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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #300 on: March 29, 2016, 11:22:25 pm »
EDIT: I re-read your post "....Spain is hardly an intellectual superpower..." Hey Fuck You Buddy XD

Well he's nationalist who believes that his little shitty country is best thing since sliced bread, take that into consideration. But you should already be aware of it, since we're here for five years and pretty much everybody knows what others think.

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #301 on: March 29, 2016, 11:28:55 pm »
How can others know what I think when I don't even know what I think
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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #302 on: March 29, 2016, 11:37:17 pm »
You think that playing cRPG in first person isn't nausea inducing. Rest of us disagree.

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #303 on: March 29, 2016, 11:46:11 pm »
The Muslim golden age was started by  Assyrian Christians who translated Greek and Indian works into Syriac and later into Arabic, not Muslims, all of the Abassid caliphate physicians were Assyrian Christians, not Muslims. They were responsible for the Muslim golden age while forced to live as second class citizens and eventually were driven close to extinction from centuries of persecution and genocide. Even the Moors had a connection to the Assyrians, many of the Moorish upper class were from the Syrian landed elite who took these works and ideas back to Spain with them.
You got the whole thing wrong, maybe because you read it wrong. Did i say muslims did the work ? Mid East and muslims are different things, isn't it ? One is geographical position and the other is religion. Scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into Arabic. Those scholars didn't agreed on whatsapp group to gather all together in Mid East to do science. They were gathered, supported, payed by muslim Arabs.

Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, Chinese, Phoenician works were translated. Scientific language was Arabic throughout the centuries. Those works might have been lost without Arabs. Deny it or not Mid East was 10x advanced than Europe between 8th century to the 13th century.

Those beautiful "Arabic" mosque domes you see would not exist if it were not for these " Christian child molestors " as dknz calls them,  :lol: which are suspiciously very similar to the Byzantine style domes you also see.
EUROPE was in the dark i said, not the christian population in the whole world. Reading problems are bad, you should do that carefully.
What's the connection between christians doing science in Mid East and christians in the dark in Europe. Different things as i stated above.

This is something like denying the contribution of USA for today's science just because the ppl who do science there is not American but ppl from different parts of the world with different religions.
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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #304 on: March 30, 2016, 12:00:40 am »
You think that playing cRPG in first person isn't nausea inducing. Rest of us disagree.


its signed,

i can only approved,

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #305 on: March 30, 2016, 12:11:14 am »
Well he's nationalist who believes that his little shitty country is best thing since sliced bread, take that into consideration.

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #306 on: March 30, 2016, 12:25:05 am »
You got the whole thing wrong, maybe because you read it wrong. Did i say muslims did the work ? Mid East and muslims are different things, isn't it ? One is geographical position and the other is religion. Scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into Arabic. Those scholars didn't agreed on whatsapp group to gather all together in Mid East to do science. They were gathered, supported, payed by muslim Arabs.

Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, Chinese, Phoenician works were translated. Scientific language was Arabic throughout the centuries. Those works might have been lost without Arabs. Deny it or not Mid East was 10x advanced than Europe between 8th century to the 13th century.
Except it wasn't Arabs doing the translating, it was Assyrians.
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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #307 on: March 30, 2016, 01:41:51 am »

If I was nationalist, I would link to page describing "mine" country but I'm not. Taking pride in "witty" and "edgy" writing of some lonely, angry individual. And like to call it a country where I'm currently taking residence in. Hopefully it won't be the one where they'll bury me. Sea or empty space are much better choices imho.

Happiness as product of "good life" is superficial bullshit and will come to an end the moment material goods are taken from you.  It is same brand of happiness consumerism brings, like buying new iPhone or brand new pair of designer jeans. It is basically a fix, lasts temporarily and leaves you urging for more. Fucks you up in the end.

I tend to value spiritual side of life more than physical because latter doesn't last long and comes at limited quantities that cannot be renewed. If you're obsessing over physical aspect, then your happiness will last for period when you're in your prime which is less than half of your lifespan. Rest of your life will be miserable, drowned in alcohol or drugs in attempt to forget that your prime passed. Older cultures than ours, those at far east know that very well and are governing their lives according to those facts of life.

I don't live in a rich, economically prosperous country with great welfare system and high average wages. I am unable to buy latest iPhone, PC, gaming console, 4K LCDTV, designer clothes, rent expensive flat or buy brand new German car. But you know what, unlike most of the people surrounding me, not having those goods in my possession that doesn't make me unhappy. I simply feel no need for any of those things as must-have ingredients of my so called modern life. What makes me unhappy are people I'm surrounded with, shallow starved out demons who want something superficial they don't have and are willing to harm other people in their quest for personal materialistic goods which serve no good purpose to most of them because their chronic lack of education and knowledge. That is what sucks about poor countries. Human nature sucks, not lack of goods they produce (objectively speaking it is all crap). But human nature sucks everywhere, it is just concealed under layers of short lasting mechanisms that bring temporary pleasure that way averting true intentions of most members of our species. What I value the most are things most of us take for grant and repeatedly destroy. Things that can regenerate but not under attacks of so many viruses we call humans.

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #308 on: March 30, 2016, 01:53:16 am »

If I was nationalist, I would link to page describing "mine" country but I'm not. Taking pride in "witty" and "edgy" writing of some lonely, angry individual. And like to call it a country where I'm currently taking residence in. Hopefully it won't be the one where they'll bury me. Sea or empty space are much better choices imho.

Happiness as product of "good life" is superficial bullshit and will come to an end the moment material goods are taken from you.  It is same brand of happiness consumerism brings, like buying new iPhone or brand new pair of designer jeans. It is basically a fix, lasts temporarily and leaves you urging for more. Fucks you up in the end.

I tend to value spiritual side of life more than physical because latter doesn't last long and comes at limited quantities that cannot be renewed. If you're obsessing over physical aspect, then your happiness will last for period when you're in your prime which is less than half of your lifespan. Rest of your life will be miserable, drowned in alcohol or drugs in attempt to forget that your prime passed. Older cultures than ours, those at far east know that very well and are governing their lives according to those facts of life.

I don't live in a rich, economically prosperous country with great welfare system and high average wages. I am unable to buy latest iPhone, PC, gaming console, 4K LCDTV, designer clothes, rent expensive flat or buy brand new German car. But you know what, unlike most of the people surrounding me, not having those goods in my possession that doesn't make me unhappy. I simply feel no need for any of those things as must-have ingredients of my so called modern life. What makes me unhappy are people I'm surrounded with, shallow starved out demons who want something superficial they don't have and are willing to harm other people in their quest for personal materialistic goods which serve no good purpose to most of them because their chronic lack of education and knowledge. That is what sucks about poor countries. Human nature sucks, not lack of goods they produce (objectively speaking it is all crap). But human nature sucks everywhere, it is just concealed under layers of short lasting mechanisms that bring temporary pleasure that way averting true intentions of most members of our species. What I value the most are things most of us take for grant and repeatedly destroy. Things that can regenerate but not under attacks of so many viruses we call humans.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Grytviken

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #309 on: March 30, 2016, 03:48:03 am »
You got the whole thing wrong, maybe because you read it wrong. Did i say muslims did the work ? Mid East and muslims are different things, isn't it ? One is geographical position and the other is religion. Scholars from various parts of the world with different cultural backgrounds were mandated to gather and translate all of the world's classical knowledge into Arabic. Those scholars didn't agreed on whatsapp group to gather all together in Mid East to do science. They were gathered, supported, payed by muslim Arabs.

Greek, Roman, Persian, Indian, Chinese, Phoenician works were translated. Scientific language was Arabic throughout the centuries. Those works might have been lost without Arabs. Deny it or not Mid East was 10x advanced than Europe between 8th century to the 13th century.
EUROPE was in the dark i said, not the christian population in the whole world. Reading problems are bad, you should do that carefully.
What's the connection between christians doing science in Mid East and christians in the dark in Europe. Different things as i stated above.

This is something like denying the contribution of USA for today's science just because the ppl who do science there is not American but ppl from different parts of the world with different religions.

There's absolutely no evidence that shows that the Mid-East was more advanced than Europe before the 13th century, let alone 10x. When searching in the Middle East and Cordoba for archaeological evidence of this luxurious "golden age" what they found was extremely disappointing and supports none of the sort, and in fact the total opposite, it seemed to be a mostly impoverished civilization. The lack of Muslim archaeology from before the tenth and eleventh centuries compared to the MILLIONS of archaeological finds from the Roman Empire shows that this "Golden Age" is probably very much exaggerated.

Just because a scholar is studying or working in some secluded part of an Empire does not make an entire civilization more advanced or inferior than another, it really has no bearing on mainstream society unless those ideas and works can actually be put to practical use. The Ottoman Turks soundly defeated both the Arabs and Persians, the Golden boys themselves who were still using bows and arrows in the 16th century. This did not spark any kind of extended Islamic Golden age despite all of those flourishing centers of advanced civilization they must have acquired. In fact I think they were quite disappointed at the sorry state of their new possessions and the backwardness of these areas compared to Anatolia. Much like today, 1000 years ago Muslims were constantly warring and there was never any room for any significant leap in technology to be made, the Arabs were fighting the Persians, and the Turks were fighting them both, and their experience having fought wars against the more technologically advanced Europeans gave them an advantage and they won.
« Last Edit: March 30, 2016, 05:10:29 am by Grytviken »

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #310 on: March 30, 2016, 07:07:11 am »
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It's true money doesn't necessarily buy happiness at least not long meaningful happiness. This is a fact accepted by almost everyone.
But what is also true is that I would rather be completely depressed and lost in life sitting in a mansion drinking a $500 bottle of scotch with a dozen sports cars in my garage which is larger than the average persons home... Than to be stuck in China happy as a dog with little to no material possessions, little to no quality education, forced to work long hours for slave wages so I can afford rice and a duck once every month to feed my loved ones.

Money doesn't buy happiness. But it buys practically everything else on this planet.  8-)

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #311 on: March 30, 2016, 07:21:52 am »
The Muslim golden age was started by  Assyrian Christians who translated Greek and Indian works into Syriac and later into Arabic, not Muslims, all of the Abassid caliphate physicians were Assyrian Christians, not Muslims. They were responsible for the Muslim golden age while forced to live as second class citizens and eventually were driven close to extinction from centuries of persecution and genocide. Even the Moors had a connection to the Assyrians, many of the Moorish upper class were from the Syrian landed elite who took these works and ideas back to Spain with them.

Can you list us some famous "Assyrian Christian Scientists" who invented/discovered anything relevant from this era?

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #312 on: March 30, 2016, 08:42:09 am »
This is something like denying the contribution of USA for today's science just because the ppl who do science there is not American but ppl from different parts of the world with different religions.
Kinda off-topic but out of experience on several occasions I know that at least for my profession, America is a bit of a backwater developing world :D
...but nevermind. Not really important. Different matter really... Sowwy :3
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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #313 on: March 30, 2016, 08:45:46 am »
Can you list us some famous "Assyrian Christian Scientists" who invented/discovered anything relevant from this era?

Offline DKNhz

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Re: religion of peace followers spreading love at brussels airport
« Reply #314 on: March 30, 2016, 09:33:00 am »

Good list. Here are the muslims;

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Biologists, neuroscientists, and psychologists
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Chemists / Alchemists
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Geographers and earth scientists
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Physicists and engineers
(click to show/hide)

They are all major figures and made a significant contribution to the science. We can triple that list if we just add non-major scholars. And yes, they all lived in the islamic golden age.
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