
When should Strategus Round 7 End

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Round 7 should continue for an extended period of time

Author Topic: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications - Council Chosen  (Read 7864 times)

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #30 on: September 21, 2018, 12:20:11 am »
Example improvements you would suggest: Me being reinstated as Trailer Park Supervisor, every day is liquor day

trailer park supervisor is my in game title u fuckin imposter i grew up down the road from THE park
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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #31 on: September 21, 2018, 02:12:21 am »
Name in Strategus: Lemon
Strategus Rounds Participated: 2/3/4/7
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical:BlackFist/PeasantsUnited/Conquistadors/FCC/Kalmarunion/Von Krems/EON/13K/MurderBoner/The Lemon Company
Why you want to be on the council: Really passionate about strat and I'm interested in improving what is to me the most important gamemode for the mod.
Example improvements you would suggest: Better faction control/customization, general S&D nerf to discourage sitting in a fief with 100mil silver and not playing the game, events that force clans to compete over resources on the strat map; example being 'gold mines discovered' and whoever owns the temporary fief after a set period of time is rewarded with X silver and X rare items, etc.
Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): no
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 02:16:25 am by Lemon »
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #32 on: September 21, 2018, 02:19:17 am »
trailer park supervisor is my in game title u fuckin imposter i grew up down the road from THE park

Found Kesh in disguise!

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #33 on: September 21, 2018, 02:21:10 am »
Essentially there are pirates, and theres an open timer until a raid. It randomly selects one person as the raid target. BUT, you can pay to have them hit someone else instead. So if the raid isnt set to you, you have no reason to spend money unless they decided to swap the target to you. This leads to bidding wars that can take up a lot of resources since an early game pirate raid can be pretty tough to deal with.

Could be used a similar way via silver bidding (although this would make small factions screwed more) or through anonymous polls on the forum (still would benefit larger factions). A way to fix this would be if you got raided, you can't be raided again until every other faction has been therefore everyone would get hit at once. IDK just some ideas

i pretty much tried to RP as this exact concept this strat but it was too hard for my weenie sized faction
Lemon Luther King JR, has a dream, where all trolls are treated with fairness and equality. Lemon's want to be able to vote, and ride in the front of the bus, and drink from the same fountain that we do. Please right this inequality

Offline Farrix

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #34 on: September 21, 2018, 04:15:40 am »
Name in Strategus: Farrix
Strategus Rounds Participated:1,2,3,6,7
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical: Templars, Hospitaller, KUTT, Remnant, Byzantine
Why you want to be on the council:I have played for years steadily and would like to be a reliable assistance for my longtime favorite game.
Example improvements you would suggest: Over a threshhold of say 300 ticks involved on either side, Battles may be initiated on map at any time but only occur during primetime.
Overlaying some sort of essentially Highway System over the map that would allow anyone to negotiate the terrain without having to adjust/check in on their route every 4 hours (or lose a lot of idle time on the map)...Think more formal trade routes.
May be a bit heavy-handed but perhaps requiring showing of character stats during application and possibly even a forced balancing of character types (maybe by a potential gamemaster). No more 10 archer or cav merc advantage for one team.
Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): No

Offline Pollux

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #35 on: September 21, 2018, 06:49:10 am »
An idea for the Game Master (tm) would be to have a system similar to Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion. This may be in other SOASE games but thats the only one I've played. Essentially there are pirates, and theres an open timer until a raid. It randomly selects one person as the raid target. BUT, you can pay to have them hit someone else instead. So if the raid isnt set to you, you have no reason to spend money unless they decided to swap the target to you. This leads to bidding wars that can take up a lot of resources since an early game pirate raid can be pretty tough to deal with.

Could be used a similar way via silver bidding (although this would make small factions screwed more) or through anonymous polls on the forum (still would benefit larger factions). A way to fix this would be if you got raided, you can't be raided again until every other faction has been therefore everyone would get hit at once. IDK just some ideas

I remember that game. This is an awesome idea.

Can strat have roles that you pick at the beginning of a strat round? Choosing a leader role gets you get bonuses to PP, taxes, and army cost. Mercenary role gets a slight buff to their char stats and map speed. Traders could get S&D bonuses. Mayors get to own multiple fiefs.

If you add in abilities you could have depth for the roles, e.g. assassin role has ability to infiltrate castle and open the gate for a siege. Idk I just like the idea of roles and spicing up strat gameplay.

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #36 on: September 21, 2018, 08:45:25 pm »
Name in Strategus: Merc_DaveUKR
Strategus Rounds Participated: since 2010
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical: The Mercenaries (and our other faction names in strat like Apostates etc)
Why you want to be on the council: I know stuff and what's more important - I can code unlike many other (if not all) applicants.
Example improvements you would suggest: automatic battle time scheduler that puts the most important battles in prime time etc
Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): n

Offline Knute

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2018, 12:04:30 am »
Start the round with equipment heavily discounted in specific regions (ex. Arabic in the desert, Nordic in the north, horses in plains/steppe, and heavy armor near mountains) to jumpstart the action and add new strategic / roleplay elements.

I like the idea of that, but it might be a major pain in the ass to code that.

Maybe there's a way to do it with minimal effort that might work well with the Gamemasterâ„¢ concept.

We had a round that started with factions owning fiefs after voting. Using the same mechanic, give the Gamemasters control of all the fiefs and access to the map before the round starts. They're now the AI faction. They could move around the map and set the PP, gear, troop numbers etc in all the fiefs then control the AI rosters once the round starts. Fiefs could now have themes instead of random gear and roster issues.

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2018, 04:33:19 am »
Name in Strategus: Bryggan or some version of it
Strategus Rounds Participated: 5,6 and 7
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical:13 Knights, KotN, HCE and various merc agreements
Why you want to be on the council: So I can claim to be leader and do no work yet take all the credit for anything positive we achieve.
Example improvements you would suggest:
I'd say divide the armour into 5 or 6 tiers with each tier having the same stats (for strat only) so factions can choose their style without having less armour points.
Retreating should leave you with whatever men you have left plus the broken gear you would have got if you had just lost (or at least something!).
Fiefs should generate silver so owners don't have to trade, and afk owned fiefs will be worth taking.
Have fief production based on fief population.
And (probably the least popular) get rid of garrisons and fief population growth.  Make players have to convert troops into population to A) increase rents B) increase production C)defend.  Put population caps at 500 for villages, 1500 for castles and 3000 for cities (with no reinforcing (and no raids, obviously).  This would force more field battles as defenders would sally out to try prevent sieges, and afk factions just couldn't put 30,000 men in a castle and leave.

But I see a lot of other brilliant ideas in here, and would like to work with you guys to maybe put a little strategy into strategus.

Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): No, but I am a Kesh wannabe

Overlaying some sort of essentially Highway System over the map that would allow anyone to negotiate the terrain without having to adjust/check in on their route every 4 hours (or lose a lot of idle time on the map)...Think more formal trade routes.
This would be good idea- cut some roads through the woods and mountains so direct travel is easier.  This would lead to choke points that armies could watch for enemy caravans, plus ambushes could be set in the woods beside the roads.
« Last Edit: September 23, 2018, 03:39:19 am by Bryggan »

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2018, 05:14:13 am »
Name in Strategus: Bryggan or some version of it
Strategus Rounds Participated: 5,6 and 7
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical:13 Knights, KotN, and various merc agreements
Why you want to be on the council: So I can claim to be leader and do no work yet take all the credit for anything positive we achieve.
Example improvements you would suggest:
I'd say divide the armour into 5 or 6 tiers with each tier having the same stats (for strat only) so factions can choose their style without having less armour points.
Retreating should leave you with whatever men you have left plus the broken gear you would have got if you had just lost (or at least something!).
Fiefs should generate silver so owners don't have to trade, and afk owned fiefs will be worth taking.
Have fief production based on fief population.
And (probably the least popular) get rid of garrisons and fief population growth.  Make players have to convert troops into population to A) increase rents B) increase production C)defend.  Put population caps at 500 for villages, 1500 for castles and 3000 for cities (with no reinforcing (and no raids, obviously).  This would force more field battles as defenders would sally out to try prevent sieges, and afk factions just couldn't put 30,000 men in a castle and leave.

But I see a lot of other brilliant ideas in here, and would like to work with you guys to maybe put a little strategy into strategus.

Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): No, but I am a Kesh wannabe
This would be good idea- cut some roads through the woods and mountains so direct travel is easier.  This would lead to choke points that armies could watch for enemy caravans, plus ambushes could be set in the woods beside the roads.

I would gladly go so far as to give up my spot on the council (if I even get one) for this man.
"A leader is a dealer in hope."

Offline Farrix

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2018, 05:16:02 am »
Name in Strategus: Bryggan or some version of it
Strategus Rounds Participated: 5,6 and 7
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical:13 Knights, KotN, and various merc agreements
Why you want to be on the council: So I can claim to be leader and do no work yet take all the credit for anything positive we achieve.
Example improvements you would suggest:
I'd say divide the armour into 5 or 6 tiers with each tier having the same stats (for strat only) so factions can choose their style without having less armour points.
Retreating should leave you with whatever men you have left plus the broken gear you would have got if you had just lost (or at least something!).
Fiefs should generate silver so owners don't have to trade, and afk owned fiefs will be worth taking.
Have fief production based on fief population.
And (probably the least popular) get rid of garrisons and fief population growth.  Make players have to convert troops into population to A) increase rents B) increase production C)defend.  Put population caps at 500 for villages, 1500 for castles and 3000 for cities (with no reinforcing (and no raids, obviously).  This would force more field battles as defenders would sally out to try prevent sieges, and afk factions just couldn't put 30,000 men in a castle and leave.

But I see a lot of other brilliant ideas in here, and would like to work with you guys to maybe put a little strategy into strategus.

Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): No, but I am a Kesh wannabe
This would be good idea- cut some roads through the woods and mountains so direct travel is easier.  This would lead to choke points that armies could watch for enemy caravans, plus ambushes could be set in the woods beside the roads.

As it is, we can select any village, castle, town across calradia and select it at a destination. However, it's programmed as a straight shot and you end up getting stopped in mountains or rivers on your journey unless you constantly maintain it. The goal is to increase involved population right? Well how many 100 man armies do you see stuck in these kinds of places? They just said fuck it and quit. Make it easier for new players to start and keep playing. Not to mention the incredible amount of drama that could occur in the inter-clan politics within strat. Hell, just the convenience would be a benefit for everyone. There's also a lot of potential opportunities that could come from such a thing.

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #41 on: September 24, 2018, 07:14:52 pm »
Name in Strategus: Jona
Strategus Rounds Participated: 4-7 (took on a leadership role starting in strat 5)
Affiliated Strategus Factions Current/Historical: Velucan Empire, Wardens of the North, Hounds of Chulainn
Why you want to be on the council: To help keep this sinking ship afloat for as long as possible
Example improvements you would suggest:
  • Better balance the number of fiefs for the expected playerbase so that every single fief is of vital importance (will require adjustments to prosperity, garrison size, etc.)
  • Make it so that villages are much more common than castles and cities, as they are by far the most fun types of sieges in strat
  • Also make it so that the fiefs included on the strat map are ones with somewhat balanced maps, as fun as possible for both attackers and defenders
  • Work out ways to entice more aggressive play and punish afkers, starting by making attacking fiefs less shitty
  • Having someone like prof initiate random attacks with themed armies is something I can get behind, so long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of clan v. clan wars too greatly (imo this is something that is only really necessary if strat is dragging its feet and not much is happening)
  • Huseby's idea of randomly assigning people to one of a set number of factions is honestly a great idea that should receive some more thought - definitely the type of thing to shake things up a bit and if rewards are offered for the best performing factions it'd keep people focused and constantly involved
  • Honestly anything to reinvent strat as much as possible with our limited ability to change the code should be considered greatly as it has become rather stale for many vets by now, starting with making equipment costs exponential to keep the average army equipped with medium gear and making plate a rarity (xp gain would probably need to be adjusted to take this into account)

Are you Kesh in disguise come to lay ruin to Calradia (Y/N): You'd have to ask Occitan, they seem to be the experts in all things Kesh.
« Last Edit: September 24, 2018, 07:18:04 pm by Jona »
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"I'll have my lance aimed at Jona's knees and he'll jump up, run up my lance and kill me." -Dalfador

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #42 on: September 24, 2018, 09:00:21 pm »
delete spawn timer limit update. Taking cities is really hard when defenders keep spawning even if you crush them hard. Battles will finish earlier. 2 hour battles is hard when you got 3 of them in same day.

About the strat reset I dont care. Shouldnt waste time with it anymore
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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #43 on: October 01, 2018, 05:26:17 am »
Applications are now closed. The list of accepted council members will be posted within the next two days.

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Re: Strategus 7 Reset/End Date - Strategus Council Applications
« Reply #44 on: October 03, 2018, 01:11:30 pm »
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Council members have been chosen. The following players will make up the original council:

Kratos - Has Reported to Council
DaveUKR - Has Reported to Council
Jack1 - Has Reported to Council
Huseby - Has Reported to Council
Apollo - Has Reported to Council
sJimmy - Has Reported to Council
Assington - Has Reported to Council
Haramir - Has Reported to Council
Bryggan - Removed
Jona - Has Reported to Council
Knute - Has Reported to Council
Zeus - Has Reported to Council
Tristan - Has Reported to Council
Uthyr - Has Reported to Council
James - Has Reported to Council

Please Join the Discord(click here) immediately if you have not already as we will be debating the various changes in a private discord channel for the council.

If you do not report to the Strategus Council within 2 days your spot will be filled with another applicant.

Thanks to all players who applied and suggested improvements for Strategus 8 stay tuned in case there is a need for replacements.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2018, 12:29:01 pm by njames89 »