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Author Topic: Cheating or not: editing game textures  (Read 11289 times)

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #75 on: January 14, 2014, 07:29:50 am »
I think you're subconsciously admitting to realizing this is a bit of a bullshit mod if you're stressing what should be weighted the most on the minds of the devs, not about what's acceptable or not.
I also have to say, I don't see chadz responding to neon pink weapon textures and tracers in that quote, but potentially something less damaging client-side, like changing longswords into huge dildos.
It's possible you just didn't quote enough of it, and I'm ready to be shot down in that regard. I have no idea where that quote came from.

In another light, changing the rules to prevent this sort of modification would at least prevent you from posting 5 ban requests a week as you'd have to remove the modifications before screenshotting.
This may actually be a valid way to keep you from using the texture mods if you continue to post ban requests at the alarming rate you have been.

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Yes chadz was talking about all of it in whole(including the transparent houses), and trust me the "tracers" are just arrows look longer, i can screenshot one in a second. Also yeah I am saying it is BS and will be willing to removed if necessary since no one will believe me if I just say I removed them.
Here is the tracer(sorry it look multiple tries to catch it)
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« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 08:38:33 am by PsychoTwins »
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #76 on: January 14, 2014, 08:06:17 am »
Well sorry but you should realize it really doesnt help me much as far as dodging, the only real advantage i use with it is seeing which direction the archers are goin at the beginning of the round, also added in my earlier post of what is out there if you wanna see.
The weird thing is that you state you don't get much advantage from this, yet you care enough to replace the game files with those ugly textures. Cheating for the sake of cheating itself, eh?

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #77 on: January 14, 2014, 08:10:57 am »
The weird thing is that you state you don't get much advantage from this, yet you care enough to replace the game files with those ugly textures. Cheating for the sake of cheating itself, eh?

Nooooo, I got the textures for when I used snowflakes as I couldn't see them for shitall on the ground. I was too lazy to remove the files after selling my snowflakes and here we are now. From using it to actually see  the tiny snowflakes, to using them as a "broken/exploitation" way of seeing the other ranged
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #78 on: January 14, 2014, 08:54:03 am »
Now I know why Bob has been able to circle around, find and kill me whenever he plays; I've literally been holding a giant pink bulls-eye.  Pathetic.
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #79 on: January 14, 2014, 08:57:57 am »
Nooooo, I got the textures for when I used snowflakes as I couldn't see them for shitall on the ground. I was too lazy to remove the files after selling my snowflakes and here we are now. From using it to actually see  the tiny snowflakes, to using them as a "broken/exploitation" way of seeing the other ranged
Didn't you have to reinstall it after the last patch?
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #80 on: January 14, 2014, 09:01:23 am »
Didn't you have to reinstall it after the last patch?

No I haven't had to for any patches. Im going to guess I didn't have to because it is client-side.

Incoming double post.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 09:14:06 am by PsychoTwins »
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #81 on: January 14, 2014, 09:08:30 am »
Now I know why Bob has been able to circle around, find and kill me whenever he plays; I've literally been holding a giant pink bulls-eye.  Pathetic.

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Thank god for the HUGE pink textures, I almost had to squint to see the people there. Pathetic is finding a reason to Q_Q about anything man. I couldn't see snowflakes for shitall when I was a thrower so I got this horrible pack that makes it so I can actually see the little snowflakes on the ground. I am a horrible cheating bastard for not removing it and using it to see the people I never would have been able to see before.

Some people really find something rageworthy in every little thing...

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I almost didn't see that xbow on his back, thank god for the pink on his side that made it so I could finally see.

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Oh damn is that an HA? Thank god for his pink bow there I would never have noticed.

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Damn I cant see any pink on my screen I guess they dont have any archers so I dont have to walk around the map.
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Oh look I know Sagittarius is an archer I can now go around  the map and backstab him. I guess we should remove the scoreboard as it puts a target on archers and lets me know they are on the other team.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 10:17:13 am by PsychoTwins »
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #82 on: January 14, 2014, 10:31:14 am »
I can't really say that modifying stuff making it easier to locate and avoid ranged is morally wrong given the current situation, it's merely "dealing with it". Moreover, feint macros and autoblockers are much worse. Transparent buildings and bushes is just plain cheating though.

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #83 on: January 14, 2014, 10:34:11 am »
I can't really say that modifying stuff making it easier to locate and avoid ranged is morally wrong given the current situation, it's merely "dealing with it". Moreover, feint macros and autoblockers are much worse. Transparent buildings and bushes is just plain cheating though.

What is your opinion on the No Fog thread? Do you think removing the fog is cheating?
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #84 on: January 14, 2014, 10:35:21 am »
What is your opinion on the No Fog thread? Do you think removing the fog is cheating?


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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #85 on: January 14, 2014, 11:15:55 am »
Fact remains, there are those who use these things, there are those who dont. From cRPG they are not included and while the Heirloom pact has teh work of an artist behind, who creates nice peaces of art, i couldn't make that distinction for either of the here mentioned modifications(cheats).

Also from a 'common sense' approach, the heirloom pact has a chance to get included officially into cRPG as it enriches the mod with as already mentioend work of art, while i would hardly come to believe 'pink arrows' or 'transparent walls' would give the mod a higher immersion or better game experience.

better != easier

How about any modifications, needs to be signed by the devs? First you would need to ask them, get their permission, then start creating the modification, when ready publicly posting them for all and then being signed by the devs. That all as a form of process how to get modifications not outlawed as cheats, but integrated in the community.

Still to the matter what had been posted here i refer to my first post, if you argue that making things easier for you, while others very likely haven't got the same advantage, is not cheating, then you are wrong. And yet again, even needing to tell people this, is more parental work as i had in mind in the first place.

Severity of the different types of modifications, wtf i am not hear to hold judgment over some dipshits indirectly ruining my game experience. You want to give them a free pass, because a 'pink arrow' is less sever then a transparent wall texture? Fuck that shit, in both cases it makes things easier, same crime. To some extent i can see that having the original meshes for arrows and bolts or bigger once for those of us who may have a bit of problem with eyesight is rectifyable, then again just dont play fucking ranged cunts in the first place where as in the real world if you havent got the eyesight of a hawk you are not worth jack shit. I dont always see the ranged targeting me, guess what i get shot a lot, as any infantry. You think with less ranged there also wouldnt be a need for these specialised cheating mods and ranged wouldnt be such big of a problem as it is now, but well i was told to deal with it, therefor i report every ranged teamhit and teamkill as a contribution to class balancing, sofar i can say at least from my own teams, i get shot a lot less  :lol:

In any case, get them identified and ban those cheating cunts, perhaps that even helps regualting ranged number counts on eu servers, i wouldnt mind loosing those bad apples.  :evil: at all!
If you want to be fair about it, consider the time since we started the discussion here, a fair warning and if you havent yet removed that shit, it is on you!
learn from the past, live the moment, dream of the future

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #86 on: January 14, 2014, 11:20:40 am »
+ for that. For every single class having no fog when others got it is huge advantage, especially when there is fog like milk.

Mostly benificated classes for having no fog are ranged. Enemies who are getting shots can predict where is an archer/x-bow only by checking how missile is sticking from their body.

Once have no fog and others have (i joined map when state was 1:1) and i 3 rounds I almost hit 30 kills (there were like 35 vs 35 players).
That's showing how having no fog is OP - read cheating :)
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #87 on: January 14, 2014, 12:01:53 pm »

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Offline PsychoTwins

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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #88 on: January 14, 2014, 12:22:36 pm »
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Great now I have to be an asshole.

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Look at this, you see any snowflakes on the ground? When I squint I can see 2. Very difficult to see.
Now you wanna know what is horseshit?
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This is horseshit. I got the pink texture pack because using snowflakes was a pain in the ass. Imagine if those were spread out from you trying to hit an archer or horse. This is fucking retarded and that is why I got the pink textures. But of course the "real" reason everyone thinks I got the pack is because it makes it SOOOO easy to spot the ranged. Fuck that. That is 25 snowflakes right there and only 2 was seen in the first picture. Stop the damn QQ'ing about the pink textures and worry more about the transparent buildings and ranged spam in EU and NA that is really killing this mod.

Guess I should also state why I kept the textures after I stopped throwing. I am lazy as fuck. That is why I am always on crpg. All i had to do was hit the repair button but then I would have to wait 30 seconds for it and im just too damn lazy. I had stated before it barely helped me anyway on seeing ranged and its not like the archers have camoflage I would have seen them either way.

Edit: I have also already been asked by throwers for the pink textures because they cant see their thrown weapons for shitall either.

If you still think the pink texture thing is bs, then I suggest we also remove the option to remove particle effects, because if you can disable the rain that is an advantage as well and not everyone disables that. That is if of course we are doing a broad spread instead of choosy bullshit.
« Last Edit: January 14, 2014, 12:36:28 pm by PsychoTwins »
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Re: Cheating or not: editing game textures
« Reply #89 on: January 14, 2014, 01:02:14 pm »
Fuck you and your cheating FarmerBob, it's the only thing we can do against this bullshit so I hope you get to enjoy the bad rep for a long time. Perhaps if you would stop playing at 400 fps you could make the game look a little sharper and play fair like the rest of us.