Always this shit about realismus...crpg(and m&b, and warband) is highly unrealistic, its fantasy so why should we "balance" something this way...
when the bec de corbin gets unbalanced because of "realism" than put most other twohander and polearms, and even some 1hander as unbalanced too...i would like a real realistic crpg mod but currently it would be impossible and it is needed to edit all the stats from all items+ delete some item when you want only items from a short range of time...currently we have weapons which lies around 600 years between oldest and newst weapons...
@Paul: Thx and a Bec or Luzerner Hammer/Fußstreithammer are balanced, more than most of the other polearms and swords ;) i have fought with several weapons in reallife so i have a little bit of experience, though with some understanding of physics you can know it without experience but most people under-/overestimate the things like weight, length, etc.