Well, what should they be called then? Theyre on conquered Swedish soil, sami-swedes? Seems redundant to go down the dividing route, considering how scandis are all probably mixed one way or another to finnish, norwegian or danish sides. I'll have you know deer is delish as af, and our national parks are one of the prettiest parts you can find in sweden. They know their game. Blame the swedish government for making them victims and giving them insane benefits just for being a minority group.
Nothing. They should be deported to Helsinki from where they came.
Finns don't share that many genes with anyone except Finns and Genghis Khan (his grandfather was Finn).
stupid bih, show me proof bro
Like i said, the way norwegians, finns and danish are considered swedes as well once theyve spen enough time here. But then again the northern part of sweden can be considered quite different from the southern part as well.
I don't think that's a valid comparison. Norwegians integrate while Sami, once again, is fucking deer deep down in some dark forest. Skellefteå, Umeå etc civilized tho.
Look at this dumbass trying to fit in with white people;