Author Topic: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?  (Read 26664 times)

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Offline Sumofallwars

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #195 on: July 04, 2011, 08:50:57 pm »
single slot for low lvl throwing weapons is fine.
But for throwing spears throwing lances and jards they should be 2 slot.
They can do some nasty dmg and take down cav quickly having more ammo would make them great for throwing builds and the 2 slots won't be a problem. but 2 slots for a hybrid build will cause lot's of problems if they want more ammo And that's balanced.

id like to see an ammo/ acc increase but let's not get crazy here.(also improve the melee stats for the throwing lance so i can be more epic plz)

Just my 2 cents as a dedicated thrower.

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #196 on: July 04, 2011, 10:46:08 pm »
Throwing needs get buffed... nuff said

Offline Camaris

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #197 on: July 05, 2011, 12:34:37 am »
Wouldnt it be possible to make Hybrid and Pure-Thrower stuff?
Hybrid 1-2 Slots very low Ammo perhaps lower damage.
Pure Builds 3-4 Slots but lots of Ammo?

You wouldnt have to add new items for everything just divide them into things a pure-char would choose and things a hybrid could.
=> Problems with Hybrids solved => pure builds are stronger.

Pure Stuff could also have high requirements while the hybrid stuff could be settled low.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 12:36:26 am by Camaris »

Offline Cheap_Shot

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #198 on: July 05, 2011, 09:15:10 pm »
single slot for low lvl throwing weapons is fine.
But for throwing spears throwing lances and jards they should be 2 slot.
They can do some nasty dmg and take down cav quickly having more ammo would make them great for throwing builds and the 2 slots won't be a problem. but 2 slots for a hybrid build will cause lot's of problems if they want more ammo And that's balanced.

id like to see an ammo/ acc increase but let's not get crazy here.(also improve the melee stats for the throwing lance so i can be more epic plz)

Just my 2 cents as a dedicated thrower.

This makes a good bit of sense, as long as the ammo counts are overall balanced. I think part of the problem though is that the 2 slot weapons in stacks are causing a few nasty bugs that as far as I know, no one knows how to fix.
I'll throw even when the weapons are gone. I can always throw punches and throw up.

Offline Templar_Ratigan

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #199 on: July 06, 2011, 11:59:03 pm »
If they increased say, throwing spears from 8 to even just 12, it would make all the difference to me.

This would mean putting 6 per slot of course.

And war darts and darts NEED to go back up to 28, I slightly saw the reason behind it, mostly the shielders who like to throw them, but still.....I miss my 28.

Although frankly as ive said in the past, the sheer level of whine about throwing was so greatly exaggerated compared to the actual imbalance, if any, that it posed.

Even now people complain if I hit them with my masterwork stones while they are wearing peasant gear. "IT DID WHAT?!!! HOW MUCH RAGHGH"
But let's ignore that a club at the same PS as I have PT would kill them in two swings as opposed to my four stones, yeah let's focus on disbelief and the DAMAGE that it did.
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Offline Sumofallwars

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #200 on: July 07, 2011, 05:19:38 am »
Oh i just thought of something. The double sided lance is the exact copy of the melee mode for throwing lances except that you can crouch with it.

Any way to add a third mode? Cause that would make it the Swiss army knife of pointy sticks

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #201 on: July 07, 2011, 06:43:59 am »
But let's ignore that a club at the same PS as I have PT would kill them in two swings as opposed to my four stones, yeah let's focus on disbelief and the DAMAGE that it did.

That club can be blocked, chambered, and backpedal'd/outreached.  The stones can't.  Remember WHY ranged weaponry is bitched about when it does damage comparable to melee.  It can't be blocked (except by being a shielder), can't be chambered (at all, sadly because that would be fucking epic) and can't be outreached (because it's ranged, derp herp I know).
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

Offline Team_Jacob

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #202 on: July 07, 2011, 06:46:28 am »
That rock can be blocked, dodged, and taken cover from, just like the club.  Remember WHY melee weaponry is bitched about when it does damage superior to ranged.  It can't be blocked (except by a melee weapon or shield), can't be chambered (because that's nearly impossible in CRPG) and can't be run out of ammo (because it's melee, derp herp I know). Melee is also the only weapon in the game with unlimited killing potential, unlike throwing's 3-4 TOPS, and crossbow's/bow's 10 or so.

« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 06:47:50 am by Team_Jacob »

Offline Templar_Ratigan

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #203 on: July 07, 2011, 05:01:41 pm »
That club can be blocked, chambered, and backpedal'd/outreached.  The stones can't.  Remember WHY ranged weaponry is bitched about when it does damage comparable to melee.  It can't be blocked (except by being a shielder), can't be chambered (at all, sadly because that would be fucking epic) and can't be outreached (because it's ranged, derp herp I know).
I almost.....almost replied with an actual argument to this, then I read the name of who posted and chuckled instead.
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Offline Tears of Destiny

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #204 on: July 07, 2011, 05:33:04 pm »
If we have reached the point where we are bitching about Stones, then you all should just lock the thread.

This is pathetic. Stones, really? Not Throwing Axes, not Throwing Lances, not even War Darts... But Stones...

This topic has deviated from the original post by a significant amount, and I highly recommend that you get back on it and stop complaining about Stones that take an extremely specialized build with a high level of player dedication and patience to become even halfway effective...
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 05:34:45 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline Lichen

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #205 on: July 07, 2011, 07:26:35 pm »
That club can be blocked, chambered, and backpedal'd/outreached.  The stones can't.  Remember WHY ranged weaponry is bitched about when it does damage comparable to melee.  It can't be blocked (except by being a shielder), can't be chambered (at all, sadly because that would be fucking epic) and can't be outreached (because it's ranged, derp herp I know).
Is this supposed to be a medieval period WAR simulator or is this game an 'honorable duel simulator'?

If we have reached the point where we are bitching about Stones, then you all should just lock the thread.

This is pathetic. Stones, really? Not Throwing Axes, not Throwing Lances, not even War Darts... But Stones...
Seriously. This mod has the greatest concentration of whiny cry babies I've ever seen.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 07:28:14 pm by Lichen »

Offline Tears of Destiny

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #206 on: July 07, 2011, 08:04:05 pm »
Is this supposed to be a medieval period WAR simulator or is this game an 'honorable duel simulator'?

Quoted for truth. There is currently the ENG server that forbids "dishonorable" things such as HA and such for the EU folks, and for the NA folks you can go to TunaTown if you want melee madness. I highly recommend the Duel Servers for anyone who also wants honorable "fair" fights.

Until then, I will continue making "specialist" builds that are weak against certain classes and completely dominate other classes in "unfair" fashions.

Cold Hard Facts:
Range is not going to be removed from cRPG.
Due to the modular build mechanics of cRPG, it is impossible to make everything "balanced" and some builds will simply have a noticable advantage against other builds.
This is not Native where everyone has the same stats and potential.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 08:05:25 pm by Tears_of_Destiny »
I'm not normal and I don't pretend so, my approach is pretty much a bomb crescendo.
Death is a fun way to pass the time though, several little bullets moving in staccato.
The terror of my reign will live on in infamy, singing when they die like a dead man's symphony.

Offline Templar_Ratigan

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #207 on: July 07, 2011, 10:47:17 pm »
Quoted for truth. There is currently the ENG server that forbids "dishonorable" things such as HA and such for the EU folks, and for the NA folks you can go to TunaTown if you want melee madness. I highly recommend the Duel Servers for anyone who also wants honorable "fair" fights.

Until then, I will continue making "specialist" builds that are weak against certain classes and completely dominate other classes in "unfair" fashions.

Cold Hard Facts:
Range is not going to be removed from cRPG.
Due to the modular build mechanics of cRPG, it is impossible to make everything "balanced" and some builds will simply have a noticable advantage against other builds.
This is not Native where everyone has the same stats and potential.

Quoted for more truth than the world has to give.  :lol:

ps: Incidentally, I did mention that I am Pebble_Pusher right? Despite the posts from the bloke/lass using my account for a while as I neglected the forum, the one who enjoyed lambasting me and posting about dead cats.  :?
« Last Edit: July 07, 2011, 10:50:01 pm by Templar_Ratigan »
He reached for his pants and grabbed the cheese, missing the bees whose honey he needs.

Offline EponiCo

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #208 on: July 08, 2011, 12:45:14 am »
Is this supposed to be a medieval period WAR simulator or is this game an 'honorable duel simulator'?
Seriously. This mod has the greatest concentration of whiny cry babies I've ever seen.

Well, the current state is a much better simulation of medieval throwing than the previous system of pure throwers stuffing 20 axes down their pants.  :lol:
It has nothing to do with honorable duels, but imo melee has the right to be more powerful than ranged.
Simply because yes, you have to get close, get through his blocks and block yourself. Even if you can't run away as ranged, you can hide behind teammates or in hard to reach spots. And threaten fairly many targets without moving from your spot.
That said, I don't care if it does more damage than a sword if it is limited otherwise but if a pure archer (a more or less sensible class) has to take a support role than you can't come with "but melee does so much damage too" etc when you want to play a made up thing like pure thrower. Simply accept it if you play this class you are not as effective as standard builds.
Not that I'm against a buff, but let's keep it weaker than melee.
« Last Edit: July 08, 2011, 12:47:13 am by EponiCo »

Offline Team_Jacob

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Re: Throwing... could you possibly make it any more useless?
« Reply #209 on: July 08, 2011, 02:55:19 am »
Well, the current state is a much better simulation of medieval throwing than the previous system of pure throwers stuffing 20 axes down their pants.  :lol:
It has nothing to do with honorable duels, but imo melee has the right to be more powerful than ranged.
Simply because yes, you have to get close, get through his blocks and block yourself. Even if you can't run away as ranged, you can hide behind teammates or in hard to reach spots. And threaten fairly many targets without moving from your spot.
That said, I don't care if it does more damage than a sword if it is limited otherwise but if a pure archer (a more or less sensible class) has to take a support role than you can't come with "but melee does so much damage too" etc when you want to play a made up thing like pure thrower. Simply accept it if you play this class you are not as effective as standard builds.
Not that I'm against a buff, but let's keep it weaker than melee.

Until I can pull my throwing axes and spears out of your retarded melee spam face, I better damn well get 20+ of them to throw. Otherwise melee weapons should be given the same damage potential restrictions, after 10 swings, you have to find a new sword.