This is the problem right here. 2hers only want to be killed by other 2hers because they feel that they should be killed by the skills of another person, not luck. Therefore every 2her/melee will come on and say that they have been 1-2 shotted by an archer which is not true at all. I've have considerably played after and before the latest patch (even before that too) and I don't see any problem. I use a 2her now, I took a shield, moved up with my team, and then when I get close i put the shield on my back and swing away. I dont understand why people cant just accept's multiplayer thereforce you cannot be invincible to everything.
I just want balance in two things
1. risk and effort vs payoff
2. advantages vs disadvantages
Every type has trade-offs that are obvious to me in both areas... except archers.
Edit: Just encountered the perfect example. I retired my archer to rebuild him for 2H as his secondary instead of 1H. So I brought him into battle with a hunting bow/3 quivers of bodkin arrows/0-level armor. Very first round, I camped a rooftop and shot at passersby. Got two kills out of I think 5 hits landed. Didn't die. Very first round. Level 1. Never got close to an enemy. Had to strafe a couple times as enemy archers fired at me from very long range, and then gave up when they realized they weren't going to hit me. Last two survivors of the enemy team stormed the building I was standing on and engaged two of my teammates in melee. I stood casually a short distance away and harrassed them with arrows.
Zero risk. Zero effort. Positive score. Level 1.