Author Topic: An autobalance that puts clans together on public servers is a terrible idea.  (Read 5037 times)

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Offline Sniger

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the matchmaker have to act like it do, otherwise we wouldnt get any multiplier

the system bite its own tail, its mindblowing. and its on public servers! i would care shit if this was just on strat, but no, this clan feature is enabled on the entire server range! with it, there is very little competition going, its basicly 90% gangbang where winner takes it all within 2mins round, 5 rounds. and the other team just have to take the beating. and if they whine they will get QQ and so forth, we all know the drill. i think its fucked up guys. seriously.

imagine if we had some kind of true balance, red vs. blue. equal amount of classes and we all had the same income xp wise and valour-guys got some kind of bonus xp reward. then it would be about the fight and about winning just, well, to win! not to get multiplier or some other bullshit!

right now the right people knows how to get valour. if they get on the loose team, they will simply just get valour and care less about acutally winning, because, well, they know they are put on the loosing team. so the team will loose, because the star players is hiding on the key moments of the battle. and the reason why they hide is because they are put on the loosing team. they very well know how the matchmaker works.

the entire xp gain and matchmaking on the public servers is a joke guys. i know its abit more than the usual "gief moar items" but it would improve gameplay so much more.

edit: think about it! matchmaker is forced to team up highlevel fully loomed cav/range/shielder players!
« Last Edit: March 29, 2014, 04:01:42 pm by Sniger »

Offline Thomek

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Sniger, I mostly play alone since Ninja is not exactly super active nowadays.. But I have almost never paid a thought to clans roflstomping the other team. It's not even very common. Byz, nords or grey also get roflstomped all the time.

The other day I witnessed a few outnumbered pecores kicking Nord ass, sweet moments. :)

I also, at least in my mind, change the outcome of rounds all by myself. The autobalance seems that good that 1 player can make a difference. Kite them, distract half enemy team, take out or distract key players. (Usually 1h cav..)

When other Ninjas are on, it's much more fun to play with them. Hacking a shielder or anyone to pieces with Khorin or other ninjas are priceless moments! :)

I think banner balance is overall for the good of the community, and creates more interesting combat. They can take the lead or have small groups fighting each other. Lot's of players are also complaining about unfair teams and banner balance..  :rolleyes:   without realizing they are themselves a key player in the team, and can change outcome if they just changed their mindset and tactics.

Banner balance is not a real problem. Just in the head of bad performing players who need a scapegoat.

Also, join a clan as above poster said.. It's not like they require massive commitments nowadays. Byz and mercs seems to take any random scrub :)
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.

Offline Sniger

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when you have a system like the current multiplier system, you wont get xp when game is even. its retarded! you can EITHER get balance and no XP (or some XP if valour) or you can get shit balance and no xp/loads of XP. it is utterly silly system!

Offline Sniger

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take a min. and think about:

players with same color are put in the same team DESPITE LEVEL and CLASS

"lets make a clan and invite everyone! have 20 lvl 35s stacking the public servers, weeeeee"

Offline BlindGuy

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Distribute archers & cavalry on both teams equally. I'm 100% sure that it will improve crpg a lot. And is too easy to implement.

Im sorry, but your a fucking idiot. Its not easy to implement, it is IMPOSSIBLE to implement based on classes. Because there is no CLASS button.

Hovv do you define an archer? Having any povverdravv? so if I put ONE point in PD and no Proff in it, I get balanced as archer? If I'm 2h, and I take 2 PT and some darts, am I ranged or 2h? If I have a lvl 32 polespammer, and I hit lvl 33, put my 3 points into riding, am I cav? VVhat if I dont spanvv the horse, am I still cav?

There is no vvay to balance by classes in crpg, because there is no class definitions. Sure most archers take an 18/21 runavvay build, but some stand and fight vvith 18/18 and PS/IF, and they stab you. Are they still archers and should be balanced like a lvl 35 18/27 kitecunt?

The other day I witnessed a few outnumbered pecores kicking Nord ass, sweet moments. :)

Dont lie, no you did not, Pecores have never ever kicked anyone's ass except their teammates.
I don't know enough

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Offline Sniger

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class balance could be looking at WPF as well as skills and the amount of them.

sure we can define archers, 2h/PA, cav, shielders AND HIGHLEVELS this way. why not?

• an archer would have min. 3? PD and 100? WPF
• 2h would have min. 3? PS, 1? IF, 25? WPF
• level 31?+ devided evenly despite their class
so forth

again, just an example but i cant see how this would be hard to do comparred to the banner balance code chadz spawned

Offline BlindGuy

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class balance could be looking at WPF as well as skills and the amount of them.

sure we can define archers, 2h/PA, cav, shielders AND HIGHLEVELS this way. why not?

• an archer would have min. 3? PD and 100? WPF
• 2h would have min. 3? PS, 1? IF, 25? WPF
• level 31?+ devided evenly despite their class
so forth

again, just an example but i cant see how this would be hard to do comparred to the banner balance code chadz spawned

I havent bothered to look at the bannercode but y vvould it need to be complicated? If banners same, same team. Done. Except motherfluffling Tommy: manages to break it EVERY FUCKING MAP and get put on other team no matter vvhat.
I don't know enough

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Offline Angantyr

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take a min. and think about:

players with same color are put in the same team DESPITE LEVEL and CLASS

"lets make a clan and invite everyone! have 20 lvl 35s stacking the public servers, weeeeee"
No, as far as I know balancer takes level into account, distributing it evenly across the teams, which as far as I can see takes precedence over banners which besides valour is why clan members are often spread over the two teams.

I don't particularly like the current balance scheme (though I think it is a pretty good try, better than what I've seen elsewhere in this engine). But I agree with Khorin that it isn't really due to banner balance which I actually think is an improvement on the servers (problem being more the way xp is gained imo). And I had the exact same opinion when I was clanless, I enjoy seeing some semblence of team work also on the enemy team.

Concerning xp gain I think it is important to view everything above x1 as a bonus, and be content with just getting x1, and base one's expenses accordingly. To be honest, I rarely look at my multiplier, I play this game solely for each individual fight, for being part of a medieval battle wielding medieval weaponry in four-directional combat, and my own personal battle, killing as many opponents as possible helping as many team mates in the process in spite of the overall outcome of the battle.

I've been clanless for a long time, then using Nord banner when next to no Nords were active, so I know how it feels to play mostly against clans (and even now in a bigger clan I mostly play outside prime time). And this was even a time when there was open banner leeching so anyone could use the banner currently in numbers (which I argued against like many others). But I also fought *with* clans at the same time. This continued 'clans vs public' argument doesn't hold water, as anyone who would care to look with open eyes would know. Yes, the game can be frustrating if you play to grind xp and play for too many hours in a row. WB is more like Planetside than for example CS in regards to balance, every fight isn't 'balanced' (usually because of blob vs smaller blob or class or skill superiority on one team) in the same way and really isn't supposed to be, but that is just one battle in the overall war, you lose some and you win some. The game itself can be very frustrating as most players will agree, but this doesn't mean it can all be attributed to strawmen like 'clans vs pubs'.

Offline Sniger

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yeah the uneven results is good only because we have the gay multiplier system.

i just dont think we will gain many new players with this. also its pretty fucking boring to play a game where you pretty much know the result beforehand.  :?

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The algorithm could very easily have balanced teams while still "trying" to keep clans relatively on the same team.  But balanced teams should never come at the expense of clan stacks.

The team balance system has been shit for years.  Sometimes the top players on the losing team are transferred to the winning team.  A couple weeks ago myself and San were on the losing team (losing 1-2) and at the end of the round we were transferred to the team that was winning.  San and myself had the highest two scores of both teams, and it moved us from the losing team, to the winning team (when we lost the round and went down 1-3).

There's been so many instances of fail with the team balance system I couldn't begin to count or give a recounting of them.  I am as competitive a player as you will find.  When I would pub counter-strike (which I loved to do), I would almost always universally join the losing team, or the harder of the two sides for each map that it went to.  I hate pub stacks, they are terrible.  And the team balance system is intentionally stacking teams in crpg. 
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Offline Revernd_Gorice

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"puts clans together on public servers is a terrible idea."
yes autoblance is just worser then native and this wasnt easy to achieve surely  ....  :mad:
i simply have to say again:

still "trying" to keep clans relatively on the same team.
...and this is the problem
-because it is pressing on every free non clan gamer and every smaller clan at the public gaming servers already.

-Not only that clan trained  teamwork with ts and all the jazz would be unfair enough for the team who has none it even gives differences about 10+ more gamers at xactly the team who has the clanstack too.

- Even the multiplier resest doesnt work or helps at most times.

_So if you are no or small clan gamer and you dont want to serve or /and profit within dominating clan it is the next conclude not to play.

Cheers Reverend_Gorice

Offline Angantyr

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Sometimes I wonder if making team balance completely random like in Native (except for some script to take levels into account), would be a better option than trying to 'force' balance as cRPG tries to. At least then there's no one to blame.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2014, 10:19:23 pm by Angantyr »

Offline Sniger

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random will always be better than knowing wtf is going to win. its pretty idiotic, if you played the mod enough you learn how the matchmaker works and it just generate a majority uneven bullshit 4-0 or 4-1 maps. if you get on the the losing side you very well know that you are going to get your ass kicked for at least the next 3 rounds. if luck strikes, you may win a round but from that point is even more rape.

joining server
getting into map that ends in max 2 rounds
playing random till next map
playing the first random round and lose
seeing im getting on the loser team, ALT+F4 cos i simply cba getting raped for this map and prolly the next one as well, rather play something else.

yeah i actually agree i too think that random balance would be better than banner balance. majority of the 1st rounds is despite every logic, surprisingly even. i think we should try random balance just for a while, just so that we can say "ok it didnt work very well, fuck it" or "hey! W T F ! ! ! this fucking awesome! pras random!!"

but noone is up for even TRYING stuff out, everyone is more concerned in buff my item and buff my class or nerf his class or nerf her weapon. its fucked up guys. its fucked up.

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The god-awful autobalancer likely drives more players away from this mod than anything else.  Like Sniger mentioned, maps tend to end with a score of 4-1 or 4-0 more often than not.  If you find yourself frequently on the "unstacked" team the game quickly loses all sense of fun.  You really can't blame people for leaving the mod after they've experienced the wrong end of the autobalancer repeatedly.  So if you want to keep losing players left and right...then by all means keep it as it is.
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Offline Thomek

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If you get on "the wrong end" of autobalancer that much, it means you don't do much for your team. Either in kills or other ways. You would most likely be on the loosing team even if balance was completely random.

I'm playing alone most of the time and I have zero complaints. I also try and often succeed in turning the tide for the team. Sometimes I command.

I like the challenge of being against a stack be it siege or battle.

Some people think they are entitled to a 50/50 win loss ratio. You are not, you have to earn it no matter how fair the autobalancer is made.
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That Thomeck-delay-kicking bussiness is like that asshole-retard dude that fucks your sister sometimes.