What you're ignoring is that all the various "clashes" and "migrations" were always accompanied by massive political upheavals, wars, entire civilizations dying and being overrun by invaders. This shit that's happening now is purely artificial, the brainchild of politicians who believe they can control the very flow of history using fucking social engineering, using the people they represent by covenant and contract as nothing more than numbers in their ambitions. It's arrogant in it's presumptions and stupidly naive in it's goals. You're saying the only interest you have in your own people is their potential as fuel for this pie in the sky moronic dream, and you have no particular attachment or even recognize the notion that there's such a thing as "your people" in the first place. That's fine, at least you're honest. If only politicians pushing for policies that are clearly aimed at promoting this goal were this honest.
And i made it perfectly clear that intra-EU migration is fine, that I completely approve of it, that the WHOLE FUCKING POINT OF THE EUROPEAN UNION was about uniting various european countries by identifying the clear cultural links stretching back centuries, from languages to religions to mores, that unified Europe as a cohesive civilization. The EU wasn't about some stupidly naive zero borders hypothetical fantasy of a center for the entirety of the world's cultures and peoples, it was about EUROPEAN culture and peoples. It's in the fucking name! Like I said, rename it Eurasiaafrican Cooperative or something, because clearly the EU isn't well named to represent the future you envision.