We live in time when everything is subjected to scrutiny and where tolerance is valued above anything. Issue we have is mainly due certain groups of people with influence misunderstanding idea of tolerance. Everybody in western countries shits on Christianity, regularly. According to modern Gods of tolerant thought, treating peoples idea like that is wrong. But not when it comes to belief of majority, it is fine to make fun of them. And I fully agree with that (making fun of ideas and beliefs). Minorities on the other hand are protected because that is seen as majority bullying them and their ideas. Now there lies a problem. Muslim minority in western states is protected and they are allowed many things majority isn't. Islam spread like fire because people perceive their ideas as strong and worthy, mainly because they aren't suppressed like Christian religion.
Only solution I see is states going full secular on beliefs that are practices by minorities, in a same fashion they treat religious belief of majority. Treat them equally, is that so hard to do? That means parts of Islam that interfere with pillars of secular state, like Sharia law must be banned and purged from society. Any country that allows Sharia law as exemption for minority of their citizens is basically shitting on itself.