A lot of you seem to be struck with
sluggish cognitive tempo.
Let me offer you these pills which will surely correct this physical inadequacy you were born with, and was possibly nurtured through your environment and culture.
I'm not saying he wasn't obviously somehow broken in the head or anything but it's irksome when the DSM is the be all, end all; when all we really have are theories about how the brain works in a mechanical fashion and we make educated guesses on the reasons we think a lot of drugs work the way they do. That and as someone alluded to the kickback that sometimes comes for prescribing these things.
The kid had a warped sense of some issue he thought he saw, some role he thought he needed to fill; and pushed an ill-conceived, extreme 'solution' that ended in a tragedy. I also agree with a video posted earlier that sensationalizing and glamorizing this kind of thing just leads to more instances of violence-porn that can flood the airwaves for more ratings.