Author Topic: the game doesn't feel the same  (Read 13089 times)

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #45 on: January 11, 2011, 04:38:12 am »
Well if the people that loved to wear black armor and spam their way through a room of peasants move on, no great loss imo.
And I should be nice or polite to anyone.... why exactly?

Offline Chasab

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #46 on: January 11, 2011, 04:40:43 am »
I dont think the majority of people that are hating on my post actually understand what my post said.

Must be alot of ESL middle easterners or something.

The game feels broken, Combat feels broken. maybe its just the servers(my ping is under 100) swings that dont hit the person register as hits, swings that hit the person register as misses.

the movement feels off.

You get rewarded TOO much(being able to makes tens of thousands like i did is absurd)

People talk about there being more "team work" before in order to win and get rewarded you need to follow your best players and help them stay alive, and fight and kill. Now to be rewarded you just need to spawn. the flankers get more rewards, which is great, but leechers do too. Archers that climb as far away from the action up onto unreachable areas which normally would put them out of reward range get huge rewards with no risk.

So lets recap

Risk vs reward has changed greatly, the less risk you take the more your potential gain. archers need just a bow and arrows to be effective, even if they die(normally last as they are out of reach of cav and well behind the fighting) there wear and tear is minimal at best. Melee units are wearing lighter gear, which means cav cut them down even easier then before. you have people running around in str builds, with 2 handed long weapons one shotting everyone that hit. because of lighter armor, throwing and ranged are much stronger. If you dont have some form of ranged weapon you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.

the entire meta of the game changed, teams are starting to see a lot of intentional stacking. I can understand why changes were made. but at the moment it just FEELS broken.

I have no problem with the breaking of items, however i'm sure there was a better way to achieve it.
I have no problem with them changing the reward system, however again i think it rewards the leechers too much. I would much rather have seen a tier system which encouraged teaching/training players. where knights would take on squire peasents and they would share rewards. i dont know what the game is capable of..

For now id just be happy if the game registered attacks correctly
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 04:41:56 am by Chasab »
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Offline Beleidiger

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #47 on: January 11, 2011, 04:40:51 am »
Hmmmm the new feeling of M&B Warband!!

Specially the new EXP and GOLD-gaining System! The new System is good but not Perfect than it keeps a deep Dark side within!Leeching - this guys just standing around and weakening your Team and get the same amount of Gold and XP thats not Fair!
Wat the Game now needs is an Bonus XP/Gold gaining System for those ho work hard for the Win like some Gold and XP for Each Kill like before but only for the Player ho did the Kill!

If its Possible to Handle such a System the standard Gaining each Minute must be lowered!Thats how i think about that Problem!

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #48 on: January 11, 2011, 05:12:35 am »
Eh, they don't. Yes, if we win they'll befenit just as much as every player who tried.
But, since every leecher just decreases his team's chances to win, they'll be on the loosing team far more often, then any player who gives his best. And yes, there will be unlucky "workers" and lucky "leechers", this is unfortunate, but coding a system that rewards every worker fairly is impossible because there just so many ways to do something useful.
And yes, again, they are not paying upkeep - but well, then the others run around in their gear and can cut down these leeches for a few extra kills ... fair's fair.

Offline Beleidiger

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #49 on: January 11, 2011, 05:22:43 am »
Eh, they don't. Yes, if we win they'll befenit just as much as every player who tried.
But, since every leecher just decreases his team's chances to win, they'll be on the loosing team far more often, then any player who gives his best. And yes, there will be unlucky "workers" and lucky "leechers", this is unfortunate, but coding a system that rewards every worker fairly is impossible because there just so many ways to do something useful.
And yes, again, they are not paying upkeep - but well, then the others run around in their gear and can cut down these leeches for a few extra kills ... fair's fair.

I tryed to say Extra gold for Kills would be enough that some guys think hey more is more and start Playing!I never saw that many standing around People in the Game since the Patch and the best of them call something like"Hey Pleas dont Kick i just go to dinner"

The Problem with the Leechers is the give a Shit of getting the maximum of Goldgaining!They just stay all the day on the Servers and wait!So they get there Gold anyways!
The standard Gold/XP per Minute is needed because low Level Chars can´t get Kills  and need that to Level up but an little Bonus each Head is an good Idea i Think and i dont do very many Kills!

And Free Kills as reward isent really that wat i want!
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 05:27:11 am by Beleidiger »

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #50 on: January 11, 2011, 11:19:19 am »
I agree that the game is not so much fun like this. We all played and spent much hours urning our good gear and weapons, now it is useless because of the cost. I am still reading the forum in hope there will be a old systhem wich will be clear about our urnings, without the repair cost and with e new reward systhem for kills and maybe wounding. So people will fight so they will reveive extra gold.

For now i am playing Native again and reading Rpg forum.
« Last Edit: January 11, 2011, 11:21:10 am by VonFinsol »

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #51 on: January 11, 2011, 01:02:25 pm »
You are right, cRPG doesn´t feel the same, because it´s  a new game. cRPG v2.x is rather a Prequel, than an "improved" version and more changes will arrive soon, if we like them or not.

You miss your level 40  "I-can-easily-spam-my-way" until I run in another level 40 "I-can-easily-spam-my-way-but-I-have-skill-too" character? If you enjoyed this kind of playing, you are right, the new cRPG fails completly to satisfy your needs.
Now even a lvl10 character is able to block more than 1or2 hits from a level 30 character, training blocking, feinting and chambering improves your success drastically, its not all about level, equipment and retiring (aka wpp/wpf farming).

You liked the "charge my brothers, I am behind you my meatshields" battle feeling? There is a chance the new cRPG will disappoints you, because the new xp and gold gain system freed us from the crowd. You are not forced to use this freedom, but don´t blame anyone who does. "Damn unreliable meatshields!"

You miss the time earning 15-30k or more gold a week, buying the best equipment available and with generation 5 you own 4 horses, 6 complete sets of armors and 17 weapons? No fear, you can earn this amount of gold now during one day, but you can loose this during the next. The new upkeep system neither forces you to run around as a peasant (at least not all the time) nor to sell all your equipment. Now it´s a tactical decision to equip the best gear available, at least for new players and to be honest, I think many of us can only laugh at the the current upkeep costs, because we grinded so much money in the past.

 I like the new game and don´t miss the prequel. The only thing I miss, is a cRPG and Strategus reset.

Offline Beleidiger

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2011, 02:42:14 pm »
I agree that the game is not so much fun like this. We all played and spent much hours urning our good gear and weapons, now it is useless because of the cost. I am still reading the forum in hope there will be a old systhem wich will be clear about our urnings, without the repair cost and with e new reward systhem for kills and maybe wounding. So people will fight so they will reveive extra gold.

For now i am playing Native again and reading Rpg forum.

Nope i think the Repair System is a Useful thing because there never was less Tincans then ever the last 4 Days and Chargers and stuff!

But maybe it would be useful to make high repair-costs if you die and low repair-cost if you survive but if it will be deleted there will be more then 50% Tincans again and thats just frustrating for the Low Levels and newbees!

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2011, 02:54:27 pm »
low lewel and newbies you say... I say throwers and archers

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #54 on: January 11, 2011, 04:00:03 pm »
The upkeep is insane in the Australian CRPG server(s).

We have on average 15 players on at a time, rounds are shorter etc so there's less time to earn gold.

Most have dropped their plate armor to try get their builds down to the 45k gold mark to at least not lose gold horribly. My 65k build lost 6k gold in roughly 30 minutes.

People are pulling out throwing weapons a lot more now (always annoying) after this update, and no one dares bring plated charger out to play (the one or two that managed to buy one) in case it dies. Let alone a destrier.

Besides the annoying upkeep which we can all tolerate (annoying as hell), cav (which I am) lost the Long Great Lance. The only thing to use in its step is the Great Lance, which like the Long Great Lance, can't be used outside of Couch mode. However it's far inferior to the LOC / Long Great Lance. I no longer use the Great Lance at all due to the fact flamberge users with good aim and timing outrange me. The weapon needs to be usable as it is in Native tbh... off topic.

The most important point I want to make is CRPG now feels a lot more like Native M&B after this patch, and we all know Native M&B is BORING and thats why most CRPG players rarely play Native anymore.

CRPG feels somewhat less entertaining than before the patch and I am not sure why (not cause of LOC being removed) but possibly because I always have to be concerned about looking at my gold count, even when I on average do a 4:1 kill ratio. Also that popup screen each round, tell me anyone likes that? I'd rather their be AFKers and not have to click that annoying screen away each round.

Offline Chasab

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #55 on: January 11, 2011, 04:27:06 pm »
and whats up with the "on ice" feeling i get when i play?

Is it just me? for instance, if you are moving forward and you let go of W your character sort of keeps momentum for a second, instead of stopping.

Very annoying, almost like a mini rubberbanding thing going on with pings under 100
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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #56 on: January 11, 2011, 05:09:15 pm »
Back to archers 2 hitting me in my lamellar vest, oh how the world changes guess I have to wear heavier armor.

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #57 on: January 11, 2011, 10:24:58 pm »
i disagree, before the fighting mattered, being melee mattered. you went into every fight and it really made a difference if you won you got gold/exp if you lost you got next to nothing. Now im naked and i stand around and do nothing, and i GET more then i ever got before if i won or loss. The difference is now i dont really enjoy moving, the fighting doesnt matter anymore, i dont spawn till after everyone runs away from spawn, i spawn naked, by the time i pick up a shield i have gained 100 gold and 5000 exp. zero effort required. getting kills no longer matters, winning no longer matters.

This is an awesome patch for those leechers.

its a terrible patch for those who were enjoying the melee before.

like i just spawned late while making this post, my team had won twice in a row, and i just got something like 450 gold, thousands of exp and i did nothing, i contributed nothing, i killed no one, and we LOST. and i had zero fun

in regards to xbows making more of an appearance. really dude? you didnt notice all the sniper xbows before?

I love how games like World of Warcraft have completely brainwashed some people.  No one has yet explained to me the point of leeching...  What is the point of doing what you say and spawning naked?  To make money you say?  Why?  To buy more stuff?  Why?  So you can spawn naked and make money?  LOL  have fun with that.  I will spend my money to pwn noobs all day.

Offline Chasab

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #58 on: January 11, 2011, 10:51:39 pm »
I still pwn noobs, in fact i get more kills now then i did before. its so much easier now.

Lots of people in Meh gear + powerstrike and Str = One shotting everyone.

I get shit tons of gold, When attacks register i one shot lots of people now that nobody runs plate.

before i would have to actually have a fight with someone, get a few hits in, take some hits throw some blocks. Now its wham one hit they die i move on. just seems kind of meh, i mean i feel like pre-patch goretooth sometimes now
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Offline Moscher

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Re: the game doesn't feel the same
« Reply #59 on: January 12, 2011, 01:52:05 am »
Its a complete Different game

R.i.P Knights
R.I.P Heavy Infantery
R.I.P Tier 4+5 Cavalery

Old Players get nerfed.

They played long time, Monthts to get there Heirloomed Items and there Xp. Know Massive Changing off Weapons Equip etc.

I love Black Armor Tanks, that was not my dream i was Medium-Heavy Agi fighter. But i feared them.
I miss the Spammberge, it was a Teamwork with Archers Pikeman to kill them.
I miss Steel Shielders. Most difficult fighting Style vs 1 Hand.
I miss Elefant Horse. Trampel and fighting deluxe
I miss the fucking 1 Shooting X-bow

and so much more

And pls stop with the crap story  that this is all here and old player can use it. Look at this poor Army know, i see a massive Peasant Army farming gold, sometimes Medium Fighters.  Sometimes in a winning team some knights. Stop to tell, that a Tincan is unfair.  They worked hard for there money and skill. It was a dream Factor to get a Plate, Heavy Armour, Good 10 K weapons or a cool looking horse. And know? Pffff.

Its a different game now. Thats fact.

I miss the old one.

And we have a extremly Grinding status know, retirement xp gen and item only at 31. I thought most important think is stop grinding?

Well if the people that loved to wear black armor and spam their way through a room of peasants move on, no great loss imo.

Gorath you are a fanboy, but if you was frustrated that you have no skill to kill a tincan spamberge than stop flame old good Black armour wearer.
Since this patch, the archers make Peasants Massaker. A Tincan 2 Hander was a fighter that go in front in a fight. And hold the line.
I never will be wearing a black armolur, i am a medium agi fighter.  But i repect my old Tank enemys.

What was you for a class? So we can flame your style
« Last Edit: January 12, 2011, 01:56:40 am by Moscher »