For the last two months the NA servers have gotten pretty low pop. I realized this and tried to figure out why. The reason was because there was so much ranged that would shoot into melee, stun players, then the enemies would get so many BS kills off of stunned people. Since I had realized that there was cancer in NA I decided that there needed to be a tad bit of radiation to kill the cancer.
My build:
Level 34
24 strength
18 agility
125 two handed profency
125 polearm profency.
8 power strike
3 shielding
6 athletics
6 riding
6 weapon master
I used this build with a destrier, heavy lance, 64 body armor, 50+head armor. I used my main for one thing and one thing only:if there were non heavily armored ranged I would find them and I would piss them off with one shoting them round after round.(8 PS, MW heavy lance, champion destrier and a little bonous from the 6 riding hits like a truck)
Since I have been doing this many players that disappeared have come back and are playing very frequently. For the first time since I started playing some two and a half years ago there were 110 players in NA1 while the population mid day has gone up to about 40+ players and much much more at prime time.
I would like to think that it was all me but I am sure that there are other reasons that NA is starting to grow again. My question is: how do you like to kill players who play to give the other team hell?