I had more fun in the few days pre-patch, was more fun to slowly gain gold/xp while playing the game without a proper grind/farming fase. Now i have to grind like in an mmo, running around naked to make money, since i'm not an older player and i need to buy better stuff from time to time.
About the fix list:
1) Autobalance, putting people with the same banner is nice (password protected banners for clans would be even better), but overall it doesn't work. Even the simpliest method that one can think of, like ordering the players by k/d and then putting one on each team is better than the current system which is bugged, it puts all the good players on one team and the bad players on the other.
2) Upkeep is too damn high, it's no fun grinding naked to make gold! It's also no fun to have to play with crap equipment. So decrease upkeep or increase gold income.