I must admit I'm a little disappointed in my team.
Being outnumbered 7 to 1, I decided not to split my forces, but instead sent everyone in a surprise counter attack. Unfortunately, the enemy seemed ready for this. Was there a Squid spy hidden amongst the ranks? We'll never know. After a fierce battle lasting at least two seconds, we were crushed. Superior tactics and maneuvering were defeated by sheer numbers.
Realizing that this mindless horde of cephalods would stop at nothing, I ordered all the troops to pull back and set up a defensive perimeter. With very little time I just managed to form up into the dot formation when they were upon us. The defenders put up a valiant fight. Such heroism on the field has never been seen in Strat before, and will probably never be seen again. But these inhuman beasts seemed to feel no pain, to realize no fear. Lord Bryggan of the renowned 13 Knights showed especial courage, slashing one, hacking another, ignoring the pain and exhaustion in this fierce battle. But even he could not stem the tide.
Finally the Tuethidan swarm overwhelmed the defensive position, swords swinging wildly in their tentacled grasp. The great Lord Bryggan, last of the defenders, finally succumbed to his many wounds from the madly flailing weapons. And silence settled on the field.
The squids, even with their tiny pea sized brains, felt their first emotion ever. Respect. Rather than celebrating their stupid 6:35 AM (PST) battle, they left the field sombre.
Was there a reward for top player for defender? I got no kills, but managed two points.