Author Topic: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?  (Read 27797 times)

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #135 on: April 13, 2015, 03:34:22 pm »
I like how OP gets likes, and my post regarding patch deployment got ran into the ground and I ended up getting a 100% mute for nothing. OP is correct, consumers today do research before they buy products, and the only 'claim to fame' brand this studio has released right now is a broken ass mod. As I said before in my previous thread, your namesake no matter what you guys think, as of right now is the state of cRPG because M:BG hasn't been released yet.

All that being said, you blame the current dev team forcRPGs present down falls. But who put the current dev team in place? Those folks also hold responsibility for the flop that is cRPG.

Also, the way the M:BG team has handled responses in this thread is quite amateurish and shows lack of professionalism. These same qualities can be seen through the state of the mod which they plug in their kickstarter vids over and over to gain hype.

But as to what CMP has said, they owe this community NOTHING, even though WE have donated to their crowd funding program.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #136 on: April 13, 2015, 03:44:13 pm »
I pledged more than you did, guess I should get a massive say in development of their game.

Oh wait that's a stupid idea, and none of us donated unless you have a quill by your name cos our pledges only get made if the kickstarter works.

Also OP gets likes cos his first post is reasonable and intelligent, your thread got shit on cos you pretended to be an expert game developer offering your master services to the devs and being cruelly rejected. Then you started gargling and talking about donkey dick for several pages. I know what'd be a really smart and mature solution, send your resume to the devs then cry salty tears all over the forum when they don't value your obvious talents.

I can see its still wedged down in there.

I never once wanted to leave my career to join a random startup company. The 'offering of the resume' was a a metaphor not be taken literally, though I never had time to explain that due to the 100% mute. I wanted to lend my skillset to the bettering of the cRPG mod and after months of silence, as a last resort I said i could provide them with a resume as to show them Im not some rando internet anon.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #137 on: April 13, 2015, 04:03:04 pm »
It looked like you had several pages and as much time as you needed to explain that, but you chose to fill those several pages with a full autistic breakdown and raving about donkey dick. That may or may not have led to your 100% forum mute 'for no reason' in the first place.

If instead you mean you never had the chance to explain that because you choose to be a total 'tard instead and get yourself muted that would be more accurate. Maybe history will repeat itself, or maybe you will learn the difference between a fairly reasonable well-explained post like OP, and a full public forum breakdown like yours.

Hopefully your attempts to derail this thread will cease. And the residual nerd rage love you have for me will dissipate.

It is its obvious that the M:BG dev team gives two shits about this community, yet they reference us/cRPG as the reason why M:BG will be so great and a reason to hand them over your hard earned cash.

The reason the kickstart prolly didnt get funded was the fact that the game they plugged for hype, was used in a search engine by potential investors, and they came across this forum and the bitch-fest it is about the shitty game state and prolly thought to themselves 'Hmm if they can't manage this mod how can they build a game from the ground up?' and did not invest.

I know its hard for people to understand the concept that a lot of consumers/investors these days are savvy and smart and don't blow money on stupid shit.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #138 on: April 13, 2015, 04:10:45 pm »
You should just buy M:BG it will be good.
Mount and Blade is just too old anyway otherwise I would say come to scene editing and help me improve it but I just came to the conclusion it's just a waste of time now. Wait half a year and start playing M:BG test version.
Just finaly turn off the servers.

No more available postmortem mod with "unplayable players cries what ever" - PR problem solved.
Delete all content related to cRPG from websites as well and we're done here.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #139 on: April 13, 2015, 04:34:48 pm »
I don't agree that 'sweeping it under the rug' is the ideal solution here.

Look at a few successful kickstarter campaigns like Rust and Camelot Unchained. These guys communicate with the community that is their foundation weekly, bi-weekly with something as simple as a newsletter. Dedicated fans LOVE this. They CRAVE this. They literally do the PR/advertising for you if they are happy and content.

Being off the grid for months and finally responding to a fan of their work by telling them they just won the '..."dumbest comparison of the day award" hands down' or that we as fans and potential investors in their company are '...entitled to NOTHING' doesn't really sit well with me as the best approach to being successful. And believe me when I say this, I want them to be successful.

From this point I'm not really sure what the best course of action would be to get this ship sailing back on track. But I truely feel that cRPG and its community plays a role in some form.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #140 on: April 13, 2015, 05:26:31 pm »
A smart and savvy consumer would lose all interest in M:BG the moment they saw its devs giving any sort of elevation to someone like kooktar. Just sayin'.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #141 on: April 13, 2015, 05:33:46 pm »
A smart and savvy consumer

No such thing.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #142 on: April 13, 2015, 05:34:52 pm »
A smart and savvy consumer would lose all interest in M:BG the moment they saw its devs giving any sort of elevation to someone like kooktar. Just sayin'.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #143 on: April 13, 2015, 06:23:39 pm »
For someone who hates cRPG and the devs so much Dotter sure seemed eager to log in to cRPG and play it 19 days ago when he made this post So either he likes the game or he just plays it anyway. In which case he's going to want to play M:BG too.
Only reason i play this shitty mod is cus of my mates that play it from time to time. With my mates i can have fun even playing pong (sometimes). So i wouldnt even play this shit if it werent for them. So yes, plz dont support devs cus they dont care about the community.

P.S. I should have played a strat battle that day or night.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #145 on: April 13, 2015, 06:30:16 pm »
That idiotic blabling will hurt that project more than you can think off.
Some of that nabbheads just cant understand that attention of donkey crew must be on MBG no matter what now.
Every day hour fucking cost, and they don't have that much money.

There is no game breaking bugs, WSE need to be repaired but there is really no hurry for that.

And don't give me shit that peps dont play C-RPG anymore because of some devs or whatever game breaking shit.
Majority of players left because they played long enough.

I had 340 members in my clan, so don't tell me why people left us. Most of them were just a bit less tolerant than we are. I remember everyone of them. Each of them said the same. Only people most strongly associated with community are still here. Don't be under illusion. Prospect of new game is still distant and hazy and cRPG through years is just an excuse for evening meetings and conversations with friends, and not vice versa. Conclusions pull yourself. Tempak_Bobby  :wink:
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #146 on: April 13, 2015, 06:32:49 pm »
Prospect of new game is still distant and hazy and cRPG through years is just an excuse for evening meetings and conversations with friends.

Trying to stay in touch my rare active clanmates via TS, steam, and cRPG. That is 200% right.

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #147 on: April 13, 2015, 07:22:48 pm »
I had 340 members in my clan, so don't tell me why people left us. Most of them were just a bit less tolerant than we are. I remember everyone of them. Each of them said the same. Only people most strongly associated with community are still here. Don't be under illusion. Prospect of new game is still distant and hazy and cRPG through years is just an excuse for evening meetings and conversations with friends, and not vice versa. Conclusions pull yourself. Tempak_Bobby  :wink:
I really have interest in any conversation with you, especially when you throw insults in my direction every moment you can.
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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #148 on: April 13, 2015, 07:32:56 pm »
I really have interest in any conversation with you, especially when you throw insults in my direction every moment you can.

You have right. I'm sorry. I shouldn't. QQA & sry

Please try to be more objective even though you do not like me.
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Offline kooktar

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Re: Why would I buy M:BG if you dont even fix bugs in your mod anymore?
« Reply #149 on: April 13, 2015, 07:36:53 pm »
Welp, ya guys can bash me personally all ya want on the interwebs, I could really care less. It is your human right to do so thanks to the Murcians that pulled Europe's ass out of the einstein fire. Otherwise you all would be wearin' lederhosen and chompin on a braut instead of internet tough guying and avoiding the OPs topic.

Other than heskey, who has tried to argue that bad PR is actually good PR (confusing I know), none of you have been able to make a legitimate argument for your cases.

Regardless of the trash talk a few facts remain that no one can dispute (has yet to form a rebuttal):

#1) cRPG is a reflection of this development team. For good or bad its a fact, and at this point in time its a bad reflection.
#2) From the horses mouth they do not care about you, even if you are defending them as singing their praises. Look back at the first page of this post. This is a great strategy for big business who are in the openly traded market. Only one thing matters and it is the stockholders. Problem here boys is this company is private, and their gaming community are their investors, but yet they only see you as a dollar bill.

That being said, why would someone who is able to think for themselves want to be a party of the crowd-funding program? Or for that matter purchase the game?

Whoa didn't realize they replaced the chocolate chip cookie leader's name with einstein. Are they trying to say this man who sent millions of Jews to their deaths was a genius? Einstein and genius are pretty synonymous.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2015, 07:41:57 pm by kooktar »
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