
Should EU_1 and NA_1 switch over to siege for a couple hours every Saturday or Sunday?

85 (81.7%)
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Voting closed: February 18, 2016, 08:34:39 am

Author Topic: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?  (Read 6508 times)

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #30 on: January 16, 2016, 06:47:10 pm »

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #31 on: January 16, 2016, 07:22:06 pm »
I understand how some people have no love for siege, but it always gives me a good chuckle when they complain about how agi trolls, delayers, HA/HX, and basically all archers and ranged in general killed off this mod. Well, siege basically solves each and every one of those issues, so you kinda brought it on yourselves by never playing NA2/EU2.  :wink:
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #32 on: January 16, 2016, 07:22:29 pm »
fix strat. plz

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #33 on: January 16, 2016, 07:41:31 pm »
fix strat. plz

True but with strat and strat battles who the fuck is going to play siege hahaha

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2016, 07:42:22 pm »
I understand how some people have no love for siege, but it always gives me a good chuckle when they complain about how agi trolls, delayers, HA/HX, and basically all archers and ranged in general killed off this mod. Well, siege basically solves each and every one of those issues, so you kinda brought it on yourselves by never playing NA2/EU2.  :wink:

I agree.

I also hate it when people get hyped up for siege in the past and play for 1 map, and complain about unbalanced teams and bad maps and leave for NA 1
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #35 on: January 16, 2016, 08:46:02 pm »
Love the idea, but I worry too many Eu1 freaks don't like siege at all and wont agree with you.

= not sure if we can get enough players for a decent siege battle, but I am supporting this

as solution admins could set for each team like 40 bots,dunno how this would be possible but  on dtv there are also bots and also on custom battles :)
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #36 on: January 16, 2016, 08:55:46 pm »

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2016, 02:20:37 am »
First of all, the siege servers are up, it's just that nobody plays on them since the summer holidays ended. Why? Nobody knows for sure, but it went from 120 people at one point to 30 and down, down, down.
Could be that it was populated mostly by people, who got Warband in the summer sales and then they didn't bother, could be there is a much more sinister thing going on. Either way, you just said to leave things alone, maybe out of ignorance maybe because you have an ulterior motive. I won't try to persuade you to change your opinion on the matter, but consider this.
If we force people to play Siege every now and then, they will get accustomed to it. Few Sundays later, people will be hopping on EU2 even on weekdays.
I don't have any "ulterior motive" I don't think its right to just shut battle down so those who like siege can get a few more bodies to kill in it. But hey do what you want as I have been finding NW's battle server and natives battle and TDM servers just as much fun- the only down side and why I never really play them as much as cRPG is the lack of persistence i.e. scores as well as k/d, being stuck with the gear of what nation you are playing, etc.
  :) HAVE FUN!
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2016, 04:23:26 am »
Literally 60% of the reason I got into strat was because attacking fiefs = getting to play siege(kind of)
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2016, 04:25:51 am »

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2016, 09:02:47 am »
First of all, the siege servers are up, it's just that nobody plays on them since the summer holidays ended. Why? Nobody knows for sure...
I never really participated strat, so for me the main reason not to play siege is the conquest maps presence. Especially Tueten' ones, added with February patch (Island Outpost - the naval map, which is easy to defend if the whole defending team occupies the farthest ship, and the Raid of the Vikings with a hugely extended timer - one round there lasts 45 minutes or so). There is some more bullshit conquest maps, like Helms Deep, or that bugged one, where you can't select some spawn points because the map is too big to fit on the screen, and so on. So, what is actually happening is that people just leave whenever they see the conquest maps, because they are boring, unbalanced, designed for well-populated server and the conquest mode by itself also tempts people to leech. I don't quite understand, however, why they were not removed, despite the fact that in September Dupre stated that they have to be taken out:
Teeth: Map rotation, conquest maps taking out(admins can change to conquest if requested and enough people)
The last time I played the siege in December and I saw all the conquest maps still in rotation. Thankfully, we had an admin who was switching maps to regular siege, so we had a wonderful day on EU2. People played siege all day long, and EU1 was absent. It just shows that if there would be a proper map rotation, people would have played the siege gladly. But admins are not always online, and populating the EU2 without them is worthless: once you got some people online -BAM!- conquest map appears, and people leave immediately. Simple as that. The lack of Strategus is also a massive blow to siege population, and that's how we lost lots of Greys, DRZ, Quincies, Kalmars, Fenris and so on. On the other hand, I know that there are many true siegelovers, like Cora, Sinisstra, Blockula and others, who would like to play siege only, but right now it is impossible to make it well-populated on every day basis, so they stopped to pop up. To be honest, people expected the map rotation to be fixed many months ago. That one particular bugged map was a well-known population-killer since the time it was added. But Donkeys are gone, Fips left the mod as well and there was nobody to care about it. And this is the reason why nobody plays siege.

I don't really think that it is too late to revive the regular siege, but op ideas sounds fine to me. Maybe these strategus-like events would bring some people back and will remind us about that time when mod was alive and kicking. But I'd like to see the fixed map rotation as well, just to see if we can populate EU2 by ourselves, like we used to, and have our tiny fun. Anyway, I really appreciate your efforts, Dupre. You're doing well :wink:
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I'm not sure if ships are ingame
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2016, 09:27:27 am »
I never really participated strat, so for me the main reason not to play siege is the conquest maps presence. Especially Tueten' ones, added with February patch (Island Outpost - the naval map, which is easy to defend if the whole defending team occupies the farthest ship, and the Raid of the Vikings with a hugely extended timer - one round there lasts 45 minutes or so). There is some more bullshit conquest maps, like Helms Deep, or that bugged one, where you can't select some spawn points because the map is too big to fit on the screen, and so on. So, what is actually happening is that people just leave whenever they see the conquest maps, because they are boring, unbalanced, designed for well-populated server and the conquest mode by itself also tempts people to leech. I don't quite understand, however, why they were not removed, despite the fact that in September Dupre stated that they have to be taken out:The last time I played the siege in December and I saw all the conquest maps still in rotation. Thankfully, we had an admin who was switching maps to regular siege, so we had a wonderful day on EU2. People played siege all day long, and EU1 was absent. It just shows that if there would be a proper map rotation, people would have played the siege gladly. But admins are not always online, and populating the EU2 without them is worthless: once you got some people online -BAM!- conquest map appears, and people leave immediately. Simple as that. The lack of Strategus is also a massive blow to siege population, and that's how we lost lots of Greys, DRZ, Quincies, Kalmars, Fenris and so on. On the other hand, I know that there are many true siegelovers, like Cora, Sinisstra, Blockula and others, who would like to play siege only, but right now it is impossible to make it well-populated on every day basis, so they stopped to pop up. To be honest, people expected the map rotation to be fixed many months ago. That one particular bugged map was a well-known population-killer since the time it was added. But Donkeys are gone, Fips left the mod as well and there was nobody to care about it. And this is the reason why nobody plays siege.

I don't really think that it is too late to revive the regular siege, but op ideas sounds fine to me. Maybe these strategus-like events would bring some people back and will remind us about that time when mod was alive and kicking. But I'd like to see the fixed map rotation as well, just to see if we can populate EU2 by ourselves, like we used to, and have our tiny fun. Anyway, I really appreciate your efforts, Dupre. You're doing well :wink:

Here is the map rotation as of right now:

add_map devonshire_keep
add_map winter_castle
add_map warkworth_castle
add_map native_mahdaar_castle
add_map himmelsberg_monastery
add_map castle_16_exterior_c
add_map castle_34_exterior_c
add_map inch_tuth
add_map native_jameyyed_castle
add_map Heisenberg
add_map holmet_castle
add_map greipenfurt_castle
add_map ridoma_castle
add_map sea_raid
add_map citadel
add_map foothold
add_map rochester_castle
add_map jammadi_castle
add_map castle_30_exterior_c
add_map native_hailes_castle
add_map native_brunwud_castle
add_map quick_battle_scene_4
add_map ishtar
add_map kurosch_city
add_map vocht_castle
add_map windfall_castle
add_map windhill_castle
add_map windsore_castle
add_map rhodok_cliffside_castle
add_map the_lighthouse
add_map palace_of_marte
add_map dun_bhirum
add_map irongron_castle
add_map bertreford_keep
add_map forest_attack
add_map khirin_castle
add_map warhill_castle
add_map white_burg_castle
add_map winewic_castle
add_map native_turin_castle
add_map castle_21_exterior_c
add_map castle_27_exterior_c
add_map quick_battle_scene_5
add_map charge_the_arena
add_map church_of_jogeldismus
add_map raid_of_the_vikings
add_map island_outpost
add_map arenaceous_castle

I'm not familiar with the map names so if you know which ones are conquest or bugged, please let me know and i'll take them out.
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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2016, 10:19:56 am »
I'm not familiar with the map names so if you know which ones are conquest or bugged, please let me know and i'll take them out.
Arenaceous_castle is one of the conquest maps that kills the server, it MIGHT be the bugged one where not all the spawns fit inside the camera frustum, I know because I made it and getting the crpg_spawn_camera the right height was a huge pain in the ass. Does it still have the 'map spawns wont fit inside the frustum' problem? Nobody ever gives good feedback on maps so they stay broken for months and months...
Maybe you are not bad, but you are a boring person. Well, that's the end of the matter.
Guide to map making
My Maps

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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2016, 12:36:57 pm »
Wait.... What?! Teeth removed the maps like ages ago, didnt he? He had the rotation ready, removed all the conquest maps, i on my own made that sure(that he removes all of them) :o dupre just search for the thread where he made that new rotation thing.


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Re: Siege event every Saturday or Sunday?
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2016, 12:42:36 pm »