What you don't consider is that people with a high ping (who are not just a few) would suffer from faster attack speeds. I like the way it is right now, although for me it's nearly impossible to block agiwhores with 1h (and 200 wpf) when they have 1/3 of my ping or less.
'High ping' definition is a matter of perspective, no disrespected but as PK_Liu_Xuande, I could play and block with up to 160 ping (the threshold). But I still performed well in NA with 230, by implementing a different play style with better a weapon reach. This could still be used if combat sped up due to the use of distancing.
Really, if there's a small army of high pingers, they should get their own server.
Try playing with a 30-9 build in plate armor and a Swiss halberd/English bill on AUS once. That will raise the average str in the server.
In terms of combat speed: if you make the game faster it will all come to str build spam festers.
Please, with the new wpf system that build would not only be shit, but in AUS it'd be obsolete as:
- Aths can keep them in range
- Believe it or not, we know what the mystery of the right mouse button is. 2D weapons are shit except for support in our community. Might be good in the NA swarm-storm though. Not here
It's quite simple really, there are more playstyles in EU than there are players in AUS
Just because there's more styles, it doesn't mean any are more effective, especially in a 1v1 scenario (quite the contrary). This is typical due to the common gank situations that larger player numbers endorse. Don't deny it, or the rounds would go forever.
Also., a trend I've noticed: with the very-occasional outlier, most players with the forum-fame look like fish out of water when it comes to duels. More time in-game pls.