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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #60 on: May 04, 2015, 02:24:42 am »
- Strat, extra CD keys

- Flat foliage textures

- See-through walls

- Large pink projectiles and weapons

Only a very sad person would feel like a winner if they succeeded with any of the above.

“There is no victory in such things. I do not want to win our war like this... ...When I win, I wish it to be because I was right, my teachings true.”
- Kotor 2.

Admittedly, video games allow for 'noble' competition. It's one of their appeals, I think.

I used to heavily limit the sort of things I would use to win, in my first few years of cRPG. I never used full lateral movement regularly until last year, for instance, or much armor at all. I didn't really believe any win was a win unless I used a one handed weapon and no shield or squared off against someone like SaulCanner and later, Kaoklai.

Over time, I had less time to practice. My skills waned, and the average skill level rose, too, so I've started relying on mechanics that I once rejected.

It's still true that playing to win alone is boring.

However, it's not in my interest to suggest that a win is cheapened by using something like a feint macro- purely because the player is trading adaptability for obscurity. It still presents a challenge that I can get enjoyment out of facing. One of the joys of Warband is figuring out what patterns your opponent is using and adapting your own style to counter it- something Leshma doesn't seem to enjoy doing.

Lag is annoying, yes, but you should still beat them more times than not.

In the end, though, this is about recognition. Leshma perceives that certain players are being recognized as 'skilled' by using macros. He points out the current population, too, which is interesting because it highlights the reason this shouldn't be an issue. The population is small, the most skilled players are gone, and there isn't a lively duel tradition. There is no audience to demand this recognition from, really.

I'm going to guess and say that all you really want, Leshma, is some empathy.

So here it is: yes, they're cheating. Yes, it's shitty.

Thank Thor it's not as bad as ARMA II or, even worse, a standard MMO where balance is built around players using macros.

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #61 on: May 04, 2015, 02:30:51 am »
HOLY FUCK why didn't I become active on the forum sooner.

This drama going on here is more delicious than any drama on eu1. :^)

Please continue this thread.
« Last Edit: May 09, 2015, 12:38:41 am by Xesta »
Xesta you dumb fuck it all started because of you.Everyone i know in this server hates u pimple faced fuck.Go find someone else to pull your nipples,spit your face and tell how stupid you are i'm done with you.I'LL KEBAP YOUR ASS ON MY SHISH I'LL TURN FACE HOLES INTO A SPERM SPLATTER TO GROW FETUS IN UR MOMS UTERUS

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #62 on: May 04, 2015, 02:41:01 am »
I'm going to guess and say that all you really want, Leshma, is some empathy.

After five years and thousands of hours, I know well enough where I stand in this community and asking empathy from anyone is beyond reason at this point. I'm sorry if went over the line with harsher than permitted language, but monkey do what he see other monkeys doing and some baboons use pretty hardcore language in their posts with putrid attitude which make this chimpanzee believe he get away with similar approach.

Ultimately, cmp and Casimir are right. These forums are pretty dead and pointless discussing like this is what keep is going, maybe not in direction some would like but I see no alternatives. Could post my rant in old thread dedicated to macro feinting, which is over 20 pages long but wanted to have a fresh go at this subject. It's not like anyone use search function to post in old threads.

Also there is my desire to treat newcommers in the same way veterans were treated, like that kind of tradition. Maybe it isn't desirable at this point, but won't go against my nature. Not after so many years.

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #63 on: May 04, 2015, 05:48:50 am »
I find it difficult to believe that NA had a significantly smaller proportion of feint-macroing players than EU.

I only saw one guy that I was absolutely sure was feint-macroing. It wasn't at all because the feints were too good. They were nice-looking, but after weeks of getting one-hand feinted to death, I started spectating the dude a lot.

He was a fucking GOOD player without any help. But I think he was lazy, too. The feint he would do was literally identical to the next, and the next, and the next NO MATTER how long I watched him. This went on for weeks, and because we were both nerds, we were probably sharing a server 4 hours/day at least.

And that was ONE guy I EVER met on NA that I knew was feint-macroing. It didn't even make him better, either. He wouldn't use the feint technique against a truly good player, like San, or some of the semenstorm guys like Rohy. It would get him obliterated.

But he did use it against 90 percent of the server. Again, it didn't make him better, but it did make slaughtering poor players easier than normal.

So, in EU contemporarily and historically, did there exist a much higher proportion of macro'ers per capita than in NA? Because in NA, it was a rare thing.

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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #64 on: May 04, 2015, 05:56:56 am »
I find it difficult to believe that NA had a significantly smaller proportion of feint-macroing players than EU.

I only saw one guy that I was absolutely sure was feint-macroing. It wasn't at all because the feints were too good. They were nice-looking, but after weeks of getting one-hand feinted to death, I started spectating the dude a lot.

He was a fucking GOOD player without any help. But I think he was lazy, too. The feint he would do was literally identical to the next, and the next, and the next NO MATTER how long I watched him. This went on for weeks, and because we were both nerds, we were probably sharing a server 4 hours/day at least.

And that was ONE guy I EVER met on NA that I knew was feint-macroing. It didn't even make him better, either. He wouldn't use the feint technique against a truly good player, like San, or some of the semenstorm guys like Rohy. It would get him obliterated.

But he did use it against 90 percent of the server. Again, it didn't make him better, but it did make slaughtering poor players easier than normal.

So, in EU contemporarily and historically, did there exist a much higher proportion of macro'ers per capita than in NA? Because in NA, it was a rare thing.

I'm sure a lot of players disagree with me, as proven before about macro but it is a fact that nobody relevant in warband uses macro. There may be some shit stain or somebody that is unknown using an inefficient macro that aids you if you're awful at the game. Feints are more about rhythm and feel than making a perfect sequence and you'll easily tell the beginner feints from the experienced players. Qoray, Phyrex, M, Tobi, FiSk, Peter, LeRoux, Morii, Svensken all have different styles of feinting and can be identified individually, even under an alternative. All of these players are experienced and have spent thousands of hours on dueling and reaching a point where their play style is the perfect match for them. I'm not wrong in saying that Tobi most likely has over 4000 hours spent on duel alone, whether it's alone  trying out feints, how to execute them or if it's competitively dueling with a partner. Wallhack, aimbot or texture cheating is different though since it can't be detected without an anti-cheat measure.

TL;DR: I think you're ridiculous if you're accusing someone of using macro since nobody does.
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

Offline Sandersson Jankins

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #65 on: May 04, 2015, 06:00:51 am »
I'm sure a lot of players disagree with me, as proven before about macro but it is a fact that nobody relevant in warband uses macro. There may be some shit stain or somebody that is unknown using an inefficient macro that aids you if you're awful at the game. Feints are more about rhythm and feel than making a perfect sequence and you'll easily tell the beginner feints from the experienced players. Qoray, Phyrex, M, Tobi, FiSk, Peter, LeRoux, Morii, Svensken all have different styles of feinting and can be identified individually, even under an alternative. All of these players are experienced and have spent thousands of hours on dueling and reaching a point where their play style is the perfect match for them. I'm not wrong in saying that Tobi most likely has over 4000 hours spent on duel alone, whether it's alone  trying out feints, how to execute them or if it's competitively dueling with a partner. Wallhack, aimbot or texture cheating is different though since it can't be detected without an anti-cheat measure.

TL;DR: I think you're ridiculous if you're accusing someone of using macro since nobody does.

I'm rather in agreement with you, man.

I spent years on this game and encountered literally one player that was macroing. And it was because he was already very good and wanted to play 8/hr a day harvesting noobs for 5x and whoring looms without trying in the slightest.

(PROtip: this player used another autoblock on another player's account and got them banned)

I'd say one person I'm sure of using macros versus the dozens of players of astonishing skill I encountered (and got to their level, at least besides the real crazy guys like Kaoklai, Adelade when dueling, etc, never could go more than 1/3 against them) is pretty fucking low, eh? One out of absolutely thousands of unique players.
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the administrator of this forum is the Internet Keyboard man? Can only play "authority" in the virtual world?Can you tell me why?


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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #66 on: May 04, 2015, 06:27:26 am »
I know autoblockers got ban-waved a long time ago, but have people been banned for macro use in the past? I can recall tons of callout threads, but none where the supposed macro user got any ban time.
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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #67 on: May 04, 2015, 06:31:30 am »
If I recall correct Qoray got banned for a short period after continuous whining from desperate players. This is for me the most silly ban I've heard of in any game I've played.
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

Offline Ras_FrenzYYY

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #68 on: May 04, 2015, 08:39:17 am »

Its 2015 so i believe is a good time to tell some secrets.Maybe i can help any noob left out there .They are a lot of people that never really duel practice or they just autoblock. They still winning though by backpedaling or  hold attacks. Agi spam with better ping ( 30 ping with agi build and a big 2h is called skill in here.They agi build since 2011.*clap clap**).

How can you achieve this kind of feints that people think they macro? ( you should banging your head to a wall or on your keyboard when someone is feinting you and you cant get an easy hit i will talk about that later)

Those feints can be achieved by holding  block and change attack directions left to right  but you have to look down. There is something up with the animations that causes this kind of confusion . With a high agi build this affect is even more devastating. I really dont want to say who told me this. But is was late night practice dueling a lot . (Best duels late night.practice dueling late night was one of the most entertaining things about this game. I really miss that .)

So Ras why i should bang my head to a wall or to my  keyboard if someone is feinting me and i dont get an easy free hit? a ''noob'' will ask?

Well is simple. chamber. That is the point of  chamber . When you chamber they cant feint you.

So lets say that your good chamber is your left swing on his right swing. Fight starts attack-block-attack-block and your enemy feints his right attack to a left one . you block  that. the next time his is goin for that right attack you should go for a chamber he will not right attack he will feint to a left. But guess what you are goin for a chamber to his right attack*. Here is your easy free hit*. The counter for that is to hold the attack.but even while they hold and you still go for a chamber as soon as you see the attack direction if you simply twist your body at the release of the attack to the attack direction you get that easy hit. The counter to that body twist chamber to that hold attack is double chamber.  (chamber the chamber is called double chamber).

* Well after the latest agi patch it is possible that high wpf builds can do 2 attacks moves (feint) while in that time you can do just one. So even if you try to chamber you cant for that reason.
*Be careful while you try to chamber that hit and they look down to do that ''drunk'' feint dont aim for the head cause you will probably miss it.
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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #69 on: May 04, 2015, 08:52:12 am »
O well, I tried  :lol:
You should be punished for having a shitty attitude.

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #70 on: May 04, 2015, 09:03:07 am »
Its 2015 so i believe is a good time to tell some secrets.Maybe i can help any noob left out there .They are a lot of people that never really duel practice or they just autoblock. They still winning though by backpedaling or  hold attacks. Agi spam with better ping ( 30 ping with agi build and a big 2h is called skill in here.They agi build since 2011.*clap clap**).

How can you achieve this kind of feints that people think they macro? ( you should banging your head to a wall or on your keyboard when someone is feinting you and you cant get an easy hit i will talk about that later)

Those feints can be achieved by holding  block and change attack directions left to right  but you have to look down. There is something up with the animations that causes this kind of confusion . With a high agi build this affect is even more devastating. I really dont want to say who told me this. But is was late night practice dueling a lot . (Best duels late night.practice dueling late night was one of the most entertaining things about this game. I really miss that .)

So Ras why i should bang my head to a wall or to my  keyboard if someone is feinting me and i dont get an easy free hit? a ''noob'' will ask?

Well is simple. chamber. That is the point of  chamber . When you chamber they cant feint you.

So lets say that your good chamber is your left swing on his right swing. Fight starts attack-block-attack-block and your enemy feints his right attack to a left one . you block  that. the next time his is goin for that right attack you should go for a chamber he will not right attack he will feint to a left. But guess what you are goin for a chamber to his right attack*. Here is your easy free hit*. The counter for that is to hold the attack.but even while they hold and you still go for a chamber as soon as you see the attack direction if you simply twist your body at the release of the attack to the attack direction you get that easy hit. The counter to that body twist chamber to that hold attack is double chamber.  (chamber the chamber is called double chamber).

* Well after the latest agi patch it is possible that high wpf builds can do 2 attacks moves (feint) while in that time you can do just one. So even if you try to chamber you cant for that reason.
*Be careful while you try to chamber that hit and they look down to do that ''drunk'' feint dont aim for the head cause you will probably miss it.

lmfao, thank you leshma for invoking this (also to remind you once more you lost to this mamal)

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #71 on: May 04, 2015, 09:25:27 am »
lmfao, thank you leshma for invoking this (also to remind you once more you lost to this mamal)

Whats your argument?
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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #72 on: May 04, 2015, 10:36:02 am »
Whats your argument?

That you suck

>inb4 1 million 1v1 challenge

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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #73 on: May 04, 2015, 11:44:12 am »
Its 2015 so i believe is a good time to tell some secrets.Maybe i can help any noob left out there .They are a lot of people that never really duel practice or they just autoblock. They still winning though by backpedaling or  hold attacks. Agi spam with better ping ( 30 ping with agi build and a big 2h is called skill in here.They agi build since 2011.*clap clap**).

How can you achieve this kind of feints that people think they macro? ( you should banging your head to a wall or on your keyboard when someone is feinting you and you cant get an easy hit i will talk about that later)

Those feints can be achieved by holding  block and change attack directions left to right  but you have to look down. There is something up with the animations that causes this kind of confusion . With a high agi build this affect is even more devastating. I really dont want to say who told me this. But is was late night practice dueling a lot . (Best duels late night.practice dueling late night was one of the most entertaining things about this game. I really miss that .)

So Ras why i should bang my head to a wall or to my  keyboard if someone is feinting me and i dont get an easy free hit? a ''noob'' will ask?

Well is simple. chamber. That is the point of  chamber . When you chamber they cant feint you.

So lets say that your good chamber is your left swing on his right swing. Fight starts attack-block-attack-block and your enemy feints his right attack to a left one . you block  that. the next time his is goin for that right attack you should go for a chamber he will not right attack he will feint to a left. But guess what you are goin for a chamber to his right attack*. Here is your easy free hit*. The counter for that is to hold the attack.but even while they hold and you still go for a chamber as soon as you see the attack direction if you simply twist your body at the release of the attack to the attack direction you get that easy hit. The counter to that body twist chamber to that hold attack is double chamber.  (chamber the chamber is called double chamber).

* Well after the latest agi patch it is possible that high wpf builds can do 2 attacks moves (feint) while in that time you can do just one. So even if you try to chamber you cant for that reason.
*Be careful while you try to chamber that hit and they look down to do that ''drunk'' feint dont aim for the head cause you will probably miss it.

wow, can an adman pls sticky this in Beginner's Help and Guides??
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Re: Who they think they are fooling?
« Reply #74 on: May 04, 2015, 12:33:45 pm »

Watch and learn, the message is at the end of the video
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