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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #165 on: January 09, 2016, 10:08:52 pm »
you are one of those, seriously?

one of whom, you say? But seriously, you dont wanna tell me that the media really has the choice to openly discuss anything? Certain topics are being kept down and you probably noticed that as well, concerning this topic.
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #166 on: January 09, 2016, 10:23:24 pm »
Nope. Instead their fucktard leftist politicians want to put economic sanctions on Poland [like in Russia case], because we made "anti-democratic" changes in public tv.

But we - well, not "we" per se, but our government - did made anti-democratic changes. Didn't we?

Its quite undemocratic. Why the hell was a law like that even passed? Kinda never expected that from Poland.

By a mistake we elected undemocratic party, ironically called "Law and Justice". So now we're fucked.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2016, 10:26:44 pm by Falka »
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #167 on: January 09, 2016, 10:34:04 pm »
one of whom, you say? But seriously, you dont wanna tell me that the media really has the choice to openly discuss anything? Certain topics are being kept down and you probably noticed that as well, concerning this topic.

One of those idiots believing that our media is government-controlled.

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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #168 on: January 09, 2016, 10:38:03 pm »
I don't think we need this discussion now. Media is not honest enough though. The whole "political correctness" for example should stop.
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #169 on: January 09, 2016, 11:05:39 pm »
But we - well, not "we" per se, but our government - did made anti-democratic changes. Didn't we?

These changes are not anti-democratic for me. It's nothing new [at least in Poland] that each new elected government change the chiefs of public tv/radio. You can't forget that they are the joint-stock copmany of State Treasury.

By a mistake we elected undemocratic party, ironically called "Law and Justice". So now we're fucked.
Yep, so many people made mistake in legal and democratic voting. Nope, they chose the change after 8 years of constatnt swindles and licking the ass of frau Merkel. And first time the loser party does so hypocritical noise inside and outside the country, because they lost.

Ok, be still blind to some things or maybe you need a few horny muslim immigrants in your home ?
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #170 on: January 10, 2016, 12:18:46 am »
The systemic political correctness(yes, systemic, not systematical) has caused a delay in the criminal investigations.
Which might lead to more persons being robbed/sexually abused(and sadly but likely traumatized).
This is comparable to aiding the robbers, abusers and rapists, and should be a criminal offense.

We need facts, you know, those pesky things that describe reality accurately and doesn't care what political, social, cultural, emotional etc. etc. narrative they support or discredit.
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #171 on: January 10, 2016, 12:57:18 am »
These changes are not anti-democratic for me. It's nothing new [at least in Poland] that each new elected government change the chiefs of public tv/radio. You can't forget that they are the joint-stock copmany of State Treasury.
Yep, so many people made mistake in legal and democratic voting. Nope, they chose the change after 8 years of constatnt swindles and licking the ass of frau Merkel. And first time the loser party does so hypocritical noise inside and outside the country, because they lost.

Ok, be still blind to some things or maybe you need a few horny muslim immigrants in your home ?

Immediately changing the bosses of all public media appointed directly by the minister of finance is insane. Modern democracies don't do that.

Licking Merkels ass?? Who the fuck do you think have given you billions of billions of Euros to rebuild Poland? NOTHING happened in Poland before you joined the EU. I came here 8 years ago and its black and white from when I came. Huge progress. Actually the best progress of ANY of the Eastern European countries. You can see it in the streets. I was in Slovakia a while ago, and the capital Bratislava is a shithole compared to the universally accepted "shithole" of Poland, Lodz! (Where I live! :)  IMO Poland should be happy, and accept it still has a lot to learn from i.ex Germany.

About refugees, one thing is Germany/Scandinavia etc. They already have a lot, perhaps too many. I've said it before, but in Poland's case its extremely hypocritical. Polish people live in millions, also creating communities all over the world, drunk driving, working without paying taxes, and taking benefits from my home country Norway. And that's PURE economical immigration. To put it bluntly, most Polish people are racist fucks, but I don't blame them. In the most homogenously clean(ed) country on earth, you don't have much experience with foreigners, good or bad, and for the most I think people are just scared. Anyway, 10k refugees is nothing in a country of 40 million, and although I generally agree with most people here that we have taken enough in Europe as a whole, I have to make an exception for Poland:

It would be good for Polish people to meet other than other Polish people. Many Poles I've met are really backwards, and they don't even see what a great country they live in themselves. I think it would be mentally healthy for Poland to take a small amount of immigrants. Yes. 

Now.. about the previous government. I'm also convinced they were relatively useless, and probably corrupt as well. They were not half as bad as this one though. Falka has a reasonable point of view.. Uhm we wanted change, but not this crazy shit.

(Like.. Yes, I do understand Poland now starts to gain confidence and wants to stand on its own legs and shit. It's like an eager patient wanting to get out of bed before the leg(head?) is fully healed. Just that.. Nowadays, no countries stand on its own legs anymore. They cooperate, trade, do shit where it's most economical to do whatever shit needs to be done. Everyone has a role to play, and going solo would simply suck for Poland. Imagine no EU money! Imagine no EU rules fixing your corrupt institutions! Poland would still be full of grey building and shit roads.  The other thing is now the Russia hating new government is playing straight into Putins hand. )
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 01:03:54 am by Thomek »
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #172 on: January 10, 2016, 02:03:39 am »
Yep, so many people made mistake in legal and democratic voting.

Yes, they did. Because they were lied to by politicians of currently ruling party who were telling us that they're reasonable. And they're not. Most of people didn't see what's coming and didn't expect they would go full retard. Personally I didn't expect it and that's why on election day I stayed home. Well, shame on me.

Who the fuck do you think have given you billions of billions of Euros to rebuild Poland? NOTHING happened in Poland before you joined the EU.

Since 1991 every year we're noting the increase of PKB, so wouldn't say that nothing happened before 2004. But obviously donations from EU helped us hugely. That's why, in an act of solidarity, we should take in our part of refugees. Who's not gonna stay here anyway, because why would they. As you said, polish people in general are... to put it kindly - not very open minded when it comes to other cultures and social support is minimal even for citizens, let alone refugees. So no matter how many we'll take in, they're gonna be back in germany in no time  :wink:
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #173 on: January 10, 2016, 08:41:41 am »
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spotted the retard
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #174 on: January 10, 2016, 10:19:02 am »
The systemic political correctness(yes, systemic, not systematical) has caused a delay in the criminal investigations.
Which might lead to more persons being robbed/sexually abused(and sadly but likely traumatized).
This is comparable to aiding the robbers, abusers and rapists, and should be a criminal offense.

We need facts, you know, those pesky things that describe reality accurately and doesn't care what political, social, cultural, emotional etc. etc. narrative they support or discredit.
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And to round it all of with something semi-offensive(especially to 3rd wave feminist SJWs):
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So, who's supposed to deliver on the truth?
The news? Which kind of news outlet? Tweets? Facebook posts? TV reports? TV magazines? TV news? Newspapers? As in articles?
Tweets and facebook? Instant posting of unconfirmed rumours and extremely biased? Everyone believing the truth is in social media is a fucking retard.
TV reports/magazines/news? In Germany at least, it's highly depending on the channel you choose what kind of truth you get. TV time is limited. Editors choose the news for you, depending on their opinion of general interest and priority. Now we're close to classic journalism, those people tend to research(!) before reporting something. So it might actually take them a day or even two to produce something actually true.
Newspapers... in my opinion still the most trustworthy source tbh. They take the most time for research, the have widest spectrum of reported news and common bias is known to the educated public. They are most of time at least one day late tho.

But, let's ignore all the above and just bash "the media" and let's all go back to reading bullshit on twitter, facebook or some weird ass blogs who are run by a single person who found out the conspiracy from home, sitting in front of his PC. They all gonna know best what happened.  :rolleyes:
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #175 on: January 10, 2016, 10:47:08 am »
Translated a reader's letter to the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Hits the mood of the current debate in Germany very well

Here is the original source:

Quote from: Berthold Kohler
Whether after the Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris or the sexual harassment again women in Cologne: Each time, a Great Wall of China has been erected in Germany. It's purpose was not the lockdown of the country. Instead, it was made to prevent the connection of the respective discussions with the refugee issue. Politicians rightly fear that if the connection was made, the dams that they had built would finally breach, after they have been soaked by the flood of the dissatisfaction in the German population for so long.

The whole magnitude of the violence around the Cologne Cathedral was still unknown when the mayor had already stated that there is no evidence that the perpetrators are refugees. Same with the attacks in Paris: German politicians strongly emphasized that the terrorists had not come to Paris as refugees. Already back then, it dreaded the politicians that the already declining welcoming culture may shift into denial or even hatred and a radicalization of the political debate.

Thus, the grand coalition is shocked whenever somebody disobeys the prohibition of making the connection. For example when the head of the German police union, who is said to have failed the most, mentioned the understaffing of the Cologne police force, whose personnel had been assigned to help at the border. The Department of the Interior has instantly rejected this perspective, because it implied the willingness to sacrifice public order in a major city to organize the refugee stream at least a little bit.

The events in Cologne have unsettled many Germans for good, because the state has displayed itself as weak and undetermined not only at the border but also inside. Further, they have once again disappointed the citizens and created the impression that the authorities suppress and censor facts simply because they are "politically delicate", as a policeman in command commented.

This spiral of silence, which Interior Minister de Maizière now wants to disrupt, has been part of the political agenda for decades. All democratic parties agree that a strengthening of the extremist groups has to be prevented. However, the politics of euphemisms and factual distortions in the refugee issue that have spawned from this noble cause have the exact opposite effect: They are driving sincere democrats into the camp of non-voters and the barricades. They feel deprived of their right of free speech, stigmatized as xenophobes and pushed into the right corner of the political spectrum, where some of them stay.

Cologne is a hard blow for Merkel's politics of the welcome culture. This is displayed by her quick demand that the constitutional democracy must react with full force. Other than that, the principle of hope still applies: Hopefully, there haven't been any refugees among the perpetrators! However, if the politics wants to salvage its residual credibility, only truth and clarity will work. Would the conclusion that the perpetrators and their accomplices have been living in Germany for a long time, perhaps even as German citizens, be any better? No: This would be just another proof for the plentifully failed integration. Proofs for such a failure and the existence of parallel cultures, whose rules are incompatible with the values of the German culture are countless and not restricted to major cities.

The Cologne events have such an unsettling effect because they are simultaneously reinforcing old concerns and warning signs of a German future nobody wants to experience. Only the combination of naivete and illusions of grandeur can lead to the honest belief that the immigration of a gazillion of young Muslim men from the war regions of Asia and Africa won't further reinforce the existing problems with immigrants in Germany. Many Syrians, Afghans and Moroccans will become industrious workers and dutiful tax payers. Other "refugees" however will, despite loving care, keeping thinking of the from the politics weakened policemen as sissies, women as free sex objects and democrats as lunatics. They will join the clans and organized crime, and the number of subjects to Islamist recruiting will increase.

Germany won't gain control of the refugee crisis through bold announcements and a harsher practice of deportation. These measures are unavailable and unwanted for several reasons. But the decision who may come to Germany and stay must be made much earlier. That's because the safety and the future of this republic will of course depend on who we welcome.
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #176 on: January 10, 2016, 11:22:34 am »
haha keep downvoting retard
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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #177 on: January 10, 2016, 11:38:12 am »
These changes are not anti-democratic for me. It's nothing new [at least in Poland] that each new elected government change the chiefs of public tv/radio. You can't forget that they are the joint-stock copmany of State Treasury.

Theres no such thing as "Anti-democratic for me". Its like saying "this piece of shit, doesnt taste like piece of shit to me, because ive been eating shit my whole life". Im pretty sure the North-Koreans find nothing undemocratic about their voting aswell. Doesnt really mean anything.

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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #178 on: January 10, 2016, 11:42:30 am »
It means nothing, anyway. Democracy's the biggest and most successful lie of our times.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

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Re: "Cologne sex attacks"
« Reply #179 on: January 10, 2016, 12:11:14 pm »
Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others that have been tried.
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