Author Topic: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?  (Read 6247 times)

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #60 on: October 10, 2015, 03:52:48 am »
At least he found friends here.

It's depressing to see such bright spirits let themselves be eaten by hatred for the enemy.

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #61 on: October 10, 2015, 04:29:41 am »
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Oberyn

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #62 on: October 10, 2015, 02:18:47 pm »
It's depressing seeing intelligent people who embody and represent western civilization and it's future, if only they knew it, rejecting any sort of pride or identity in the incredible uniqueness and success of their cultures, in favour of some post-modernist humanist illusion built on wishful thinking that is actively working to destroy them as a collective. The only redeeming features of western civilization worth championing are the recent ones calling for it's own dismantlement, apparently.

Carries it's own inherent arrogance of course, thinking that the destruction of your dangerous, dangerous tribal identities is absolutely the way forward and will ultimately result in world wide peace and love and understanding among all races and creeds, that erasing any semblance of collective identity (as long as it is "white" and "western" of course) will paradoxically spread the values of western civilization to the "primitive" cultures who don't know any better, because OF COURSE it is inevitable that our values are universal and are eventually going to be accepted and addopted by every other ethnicity and culture, the problem is we're STILL not tolerant and abasing enough, just eradicate "racism" and all the other pieces will fall into place almost magically.

And I do sound repetitive, it's because not one of you fuckers have ever presented me with an arguement that would change my mind. You can cry that I'm merely attacking strawmen all you want, but everything that I have seen leads me to believe the "exaggerations" you claim I pull from thin air are absolutely the logical conclusions of this ideology, and not only because it occasionally is very, very honest about it. There's only so many times I can hear and see calls for the erasing of the "white" race being discussed and entertained as completely logical in the mainstream, the constant and ridiculous racial shaming and self-loathing due to the inescapable "original sin" of being "white", the hatred, loathing and racism of other ethnicities for our own being coddled and encouraged and excused on a daily basis, to the point that many think it is actually impossible to be "racist" against us, that being raped and killed and assaulted  is just deserts because of the aforementioned "original sin", that even recognizing any of this happens in the first place is already a mark of cain and means I'm an unreasonable racist piece of shit, I should just shut the fuck up and be ashamed of even daring to think I have a people or a collective identity in the first place, that's only for the "primitives" who don't know any better you see.
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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #63 on: October 10, 2015, 02:35:16 pm »
Stop using paragraphs Oberyn, it kills the rage-pacing of olde.
Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline Kafein

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #64 on: October 11, 2015, 02:13:00 am »
And I do sound repetitive, it's because not one of you fuckers have ever presented me with an arguement that would change my mind. You can cry that I'm merely attacking strawmen all you want, but everything that I have seen leads me to believe the "exaggerations" you claim I pull from thin air are absolutely the logical conclusions of this ideology, and not only because it occasionally is very, very honest about it.

It depends on what ideology you're talking about. If this is about Salon telling their readers that being racist towards whites is okay because of American imperialism, then yeah you're absolutely right. But at least you should bother to call it what it is. This ideology has nothing in common with the values of the Enlightenment (which are universal by the way, some people just don't know it yet). It's "reversed tribalism" in a sense. Nobody here is like that except Shik and Smoothrich and I suppose some lurkers, and you're not talking to them. I'm not here to have a hugbox where we all laugh at the insane cultural marxists, not much need for redpilling here.

The adequate response to this isn't tribalism, it is actually treating individuals equally and talking about issues like adults. The rise of anti-immigration parties indicates that if anything, talking about culture-related criminality is not taboo. The problem with them is that much like MRAs react to modern feminists, all of them are a core of actual racists in disguise. They poison the debate by making their opponents' use of the racist card legitimate, if cowardly.

Also about the destruction of our collective identity, could you point to an example? Pork or alcohol has been banned from Sweden?

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #65 on: October 11, 2015, 06:27:56 am »
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Meaning lies as much
in the mind of the reader
as in the Haiku.

Offline LordBerenger

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #66 on: October 11, 2015, 12:15:24 pm »
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Reminds me of Satanists
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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #67 on: October 11, 2015, 04:45:19 pm »
My issue with your posts, Oberyn, is your constant generalization of everything really.
"Brown people" are bad cuz not willing to learn and everyone "white" feels guilty about it.
Both is simply wrong.

I happen to know quite a bunch of "former" immigrants who became fine gentlemen and additions to "my" society. Sure, there are assholes. If they fuck up, punish them. That's what the laws are for. They fuck up bad enough - put them on the next plane home. Yes, please.
But I refuse to be generally suspicious about someone just because he's from Pakistan, Syria or some other dump I would flee from too the first chance I got.
And I believe that it is the humane thing to do, to let refugees in at the beginning, check if they have valid reason, and carry on from there. That is not because I feel some kind of guilt about being white. Fuck that bullshit.
They are human beings, they need help, we are capable of help, we help. Simple. To a certain degree. I am sure ain't willing to sacrifice any of my humble wealth for them. That's what taxes are for. Besides, I have enough faith in my fellow countrymen that we're capable of keeping our "tribe" intact well enough. Even with a few mosques more...
And help goes only to a certain degree. If they wanna stay, live a proper life - they better start working...

You're constantly grabbing some silly assumptions in here out of thin air, that makes your post full blown reality-satire more than anything else. It's like your talking to yourself, getting all winded up about things people here didn't say or only hinted at to get your buttons pushed once more.

I was one of the first to say that those German hipsters with colourful balloons at the train station were just a bunch of assholes.
When west germany annexed east germany, nobody moved a finger too.

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #68 on: October 11, 2015, 05:27:46 pm »
french articles, get your google translate ready, but I doubt you will read even a couple of these.

government studies:

Documentaries and videos, mostly in french:

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #69 on: October 11, 2015, 06:30:49 pm »

Offline LordBerenger

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #70 on: October 11, 2015, 07:16:24 pm »

- ''I'm a satanist''
- ''I don't believe in God, any prophets or their miracles of the past''
- ''Then why do you say that you're not worshipping Satan?''
- ''I see you accept society's definition of a satanist!''

Apparently Satanists didn't exist before the Church of Satan was established by LaVey. And apparently Satan isn't Satan. Church of Satan followers are just glorified atheists. (And yes i know the 2nd sentence with the 3rd is a bit derpy but you'll get the jist of it).
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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #71 on: October 11, 2015, 07:44:02 pm »
Satanists are outright retarded trolls. Deliberately picked the most provocative figure in the abrahamic tradition and addopted the pop culture surrounding it because they thought it would piss off christians, basically.
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Offline Kafein

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #72 on: October 11, 2015, 11:59:07 pm »
Satanists are outright retarded trolls. Deliberately picked the most provocative figure in the abrahamic tradition and addopted the pop culture surrounding it because they thought it would piss off christians, basically.

It has been that way for so long that I think it's actually cool to go along with it now.

Also, yeah most cities have crime problems in the projects, news at 11. Commenters on the Figaro website are even more retarded than I expected, but let's be honest comments on any news website are worse than Youtube.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 12:12:33 am by Kafein »

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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #73 on: October 12, 2015, 12:50:55 am »
Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?

come on.


Why not.

Read ChumsI love you "The Attack". Its less than 80 pages I think. Reasons enough.
But Europoors also hate themselves. Becouse Europeans made America. The guilt. How can we (Europeans) live with it? We created a monster!!!!
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Re: Why do europoors constantly hate on America?
« Reply #74 on: October 12, 2015, 02:42:39 am »
Real reason tho is cuz Europe is the Old World and America is the New World.
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