Im no HA myselt, for some gens i was cav in fact, but i got to say, if archers in ur team would be doing their job instead of focusing on peasants/low armorz to increase their k/d ratio, maybe HA would not be such a big threat. Intelligent infantry archers will always use the terrain (hills or roofs) in order to not get flanked by cavs so a good infantry archer will always have the upper hand on any HA if he is aware of his surroundings. Also a HA needs to be close to his target and run slowly in order to hit something, during that time he is really vulnerable to other HAs, jet pony cavs and other range. Also with the bow firing rate nerf, HA dont shoot fast anymore, i dont understand what ur trying to do, to me it seems u want to completly erase this class.
Damm, wear heavy armor/armored horsez and/or a shield and ull laugh at their damage.
Edit: being on foot or on horse, i never had any prob with HAs, at least nothing compared to infantry guided missiles arrows. My horse would die many more times to infantry range then HA.