The first petition has recently received a response from the Home Office, vaguely relevant to the thread or at least a discussion point or something for people to poke holes in if they so wish:
I'm aware that the UK Government may not be as well informed as the posters on this forum regarding the Refugee 'flood' of Europe, so please post your thoughts and opinions in the comments section below. Dont forget to 'like', comment and subscribe.
You can keep on being a cynical douchebag, but this won`t change the fact that Brits are already a minority in London, bro.
Back in 2012, I was lucky and I managed to buy some olympic tickets combined with a good hotel on Oxford Street (I was staying at Marble Arch hotel), and for a whole week, on the busiest street of London were muslims who were giving flyers trying to promote sharia law and saying degrading things about the Brits, but thats not the interesting part of the story though.
2 days before I leave the UK, I went to Camden town to buy some souvenirs from the flea market , and near a small pond that has a bridge were at least 15-20 muslims who were insulting and bullying other people, if thats what you want for your country, then be my guest bro.
Greece was under 400 years of muslim occupation, and as long as I breath I`ll fight against everything muslim back in Greece.
You can call me whatever you like, fascist, nazee, dumb, narrow minded, but the truth is that all of you who support UNCONTROLLED immigration to Europe, are doing this to prove to yourselves that you aren`t racists or narrow minded, but when the shit hits the fan you will be the first to whine.
Asia for Asians, Middle East for Muslims , Africa for Africans , but Europe FOR EVERYONE!