own Faction/Friends. If your Trolling then you get muted,If your Tking then you get kick and so on. But it is something that can be dealt with easily by just doing your job as an admin.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Rikthor on September 14, 2011, 03:53:23 pm
Why are you even bring the (NE)  up? It doesn't matter from where i come from. I could be part of LLJK, Fallen, or even BRD and i would still say the same thing.I have been seeing alot of rule braking lately. But still the point in this thread is that certain Admins need to step up there game that's all im saying.

Tears brought up NE since most of the people posting complaints about the official servers are from ATS, the NE main clan. A clan that has a dubious history of trying to troll and stop the official servers since it took power from high lord Ecko.

I have also seen alot of this above. I dont know about any other admins but i treat every one the same even my own Faction/Friends. If your Trolling then you get muted,If your Tking then you get kick and so on. But it is something that can be dealt with easily by just doing your job as an admin.

This is an issue on most servers with most admins to varying degrees.  Human nature to let friends slide a bit more, not saying it is the right thing. Admins should treat their clan mates like anyone other person but again almost every server will have this issue. That can also be confused with the different strictness of admins so it might not necessarily be them letting their clan slide. Some admins are very strict, down to the letter while others tend to be a bit more relaxed. The whole QMV debate is a good example. Kenji/Gearhardt is a pretty strict admin compared to say Smoothrich but both do fairly good jobs, just different styles.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Ecko on September 15, 2011, 03:07:38 am
bah. For every happy person in crpg, there are at least 2 people equally unhappy. Its a natural law.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Cheap_Shot on September 15, 2011, 07:06:19 am
bah. For every happy person in crpg, there are at least 2 people equally unhappy. Its a natural law.

It helps if you don't tell people to be unhappy out of spite, but yes. The way it is.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gorath on September 15, 2011, 08:30:35 am
I just want to know why it causes people to rage so hard.

Because it's the same thing as trying to play any other type of game with and against people and having some fuckhat screaming stupid shit at you like a retard.  It's goddamned annoying.  IRL annoying fucks get punched in the goddamned mouth.  But nooooooooooo, this is the internet where the whole POINT is to be the most annoying piece of shit fuckstick in the world to everyone around you.  This is seen as cool and funny.  Applause worthy by all the other flaming shitbags polluting up the world that congregate on the interwebs.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Panoply on September 15, 2011, 08:37:56 am
Bias in administration when it comes to factions and friends is a major problem that I've noticed on the server

To be clear, so far I've seen almost every faction administrator do this

Fuck you! I have no faction and I have no friends!

Any time someone starts to get close to me... reaches out... says, "Hey man, you don't have to do this alone"...

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 15, 2011, 09:14:45 am
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 15, 2011, 09:54:22 am
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: ShinySpoons on September 15, 2011, 10:02:50 am
no tears. Panalopy is a gurl by virtue of her avatar. Same reason Classical is a dog, you are Yuri, and Gorath is a pint of guiness
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 15, 2011, 10:03:48 am
no tears. Panalopy is a gurl by virtue of her avatar. Same reason Classical is a dog, you are Yuri, and Gorath is a pint of guiness

This makes sense.

Now excuse me, I want cuddles from you given your avatar.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Classical on September 15, 2011, 12:26:04 pm
no tears. Panalopy is a gurl by virtue of her avatar. Same reason Classical is a dog, you are Yuri, and Gorath is a pint of guiness

This is pretty good logic, what is the point of having avatars if their not supposed to represent who you are in real life.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: nuffen on September 15, 2011, 01:51:52 pm
So.. on the ATS servers, ATS was the problem with their abuse. On the proper NA servers, they are still the problems with their trolling? Way to go ATS :D

PS. no one likes bad losers.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: EyeBeat on September 15, 2011, 02:42:28 pm
So.. on the ATS servers, ATS was the problem with their abuse. On the proper NA servers, they are still the problems with their trolling? Way to go ATS :D

PS. no one likes bad losers.
Well on Darkfall... ATS ended up joining the goons after we defeated them and their furry alliance. 

This time around only one of them so far joined us after they got deaded.

I think this is mainly because I called out to ATS in game chat over and over that history was going to repeat itself.  So much that they decided they were not going to join LLJK this time around :( .

Bad losers in more ways than one.  :rolleyes:
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: TurmoilTom on September 15, 2011, 04:42:33 pm
This is pretty good logic, what is the point of having avatars if their not supposed to represent who you are in real life.

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PieParadox on September 15, 2011, 06:14:30 pm
What's everyone lookin' at, I can't see
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gash on September 15, 2011, 08:38:57 pm
So.. on the ATS servers, ATS was the problem with their abuse. On the proper NA servers, they are still the problems with their trolling? Way to go ATS :D

PS. no one likes bad losers.

Way to go nuffen.  Ignorant and simplistic accusations out of thin air, as is expected of your childish behavior.  Speaking of abuse... you're in a good position to know right?

PS. its called sore losers. And what exactly are we sore about? You know nothing about us, so stop pretending like you do and mind your own fucken business! Thanks! :D

For those of you who think  'we mad bro'  about Strategus, its time to realize we stopped caring about the numbers-game a while ago. If you're interesting in doing a clan match (scrim) we'd gladly accept and show you our actual level of organization and skill. Up until today, Chaos has been the only ones to defeat us after two attempts. Who's next?

Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Smoothrich on September 16, 2011, 12:23:19 am
I don't think anyone cares about ATS and Strategus much anymore, but the thing is now that as the ATS server loses popularity, more and more ATS players come into the official ones strictly with the mindset to troll and be disruptive, and shit up the forums with threads like this.

I love having ATS clan on the server as you are some very talented players, but if you have players that grief and troll and lol at making posts about BADMINS HEH, they're gonna get banned, and make ATS look sour/have a bad reputation, and begin/continue stupid flamewars like this.

Imagine all the players
Playing cRPG in peace
You may say I'm a griefer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday ATS will join us
And the servers will be as one
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gash on September 16, 2011, 02:42:33 am
more and more ATS players come into the official ones strictly with the mindset to troll and be disruptive, and shit up the forums with threads like this.

LOL! Coming from a Goon, this is pure gold! Do you have special Jedi mind powers that let you know what mindset we enter the server with? What the hell do you think LLJK was doing many months ago on our servers? Being exemplary players of the community? lmao! The irony of the whole situation is priceless. You guys must be laughing up your sleeves right now.

That right there is the kind of vague and exaggerated statement that makes me laugh. Alright, so aside from Nindur who's trolled his way to another universe, and palatro who was banned 3 days for horse bumping - can you call out out a single event of intentional disrupting from our clan, to the detriment of the team? You accuse us of trolling, being disruptive and griefing when the fact is the overwhelming majority do not.

It is definitely not ATS mindset to enter a server with the intent of griefing and being disruptive. People may hate us for various reasons, but being douchebags on the server is certainly not amongst them. I would not be playing with these guys if it were the case.

Stop the exaggeration and slandering if you want peace. We know you're good at it in IRC, and its obviously worked. However our actions on the server speak for us, and nobody can take that away.

On a side note; ATS leadership and server management had to deal with people trolling and bitching about BADMINS for so many months I think we became immune to it. I'm sure you'll get used to it as well.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Kenji on September 16, 2011, 03:09:45 am
I don't know why each and every day I want to come on cRPG forums more and more often...

Ah, I figured it out, it's the ATS/LLJK drama that's like an after work show everyday that just must be watched.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Tears of Destiny on September 16, 2011, 03:21:51 am
can you call out out a single event of intentional disrupting from our clan, to the detriment of the team?

Silveredge first comes to mind, was disappointed as I never seen him act out before, 3 day ban for TKing.
I suppose he was having a bad day or something.
I don't know why each and every day I want to come on cRPG forums more and more often...

Ah, I figured it out, it's the ATS/LLJK drama that's like an after work show everyday that just must be watched.
This mainly keeps me going!
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PhantomZero on September 16, 2011, 04:16:39 am
LOL! Coming from a Goon, this is pure gold! Do you have special Jedi mind powers that let you know what mindset we enter the server with? What the hell do you think LLJK was doing many months ago on our servers? Being exemplary players of the community? lmao! The irony of the whole situation is priceless. You guys must be laughing up your sleeves right now.

It has come full circle then, the ban'ers have now become the ban'ees.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gash on September 16, 2011, 04:20:46 am
It has come full circle then, the ban'ers have now become the ban'ees.

Indeed, guess we'll have to force ourselves if we're to take your place!  :mrgreen:
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Damug on September 16, 2011, 05:12:01 am
Do you have special Jedi mind powers that let you know what mindset we enter the server with?
The actions of a criminal defendant are one of the best gauges of his criminal intent.  To illustrate no sane person is going to admit in a courtroom that they intended to rape and murder a school bus full of children so the fact finder must look at the defendant's actions to determine what intent that he had.

Thus, when certain members of the ATS clan leave their "community" servers and join the official ones and constantly harass other players and delay, one can determine that their mindset upon joining was to harass and delay.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: PieParadox on September 16, 2011, 05:46:19 am
I will never troll the Official servers again.

I promise.

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Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gorath on September 16, 2011, 06:51:35 am
Imagine all the players
Playing cRPG in peace
You may say I'm a griefer
But I'm not the only one
I hope someday ATS will join us
And the servers will be as one

Die hippy scum.
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Duster on September 16, 2011, 08:14:45 am

Thus, when certain members of the ATS clan leave their "community" servers and join the official ones and constantly harass other players and delay, one can determine that their mindset upon joining was to harass and delay.
Proof please, or else this is garbage
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Gorath on September 16, 2011, 08:38:12 am
Proof please, or else this is garbage

C'mon man.  I understand that not every ATS does/is doing it.  But you know that a fair amount are.  Or you're legitimately blissfully unaware which is even more troubling.  I got no vendetta against ya'll, you know that, but let's not act like this isn't happening.

*Though LLJK does indeed come onto the server en-masse and completely shit it up, and roll the asshattery up to 11 on a regular basis as well.  I maintain that overall the community has gone to shit hard.*

*Oh yeah, an hour of constant harassment and griefing and the LLJK boys ban poll me off the server.  Good times.*
Title: Re: Abuse on NA Official LLJK server
Post by: Damug on September 16, 2011, 09:01:27 am
Proof please, or else this is garbage
The proof is right here in this thread.  Here are just a few gems that have already been entered into evidence.  I present moderators exhibits A through C.
ATS, the NE main clan, has a dubious history of trying to troll and stop the official servers since it took power from high lord Ecko.
Now that as the ATS server loses popularity, more and more ATS players come into the official ones strictly with the mindset to troll and be disruptive, and shit up the forums with threads like this.

You have players that grief and troll and lol at making posts about BADMINS HEH, they're gonna get banned, and make ATS look sour/have a bad reputation.
Silveredge first comes to mind, was disappointed as I never seen him act out before, 3 day ban for TKing.