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but you still raid your parents fridge and purse, so where´s the tribute? Not shitting on the kitchen table every morning?
So you are either a wagecuck or a thief and a terrorist in that scenario?
I prefer to think of myself as a Viking raider
u all just mad xant b gettin free cash from sukrs like u lmao
BAAA!!!!! Wake up wagecucks! It's Monday! Time for sheep to go to work and earn a pay check so that it can be taxed and given to me. My lifestyle isn't free and YOU are both the sheep and the wool... LMAO!visitors can't see pics , please register or login
It's labor day, so no work today though.
Puck-headed maple-sucking moosefucker
Do you get mad when the dog eats your scraps?
Wake up, Xant. Your family is worried about you.