While that might be true, I can now take down a plated charger as a Yumi HA. While riding a plated charger (well I obviously won't as it's a shit horse and would get me killed). Still takes like 20 arrows to do that, but it's possible now. Mamluk seems better stats wise. The amount of light horses on EU1 has gone through the roof, as has the amount of cavalry in total. This brought in tons of archers on EU1 thanks to Mercs banner stacking that class Yesterday.
The medium to light horses have always been really easy to take down as horse archer. The only problem currently is the Courser with that new turbo charger that makes it fly, causing me some problems on a non-loomed rouncey trying to run away. It still goes down with three arrows if I manage to hit it so it's kinda balanced atm, while I have 5 riding and a rouncey. Once I get my heavier horse and 8 riding they'll stand no chance*. And once people notice that cav is utterly useless if there's more than one horse archer on the server, what will happen?
*=If I was any good at HAPlease try to figure out how to have a anti-ranged cavalry while keeping it balanced against infantry. Right now they are still really strong (=op) against infantry, but can't do much against any ranged stacking. At least not on the shit maps we have to play on EU1. It's a lot like what we have on Strategus atm as there's nothing to kill the archers, they dominate the battles.