Look up Central African Republic (I just did a simple google search to have a look, first thing that came up). Or look at christian terrorism.
A simple google search isn't really telling me how long ago those "hardline Christians" executed a citizen because they renounced their brand of Christendom. The article I linked happened 3 weeks ago. Someone has thrown out a 1945 year, so 70 years ago? So we have to wait 70 years for them to catch up now?
edit: so they are like the mob once your in there's now way out but through death or the witness protection program.
2nd edit: plus muslims have been around as long or a little longer than Israelis, through Ishmael born to Abraham thru his servant Hagar and a whole lot longer than Christianity. You would think they would've had enough time to pull their heads out of their asses but no they still throw acid in their daughters faces if they think they shamed them.