Author Topic: Roman Armor and Weapons  (Read 14917 times)

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Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« Reply #120 on: July 06, 2011, 05:15:04 am »
"Think of other people's fun" can also be used as an argument to include lightsabres, griffons and pirate peglegs.

Is it so hard to understand that wanting some items in and others not is simply based on personal preference? You obviously can't include everything people wish for, or we would have Klingon Bat'leths, Batman costumes, naked three-breasted women from Mars, tentacle demons and other stuff (e.g. Roman armor) that might not really fit in. So you have to draw the line somewhere, and for me, classical roman stuff is beyond it.

It remains to be seen how the devs see the matter.

I'm not asking for that to happon. What I'm saying that, as long as they fit the technology of the theme, armor and weapon should be added for the peope that want to use them's enjoyment. Roman tech was about the same as the middle ages, same with fuedel Japanese armor and weapons.
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Offline Solidox

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Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« Reply #121 on: July 02, 2012, 09:27:49 pm »
More like 1200-1600, A lot of Renaissance gear in there.

Some of the armors in the game are easily from the early medieval age which was around the 6th century aka 500's. The classic "Roman" age died in the 5th century. Heck what was left of the roman armies were still using some of the Iconic outfits you think about when you imagine Rome.

these are a few of the 5th century A.D armors/weapons.

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In this image which is from around 450 ad, it shows roman army wearing the Lorica Segmentata fighting off the Gallic tribes.

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The samurai armor isn't exactly period accurate either. Considering the feudal age lasted up until 1850. They still were making and improving samurai armor at that point. I'm sure in the 6th-7th century there were still a few Gallic bands/warriors and or late defectors of Rome wearing some of the equipment 

And that is just the western roman empire. The eastern roman empire existed all the way into 1453.

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Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« Reply #122 on: July 02, 2012, 11:20:53 pm »
I think that late Roman era could fit into the setting of CRPG. At the height of the roman power, armour? Not so much.
Edit. Maybe something along this line (this is from the 3rd century, so it is pretty late in the Roman era)
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« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 11:31:15 pm by MacNille »

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Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« Reply #123 on: July 02, 2012, 11:26:22 pm »
Dont always bring the argument that the samurai armor woulnd fit. It already existed in native and was just added, not created for crpg or added because it was any good.

As it was said often enough in other threads, roman armor wont be added. doesnt matter that there is a request now and then.

Edit: Damn, use a spoiler!!
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Re: Roman Armor and Weapons
« Reply #124 on: July 03, 2012, 01:46:39 am »
I think that late Roman era could fit into the setting of CRPG. At the height of the roman power, armour? Not so much.
Edit. Maybe something along this line (this is from the 3rd century, so it is pretty late in the Roman era)
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Well the reason they stopped using the Lorcia segmentata was not due to it being inefficient, In fact it was actually extremely effective. The reason it fell out of use was its expense to make as well as time.

The Linothorax was a more common armor type for roman soldiers it as well is a very good armor that could easily compete against medieval light/medium armor.

This is a video to demonstrate.