Alright, as promised, here is the tale of my trilogy of dreams.
Over the course of roughly 2 years, starting when I was ~6, I had three somewhat memorable dreams. Unlike my dino-dream, these were a lot harder to recollect what exactly happened as soon as I awoke. The weird thing here is that these three dreams were all connected, they formed a 3-part story. They were even all had the same style (more on that later). Each "sequel dream" would begin where the last one left off. The strange thing was that while many months passed in between each dream, and as I already mentioned they really weren't easy to remember, whenever I was dreaming one of the two sequels, I recalled everything that happened in the previous one or two perfectly. It was a pretty strange deal, and I wish I had more of these over the years, preferably ones that were easy to remember after waking up. Instead of waking up with a cool little short story like what most dreams leave you with, the combined total of these told a tale at least as long as your average 90 minute movie. Yet they were structured so that each one stood on its own, and there were even cliff hangers and stuff in between them. Basically, my subconscious got bored and created its own Star Wars.
Right, so as I mentioned earlier, unlike every other dream I've ever had, these were stylized. What I mean here is that the visuals were not at all realistic. Most notably, all people/creatures encountered were made of geometric shapes. Think minecraft, but instead of people having cubes for heads and rectangles for appendages, they would be made of shapes a little more hi-res. So for instance, peoples' heads might have a shape similar to:
Or if you've ever seen what the warband hitboxes look like, that would give you a pretty decent idea of how everyone appeared in this series of dreams. The average human in my dreams was a little more realistically proportioned than these though... people had necks with heads that resembled an egg or slightly-misshapen sphere if anything, etc. They also appeared more similar to the reworked hitbox since people's torsos had a fairly realistic shape as well.
Same thing with buildings and scenery. Things were blocky with relatively rough edges. Basically, I was walking around in a late 90s/early 2000s videogame. Most places visited on the journey even had a decent amount of fog, similar to how videogames had limited draw distances. That was more so by coincidence, I would say, rather than my mind trying to recreate a videogame... but then again what do I know, I didn't exactly consciously create these dreams. The reason why I say that the fog was probably a coincidence was that it set the mood of the whole series, dark and gloomy. It kept things tense. Unfortunately, I don't recall much of what actually happened in these dreams, but the gist is as follows:
Me and my immediate family (mom, dad, and older brother) were in some sort of alternate universe where space travel was the norm. People commonly owned spaceships instead of houses, and would commonly travel from planet to planet and simply live out of their ship. Basically, ships were really really cool RVs. Not everyone did this, as we met many locals of various planets on our journeys. Usually they were people who were poor and worked the land like a typical medieval serf. Now it wasn't like my family was suddenly transported to this alternate universe, we were very much at home here and this was all very normal for us. Now, unlike Star Wars or Star Trek, space travel was very limited in these dreams. You could only travel within the solar system. However, luckily for us in whatever system we were in every planet had a breathable atmosphere and you never needed any sort of spacesuit to walk around. This was probably done for similar reasons that SW did it... makes it a lot easier to recognize main characters if they aren't all in identical outfits.
Now the tale begins where my family and I land on a very gray planet. The grass was gray, the dirt was gray. it was overcast and slightly foggy. We landed in an open field, perhaps a farm of some sort. My family approached the silhouette of a house, barely visible through the fog. As we got close we could tell that the fog was getting thicker, since it was actually smoke (different than typical earthly smoke... I guess whatever materials were burning would burn differently anyways... kinda makes sense). The fog/smoke was most dense near the house, and only then did we realize there was little left of the house but the one wall facing us. Then out of the gloom a creature appears. A humanoid, I'm guessing the local "human" of whatever planet it was that we were on. It looked very similar to your typical gray-skinned alien archetype, only instead of having a really huge head it was proportioned strikingly similar to the warband hitboxes, shown above. What I mean by that is they had long, skinny and uniform appendages and a head that was tall and thin as well. In a panic, it ran right up to my parents and explained how its whole village had been wiped off the map by aliens. Confused as to what specific alien this guy (or girl?) was referring to, my mom asked for it to specify which alien race it was that had attacked (my guess is that alien is simply a term used by locals for anyone who originated on another planet). It then preceded to explain how it wasn't any of the "known" species, it was something truly alien. It wasn't from our solar system. With that, several shadows passed over us and the local panicked, and ran to hide among the wreckage of his village. Off in the distance explosions could be heard and the occasional loud one was accompanied by a flash in the general direction.
My family decided to return to our ship ASAP and get off this planet. As we were taking off, several ships noticed us and fired at us. The lasers in these dreams more closely resembled the alien plasma guns from the halo games, in that they were firey balls of plasma as opposed to the 'clean' look of lasers in something like SW. Being that we were mere civilians, our rocket-RV had no weapons on it. So that left it to my parents to do some fancy maneuvers to get outa there. They weren't exactly stunt drivers, so we got away with a few minor hits, but apparently they were good enough to avoid getting us blown out of the sky. Once we got into the planets upper atmosphere the aliens gave up pursuit and returned to bombing the nearby area. When we got into outer space, we saw that the entire planet beneath us was being attacked. Flashes popped up everywhere across it as we circled from far far above. As we passed to the other side of the planet, we saw a giant warp gate/wormhole not too far from the planet itself with a nearly-endless stream of ships pouring out. Well, that explains how these aliens got into our system, they had technology we didn't. End dream #1.
The second dream is a lot harder to recall, but basically after seeing the scary scene of an invading force of extra-dimensional extra-solar-systemal (sure, that's a word) aliens we drove our ship to the capital city of a nearby planet. Think of Couscant from star wars and this city looked pretty similar. It was a lot less busy though. My parents took us straight to the city hall and somehow got an instant meeting with some important guy (the mayor? governor? president? emperor of the solar system? who knows...). They told him about what we saw, how he could just look at the scorch marks on our ship if he needed proof, since no known weapons could leave marks like those, or something. Long story short the dude gave the typical answer of "This isn't enough evidence for us to act on, you're on your own, sorry. Oh, but maybe we will send someone to check on that planet, eventually." Well, they didn't need to send anyone, since as we were heading back to our ship parked on the roof in a similar fashion to a helipad, hundreds of ships poured out from behind the clouds and down into the city. We ran to the ship fired up the engines and took off.
Obviously since my parents were fed up with the government at this point, and we were all beginning to realize how much trouble we might be in, they decided to pass out rifles to both my brother and I, in addition to arming themselves. The rifles were pretty boxy in shape, kinda similar to the assault rifles in halo, and shot very slowly. You didn't need to reload them, and they shot regular bullets (don't ask how you didn't need to reload them... maybe they pull metal out of... the air? hey, you never know with these foreign atmospheres). This was a big "Wait, you guys have guns? Cool!" kind of moment where you learn your parents are secretly spies or something. Idk if they were spies or secret agents or anything neat, but from here on out things get a lot more action packed. We arrive on a nearby planet and land in a wheat field. There was a single house in sight and this is apparently some remote place that my parents were hoping could be used as some sort of safe house. This planet was pretty cool, since it had noticeably low gravity (similar to the moon) while everywhere else was normal. Unfortunately the invading aliens caught up to us pretty soon, and after a brief fire fight (with plenty of slow-mo jumping moments) we cleared out all the foot soldiers. As per usual, this area was foggy as well, so we never got a good look at them while they were running from cover to cover. Once we cleared out all of them, my dad and I approached a nearby one to inspect it. Was mostly humanoid, a little more muscular and with slightly longer legs than average. It also had a distorted, half-robot face. We called over my mom and brother to show them and see if they had ever seen anything like it, obviously they hadn't. As we all stood around this dead one, we didn't notice that more had begun to appear out of the fog. And more, and more and more. Once more, it was time to run. On the way to our ship however, my brother was shot, so I had to double back and carry him aboard. And so ended dream 2.
Dream 3 picks up with just my mom, dad, and I sitting all depressed onboard our ship. This must have been a little bit of a time-jump since no one was currently crying and super stressed out. I'm guessing my brother didn't make it. Nor were we being actively pursued by aliens, so that was a plus. Breaking the silence, my mom spoke up saying that it was our duty to avenge my brother by saving our solar system, and to do that we needed to close the warp gate that the aliens were using to get here. Well, obvious saying it is a lot different than doing it. There was nothing mechanical about it, it was simply a rift in space, so how do you close it? Not like you could shoot out its generator or anything... oh wait, that was exactly my mom's plan. We were gonna go on a yolo-mission driving through the gate to the other side where it "must be powered by something." Whatever, made for a good plot for an action movie, so we all agreed to go ahead with it. By now the constant flow of ships out of the gate had ceased, but there were a number of enemy ships patrolling the area. So, with badass-mode engaged, my dad flew us right through their crossfire and got us into the wormhole, where we popped out in a hard-to-remember place. Things get fuzzy here, but basically we got out of our ship, found whatever the generator was, set a bomb on it, run back, guns blazing to cover our retreat, hop aboard our ship, fly through the wormhole again, and in typical action movie fashion, barely make it out the other side before it collapses on us. Naturally, it took out all the enemy ships that were on our tail so that only we emerged back in our system.
We land somewhere on the planet where my brother got shot and set up shop somewhere on a hill close to a river. Apparently we came back and buried him here at some point, since there was a grave nearby. We made a little campfire close to the headstone and set seats up around it. And so we began to pay our respects to my bro, basically saying "Well, we got em for you, RIP." The conversation then shifts to current events. We start talking about how we by now there was an all out war going on in our solar system as the remnants of the alien forces were now stranded here, and had to be systematically eradicated, since they seemed intent on doing the very same to all of us. Basically the typical "the war is not over, it is only beginning" sort of talk. My mom says that she had to go and get some more stuff to burn, and with that moonwalked (like, literally, not the dance move... low gravity remember) away down the hill. Now this part was weird since the "camera" shifts from my perspective to being stationary and very hollywood-esque as it follows my mom walk away. She is scratching at the side of her face a lot. After some time she walks up to a rock and stop to lean on it. She doubles over in pain and clasps at the right side of her face, which is hidden from view. After her pain-attack subsides, she stands up straight and as the camera zooms in, she turns towards it, and boom: half-robotic face. Apparently she got hit by something that turns you into one of them when we were on their world, or something... no idea. Thus ends my last dream of this series... on a fucking cliffhanger.
For the next few years after having that dream I would occasionally think of it as I was laying in bed, trying to fall asleep and hoping the 4th part would come to me. As far as I can tell, it never did. However, I do have vague recollections of scenes where my dad and I were being hunted down by my half-transformed mom. It was the typical "she wants to kill us, but how can we instead save her and transform her back, without causing her harm?" dilemma. I do not know if these scenes were something that I consciously thought up, perhaps guessing as the where the series would lead, or if they were indeed from a dream. I never recalled having a 4th dream, and all I have any memories of is that one brief scene. Most of my dreams were more substantial than that, since those scenes only lasted maybe 10 seconds. So I tend to think I just thought of this as I was drifting off to sleep one night, half awake and half asleep, and hence I don't really lump it in with the "cannon" of this tale. No doubt something like this would have occurred though, since after all, I did think up all of this, awake or not.