Duval, you felled the brigand's cannon lunging and fading, to and fro, but you can't keep your fingers out of other's coin purses and also can't avoid the enemy. I'm not sure if I want to take you to the Necromancer and your lazy eye is starting to creep us all out as well.
I'm having success with at least 3/4 of the party members with some form of stun and either having blight or bleed depending on the area.
Edit: Alright, well, I took Duval. A "Femme Fatale" line-up is Vestal, Plague Doctor, Grave Robber, Hellion and they made easy work of the tier 2 Necromancer. I questioned the usefulness of the Hellion but Iron Swan makes sense when the annoying enemies are always at the back and the Plague Doctor doesn't have a lot to do after throwing a stun/blight wave in a normal fight.
I'm at an impasse right now, do I get the extra five slots so I have more toons to throw at the Darkest Dungeon, or do I upgrade the armor and weapons to the final tier, throw the toons at the Darkest Dungeon and free up the slots that way? I'm on week 55 and my tiers are kind of all over the place right now.