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Re: Crime
« Reply #15 on: February 28, 2014, 03:00:01 pm »
It's pretty dumb that prosperity's effect on crime is linear, because it's effect on S+D isn't.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #16 on: February 28, 2014, 03:16:02 pm »
You're still thinking like last Strat, a 9k heavily armed defense isn't 'low troops', dumping 9k heavily armed into every fief means at least 4-5 attacks unless you cap right away, plenty of time to come reinforce, so very easy to own way more land than you have active players - just like happened by the end of last Strat.

Crime punishes everyone the same as long as they dont adapt. In lazy factions it means no garrison and high crime, easy to capture, in more organized factions it means that S/D is no longer something you want to stockpile and cry when someone uses it, it's now something you want to encourage people to use.

This is true but then crime should reset once taken by a new faction. so it does not punish whoever takes it. because right now its really stupid. you take a village. you clear it out then you have to wait tons of time for the crime to go down before you can defend it again.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #17 on: February 28, 2014, 03:31:09 pm »
Its actually very good that the crime doesnt reset, you can use crime as a defensive and anti-expansion weapon  :wink:  atm with silly AI recruitment all fiefs are taken with minimal losses so thats the only shield against easy rampage.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #18 on: February 28, 2014, 05:36:01 pm »
I'm a little confused.  I thought chadz changed it to 1000+prosperity before crime kicks in.  I saw a fief that had 1500 then it dropped to 800 so under the threshold.  I set my path to it overnight.  I wake up the next morning and it still has 14% crime rate and I lost 60 troops and some gold even though it was still under 900 S&D.

Does crime slowly decrease once its under the threshold?  What is the rate of decay if thats the case?  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

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Re: Crime
« Reply #19 on: February 28, 2014, 06:13:58 pm »
I'm a little confused.  I thought chadz changed it to 1000+prosperity before crime kicks in.  I saw a fief that had 1500 then it dropped to 800 so under the threshold.  I set my path to it overnight.  I wake up the next morning and it still has 14% crime rate and I lost 60 troops and some gold even though it was still under 900 S&D.

Does crime slowly decrease once its under the threshold?  What is the rate of decay if thats the case?

Kesh, it looks like the way it works is that a fief with crime will have the crime rate go down if its S&D is below 1000+fief prosperity at a rate of 1% per 2 hours. In the example you provided above, that particular fief would need 28 hours of being below 1000+fief prosperity to get to 0% crime.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #20 on: February 28, 2014, 07:24:59 pm »
I'm a little confused.  I thought chadz changed it to 1000+prosperity before crime kicks in.  I saw a fief that had 1500 then it dropped to 800 so under the threshold.  I set my path to it overnight.  I wake up the next morning and it still has 14% crime rate and I lost 60 troops and some gold even though it was still under 900 S&D.

Does crime slowly decrease once its under the threshold?  What is the rate of decay if thats the case?

Clearly it goes up and down slowly - 1% per tick, where tick is 2h. So it is not enough to buy out the goods to drop crime to 0%, you need to keep S&D low all the time.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #21 on: March 01, 2014, 10:32:17 pm »
Crime should kill a percentage of troops, not a raw number maybe. 
Either way, it should be nerfed, for real.

-Crime kills all your troops because you stepped away from your computer for a few hours (the horror)!

-The way to fix crime is to sell goods to stabalize the S&D, right?

-To stabalize the S&D you have to enter the town.

-You enter the town to help the S&D/Crime rate, and if you are not autistically babysittying your comp at this moment, you lose troops.

The whole thing is a little heavy handed, and I think it should be scaled back a bit in my humble opinion -- to give people a chance at having a life without losing all their troops over night.  Especially when there isn't any kind of manual or detailed log and some people aren't even aware of this mechanic.
« Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 10:43:51 pm by Penitent »

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Re: Crime
« Reply #22 on: March 01, 2014, 11:54:42 pm »
If you stay just outside the fief, 0meter away (just clicking move and cancelling) you can re-enter and leave the fief in 1mn each. Nothing heavy.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #23 on: March 02, 2014, 12:50:09 am »
My first impression of crime was that the crime % was the chance that some troops would be killed. For example, if the crime rate is 10%, there is a 1 in 10 chance that a set number (or percent) of troops will be killed. But seeing how even with low percent a crapton of troops are being utterly decimated, I am assuming that the percent instead applies to the total number of troops you have? So say you enter a fief with 10% crime with 1000 men. This means that after two hours you lose 100 men? And then after another 2 hours you lose 90? And so on? In other words, it is not a chance that some guys might die, it is a guaranteed fact that some will?

So this also means if you take one of those castles or cities with nearly 90% crime rate that you will lose nearly all of your remaining army once inside? In other words you need to take a castle, not garrison it, or even idle inside it, and then buy a lot of S&D, and then wait, and wait, and wait until each hour it slowly drops by 1% down to a reasonable amount? I just don't see how this is fair, and it seems to strongly discourage the taking of castles and cities as of now, unless you trade with them for a dang long time beforehand. If you take a castle that someone else was also going for, you can't garrison it against their attack, since after only 2 hours (remember, you garrison has to be alive for 24 hours) 90% of your army will be dead. By the time the battle starts you will most likely have at most 5 troops left. Unless crime doesn't affect besieged cities?
« Last Edit: March 02, 2014, 12:54:25 am by Jona »
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Re: Crime
« Reply #24 on: March 02, 2014, 01:28:52 am »
How do I recruit these criminals for my army? They seem sufficiently murderous.
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Re: Crime
« Reply #25 on: March 02, 2014, 01:30:36 am »
perhaps getting rid of crime should be done in half the time to establish it or dont make it time based at all when people sell and S&D drops below 1k+prosp then set crimerate set to 0.
« Last Edit: March 04, 2014, 10:09:12 am by kinngrimm »
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Re: Crime
« Reply #26 on: March 02, 2014, 03:26:26 am »
Nah, it's applied every minute as a chance that a man will die. So at 10% there's a 10% chance you'll lose 1 troop that minute, which averages at losing roughly 6 an hour, or 50-60 over night at a consistent 10%.

Alrighty, thanks for the clarification.
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Re: Crime
« Reply #27 on: March 02, 2014, 03:58:06 am »
I should really count the number of times we've offered this solution, it's a lot, and still people say that no-lifing is the only answer to the crime mechanic xD

I mean, who understands the mechanic but still sets their path to a 60% crime fief overnight or in the morning anyway? Then goes 'Oh, my troops have died, guess it was unavoidable, screw you mechanic!'. Use ya noggin, i've been playing trade simulator for a couple of days now trying this mechanic out and haven't lost a single troop to crime yet, cos i've only directly clicked on fiefs when i'm right ontop of them already (takes 0 time to enter) or if crime is at 0. Does it really take more than a minute just to sell your goods, buy some more and leave...

This isn't true.  I move right next to a fief and prepare to enter...then I click enter and it takes 15-20 mins to enter, depending on how far I am.  Sorry, I guess I'm not so good clicking the exact pixel next to the fief to loiter before I enter.  Then I HAVE to stay at my comp for that 15/20 mins, or set a timer, to come back and sell goods and quickly exit.  God forbid the baby is crying or I have to run out and buy some beer -- then all my troops are gone.

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Re: Crime
« Reply #28 on: March 02, 2014, 07:57:57 am »
Fix crime already.. I lost about 300 troops, cuz i have a life and can't be around c-rpg or strategus 24/7.
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Re: Crime
« Reply #29 on: March 02, 2014, 09:02:45 am »
At least, crime should decrease when troops get killed. We can suppose our troops defend themselves and kill some bandits.
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