Couple of tips that i figured out the hard way when i first started modelling, make sure you model in Polygons(4 edges per face) try not to get ngons in (5 or more) since these will mess up textures and don't work well in games since all games render using trigons(3 edges) and polygons are broken down into 2 tris automatically.
Keep polycount down, try to optimize it the best you can, especially for engines such as M&B.
When you come to texturing theres usually better tools to map then inbuilt ones for programs, the one i use most is Headus UVlayout very nice app flattens models into UVW maps very quickly just cut seams into models then it flattens them.
I actually find texturing harder then modelling, thats where i spend most my time.
As a start you're models are looking very nice better then mine were when i first started
Me and some friends are making a game set in similar time to warband and i'll be modelling lots 'o' weapons and stuff so i'll post up some stuff when i get round to making some.