why punish people who liked to play on several characters and reward lamers who just grinded the same character.
This is exactly the bad point of view most of the players here have...you ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED, on the contrary, the guys that spent ALL THEIR TIME ON ONE CHAR gets rewarded...quite a difference we have, hm?
If you are bored by your char and you play alt, why should your alt get any benefits? Why is it that if i spent 300hours on SINGLE char i should not have any advantage? I call bullshit.
On the other hand, i would like to be able to send money to my alts, that is the only problem which i am facing on them.
And also: if you think heirlooms make you better player, i pity you, i mean, i am getting decent K/D and have fun on my alt which has not a single loom, it is perfectly doable and i am fine with the fact he is like that. If i wanted him to have looms, he would be my main, period.
Edit: if you want to add this possibility, just give back the XP bonuses from before, so we, the "lame grinders on one char" are not punished and can try new specs as well, sounds fair, doesnt it? /sarcasm off