And also, no, new players do not get to level 35. But IF a new players decides to go HEAVY ARMOUR and ELEPHANT, then he needs to reevaluate whether that is a good decision anyway.
You yourself lead the clan that gives gear to new players because they cannot afford most stuff on their own. And you honestly expect them go choose the literally MOST EXPENSIVE class there is?
Please don't tell me you believe yourself there.
Your own build at 35 has the potential to be incredibly viable on horseback and at the same time when demounted, no matter what armour you use. So what is your problem? Since this is definitely not about new players.
You have no idea how fucking annoying it is to reply to your points if you format your post like this. I'll try anyway.
* Yes, medium armour isn't peasant armour. But don't you think that it's pretty logical that somebody on a tank horse should be able to wear fucking plate?
* There is only one single build, do you really believe that forcing people into one single direction and cutting out all other options is a good way? The whole point of this mod is variety and freedom to make your own fucking build. You won't get that variety and freedom if anybody wanting to use a heavy horse and fitting armour will have to pick one single build.
* Nice, there is a lvl 35 build that is viable as heavy cav. Did you notice that recently we are trying to make the game more open for new players? Restricting heavy cav to only high level players won't help a bit. I've never seen a lvl 35 new player.
* It's not because a player isn't lvl 35 yet that he shouldn't play cav "because it's too expensive"
1) Cav/inf hybrids suffered almost no penalties before. As I said, my 24/15 was less than two levels worse off than a 24/15 infantry build would be. That's not much. Now you can have a 15/24 build on lvl30 or 18/24 if you plan to go higher and need a heavy horse. That should be perfectly fine.
2) No but it does mean I actually can't play mine at all without wasting 55Mxp. You on the other hand are complaining because this "nerf" that hasn't even happened would cause you not being able to use the heaviest armor, the heaviest horse, while having full iron flesh and maxed out athletics on one build.
3) Heavy armor on horseback is quite a lot more effective than on foot. The only real downside is the upkeep and imo upkeep is a bad method to balance things. So yes, I actually think heavy plate on horseback needs a nerf.
4) When doing a hybrid I think you should be forced to prioritize one part to be effective.
1) Hybrids get no penalties? Do you even know what the fuck you are talking about? Are you comparing a lvl 35 hybrid to a lvl 31 hybrid? Hybrids are good all rounders, but that doesn't mean they are significantly weaker than players with the same level but who decided not to go with a hybrid. Doesn't matter if you are on foot or on horseback, you will always perform the same as a lvl 31 player. You just get a better chance of survival when you get dismounted, I think that isn't too much to ask considering I had to get to lvl 35 for it? I chose for fun because I wanted to play as much different 'classes' as possible, and now you are saying that it's OP to be average at multiple things?
2) No this 'nerf' would just disallow new players to have a decent build for heavy cav and only allow this class to the old players. The whole fucking idea will just push cav into one direction, we already got pushed in the high agi direction because of the riding skill change and now you wanna force us in the str direction at the same time if you want to use a decent armour? People should be free to use whatever gear they like and if the fucking game wouldn't even allow heavy ass knights, I don't know where this is going.
3) Overpowered? Why? Because horsearchers won't aim for the person but go for the horse if they see you wearing plate? Plate is strong, but it certainly needs no fixing. That whole point of it is that it should be strong.
4) Do you even know what a fucking hybrid means? There is no point in going a hybrid with 8 riding and 2 athletics, nobody would even call that a hybrid. I literally had to grind exponential amounts of xp to get to lvl 35 so I could combine two lvl 31 builds in one. I don't have to leave the server and get back with my other char if I want to switch between two classes because I can just change my equipment and I'm ready to go. Why would you prioritize anything if you are a hybrid, that's why you are average at multiple things instead of crutching fucking strength. Nerfing hybrids like this will take away a big part of fun from the game and also make it even harder for new players because they are now opposed to people with far greater stats than them.
About this hybrid stuff..being slightly better in one role is nowhere near as effective as being good at 2 roles. Getting an extra PS or a bit more melee WPF is nothing compared to literally being able to drive into people with a horse for half the round with a melee counter, then get up and be melee. Same with ranged. Its much more effective to shoot guys then switch to melee when forced into it with minimal drawbacks in that role
Hybrids are a big issue with this can't balance for it and it makes single characters too powerful in too many areas
As said before, I'm not the only guy with lvl 35. There are also lvl 35 pure cav players and pure infantery players, they have the advantage over me in both cases.