Headshot damage is 2.5x damage iirc. You'll need to deal 25-30 non-headshot damage if you want to 1-shot. You couldn't confirm the HP of the person in the first picture, but your maximum damage should have been within 1-shot range and minimum damage very close to death. Most of those later pictures also had people with 65+, who should be resilient against ranged, or damage penalties implied through limb damage and negative speed bonus. Some ranged proposals that dealt with some aspects mentioned above were voted down.
1shot damage from bumpslash/stab should definitely be hindered at least.
Hopped on a thrower last night for a short while, 21-18 with throwing spears, and it was just fine. I consistently dealt 25-30 damage to everything, got valour, and ended up topping the scoreboard by the end of the map. Low PT throwing, cut throwing, and low tier throwing weapons definitely need some help, but the jav/spear/jarid line is just fine or should receive a very tiny bump at most. There's another upcoming change that I want to see how it turns out before I consider trying to get those weapons buffed.