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Author Topic: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)  (Read 40439 times)

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #225 on: October 05, 2015, 08:13:19 pm »
"Challenging the right, Advancing Social Justice"


Hilarious article, thanks for this website, haven't laughed like this for a while.

I particularly enjoy the way the article you originally linked sources another article on the same website and this gem of a Huffington Post article: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/michael-kimmel/the-unbearable-whiteness-_2_b_2350931.html . Then there's the way it was written in haste after the Elliot Rodgers murders, centers very clearly on this one event as a representative example of "white priviledge". The addendum at the end of the article shows how deep the investigative reporting was:
 2. After this article was published, information became public that Elliot Rodger was of mixed race heritage. However, he self-identified as “half White.”

Wow that is some hardcore data gathering. Tell me, what is the cutoff in casualties before a shooting is considered "mass", and why the routine dozens of gang related and drug turf wars "mass" shootings, in schools and elsewhere, don't appear on this cobbled together list? Hmmm, couldn't be to push a certain narrative. This website is obviously too objective for such shenanigans.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #226 on: October 05, 2015, 08:14:33 pm »
No it's more like,

"Background check that I can't pass? No matter, I'll just buy that hi-point handgun off Jamal down the street for $60"

But where do the illegal guns come from? Presumably stolen from people who 'legitimately' bought guns, bar for those movie style gangs that have Russians bring them from yachts. So cut off the legitimate supply and you starve the illegal supply.

But fuck no that's too scary because those evil criminals will still have a gun once the legitimate ones are gone.

I wonder how many criminals with guns are killed by law abiding citizens with guns. I have a suspicion it wouldn't be very many except for a few crazy bastards with no sense of self preservation in the first place.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 08:19:36 pm by Overdriven »

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #227 on: October 05, 2015, 08:31:19 pm »
Again Heskey, the topic veered off to gun violence statistics and I merely stated that the statistics are vastly inflated by a very small minority (12%) of the population, I even explained that it was mainly due to gang and drug violence and the cultural glorification and acceptance of these problems in black majority communities.

 The people who continue to ignore the phenomenon and make up excuses are trying to pass the illogical blame off with no facts to back them up solve nothing. The cultural problem is the foundation which leads to the poverty problem which prevents people from leaving or fixing these crime stricken self-segregated communities.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 08:58:32 pm by Grytviken »

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #228 on: October 05, 2015, 08:34:13 pm »
But where do the illegal guns come from? Presumably stolen from people who 'legitimately' bought guns, bar for those movie style gangs that have Russians bring them from yachts. So cut off the legitimate supply and you starve the illegal supply.

But fuck no that's too scary because those evil criminals will still have a gun once the legitimate ones are gone.

I wonder how many criminals with guns are killed by law abiding citizens with guns. I have a suspicion it wouldn't be very many except for a few crazy bastards with no sense of self preservation in the first place.

Corporal punishment is only popular in socialist societies, people will just bring in guns from Mexico and Canada.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #229 on: October 05, 2015, 08:36:02 pm »
assault rifles and other large weapons are almost never used in crimes because how the fuck are you supposed hide an ak or even hold one without every motherucker calling the cops on you.

You know you can use an AK rifle with a shorter barrel and/or no stock, right ?

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Something like this would be extremely easy to conceal, and can still be called an assault rifle in my opinion.

On my side, I'm happy to know that there is a little chance for me to get shot down at uni or anywhere outside the dangerous zones like Marseille, simply because it's illegal to own an assault rifle, and there are heavy restrictions on owning a weapon like a 9mm pistol.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #230 on: October 05, 2015, 08:40:48 pm »
You know you can use an AK rifle with a shorter barrel and/or no stock, right ?

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Something like this would be extremely easy to conceal, and can still be called an assault rifle in my opinion.

On my side, I'm happy to know that there is a little chance for me to get shot down at uni or anywhere outside the dangerous zones like Marseille, simply because it's illegal to own an assault rifle, and there are heavy restrictions on owning a weapon like a 9mm pistol.

 If that was the case then Texas should be the most dangerous state to live in, which it is not.  It's absolutely hilarious how the bastards who want to reform gun laws live in the most dangerous district in the entire country, Washington DC, that has 4x the gun murder rate of Texas, explain that one.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 08:49:45 pm by Grytviken »

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #231 on: October 05, 2015, 08:51:36 pm »
You know you can use an AK rifle with a shorter barrel and/or no stock, right ?

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Something like this would be extremely easy to conceal, and can still be called an assault rifle in my opinion.

On my side, I'm happy to know that there is a little chance for me to get shot down at uni or anywhere outside the dangerous zones like Marseille, simply because it's illegal to own an assault rifle, and there are heavy restrictions on owning a weapon like a 9mm pistol.

Doesn't change the fact that assault rifles are used in 1% of gun crime
"B-but 1% is still too much!"
You are a horrible human being clockwork.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #232 on: October 05, 2015, 08:58:56 pm »
If that was the case then Texas should be the most dangerous state to live in, which it is not.  It's absolutely hilarious how the bastards who want to reform gun laws live in the most dangerous district in the entire country, Washington DC, that has 4x the gun murder rate of Texas, explain that one.

Cities tend to have higher crime rates than rural areas. Texas is a pretty fing big state with lots of space. Cities...well that's self explanatory.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #233 on: October 05, 2015, 09:00:34 pm »
Cities tend to have higher crime rates than rural areas. Texas is a pretty fing big state.

With a population of 25 mil and several major cities and citizens who all have the right to own Assault Rifles. Washington D.C is a testament to failed liberal policies, and the capitol of the country. Something the government is frantically trying to pass the blame off to law enforcement.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2015, 09:04:50 pm by Grytviken »

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #234 on: October 05, 2015, 09:15:27 pm »
I'm just going to leave this link here for a few of you.


Since the race card failed it's time to pull out the Nazzi card. Who is trying to turn the US into a national socialist nation? That would be the liberals. Neo-Nazzis would have been the first people Albert sent to concentration camps with all their dumb haircuts and prison tattoos.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #235 on: October 05, 2015, 09:17:04 pm »
Since the race card failed it's time to pull out the Nazzi card. Who is trying to turn the US into a national socialist nation? That would be the liberals. Neo-Nazzis would have been the first people Albert sent to concentration camps with all their dumb haircuts and prison tattoos.

Stormfront isn't only neo-názis. Lots of nationalist cunts there 2. Pretty funny to troll them though. They take the bait harder than Islamists.
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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #236 on: October 05, 2015, 09:26:34 pm »
Stormfront isn't only neo-názis. Lots of nationalist cunts there 2. Pretty funny to troll them though. They take the bait harder than Islamists.

People who can't accept that Albert was a beta male half-Jew orphan, that's why he had his hometown in Austria bombed to cover it up. Ill post that there.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #237 on: October 05, 2015, 09:37:03 pm »
I'm just going to leave this link here for a few of you.


I remember I made a thread about stormfront eons ago. Turns out we have atleast one member here but no one in this thread
You are a horrible human being clockwork.

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #238 on: October 05, 2015, 09:46:09 pm »
Dumb bundle of sticks who didn't read the thread goes for the race card and white guilt at the first opportunity, wow much surprise. Yeah I'm sure stormfront are absolutely adamant that it is a cultural problem and not a racial one, you idiotic piece of shit. Keep doing this sort of shit man, every time you pretend completely legitimate criticism is obviously due only to vicious racial hatred one more dumb bundle of sticks will open his eyes and realize this shit arguement for what it is. Hey I'm going to post a completely irrelevant website now!

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Re: Another school shooting in Murrica (Oregon edition)
« Reply #239 on: October 05, 2015, 09:54:48 pm »
I do encourage you to read some of it before getting defensive, you seem to share some of the same views on race.

I'm sorry that you feel the statistics are racist, I see your logic is  truth=offensive. No-one candy-coats school shootings why should they do it for anyone else? To protect the feelings of people who will possibly be the next victims of these senseless killings? Isn't your logic in itself subtly racist, that white college students lives are worth more publicity and anger than poor black citizens?