Author Topic: Nerf crossbows.  (Read 11428 times)

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #15 on: June 25, 2015, 09:16:37 pm »
Why did they put down EU4 on the first place? A non-ranged server was such a nice place to go
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #16 on: June 26, 2015, 12:06:40 am »
Why did they put down EU4 on the first place? A non-ranged server was such a nice place to go
...cuz it was empty all day, all week :lol:
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #17 on: September 09, 2015, 09:47:59 pm »
Found it! Yes. Nerf xbows.  :evil:

I cannot stand being shot by bolt chopping off 70-85% HP (if not one shot) by a guy standing still in his corner. Heavy crossbows with steel bolts do 82 pierce, seriously. 2H does twice less with cut damage. And save the arbalest, loomed stuff...

I have tried playing with a crossbow to make up my mind. It is too easy to use. Even with 1 WPF it is usable.

Honestly archers and throwers do need skills to make something. Crossbows require little skill and are way too powerful. The upkeep is a bit higher than average but nothing prohibitive.

Obviously the only thing that does not make them used by all is their boredom factor.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2015, 10:26:35 pm »
Found it! Yes. Nerf xbows.  :evil:

I cannot stand being shot by bolt chopping off 70-85% HP (if not one shot) by a guy standing still in his corner. Heavy crossbows with steel bolts do 82 pierce, seriously. 2H does twice less with cut damage. And save the arbalest, loomed stuff...

I have tried playing with a crossbow to make up my mind. It is too easy to use. Even with 1 WPF it is usable.

Honestly archers and throwers do need skills to make something. Crossbows require little skill and are way too powerful. The upkeep is a bit higher than average but nothing prohibitive.

Obviously the only thing that does not make them used by all is their boredom factor.

Quite clearly you have no idea what you are talking; about I'll start with the highlighted statement:
The reason heavy crossbow's stats with steel bolts is 82 is simple. it is not effected by any other stat (other than hit capsule penalties which reduce damage dealt). Where as melee not only has a multiplier on individual hit capsules that register with the body when you land a hit it also gets increased by 8% more damage per power strike level so even the cheapest of weapons are very capable of out damaging most if not all range weapons put in the right hands with the right build.I have the show damage feature and my +3 arbalest with +3 steel bolts often times barely accomplish 30 damage unless lightly armored agility build then upwards of 50.  Also fair to note that almost every hit with a Heavy Great sword gives me about 70 cut damage. Which is well over double what the Loomed arbalest does on average.

To me it sounds like you played maybe 30 minutes... got between 1 to 10 kills with it just to satisfy your false reality that you've created. Because of this I'm wasting my time by trying to explain it to you when you already "know the facts" which is easy mode nerf pls cuz its 3 effective. Don't worry we are all guilty of this.

Archers are currently more accurate if timed properly than crossbows. Throwing has roughly the same ammo; more ammo to pick up and no reload time and deals an annoyingly high level of damage.

The only reason you don't see everyone using the heavy or arbalest is not everyone likes to take a range weapon shoot it once or twice and drop it because its no longer viable because its just weighting them down in melee and takes to long to reload.

The only way a bolt would take 70-85% of your HP in 1 shot is if you are a high agility build in low armor with minimal ironflesh; or a well placed head-shot while wearing full plate.

Most of the time it takes me 1-4 sometimes even 5 shots to bring down any given player from full hp.(Note this is 50% of my ammo and it takes me roughly 11 seconds to reload.) If someone can't stop me from reloading for a total of 55 seconds then their team is obviously already making mistakes. THIS right here is why arbalest is not a viable option in the battle servers with low population. You can only shoot once maybe twice... which IF you are lucky might kill one person.

You should collect some actual facts about the class before getting frustrated and wishing for the class to be nerfed; the only real problem with crossbow currently is being used as a side arm rather than a primary weapon, pure builds have few benefits (arguably no benefits) over hybrids.

Everything in this game requires skill to use properly and effectively. Any nooblet can pick up a 2 hand and spam it and get a few kills just like any nooblet can pick up any item and use it ineffectively and still manage to kill a few people.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #19 on: September 10, 2015, 12:42:11 am »
I wish I could give you more than just one +, that´s one of the best explanations of the xbow-class (and the current problem with xbows) I´ve seen in a while

...THIS right here is why arbalest is not a viable option in the battle servers with low population. You can only shoot once maybe twice... which IF you are lucky might kill one person.
that´s why I switch to 1h/practice shield when polupation is low, arbalest is a weapon for battles with 20+ population. The bigger the population on a server, the longer a round lasts, the more shots you can fire. With 20-, you´re more useful without slow xbows since the rounds are pretty short and you turn out to be more effective if you just run with your team and help it in melee.

...the only real problem with crossbow currently is being used as a side arm rather than a primary weapon, pure builds have few benefits (arguably no benefits) over hybrids.
somebody take this quote, put a frame around it and put it at the top of a sticky thread, thank you. The worst example for those hybrids is currently a tincan str build with maul/heavy xbow/wooden bolts. Quite a successful no brainer build.
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #20 on: September 10, 2015, 01:01:23 am »
"nerf rangedvisitors can't see pics , please register or login
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #21 on: September 10, 2015, 10:59:26 am »

You should collect some actual facts about the class before getting frustrated and wishing for the class to be nerfed; the only real problem with crossbow currently is being used as a side arm rather than a primary weapon, pure builds have few benefits (arguably no benefits) over hybrids.

And this problem arose because bolt was made 0 slot

The problem of crossbow is not so much the damage but the fact that everzone picked it up and now the first team to charge lose so everzone camps and shoots.
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #22 on: September 10, 2015, 02:10:55 pm »
Arbalest +3 with Steel bolts +3 is 100 (one hundred) pierce damage... Putting on heavy gear and beefing up IF does not change anything
There is no comparable way to do 80-100 pierce damages melee weapon.

I am not very good at this game, I rarely reach the top of the table score, and I quite don't care. I played with crossbow to make my opinion before judging (appreciate the diligence). I could have a K>D ratio with not too much because xbow is about camping.

I am not advocating a full damage nerf though. Crossbows should play their role of tincan opener after all. A reasonable bit with like normal bolts at 6 Cut and steel bolts at 1 Pierce (like bodkin arrows). I would see a higher upkeep (more frequent and more expensive, these are fragile toys), higher weight, unsheathable feature for the bigger ones.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #23 on: September 10, 2015, 04:11:58 pm »
You have no idea what you're talking about
I voted Gurnisson cause of his fucking bendy pike, I swear noone can roflcopter stab like he can.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #24 on: September 10, 2015, 05:36:13 pm »
A crossbow isn't more fragile than a bow, and they are generally easier to "sheathe" as you can just get like a shoulder sling whereas bows are a bit more annoying(i dont know if you've ever tried to wear one like they do ingame, very annoying to move around in lol.

But w/e, I like crossbows how they are. With enough effort and placement I can go like 10:0 on NA1 but I mean that takes a lot of effort and luck to do. If they do end up getting nerfed please give me a free respec for my level 37 crossbowman
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #25 on: September 10, 2015, 05:51:30 pm »
If anything, Horses need a HP Buff.

Lance - Cav needs a bigger angle of operation.

Horses that stand still need a higher turn rate.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2015, 07:26:11 pm »
The only way I can kill Rohypnol is with a xbow. That mofuker blocks everything and crushes thru everything.

I like to think of the xbow as an equalizer... a baseball bat in the hands of a small kid that gets picked on by a bigger bully.

Dont nerf it... make it go through people with low enough armor an hit others, let it explode and deal Area damage... Let it spew fountains of blood forth upon the battlefield... JUST ... Dont ... NERF... iT!
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2015, 07:50:05 pm »
Dont nerf it... make it go through people with low enough armor an hit others, let it explode and deal Area damage... Let it spew fountains of blood forth upon the battlefield... JUST ... Dont ... NERF... iT!

They don't need a nerf, they just need to be made less accessible.

If anything, Horses need a HP Buff.

While horses are fragile af when it comes taking ranged hits, some of them can seem pretty beefy when getting repeatedly stabbed or slashed with melee weapons. If I don't kill a horse with my first stab that rears it, rarely will I be able to down it before it rides off, even if I get another 1-2 hits on it (360-degree blocking may have some effect on this). Without the full-on-charging speed bonus of a cav speeding into my pokey polearm, melee damage does a fair amount of damage to cav, imo (fair as in balanced, not fair as in "a good amount"). If cav gets hit while charging head-on, well they deserve it since it is a high-risk high-reward scenario. If cav didn't die in 2-3 bolts/arrows, they would seem far more tanky than they are. There really just needs to be a ranged damage penalty against cav, and throwing weapons like lances that currently have bonus vs cav should instead just not have a penalty. 
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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #28 on: September 10, 2015, 09:55:40 pm »
Arbalest +3 with Steel bolts +3 is 100 (one hundred) pierce damage... Putting on heavy gear and beefing up IF does not change anything
There is no comparable way to do 80-100 pierce damages melee weapon.

I am not very good at this game, I rarely reach the top of the table score, and I quite don't care. I played with crossbow to make my opinion before judging (appreciate the diligence). I could have a K>D ratio with not too much because xbow is about camping.

I am not advocating a full damage nerf though. Crossbows should play their role of tincan opener after all. A reasonable bit with like normal bolts at 6 Cut and steel bolts at 1 Pierce (like bodkin arrows). I would see a higher upkeep (more frequent and more expensive, these are fragile toys), higher weight, unsheathable feature for the bigger ones.

Again the reason the +3 arbalest and +3 steel bolts are 100 pierce damage is because it is not effected by any other stat unlike every other weapon/item in this game. I'll try to make this as simple as possible for you to understand; the damage says its potential is 100; however it is a dirty lie... The most damage I've ever recorded was 204 p damage registered headshot to some peasant. Head shots are the only way this weapon can accomplish the magical stated damage. Otherwise It averages roughly 25-30 damage which is achievable by all melee weapons.

And this problem arose because bolt was made 0 slot

The problem of crossbow is not so much the damage but the fact that everzone picked it up and now the first team to charge lose so everzone camps and shoots.

The easiest way to reverse this change is simply making Arbalest, Heavy Crossbow, and maybe even Crossbow 3 slots; and make Steel bolts 0 slots as well. People would be forced to take a 0-1 slot side arm rather than the current meta of a 2 slot great sword with a 2 slot crossbow and a 0 slot bolt.

If horses need anything it is a nerf to throwing damage and maybe accuracy debuff on bows/xbows.

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Re: Nerf crossbows.
« Reply #29 on: September 10, 2015, 10:00:32 pm »
Just add a power draw requirement for crossbows aswell, it`s the only ranged class that doesnt have a similar requirement.

Having to go against shielders who can spam a pick or a military hammer after they shoot you to pieces is really annoying.
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