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Either way I get a Pikachu, not much of a dilemma.
Just had a quick look at it, and it seems to be something about men trying to explain why they can't get laid, and how it's women's fault. Rather pathetic to be honest... It just really feels like getting ready for a fight by reading a book about fighting, written by some one who really sucks at fighting.But if it helps someone - who am i to judge?..
Would rather have a growlithe really.. visitors can't see pics , please register or login
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I honestly don't know, I haven't watched The Matrix...
Know that sub. That explains so much about you.
in case we're living in simulation, I'm more advanced simulation than both of them because I don't seem so obviously robotic.
Time to resurrect this baby Related:Elon Musk thinks we all live in a video game. So what if we do?Mister Musk, I think you might be onto something here. Still find it hard to swallow that Xant and Kafein are real people and not bots... in case we're living in simulation, I'm more advanced simulation than both of them because I don't seem so obviously robotic. Or at least that's what I tell myself. Another reason for that could due to nasty bugs in my main program...Do you think we're just code running on alien computers and nothing else?