
Best Biceps? (Check second post for all pictures)

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Author Topic: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)  (Read 24538 times)

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #90 on: July 20, 2015, 12:02:40 pm »
Why does it have to have a use beyond looking good (subjective but still)? Tons of things we do are of less use yet some catch more flak for some reason.
Maybe I am getting the wrong impression but it always has the tone of superiority to it "Look at me muscles bruh!" when I fail to see superiority. And going out on a limb here, I think several people here think the same. That's where the opposition comes from, I figure.
And to clarify, I believe it to be silly in real life the same as in here. And I believe that for years already. Merely expressing my general believe founded on a lot of real life observations.
Trying to say that my believe is not connecting to this specific thread or specific people of this community, in case that is assumed by anyone.
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #91 on: July 20, 2015, 12:33:34 pm »
Just to clarify: I don't have a problem with someone getting musceles or going to the gym. What I and also some others pointed out above is the evident difference between the 2 objectives to stay healthy and look good and presenting it in a public threat. To refer to Warlord I obviously can't judge your whole person because of something like that. BUT uploading your Biceps-pics is nothing else than the call "HEY, here I am, also look at me, I look good!" And I am sorry to say but this behaviour is kind of primitive as I outlined it in my longer comment.
Buddy of mine is competitive rower for 18 years now.
Never did any real gym traning, looks skinny as fuck, no huge biceps...

...and still I am very confident that he'll arm wrestle every single one of you people in seconds, with all your air in your arms  8-)

That's why I think that "hitting the gym yo" is silly. I've seen people breathing hard while carrying some table water bottles across the parking place with upper arms like legs. Do some real sports instead of hiding in some gym, doing exercises all alone and still claiming you're better than some coach dweller sitting there all alone. :P

But, whatever rocks your boat I guess. I still think it's silly.

Being in a gym is better than nothing and as support for different sport it can also be very effective. But I totally agree with Molly. The normal training in a gym doesn't give your musceles endurance, you just get a lot of musceles to look nice (there is no problem with it in general). But sentences like "biggest alpha" and "big musceles = good shape" show that some of you have no clue about the way musceles work and that you let delude yourself by images in society connoting strength. Furthermore, you cannot really tell me that showing your Biceps to a lot of people doesn't make you feel good and strong. This circumstance is natural, but that doesn't make it any less savage imo.

Maybe I am getting the wrong impression but it always has the tone of superiority to it "Look at me muscles bruh!" when I fail to see superiority. And going out on a limb here, I think several people here think the same. That's where the opposition comes from, I figure.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 12:40:43 pm by Akronus97 »
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #92 on: July 20, 2015, 12:47:40 pm »
Awful lot of Betas in this thread  8-)
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #93 on: July 20, 2015, 12:48:41 pm »
While a lot of people probably do show it off and try to be alpha i think, atleast for this thread, people are doing it kind of as a satire of just that, but at the same time to show it off a bit too. Its not surprising to me that someone would want to show off what they put a lot of effort into. Allthough a limit to everything i suppose. I think its cool that people do put effort into things to show off, because i could never do that myself.
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #94 on: July 20, 2015, 12:52:28 pm »
It's not showing muscles which makes the whole gym movement kind of lame.

It's calling people alphas and betas.
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #95 on: July 20, 2015, 01:23:31 pm »
It's not showing muscles which makes the whole gym movement kind of lame.

It's calling people alphas and betas.

thats just like calling sb a noob in crpg.  its all in good fun
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #96 on: July 20, 2015, 01:24:42 pm »
While a lot of people probably do show it off and try to be alpha i think, atleast for this thread, people are doing it kind of as a satire of just that, but at the same time to show it off a bit too. Its not surprising to me that someone would want to show off what they put a lot of effort into. Allthough a limit to everything i suppose. I think its cool that people do put effort into things to show off, because i could never do that myself.

This. I actually just uploaded pics of my muscles because Saxon made a thread about uploading pics of your muscles, and whoa, I happen to have some of them! So why not? Also I can win stuff. And this is crpg. Puplic thread? Yeah, well.
Maybe over the years I lost the feeling that this forum is a public thing. In my head it's more like a cave for a couple of hundred nerds, a somewhat homogeneous group of people. An incestuous family, where not everbody likes each other, but all have something in common and share certain things, like being trapped in this freaking mod until it eventually dies.

I'm on holiday now, drinking my 'curd-cheese-milk-whey-water-80-grams-of-protein-and 1l-water-drink' right at this moment, and will be enjoying a hard training session later, eating like a fucking king afterwards, feeling good and sleeping like a baby tonight.
Everybody who's lifting shit probably knows what I'm talking about, people like us merely can smile about people thinking what we do is "silly" or whatever. Enjoy being fat or thin, I couldn't look in the mirror myself. God already didn't bless me with a beautiful face, so why should my body be fat and shapeless, if that's a thing I can influcence myself?
Whatever, each man to his own.

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #97 on: July 20, 2015, 01:40:22 pm »
Anything that takes time and dedication is OK to show off imo. Can you draw? Have you got Black Belt in Karate? Won a race? Got a nice home? Don't think its much different to transforming your body over months and years. Ladies like muscular men too, so there is a double effect there and thats were the Alpha/Beta stuff comes from. Looking down on people who don't work out is kinda shitty, but don't think I saw that in this thread too much
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #98 on: July 20, 2015, 01:42:17 pm »
It is strange how many people on these forums are detached from reality? Must be because so many of you live in small villages, far away from cities. Currently, in most big cities around the world, lifting and fitness culture is not big, it is hugely popular and getting more popular each day. Everybody tries to look like bodybuilder these days. Only those who absolutely have no time for that due to their job or aren't willing to dedicate and organize their small portion of free time to go to gym, exercise and eat healthy, aren't following the trend. And they are in minority, even among people who have real job (bankers, programmers etc.), not the likes of Saxon's whose job is being fitness trainer.

« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 01:47:17 pm by Leshma »

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #99 on: July 20, 2015, 01:47:22 pm »
Also, Saxon is lying about not using steroids. Everybody who has cut phase does steroids. These days steroids aren't awfully cheap but every schmuck can afford them because they save for that shit, rather than something important. Rest of folks in this thread could be on steroids, but that would mean their diet is godawful. Which I don't think is the case, which means they are just working out hard. Saxon isn't, he's freaking fitness trainer who spends most of his time with pro bbers and they mostly talk about their regime of training of which important part is using steroids (which combination, how long, effects etc.) No one gets to be big like Saxon, while staying lean and vascular without steroids. Just don't understand why are they trying so hard to hide that fact, like chicks who had boob job then deny they have implants. Silly.

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #100 on: July 20, 2015, 01:57:06 pm »
I don't know why there's so much hate for this, it's all self improvement which is what anyone wants. Just because one person's ideal of self improvement is different to your own doesn't mean you should be a dick about it.

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #101 on: July 20, 2015, 02:35:28 pm »
Also, Saxon is lying about not using steroids. Everybody who has cut phase does steroids

dude,  no offence.  but that really is bs.  one can achieve so much with high level of dedication,  hard training and good dieting.
I know by personal experience and theoretical reflection.  my buddies and I did Track and Field on a sub national and national level for years,  we got tested before bigger events so I can say for sure non of us did drugs,  and all of us looked mean and lean.  Just like a few natural bodybuilders I know also for sure never did drugs.
Heck the last one of us still active is a decathlete training next to running a pharmacy.  and he doesnt even diet hard,  he just trains like the fucking maniac he is and he looks sicker then half of steroid using slackoffs.

I give you that lots of people today do drugs,  but very many of them use them as shortcuts to achieve a goal while being able to cheat either by training less dedicated or slacking in diet.  drugs are not the only option for athletic success,  they just make your life easier if you are moving within certain athletic potential - and not beyond that.
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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #102 on: July 20, 2015, 02:37:37 pm »
Started as a fun thread, became drama thread, welcome to crpg!

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #103 on: July 20, 2015, 02:50:39 pm »
dude,  no offence.  but that really is bs.  one can achieve so much with high level of dedication,  hard training and good dieting.

And good genetics. I've seen ripped people who are spending very little time in the gym. But I highly doubt Saxon is that type.

Have yet to meet person who's working in the gym and isn't using or distributing anabolics. Also, Saxon has been playing cRPG for many hours in past 4 years. Want to tell me how he ate his protein in front of screen every few hours. Or how he slept well. You need many years of dedication to el naturel training to get where smart people get with proper anabolics cycles, good diet and training regime get within two years.

Don't understand why are people hiding they are using performance boosters, when every day we eat food that has been chemically treated.

Heck the last one of us still active is a decathlete training next to running a pharmacy.

Gym is the only pharmacy you need :lol:

Professional body builders tend to spend more they are capable of earning, therefore need sponsors (producers of protein shakes and other stuff). But I've met couple of them (national champions) and each of them was at the gym for two things: training and making contact with gym owner/trainers to sell them all kind of stuff, includind anabolics. They are partially drug dealers, because they need the money to keep doing what they love.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2015, 02:57:15 pm by Leshma »

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Re: cRPG Biceps Competition (Prizes Included)
« Reply #104 on: July 20, 2015, 03:00:56 pm »
It is strange how many people on these forums are detached from reality?
He says, while being detached from reality.
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