As to the whole deregulation of the financial sector nonsense you posted, deregulation started under Reagan the paragon of the American right wing. Granted, Clinton signed the repeal of Glasse-Steagall which basically let the banks run free, but to claim this was because liberals were complaining because people couldn't get mortgages is about the most ridiculous and asinine thing you've said, and you've said tons of stupid and asinine things. How you can oversimplify such a complex crisis into "it was the liberals fault" is just astounding.
Actually, that wasn't the bill I was referring to. Please fact check the bills. It was 2 bills:
The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992
The Community Reinvestment Act
And this initiative started under Clintion:
The National Homeownership Strategy: Partners in the American Dream
I'm sorry if you think I'm in the wrong, but I work in that Industry and I can tell you that people created a housing bubble based on toxic assets (though not the root cause, but a symptomof our 90's attitude of over abundance).
In fact, Locally, we are almost back to 2008 housing bubble levels again, which makes me very afraid(but is good for my money and business).
And the bill that you are referencing was repealed in 1999 (with a Republican Majority then.), but the initial developments started in 1995 under a democrat majority.
Public sector jobs pay well and have good bonuses. Well yes, they have to in order to attract talent. Unless of course you want people who are unqualified to work in government jobs that don't pay well or have good bonuses, they you will end up with government positions filled by unmotivated idiots.
Also, to this. Are you seriously telling me government workers get good pay(and should?) compared to a non-government worker. Wow. Are you fucking stupid?
That isn't how government gets high pay, or even why they would. You want to know why:
Unions > Give political power > keeps politicians in power.
Course, anything I say on Unions should be taking as a grain, cause I'm a heavy Anti-Unionist and despise Unions.